Custom Picture Framing- Time to look stylish & elegant Picture frames should be used only if it important and when used should be the reason to lift your artwork. Picture frame should be selected to match your decor. They should be the one which will reveal the inner beauty and value of your artwork. The better picture frame you will select for your artwork, better it will be for the viewers of that artwork. With the option to select your custom picture frame, you can make your artwork more attractive and divine in every aspect. Since you are choosing your own picture frame, special attention should be given to the material it is made of. Some of the things that should be taken care of in order to make your artwork more stylish and elegant are: • You should invest on high-quality matting and glazing (glass). The extra money you will invest on this picture frame is worth the added protection and adulation you will get. The high quality material will increase both the life-span and beauty quotient of your artwork. • Pay attention to small and minute details like how it is kept in the framer's workshop, the framer should be careful with your artwork. After you leave your artwork in the workshop of the framer, no faulty workmanship should incur as it can lead to irreparable damage to your artwork. • Do not allow the framer's words to outdo your instinct. It is your artwork and you should have a final say regarding the various aspects of the picture framing. Do not go for heavy styling, fancy cuts because a great picture frame should support your art and not outshine it. Photography- Things to do • Make sure that the glass resting on the photograph is kept a bit away from it. A glossy finish on the glass will damage your photograph completely. Therefore, glazing should be kept away from the photograph.
Custom Picture framing Services-Paintboxart&framing
Custom Picture Framing- Time to look stylish & elegant
• You should decide on the extent the cropping of the photograph should be done. Being the owner of the photo you should make sure that your photograph is duly and clearly visible. Make sure to tell your framer how much photo needs to be projected. Posters and decorative art- Things to do • You are the best judge of your valuable posters and other decorative artwork, procure them accordingly. A poster which is of great value to you should not be “dry-mount” while posters with less financial value can be dry-mounted. • Do not get carried away by the framer's words and spend stars even though not fully convinced to do so. You should invest only according to your need and budget without getting intimidated by the framer. Style & Elegance There is no hard and fast rules for picture frame and you can always choose from the various options available. It would always be helpful if you will mix style and elegance to make your artwork even more special. You can go for ornate frames when you are going for something classy while minimal frames will be good for contemporary artwork.
Always be careful with the color-combination you choose for your frame and your artwork.
Colored mats can distract the attention from the art. You should be careful so that the artwork takes the center stage and not the back stage due to the picture frame.
Keep in mind that the visual effect of the frame should never take away the appreciation from your art. Your picture frame should do the presentation part and let your art do the rest.
Custom Picture framing Services-Paintboxart&framing
Custom Picture Framing- Time to look stylish & elegant 
Follow your gut feeling while choosing your custom picture frame. You are the best judge of what strikes you so count on your instinct. Even if you want to go for something different than the latest trend in the market, go for it. Don't be carried away with latest trend and remember to follow yourself.
Now after knowing all this about custom picture framing, it's time to search a professional picture framer. Go for a framer who has adequate experience and offers you the right combination of material and price. For your covenience there are quite a few professional framer present in the market like Tuckerframe, Michaels, Paint Box Art & Framing, FrameBridge etc.You can choose one of them according to your need and budget. Just remember one thing that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy in frame picking.You have to keep in mind that framing is a form of visual communication. The better your communication would be, the better it would be for your artwork.
Custom Picture framing Services-Paintboxart&framing