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Life as a Painting Trainer!
After 30 years in the Painting and Decorating Industry I thought I would share with you some of the goings on of what a trainer does and what I do.
Over the last few months I have been travelling around Qld to different events trying to help you find staff while keeping the Painting Industry in Qld at the forefront of people’s career choice.
In January after a couple of weeks' holidays, I hit the ground running training apprentices for their first week back while employers weren’t ready for them, or they were still on holidays themselves, then off to North Qld, between Proserpine and Rockhampton where I saw another 17 apprentices over the week.
Then it was February before I knew it, and I was off again with a few days in Hervey Bay teaching the next generation of painters. I would like to thank the Hervey Bay Rugby League Football Club for allowing me to train in their facility. With over a dozen apprentices in that area I spend most of the week working in the town. Then just to finish off, I ran a Try a Trade Day followed by a Careers afternoon.
March got even busier with The National Association of Women in Construction NAWIC, Women on Tools Breakfasts. In the month I attended NAWIC events at TAFE in Brisbane, Wagners HQ in Toowoomba and I was invited to be on the panel at the event held at Bristol Paints Store and Total Tools in Hervey Bay. Whilst in Hervey Bay I took the opportunity to do scaffolding training with the apprentices I train in the region. Then what a way to finish off the last day of my working before a couple of weeks off, I attended the Palen Creek Jobs Expo and spoke about possibilities within the painting industry, followed by an afternoon and evening event on the panel for She’s
Got Skills held at the Busy School in Salisbury. This was an event run by Busy Sisters and Busy at Work. Then finally holidays relaxing on the beach at Byron Bay for a couple of weeks.
What a slap in the face it was 1 week back though! Already I am thinking, ‘what holiday?’
April, more training, training, training and then next week I hit the road again and head to North Qld stopping in Cairns, Townsville, Proserpine, Mackay, Rockhampton. It might sound like a holiday but, behind the wheel of a truck pulling a trailer, isn’t all it's cracked up to be. Next month I’ll report back on how the trip went!
If you would like me to train your apprentices, just give me a buzz or send me an email and I will see what I can do.
Nigel Gorman nigel@aussiepaintersnetwork.com.au