2014 catalog
The Baffin is built for the rigors of rough seas. Its unique
compliment of deck rigging and a comfortably outfitted
hull design provides paddlers with a lively yet stable boat
cockpit. This versatile series makes choosing a kayak a
compared to other performance kayaks.
breeze with its three different sizes all available in
The three models in the series are well suited for a wide
rotomolded plastic, thermoformed ABS or composite
range of paddlers demanding immediate control and
construction. See the table bellow for technical specifica-
predictability. The generous-sized hatch openings allow
tions and the paddler weight range of each model.
paddlers to load up adequate amounts of gear for up to
HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE The Kasko is a very agile recreational kayak ideally suited to exploring winding rivers, lakes, and coastlines. Its cockpit is smaller than that of the Ookpik, allowing the paddler a better fit and therefore better control. The Kasko is equipped with thigh braces and a smaller rudder system to maximise control. Length Width
23 1 2 13’ (3.96 m) (59.6 cm)
Kayak Weight Recommended Recommended (rudder) weight of load limit paddler
16” x 30” (41 x 76 cm)
90 to 250 lb 275lb (41 to 114 kg) (125 kg)
52 lb (23.5 kg)
Total Volume
Type of Chine
RUDDER 100 gal us (375 l)
Reverse hard chine
two weeks and the day hatch keeps your essentials handy while on the water. The Baffin comes with a full
P2 / C2 / T2
P3 / C3 / T3
16’6 (5.06 m)
17” (5.18 m)
17”6’ (5.06 m)
21½” (54.6 cm)
221 4
(56.5 cm)
23” (58.4 cm)
16 x 31” (42 x 79 cm)
16 x 31” (41 x 79 cm)
17 x 33” (43 x 84 cm)
Kayak Weight (Polyethylene)
59 lb** (26.8 kg)
60 lb** (27.2 kg)
62 lb** (28.2 kg)
Kayak Weight (Composite) FG / KV / CA *
53 / 48 / 44 lb (24 / 21.8 / 20 kg)
54 / 49 / 45 lb (24.5 / 22.3 / 20.5 kg)
56 / 51 / 47 lb (25.5 / 23.2 / 21.4 kg)
Recommended weight of paddler
90 to 160 lb (41 to 73 kg)
140 to 225 lb (64 to 102 kg)
200 to 300 lb (91 to 136 kg)
Recommended load limit
240 lb (109 kg)
300 lb (136 kg)
350 lb (158 kg)
Total Volume
91 gal us (345 l)
99 gal us (375 l)
110 gal us (415 l)
Type of Chine
Reverse hard chine
Reverse hard chine
Reverse hard chine
The Ookpik is a very stable recreational kayak. It has a large, comfortable cockpit, offering its occupant greater freedom of movement. This kayak is ideally suited for exploring lakes or rivers and for short trips along the coastline. The Ookpik is equipped with thigh braces and a rudder system to maximise control. Length Width
24” 13’ (3.96 m) (61 cm)
18” x 32” (46 x 81 cm)
Kayak Weight Recommended Recommended (rudder) weight of load limit paddler
Total Volume
54 lb (24.5 kg)
106 gal us (400 l)
120 to 286 lb 285lb (55 to 130 kg) (130 kg)
Reverse hard chine
The Sedna is one of our most versatile models. Its arched hull shape and waterline length have been designed to provide stability combined with very predictable behavior while requiring minimum effort to maintain a good group cruising speed. These characteristics are sure to appeal to the day or weekend paddler who loves to go exploring in all types of weather and water conditions. Comes standard with a rudder system. Cockpit
17” x 32” (43 x 81 cm)
Kayak Weight Recommended Recommended (rudder) weight of load limit paddler
Total Volume
and up to 280 lbs. The Epsilon is a smooth, predictable,
and rental fleets since such a wide variety of paddlers fit
and stable craft; even in rougher water the ride is quite dry.
in this stable and predictable craft. A rudder, ample deck
Load up for a couple weeks and enjoy the speed of the
bungees, and a full compliment of deck safety line are
Epsilon. Simply a delightful kayak to paddle, count on its
placed strategically to maximize your stortage. Boreal
Design has invested in high quality materials in all three
This versatile series is available in three sizes - making it
constructions and our bulkhead installation is renowned
accessible to any sized paddler - and available in
as being the most reliable.
rotomolded plastic, thermoformed ABS or composite
With our easily adjustable foot sliders the Epsilon acco-
construction. See the table below for technical specifica-
modates a wide range of paddlers, be they tall or short
tions and paddler weight range of each size.
60 lb (27.2 kg)
103 gal us (390 l)
120 to 225 lb 260 lb (55 to 102 kg) (118 kg)
16’4” (5.06 m)
17” (5.18 m)
17”6’ (5.06 m)
22 ½” (57. cm)
23 ½” (59.7 cm)
24 ¼” (58.4 cm)
16 x 31” (42 x 79 cm)
16 x 31” (41 x 79 cm)
17 x 33” (43 x 84 cm)
Kayak Weight (Polyethylene)
62 lbs** (28 kg)
64 lbs** (29 kg)
66 lbs** (28.2 kg)
Kayak Weight (Composite) FG / KV / CA *
53 / 48 / 44 lb (24 / 21.8 / 20 kg)
55 / 50 / 46 lbs (24.5 / 22.3 / 20.5 kg)
57 / 52 / 48 lbs (25.5 / 23.2 / 21.4 kg)
Recommended weight of paddler
90 to 160 lb (41 to 73 kg)
140 to 225 lb (64 to 102 kg)
200 to 280 lb (91 to 127 kg)
Recommended load limit
240 lb (109 kg)
295 lbs (134 kg)
320 lb (145 kg)
Total Volume
91 gal (345 l)
110 gal (415 l)
119 gal (450 l)
Type of Chine
Soft chine
Soft chine
Soft chine
* FG = Fiverglass / KV = Kevler * / CA = Carbon fiber clear coat ** Themoformed are approximately 25% lighter.
120 to 225 lb (55 to 102 kg)
106 gal us (400 l)
260 lb (118 kg)
16” 24 1 4 (4.88 m) (61.6 cm)
Kayak Weight FG / KV / CA*
17” x 32” 51 / 46 / 42 lb (43 x 81 cm) (23/20.9 /19.1 kg)
Recommended Recommended weight of paddler load limit
Total Volume
Type of Chine
90 to 225 lb (41 to 102 kg)
106 gal us (400 l)
250 lb (114 kg)
The Pakesso is both compact and lightweight. The rudder will appeal to the novice paddler by allowing them to easily steer the kayak in adverse conditions while the skeg-equipped Pakesso will delight intermidiate paddlers looking for maneuverability and control in a small package. A more experienced paddler will appreciate the reverse hard chine combined with a semi-arched hull. Standard equipment includes a rudder or skeg system, a comfort seat, recessed hatches with quick release, thigh braces, recessed fittings, and deck lines. Width
Kayak Weight FG / KV / CA*
Recommended Recommended weight of paddler load limit
14’6” 22 16” x 30” 46 / 45 / 39 lb 90 to 225 lb (4.42 m) (59.06 cm) (41 x 76 cm) (20.9/19.5 /17.8 kg) (41 to 102 kg) 12
260 lb (118 kg)
Total Volume
Type of Chine
103 gal us (390 l)
Reverse hard chine
The Inukshuk, combining elegance and performance, is unquestionably the fastest kayak in its category. Its long waterline and tapered contour allow the kayak to accelerate quickly and track beautifully, while the upswept bow provides buoyancy when paddling in waves. A moderate rocker makes the kayak very agile while performing a lean turn. This comfortable and spacious kayak features a low profile offering minimal wind resistance, making the Inukshuk easy to control. Length
Kayak Weight
17’ (5.18 m)
23 ½’’ (59.6 cm)
16 ½ x 31” 62 lb (42 x 79 cm) (28 kg)
Recommended weight of paddler
Recommended load limit
Total Volume
Type of Chine
120 to 225 lb (55 to 102 kg)
275 lb (125 kg)
106 gal us (400 l)
With an outline mirroring the silhouette of traditional Greenland kayaks, the Ellesmere combines the advantages of the reverse hard chine with a semi-arched hull giving it great speed and maneuverability. Designed for the experienced paddler, standard equipment includes a skeg, sturdy anodized aluminum footrests, a backband seat, thigh braces, recessed fittings, and deck lines. The kayak also features a practical paddle rest in front of the cockpit. A day hatch is available as an option. Length
Kayak Weight (Skeg) FG / KV / CA *
Recommended Recommended Total weight of paddler load limit Volume
17’ 22” 16 x 30” 52 / 47 / 43 lb 120 to 225 lb (5.18 m) (55.9 cm) (41 x 76 cm) (23.5/21.4/19.5 kg) (55 to 102 kg)
275 lb (125 kg)
Type of Chine
92 gal us Reverse (350 l) hard chine
The Muktuk's low profile offers plenty of thigh support, making it ideal for small to medium-sized paddlers. Its shape generates minimal wind resistance, and the kayak is highly responsive during turns. A tapered contour adds speed to a craft that is stable, comfortable, and easy to paddle . For closer adjustment, thigh braces may be added as an option.
Type of Chine
P100 / C100 / T100
Total Volume
The Narwhal is comfortable, stable and easy to paddle. Its length and volume provide the storage space to meet the needs of most sea kayakers and a spacious cockpit offers ample room for the legs and feet. With its flared hull, the Narwhal provides stability in waves without noticeably impeding cruising speed, a factor sure to instill confidence in novice paddlers.
Type of Chine
The Epsilon is the best selling series for tour operators
16” x 30” 51 / 46 / 42 lb (41 x 76 cm) (23/20.9 /19.1 kg)
Recommended Recommended weight of paddler load limit
Kayak Weight FG / KV / CA*
23 1 4 15’ (4.57 m) (59 cm)
17” 23” (5.18 m) (58.4 cm)
Type of Chine
Length Width
* FG = Fiverglass / KV = Kevler * / CA = Carbon fiber clear coat ** Themoformed are approximately 25% lighter.
P1 / C1 / T1
The Alvik is designed for the intermediate paddler seeking performance, comfort and elegance. It is also an excellent option for beginners who aspire to attain a higher skill level. A long waterline allows the paddler to achieve excellent acceleration and cruise speeds. A moderate rocker enhances maneuverability when leaning. For long and short expeditions, loaded or not, the Alvik is always an outstanding choice.
Kayak Weight
16’ (4.9 m)
23 ¼’’ (59.05 cm)
16 ½’’ x 31” 59 lb (42 x 79 cm) (27 kg)
Recommended weight of paddler
Recommended load limit
Total Volume
Type of Chine
90 to 190 lb (41 to 86 kg)
275 lb (102 kg)
103 gal us (390 l)
The Labrador is a member of the family of the reverse hard chine, a line of performance-oriented kayaks for which BORÉALDESIGN is well known. It’s designed for paddlers looking to combine speed and exceptional tracking ability with sufficient storage for excursions lasting several days. The Labrador's long waterline and hull shape are optimized to reduce the impact of wave and water friction. The Labrador comes standard with our rudder system, compass provision, and day hatch. Length Width
Kayak Weight (Skeg) FG / KV / CA *
Kayak Weight (rudder) FG / KV / CA *
Recommended Recommended Total weight of load limit Volume paddler
21” 16 x 30” 18’4” 54 / 49 / 45 lb 56 / 50 / 46 lb 120 to 225 lb 300 lb (5.59 m) (53.3 cm) (41 x 76 cm) (24.5/22.3/20.5 kg) (25.5/22.7/20.9kg) (54 to 102 kg) (136 kg)
Type of Chine
109 gal us Reverse (450 l) hard chine
HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE The Esperanto is one of the fastest plastic tandems on the market. It is easy to paddle, comfortable, stable and can reach excellent cruising speeds. A moderate rocker and a large rudder contribute to efficient turns. The practical center compartment can be used for extra storage or outfitted with our optional child seat/bulkhead. The cockpits are spaced sufficiently apart allowing the paddlers to paddle at their own speed without risk of accidental collision between paddles. This makes the Esperanto ideally suited to a pair of paddlers with mixed abilities or families with young children. Length
Kayak Weight
19’6” (5.9 m)
28 ½’’ (72.4 cm)
17 x 32” 97 lb (43 x 81 cm) (44 kg)
Recommended weight of paddler
Recommended load limit
Total Volume
Type of Chine
90 to 240 lb (41 to 109 kg)
480 lb (218 kg)
195 gal us (738 l)
Child Seat
The Beluga is a composite tandem that ensures ease and confidence from the first strokes of your paddle. This kayak combines stability and performance and is capable of reaching high cruising speeds. A moderate rocker coupled with a larger rudder make the Beluga easy to turn. Large cockpits offer ample room for the legs and feet and are spaced sufficiently apart, allowing the paddlers to paddle at their own speed without risk of accidental collision between paddles. This makes the kayak ideally suited to a pair of paddlers with mixed abilities or families with young children. Length
21’ (6.4 m)
28 1 2 17 x 32” 82 / 76 / 70 lb 90 to 240 lb (72.4 cm) (43 x 81 cm) (37.3/34.5/31.8 kg) (41 to 109 kg)
Kayak Weight (rudder) FG / KV / CA *
Recommended Recommended Total weight of paddler load limit Volume
500 lb (227 kg)
Type of Chine
198 gal us (750 l)
Child Seat
Qc, Canada, J3Y8Y5
There is something magical about the way the Vital suits small adults, providing a performance fit for demanding
The Vaag is for average-sized paddlers. It's playful, has good speed, is very stable yet easy to edge, easy to roll,
Tel : 450 812-3613
conditions. The Vital's speed and storage volume makes it a great all-around sea kayak for both day trips and short
and it handles well in rough conditions. The Vaag's speed and storage volume makes it a great all-around sea
camping trips. The Vital has a moderately chined hull that carves turns quickly and handles well in rough seas with-
kayak for both day trips and camping. The Vaag has a moderately chined hull that carves turns quickly and
out the added drag or fragility of a harder chine. The Vital comes standard with features such as retractable skeg,
handles well in rough seas without the added drag or fragility of a harder chine. This kayak comes standard with
front and rear hatches, front and rear fiberglass bulkheads, recessed deck fittings for safety lines, chart holder
features such as retractable skeg, front and rear hatches, front and rear fiberglass bulkheads, recessed deck
bungees, keyhole cockpit with good hip and knee braces, and a comfortable low profile seat. With the skeg up, the
fittings for safety lines, chart holder bungees, keyhole cockpit with good hip and knee braces, and a comfortable
Vital is very maneuverable; put the skeg down and it tracks straight even in side wind conditions where most kayaks
low profile seat. With the skeg up, the Vaag is very maneuverable; put the skeg down and it tracks straight even
weathercock (turn upwind).
in side wind conditions where most kayaks weathercock (turn up-wind).
3600 1 ère rue, suite 20 St-Hubert
fax : 450 766-1747 info@borealdesign.com
www.borealdesign.com Length
Kayak Weight (rudder) FG / KV / CA *
Recommended Recommended Total weight of paddler load limit Volume
16’6” 16” x 31.5” 52 / 48 / 44 lb 90 to 190 lb 21” (5.03 m) (53.3 cm) (41 x 80 cm) (23.6/21.8/20 kg) (40.8 to 86.2 kg)
265 lb (120 kg)
Type of Chine
85.8 gal us Soft (325 l)
Standard Reatures
Unbreakable super comfortable thermoformed Mini-clel foam seat High performance customizable Mincel backrest Aluminum footbraces Retractable cable skeg
Kayak Weight (rudder) FG / KV / CA *
Recommended Recommended Total weight of paddler load limit Volume
17’4” 16” x 31.5” 54 / 49 / 45 lb 21.5” 150 to 240 lb (5.30 m) (54.6 cm) (41 x 80 cm) (24.5/22.3/20.5 kg) (68 to 108.8 kg)
300 lb (136 kg)
Type of Chine
100.3 gal us Soft (380 l)
Standard Reatures
Unbreakable super comfortable thermoformed Minicell foam seat High performance customizable Mincel backrest Aluminum footbraces Retractable cable skeg