Must Have Packaging Essentials
A Quick Overview:  There are few things you
must consider before creating final packaging of your product. The packaging design should be eye-catchy and must be able to define your product effectively. The design, color, shape and size of the package should be attractive and make sure to include the piece of information on your package. To achieve effective packaging design, you must include the following:
1. Accurate Information The information on the package must be accurate about the goods inside the package. Under the Consumer Protection Act of Unfair Trading Regulations.. Dealers can be found guilty if they misrepresent the product inside the package. You must be accurate and true about: • The size and quantity of product • The manufacture method • Manufacture date and place • Endorsements by people or organisations • The composition of project
2. Safety Instructions If the product you’re selling is dangerous, it’s important for manufactures to provide the safety information, with labeled instructions where necessary. This is relevant at all levels of the supply chain - safety information can be vital when the product is being transported by air, road or rail, and the outer labels can carry important information to ensure the goods are handled safely. Some products require very specific safety guidelines – including electrical goods (batteries) and toys(age warning).
3. Barcodes are Important Barcodes are one of the most essential element of packaging design. If you are selling a product, you must have the barcode on that package. The resource to find about barcodes is GS1 UK. The barcodes and GS1 numbers are used by almost all the leading retailers, including Amazon, eBay, Flipkart and Myntra. Barcodes on package serves as an important purpose they’re not there to look pretty, so the most important thing to remember while placing your barcode is making it clear, concise and easily scannable.
4. Weights & Measures Under The Weights and Measures (Packaged Goods) Regulations 2006, you must ensure that ‘on average’ each package contains the declared weight or volume of goods. According to the act, you must mention the accurate weight of the product in your packaging. In many industries, you’re legally required to label any package with the weight – and also you must use metric weights and measures. You can also choose to add imperial measures, but they can’t be prominent than the metric measures. If you’re selling to a business, the requirements on weight labelling are less clear - This thing varies from industry to industry so you must examine the guidance of your industry for more information.
5. Manufacturer Details All packaging must have the name & address of the manufacturer listed clearly. This is important in the case if consumer have to claim regarding product or wish to seek for additional information about the product. Make sure these details can be seen on the package. Manufacturer details on product is mostly used by end customer to trace the manufacturer if there are any complaints or quality issue obtain while dealing with product. Mentioning manufacturer details on product or packaging depends upon brand requirement as well countries jurisdiction laws.
For to Buy Packaging Essentials: /packagingexpressuk