Five minutes with ...Agata Kaplon on the project "Jews Go Green"

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11/23/11 1:18 PM

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INTERVIEW Five minutes with ...

Agata Kaplon on the project "Jews Go Green" 01.09.2011 - by Katrin Richter

Mrs. Kaplon, coordinate the project called "Jews Go Green" by the Central Council of Jews. What does this mean? Currently we are working on a site about ecology. In it we want a introduce green lifestyle and develop texts that Judaism and environmental ethics or combine environmental protection. That is how, for example, Jewish Holidays which commits ecological or "green philosophy" behind it. We want the Visitors to the site planned to inform about which ideas to Judaism Environmental debate. To whom is your initiative? To all who are actively engaged in community life. With our first seminar on 5 and 6 September we speak mainly students and Madrichim.‌%2526kaplon%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den%26prmd%3Dimvns

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11/23/11 1:18 PM

What priorities set in the project? We want first of all discuss together the question: What is green Judaism? Then be We develop a guide that is suitable both for home and for communities. He to show how one can simultaneously be ecologically and economically. Here, issues such as reducing consumption, resource sustainability and a major role. Without a Awareness of green issues make people hardly think about it. Another Point are workshops for communities, should be taught where, how, for example, an ecological book or clothing swap meet organized. What hopes do you associate with "Jews Go Green"? We hope that the project is so interactive that people whose ideas we approach and results in a creative exchange of ideas. What role does the theme of ecology so far in the communities?

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In my experience, every ward two or three members who are concerned do about it. Especially among young people is the association Judaism-environmental sustainability very present. There are in the communities here and there a bit, but no common action.‌%2526kaplon%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den%26prmd%3Dimvns

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Why is that? Maybe sometimes simply lacking the motivation. Among the immigrants from the former Soviet Union is the awareness sparingly with things that exist, because in their Home countries were not so many consumer goods. However, we have a common Create a platform on which all can also communicate with each other. The theme Environmental protection and ecology is also particularly Jews. Judaism and its values ​and Traditions are virtually one of the cradles of modern environmental protection and responsible use of the environment. With the project coordinator of "Jews Go Green," said Katrin Richter.‌%2526kaplon%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den%26prmd%3Dimvns

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