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NEW WORKPLACE Sexual Harassment Laws
Everyone has the right to a workplace that is safe and free from sexual harassment and in addition to protections offered under other Australian laws, from 6 March 2023, The Fair Work Act has been amended to ban sexual harassment in connection with work and the workplace. The changes cover employees, contractors, work experience students and volunteers; future workers; and people conducting a business. A person or company can be liable for sexual harassment conducted by an employee or agent in connection with work, and applies unless the person or company can prove that they took all reasonable steps to prevent the sexual harassment.
Managing Sexual Harassment
There are several things as business owners that you can do to prevent sexual harassment. These include:
• Ensuring you have adequate policies and processes in place to educate people in the workplace or to refer to in the event that a complaint is made or issue is raised;
• Taking complaints seriously and addressing them early;
• Building and maintaining safe and secure physical and online working spaces;
• Ensuring training and support is provided to staff about the importance of preventing and reporting sexual harassment in the workplace; and
• Detailing how staff should go about raising concerns or complaints.
Should you require assistance in the area of training or policy development, or if you need to update your existing policies and procedures in relation to sexual harassment, please get in contact.
Mary Cairns HR Maximised