PAGE One Magazine March/April 2015

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March/April 2015

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Evening-Time Eag le E xpr es s PRO MET HEAN BO A R D ST AF FE DB YT EA IT C H ERS C



A New Milestone in Poverty | PAGE Legal Eagles | Academic Bowl Champions


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March/April 2015

Vol. 36 No. 4



08  Magic Bus Mitchell County’s Eagle Express features 24 laptops, a Promethean board, an overhead projector, lightning-fast Internet service—and the promise of something often hard to find in a low-income school district: a chance to get ahead.



5  From the President School Personnel Must Collectively Kindle Fires of Enthusiasm

Professional Learning 18  PAGE ‘Teachers as Leaders’ Vision Has Taken Root

7  From the Executive Director Great Schools Need Great Teams

24  PAGE and Berry College Team Up to Address Teacher Shortage 26  Future Educators Get a Leg Up on Classroom Strategies

Legal 20  Statewide Network of PAGE Attorneys Stays on Top of Changes in Education Law

Technology in the Classroom 27  Motivate Students to Use Technology Productively

22  PAGE In-House Legal Eagles

Foundation News 28  Letter to PAGE Foundation Donors

23  What is Considered an On-the-Job Injury?

30  North Gwinnett Wins 2015 PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades State Championship

Legislative Section 15  PAGE and GAEL Day on Capitol Hill News and Information 12  A New Milestone: Majority of U.S. Students Are Low Income; In Georgia, It’s 2 out of 3


31  Call for Nominations of PAGE Officers

29  2014 Donors to PAGE Foundation


32  2015 PAGE Planner

PAGE ONE magazine Official Publication of the Professional Association of Georgia Educators Providing professional learning for educators to enhance professional competence, confidence and leadership skills, leading to higher academic achievement for students, while providing the best in membership, legal services and legislative support. March/April 2015



Editor Tim Callahan

President Larry Lebovitz

Graphic Designer Jack Simonetta

Associate Editor Meg Thornton

Publisher John Hanna

Production Coordinator Amber Mosler

Contributing Editor Lynn Varner

Editor Lindsay Field

Advertising/Sales Sherry Gasaway 770-650-1102, ext.145

Associate Editor Jacqui Frasca


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From the President

School Personnel Must Collectively Kindle Fires of Enthusiasm


Leslie Mills

or many of our students, the first encouraging word of the day may come from a bus driver, a cafeteria worker serving them

breakfast or an administrator whose warm greeting offers a chance for a great start to the day. And we all know that the best public relations asset in many schools is the secretary’s always-dependable smile. It takes all of us doing our individual jobs to make our mark on the students we serve; hence, we all stand together as one. One of my favorite stories is “The Dot” by Peter Reynolds. In the story, a teacher’s celebration of a child’s shaky first attempt at drawing fuels the child’s desire to make her mark in a big way. The newly minted artist then goes on to inspire another student lacking confidence. Georgia teachers kindle such fires of enthusiasm in their students every day. However, in these stressful times of TKES, LKES, SLOs, RTI and funding cuts, we also must mindfully spark fires of enthusiasm among our colleagues. It is tempting to be negative when critics surround us, let alone the fact that our salaries have not increased in years. Instead, however, we must focus on the professionalism that has been the hallmark of outstanding Georgia educators.

March/April 2015

We must derive inspiration from knowing that we are the latest in a lineage of great teachers. For the remainder of this school year, I challenge you to stay focused on the professionalism that you bring to your classroom each day. Beyond giving your all to your students, make a point to stay informed, inspire your colleagues and become active in the Professional Association of Georgia Educators. Find inspiration wherever you can. Beyond my daily conversations with Georgia educators, I am inspired by Maya Angelou, whose words hang above my desk: “We can only guess at the range of your influence... Where you have impacted one person … and through that one, thousands … and through n those thousands, millions.”

In these stressful times of TKES, LKES, SLOs, RTI and funding cuts, we must mindfully spark fires of enthusiasm among our colleagues. We must derive inspiration from knowing that we are the latest in a lineage of great teachers.


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From the Executive Director

Great Schools Need Great Teams


uring my career, I have been in thousands of schools and one thing that stands out—when you are in a great school, everyone in it is dedicated to making that school successful; and not just the principal or the teachers, but the housekeeping and lunchroom staffs, bus drivers and paraprofessionals. They all work together to create a positive learning environment for their students. I know when I am in such a school: the grounds are immaculate, the halls clean and the restrooms spotless. The lunchroom is also efficiently and effectively run, buses are on time and behavior concerns are relatively rare. Everyone is committed to the mission, and it makes all the difference. Because we understand that it takes the entire team to make a school successful, we recently wrote to legislative leaders to share our concerns regarding the governor’s budgetary proposal that would take healthcare benefits away from non-certificated school district employees working less than 30 hours per week. We stated that: “Educators comprise the primary workforce that makes schools places of teaching and learning. But their efforts would be in vain if there were not school bus drivers to bring the children to school; food service staffs to provide breakfast, lunch and after-school snacks; and housekeeping staffs to assure that students have clean, safe buildings and

March/April 2015

classrooms in which to learn. Any school leader will tell you that these non-certificated staff members are critical parts of the education team.” Our letters, and similar legislator contacts from countless other individuals and groups, have had an impact. We think that they will find a way to continue these benefits. While the salaries and retirement benefits for these staff members have never been lavish, a great many of them endure those lower pay levels because their employment includes health benefits for themselves and their families. Taking away these benefits would place a real hardship on many thousands of hardworking Georgians who contribute each day to the safety, well-being, teaching and learning of our students throughout the state. Instead of trying to cut benefits for these dedicated individuals, we’d like to see more effort on the part of our elected officials to recognize and reward them for the vital role they play in our schools every day. I know educators deeply appreciate the help they get from noncertificated staff, and they wouldn’t want to face their jobs without them. We know these men and women are integral to the success of our schools. Let’s engage and involve them in our plans to transform schools and let’s celebrate them every n chance we get.

Dr. Allene Magill

Educators comprise the primary workforce that makes schools places of teaching and learning. But their efforts would be in vain if there were not school bus drivers to bring the children to school; food service staff to provide breakfast, lunch and after-school snacks; and housekeeping staff to assure that students have clean, safe buildings and classrooms in which to learn.


Mitchell County’s Evening-Time Eagle Express


March/April 2015

By Christine Van Dusen


he smell of hot dogs was like a siren song for many of the teenagers who gathered at Mitchell County’s EveningTime Eagle Express when the decommissioned school bus made its maiden voyage, stopping by some of the south Georgia county’s poorest neighborhoods in December. But the promise of a free snack wasn’t what drew Autumn Roupe to the Eagle Express. The 15-year-old Mitchell County High School student wanted to see for herself the bus that held 24 laptops, a Promethean board, an overhead projector, lightning-fast Internet service—and the promise of something often hard to find in a low-income school district: a chance to get ahead. “It’s an amazing resource,” Roupe says. “I love the bus.” It’s like a bookmobile but tricked out with the latest technology, and it’s the brainchild of Mitchell County High Principal Robert Adams. He came up with the idea about five years ago while brainstorming creative ways to meet the needs of his school’s students in this rural county of about 23,000 people, where 90% of the students receive free or reduced lunch. “In order to March/April 2015

The bus features 24 laptops, a Promethean board, an overhead projector, lightning-fast Internet service — and the promise of something often hard to find in a low-income school district: A chance to get ahead. reach our population, we have to do school differently,” Adams says. “We’re doing everything we can to give our students and their parents the opportunity to reach their potential.” The bus is unique. Some Georgia students may have access to a rolling library, or, like in Alpharetta, the Science Academy Mobile Lab, which travels to summer camps to pique kids’

Photos by Joe Bellacomo

Continued on page 10 PAGE ONE  9

‘My daughter can get tutoring, and she can do online classes without the interruptions she’d have at home. She’ll be able to finish school early. I think it’s a wonderful program.’ – Willene Randell Mitchell County High Parent


interest in science, but it’s difficult to find another such mobile classroom anywhere in the country. Imaginative initiatives—such as career-focused courses, eight class periods per day and intersession school for kids who need extra help—are nothing new for Mitchell County, where four schools serve 2,400 students. And the creativity is paying off. The graduation rate from the high school and Baconton Community Charter School has hovered between about 80–87.2 % since 2013, according to the Georgia Department of Education. “We’re offering more opportunities to students, and as they become more engaged, they do better,” says Ruth Lee, a business and computer science teacher at Mitchell County High. “But we’re still not quite reaching all the kids in the rural areas, especially those who don’t have Internet access. There are kids in town with no transportation for getting tutoring. We want to reach them.” So every year at budget time, Adams would talk about his idea for a mobile classroom—the first, it seems, of its kind—and in 2014, his wish for a bus was granted. The district found itself with seven “surplus busses,” which were still in good shape but were replaced with better vehicles and therefore taken off the daily transportation routes. “We picked out the bus in the best condition and looked into retrofitting it,” says Victor Hill, superintendent of the Mitchell County School System. And then came a stroke of luck: the state’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program grant that the Boys & Girls Clubs of Mitchell County had received for three years and used to purchase 24 laptops was not renewed. So the club was required to turn the equipment over to the district. “Suddenly we had a bus and 24 laptops fall into our lap,” Hill says. From there, the district found about $1,500 in budgetary funds and concession stand profits to spend on wiring, a generator, air conditioning and supplies for the bus. Students did the grunt work. The wireless access is part of the county’s unlimited plan and costs about $20 per month, which comes from the district’s technology budget.

Surround Sound, Speedy Internet and Hands-On Help The first night that the Eagle Express took a tour of the county, the bus made about eight one-hour stops at different locations in Mitchell County and drew nearly 300 fami-

March/April 2015

‘The bus is awesome. Other students have said they’ve done so much work there that they have tons of extra credit. They just love the bus.’ – Autumn Roupe Mitchell County High Student

lies for hot dogs and a tour of the vehicle, Hill recalls. Students and parents were particularly impressed by the surround-sound system and speedy Internet service. “When I first saw the bus, I thought it was just amazing,” says Willene Randell, whose daughter is a 17-year-old junior at Mitchell County High. “It’s a good thing for the community. Not only does it supply the Internet and the computer, but it supplies you with someone to help. I do have a computer and Internet but sometimes the Internet is not acting right. This is so much better.” Since then, the bus has gone out from 5 to 8 p.m. twice a week for about a month, staffed by teachers and faculty members who are on flexible schedules and therefore can start their workdays later and end later. “We do whatever it takes. We think outside the box,” Lee says. “We want our students to excel, and we’re not going to make any excuses.” The goal is to run the bus every weeknight and on weekends, parking in neighborhoods where there is the most need or where students have requested its presence. Staffers will offer tutoring, test preparation, college-level courses and extra credit work. “My daughter can get tutoring, and she can do online classes without the interruptions she’d have at home,” Randell says. “She’ll be able to finish school early. I think it’s a wonderful program.” Eventually the district hopes to serve the elementary and middle school populations and, perhaps, encourage other districts to set up mobile classrooms of their own. Parents and caregivers will also have access to the bus and March/April 2015

will be encouraged to use the computers for whatever they need, whether it is online shopping or continuing education. “I’ll use the bus most often for research and projects and other academic stuff,” Roupe says. “My Internet sometimes doesn’t work correctly and shuts down. The bus is awesome. Other students have said they’ve done so much work there that they have tons of extra credit. They just love the bus.” They call it The Magic Bus, Adams adds. “Students that really need help often don’t or can’t stay after school, or don’t ask for help,” he says. “This way we can take help to them, and have n some fun doing it.”


A New Milestone:

Majority of U.S. Students Are Low Income; In Georgia, It’s 2 out of 3


majority of U.S. public school students are now considered low-income, according to the Southern Education Foundation, which analyzed 2013 data from the National Center for Education Statistics. In 2013, 51% of American public school students qualified for free and reduced-price meals, a common indicator of poverty in educa‘Family income is now nearly tion. By comparison, 38% of public school as strong as parental education students were eligible in predicting children’s for free or reducedprice lunches in 2000. achievement.’ Thirteen of the 21 –Sean Reardon states with a majorAuthor, 2011 Stanford University study ity of low-income students in 2013 were located in the South. In Georgia, poverty rates among children are exceptionally high. Among the state’s 1.68 million public school children, 62.2%, or nearly two

out of three, are low-income. The Brookings Institute reported last year that poverty in America has become more clustered, “eroding the brief progress made against concentrated poverty during the late 1990s.” During the 2000s, suburban Atlanta posted some of the largest increases in the nation in the percentages of poor suburban residents living in high-poverty or distressed neighborhoods, according to U.S. Census and American Community Survey data. THE DEMISE OF THE ‘GREAT EQUALIZER’

Education was historically considered the great equalizer in America, increasing the odds of success for less advantaged children. But as poverty grows, the achievement gap between rich and poor children is widening, eroding education’s leveling effects. A Stanford University study published in 2011 found that the gap in standardized test scores between affluent and low-income students had

Percent of Low-Income Students by School District 2014 Percent of Students

Source: Southern Education Foundation


March/April 2015

‘Children living in poverty experience significantly greater chronic stress than do their more affluent counterparts. This kind of stress exerts a devastating, insidious influence on children’s physical, psychological, emotional and cognitive functioning—areas that affect brain development, academic success and social competence. Students subjected to such stress may lack crucial coping skills and experience significant behavioral and academic problems in school.’ –Eric Jensen, Author, ‘Teaching with Poverty in Mind’ grown by about 40% since the 1960s. The performance of wealthy kids is outstripping middleclass students as well. “Family income is now nearly as strong as parental education in predicting children’s achievement,” stated Sean Reardon, author of the Stanford study. In another 2011 study, researchers at the University of Michigan found that the imbalance between rich and poor children in college completion—the single most important predictor of success in the workforce—has grown by about 50% since the late 1980s. Furthermore, the data from these studies was tabulated before the full impact of the Great Recession was felt. Other research explores the damaging effects of stress on poor children. In his 2009 book, “Teaching with Poverty in Mind,” Eric Jensen wrote, “Children living in poverty experience significantly greater chronic stress than do their more affluent counterparts. This kind of stress exerts a devastating, insidious influence on children’s physical, psychological, emotional and cognitive functioning—areas that affect brain development, academic success and social competence. Students subjected to such stress may lack crucial coping skills and experience significant behavioral and academic problems in school.”


This defining moment in America’s public education, whereby the majority of public school children are low-income, has been developing over several decades. In a 2013 Southern Education Foundation report, Vice President Steve Suitts wrote, “No longer can we ‘No longer can we consider consider the problems the problems and needs of and needs of low-income students simply a matter low-income students simply a of fairness. … Their sucmatter of fairness. … Their cess or failure in the pubsuccess or failure in the public lic schools will determine the entire body of human schools will determine the capital and educational entire body of human capital potential that the nation will possess in the future. and educational potential that Without improving the the nation will possess in the educational support that future.’ the nation provides its –Steve Suitts low-income students— VP, Southern Education Foundation students with the largest needs and usually with the least support—the trends of the last decade will be prologue for a nation not n at risk, but a nation in decline.” —Meg Thornton, PAGE Publications Manager

Growth in the Number of Low-Income Students in Georgia Public Schools: 1995 to 2014 Increase of 118% 1,200,000



Georgia Public School’s Median CCRPI Single Scores By Schools’ Percent of Low-Income Students: 2013 % of Low Income Students 75% and above

65.1 76.2

50% to 74%

800,000 83.5

25% to 49%





Source: National Center for Education Statistics and Georgia Department of Education March/April 2015


less than 10%

200,000 0


10%to 24%









Source: Georgia Department of Education PAGE ONE  13


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Legislative PAGE and GAEL Day on Capitol Hill

Educators and State Leaders Discuss Testing, Evaluations and More By Josh Stephens, PAGE Legislative Policy Analyst


Photo by Lynn Varner

Photo by Lynn Varner

n Feb. 17, as schools in north be gathered and analyzed before signifiNix, who sponsored the bill, also Georgia closed due to icy condi- cant changes can be made. While pertouched on the career pathway legislation tions, nearly 120 Georgia educa- centages may be lowered at some point, (House Bill 186) that passed in 2011. “If tors gathered to discuss pressing issues that will not happen in the near future, you can find one thing for one hour a day at PAGE and Georgia Association of he predicted. that these … kids really latch on to, they Educational Leaders Day will come to school every on Capitol Hill. day and stay for the entire In his keynote address, day,” he said. Georgia State School Dr. Susan Andrews, Superintendent Richard director for Education Woods stressed his goal Reform at the Governor’s to provide relief from the Office of Planning and burdensome standardBudget, discussed TKES ized testing regime that and LKES from the has turned educators into perspective of her time data collectors rather spent as Georgia’s Race than allowing them to do to the Top coordinator. what they were trained to This conversation dovedo—teach. tailed into a discussion Earlier in the day, Rep. on Student Learning Randy Nix (R-LaGrange) Objectives, as educators addressed House Bill 244, in the audience asked the 2013 bill that implepassionate questions and PAGE Executive Director Dr. Allene Magill welcomes keynote mented the Teacher Keys told disconcerting stories speaker State School Superintendent Richard Woods. Evaluation System and of their experiences with Leader Keys Evaluation the tests. When asked if System. He said that the the state would consider Georgia Department standardizing SLOs rather of Education is aware than leaving development that implementation has of the tests up to local moved fast and that the districts, Andrews said department is ramping this was an ongoing disup training on the syscussion. tems. When asked if the Andrews also highpercentage of the evalualighted the governor’s tion based on student test Education Reform scores might be lowered Commission that began from 50% to 20%—the meeting in February. She top item on PAGE’s said that 2011 Georgia PAGE board member Amy Denty (standing) of Wayne County Legislative Agenda—Nix participates in a morning workshop. said that more data must Continued on page 16 March/April 2015


Legislative Teacher of the Year and PAGE member Pam Williams, the chair of the Teacher Recruitment, Retention and Compensation subcommittee of the commission, would seek input from PAGE and other organizations throughout the process. Dr. Howard Hendley, the DOE’s director of policy, reminded the audience of the July 1 deadline for districts to become a charter school system, an Investing in Educational Excellence district or a sta-

tus quo district. He described flexibility options the districts would receive under each governance structure. In his keynote, Woods also stated that students need expanded opportunities in career and technical education to prepare for work. Finally, Woods emphasized the need for strong communication among all levels of government—federal, state and local—and between schools and the public. To that end, the DOE will travel the

state and share the positive news regarding public education in Georgia. Among attendees was U.S. Rep. Sanford D. Bishop Jr. (D-Albany). His second congressional district covers 29 middle and southwest Georgia counties. The event took place in the Sloppy Floyd Building adjacent to the Capitol. Attendees ended the day across the street under the Gold Dome, where they met with legislators and attended committee meetings. n


3 2

5 4



March/April 2015



1. Hayward Cordy, PAGE board member, and Telfair County High Principal Daymond Ray 2. State Rep. Susan Holmes (R-Monticello) and Jimmy Jordan, PAGE director of membership 3 PAGE President-elect Stephanie Davis Howard and 2002-03 PAGE President Preston Howard 4. PAGE President Leslie Mills (foreground) in morning workshop

Georgia Association of Educational Leaders President Greg Arnsdorff (top) and Executive Director Jimmy Stokes

Photos by Robert Matta


5. Dr. Rick Little (second from left), principal at City Park Elementary (Dalton) and president of the Georgia Association of Elementary School Principals, with PAGE Professional Learning staff members Angela Garrett and David Reynolds 6. State School Superintendent Richard Woods delivered the keynote address 7. Valdosta State University graduate school students and Clarke County educators Patrick Harrigan and Megan McLeroy 8. Debby Pinion from Woodstock Elementary (Cherokee Co.); Laurie Griffin, media specialist at Greensboro Elementary (Greene Co.); Rachel Wasserman, assistant principal at Woodstock Elementary; in background: Brad Hayes, special education teacher at Eastbrook Middle (Whitfield Co.)


9. PAGE 2011-12 President Vickie Hammond and current board members Lamar Scott (2001-02 PAGE president) and Shannon Hammond 10. Dr. Emily Felton, PAGE past president and assistant principal of Factory Shoals Middle (Douglas Co.); Sonya Lewis, PAGE Legislative Task Force and Kendrick High Academic Dean (Muscogee Co.); and Eagle’s Landing Middle (Henry Co.) department chairs Yvonne Pope (business/computer) and Tisha Boyd (language arts)

March/April 2015


Professional Learning

PAGE ‘Teachers as Leaders’ Vision Has Taken Root

Educational Leaders Team Up to Pursue Student Engagement


he Professional Association of Georgia Educators champions a culture of teacher leadership among Georgia educators. Since the publication of “Teachers as Leaders,” authored by PAGE Executive Director Dr. Allene Magill in 2006, the context in which education is viewed and delivered


has shifted dramatically. “Teachers as Leaders” called for a reimagined, comprehensive and future-oriented definition of teacher leadership. Magill wrote that traditional, top-down decision making must be discarded in favor of leadership from the classroom up. Teachers at every level must

March/April 2015

Teams of educational leaders begin the school improvement process by looking very closely at who their students are—their unique characteristics, motivations, needs and resources. They also examine the characteristics and challenges of their communities.

•  South Georgia School Districts Network GATHER LOCAL DATA FIRST

Teams of educational leaders begin the school improvement process by looking very closely at who their students are— their unique characteristics, motivations, needs and resources. They also examine the characteristics and challenges of their local communities. To that end, PAGE-sponsored “Community Conversations” are cropping up in communities throughout the state. In these local “conversations,” educators dig deep into the makeup of their students, as well as into local demographics, trends, resources and needs. The informed and empowered educators then join with parents and local thought leaders (business, political, religious and social service leaders) to discuss specific education challenges and jointly seek solutions.

‘We do not need a few more leaders in public education— we need scores of them throughout every school system.’ – Dr. Allene Magill PAGE Executive Director

Through PAGE, Georgia educators are achieving deep levels of understanding of their “customers,” providing them with challenging, interesting work, and ultimately engaging their students in n profound ways.

THINK YOU DON’T HAVE TIME TO EARN AN ADVANCED DEGREE WITH YOUR BUSY LIFE? embrace empowerment. “We do not need a few more leaders in public education—we need scores of them throughout every school system,” wrote Magill. A few years ago, PAGE convened multiple sessions of some 180 teacher leaders from across Georgia. Together, they explored the unique challenges facing teachers, especially those with strong leadership potential. More importantly, PAGE examined the potential impact of teacher leaders on student engagement and achievement. For schoolwide leadership to flourish on behalf of student learning, teachers, principals, superintendents and boards of education must work as partners. The following PAGE Professional Learning programs facilitate leadership development across these role groups: •  High School Redesign Initiative •  Assistant Principal and Teacher Leadership Academy •  Principal and Teacher Leadership Network •  Superintendent Leadership Network March/April 2015

Think again.


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Statewide Network of PAGE Attorneys Stays On Top of Changes in Education Law


very two years, nearly 40 Georgia attorneys who are well versed in education and employment law come together at the PAGE office in Atlanta. Hailing from all over the state, these attorneys form the robust PAGE Attorney Network. In a daylong workshop last fall, attorneys were briefed on legal developments in everything from teacher evaluations and mandated reporting of child abuse to employment discrimination. They also reviewed recent cases that have come before the state board of education. In the process, attendees earned continuing legal education credits. Most importantly, however, PAGE lawyers learned from each other. “Throughout the year, the network attorneys really utilize each other’s expertise. In bringing them together, the workshop further develops those important relationships,” said PAGE General Counsel Jill Hay. Workshop presenters included Rachel King, chief general counsel for the Georgia Department of Human Services, and Rebecca Mick, the state’s senior assistant attorney general, as well as


PAGE staff and network attorneys. The PAGE in-house legal staff is composed of five full-time attorneys who work closely with the statewide network. Staying abreast of legal developments is crucial because Georgia’s laws, and the interpretation of the laws, continually change in regard to education. “The staff attorneys and network attorneys see different aspects of the law at play,” said PAGE staff attorney Matthew Pence. “We all benefit from sharing what we’re see-

ing and hearing in the practice of education law.” The PAGE legal department has an outstanding track record in defending Georgia educators, and legal representation is included in membership. The statewide network is an important arm of PAGE legal services. “Attorney network members are highly trained in education law and ethics, and they know their communities well—the education system, the n politics and the people,” said Hay.

March/April 2015

Photos by Meg Thornton

Attorneys were briefed on legal developments in everything from teacher evaluations and mandated reporting of child abuse to employment discrimination.

March/April 2015


Legal PAGE In-House Legal Eagles

Photo by Meg Thornton


embers of the PAGE in-house legal team are experts in education and employment law. Combined, they have nearly 80 years of legal experience. In the past year, PAGE attorneys have facilitated 376 Code of Ethics presentations to tens of thousands of Georgia educators. They also fielded more than 10,000 education-related legal calls. Always remember that contacting PAGE first is the best way to avoid having an issue escalate. Your membership ensures that you will be informed of your legal rights and receive immediate counsel.

From left: Jill Hay, Sean DeVetter, Margaret Ciccarelli, Matthew Pence, Margaret Elliott and Leonard Williams

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March/April 2015


What is Considered an On-the-Job Injury? By Jill Hay, PAGE General Counsel & Director of Legal Services


f an employee is injured on the job, he or she has certain rights and responsibilities under the Georgia Workers’ Compensation Law and may receive medical, rehabilitation and income benefits. One question we are frequently asked is: “What is considered an on-the-job injury?” An on-the-job injury is one that occurs while the employee is performing assigned job duties during assigned work hours. Injuries sustained while engaging in unassigned duties, such as those during lunch (when you are not on duty) and breaks or during an employee’s commute to and from work, are not covered. To answer some of the questions we receive, a few of the employee’s rights and responsibilities are outlined below. This is not an exhaustive list of your rights and responsibilities, so please remember to call the PAGE Legal Department for advice and consultation if you are injured on the job. EMPLOYEE’S RIGHTS:

•  Employer must post a list of at least six approved doctors. You must choose from this list and can make one change to another doctor on the list. •  In an emergency, you can get temporary emergency care from any doctor until the emergency is over; then you must get treatment from a doctor on the list. •  You are entitled to weekly income benefits if you have missed more than seven days of work due to the injury. •  Income benefits are generally two-thirds of your average weekly wage. If you chose to use your sick leave days in exchange for full compensation, you cannot also receive these income benefits. It is either one or the other.

March/April 2015


•  Follow all safety policies and procedures. •  Compensation will not be allowed for injury or death due to an employee’s willful misconduct. •  Report any accident immediately, but not later than 30 days after the accident, to your immediate supervisor and your employer’s workers’ compensation representative. •  Obtain and fill out all required paperwork. •  Choose a doctor on the employer-provided approved list of doctors. •  Notify your employer when you are able to return to full-time or part-time work. •  If you believe you are entitled to income benefits and the employer or insurance carrier has denied those benefits, you must file a claim with the State Board of Workers’ Compensation within one year of the date of your last authorized medical treatment or within two years of your last payment of weekly benefits. •  If you unjustifiably refuse to submit to a drug test following an on-the-job injury, there will be a presumption that the accident and injury were caused by alcohol or drugs and benefits would be denied. •  Making false or misleading statements when claiming benefits is a misdemeanor that carries a fine of no more than $10,000 or imprisonment up to 12 n months or both.

An on-the-job injury is one that occurs while the employee is performing assigned job duties during assigned work hours.


Event Draws 80+ Northwest Georgia High School Students

PAGE and Berry College Team Up to Address Teacher Shortage By Mary Ruth Ray, PAGE College Services Representative


n the midst of unprecedented budget cuts and teacher furloughs, it may seem counterintuitive to discuss teacher shortages, yet that is the reality looming in Georgia classrooms. While the state’s population continues to climb, enrollment in our teacher preparation programs is declining. Young people who may have once considered teaching to be a stable, rewarding profession are now questioning that view in light

of reductions-in-force (RIFs), changes to Georgia’s teacher evaluation system, controversy around Common Core and uncertainty as to whether teachers’ compensation will be tied to students’ test scores in the years to come. Despite the bad press the profession is receiving in some circles, quality educators know that there is nevertheless much personal fulfillment in teaching, and there are thousands of Georgia classrooms that need competent, caring educators. That’s why PAGE and Berry College teamed up in February to host the first-ever “PAGE Future Teachers Day.” More than 80 students enrolled in education pathway classes at high schools in northwest Georgia spent a day on the beautiful college campus in Rome exploring a future in education. Dr. Jackie McDowell, – Dr. Allene Magill dean of Berry’s School PAGE Executive Director of Education, was look-

In a world where social media, the Internet and gadgets galore offer unprecedented opportunities for cutting-edge teaching methods, technology does not replace human emotions and needed social interactions.


ing for a way to leverage the college’s successful teacher preparation program to encourage young people to consider the profession. “Our teacher education program at Berry College is so distinctive because our graduates are prepared to pursue careers as teacher leaders, not just look for a teaching job,” McDowell told participants. “Berry supports our graduates throughout their teaching careers. We wanted to share our program more widely in hopes that more local high school students would seriously consider teaching and stay in the profession. Partnering with PAGE was a wonderful first step as we all work together to address future teacher shortages and prepare the next generation of teacher leaders.” “We applaud Dean McDowell and the Berry College School of Education for taking a positive step to address the teacher shortage while at the same time providing a valuable service to the young people in Northwest Georgia who are interested in education,” says Jimmy Jordan, who serves as team leader of the PAGE College Services representatives.

March/April 2015

“We are also grateful for her confidence in PAGE to be Berry’s partner on this important issue.” QUALITY TEACHERS KNOW THEIR STUDENTS WELL

PAGE Executive Director Dr. Allene Magill places a priority not only on recruiting enough teachers for Georgia’s students, but on recruiting and developing quality teachers. In her keynote address, Magill stressed the importance of setting the goal not simply to be a teacher but to be a great teacher. She shared some of the characteristics of great teachers, such as placing emphasis on knowing their students by having quality conversations with them. In a world where social media, the Internet and gadgets galore offer unprecedented opportunities for cutting-edge teaching methods, “Technology does not replace human emotions and needed social interactions,” she cautioned. Following their time with Magill, students divided into three tracts to explore teaching in early elementary, upper elementary and middle and high school. Faculty from the Berry College School of Education provided workshop sessions on topics, such as supporting the learning of students with disabilities, building excitement among students around the STEM areas and integrating the student’s

March/April 2015

head, heart and hands into his learning. The Berry admissions staff provided insight into the college admissions process, and representatives from 19 other Georgia colleges were on site to visit with future teachers and share information about their schools. Students wrapped up the day by testing their knowledge of Georgia’s Code of Ethics for Educators in a friendly but competitive quiz bowl. “This is a part of PAGE and the PAGE Foundation’s mission to recruit, develop and retain quality educators for Georgia classrooms,” says Jordan. Following the success of this event, PAGE plans to host a series of Future Teacher Days on college campuses throughout the state next year. n Watch the PAGE website for details.

Education pathway students at four northwest Georgia high schools gathered at Berry College in February to explore teaching and visit with representatives from 20 Georgia colleges. PAGE Executive Director Dr. Allene Magill (top right) kicked off the event by discussing the value of relationships between students and teachers.


Future Educators Get a Leg Up on Classroom Strategies By Mary Ruth Ray, PAGE College Services Representative


ore than 300 Future Educators Association members advanced their knowledge of teaching strategies at the 2014 FEA Georgia Fall Conference. Gathered at Middle Georgia State College, the high school students also met with representatives from 29 Georgia colleges with teacher preparation programs. In presenting the keynote, 2015 Georgia Teacher of the Year Amanda Miliner, a first-generation college graduate, said her strong relationships with teachers fueled her success. Workshop topics covered sensitivity to students, hands-on learning, cyberbullying, engaging students through learning styles and cultural connections to enhance the classroom climate. Two participants shared their “FEA Moments,” the experiences that inspired them to pursue teaching. Kayla Thompson of Howard High School (Bibb County) credits FEA advisor Brittany Turner. Thompson said that she felt overlooked and unimportant for years until she landed in Turner’s class. “Mrs. Turner poured


everything that she knows about becoming an educator into me,” she said. “I soaked it all in.” Then, while volunteering as a tutor, Thompson encountered children who felt similarly overlooked. “Right then and there, I decided I’m not going to allow another child to feel this way and sink so low,” she added. Shelley Hampton of Ware County High School credits her internship. “I found myself looking forward to that part of my day,” she said. “If I had any doubts about wanting to be a teacher, they went away as soon as I became ‘Miss Hampton’ and began working with my second-graders.” In the “Ethics Knowledge Bowl,” chapters demonstrated their knowledge of the Georgia Code of Ethics for Educators. Lowndes High School, under the leadership of State Rep. Amy Carter, took first place, and Pike County High placed second. In other competitions, Spalding High School won the T-shirt design contest, followed by Lee County High School, and Howard High School won the banner design contest, followed by Hampton High School (Henry County). FEA State officers presiding over the conference were President Raney Redmond (Lee County), SW Region Vice President Caroline Pope (Early County), SE Region Vice President Spencer Pipkin (Lowndes County) and North Region Vice President Will Panter (Fannin County). PAGE thanks Loleta Sartin and her MGSC colleagues. Their time and talent made the FEA Fall n Conference one of the best ever.

March/April 2015


teach 21st-century learners collaborate


This PAGE One column features technology-in-the-classroom advice from tech-savvy Georgia educators.

Technology in the Classroom:

Motivate Students to Use Technology Productively By Farrel Webb, Martin Luther King Jr. High School, Lithonia


s educators, we continually compete with technology for our students’ attention. Each day, it seems, we must remind students that listening to music and texting aren’t appropriate uses of class time. In my experience, students use their devices unproductively when they are not engaged or when they are not being held accountable. Here are some simple ways to counter those pesky, new societal habits and help students use technology productively: Use short, focused activities with clear objectives. When teaching about communication networks, for example, you could use a Promethean board to display cell towers and signals transmitted through radio and TV waves. Have students design a can and string with a computer-aided design program, and then play a virtual version of the old-fashioned telephone game. Or have students use iCloud to locate a hidden Apple device. Have students create word lists based on a book or study unit, and then create a word cloud using Wordle or Tagxedo or an image to visually express the words. These types of projects reinforce the student’s learning, analysis and determination of the most valuable information. Play engaging games on sites such as Glogster, Jeopardy or Scribble Maps.


Sites like Letscrate and Google docs enable you to upload hundreds of documents at a time. Online versions of homework assignments can serve as a backup for handouts that didn’t make it home in the backpack. These sites also make it possible for students to complete the work online, and several will grade assignments instantly and March/April 2015

provide students with feedback. Downloadable applications such as Edmodo and Infinite Campus enable students, parents and/or teachers to keep track of their grades, assignments and attendance. And just as an instructor dims the lights to signal that the noise level must be lowered, a program such as can alert students of impending project deadlines. LEARNING UNPLUGGED

Sometimes a well-planned lesson can crash and burn when a server goes down, a screen goes out or the Promethean board lamp burns out. Use these times to challenge students to broaden their knowledge or invent solutions. Students, like adults, are often not aware of the breadth of functionality availed by their devices. Now’s a great time for them to learn how to fully use the calculator or calendar programs at their fingertips. Such exploration helps teach personal accountability and resourcefulness, and it disarms the excuse of “I didn’t have time to learn it.” Students who contend that they have too much information and “too little time” can photograph their notes for later review. Reinforce the activity by having students upload the notes to a website or by sending a copy to themselves and/or their parents.


Educators seeking to help students with limited access to technology at home may wish to check into, or even Some Internet service providers also provide discounts for disn advantaged families.

Farrel Webb, a business, marketing and technology teacher at Martin Luther King Jr. High School in Lithonia, specializes in making the complex simple … and fun. Her previous employers included Apple and The National Institutes of Health. Webb holds a master’s degree in business education from the University of West Georgia.


Foundation News Letter to PAGE Foundation Donors Dear PAGE Foundation Donors and Friends, PAGE Foundation programs such as PAGE STAR (Student Teacher Achievement Recognition), PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades, PAGE Georgia Academic Decathlon and PAGE Foundation Scholarships are made possible by our association members, individual donors, businesses and charitable foundations. People, however, are what make the programs meaningful. A good example is Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe High School teacher Lisa Beck, who coaches the school’s academic decathlon team alongside Ian Beck, her husband and team founder. Years ago when the LakeviewFort Oglethorpe team first won the Academic Decathlon State Championship, Lisa Beck, with her infant son in tow, drove team members to Omaha to participate in the national competition. The team did not have the money to fly. Her commitment to her students and her dedication to teaching is humbling, but she’s not alone. The PAGE Foundation has the continual privilege of serving educators whose careers and lives are interwoven with the needs of their students, community and family. The PAGE Foundation was created in 1985 as the charitable arm of PAGE. It exists today because of your philanthropy. You are part of a large family of contributors who know the power of education to foster dreams, expand horizons and build prosperous, joyful lives. Each year, our programs touch the lives of thousands of Georgia students and professional educators. In many instances, lives are changed profoundly. This is the return on your charitable “investment.” Thank you for supporting us. We know you have many good choices when it comes to supporting nonprofits, and we are grateful that you chose to help us serve the students and educators of Georgia.


John Varner, PAGE Foundation President

March/April 2015

2014 Donors to PAGE Foundation LEADERSHIP GIFTS

The Coca-Cola Company

Mr. David Dunham

Mr. Gilbert Parrish

Professional Association of Georgia Educators

United Distributors, Inc.

Mrs. Janet M. Duval

Mrs. Amy D. Perry

Wilkinson and Magruder, LLP

Ms. Elizabeth Eakes

Mr. Clay Pilgrim

Woodruff Arts Center

Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. Fortson

Dr. Charlotte H. Pipkin

Mrs. Sandra Gardner

Mrs. Carol F. Pruett

Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Gilker

Mrs. Nancy Ratcliffe

Mrs. Dellie C. Graf

Mr. Lee Raudonis

Mr. and Mrs. Sam M. Griffin, Jr.

Dr. Diane H. Ray

Ms. Anne Gwaltney

Mrs. Mary Ruth Ray

Dr. Jim Hawkins

Mrs. Tandy D. Ray

Dr. Judy V. Henry

Mr. David W. Reynolds

Mr. Matthew Hicks

Mr. Charles E. Richardson

Dr. James Robin Hines, Jr.

Ms. Jane Riddle

Ms. Theresa Hobbs

Ms. Cynthia H. Rivers

Mrs. Jo Hodges

Mr. Lamar Scott

Mrs. Judy H. Holwell

Dr. Fritzie N. Sheumaker

Mr. & Mrs. Preston D. Howard

Mrs. Charlotte Shorts

Mr. & Mrs. James T. Howell

Mrs. Mildred Simpson

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony R. James

Ms. Teresa S. Skinner


Mrs. Janet Jemo

Mrs. Sharon M. Smith

Mrs. Susan Adams

Dr. & Mrs. J. Felix Johnston, Jr.

Ms. Karen Stafford

Daniel, Hadden & Alford, PC

Mrs. Pamela S. Akin

Mr. James G. Jordan

Dr. Ann Stucke

Delta Air Lines

Mrs. Patricia A. Allen

Ms. Mary Ann King

Dr. Michele Taylor

Gas South, LLC

Mr. Stan Baker

Miss Maria L. Larsson

Mr. and Mrs. John Teasley


Mr. Joseph R. Bankoff

Ms. Carolyn Lovett

Mr. Virgil Ted Theus

Georgia EMC

Mrs. Megan M. Bayersdorfer

Mr. Steve Lusk

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Thomas

Genuine Parts Company

Mr. Tyler A. Bennett

Dr. Allene Magill

Mr. George G. Thompson

Georgia Power

Dr. Jesse E. Bradley

Mrs. Sandra G. Manson

Mr. Don Thornhill

Georgia Transmission Corporation

Mr. Francis W. Bratton

Mrs. Joanne F. Martin

Ms. Meg Thornton

Henry W. Grady Health Foundation, Inc.

Mr. Raymond Braziel

Mr. Peter F. Martin

Ms. Beverly J. Treadaway

Ms. Jo Breedlove

Ms. Kathy Matthews

Ms. Emily Turner

Mrs. Amy G. Brock

Ms. Sue M. Mattison

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Varner, III

Mr. Brent M. Burmaster

Ms. Renee S. McCall

Dr. Martha L. Venn

Ms. Diana S. Cason

Mrs. Diane McClearen

Mr. H. Jay Walker, III

Mr. Magnus Christon

Ms. Brittany McGaha

Mrs. Marta Walker

Ms. Gail P. Churchill

Dr. Jane C. McKinzey

Mrs. Diane Waters

Oglethorpe Power Corporation

Mrs. Margaret Ciccarelli

Mrs. Leslie Mills

Rev. and Mrs. Hosie Waters

Orr & Brown LLP

Mr. Ricky Clemmons

Mrs. Karen C. Mitcham

Mr. Steven Weiner

Prior, Daniel & Wiltshire LLC

Dr. Jay Cliett

Miss Samantha A. Morales

Mrs. Rana P. Winfrey

Pendleton Group, LLC

Mr. Paul “Bud”Copeland

Ms. Elaine M. Myers

Mr. Tom Wommack

R L Brown & Associates, Inc.

Mrs. Michelle Crawford

Mrs. Juliana Naleway

Ms. Bertha Wood

Mr. Sean DeVetter

Ms. Joan Newell

Ms. Gayle U. Wooten

Chick-fil-A Foundation VALIC

AT&T Georgia


AGL Resources

Alonzo L. McDonald Trust


Atlanta Housing Authority


Board of Regents, University System of Georgia

Wells Fargo

A2Z Imprints, Inc. Adams, Hemingway & Wilson, LLP AIG Matching Grants Program Atlanta Beverage Company

Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc. Georgia Chamber of Commerce Georgia School Boards Association, Inc.

Atlantic Capital

Greater Rome Chamber of Commerce


Mary Lane Morrison Foundation

Cauthorn Nohr & Owen

Metro Atlanta Chamber

Copeland Insurance Services, Inc.

Middle State Georgia College

Cox Enterprises Daniel S. Digby & Associates, LLC

K.S.W. Enterprises, Inc. Langdale Vallotton, LLP Lockheed Martin Lowe and Schoolar, PC LTC Global Marketing Affinity Division

Steve Green Properties

March/April 2015


Foundation News

North Gwinnett Wins 2015 PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades State Championship


n a hard-fought contest that tilted toward one team and then the other until the final moment, North Gwinnett Middle School, coached by Scott Johnson, won the 2015 PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades State Championship by five points, the slimmest of margins. The event took place on Jan. 24 at Georgia College & State University in Milledgeville. The day began with 24 semifinalist teams competing in a roundrobin format. The final eight teams competed in the afternoon single-elimination session, with North Gwinnett winning top honors. PAGE Academic Bowl teams field questions on subjects ranging from Georgia history to mathematics, science, literature and performing arts. Opposing teams compete against the clock to answer tossup and bonus questions. The program inspires students to excel academically, enhances self-confidence and develops team and competitive spirit. Statewide,

more than 2,000 students compete at the local, regional and state levels of the competition. This year’s event was sponsored by PAGE, the PAGE Foundation, the Chick-fil-A Foundation and Georgia College & State University. It was hosted by the Collegiate Middle Level Association. View the video report of the 2015 PAGE Academic n Bowl Championship at

State Champion: North Gwinnett Middle School, coached by Scott Johnson 2nd Place: Gwinnett County’s Hull Middle School, coached by Teresa Hawkins 3rd Place: Fulton County’s River Trail Middle School, coached by Cliff Roberts, Scott Fowler and Sarah Roberson 4th Place: Cobb County’s Palmer Middle School, coached by Terra Mahre and Darin Nash

2015 PAGE Academic Bowl for Middle Grades State Champion North Gwinnett Middle School team members were joined by presenters: (front row, l-r) Chase Harrington, Chase Fiveash and Parker Neithercut; (back row, l-r) PAGE Foundation Trustee and The Telegraph Editorial Page Editor Charles Richardson, Chase Chaing, Rucker Robinson, Coach Scott Johnson and PAGE Foundation President John Varner.

5th Place: DeKalb County’s Chamblee Middle School, coached by John Donegan and Cathy Hirsch 6th Place: Atlanta Public Schools’ Sutton Middle School, coached by Michelle Morgan and Lisa Kepler 7th Place: Catoosa County’s Heritage Middle School, coached by Pam O’Keefe, Denie Pursley and Billie Carlock 8th Place: Gordon County’s Red Bud Middle School, coached by Jane Farist, Kristi Payne and Daniel Bennett Team parents captured the moment!


March/April 2015

Call for Nomination of PAGE Officers PAGE, a democratically run association, encourages members to participate in the election of its officers and directors. Positions are elected by majority vote at the online annual business meeting in May. The president-elect, secretary and treasurer are elected for one-year terms. Directors serve for three-year terms (on a staggered basis). The deadline for nominations is April 30.

Nominees are sought for the following positions: President-Elect

District 5 Director

District 8 Director


District 6 Director

District 9 Director

This person will serve as PAGE president in 2016-2017 Incumbent: Kelli De Guire, Gordon Co.


Incumbent: Lindsey Martin, Lowndes Co. (Term expires 6/30/2015)

Incumbent: Dr. Susan Mullins, Coweta Co. (Term expires 6/30/2015)

Incumbent: Miranda Willingham, Forsyth Co. (Term expires 6/30/2015)

District 7 Director

This position is currently unfilled.









10th Du






of nominee qualifications.



Submit nominations for officers and directors no later than April 30, 2015, via email (amagill@ or U.S. mail: Dr. Allene Magill, PAGE Executive Director, P.O. Box 942270, Atlanta, GA, 31141. Include a brief outline





Incumbent: Lamar Scott, Elbert Co.

Incumbent: Nick Zomer, Cherokee Co. (Term expires 6/30/2015)


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March/April 2015


2015 PAGE Planner


MARCH 22–23 PAGE Assistant Principal Leadership Network, PAGE Office

PAGE CONTRIBUTION FOR LEGAL DEFENSE RESERVE FUND.................................................................$651,001 INTEREST INCOME.................................................................................................................................... $1,435 TOTAL................................................................................................................................................. $1,812,436 EXPENSES LEGAL AND AUDITING EXPENSES...................................................................................................$1,123,744

26–28 FEA Spring Training (FEAST), Epworth by the Sea, St. Simon’s Island 31 PAGE Foundation Scholarship Postmark Deadline APRIL

LICENSE RENEWAL.......................................................................................................................................$500 TOTAL EXPENSES...............................................................................................................................$1,124,244 INCREASE (DECREASE) IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS...................................................................$688,192 BEGINNING UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS (ORIGINAL)....................................................................... -$818,040 PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENTS............................................................................................................................$0 BEGINNING UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS............................................................................................ -$818,040 BEGINNING UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS............................................................................................ -$129,848

27 2015 State PAGE STAR Banquet, Crowne Plaza Ravinia, Atlanta 16-18 United States Academic Decathlon National Competition, Garden Grove, California M AY 11-13 Georgia Regional Educational Service Agency Summit, St. Simons Island

PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA EDUCATORS LEGAL DEFENSE INC. BALANCE SHEET JUNE 30, 2014 ASSETS CASH, CASH EQUIVALENTS, SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS AND DOI RESERVE FUND.......................................................................................................................................$1,186,224 TOTAL ASSETS..........................................................................................................................................$1,186,224 LIABILITIES & EQUITY LEGAL CLAIMS PAYABLE................................................................................................................................$42,085 LEGAL CLAIMS LOSS RESERVE..................................................................................................................$986,456 TAXES PAYABLE.............................................................................................................................................$287,531 TOTAL LIABLITIES.....................................................................................................................................$1,316,072 UNRESTRICED NET ASSETS ..................................................................................................................... -$129,848 TOTAL LIABLITIES AND NET ASSETS....................................................................................................$1,186,224

OFFICERS President Leslie Mills President-Elect Stephanie Davis Howard Treasurer Lamar Scott Past-President Dr. Emily Felton Secretary Kelli De Guire DIRECTORS District 1 District 8 Amy Denty Lindsey Raulerson District 2 District 9 Dr. Todd Cason Miranda Willingham District 3 District 10 Allison Scenna Shannon Hammond District 4 District 11 Rochelle Lofstrand Dr. Sandra Owens District 5 District 12 Nick Zomer Donna Graham District 6 District 13 Dr. Susan Mullins Dr. Hayward Cordy District 7 TBA Ex-Officio Megan King


The articles published in PAGE One represent the views of the contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Professional Association of Georgia Educators, except where clearly stated. Contact the Editor: Tim Callahan;, PAGE One magazine; PAGE; P.O. Box 942270; Atlanta, GA 31141-2270; 770-216-8555; 800-334-6861. Contributions/gifts to the PAGE Foundation are deductible as charitable contribution by federal law. Costs for PAGE lobbying on behalf of members are not deductible. PAGE estimates that 7 percent of the nondeductible portion of your 2014–15 dues is allocated to lobbying. PAGE One magazine (ISSN 1523-6188) is mailed to all PAGE members, selected higher education units and other school-related professionals. An annual subscription is included in PAGE membership dues. A subscription for others is $10 annually. Periodicals class nonprofit postage paid at Atlanta, Georgia, and additional mailing offices. (USPS 017-347) Postmaster: Send address changes to PAGE One, P.O. Box 942270, Atlanta, GA 31141–2270. PAGE One magazine is published five times a year (January, March, May, August and October) by New South Publishing Inc.; 9040 Roswell Road, Suite 210; Atlanta, GA 30350; 770-650-1102. Copyright ©2015

March/April 2015



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