1 minute read

the problem and a solution.

1:10,000 Problem - stranded remnant Banksia woodlands with limited connectivity for native bees and their pollination services. Solution - “Beeline” corridors that provide native bee’s food and reproductive floristic requirements within 500m flight ranges, while concurrently promoting cross-pollination between the Banksia woodlands.



Remnant Banksia woodlands

Native bee beelines (foraging / reproductive corridors)

500m (minimum) native bee “motel” floristic pitstops

LGA Boundary


Beeline 1 - For the Bees and transient humans

3.2km beeline between Jirdarup and Goss Avenue remnant bushlands. Requires collaboration bewteen two LGAs. Utilises urban forest matrix from golf course and street trees, as well as recent T.of V.P. ecozoning. Additional planting proposed. The Collier Park Golf Course and Government agencies on this beeline route could play sponsorship / custodian role in the form of a living lab.

Urban Forest

ToVP new shrubbery

Proposed shrubbery ecozoning

Beeline 2 - For the Bees and local humans

1.5km beeline on Etwell Street (existing gateway to Jirdarup) between Jirdarup and Hillview remnant bushlands. Exclusion zone for European bee hives. Utilises verges, street trees, public open spaces and T.of V.P. ecozoning. Propose to leverage off existing T of V.P. $500 garden grant and native plant giveaway programs. LGA demonstration gardens and educational material would further support native bee attracting gardens. Residents and local schools on this beeline route could play sponsorship / custodian role.

Buildings - Residential (Etwell Street)

Public Open Space

Proposed shrubbery ecozoning

Beeline 3 - For the Bees only

2km beeline between Hillview and Goss Ave. remnant bushlands. Utilises verges, street trees, public open space and T.of V.P. ecozoning. This beeline would be more fluid as it is the bee’s navigation choice. Curtin University, South Metropolitan Tafe and Technology Park on this beeline route could play sponsorship / custodian role. Playfield Reserve is a well positioned junction point for Etwell Street and this beeline.

Public Open Space

Proposed shrubbery ecozoning

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