Letter From The Artist I’m very excited to release the 2013 Summer Collection. In it you will discover my newest muse pigs and hogs, as well as some of the classics you come to expect like cows, portraits, landscapes and more. My focus, as always is the medium. Trying to push my style and techniques to the brink of ruin which is where I always do my best work. Once a painting means nothing to me I can then create with more freedom. As I look at this collection I can say that this has never been more true. Many of these works were poked and prodded in all directions. I can remember going through various stages of being satisfied, frustrated, elated and overwhelmed. All the wonderful emotions that help make my job as an artist both challenging and rewarding. In the end the art always seems to come together. A little untidy along the way perhaps, but that’s okay. After all, a baker can’t make a delicious cake without first making a little mess in the kitchen, right? I hope you enjoy the new works as much as I did creating them. Feel free to browse the catalog at your own leisurely pace. You can also visit the website to learn more about my art, career and painting techniques. We offer 3 & 5 day workshops and online video tutorials for those interested. Thanks for browsing and supporting original art.
Kindly, Robert Joyner www.painthog.com
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summer collection
w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m
Abstract Cow Portrait Mixed media on paper 22” x 30”
w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m
Colorful Rooster, Mixed media on paper, 22” x 15”
Pig Farm, Mixed media on canvas, 30” x 30” w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m
Grazer Mixed media on canvas 36” x 36”
w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m
Old Betsy, Mixed media on paper, 17” x 15”
Soda, Mixed media on paper, 17” x 18.50” w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m
Walk the walk, Mixed media on paper, 15” x 11”
Home sweet home, Mixed media on paper, 22” x 15”
w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m
Southport Landscape, Mixed media on paper, 30” x 22”
Pig On Blue, Mixed media on paper, 25” x 20”
w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m
Cow on green Mixed media on paper 14” x 17”
w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m
Scribbles No.2 Mixed media on paper 25” x 22”
w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m
Ketchup and mustard Mixed media on paper 12.25” x 19”
w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m
John Adams Mixed media on paper 15” x 19.50”
Brainy Mixed media on paper 15” x 18”
w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m
Reagan Mixed media on paper 15” x 22”
w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m
Theodore Roosevelt Mixed media on paper 22” x 30”
w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m
Diet Coke, Mixed media on paper, 18” x 18”
Hamels, Mixed media on paper, 15” x 20.50”
w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m
3-2 Pitch, Mixed media on paper, 15” x 20”
Shortstop, Mixed media on paper, 14.75” x 22”
w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m
Porky Mixed media on paper 23” x 15”
w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m
Harbor Queens Mixed media on paper 17.50” x 14”
Touchdown Mixed media on paper 30” x 22”
w w w . p a i n t h o g . c o m