Phytoceramide Benefits Unique plant lipids or ceramides or phytoceramides are extremely important for Skin Rejuvenation and Hydration from the inside out with supplements or capsules and from the outside in, retaining hydration, through topical creams in your antiaging regimen. If you advantages of phytoceramides are not taking plant ceramides also known as phytoceramides, then you are in for a big surprise when it comes to age reversal benefits. The main health benefit of how plant ceramides, plant lipids, or phytoceramides is the healing through hydration of your fountain of youth phytoceramides aging cells from within. As mentioned above, however, it is most effective to use both ways, i.e. by way of supplementation and topical cream at the same time, to gain the most health benefits from these plant ceramides. Ceramides also occur in human skin and their levels decline sharply with advancing age. Orally ingested plant ceramides have been shown to effectively replacethe ceramides lost through normal cell shedding, skin damage, and aging. Oral ceramides are delivered efficiently to the stratum corneum layer of the epidermis via the blood stream. Recent research suggests this oral delivery method improves the functionality of ceramides and produces results that only enhance topical applications. More than just a cosmetic problem, skin aging exposes you to significant health risks from infectious microorganisms, UV radiation, defective permeability to topical drugs, and increased susceptibility to contact dermatitis from environmental chemicals. You also need your skin to be at its functional best in order phytoceramide benefits to properly regulate body temperature, synthesize optimal amounts of vitamin D, and provide critical sensory input from the environment. Studies confirm the decline of the ceramide content in aging human skin, possibly due to a decline in enzyme activity that helps to deliver ceramides in usable form to the skin. When aging skinâ  s ability to make ceramides diminishes, as it inevitably benefit from phytoceramides does, increased ceramide intake becomes essential. Increased ceramide intake is required to reverse an increased susceptibility to environmental assaults (e.g., decreased humidity, solvents, and detergents) and a diminished capacity to recover from these insults. In fact, when plant ceramides otherwise known as phytoceramides are taken internally through supplementation of generally capsules containing phytoceramides in addition to the topical cream, your chances of the most benefits of age reversal are greater than taking the supplement alone. What you are doing, in essence, is hydrating and healing your skin from the inside out as well as adding protection in specific areas such as the face, and producing more concentrated amounts of phytoceramides through the topical cream in those specific areas for more drastic results. When taking plant ceramides internally along with the topical cream applications, one can see results within the first 24 hours to the first several days, weeks and months, only decreasing inflammation, healing wrinkles in the skin, tightening the skin, and thickening the skin. Plant ceramides aka phytoceramides also generate collagen and elastin, make your hair grow phytoceramides health benefits thicker and longer, faster, your nails grow faster, and your fat cells which produce cellulate thicker, thereby reducing cellulite on your arms and legs. You will discover that deep lines on your face and neck will disappear with continued use, and your complexion will be brighter and younger day by day as you use this combination in your age reversal or antiaging regimen.