Our r eaders –YOur CustOmers!
AKUSTIK GITARRE is the specialist journal with the largest circulation in Europe for acoustic guitarists and lovers of all styles of acoustic guitar music: Folk, fingerstyle, pop, singer/ songwriter, rock and classical guitar. More than 100 elaborately produced pages focus on news and reviews, workshops, interviews and portraits of guitarists and luthiers, reports and much more.
AKUSTIK GITARRE is the leading print medium and most important source of information
for the entire acoustic guitar scene (and for many electric guitarists as well).
Our singular audio CD contains all workshops and exercises, bonustracks by the musicians featured in our magazin, recordings of all testinstruments and other specials.
www.akustik-gitarre.com is the perfect complement to our magazine. We expand on the instrument tests, interviews and workshops presented in the magazine with videos and sound samples.
Editorial Board
Our t eam
As an internationally renowned guitarist himself, AKUSTIK GITARRE editor in chief Peter Finger enjoys close personal contacts to leading acoustic guitarists all over the world. That’s the unique thing about our magazine: all of your contact partners here are players themselves. So when discussing future cooperation and advertising campaigns, you benefit from our understanding and competence in this area, to best represent your interests and help find the optimal way to present your products.
Give us a call – we look forward to hearing from you!
Andreas Schulz
Hainerweg 8 · 61273 Wehrheim
Tel. 0 60 81 - 4 69 99 35
E-Mail: redaktionsteam@akustik-gitarre.com
Graphic Design
Acoustic Music
GmbH & Co. KG
Postfach 1945
49009 Osnabrück
Arndtstraße 20
49080 Osnabrück
Tel.: 05 41 - 71 00 20
Fax: 05 41 - 70 86 67
E-Mail: media@acoustic-music.de
Bank details:
Sparkasse Osnabrück
IBAN: DE29 2655 0105 0000 6993 30
Advertising Manager
Peter Finger
Hermann Otte
Tel.: 0 54 51 - 73 77 8
E-Mail: hermannotte@t-online.de
Mechthild Moreno
Tel.: 05 41 - 6 36 13
E-Mail: anzeigen@akustik-gitarre.com
Gerald Oppermann
Tel.: 05 41 - 7 60 79 82-3
Mobil: 0170 - 2278239
E-Mail: service@akustik-gitarre.com
Voksbank Osnabrück
IBAN: DE43 2659 0025 0945 4209 00
IBAN: DE02 2501 0030 0905 1023 08
t he r eadership Of a K ustiK Gitarre
In order to enable you to assess the readership of AKUSTIK GITARRE as accurately as possible and to adjust your product information accordingly, here are the most important results of our latest readers’ survey:
98% of our readers are active guitarists, more than half of them also play another instrument.
A total of 80% pay close attention to the advertisements and over 70% find them interesting and helpful.
University/College degree: 46%
Highschool diploma/A-levels: 22%
O-level/GCSE: 18%
other: 14%
Because of ads in AKUSTIK GITARRE, 76% of our readers have recently contacted manufacturers or retailers at least once, 60% more than once and 12% more than five times.
65% of our readers are aged between 30 and 50, the majority are educated and have an above average income.
Almost 20% of our readers are music and guitar teachers, making them significant multipliers with considerable influence over the purchasing decisions of their students. This also shows the high degree of acceptance our authors enjoy among critical experts.
White collar employee: 46%
Self-employed 21%
Managerial employee: 16%
Blue collar worker: 7%
Student/trainee:: 5%
other: 5%
Contact information to get in touch with the guitar playing team at AKUSTIK GITARRE can be found on page 6/7
Here you’ll find your contact person for all questions regarding AKUSTIK GITARRE. We offer support in cooperations or ad campaigns as well as in clearing up technical details or arranging coordination with editorial contributions. By the way, since we’re all enthusiastic acoustic guitarists ourselves, you can be sure that your interests are in good hands with us.
Call us - we’re there for you!
Monthly net income
Over 2.500 Euro: 30%
2000 to 2500 Euro: 14%
1500 to 2000 Euro: 18%
1000 to 1500 Euro: 14%
750 to 1000 Euro: 4%
under 750 Euro: 9% no answer 11%
Guitar Summit: 22.–24.09.2023
*In the case of bleed formats at least 3mm edge trim is necessary on all sides! Please stick to the safety margin.
Edge Trim: Area which is cut away (avoids white cutting edges)
Safety Margin: Distance between text/information and edge of data format (avoids unwanted bleed). be an 3mm bleed 4mm safety margin
sizes/r ates
For all deadlines please consult p. 5!
4C speCial
¼ 4c square with three other ads on a full right page
tOp shOp
Insertions at low prices
These special prices apply per issue and must be booked for one year (6 issues). They are not subject to any discounts.
For all deadlines please consult p. 9!
These special prices apply per
Special inserts e. g. cover- or loose-inserts on request
Reservation: Mechthild Moreno
E-Mail: anzeigen@akustik-gitarre.com
Please note: All ad rates are NET prices and are subject to VAT Guaranteed positions: + 15 % • Agency commission: 15 %
printinG infOrmatiOn
Digital file formats:
• PDF • TIFF • JPEG • PSD • EPS/Postscript
All fonts must be embedded
Picture files 300 dpi min/ vector graphics 600 dpi min
Scale: CMYK – Euroscale
In case of 4-color ads please send a final digital proof to our graphic department:
Siegfriedstr. 6
D-49477 Ibbenbüren
Tel.: +49-54 51 / 73 77 8
Data transmission
Per e-mail: Artwork (50 MB max.) may be forwarded to our graphic department: hermannotte@t-online.de
Per internet: Please make sure before upload to put all files to one folder (e.g. ZIP file) and ask for access code to our ftp server by e-mail at: service@akustik-gitarre.com
If files are damaged, we inform you in due time.
For all deadlines please consult p. 5!
We would like to point out explicitly, that any data arriving via email or data media will be checked for completeness and functionality to the best of our knowledge. However, we cannot provide any guarantee in the event of faulty print owing to wrong, late or incomplete data or technology-based layout errors!
t he Website
www.akustik-gitarre.com is the perfect complement to our print magazine. Videos and sound samples relating to instrument tests, interviews and workshops in the print edition .bring these into sharper focus and make them even more vivid.
interesting news, reports and a listing of upcoming concert appearances. The website also features our complete online archive with an overview of topics in every single issue of AKUSTIK GITARRE, from the first one published in April 1994, right up to the present day.
the user can find a wealth of important guitar related addresses, from brands and manufacturers to repair shops, retailers, schools and workshop providers, publishers or festival and concert organisers.
An additional free service for our users is the extremely popular classified ads market, plus
Our new feature AKUSTIKnetz offers great networking possibilities for the guitar scene. Here
Join us here to help increase public awareness of your products!
Online videos to complement test reports and workshops are extremely popular with our readership. Each edition includes informative videos to accompany reviews of particularly interesting instruments, in which the instrument in question is presented and – more importantly – played extensively.
We also support our readers with video workshops to help them learn guitar and improve their skills. Every edition includes a variety
of video tutorials specially filmed for this purpose. The AG video program really comes together in our Youtube channel, where we put together an individual playlist for each issue, including representative clips of the artists presented in the magazine.
Through the combination of our print edition with the multimedia presentations on the website and on Youtube, AKUSTIK GITARRE becomes a personal “guitar guide” for every reader.
a dvertisinG spaC es On aK ustiK- Gitarre.COm
Your Online Advertising
We offer various different banner formats for the online presentation of your products on our website. You can choose between different forms and placements:
• prominent skyscrapers or superbanners on any page
• a budget priced banners in the classified ads section
• content ads on special pages
• pre-rolls in videos
• your profile in AKUSTIKnetz
Please profit from our special bundle prices for print and online advertisements.
Classified a ds
After the cover page, the classified ad section at akustik-gitarre.com has the largest number of hits. This makes it an attractive advertising space at an unbeatable price. Choose between two different banner sizes:
Banner 1 (single height)
Format: 672 x 118 px (B x H)
Price for each 2 months:
Single booking v 80
Annual booking (6x) v 60
Banner 2 (double height)
Format: 672 x 208 px
Price for each 2 months:
Single booking v 130
Annual booking (6x) v 100
All prices are net and are subject to VAT. We give 3% early payment discount on annual payments.
Start of Booking: next on-sale date of AKUSTIK GITARRE (exceptions available on request)
Data Transfer: minimum 3 working days before on-sale date, direct to our webmaster Gerald Oppermann: service@akustik-gitarre.com
Please cc to anzeigen@akustik-gitarre.com
a K ustiK netz
The platform for the guitar scene
Our AKUSTIKnetz offers our customers the opportunity for detailed product presentations. Music retailers, guitar builders, concert promoters, music publishers and other specialists present their services in different sections.
Your advantages
• Your products are presented in a guitar-friendly setting
• Use the high PageRank of our website to improve the ranking and number of hits on your own website!
• Gain a lasting presence for a low price.
• Network with the guitar scene on akustik-gitarre.com
• Easy support: Gerald Oppermann Tel. +49 541 7607 982-3, mobile +49 170 227 8239 service@akustik-gitarre.com
You can choose between the more extensive XXL version with interactive elements and the pure text version XL!
Minimum booking: 12 months · All prices are subject to VAT. Invoice once yearly in advance.
Mechthild Moreno
Tel.: +49 (0)5 41 - 6 36 13
Fax: +49 (0)5 41 - 6 36 53
E-Mail: anzeigen@akustik-gitarre.com
File formats: gif, swf, png or jpg
Gerald Oppermann
Tel.: +49 (0)5 41 - 7 60 79 82-3
Mobil: +49 (0)170 - 2278239
E-Mail: service@akustik-gitarre.com
t he WOrld Of aK ustiK Gitarre
The magazine
The best place for your ad: · AKUSTIK GITARRE, the largest specialist journal for acoustic guitarists in Europe. Over 100 pages of news, reporting, tests, workshops, interviews, technical articles, reviews of tutorials, DVDs and CDs, company portraits, trade fair reports and much more.
AKUSTIK GITARRE – the magazine for fingerstyle, singer/songwriter, folk, blues, pop, jazz, latin, rock and classical guitar. And in particular: for your advertising!
The website
Always right up to date · direct access to the world of the acoustic guitar – and your online advertising. Video tests and workshops create the perfect connection to our magazine and ensure that the website is particularly effective as a medium for your advertising. Profit from our page ranking and high volume of traffic by presenting your products on www.akustik-gitarre.com!
The CD
Attractive in every way · we release a high quality CD to go with every issue of AKUSTIK GITARRE. Only available here: top quality sound examples of all instruments and equipment tested in the magazine, perfect for directing attention straight to your products. The CD also contains the audio recordings of all workshops, plus bonus tracks from featured artists.
The workshop magazine with DVD
ACOUSTIC PLAYER · the DVD workshop magazine for guitarists. Up to fourteen exciting workshops per issue, covering all the important guitar styles and playing techniques, in notation and tabs. Plus video lessons with over 240 minutes of premium guitar tuition from some of today’s leading players and educators. The ultimate playalong magazine for every guitar lover!