February- 2017
Learn Best
Mobile Development
Frameworks Learn 5 Best Frameworks Using 25 Projects
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Mobile App Development is the process by which one can develop application software for mobile devices using various languages and frameworks.
Become a Master in Mobile Development
BeneďŹ ts of this Course Helps you become a Mobile Developer. Experience with multiple development environments. Start building projects while learning. Provides 25 dierent projects from 5 top amazing frameworks.
5 Best Frameworks Covered This course includes 5 amazing and powerful frameworks.
Ionic framework includes the following projects:
Feed Reader ToDo List Auth0 Login App Business Finder Meal Tracker
PhoneGap PhoneGap framework includes the following projects:
Photo Gallery Workout Tracker Contact Manager Memo Recorder Geolocation App
2 React Native
React Native framework includes the following projects
GitHub DevSearch Google Books App Custom Web Browser Messaging App Project Manager
jQuery Mobile JQM framework includes the following projects
Mobile Website Event Manager Movie Listings WikiFind Weather Report
Meteor framework includes the following projects:
Idea Manager Magic 8 Ball Spotify App Real Estate App Class Scheduler
Learn 5 Best Mobile Development Frameworks - Eduonix
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1 Complete Course 5 Top Mobile Technologies 25 Prac cal Projects 100+ Lectures
So what are you waiting for...Click the link below
source link https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1311831077/learn-5-best-mobile-development-frameworks https://www.eduonix.com/blog/press-release/eduonix-introduces-new-mobile-development-course-kickstarter/ https://medium.com/@lockpaddy/become-a-master-in-mobile-development-with-5-best-frameworks-d30dbab99294#.nwnwrgyfe