FLUID KAYAKS - Catalogue 2011

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Paul Villecourt / outdoor-reporter.com

even years ago we launched our Sseries; first kayaks, the Flirt playboat a humble beginning to a great

story of perseverance and success. Fluid Kayaks, the brainchild of Celliers Kruger, has grown from being the new kid on the block to a well respected member of the international kayaking community. Our reputation for high performance designs and solid quality is a testimony to the passion that fuels our development and manufacturing processes. Fluid is as grass-roots as you can get: kayakers building kayaks for kayakers. Our mission is to make kayaking more accessible, more fun, more safe, more rewarding. Our aim is to produce kayaks that you can be proud of. Our hope is that you will give our kayaks a try.

Action hero: Hendri Coetzee

Despite all our triumphs, 2010 was also a tragic year for us, with the death of close friend and great team paddler Hendri Coetzee on the Lukuga River in the DRC. Hendri was the ultimate paddler, doing the hardest runs imaginable in the most hostile environments, very often solo. Hendri was known for his personal motto which he lived by: “HAVE THE BEST DAY EVER!” We honour Hendri by adopting his personal motto as Fluid’s new slogan.

e erformanc p h ig h a esis is better and “The Nem s e v r a c It ine. unce than play mach o b d e ll o contr lass.” has more oat in its c b y la p r e any oth

n Leif Anderso Air screwer: ann er: Ben Neum Photograph

ia Stelzig

pher: Mar

. Photogra

s Leppänen

Marku Pan Am’er:

, the volperformance ve a w rb e p ops the su ching huge lo n u la n addition to r fo ct e n is perf wheeling. ume distributio asy cartwheeling and split bling e while still ena emesis e tested the N ’v e w t u b l, fu es up mouth the design liv re su This is quite a ke a m s for the big oroughly to sting ground prototypes th te in a rs, m e h T and Nile rive ations. zi e b m a Z e th to our expect s of s on were the wave en put through their pace volume play e b o ls aves. types have a even ocean w d n a s le o but the proto h ig small holes, b comsmall waves, release edge / il ra g in rv tive ca surfing and highly innova th ride when o o sm The unique, ly e m considerres an extre ngly forgiving si ri rp su bination ensu is it aves, where spinning on w the hull. rformance of e p h ig h e th ing

Maria Stelzi

Small ’11” 181 cm / 5 .5” 60 cm / 23 Width 44 gal 165 litres / e m Volu 9 lbs 13.5 kg / 2 5” ht g ei W 19.25”x34.2 49x87 cm / Cockpit size 90-155 lbs 40-70 kg / e ng ra ht Paddler weig

s Leppänen.

er Photograph



r:: Marku ean air blunte

Super looper: David Arnaud. Photographer: Val Grollemund



Maria Stelz

ig. Photogra ph

er: Markus



omposite) Medium (C ’1” 187 cm / 6 .5” 65 cm / 25 53 gal 200 litres / lbs) s (12 kg / 26 15 kg / 33 lb 5” 19.25”x34.2 49x87 cm / s 140-210 lb 65-95 kg /

Large ’5” 195 cm / 6 .25” 67 cm / 26 58 gal 220 litres / lbs 16 kg / 35 5” 19.25”x34.2 49x87 cm / s / 180-250 lb 85-115 kg

tty yak. A pre a fk r u s a is ent is e Element “The Elem h T . y ll a tu e, ac citing new unique on x e n a f o t fron ne.” at the fore yaking sce a k e th in ent developm

vid Arnaud Grinder: Da cher er: Mick Fla Photograph

k Flacher

pher: Mic

. Photogra

id Arnaud

Pilot: Dav

n you er carve tha tt e b d n a d e er spe at. Imagine magine high your playbo in ger e c n e ri e to throw big e rv a c will ever exp rd a h h speed and ever did using that hig e wave moves than you eestyl bout. and faster fr ment is all a le E e th t a h sw before. That’ surfkayak, a traditional n a th r e rt o t of extra is sh t gaining a lo u b The Element d e e sp f es is little bit o tional chang c e ir d giving up a k ic u q ey in ility. Super gth is also k n le r e rt o manoeuvrab sh he the game. T the name of possible. ve o style m s e e fr ig b g in mak ot holes. for waves, n d e n g si e d works e Element is The Element s. ve a w n Naturally, th a e c d big ones. onfined to o oth small an But it is not c b s, ve a w r on rive equally well

Bakker rapher: Emily cher. Photog chie Carra Flipturner: La

Carver: David Arnaud. Photographer: Mick Flacher

Beach walke

r: Marcel Bi

eg. Photog raph

er: David Ch



ELEMENT Length Width Volume Weight Cockpit size ht Paddler weig

lastic Medium P ’7” 202 cm / 6 .25” 64 cm / 25 54 gal 205 litres / lbs 15 kg / 33 4.25” / 19.25” x 3 49 x 87 cm 0-210 lbs - 95 kg / 14 5 6 e ng ra

omposite Medium C ’7” 202 cm / 6 .25” 64 cm / 25 54 gal 205 litres / 7 lbs 12.5 kg / 2 4.25” / 19.25” x 3 49 x 87 cm lbs / 140 - 210 65 - 95 kg

posite Large Com ’3” 223 cm / 7 .5” 65 cm / 25 60.5 gal 230 litres / 8 lbs 14.5 kg / 2 5” 19.25”x34.2 49x87 cm / s / 150-240 lb 70-110 kg

ler: D

ives oat that g b a t n a w g “If you ithout bein w e id r d n you a fu need to ad u o y l, ta n e temperam fe.” e to your li some Spic

llock : Andrew Po Surfer dude Kruger er: Celliers Photograph

Hand padd


: Luke Long


nbach. Ph eon Breyte

iar runs u on unfamil yo f o re a c l take e run that he Spice wil waves on th rf su to u yo and enable catch. rs can’t even le d d a p r e th o very h means it is ic h w , ll u h rt ed with ven Fli boat combin e th f It has the pro o th g n d ves. The le on waves an th o b , st fa loose on wa it s rocker make gradual kick downriver. will find weight range e th f o d n e on the the upper hile paddlers w r, e n n u Paddlers on rr ve boat ice playful ri ct a forgiving e xp e n a c the Spice a n e rang ase. For f the weight rapids with e x le p m lower end o o c n to the w them to ru troduce them in to t a o b that will allo t c e is is the perf beginners, th pids and surfing waves. g ra art of runnin

Photograph er

: Ross O’D



Waterman: Adrian Tregoning. Photographer: Luke Longridge

lliers Kruger

ographer: Ce

oghue. Phot

O’Don Blunter: Ross

SPICE Length

s kayak) Small (kid ’10” 208 cm / 6 .5” 60 cm / 23 46 gal 175 litres / lbs 13 kg / 28 ” / 18”x31.50 45.5x79.5 cm s / 65-130 lb e 30-60 kg

Width Volume Weight Cockpit size ht rang Paddler weig

Medium ’2” 219 cm / 7 .75” 63 cm / 24 53 gal 200 litres / 6 lbs 16.5 kg / 3 5” 19.25”x34.2 49x87 cm / s / 130-220 lb 60-100 kg

Large ’5” 228 cm / 7 ” 69 cm / 27

60 gal 230 litres / 8 lbs 17.5 kg / 3 5” 19.25”x34.2 49x87 cm / s / 155-240 lb 70-110 kg


llock. Phot

drew Po Boofer: An

Shane Raw

ich, olume, wh v le p m a ed decks, “There is k a e p e th with cing combined ble resurfa a ll o tr n o c ensures ing drops.” n n u r n e h w

. Wet Michau Boofer: De eytenbach er: Deon Br Photograph

w it h a c re e k b o a t a t n a w o wh o w a n t to o r k a y a k e rs a y a k e rs w h k r fo ; ll u h fo r k a yp la y b o a t way down; e th n o y la nd p le a rn to ru n ri v e rs a e a sy b o a t to n a t n a w tt e r- su it e d a k e rs w h o r been a be e v e n s a h re k a y a k - th e th e D e to x. n k a y a k th a o f th e a v a ri a ti o n s te ra o rp o in g h u ll in c T h e D e to x su p e r fo rg iv h it w m e st c re a te a n il sy k ro c k e r to N e m e si s ra ic k s nd, u ro e n on comma nd ge a fs s o ll o a b w It e d . si ri d e st-m a k e t v e ry st a b le c a tc h e s m u , rm a e xc it in g b u h c a t, ru n s w a v e s li k e a c re e k b o a e k li s k e su rf s g re e n re c n you e a se , ru n s a t m o re c a h h it W w t. s a ie o d b d y e p la ru n s li k e a b ig v o lu m e a sk fo r?

ographer: Na derson. Phot An Blunter: Leif

Ramper: Shane Raw. Photographer: Richard Hamman

talie Kramer

Smoker: Ph

il Solomon

. Photograph

er: Celliers



Small ’1” 215 cm / 7 .5” 62 cm / 24 Width 52 gal 235 Litres / e m Volu lbs 18 kg / 39 5” ht g ei W 19.25”x34.2 49x87 cm / Cockpit size 110-190lbs 50-85 kg / e ng ra ht Paddler weig

DETOX Length

Medium ’6” 230 cm / 7 .25” 64 cm / 25 66 gal 250 Litres / lbs 19 kg / 42 5” 19.25”x34.2 49x87 cm / s 130-210 lb 60-95 kg /

Large ” 245 cm / 8 ” 66 cm / 26

71gal 270 Litres / lbs 20 kg / 44 5” 19.25”x34.2 49x87 cm / s / 180-250 lb 70-115 kg

Kellett. e: Andrew


er: Adrian



ssic ecame a cla period b s ie r e s rt “The Solo latively sho ark e r e th in t nchm creekboa , and a be n o ti p e c .” in since its creekboats e c n a m r rfo for high pe

Kellett Pilot: Andrew on er: Kate Walt Photograph

the You do it in s. p e e st e out n th trust. You sc n ou like to ru a c u yo s f friend get in your company o t when you u B . ty fe sa n line, t up r the horizo fo the lines, se im a to y the edd boat, leave . y going Solo you’re reall well orm equally rf e p to it s are of you esign enable It will take c s. Its unique d n ru e m loaded big volu d also when n a s k on low and e re c l d technica on steep an s. y expedition for multi- da s, with soft cement hull la p is d i m rvative pad ature se most conse e th The Solos fe e n ’r e y v e e is what th s to keep and speed enough rail ss e n e v si n o Resp dler happy. made for.

er Celliers Krug otographer ew Kellett. Ph Aviator: Andr

Fearless man: Lachie Carracher. Photographer: Sean Boz

Cool guys: Andrew Kelle tt and Hugh du

Preez. Photog rapher: Cellie rs Kruger


SOLO Length Width Volume Weight Cockpit size ht range Paddler weig

Small ’3” 222 cm / 7 .25” 64 cm / 25 65 gal 245 litres / lbs 19 kg / 42 4.25” / 19.25” x 3 49 x 87 cm lbs / 100 - 210 45 - 95 kg

Medium ’7” 233 cm / 7 .25” 64 cm / 25 70 gal 260 litres / lbs 20 kg / 44 4.25” / 19.25” x 3 49 x 87 cm lbs / 120 - 240 55 - 110 kg

edition Large/Exp ’0” 245 cm / 8 .5” 65 cm / 25 75 gal 280 litres / 6 lbs (L) 21 kg / 4 / 47 lbs (E) 21.5 kg 5” 19.25”x34.2 49x87 cm / lbs / 140 - 275 65 - 125 kg

iday al for mult e id is g n a akers “The Big B lso for kay a d n a s n fort expeditio ed and com e p s a tr x e wanting oat.” in a creekb

rs Kruger Flyer: Cellie Kellett er: Andrew Photograph

er Celliers Krug otographer: d David. Ph Will, Hugh an s: ur se ois Sushi conn

kboat / lutionary cree vo e r u o is g n class 5 he Big Ba le of handing b a p ca k ya eed for expedition ka ving ample sp a h e tim e m ded the sa ace for exten sp g creeks yet at in ck a p h nd enoug long hauls a wild. periods in the edition successful Exp ly h ig h r u o for running is based on ptional boat e The Big Bang xc e n a e b roved to ry of a hatch Solo, which p ving the luxu a h o ls id we a ile h w ltiday trips. D u m n o the hard stuff g in ut? Yes and t for easy pack stretched it o st compartmen ju d n a t p e also lo conce n of it, but w io rs ve r take the E So e st ng fa d a longer, n. The Big Ba no. We create ucial features of the desig still highly e cr er length. It is g n changed som lo e ss, th ite ing desp man’s busine is super forgiv unches big holes like no n a e d le, p as the volum h d n a t, manoeuvrab a o b uch shorter ll times. boofs like a m it on top at a p e ke to s ck peaked de em of ed hatch syst st te d n a d ie rea is features the tr . The knee a g d n a e a h B lk ig u B b e m h a T lers. a sealed off fo accommodate big padd ith w lo o S E the wide to s that lso relatively ter line mean a w d e d raised and a n e xt rally me and an e uise. It is natu cr a g n a B Copious volu ig B rs will find the heavy paddle . o to roll to an easy boat


Hugh du Pr ee

z. Photogra ph

er: Celliers



du Preez. Ph Boofer: Hugh

Photographer: Will Clark


Celliers Krug


BIG BANG Length Width Volume Weight Cockpit size ht range Paddler weig

’10” 270 cm / 8 .5” 65 cm / 25 82 gal 310 litres / 9 lbs 22.5 kg / 4 5” 19.25”x34.2 49x87 cm / lbs / 155-300 70-135 kg

is he Vuvubat lo o p ic st a pla ers v li e d t a kayak th ance high perform le, ab in an afford ctible ru st e almost ind Vuvubat e h T package. h full ICF complies wit d can be an regulations nctioned sa used in ICF mpetitions. o c kayak polo is the ideal Kayak polo t It is a fun ye club activity. rt o owly growetitive sp , and it is sl e p ro highly comp u E in om be stablished too. Apart fr a c ri e m that is well e A h who larity in Nort cluding those in , rs le d d ing in popu a p is rcise for all hest level, it ing great exe t competing at the hig . bou dling skills don’t care a en boat han rp a sh to y a tw also a grea perfect bat makes it vu u V e th f o kers. onstruction te polo kaya The tough c ia d e rm te in to for beginner d foam at, integrate se le b a st ju d races. lude an a Features inc easiliy adjustable footb d bumpers an

omplies he Donsa c with full ICF and can be regulations sanctioned used in ICF petitions. slalom com


VUVUBAT Length Width Volume Weight Cockpit size ht range Paddler weig

Medium ” 299cm / 9’9 5” 59cm / 23.2 183

al litres / 48 g

lbs 14.5kg / 32 5” 32.75”x18.7 48x83 cm / 20-210 lbs 60-95kg / 1


DONSA Length Width Volume Weight Cockpit size ht range Paddler weig

Medium 1’6” 353 cm / 1 .5” 60 cm / 23 53 gal 200 litres / 4 lbs 15.5 kg / 3 5” 17.75”x30.7 45x78 cm / 10-200 lbs 50-90 kg/ 1

ht heavier weig ’s sa n o D e h T ke you won’t ta means that e mpics, but th it to the Oly es ruction mak tough const to r beginner it perfect fo kers slalom kaya ayakers who ed slalom k intermediate c n from e ri e xp E posite craft lubs. c m o m c lo e a v sl si n d e an exp nd re their more ky slalom courses will fi want to spa c ro training on abuse when ative. happy altern a sa n o D e th paddlers k for slalom ya a k a st ju t in slalom is no t interested o The Donsa n lay, re a o h downriver p kers w r ya fo a k K . ya h a k g u st tho a fa s in rapids but who like ith new line w t n e competition m ri e can want to exp ing rapids, n n ru f o y or who just a tw ect e a differen It is the perf c n y. e it ri il e g a xp e ’s r o onsa use of the D ents. make good a tt ing a inm c ti c ra p r fo kayak

luid Kayaks’ headquarters is on the F banks of South Africa’s second largest river, the Vaal. Our African roots are strong but we spread our branches wide. Fluid is well established in Europe with our distributor - RokxAT - based in Rotterdam and dealers in almost all countries. North America saw the formation of a new distribution company in 2010, Fluid Kayaks North America. We’ve walked a long road with our distributors in Australia, New Zealand and Japan, as well as some countries in Africa such as Uganda, Kenya and Zambia. What this means to you, the paddler, is that you have access to our amazing kayaks wherever you are. A phone call or email will put you in touch with your nearest dealer, where you can try out our different models and sizes. Our distributors keep stock at all times, so you can have peace of mind that customer service will be prompt and efficient. Our team paddlers can often be found in remote corners of the globe, searching for the best whitewater and having their best days ever. But they also spend time on the popular rivers, teaching other paddlers and spreading the good word. If you happen to meet one of them at your local run or playspot, make sure to say hi and get a few tips.

Photographer: Andrew Kellett

Photographer: Leif Anderson

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