1 minute read
Do you stand out from the crowdAre you unique?
To be successful in the business world today, you need to be uniquely different ….. so, what is unique and different about you and your business?
Consider these questions below and learn where sort if you stand out. As the internet and social media become more prominent we have to find our own niche market. We need to know how to bring it down to such an extent that we are seen as the only one in the marketplace.
So, I ask you ….
• Do you stand out from everyone else?
• How are you positioning yourself?
• Who or what is your target market?
• Are you niched correctly?
• Do you have competitors or are they collaborators?
• Why would I choose you over them?
• Are you a key person of influence in your industry?
• If your name is mentioned, are you known?
• Are you networking in the correct circles for your business?
If you can answer the above questions in the positive, you will then KNOW that you are making a difference and are ‘on the money’!