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From the Executive Director “PAGE Exists to Help You do Your Best for Students Every Day.”

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PAGE exists to serve our members in very real ways, with legal representation as one of the most critical services. While the spring season is among the busiest for our attorneys due to evaluation and contract issues, educators experience events that lead to the need for legal consultation from before the first day of school all the way through the end of summer activities. Often, these issues are unanticipated, taking an educator by surprise. Fortunately, PAGE members have the assurance of direct access to one of our six highly experienced attorneys and, if necessary, a statewide network of 40 attorneys with specific experience and passion to represent educators.

Unfortunately, more than 300 times annually in recent years, an educator joins PAGE in a panic AFTER experiencing a career-threatening event in hopes of being represented by an attorney. It’s one of the most distressing situations for PAGE attorneys and our membership team. We listen and provide whatever assurance we can, but, ultimately, can offer only legal referrals that the educator can consider hiring privately. A non-member educator misses out on all the coverage benefits that membership provides.

Many of the educators who join PAGE during a professional crisis are seeking membership for the first time since their college student teaching days. Sadly, way too many are lapsed members who failed to transfer membership when moving from one Georgia school district to another because they didn’t follow through on reminders to submit a new application to update membership at their new location.

Transferring membership takes only a few minutes through use of the membership portal at members.pageinc.org (additional portal detail on page 59). Or you can contact our membership services staff for assistance: 770-2168555 | 800-334-6861. Keeping your member information current ensures continued access to all member benefits.

PAGE wants you, and all educators with whom you work, to be protected. Please ensure your membership stays up-to-date without any lapse in coverage by keeping up with the status of your membership and dues payments – whether payroll deduction, recurring credit card, or annual payment. This is especially important when moving from one district to another. Additionally, take the time to share the benefits of PAGE membership with your coworkers so they can join the state and nation’s largest independent educator association. Benefits of membership go well beyond legal protection, including vital legislative and education agency advocacy, professional learning, coaching, grants, scholarships, and recognition programs. Our wonderful team of Membership Services Representatives (MSRs) are ready to answer your questions and support you. (Additional details and contact information on pages 52 - 53).

ties and responsibilities involve a legal issue. Often, wise counsel from a trusted and experienced colleague can provide resolution and assurance. In response to the needs of educators, the newest member benefit, available now in certain areas and statewide beginning Sept. 5, 2023, is the PAGE Coaching program.

This personalized and confidential one-on-one coaching can be invaluable. Insight and help from a peer who “gets it” can make a vast, positive difference. PAGE began piloting this program in several areas of Georgia last year – with many members in these locations utilizing the service and reporting positive benefits from coaching on such topics as professional development plan resolution, special education processes, career development, peer-to-peer relationship guidance, and classroom management. Look for communication this summer about how to access this new member benefit.

Additional PAGE benefits involve financial support through grants and scholarships, as well as educator recognition through the STAR program. Highlights of these programs are included throughout this issue and throughout the year on our social media platforms.

PAGE exists to help you do your best for students every day.

Thank you for being a member of PAGE. n

Not all professional challenges that arise in the course of an educator’s du-

Your PAGE Legal Team

Contact PAGE legal at 770-216-8555 | 800-334-6861 (and select option 1) or legal@pageinc.org.

Your PAGE Membership Services Team

Contact PAGE membership services by calling 770-216-8555 | 800-334-6861, sending an email to membership@pageinc.org, or reaching out to individual team members using the contact information on page 53.

Executive Director Craig Harper joined PAGE in 2015 after more than 22 years in Georgia public school leadership positions. A certified trainer for Crucial Conversations and host of the PAGE Talks podcast, Harper holds a master’s in public administration from Valdosta State University.

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