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PAIGE KROLL 10607 Walpole Lane Austin, TX 78739 512.921.5993

Enthusiastic PR student graduating in May 2016. Ready to use the skills learned on-­‐the-­‐job and in class to contribute to your team. Wrote weekly press releases and blog posts, pitched to local and national media, and managed social m edia accounts for previous employers. Welcome the chance to solve problems and provide content for your PR and media opportunities.

E D U C A T I O N E X P E R I E N C E P U BL I C R EL A TI O N S + B U S I N ES S F O UN DA TI ON S C E R TI F I C A T E The University of Texas at Austin 2012 – 2016 GPA: 3.5 S K I L L S § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § §

Cisionpoint Hootsuite Tweetdeck MailChimp Coverage Book Microsoft Outlook Microsoft Suite Media Relations Social Media Press Releases Copyediting Fundraising Event Planning Interviewing Coaching/Teaching Leadership

A C H I E V E M E N T S § University Honors § 2012, 2014, 2015 § Top 10% Scholarship § LCRA Scholarship § Sigma Alpha Lambda § Teamwork Award § Spring 2015, UT R E F E R E N C E S Available upon request

P U BL I C R EL A TI O N S I N TE RN N E W TO N O ’N E IL L C O M MU N I C A T IO N S , A u gu st 2 0 1 5 – P re s e nt § Clients: Banger’s Sausage House & Beer Garden, Blue Genie Art Bazaar, Finn & Porter, Food+City, City of Georgetown, IT’S TIME TEXAS, Liberty Tavern nd § Collaborate with Food+City team to plan and execute 2 Annual Challenge Prize Competition by coordinating vendors, videographer and crafting e-­‐newsletters § Write, edit and submit press releases and media alerts to national and local media on behalf of all clients § Draft and submit pitches to travel writers for Banger’s and City of Georgetown § Create and send MailChimp newsletters for Finn & Porter, Food+City and Liberty Tavern § Promoted to “Senior Intern” to manage other intern tasks and ensure efficiency for firm M A R K ET IN G A N D C OM M U N IC A T IO N S I N TE R N I T’ S T IM E T EX A S , Ma y 2 0 1 5 – A u gu st 2 0 1 5 § Created social media content for the Choose Healthier App Facebook and Twitter accounts § Wrote and edited blog posts for IT’S TIME TEXAS blog about Choose Healthier App providers § Conducted interviews for promotional video and social m edia § Researched and assembled list of Central Texas Twitter users and bloggers for engagement with Choose Healthier A pp social media accounts C O M M U N IC A TI O N S A N D MA RK E TI N G I N TE R N City of Austin/ Austin Resource Recovery, September 2014 -­‐ December 2014 § Developed content for the Road to Zero Waste Blog, and Facebook § Updated web content and wrote original blog post for Holiday Collection Schedule Campaign § Created press releases and blog posts for Christmas Tree Recycling and Recycling Batteries campaigns § Produced press release template and media outreach list for client's Shred Day event § Researched best practices for crisis communication plans and compiled list of contacts and questions M A R K ET IN G A N D C OM M U N IC A T IO N S I N TE R N YMCA of Austin, May 2014 -­‐ August 2014 § Wrote, edited and submitted press releases to local media § Created original news item content for website, including grants and summer camp interviews § Managed Facebook and Twitter accounts using Hootsuite and TweetDeck § Created checklist to improve partner recognition and stewardship A C T I V I T I E S A N D V O L U N T E E R I N G § Texas Spirits: An honorary spirit and service organization for students at The University

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of Texas at Austin. Promote spirit among students and serve the University and Austin community. o Internal Communications Executive, January 2015 -­‐ December 2015 o Service Chair, January 2013 -­‐ May 2013 Dance Instructor at Dance By Carly, 2012 – Present UT PRSSA

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