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Ing. Hynek Grebeň: Insight back and forth 6 Hynek Grebeň has devoted himself to prin ting for more than 40 years of his life. Now he is going to leave it and enjoy his senior age.
KURZ – Solutions of Protection against Counterfeit 10 Plagiarism is fl oo ding the market across all industrial branches. Counterfeits are concern to consumers and oft en also endanger their health.
FlexoStars 2019: Award for revoluti onary BOBST THQ FlexoCloud Printing Technology 13 Association Technique française de Flex ographie (ATF Flexo) awards the best fl exographic achievement in France each year. Last year the jury awarded the Bobst Group and its partner Graphilabel with the gold star as well.
Focused on modern Packaging Devel opment 14 Functionality of the packaging greatly depe nds on the quality of material, construction. However, apart from the advancement to ecology new rules enter the packaging development as well.
Mail Step – one Step closer to Perfection 16 In the 1990s gigantic constructions of large logistic companies were built around our highways and near large cities. Now these are fully automated packing and handling centres which are communicating online with courier networks.
Industry 4.0: Expectations vs. Reality in Industry Digitization 19 Although digitization has long been promoted there is still relatively low number of companies using the new technologies in practice. Company Sewio cooperates with innovative customers who set out for the journey of effi ciency improvement.
Packaging and Packing in the World of E-com merce 20 Digital pre-press opens a new era of brand protection and activation in the e-commerce. Intelligent digitally printed corrugated cardboard packaging informs, entertains and connects the customer with the supplier.
Discreet useful Workers 22 Various fi nishing and complementary equipment ensures fl awless production of paper, cardboard and paperboard products. Production automation brings higher quality and effi ciency.
From the World of SW Design Innovations 26 Ideas and imagination are important for the packaging developers. Design soft ware is a
signifi cant knowledge for their realization. About SW and plug-in upgrades widely used in the Czech market.
Cornerstone of the Distribution Chain: Automoti ve Packaging 28 Modern car consists of up to 10,000 individual parts. For their transportation from suppliers to car manufacturers it is essential that they are safely packaged.
3D Printing without Limits 30 Th is technology has been experiencing ma ssive development in recent years. Contemporary 3D printing has long since using only the principle of stereolithography. Use of 3D printing is constantly expanding in the production of packaging as well.
New commercial Power is being born in the Shadow of Pyramids 38 Th e fi rst year of the fair pacprocess Middle E ast Africa 2019, which was held last December in Cairo, showed Egypt’s off er of the manufacturing and packaging sectors in this interesting location.
Cobot – the ultimate fl ex ible universal Tool 42 April Hannover Messe will show that human-robot collaboration is successful when the risks are eliminated. Potentials and safety of man-machine interaction are the theme of the fair.
HARTING: Still active! 75 years since the Foundation of the Company 44 Th e renowned company producing the most so phisticated technologies is managed by the educated, active and very competent lady Margrit Harting.
interpack 2020: Online Database of Exh ibitors 45 Approximately 3,000 exhibitors will present their solutions for packaging and related manufacturing industries at the fair interpack 2020 in May. Th e parallel fair for the subcontracting industry “components - special trade fair by interpack” in hall 18 is also fi lled.
Th e Future is being prepared in Dresden 48 Dresden Packaging Days is the name of the conference where packaging industry professionals will learn about the hottest news. Interview with Monika Kaßmann, lifelong packaging specialist and co-founder of DVT.
Revolution without Exaggeration 50 Everybody who does not invest in digital technologies and automation today will be under the great pressure from the competitors in the future. Th is is one of the conclusions of the Conference Factory of the future. Disco Story with Ondřej Fiedler 52 Recently we have oft en e ncountered the fact that some designers use the knowledge gained during architecture studies in their work. Th is is the case of the new awardwinning packaging as well.
Packaging, Design and Graphics in Litoměřice 54 Th e school SŠAMŠ in Litoměřice is ded icated to the packaging design including the packaging production. Th e graduates who are dedicated to the packaging design and production apart from the classical graphic design are better placed on the market.
Nestlé will support recycled Plastics Mark et 58 Company Nestlé will invest two billion of Swi ss francs (46.7 billion CZK) into the expansion of the use of recycled plastics for food purposes and into the development of the new sustainable packaging solutions.
Business Applications are increasingly needed 59 SAP, the company focused on the experience and managed by the principles of intelligent business, prepares primarily business application soft ware.
Logistics is a Market Barometer 60 And not only that. It is also one of the deci sive factors that infl uences the state of the market and at the same time is fundamentally infl uenced by the current state. Presentation of the fi nancial results of the company DACHSER Czech Republic for the year 2019.
Linde Material Handling will present itse lf in a new Conception at fair LogiMAT 2020 62 For this year company Linde Material Han dling has changed the form of its presentation at the fair LogiMAT 2020. It will exhibit on a larger area using outdoor space for the fi rst time and presenting the widest range of innovations.
3 reasons why Speed is important 64 Demands on one fairly important aspect of log istics – and that is speed – are steadily increasing with general economic prosperity and advancement of technologies. Similar development of requirements is taking place both in the B2B sector and by the end customers.
Electric front Trucks bolster up 65 At the fair LogiMAT 2020 company Jungheinrich will present a concept of the front electric truck for the near future. Th e ongoing trend of withdrawal of the combustion trucks is supported by the new innovations in electric traction.