2 minute read

Is Your Business Your Passion?

Waking up in the morning, knowing that you have a long day ahead, are you energised knowing that you are doing something you love and just want to get to, or do you dread having to drag yourself to your desk?

Passion for what you do will show through when you talk about your business. More than likely, you chose to start your business because you were passionate about the subject or product. Your chance of success and personal satisfaction shines through when you speak your message if you are doing what you love! If you have lost your passion, that will shine through too!

To start and keep a business these days you need to have an entrepreneurial spirit and an overwhelming wish to make a difference. If your business is a means to an end, you will find that it may be short lived as any passion you had moves to a personal state of dislike or lack of interest.

If you started your business to create wealth and you do not have the skills, contacts, business acumen or experience, more than likely, you will be one of those who find themselves in a situation of closing the doors and looking for another way to bring in an income.

According to the Small Business Administration in the USA (Australia I believe is similar), only 44% of new businesses make it to their fourth year. If you are new in business, these numbers shouldn't discourage you if your business is also your passion, as you will be prepared to do whatever it takes to bring your dream to fruition.

Was your business created around a dream or vision to do or be something? Is it something you have thought about for a long time, an inner knowing telling you to create ‘the dream’ for the betterment of others, in some way? Does your business make you want to cry or bring up an emotion when you talk about it? If so, I believe that you are creating your souls purpose that only someone who has experienced that feeling can understand.

Small business statistics from the Australian Government show that 95% of businesses are small businesses, with nearly 1 million people running a business from home at this time.

This figure is growing according to the Australian Home Based Business Statistics. As employment becomes harder, especially for people over 50, starting a small home-based business becomes the one thing that people can create without the large overheads that are created by having a shop front.

If you're paying attention to your life at all, the things you are passionate about won't leave you alone. They're the ideas, hopes, and possibilities your mind naturally gravitates to, the things you would focus your time and attention on for no other reason than that doing them feel right." Strickland believes that only by following your passion will you unlock your deepest potential. "I never saw a meaningful life that wasn't based on passion. And I never saw a life full of passion that wasn't, in some important way, extraordinary."

Finding your true passion is something that others just know, and for many others, it is something that just clicks in when the time is right. Do you ever wonder and ask how can you find your true passion? This is something within you that only you can know and find.

Bill Strickland, author of Make the Impossible Possible offers some clues, writing: "Passions are irresistible.…

Look around your community and city and see who the real entrepreneurs are … seeing how they follow their passion. So many aspiring entrepreneurs follow the crowd and end up disappointed because they feared following their heart. So, as a business owner, be passionate about your product, service, company or cause. Make a difference and shine your light.

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