4 minute read

Southeastern California Conference

Conference schools started classes virtually this year, but students were still able to visit campus for events to meet teachers and new classmates. At schools throughout the conference, principals, teachers, and staff made sure that the students felt welcomed back to school.

As Elisa Suphol, vice principal at Mesa Grande Academy, said: “When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.” This optimistic attitude inspired a lemonade parade on the evening of the first day of school. The families of the MGA students drove through campus, listened to the socially distanced band of their classmates, and enjoyed the lemonade that the teachers passed out to the cars.

Inviting students and their families to decorate their cars and drive through campus proved to be a good way for Escondido Adventist Academy to welcome students back to campus. According to Principal Bill Davis, “Thanks to EAA’s use of an FM radio transmitter, each car could tune into an FM station and hear music and fun commentary as they drove through campus.” Teachers set up supplies and welcome gifts for the new year under the portico, and students could stop their cars, collect their supplies, and take pictures with specially made signs. LEFT: Faculty and staff at Mesa Grande Academy hold signs to welcome students during their drive-by welcome back to school event.

BELOW: At El Cajon Christian School, faculty set up a place for students to take their “First Day of School”

Making Lemons

into Lemonade

Southeastern California

picture. Datha Tickner, conference associate superintendent, said that although schools could not meet in person on the first day, “more and more schools have been able to successfully apply for waivers to allow for in-person instruction for grades K-6.” Tickner said that schools that have been allowed to open for younger grades follow screening measures and social distance guidelines, with masks for students and teachers. The Office of Education is working closely with schools and the county public health departments on the new criteria for instruction for all grade levels. “It keeps us on our toes,” Tickner said.

On the first day of school at El Cajon Christian School, the 32 students from kindergarten to eighth grade were able to meet their teachers and new classmates for a well-attended icebreaker with popsicles, balloons, and games. “We painted circles on the grass so that the students would stay six feet apart,” Pendeza Lawrence, principal of El Cajon Christian School, said. “The students ran to find the circle for them and enjoyed playing games for prizes.” Each student had their picture taken in front of a cheery, bright yellow banner that read “First Day of School.” ____________________ By Tricia Murdoch Zmaj

Churches Meet Growing Needs of Communities During COVID-19

In the months since the spread of COVID-19, families has changed. Explained Algier Ravelo, senior pastor of in the Southeastern California Conference have the church, “We have food distribution every Tuesday struggled with needs like food, rent, and childcare. and Thursday, serving 100 to 200 people.” Most come to Church-run distribution centers have become more gather food for their families, in households where they important than ever, serving their neighbors facing no longer have employment. The church also regularly hardship. receives donations of used clothing, household items,

Outreaches like those operated by the Valley and even cash that they can pass on to those who are Fellowship church in Rialto have become an important point “We are feeding struggling. “Lately,” Ravelo recalled, “we received a donation of a motorized of contact with community more people than we wheelchair.” members. “We are feeding more people did before, and the Like their neighbors in Rialto and Redlands, members of the San than we did before, and the number is growing.” Bernardino Community church have number is growing,” said Baron doubled their food bank efforts. The Sovory, Valley Fellowship church pastor, of their church has been able to provide disadvantaged families expanding food distribution. Sovory had just begun his with temporary housing, and “our food bank is now ministry at the church a few weeks prior to the spread open three days a week. On average each week we of the virus and had no clue that the pandemic was feed over 600 families,” said Jerrold Thompson, pastor about to put his church front and center. of the church. In spite of the challenges presented, the

“I was still brand new!” Sovory recalled. “Though we congregation’s volunteers are not giving up. “What we are pray and hope the pandemic will end soon, this season doing is a must,” Thompson emphasized. has been an unexpected opportunity to do ministry Moving forward, all three churches are aiming for and build relationships.” further expansion of aid. As Sovory explained, “Food

Similarly, the Inland Empire Filipino church has seen is the start, but not the finish.” Valley Fellowship is an increase in the basic needs of their community. partnering with Loma Linda University for community Volunteers used to serve food to approximately 50 health initiatives, while San Bernardino Community homeless people a week. Over the past few months that recently launched an outdoor church service on Sabbath evenings. “There are a lot of people who need help, and God also has a lot of resources,” Ravelo shared. “We have many challenges. But we’re all blessed.” ____________________ By Natalie Romero

FAR LEFT: Food distribution at the Inland Empire Filipino church.

LEFT: Carolyn Fairley, director of community service at Valley Fellowship church.

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