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Houser’s Happenings by Jim Houser

PA Holstein Profiles

The Official Publication Of Pennsylvania Holstein Association


(USPS 437|ISSN: 08878498)

Volume 39 No. 2 WINTER 2021

“The Pennsylavnia Holstein Profiles is published two times a year, May/June and Nov/ Dec by the Pennsylvania Holstein Association 839 Benner Pike, State College, PA 16801 Phone: 814-234-0364

Yearly subscription price is: U.S.-$15, Canada- $20 The Profiles subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address please be sure to give us both the old and new address.

Printed in the United States by: Modern Litho 6009 Stertzer Road, Jefferson City, MO 65101

Address all communications to: PA Holstein Profiles Rose Morian 12028 Sperry Rd, Atlantic, PA 16111 Call or text at (814)282-3371 indeliblecows@hotmail.com

Postmaster: Send address changes to Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles 839 Benner Pike State College, PA 16801

Editor & Advertising Manager Rose Morian

Executive Director

David Lentz

Officers James Houser, President Buck Cessna, Vice President Jeff Ansell, Treasurer

SUMMER 2022 Deadline

APRIL 22, 2021

Please have whatever information you would like placed in your ad on hand/included in communications. If you cannot provide pictures for the ad, PA Holstein is not responsible for any reprint fees that may be charged in obtaining photos; these fees will be added to your invoice.

CONTENT/COPY: Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles has a policy to accept paid advertising unless its content may be construed as defamatory, invasive of the privacy of others, fraudulent, obscene, or otherwise unlawful. In submitting copy, the advertiser represents and warrants that its content falls obeys said rules and is in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws. Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising or submitted written material at any time. The material produced is done with the highest integrity however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. It has truly been a privilege and an honor to serve as the 20202022 Pennsylvania Holstein Association President. The last two years have been a learning experience for me, but being surrounded by great people on the executive committee and our employees, it has made me a better person. It has been fun and challenging serving on numerous committees, but I could not have asked for a better two years. I would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who worked endlessly to put on a wonderful National Convention. We had an outstanding turnout with smiles lining the hallways. The tours, contests, meals, and events were all a big hit, and provided some great time to meet new friends and catch up with old ones. Congratulations to all of the juniors who represented Pennsylvania so wonderfully, we could not be more proud. It has been decided that we will be starting a reserve fund with the leftover money from the National Convention. This money will be used for any necessary means in the future, hoping to ensure our Association will last for many generations. This summer, we had an outstanding turnout with all of the regional shows. Congratulations to all of the exhibitors who prepared and showed some outstanding cows that represented the Holstein breed well. Thank you to Jennifer Hill who worked hard to prepare for and help these shows to run smoothly. Unfortunately, Jennifer has decided to pursue other endeavors and will be resigning from her position as Show Coordinator. If you have an interest in this position please feel free to contact me. The recent Nittany Lion Fall Classic Sale was another large success for our Association this year. Thank you to all of the volunteers who prepared and took care of the large group of animals, along with everyone who helped to have the sale run so smoothly. The Dairy Science Club did a terrific job yet again, and our Association is extremely appreciative. This upcoming year, we will experience our first joint junior and adult State Convention since 1988 and it will be held in Reading. We are looking forward to meeting in person again after our missed convention in 2021. Thank you to our Southeast region for hosting, I am excited to see what you have in store for us. I have enjoyed my time as President, and look forward to continuing to support the Pennsylvania Holstein Association for the following years. Thank you for all of your support and assistance during this time. God bless this Association, all of the wonderful members, and God bless the Holstein cow.

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