For quite some time, the Province of Rimini placed the promotion and valorization of environment and landscape at the heart of territorial policies. The admirable intention was not only to leave to future generations a portion of the territory as much preserved and refund as possible, but also to propose to local communities economic incentives based on the humans’ recovery of identity and identification with the territory from which they came and belong to. The CONCA PROJECT, developed after years of commitment and work of both technicians and administrators with the active involvement of citizens, consists of a unitary project for the valley, made of concrete actions (the GAV - Main Green Ring - system of greenways), integrated managerial proposals (the Protected Landscape of the Conca River), good practices shared for a consistent territorial transformation (the guidelines notebook), the engagement of local stakeholders (from art workshops to the maintenance of the area) and of events (the festival “A passo d’uomo” - “At a walking pace”). A project which is able to make the territory attractive because of its identity and recognizability.
The days of 7th and 8th will be dedicated to tours and trips and the morning of the 9th to a technical meeting and possibly a related visits. Please bring with you comfortable clothes, shoes and equipment to protect yourself from the sun, because we’ll participate in some trips on the mountains (don’t worry, nothing really extreme!).
Friday 6th September 2013 | evening 20.45-21.00
Meeting point at RIMINI TRAIN STATION A navette will pick us up at the main square just in front of the station and drive us to the hotel. Our guide, Laura Conti, will be waiting for us with the navette. There will be no dinner served at the hotel, so please take care of that before the departure.
Approximate arrival at HOTEL PALAZZO VIVIANI in Castello di Montegridolfo
European Union European Regional Development Fund Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund
Made possible by the INTERREG IVC Programme
Green Infrastructure Network Project
Direzione Generale Programmazione Territoriale e Negoziata, Intese. Relazioni Europee e Relazioni Internazionali
Saturday 7th September 2013 07.30
Meeting point at HOTEL PALAZZO VIVIANI: a navette will pick us up and drive us to Albereto
Meeting point and registration in Albereto by the parking area near the city centre
HIKE: “CAMMINANDO TRA LE ERBE E I CAMPI / HIKING BETWEEN ERBS AND FIELDS” Along a track that starts from the Albereto Castle, among panoramic views, fields, olive tree groves and badlands, we’ll be fascinated by field erbs, learning how to classify them. The Albereto Castle overlooks a small ridge and recalls, with its name, the vegetation that covers the slope towards Marano. A path with medium difficulties, short sections with moderate height differences and a 6km lenght. The track, not included in the network of protected areas, offers the most beautiful panoramas and perspectives on the valley. Monumental centuries-old trees are standing along the track, protected by the Emilia-Romagna region. By: Adriana Ugolini - environmental expert / Guide: Angelo Colangelo - Cavalieri del mare
Refreshments by Ristorante Osteria dei Semplici A navette will pick us up here and drive us to the restaurant
Luch at Ristorante Veglie in Volo in Morciano di Romagna
Visit to photo exhibition “SGUARDI SUL PAESAGGIO / LOOKS AT THE LANDSCAPE”, the results of the photography workshop dedicated to the Conca Valley by the well-known photographer Guido Guidi with the partecipation of twelve photographers from all over Italy
Return to the hotel / Time for relax and leisure
Meeting point and registration in MONTEGRIDOLFO HISTORICAL CENTRE
HIKE-PERFORMANCE: “PASSO A DUE, VEDERE CON IL CORPO / PAS DE DEUX, SEEING WITH THE BODY” Original production by “A passo d’uomo” with “Italian Union of the Blind” and “Hope for dance”. Opened to sighed and blind persons, the sensory hike will be in the dark, with all participants blindfolded. The hike-performance will simulate the life of village inhabitants, forced to escape during the II World War bombings and take refuge in the forests and tuff-stone caves. The hike will take place around the fields, the stream and the historical village. It is conceived as an experimental laboratory to make the hike tracks accessible to persons with reduced mobility and low vision. The hike is designed for 10 blindfolded participants, each accompanied by a guide. The director, Sandra Holtzappel, will provide for instructions to guide the participants during the performance. Whenever a participant won’t feel at ease, it will be possible to remove the bandage and procede with the hike, following the group and walking at the end of the line. Narrator: Alessia Canducci / Musics and sounds: Fabio Mina / with the participation of lab students Guide: Imara Castaldi - Cai Rimini and Francesco Amadori - Giacche Verdi
Refreshments by Ristorante Ripabottina From here, we will walk to the hotel to get ready for dinner
Meeting point at HOTEL PALAZZO VIVIANI: a navette will pick us up and drive us at to the restaurant
Dinner at Ristorante il Mulino in Misano Adriatico
European Union European Regional Development Fund Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund
Made possible by the INTERREG IVC Programme
Green Infrastructure Network Project
Direzione Generale Programmazione Territoriale e Negoziata, Intese. Relazioni Europee e Relazioni Internazionali
Sunday 8th September 2013 08.30
Meeting point at HOTEL PALAZZO VIVIANI: a navette will pick us up and drive us to Mondaino
Meeting point and registration in Mondaino by the main square
HIKE: “LE SELVE DEL RIO MONTEPIETRINO / THE WOODS OF THE MONTEPIETRINO STREAM” A hike through the wild woodlands along the stream. During the hike the participants will have to overstep trunks and trees and to cross the river stream, with a guided tour of an ex-refuge cut into the tuff-stone. Abilities to walk on mixed grounds and surfaces are required, as well as suitable clothes, long trousers and trekking shoes. This is one of the most natural and beautiful track of the Conca Valley and, besides it’s mixed soil, many amateurs of different ages (15-80) where able to walk through the trail controlling the group speed. It is a very stimulating hike, historically part of the CAI network. After the establishment of the Conca Valley as a “paesaggio naturale e seminaturale protetto / a light conservation area” the Province of Rimini decided to foster its re-naturalization, reducing maintenance to the bare minimum. Along the trail there will be numerous animals’ tracks. Guide: Alfredo Galeazzi - Associazione Tartufai Terre delle Piante Superiori At the end of the forest, a navette will pick our group up, to avoid the last complex walk uphill, and drive us to the restaurant.
Refreshments by Al chiar di luna Saludecio restaurant / Luch at Ristorante San Tiador in Mondaino
Return to the hotel / Time for relax and leisure We won’t be back to the hotel before dinner, so we suggest to change your clothes and bring an extra t-shirt with you.
Meeting point at HOTEL PALAZZO VIVIANI: a navette will pick us up and drive us to Marazzano
Meeting point and registration in Marazzano by Ponte di Taverna
HIKE-PERFORMANCE: “L’ADORAZIONE, IL CANTO DEI CORPI / THE WORKSHIP, THE BODIES’ SONG” A production by “Movimento Centrale” in collaboration with “A passo d’uomo”. A work-in-progress itinerary designed by Jean-Luc Nancy. The project started while meeting Roberto Borghesi, the Italian translator of the book “L’Adoration” by JeanLuc Nancy, with the intention to create a sound and video installation where the observer would abandon his confortable and safe position as audience to play an active role on scene. The result is a mental and body action, a passage, an unusual circular way. The show will take place along a track without height differences, starting by the stream and flowing into a small valley where the final performance will be played at sunset. The area is enclosed in the “paesaggio naturale e seminaturale protetto / a light conservation area” of the Conca Valley where the Province of Rimini supported interventions of reforestation and soil bioengineering. With: Franco Pozzi / Art installation: Emiliano Visconti / Guide: Cai Rimini
Refreshments by Locanda Onferno
Free time to visit the village of ONFERNO, the Castle or the Museo delle Grotte / Caves Museum
Dinner at Ristorante La locanda in Onferno. After dinner, by the Castle, a concert by “silver comb” will close the festival
A navette will pick us up and drive us back to the hotel
European Union European Regional Development Fund Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund
Made possible by the INTERREG IVC Programme
Green Infrastructure Network Project
Direzione Generale Programmazione Territoriale e Negoziata, Intese. Relazioni Europee e Relazioni Internazionali
Monday 9th September 2013 08.30
Meeting point at HOTEL PALAZZO VIVIANI Group presentation, introduction and daily agenda The day will begin with a brief illustration of the CONCA PROJECT, followed by a GUIDED TOUR OF DIFFERENT CONSTRUCTION SITES AND TRACKS directly or indirectly derived from the Conca Project or the Conca PNSP (paesaggio naturale e seminaturale protetto / a light conservation area). Along the Conca river we will stop several times: • by the upper and medium section of the river, along a track which was recently restored by the Province of Rimini with the contribution of the Emilia-Romagna region within the PNSP funding. Here will take place a presentation about the new project for signage and the ongoing actions to implement ecological corridors and water basins for the protection of wildlife; • by the medium section of the river, by the ongoing construction sites where the Province of Rimini designed a new track under the supervision of the Municipality of San Giovanni in Marignano within the ERDF funding; • by the lower section of the river, at the mouth of the stream, along a track supervised and managed by the Province of Rimini and the Municipalities of Misano and Cattolica within the GIZC funding (Gestione Integrata delle Zone Costiere / Integrated coastal zone management). Furtheremore, we will stop: • by the woodlands and tracks in Mondaino, managed by the Associazione Tartufai (Truffle-diggers Association); • by the tracks classified by CAI (Club Alpino Italiano / Italian Alpine Club)
Will attend the meeting: Muncipality of Misano Adriatico / Mayor and technicians Province of Rimini / directors of the Departments of Urban Planning, Forest and/or Environment Province of Rimini / freelance and designers who worked at the Conca Project and the PNSP construction sites President of CAI / Club Alpino Italiano / Italian Alpine Club President of Associazione Tartufai / Truffle-diggers Association There will be a coffee-break in the morning and lunch-break at the end of the meeting.
Departure for Rimini train station / city centre from Morciano di Romagna
Approximate arrival at RIMINI TRAIN STATION
The Emilia-Romagna Region - DG Programmazione Territoriale e Negoziata, Intese. Relazioni Europee e Relazioni Internazionali - Servizio Pianificazione urbanistica, Paesaggio e Uso Sostenibile del Territorio would like to thank Ghajnsielem Municipality, Plovdiv Regional Development Agency and Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency for their participation to the events.
European Union European Regional Development Fund Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund
Made possible by the INTERREG IVC Programme
Green Infrastructure Network Project
Direzione Generale Programmazione Territoriale e Negoziata, Intese. Relazioni Europee e Relazioni Internazionali