Packaging In Focus - April 2021 - Beauty & Personal Care

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Emerging packaging trends in the beauty and personal care industry By Lia Neophytou, Consumer Analyst, GlobalData

nnovative packaging materials and formats are emerging in the personal care industry to address evolving consumer preferences catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Health-attentiveness is fuelling concerns around product safety and integrity, which will amplify demand for packaging formats that mitigate the risk of bacteria formation and transmission.

‘environmentally-friendly packaging materials’ a key driver of purchase, a sentiment which rises to 39% among Generation Z and 38% among Generation Y (millennial) consumers, according to GlobalData’s 2021 Q1 global consumer survey.

Heightened risk-aversion is further prompting the need for transparent information from brands regarding formulations and sourcing. This is The transition to a evident in that almost contactless society has a third (31%) of global already begun and will consumers consider likely increase demand ‘information or claims for hands-free packaging on packaging about solutions in the personal production method’ a key care industry. For example, driver of purchase, rising skincare products that to 35% among millennial can be dispensed directly consumers, according onto the hands or face to GlobalData’s 2021 Q1 will prevail over jars that global consumer survey. In require consumers to an increasingly uncertain repeatedly use their world, personal care hands to obtain the brands would benefit from desired amount of providing complete product. Single-dose transparency on product packaging formats are packaging about ingredients used, manufacturing well positioned to address demand for hygienic processes, and the benefits associated with personal care solutions, though manufacturers product usage, supported by scientific evidence. must address sustainability concerns by ensuring environmentally friendly materials are used. Bolt Lastly, brands are still expected to ensure products Beauty, for example, provides skincare products appeal to a diverse range of consumers. Beyond contained within biodegradable capsules made from product formulation, brands must ensure product seaweed to avoid plastic usage and packaging waste. packaging can be easily held and used by consumers of all abilities. For example, ensuring Similarly, concepts such as packaging-free beauty that braille is available on product packaging to that were emerging pre-pandemic for their cater to visually impaired consumers is crucial, as sustainability credentials may witness temporary is ensuring packaging is designed to enable easy stagnation as concerns around hygiene will likely use and application. Brands across the beauty remain high in the future. Instead, brands can engage and personal care space must continue to make in more traditional strategies to enhance sustainability strides to build an industry that is truly inclusive, credentials, e.g. ensuring recyclable packaging which will be continually sought after in the postmaterials are used. These efforts will appeal to over pandemic world. a third (34%) of global consumers who consider


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