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The Importance of Training (Part 2)

In last month's edition of The Aussie Painting Contractor Magazine , I covered the first 3 Units of the 12-part Series that I have written.

This month, I’m covering what I believe is the most important unit of all, Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry.

This is the one unit that assists in everyone going home safely at the end of the day. It also covers what everyone’s requirements are within the construction industry and who is responsible for what.

With every student that I train, they are aware of the importance of this unit. They all know that it is imperative that your Personal Protective Equipment PPE is paramount to the longevity of your life.

I ask every student "do you wear a mask when you are sanding?" Less than 50% of students do when they first start in the classes. It’s incredible to see and hear how low on the priorities spectrum that PPE is for many in our industry.

As I emphasise to all students, "have you heard of asbestos or lead paint? What about silicosis?"

Generally, most have heard of them, which is great, however, they don’t think that it's ever going to affect them or the people around them.

As I always explain, “did you know that lead and asbestos were the best things in the construction industry in their day? What is in the plaster and paint that you are sanding now?” That tends to open a few eyes and make them think about their personal health in the future. I have even had students tell me “The boss said just get it done quickly and it will be ok!” I should mention this was regarding a lead paint job.

Well, sorry NO!! It is not ok in any way shape or form.

As I said at the start of the article, it’s about everyone’s safety and if there is any risk to be taken it just shouldn’t be at the end of the day.

Training isn’t just doing the theory and ticking boxes, it's about sharing life experience and the right way to do things; and ensuring that what has happened in the past when cutting corners to get the job done without the protection of people in the industry and the public, in fact everyone, doesn't happen again!

One thing that I have learnt throughout my 30+ years in the industry, is that if you are going to do a job, do it safely and charge the client for the work you do. It’s like training; if you want your staff to do the best possible job they can, then have them trained the right way. Don’t try and save on training by cutting corners and getting the good old onsite 'tick and flick' happening. Get your staff and apprentices trained properly in all aspects of the industry.

It’s great having all the equipment to conduct the training required, I hear all too often that trainers just turn up with paperwork to fill in and WOW, you have finished a unit, or even better, "the trainer just got me to hold a roller or spray gun hand piece and pretend I’m using them and take took a photo.

Well, If you want to get the best training for your apprentices available, reach out and contact me.

Nigel Gorman nigel@aussiepaintersnetwork.com.au 07 3555 8010

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