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South GeorGia

Continued from page 5 some hiccups and trials, but we used each of them as a stepping stone to make the next activity better and more complex. The challenge was definitely worth the journey.”

Through the years, Martin’s sphere of influence has grown. She earned the 2019 Georgia Educational Technology Conference Rising Star Award and was named Media Specialist of the Year for the South Central District of Georgia (2016). She has also served as a board director for the Georgia Middle School Association and has been a regular presenter at the Georgia Middle School Conference. Teaching Is a Marathon As 2020-2021 PAGE president, Martin hopes to “rejuvenate teachers who are downtrodden and invigorate them to continue in our common quest for better education, safer spaces and emotional support for our students.” Rather than viewing educators as ‘in the trenches’ or ‘on the front line’ she likes to think about it as a marathon. “We sometimes have to break stride and walk; we sometimes need to be replenished; we sometimes run or walk on bumpy, wet, muddy or slick surfaces; but mainly what we need to focus on is that we always have each other cheering, holding us up and reminding us of the goal when times get tough. The race may sometimes wear you down, but the finish is worth it.”

Martin, mom to 3-year-old daughter Mary Elizabeth, is a 2002 graduate of Valdosta State University. She attained a master’s of education from Troy University in 2004 and, in 2013, completed an educational specialist degree in instructional technology with media certification at Valdosta State. n

To view the portfolio of Lowndes District student work, visit: https://bit.ly/3hbWLlF

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OFFICERS President: Lindsey Martin President-Elect: Megan King Treasurer: Lamar Scott Past President: Nick Zomer Secretary: Dr. Susan Mullins


District 1 Dr. Oatanisha Dawson District 2 Brecca Pope District 3 Mary Case District 4 Rochelle Lofstrand District 5 Dr. Shannon Watkins District 6 To Be Filled District 7 Lance James

District 8 Joy Robinson District 9 Jennie Persinger District 10 Khrista Henry District 11 Amy Carter District 12 TaKera Harris District 13 Daerzio Harris

DIRECTORS REPRESENTING RETIRED MEMBERS Vickie Hammond Dr. Sheryl Holmes The articles published in PAGE One represent the views of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Professional Association of Georgia Educators, except where clearly stated.

Contact the editor: Meg Thornton, mthornton@pageinc.org; PAGE One, PAGE, P.O. Box 942270, Atlanta, GA 31141-2270; 770-216-8555 or 800-334-6861.

Contributions/gifts to the PAGE Foundation are deductible as charitable contributions by federal law. Costs for PAGE lobbying on behalf of members are not deductible. PAGE estimates that 7 percent of the nondeductible portion of your 2019-20 dues is allocated to lobbying.

PAGE One (ISSN 1523-6188) is mailed to all PAGE members, selected higher education units and other school-related professionals. An annual subscription is included in PAGE membership dues. A subscription for others is $10 annually. Periodicals class nonprofit postage paid at Atlanta, GA, and additional mailing offices. (USPS 017-347) Postmaster: Send address changes to PAGE One, P.O. Box 942270, Atlanta, GA 31141–2270.

PAGE One is published five times a year (January, March, May, August and October) by New South Publishing Inc., 9040 Roswell Road, Suite 210, Atlanta, GA 30350; 770-650-1102. Copyright ©2020 .

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