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Pikes Peak Opera League Membership Application/Renewal Form

It Is Time To Renew Your Membership
Membership dues are valid from September 1 through August 31 of each year. Dues go to help defray administrative costs.
Please PRINT your information as you would like it to appear in the Membership Directory (even if it is the same as last year.)
Please renew by August 1, 2023 to be included in the directory!
Address: Street____________________________________________________State___________Zip____________
Phone: Home ___________________________ __Cell/Work Phone ______________________________________
E-mail: (PLEASE PRINT)____________________________________________________
Membership Category: Individual ______$50 Couple/Family ______ $75
Membership dues do not cover the costs of programming, which include venue rental, accompanists, and vocalist stipends, all of which contribute to our mission of creating funds for vocalist scholarships. Please consider becoming a sponsor in one or more of the following categories:
Program/Young Voice Sponsor (circle one): ___$50___$100___$250____$500
Venue Sponsor: ____$50___$100___$200____$250
Accompanist Sponsor: _____$50_____$100_____$150
Vocalist Sponsor: _____$50_____$100_____$150_____$200_____$250
Career Advancement Award: ______$500 ______$1,000
Donation to our Scholarship Fund: ____ $50_____ $100_____ $150_____ $500 $_________(write in amount)
Your name will be listed as a sponsor in event listings and marketing/promotional materials. If you are interested in sponsoring a particular event, please contact:
Nicole de Naray (719) 481-0426 ndenaray@gmail.com
Sponsorshipsanddonationsarefullytax-deductibletotheextentallowedbylaw.IRSregulationsdonotpermitany 501C(3)organizationtogivefreeticketsorothertangiblebenefitsinexchangeforsponsorships
PPOL is an all-volunteer, not for profit organization and can always use help. Please let us know where you would like to volunteer your talents and expertise:
•Hospitality: ____ with other team members provide refreshments to be served at any event not being catered.
•Membership: ___ create nametags for new members; distribute nametags & act as a greeter at member events.
•Young Voice ____ help with our program for high school age singers to expose them to a professional experience. Young Voice awards scholarships for participants.
Make checks payable to PPOL. Mail payment along with this form to:
Pikes Peak Opera League, P.O. Box 38478, Colorado Springs, CO 80937-8478. To pay by credit card, please do so on the website: pikespeakoperaleague.org. $5 will be added to cover CC fees.
Thank you for your membership and support!