PEAK UK - Catalogue 2013

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30-34in 26-30in 28-32in WAIST PQRSQ>; SXRYX>; SQRYQ>; 24-28in

34-38in YQRWQ>;

36-41in WXRTXQ>;


30-34in SQRYQ>;

32-36in YXRWX>;



1. Outer Fabric !"#$%&!'%()#*+%+*,*--"./%0."1$2 2. Microporous Layer 3"/$-4%()#*+,+556%7%8+*)#$)8-*2

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2.5. Ceramic Dots =.>+*)1*<%<:+)8"-"#42









27-38in SXRWQ>; 50N


30-39in 34-44in 36-47in 36-47in 39-51in SQRTXX>; YQRTTX>; WXRTZX>; WXRTZX>; TXXRTVX>; 50N









Very Light & Durable

1. Outer Fabric !"#$%&!'%()#*+%+*,*--"./%0."1$2 2. Microporous Layer 3"/$-4%()#*+,+556%7%8+*)#$)8-*2

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3. Hydrophilic Layer 9),5:+%#+).1;"##"./%).<%<:+)8-*2




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SSRTTX-81% SSRTQQ-81% YYRTPQ-81% WWRTYY-81% TVZRTWY-81 TVZRTWY-81 TPQRZTX-81%% 35-70kg 40-75kg 45-85kg 60-90kg 60-90kg 75-95kg

WEIGHT 35-50kg

Highly Breathable

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32-36in YXRWX>;

Highly Breathable

1. Outer Fabric !"#$%&!'%()#*+%+*,*--"./%0."1$2

Very Durable

2. Microporous Layer 3"/$-4%()#*+,+556%7%8+*)#$)8-*2 3. Hydrophilic Layer 9),5:+%#+).1;"##"./%).<%<:+)8-*2

39 (5) 40 (6) 41 (7) 42 (8) 43 (9) 44 (10) 45 (11) 46 (12)

4. Knit Lining









31-33in 26-29in 32-35in PQRST>; YTRYW>; SYRYU>;

32-35in YZRWX>;

34-38in YYRWP>;

19-22in USRQV>;

17-19in 17-20in 17-19in UVRUW>; UVRUY>; UVRUY>;

18-21in USRQV>;

19-22in QXRQP>;





22-26in WAIST QQRPQ>;




30-34in SQRYQ>;

34-40in YQRTXX>;





27-30in PWRSQ>;

32-35in YZRWX>;

34-38in 38-40in YYRWP>; WSRTXZ>;


15-18in UXRUP>;

18-21in USRQV>;

19-22in QXRQP>;




26-30in PQRSQ>;

I#%@*)H%UK%(*%,+"<*%5:+1*-E*1%)1%8*"./%(5+-<%>-)11%"..5E)#5+12% I--% 5:+% ,+5<:>#1% )+*% <*1"/.*<% ).<% #*1#*<% 84% *O,*+#1D% 85#$% )#% ,)<<-"./% ).<% /)+;*.#% ,+5<:>#"5.2% !*% :1*% 5.-4% #$*% 0.*1#% B:)-"#4% ;)#*+")-1%15:+>*<%)--%5E*+%#$*%/-58*2%I--%5:+%,+5<:>#1%)+*%;).:6)>#:+*<% :1"./%#$*%-)#*1#%).<%$"/$*1#%B:)-"#4%#*>$."B:*1%).<%;)>$".*1%)E)"-)8-*2%?:+% #*1#%#*);%).<%1#)66%)+*%#$*%0.*1#2%\).4%!5+-<D%?-4;,">%).<%`)#"5.)-%N$);,"5.1% ".%)--%<"1>",-".*1%>$551*%#5%:1*%5:+%,+5<:>#1%".>-:<"./%F).:%a)8:%F:.:()+%b%F:;;"#% #5%F*)%I<E*.#:+*+%cD%N-)"+*%?%3)+)%b%<5:8-*%!5+-<%A+**1#4-*%N$);,"5.%c%).<%L";%a)"--"*% d%K#"*..*%F#5##%b%?-4;,">%]5-<%\*<)-"1#1%)#%e5.<5.%ZXTZ%c2%!*%)+*%)-15%,+5:<%#5%8*%#$*% 560>")-%1:,,-"*+%56%]-*.;5+*%e5</*%\5:.#)".%N*.#+*%".%#$*%F>5##"1$%3"/$-).<12%F**%45:%5.% #$*%()#*+2%!*^+*%#$*%5.*1%1;"-"./%;51#ff

Highly Breathable The Most Durable

Peak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`5(%;5+*%#$).%ZX%4*)+1%-)#*+%@*)H%UK%"1%5.*%56% #$*%(5+-<^1%-*)<"./%8+).<1%56%H)4)H"./%(*)+2



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38-42in 40-45in 44-48in 47-51in 34-38in 36-40in CHEST YQRWQ>; WXRTXX>; WQRTXQ>; TXXRTTQ>; TTXRTZQ>; TZXRTVX>;

!34 5#


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1-2 3-7 8-10 11-12 13-15 16 17-18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25-26 27

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20-23in QZRQS>;

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Wrists: Neoprene with opening Velcro enclosure.

Waist: Neoprene with opening Velcro enclosures.

Waist: Neoprene with opening Velcro enclosures. Features: Large size print inside waist for easy recognition.

Features: Easy access RH side zip pocket.

Sizes: XXS. XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL

Sizes: XXS. XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL

Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL

Colours: Black/Red

Colours: Black/Red

Colours: Red. Deep Purple

Uses: Clubs. Schools. Outdoor Centres. Beginners

Uses: Clubs. Schools. Intermediates. Touring

Features: Size printed on sleeve.


Improved for 2013. Available Spring



Uses: Ocean. Touring. Flatwater

Waist: H9":&7*64G&%6$%&C9"27&567%&-4*D76+*7-.&.9*5+"9.< Features: Full length front opening waterproof zip. Front +%-D7& I6:& :"+,-7& *2.& 75"& %*2.& :"+,-7D<& >-?-+76@-& D-*8& :6:62$&*2.&9-?-+76@-&4"$"D< Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL Colours: Blue. Red Uses: Touring. Flatwater. Bike. Run. Climb. Row. Hike

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!34 5#

Arms: Neoprene with opening Velcro enclosure.

!34 5#

Waist: Elasticated draw cord.

Neck: Neoprene with opening Velcro enclosure.

!34 5#

Wrists: Opening 2.5mm durable neoprene.

Neck: Neoprene with opening Velcro enclosure.

!34 5#

Neck: Neoprene with opening Velcro enclosure.

Fabric: Breathable and durable light weight X2.5 ripstop 234"2&567%&018&5*7-9:9"";2$<&

Construction / Cut: Articulated cut with bent elbows. Fully taped seams. Fabric: Breathable and durable light weight X2.5 ripstop 234"2&567%&0A8&5*7-9:9"";2$< Neck: B"8:*+7&C"4.&*5*3&%"".&.-D6$2&567%&D76E-2-.&:-*,& *2.&.#*4&.9*5&+"9.&;7762$< Wrists: F"5&:9";4-G&":-262$&2-":9-2-.

Construction / Cut: Articulated. Fully taped seams. Fabric: Breathable and durable mid weight X2.5 ripstop 234"2&567%&018&5*7-9:9"";2$<& Neck: Neoprene cone with grippy inner print. Arms: Neoprene cone with grippy inner print. Waist: Easy tensioned neoprene outer seal with grippy inner print.

!34 5#

Fabric: Tough and breathable 210d nylon with 7.5m 5*7-9:9"";2$<&

Construction / Cut: Articulated cut with bent elbows. Fully taped seams. Fabric: Breathable and durable mid weight X2.5 ripstop 234"2&567%&018&5*7-9:9"";2$< Neck: Neoprene with opening Velcro enclosure. Wrists: Neoprene with opening Velcro enclosure outer with latex inner. Waist: Easy tensioned neoprene outer seal with grippy inner print. Light weight X2.5 inner waist with elastic binding. Features: Front zip pocket with stylish sewn drain holes. =*2$62$&4"":<&>-?-+76@-&:6:62$< Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL Colours: Blue / Black Uses: Ocean. Touring. Flatwater. Whitewater

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Fabric: !"#$%&'(&)*+,-.&/01.&234"2&567%&018&5*7-9:9"";2$<&

Construction / Cut: Articulated cut. Fully taped seams.

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Construction / Cut: Articulated cut with bent elbows. Fully taped seams.

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Construction / Cut: Minimum seams for durability. Reinforced double sewing.

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Construction / Cut: Articulated with bent elbows. Fully taped seams. Fabric: Breathable and durable mid weight X2.5 ripstop 234"2&567%&018&5*7-9:9"";2$<& Neck: Neoprene cone with grippy inner print. Wrists: Neoprene cone outer with latex inner. Waist: Easy tensioned neoprene outer seal with grippy inner print. Light weight X2.5 inner waist with elastic binding.

Features:&J7346D%&$9*:%6+D&*2.&9-?-+76@-&:6:62$&"2&D%"#4.-9& seams.

Features:&J7346D%&$9*:%6+D&*2.&9-?-+76@-&:6:62$&"2&D%"#4.-9& seams.

Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL

Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL

Colours: Blue / Black

Colours: Blue / Black

Uses: Freestyle. Whitewater. Ocean

Uses: Freestyle. Whitewater. Ocean

Improved for 2013. Available Spring


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Construction / Cut: Articulated with removable sleeve option. Fully taped seams.

Fabric: Breathable and durable mid weight X3 ripstop nylon 567%&K18&5*7-9:9"";2$<&

Uses: Freestyle. Whitewater. Ocean

Fabric: Breathable and durable mid weight X3 ripstop nylon 567%&K18&5*7-9:9"";2$<& Neck: Really soft superstretch neoprene neck with AO sealing strap. Arms: Latex inner. Opening neoprene outer with Velcro enclosure. Waist: Neoprene outer seal with velcro enclosures. X3 inner with grippy Peak UK elastic edging. Features: Easy access front pockets for storing sleeves with stylish sewn drain holes. Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL Colours: Green Envy. Skye Blue Uses: Freestyle. Whitewater. Ocean

Construction / Cut: Articulated with bent elbows. Fully taped seams. Fabric: Breathable and durable heavy weight X3 nylon with K18& 5*7-9:9"";2$<& !"#$%& 96:D7":& B"9.#9*& D%"#4.-9D& *2.& elbows. Neck: Latex inner with opening neoprene outer cone. Wrists: Latex inner. Opening neoprene outer with Velcro closure. Waist: Neoprene AO outer seal. Light weight X2.5 inner with elasticated binding on edge. Features: Sewn hole drainage system between neck seals. >-?-+76@-&:6:62$&*4"2$&-.$-D&"C&-4)"5&:*7+%-D<&L6:&:"+,-7& on LH sleeve. Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL Colours: Black. Yellow / Black Uses: Freestyle. Whitewater. Ocean

Improved for 2013. Available Spring

Improved for 2013. Available Spring

Improved for 2013. Available Now

Neck: Really soft superstretch neoprene neck with AO sealing strap. Wrists: Latex inner. Neoprene outer with Velcro enclosure. Waist: Neoprene outer seal with velcro enclosures. X3 inner with grippy Peak UK elastic edging. Features: Stylish AO graphics. Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL Colours: Green Envy. Skye Blue

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!34 5#

Construction / Cut: Articulated cut with bent elbows. Fully taped seams. Construction / Cut: Articulated with bent elbows. Fully taped seams.

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Uses: Touring. Flatwater. Ocean. Instruction

Construction / Cut: Articulated cut with bent elbows. Fully taped seams. Fabric: Breathable and durable X3 ripstop nylon with 30m 5*7-9:9"";2$<& Neck: L6:& ":-262$& 567%& 86.& 5-6$%7& NK& 96:D7":& 234"2& %"".& outer. Opening neoprene inner. Wrists: Latex inner. Neoprene with opening Velcro enclosure outer. Waist: Neoprene with opening Velcro enclosures. Features: Double front zip pockets for easy access whilst 5-*962$&*&'OH<&>-?-+76@-&D4--@-&D796:-D<&L6:&:"+,-7&"2&F=& sleeve. Fully adjustable hood. Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL Colours: Green Envy. Skye Blue Uses: Touring. Flatwater. Ocean. Instruction

Improved for 2013. Available Spring

Improved for 2013. Available Spring

Construction / Cut: Articulated with bent elbows. Fully taped seams.

Fabric: Breathable and durable light weight X2.5 ripstop 234"2&567%&018&5*7-9:9"";2$<&

Fabric: Breathable and durable heavy weight X4 nylon with K18&5*7-9:9"";2$<&>6:D7":&B"9.#9*&D%"#4.-9D&*2.&-4)"5D< Neck: Latex inner with opening neoprene outer cone. Wrists: Latex inner. Opening neoprene outer with Velcro closure. Waist: Neoprene AO outer seal. X4 nylon inner with elasticated binding on edge. Features: Stylish and functional mesh drainage system between neck seals. Option of adding high impact resistant -4)"5G&D%"#4.-9&*2.&)*+,&:*.D&C"9&-M79-8-&+9--,62$&*+76"2< Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL Colours: Red / Grey Uses: Freestyle. Whitewater. Creeking

Neck: L6:&":-262$&*2.&4*9$-&%"".<& Wrists: Neoprene with opening Velcro enclosure. Waist: Neoprene with opening Velcro enclosures. Features: Easy access RH side zip pocket. Fully adjustable hood. Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL Colours: Red. Deep Purple

Neck: L6:& ":-262$& 567%& D7"5-.& *5*3& 46$%7& 5-6$%7& N/<A& ripstop nylon hood outer. Opening neoprene inner. Wrists: Latex inner with opening neoprene outer. Waist: Neoprene AO outer seal with X4 fabric inner. Features: Double front zip pockets for easy access whilst wearing a PFD. >-?-+76@-&D4--@-&D796:-D<&L6:&:"+,-7&"2&F=& sleeve. Fully adjustable hood. Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL Colours: Orange / Grey Uses: Touring. Flatwater. Ocean. Instruction

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Fabric: Breathable and durable mid weight X4 ripstop nylon 567%& K18& 5*7-9:9"";2$<& !"#$%& D62$4-& 4*3-9& -4)"5D& 7%*7& increase the jacket’s breathability.

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Construction / Cut: Articulated cut with bent elbows. Fully taped seams.

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Construction / Cut: Articulated sleeves with bent elbows. Fully taped seams. Fabric: Breathable and durable mid weight X4 ripstop nylon 567%& K18& 5*7-9:9"";2$<& !"#$%& D62$4-& 4*3-9& -4)"5D& 7%*7& increase the jacket’s breathability. Neck: L6:& ":-262$& 567%& D7"5-.& *5*3& N/<A& 96:D7":& 234"2& hood outer. Watertight and really soft superstretch neoprene inner neck cone with AO sealing strap. Wrists: Latex inner. Opening neoprene outer with Velcro enclosure. Waist: Neoprene outer with opening Velcro enclosures. X4 Ripstop nylon inner with elasticated binding on edge. Features: Double front zip pockets for easy access whilst 5-*962$&*&'OH<&>-?-+76@-&D4--@-&D796:-D<&L6:&:"+,-7&"2&F=& sleeve. Fully adjustable zip away hood. Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL Colours: Blue / Grey Uses: Touring. Flatwater. Ocean. Instruction

Construction / Cut: ISO Approved. Performance cut. Meets ISO rafting regulations.

Construction / Cut: ISO Approved. Performance cut.

Construction / Cut: ISO Approved. Performance cut.

Construction / Cut: ISO Approved. Performance cut.

Fabric: Tough 600d polyester PU / nylon shell with webbing shoulders.

Fabric: Tough 600d polyester PU / nylon shell with webbing shoulders.

Fabric: Tough ripstop Cordura / nylon shell with webbing shoulders.

Foam: AAPQAR&"C&D#:-9&D"C7&?"7*76"2&C"*8<

Foam: AAPQAR&"C&D#:-9&D"C7&?"7*76"2&C"*8<

Foam: V1PW1R&"C&D#:-9&D"C7&?"7*76"2&C"*8<&

Securing: J%"#4.-9G&5*6D7&*2.&D6.-&D79*:D<

Securing: Shoulder and side straps. Opening zip front. Waist strap with side release buckle.

Securing: >-62C"9+-.G&D#:-9&D79"2$&U188&D%"#4.-9&*2.&D6.-& straps.

Features: Colour coded shoulder straps for easy size 9-+"$2676"2<&&>-?-+76@-&D796:-D<

Features: Colour coded shoulder webbing for easy size 9-+"$2676"2<&>-?-+76@-&D796:-D<&

Sizes: XS. S/M. L/XL. XXL

Sizes: XS. S/M. L/XL. XXL

Sizes: XS. S/M. L/XL. XXL

Sizes: XS. S/M. L/XL. XXL

Colours: Red / Black

Colours: Red / Black

Colours: Red / Black

Colours: Red / Black

Uses: Clubs. Schools. Beginners

Uses: Clubs. Schools. Beginners

Uses: Clubs. Schools. Beginners. Coasteering. Canyoning .

Uses: Clubs. Schools. Beginners. Whitewater Rafting. Canyoning.

Features: Colour coded shoulder straps for easy size 9-+"$2676"2<&&>-?-+76@-&D796:-D<&

Fabric: Tough ripstop Cordura / nylon shell with webbing shoulders. Foam: QAP001R&"C&D#:-9&D"C7&?"7*76"2&C"*8< Securing: >-62C"9+-.G&D#:-9&D79"2$&U188&D%"#4.-9&*2.&D6.-& straps. Easy entry / exit opening side buckles. Features: Colour coded shoulder webbing for easy size 9-+"$2676"2<&>-?-+76@-&D796:-D<&

New for 2013. Available October Construction / Cut: ISO Approved. Performance cut.

Construction / Cut: ISO Approved. High performance cut.

Fabric: Durable 600d polyester PU / nylon shell with webbing shoulders.

Fabric: Tough ripstop Cordura / nylon shell with neoprene D%"#4.-9DG&D6.-D&*2.&8-D%&S#6+,&.93&46262$<

Foam: 50-70N of soft foam.

Foam: 60-70N of self moulding soft foam.

Securing: J%"#4.-9G&5*6D7&*2.&D6.-&D79*:D<

Securing: J%"#4.-9G&5*6D7&*2.&D6.-&D79*:D<

Features: >-?-+76@-&D796:-D&C9"27&*2.&)*+,<&O9"27&I6:&:"+,-7& with gear loop.

Features: Two front zip pockets with gear clips. Large back :"+,-7&C"9&.962,D&D3D7-8&"9&?*9-D<&T27-92*4&8-D%&I6:&:"+,-7<& >-?-+76@-&D796:-D<

Sizes: XS. S/M. L/XL. XXL

Sizes: S/M. L/XL. XXL

Colours: Red / Black. Blue / Black

Colours: Red / Grey

Uses: Touring. Ocean. Flatwater

Uses: Touring. Ocean. Instruction. Adventure Racing

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F:8-";)#"5.%#*>$.5-5/4%>5;8".*<%("#$%5:+%1,*>")--4%)<),#*<%6)8+">%)--5(1% 45:%#5%>+*)#*%45:+%5(.%<*1"/.2%!*%#$*.%,+".#%"#%5.#5%#$*%/)+;*.#^1%6)8+">% 8*65+*%,+5<:>#"5.2%A-)/1D%-5/51D%,$5#51D%).";)-%,+".#1222 %I.4#$"./%"1%,511"8-*h Construction / Cut: ISO Approved. High performance cut. Fabric: Tough ripstop Cordura / nylon shell with neoprene D%"#4.-9DG&D6.-D&*2.&S#6+,&.93&"#74-7D&"2&62D6.-&46262$< Foam: 60-70N of self moulding soft foam. Securing:&J%"#4.-9G&5*6D7&*2.&D6.-&D79*:D< Features: Double front Cordura / mesh zip pocket with gear +46:D<&T22-9&8-D%&I6:&:"+,-7<&>-?-+76@-&D796:-D<&>-8"@*)4-& %*92-DD<& >=& *2.& F=& S#6+,& 9-4-*D-& +"5D7*64& X*9*)62-9& pouches under front pocket. Sizes: S/M. L/XL. XXL Colours: Blue / Grey. Red / Grey Uses: Whitewater. Instruction. Emergency Services. Raft Guides. Advanced

Construction / Cut: ISO / ICF Approved. Ultra narrow cut. Fabric: Ripstop nylon shell with neoprene shoulders. Foam: 60-70N of Gaia environmentally friendly soft foam. Securing: J%"#4.-9G&5*6D7&*2.&D6.-&D79*:D< Features: >-?-+76@-&D796:-D&C9"27&*2.&)*+,<&Y-4+9"&*++-DD&7"& 9-8"@-&"9&*..&?"7*76"2&C"*8&7"&8--7&D:-+6;+&-@-27&7-D762$< Sizes: S. M. L Colours: Black. Red. Blue

Uses: Slalom. Downriver. Freestyle. Surf. Flatwater

Construction / Cut: ISO Approved. High performance cut. Fabric: Tough ripstop Cordura / nylon shell with neoprene D%"#4.-9DG&D6.-D&*2.&8-D%&S#6+,&.93&46262$< Foam: 60-70N of self moulding soft foam. Securing: J%"#4.-9G&5*6D7&*2.&D6.-&D79*:D< Features: Front Cordura / rubber mesh zip pocket with gear +46:&*2.&D79-7+%3&I6:&?*:<&>-?-+76@-&D796:-D&C9"27&*2.&)*+,< Sizes: S/M. L/XL. XXL Colours: Blue / Grey Uses: Freestyle. Touring. Instructing. Intermediates


Construction / Cut: ISO Approved. Ultra narrow classic cut ( S M & L sizes ) or ultra low cut ( SM & ML sizes ). Fabric: Durable polyester shell with super stretchy neoprene sides. Foam: ICF approved 6.12kg / 50N of Gaia environmentally friendly soft foam. Securing: B4-@-9& ;$#9-& %#$$62$& D%"#4.-9& D79*:D<& B"2+-*4-.& *2.& easy to adjust side straps. Secure waist belt. Features: O#44& +#D7"8& :962762$& *@*64*)4-& 62& *23& +"4"#9G& :%"7"& "9& .-D6$2<&'-9C-+7&C"9&7-*8DG&+4#)D&"9&62.6@6.#*4D< Sizes: S. SM. M. ML. L Colours: !-*8&:62,G&)4#-G&468-&"9&$9-3&C9"8&D7"+,<&!"&"9.-9&62&3"#9& own design* Uses: Slalom. Downriver. Freestyle. Surf. Flatwater. *Set up charge applies. Please ask for a quote.

Construction / Cut: ISO Approved. High performance cut. Fabric: Polyester shell with neoprene shoulders and sides.

Construction / Cut: ISO Approved. High performance cut.

Foam: 50-70N of soft environmentally friendly Gaia foam.

Fabric: Nylon shell with neoprene shoulders and sides.

Securing: Hidden adjustable shoulders with webbing side and waist straps.

Foam: 50-70N of soft environmentally friendly Gaia foam.

Features: >-@-9D6)4-& 567%& +#D7"8& 2#8)-9DG& 2*8-DG& 4"$"D& etc. Impact resistant foam sides. Sizes: XS. S/M. L/XL. XXL Colours: To order in your teams colour / custom design.* Uses: Polo *Set up charge applies. Please ask for a quote. New for 2013. Available January


Securing: Hidden adjustable shoulders with webbing side and waist straps. Features: Reversible with custom numbers. Impact resistant foam sides. Sizes: XS. S/M. L/XL. XXL Colours: To order in your teams colour.

Uses: Polo


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Construction / Cut: Articulated. Fully taped seams. Fabric: Breathable and durable light weight X2.5 ripstop 234"2&567%&0A8&5*7-9:9"";2$< Neck: 2mm neoprene cone. Arms: 2mm neoprene. Deck: Attached to our Standard Deck. Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL

!34 5#

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Construction / Cut: Articulated with bent elbows. Fully taped seams. Fabric: Breathable and durable light weight X2.5 ripstop 234"2&567%&0A8&5*7-9:9"";2$< Neck: 2mm neoprene cone. Wrists: Latex cones. Deck: Attached to our Standard Deck. Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL

Deck Sizes: WWR. K1. C1

Deck Sizes: WWR. K1. C1

Colours: Red. White. Blue. Black

Colours: Red. White. Blue. Black

Uses: Slalom. Downriver. Polo

Uses: Slalom. Downriver. Polo


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Construction / Cut: \976+#4*7-.& *2.& ;$#9-& %#$$62$<& Flatlocked and fully taped seams. Fabric: J79-7+%3G& )9-*7%*)4-G& *2.& .#9*)4-& JJ/& 234"2& C*)96+& 567%&/A8&5*7-9:9"";2$<&Z6+,62$&46262$&D"&+*2&)-&5"92&2-M7& to the skin. Neck: 2mm neoprene. Arms: 2mm neoprene. Deck: Attached to our Standard Deck. Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL Deck Sizes: WWR. K1. C1 Colours: Black. White. Red. Custom* Uses: Slalom. Downriver. Polo. Freestyle. Surf

Construction / Cut: \976+#4*7-.&*2.&;$#9-&%#$$62$&567%&)-27& elbows. Flatlocked and fully taped seams. Fabric: J79-7+%3G& )9-*7%*)4-G& *2.& .#9*)4-& JJ/& 234"2& C*)96+& 567%&/A8&5*7-9:9"";2$<&Z6+,62$&46262$&D"&+*2&)-&5"92&2-M7& to the skin. Neck: 2mm neoprene. Wrists: F"5&:9";4-&4*7-M&+"2-D< Deck: Attached to our Standard Deck. Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL Deck Sizes: WWR. K1. C1 Colours: Black. White. Red. Custom* Uses: Slalom. Downriver. Polo. Freestyle. Surf

Full Custom Printing and Colours Available

Full Custom Printing and Colours Available

*Set up charge applies. Please ask for a quote.

*Set up charge applies. Please ask for a quote.


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Neck: Really soft superstretch neoprene cone.

Fabric: Breathable and durable mid weight X3 ripstop nylon 567%&018&5*7-9:9"";2$<& Neck: Really soft superstretch neoprene outer. Latex inner. Wrists: Latex inner with really soft superstretch neoprene cone outer.

Arms: Latex inner. Really soft superstretch neoprene outer with AO sealing straps.

Wrists: Latex inner with really soft superstretch neoprene cone outer.

Deck: \77*+%-.&7"&"#9&S#*4673&O9--96.-&H-+,<&

Deck: \77*+%-.&7"&"#9&S#*4673&J7*2.*9.&H-+,<

Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL

Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL

Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL

Deck Sizes: Small ( Riot ). Keyhole.

Deck Sizes: WWR. K1. C1. Small ( Riot ). Keyhole

Deck Sizes: Small ( Riot ). Keyhole

Colours: Black. Yellow. Custom*

Colours: Black. Yellow. Custom*

Colours: Black. Yellow. Custom*

Uses: Surf. Freestyle. Whitewater

Uses: Slalom. Downriver. Surf. Freestyle. Whitewater

Uses: Surf. Freestyle. Whitewater

Full Custom Printing and Colours Available

Full Custom Printing and Colours Available

Full Custom Printing and Colours Available

*Set up charge applies. Please ask for a quote.

*Set up charge applies. Please ask for a quote.

*Set up charge applies. Please ask for a quote.

New for 2013. Available Spring

Deck: \77*+%-.&7"&"#9&S#*4673&O9--96.-&H-+,<

New for 2013. Available October

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!2 #

Fabric: Breathable and durable mid weight X3 nylon with 018&5*7-9:9"";2$<&

Construction / Cut: Articulated. Fully taped seams.

!2 #

Neck: Really soft superstretch neoprene cone with AO sealing strap.

Construction / Cut: Articulated with bent elbows. Fully taped seams.


Fabric: Breathable and durable mid weight X3 ripstop nylon 567%&018&5*7-9:9"";2$<&


Construction / Cut: Articulated. Fully taped seams.

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Construction / Cut: \976+#4*7-.& D4--@-D& 567%& :9-& )-27& -4)"5DG& )#8& *2.& knees. Fully taped seams.

Construction / Cut: \976+#4*7-.& D4--@-D& 567%& :9-& )-27& -4)"5DG& )#8& *2.& knees. Fully taped seams.

Fabric: Breathable and durable heavy weight X4 nylon with 30m 5*7-9:9"";2$<& >6:D7":& B"9.#9*& -4)"5DG& D%"#4.-9D& *2.& D:62-<& R-5& and improved tough single layer knees and bum that increase the suit’s breathability.

Fabric: Breathable and durable mid weight X4 ripstop nylon with 30m 5*7-9:9"";2$<&!"#$%&D62$4-&4*3-9&-4)"5DG&,2--D&*2.&)#8&7%*7&62+9-*D-&7%-& suit’s breathability.

Feet: O"#95*3& D79-7+%& NU& )9-*7%*)4-G& 5*7-9:9""C& *2.& .#9*)4-& C#443& 7*:-.& D"+,D&567%&?*74"+,-.&D-*8D< Neck: Latex inner with opening neoprene outer cone. Wrists: Latex inner with opening neoprene outer. Waist: Neoprene AO outer seal with X4 Ripstop nylon inner with elasticated drawcord. Features: (26S#-&:*7-27&:-2.62$&.-D6$2&567%&-*D3&-2793&*2.&-*D3&:--&C#443& waterproof leg entry Tizip system. Stylish and functional mesh drainage D3D7-8&)-75--2&2-+,&D-*4D<&]:76"2&"C&*..62$&%6$%&68:*+7&9-D6D7*27&-4)"5G& shoulder and back pads for extreme creeking action. Double zip trouser pockets.

Feet: O"#95*3& D79-7+%& NU& )9-*7%*)4-G& 5*7-9:9""C& *2.& .#9*)4-& C#443& 7*:-.& D"+,D&567%&?*74"+,-.&D-*8D< Neck: L6:& ":-262$& 567%& D7"5-.& *5*3& N/<A& 96:D7":& 234"2& %"".& "#7-9<& Watertight neoprene AO inner seal. Wrists: Latex inner with opening neoprene outer. Waist: Neoprene AO outer seal with X4 Ripstop nylon inner with elasticated drawcord. Features: (26S#-&:*7-27&:-2.62$&.-D6$2&567%&-*D3&-2793&*2.&-*D3&:--&C#443& waterproof leg entry Tizip system. Double front zip pockets for easy access whilst wearing a PFD. >-?-+76@-& D4--@-& D796:-D<& L6:& :"+,-7& "2& D4--@-<& Double zip trouser pockets. Fully adjustable hood.

Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL

Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL

Colours: Red / Grey

Colours: Blue / Grey

Uses: Freestyle. Whitewater. Creeking

Uses: Touring. Flatwater. Ocean. Instruction

Construction / Cut: Flatlocked seams. Stretch binding around edges. High back cut for seated use. No seams on bum. Fabric: Mixture of 1.5 and 2.5mm neoprene. Features: Thicker / tougher material on back and hips. Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL Colours: Black

!34 5#

Construction / Cut: =6$%&)*+,&;7&C"9&D-*7-.&#D-<&\976+#4*7-.& bum and knees. Fully taped seams.

Fabric: Breathable and durable light weight X2.5 ripstop 234"2&567%&0A8&5*7-9:9"";2$<&!"#$%-9&96:D7":&*2,4-DG&)#8& and knees.

Fabric: Breathable and durable mid weight X2.5 ripstop 234"2& 567%& 0A8& 5*7-9:9"";2$<& !"#$%-9& 96:D7":& )#8& *2.& knees.

Fabric: Breathable and durable mid weight X3 fabric with K18&5*7-9:9"";2$<&=-*@3&5-6$%7&NK&,2--D&*2.&)#8<&

Waist: Flat elastic with elasticated drawcord.

Waist: Neoprene AO seal with Velcro tensioners.

Ankles: L6::-.&$#DD-7&567%&2-":9-2-&*2,4-&D-*4&*2.&Y-4+9"& ?*:<&>-62C"9+-.&*2,4-D&C"9&)6,-&+%*62&:9"7-+76"2<

Ankles: R-":9-2-&622-9&+"2-&D-*4D&567%&\]&"#7-9&Y-4+9"&?*:<&

Features: Two hand zip pockets. >-?-+76@-&4"$"D<

Features: Stylish and grippy Peak UK badges on Velcro tabs.

Feet: O"#95*3& D79-7+%& NU& )9-*7%*)4-G& 5*7-9:9""C& *2.& .#9*)4-&C#443&7*:-.&D"+,D&567%&?*74"+,-.&D-*8D<& Waist: High neoprene with elasticated draw cord and wide elastic shoulder straps. Features: Two hand zip pockets with sewn hole drainage.

Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL

Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL

Colours: Black

Colours: Grey / Black

Colour: Black

Uses: Canoe. Kayak. Bike. Run. Climb. Row. Hike

Uses: Touring. Whitewater. Ocean

Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL

Uses: Touring. Flatwater. Ocean. Whitewater Improved for 2013. Available Now

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!34 5#

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Construction / Cut: Articulated cut with bent knees and bum. Fully taped seams.

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!2 #

Construction / Cut: Articulated cut with bent knees and bum. Fully taped seams.

Construction / Cut: Flatlocked seams. Stretch binding around edges. High back cut for seated use. No seams on bum. Fabric: Mixture of 1.5 and 2.5mm neoprene. Features: !%6+,-9& ^& 7"#$%-9& 8*7-96*4& "2& )*+,G& ,2--D& *2.& hips. Grippy print on bum. Stylish graphics. Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL Colours: Black

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Construction / Cut: Flatlocked seams. Stretch binding around edges. High back cut for seated use. No seams on bum. Fabric: Mixture of 1.5 and 2.5mm neoprene. Features: !%6+,-9& ^& 7"#$%-9& 8*7-96*4& "2& )*+,G& ,2--D& *2.& hips. Grippy print on bum. Stylish graphics. Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL Colours: Black

Construction / Cut: =6$%&;7&C"9&D-*7-.&#D-<&\976+#4*7-.&)#8& and knees. Fully taped seams. Fabric: Breathable and durable mid weight X4 fabric with K18&5*7-9:9"";2$<&!"#$%&D62$4-&4*3-9&,2--D&*2.&)#8&7%*7& enhance the garment’s breathability. Feet: O"#95*3& D79-7+%& NU& )9-*7%*)4-G& 5*7-9:9""C& *2.& .#9*)4-&C#443&7*:-.&D"+,D&567%&?*74"+,-.&D-*8D< Waist: Chest high neoprene inner with wide and stylish Peak UK logo elasticated shoulder straps. Light weight X2.5 outer seal with grippy elastic. Makes a great two piece suit when combined with one of our jackets. Features: Two large hand zip pockets. Easy pee Tizip front ?3< Sizes: S. M. L. XL. XXL Colour: Grey Uses: Touring. Flatwater. Ocean. Whitewater

Fabric: Quick drying peached polyester fabric. Available with "9&567%"#7&*&S#6+,&.9362$&7%-98*4&?--+-&462-9< Waist: Elasticated drawcord waist. Features: Cargo style pocket with gear loop. Tough double D767+%-.&D-*8D<&>-?-+76@-&:962762$< Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL Colours: Black / Blue. Black / Grey Uses: Canoe. Kayak. Bike. Run. Climb. Row. Hike


Construction / Cut: !"#$%&?*74"+,-.&D-*8D<&J79-7+%&)62.62$& around edges. Reinforced bum and knees. Fabric: 3mm neoprene body with 2.5mm high stretch under arm panels and 4mm super tough knees and bum. Features: Single shoulder Velcro entry. Colour coded linings for easy size recognition. Sizes: XXS. XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL Colours: Black / Grey Uses: Centres. Schools. Rafting. Beginners

Sizes: S/M. L/XL. XXL

Detachable sleeve option for the Combi Short jacket. Construction / Cut: Flatlocked seams. Stretch binding *9"#2.&7":&-.$-<&(26S#-&)-27&-4)"5&.-D6$2< Fabric: Titanium lined super stretch 1.5mm neoprene with 2.5mm wrist seals. Sizes: S/M. L/XL. XXL

Colours: Black

Colours: Black

New for 2013. Available Spring

Fabric: Fleece lined super stretch 1.5mm neoprene.

Construction / Cut: Flatlocked seams.

Fabric: B""4&*2.&+"8C3&S#6+,&.9362$&234"2&43+9*<

Fabric: B""4&*2.&+"8C3&S#6+,&.9362$&234"2&43+9*<

Features: Super cool logos. UV50 protection.

Features: Super cool logos. UV50 protection.

Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL

Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL

Colours: Red. White. Blue

Colours: Red. White. Blue

Construction / Cut: !"#$%&?*74"+,-.&D-*8D<&J79-7+%&)62.62$& around edges. Reinforced bum and knees. Fabric: 3mm neoprene body with 2.5mm high stretch under arm panels and 4mm super tough knees and bum. Features: Back zip entry. Colour coded linings for easy size recognition. Sizes: XXS. XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL Colours: Black / Grey Uses: Centres. Schools. Rafting. Beginners

Construction / Cut: O4*74"+,-.& D-*8D<& =6$%& )*+,& ;7<& Articulated bum and knees. Fabric: Z*98&*2.&+"8C3&S#6+,&.9362$&?--+3&43+9*<& Features: Super cool logos. Flat boxer style elasticated waist. Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL Colours: Black Uses: Great base layer for all outdoor sports and cold weather insulation.

Construction / Cut: Flatlocked seams. Stretch binding around edge.

Construction / Cut: Flatlocked seams.

Construction / Cut: Flatlocked seams.

Construction / Cut: Flatlocked seams.

Fabric: Z*98&*2.&+"8C3&S#6+,&.9362$&?--+3&43+9*<

Fabric: Z*98&*2.&+"8C3&S#6+,&.9362$&?--+3&43+9*<

Features: Super cool logos.

Features: Super cool logos.

Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL

Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL

Colours: Black

Colours: Black

Uses: Great base layer for all outdoor sports and cold weather insulation.

Uses: Great base layer for all outdoor sports and cold weather insulation.


Construction / Cut: Blind stitched and latex sealed seams throughout. 11mm shockcord style deck. Lycra binding on all neoprene edges. Fabric: 5mm tough faced neoprene with printed reinforcing on top. Grippy silicone AO print underneath. Features: No seams in the deck section. Extra neoprene dry lip around front and sides of the deck. Body Sizes: XS. S/M. L/XL. XXL Deck Sizes: Keyhole. Bigdeck Colours: Black

Construction / Cut: Double sewn and fully taped seams.

New for 2013. Available Spring

New for 2013. Available Now

Fabric: Durable PVC coated 210d nylon. Features: \._#D7*)4-&+"+,:67&D%"+,+"9.&7"&;7&8"D7&,*3*,D<& Shoulder straps and elasticated drawcord waist.

Construction / Cut: Flatlock stitched seams. Below ankle cut. Fabric: 2.5mm neoprene with AO grippy rubber sole and reinforcements in all the right places. Features: J-+#9-& D79-7+%3& ;7& D79*:& *+9"DD& C""7<& F"5& :9";4-& ;7<&`9-*7&C"9&8".-92&:4*3)"*7D< Sizes: UK 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 Colours: Black

Construction / Cut: Blind stitched and latex sealed seams throughout. Shockcord style deck. Fabric: 4mm tough faced neoprene with latex reinforcing on top.

Construction / Cut: Flatlock stitched seams. Above ankle cut. Fabric: 3.5mm neoprene with AO grippy rubber sole and reinforcements in all the right places. Features: J-+#9-& D79-7+%3& ;7& D79*:& *+9"DD& C""7<& F"5& :9";4-& ;7<&`9-*7&C"9&*44&)"*7D< Sizes: UK 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 Colours: Black

Features: No seams in the deck section.

Body Sizes: One Size

Body Sizes: XS. S/M. L/XL. XXL

Deck Sizes: SK1. MKEY. LBIG. XL

Deck Sizes: Small ( Riot ). Keyhole. Bigdeck. Slalom K1. Slalom C1

Colours: Black

Colours: Black

Construction / Cut: Tough mausered seams.

Construction / Cut: Blind stitched with glued grippy rubber sole.

Fabric: 2.5mm neoprene with super tough textured sole.

Fabric: 4mm neoprene with tough AO rubber sole.

Sizes: XS. S. M. L. XL. XXL

Features: Reinforced heel and toes. Heavy weight plastic zip with webbing reinforced end. Sizes: UK 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12

Colours: Black Construction / Cut: Blind stitched and latex sealed seams throughout. 10mm shockcord style deck with nylon body tube. Fabric: 4mm tough faced neoprene with latex reinforcing on top. Breathable X2.5 ripstop nylon body tube. Features: No seams in the deck section. Front mesh zip pocket. Elasticated shoulder straps and drawcord waist. Body Sizes: One Size Deck Sizes: Keyhole. Bigdeck Colours: Black / Grey

Construction / Cut: Blind stitched and latex sealed seams throughout. 10mm shockcord style deck.

Colours: Black Uses: Centres. Schools. Rafting. Individuals New for 2013. Available Spring

Fabric: 4mm tough faced neoprene with latex reinforcing on top and underneath. Features: No seams in the deck section. Very durable 4mm neoprene. Shockcord gear / map holder. Body Sizes: S/M. L/XL. XXL. Deck Sizes: Composite. Keyhole. Bigdeck Colours: Black


Construction / Cut: Flatlocked seams. Stretch lycra binding *9"#2.&-.$-D<&F"5&:9";4-&;7<

Construction / Cut: Blind stitched seams. Stretch lycra binding around wrist.

Fabric: 0<A88&?--+-&462-.&2-":9-2-<

Fabric: 2mm superstretch neoprene.

Features: Velcro opening for paddle shaft. “Bite Me” tab for easy pulling on!!

Features: Grippy AO print on palms.

Sizes: ]2-&D6I-&;7D&*44<

Sizes: XS. S/M. L/XL. XXL

Colours: Black with the Peak UK logo.

Colours: Black with the Peak UK logo.

Construction / Cut: Blind stitched seams. Stretch lycra binding around wrist. Fabric: 2mm superstretch neoprene. Features: `96::3&\]&:9627&"2&;2$-976:D< Sizes: XS. S/M. L/XL. XXL Colours: Black with the Peak UK logo.

Construction / Cut: Fully taped seams. Fabric: Breathable X2.5 mid weight nylon fabric with 10m 5*7-9:9"";2$< Features: Velcro enclosure with neoprene grippers for D2#$& *2.& 5*7-9& 76$%7& ;7762$& 7"& 3"#9& :*..4-<& Z6.-& ":-262$& easy entry access with elasticated drawcord bite tags for D2#$2-DD<&>-?-+76@-&4"$"D&*2.&:6:62$< Sizes: One Size Colours: Black with the Peak UK logo.

B-& *::9"@-.<& ]E-9D& -M+-44-27& %-*.& :9"7-+76"2<& !"#$%& Ralvek® thermo plastic shell. High impact EVA foam inner 567%&+#D7"8&;7&:*.D&*2.&9-*9&*._#D7*)4-&+9*.4-<

B-&*::9"@-.<&]E-9D&-M+-44-27&%-*.&:9"7-+76"2&567%&-*9&:9"7-+76"2a&@-9D6"2D<&bY\&C"*8&622-9&567%&+#D7"8&;7&:*.D&*2.& rear adjustable cradle.



Colours: Red. Yellow. Matt Black

Colours: White. Red. Yellow

B-&*::9"@-.<&]E-9D&-M+-44-27&%-*.&:9"7-+76"2<&!"#$%& Ralvek® thermo plastic shell. High impact EVA foam inner with rear adjustable cradle and removable pad kit. Sizes marked clearly on the back of each helmet for speedy client handing out.

Ce Approved. Super stylish and protective design. Features 4*9$-&:-*,&7"&,--:&7%-&D#2&"E&3"#9&C*+-<&B"2D79#+7-.&C9"8& %6$%&68:*+7&>*4@-,c&7%-98":4*D76+&C"9&*&D76E-9G&D*C-9&D%-44<& =6$%&68:*+7&bY\&C"*8&622-9&567%&+#D7"8&;7&:*.D&*2.&9-*9& adjustable cradle.

B-& ^& TBO& \::9"@-.& 4"5& :9";4-& D%-44& .-D6$2<& B"2D79#+7-.& C9"8& %6$%& 68:*+7& >*4@-,c& 7%-98":4*D76+& C"9& *& D76E-9G& D*C-9& D%-44<& !":& $9*.-& +4"D-.& +-44& bY\& C"*8& 462-9<& H-7*+%*)4-& ;7& :*.D& $6@-& 3"#& *& D#:-9& +"8C"97*)4-& +#D7"8& ;7& 567%"#7& *)sorbing moisture.

Sizes: XS ( smaller shell size ). S/M. L/XL



Colours: White

Colours: Carbon. Silver. Red. White

Colours: White Black. Red


Compliments our throw line range. Quick release belt for those who need their bag close to hand.

50mm / 2in rescue harness. Includes non D46:&D7*624-DD&D7--4&:4*7-&*2.&S#6+,&9-4-*D-& cam buckle.

Elasticated. Tough Stainless Steel ring.



!":& S#*4673& ,*3*,62$& ,*9*)62-9<& Z6.-& gate wire opening with 6kN strength that ;7D& "@-9& *& :*..4-& D%*C7<& d--7D& Bb10/1& standards. Easily spotted red anodized *4#8626#8&;26D%<

(26S#-& )#44& 962$& .-D6$2& 7%9"5462-& 567%& C#44& 4-2$7%& webbing reinforcing. The bull bag has a marine grade stainless steel ring that’s easy to tie and clip into. Made from a tough ripstop Cordura and nylon shell 567%& *& )#"3*27& C"*8& 62D-97& *2.& S#6+,& .9*6262$& *2.& .9362$& 9#))-9& 8-D%& )*D-<& B"27*62D& *& W88& ?"*762$& polypropylene rope with > 500kg breaking strength. Optional Dyneema / Polypropylene 9mm rope upgrade is available with >1500kg breaking strength. !%-&)#44&)*$&*4D"&C-*7#9-D&*&9-?-+76@-&D796:-&C"9&26$%7& #D-G&D76E-2-.&56.-&":-262$G&*2&-*D3&":-2&+"9.&4"+,G& a handle to aid packing and webbing loops for our Guide Belt. Sizes: 15M. 20M. 25M. Colours: Red with bright yellow rope New for 2013. Available Spring

Tough welded nylon PVC split stern air bags for use in most modern whitewater kayaks with centre buoyancy. Eyelets ;77-.&C"9&D-+#9673<

Huge 1m x .75m kit bag. Tough PVC +"*7-.& 234"2<& J79"2$& +*993& %*2.4-DG& O#443& taped seams. Drawcord opening. Keeps the car tidy and dry.

Sizes: ]2-&D6I-&;7D&8"D7

Colours: Black. Red

Colours: Blue

T":& S#*4673& *2.& .#9*)4-& .93& )*$D& manufactured from super tough and supple PU coated nylon. Bomb proof taped seams. Watertight fold down velcro and buckle closure. Red colour for hi visibility. Handle on base to aid unpacking. Sizes: S: 5L. M: 12L. L: 20L. XL: 30L Colours: Red

50cm x 50cm x 8cm High density impact C"*8<& '-9C-+7& C"9& "#7;7762$& )"*7D& *2.& capable of producing over 20 foamy boaters..

Tough Peak UK webbing straps. Non slip steel cam buckles with neoprene pads to protect your precious car / kayaks!!! Cunning little elastic strap to keep everything wound up too!!! Sizes: 3m 9ft. 5m 16ft Colours: Grey / Black

Tough ripstop Cordura / Nylon shell with )#"3*27& C"*8& 62D-97& *2.& S#6+,& .9*6262$& f& .9362$& 8-D%& )*D-<& !"#$%& ?"*762$& :"43:9":34-2-& 9":-<& >-?-+76@-& D796:-& C"9& emergency services night use. Webbing loops for guide belt. Strong plastic handle. Sizes: 25M 80ft Colours: Red with bright orange rope.

Set of 5 high impact pads for creek boating. To be used with our Creek Jacket or One Piece Suit. Flexible motor cycle D7*2.*9.&-4)"5G&D%"#4.-9&*2.&D:62-&:*.D& that velcro into position.


High visibility red rubber handled river knife. 12cm / 4.5in locking stainless steel serrated blade. Cord attached for easy clipping into any pfd pocket. A must for any river paddler.

Waist mounted Ripstop Cordura bum )*$& 567%& 9#))-9& 8-D%& S#6+,& .9*6262$& )*D-& *2.& 9-?-+76@-& D796:-<& Q88& ?"*762$& '"43:9":34-2-&9":-&567%&+46:&?"*7<&O-*7#9-D& elasticated shock cord dampener to make 7"562$&D8""7%&*2.&+"8C3<&\44&;7762$D&*9-& made from marine grade 316 Stainless J7--4& 62+4#.62$& 5*6D7& *2+%"9& H& 962$G& 9":-& length clip and boat clip. 15m version is ideal for the ocean and can also be deck mounted if preferred.

e0A11,$&)9-*,62$&D79-2$7%&?"*762$&:"43:9":34-2-& rope upgrade. Sizes: 9mm x 26m Colours: Yellow New for 2013. Available Spring

Sizes: 5M. 15M Colours: Red



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Peak UK$2&3&45-.$6+$7'8 PQK HQ Old Road Darley Dale Derbyshire DE4 2ER. UK 1I( (44) 01629 732611 9I (44) 01629 735764 ?I /I(


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