1 minute read
06 08 11 14 16
Transitioning from Sole Trader to Company How a Commercial Lawyer can assist. Time for a wage review?
Legal Expense Insurance FOR SOLE TRADERS
Cybersecurity Best Practices for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses
Why Your Business Needs You to Say NO
25 20
Toxic work cultures start with incivility and mediocre leadership. What can you do about it?
The Importance of TRAINING (Part 3)
28 30 35 36 38 42 43 22
How Much Cash Does My Business Need?
A Painters Pathway
Need ideas for your next team building or social event?

Competitive advantage AND UNIQUE SELLING POINTS
Know thyself, know thy finances: which of the 5 money personalities are you?
Industry Idiots
Important Contacts
Opinions and viewpoints expressed in the Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine do not necessarily represent those of the editor, staff or publisher or any Aussie Painters Network’s staff or related parties. The publisher, Aussie Painters Network and Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine personnel are not liable for any mistake, misprint or omission. Information contained in the Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine is intended to inform and illustrate and should not be taken as financial, legal or accounting advice. You should seek professional advice before making business related decisions. We are not liable for any losses you July incur directly or indirectly as a result of reading Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine. Reproduction of any material or contents of the magazine without written permission from the publisher is strictly prohibited.