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SPRING! It’s here! And with it comes an abundance of thought about what’s next. Perhaps you’re planning postschool-year rest and relaxation, adventure-filled excursions, or both. As part of your preparations, know that PAGE is here for you year-round. Of course, there’s still much to savor during these last few weeks before summer break. So, whether you’re reading this issue of PAGE One during the waning days of the school year or as you settle in this summer by the pool, on a plane, in your tent during a stay in the wilderness, in your kitchen, on your couch, or wherever your heart leads you, we hope you are encouraged and inspired by the articles and stories you’ll find within these pages.

Nothing says “spring” quite like the close of the legislative session of the Georgia General Assembly. This year, an intense session resulted in several positive developments for teachers, schools, and public education. PAGE advocacy – testimony, reporting, interviews, and more – greatly contributed to these results. The PAGE advocacy team checks in with legislative priorities and session highlights on pages 10 and 11.

Have you put something new into practice this school year that made a world of improvement in your classroom or how you do your work? In this issue’s cover story, PAGE members throughout the state share top tips and techniques for super-powered teaching and learning. On pages 20 through 34, these innovative educators showcase the tools, strategies, and resources they’ve found most effective in addressing post-pandemic challenges.

And, speaking of amazing teachers, Georgia’s longest-serving educator recently retired after nearly six decades in the classroom! Mrs. Barbara Landreth, a PAGE member since the association’s founding, taught at a Coweta County high school for 59 years. On pages 14 through 18, you’ll have the opportunity to get to know this exceptional teacher as she and many of her students reflect on a career that impacted generations of Georgians.

The state’s 10 finalists for Teacher of the Year 2024 are representative of the incredible talent and dedication in Georgia’s classrooms. Turn to pages 36 through 38 to learn more.

All of us at PAGE recognize and appreciate the extraordinary work Georgia educators do every day. We hope you enjoyed all the messages from PAGE staff this year in the Teacher Appreciation video. We certainly enjoyed making it! Access the video at any time at https://vimeo.com/821442108.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you as you serve others. n

Mills Executive Editor

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