The Paisano Vol. 47 Issue 9

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Glimpse into the future, UTSA 2038 see page 6

Most unbreakable sports record chosen see page 13

Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

March 27, 2012

Volume 47

Issue 9


What started out as a birthday party turned into a nightmarish scene for Aspen Heights residents after an unknown gunman opened fire, leaving one man dead and another wounded. Students from UTSA were celebrating a birthday party for one of their friends. A group of uninvited individuals started crashing the party after a different party nearby was shut down by the police. “We were having a birthday party, and it was only people that we knew,” an eye witness who wishes to remain anonymous said. “At around 1:40 a.m., two officers showed up and told everyone they had to clear out and then they left. Then a bunch of guys started walking in as everyone was leaving.” The witness told the group that they had to leave because they were shutting the party down, and the group complied. As the witness started to clean up, a commotion was heard outside. “I went outside, and there was a huge fight,” the witness said. The witness then went to the aid of one of his friends, who was being assaulted, and was also struck several times while trying to help. The witness then saw the victim, 20-year-old Randall Perkins, walking with a friend inside, when an unknown male pulled out a gun and fired two shots. One of the shots struck Perkins in the head. The other victim, a UTSA student, was wounded in the arm.

Photo courtesy of Joseph Tidline

San Antonio Police Department questions a witnesses that may have information that could lead to the arrest of the shooter who is still at large.

“Randall fell to the ground, and we all ran off but came back right away to help,” the witness said. “When we came back inside we started to try and help

him; he was bleeding a lot and coughing up blood. We called 911 five times before we were able to get through.” The witness then went to the gate to

guide emergency services to the scene. Another witness saw the events unfold from her second story bedroom window across the street after hearing

noises outside. “They were just getting into it (fighting) when I saw a guy standing on top of a car. I did not see anyone with a gun and then I heard the gunshot, and I kind of ducked from my window. Then I saw everyone scatter. The guys scattered , got into their car and drove off. Everyone was screaming,” said the other witness. The second witness also heard that someone was seen with a gun at another party around the corner approximately 30 minutes before the shooting. “The owner of the house started kicking people out, but most of them stayed (at the party around the corner). All of a sudden everyone scattered out of the house saying there was someone with a gun. The police came within 10 minutes and got a statement from the owner of that house,” the second witness said. “The cops left; they did not patrol.” Perkins, an assistant lacrosse coach at Smithson Valley High School, died from his injuries and was pronounced dead at 3:26 a.m. at University Hospital. Officers from the San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) were the first to arrive on the scene. “I was dispatched to the listed location for a shooting in progress with a confirmed hit,” Officer Shawn King said in his report. “I observed V1 (Perkins) laying in the rear parking lot of building 56. An unknown male and female were on each side of V1 trying to help.” See HOMICIDE, Page 3

The McKinney Estate: the gift that keeps on giving Melissa Lopez Intern

A donation station located at the Shell gas station on UTSA Blvd. for the Medina Children’s Home.

Rejection leads to charitable behavior Dylan Bynum Staff Writer UTSA’s marketing Ph.D. program is off to an excellent start. The very first student to graduate from the program is Jaehoon Lee; he already has his doctoral dissertation published in the “Journal of Consumer Research,” a highly regarded marketing journal published by the University of Chicago Press. Lee’s recently finished work began when he first started the marketing Ph. D. program looking at the

social effects of ostracism, and his research culminated in the study of what he calls the “differential needs hypothesis.” The differential needs hypothesis is a combination of previous studies on the effects of ostracism and social exclusion, and the results are mixed. Some experiments show that participants react to social exclusion with prosocial behavior—such as making charitable donations—while other experiments result in antisocial behavior such as aggression or conspicuous spending. See REJECTED, Page 4

Mary McKinney had a great passion for education and a strong desire to learn and teach. McKinney grew up within a modest but wealthy family. McKinney graduated from Trinity University and earned a Master’s degree at the University of Texas at Austin; she even took post-graduate courses at UTSA from 1992 to 1996. She was a schoolteacher for most of her life and loved teaching. Education held such a great importance to McKinney that she gave the majority her estate to UTSA to ensure that students with strong academic records would not be hindered from completing their education due to a lack of finances. The gift, unbeknownst to McKinney, would continually produce royalties of 25 percent from oil production that was found through the Eagle Ford Shale on the estate she had given to UTSA. A lease was signed with UTSA to drill at the location of almost 5000 acres, which consisted of three ranches. “The three ranches include both the surface estate and the mineral estate. In many properties in Texas, minerals have been severed from the surface …

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Brianna Cristiano / The Paisano

The McKinney Humanities Building was named in honor of the late Mary McKinney.

but (not) in this case… so we get both the surface estate and the mineral estate. UTSA’s Associate Vice President for Administration Pamela Bacon said. “Before it was distributed to UTSA, an oil and gas lease had been negotiated on one of the ranches (which) required that they begin drilling a well within a year after signing. We met their obligation, and a well was completed early this year,” Bacon said. McKinney’s gift to UTSA—which

included real estate, stocks, bonds and personal savings—is an estimated $26 million dollars. “She gave us (UTSA) a few gifts in her lifetime but nothing of this magnitude. The size of her estate was a big surprise to everyone because she was just a very modest person,” UTSA Associate Vice President for Advancement Services and Administration Laura Murray said. See BLACK GOLD, Page 5



The Paisano

March 27, 2012

The Paisano

March 27, 2012



College students help preserve San Antonio history Associated Press A group of university students took to San Antonio’s streets with concrete, spackle, ladders and nail guns in hand. Their mission: to restore and preserve ramshackle homes in some of the city’s most historic neighborhoods. The students from the University of Texas at San Antonio and San Antonio College are part of a program called Students Together Achieving Revitalization, or S.T.A.R., that was launched in 2010 with the goal of preserving houses -- some of them old

and in disrepair -- in some of the city’s historic neighborhoods while helping the homeowners, the San Antonio Express-News reported Sunday (http:// “We’re going to do as much as we can in four days,” said Shanon Peterson, the city’s historic preservation officer, who will be with the students and volunteers as they work on 14 homes this weekend in the Tobin Hill Historic District and Five Points neighborhood. Nationwide, cities and towns are struggling to restore and preserve downtown neighborhoods and his-

toric areas that fell into disrepair as residents moved to the suburbs and the cost of repairing the old structures rose. San Antonio’s unique program is funded through sponsorships and grants and has already improved 32 homes. The program has also been incorporated into undergraduate architecture classes at the University of Texas at San Antonio, giving students hands-on experience as well as class credit. For Charles Herrin II and his wife, the need to baby-proof their 1917-built

home was a necessity. The couple has one infant, and another on the way. “I like projects, but it gets too overwhelming,” said Herrin, who is having the program paint the home and repair a second-story porch as well as the front and rear porch steps. “All of this work will make the house safer and it’s nice to have it all done at once.” Herrin’s home is in Tobin Hill, a neighborhood originally farmed by settlers in the 1700s and developed beginning in the 1880s. The area declined as urban development moved north of downtown and people moved

to the suburbs. Now, retirees and others who live in the neighborhood on a fixed income need help restoring the homes and preserving their historic character. Adam Lewis, a junior studying construction science at the University of Texas at San Antonio, said he got class credit for work he did in the S.T.A.R. program last year, but returned this year as a volunteer. “It’s a good way to spend time with others in the same field and to get involved in the community,” the 21-yearold said.

From Page 1

SAPD then started gathering witness testimonies after securing the apartment complex and sealing off the entrance and exit. According to the report, a witness said an unknown person started jumping on a vehicle in the rear parking lot of the location, and a large fight broke out. “W1 (witness one) then saw a black male (SP1) wearing a white tank top;, W1 described the shirt as a wife beater, standing in the middle of the parking area. SP1 then pulled a gun out of his waist band and pointed the gun towards the crowd that was behind the duplex. W1 then heard (portion deleted) shots then saw V1 fall to the ground,” Hunt reported. The suspect then ran east but may have returned during the commotion and drove off in the vehicle that was previously being jumped on. The next day, Aspen Heights released an official statement concern-

ing the killing. “No words can express the shock and sadness we feel about this senseless tragedy. Our heart-felt condolences go out to the family and friends of the student who was killed and our thoughts and prayers are with our resident who was critically wounded and has since been released from the hospital. The safety of our residents is our highest priority. We are taking every step necessary to ensure that the community is secure,” the statement said. We have added additional overnight security personnel, restricted access to the property and are taking other steps to bolster the safety of our community. 
In addition to fortifying community safety, we also will have counselors on-site Sunday in our club house from 4-7 p.m. to help students deal with the tragedy. We also will be conducting a townhall with our residents in the coming days to open an broader dialogue about the tragedy, answer questions, and address any concerns they may have.”

Photo courtesy of Joseph Tidline

HOMICIDE: One dead, another wounded at party

San Antonio Police Department Crime Scene Investigation gathers evidence from the area where the shooting occurred.



The Paisano

March 27, 2012

From Page 1

What Lee realized is that social exclusion can be either implicit (ignored) or explicit (directly rejected). Since ostracism is a bit of both, he figured this might be the cause of the contradictory results of previous studies. Lee’s research attempted to isolate the differences between implicit and explicit social exclusion. He hypothesized that these different types of exclusion would have different effects because they threaten different psychological needs. He was right. Dr. L J Shrum, the professor of marketing at UTSA’s business school who assisted Lee with his study, also shared his thoughts on the research. “It turns out that being ignored and

being rejected affect people in almost completely opposite ways. The reason is that those two types of social exclusion affect different fundamental human needs. For example, we have the need for power and control, the need to have control over our lives, and then we have self-esteem. We want others to think well of us. Being ignored affects people’s sense of power and control while rejection affects self-esteem, but not vice versa,” Shrum said. “It turns out that when people are ignored it greatly increases their preference for conspicuous consumption because that’s a way to restore power and control, but it doesn’t affect their charitable donations. However, when they’re explicitly rejected, it increases their donation behavior because they

want to reconnect with society and raise self-esteem, but it doesn’t affect their conspicuous spending.” These are the results taken from four experiments done with a total of 266 participants. The experiments recreated conditions experienced by people when they are either ignored or rejected. The participants were then asked about their preferences for shirts with large or small logos (large representing conspicuous spending) and their willingness to donate some of the money they would earn from the experiment to a charity. To verify the Differential-Needs Hypothesis, some groups went through an additional step, which bolstered either their self-esteem or sense of control based on which had been manipulated in the experiment. They were then asked the same preference questions. These participants showed no preference for conspicuous spending or charitable donation because the needs that had been threatened were then boosted back to normal levels, thus validating Lee’s hypothesis.

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REJECTED: UTSA marketing student develops theory on social rejection

Social rejection tends to make people want to give to charity.

Though there might be some immediately-apparent applications of this study in a marketing context, the researchers want to find broader socially-beneficial uses for this information. “Even though it’s in a consumer journal and the experiment was done by the marketing department, we’re more interested in helping people make better decisions rather than help marketers. (The experiment) was really more about learning about the need threats rather than social exclusion. We want to make people aware of this so that when they receive a threat, they don’t then try to bolster those threatened

needs in ways that are unhealthy,” said Shrum. There is still more research that can be done on this subject. Separating the need threats in the lab is one thing, but in a social setting conditions aren’t always so black and white. The initial example of ostracism is actually the act of ignoring, but used as a form of rejection, so it is easy to see how situations can get complicated in the real world. Jae Lee, however, has made a great breakthrough in this field, and his accomplishment will serve as a source of pride for the UTSA College of Business.

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The Paisano

March 27, 2012

BLACK GOLD: Oil profits help send students to UTSA Through the 25 percent of royalties received from the Eagle Ford Shale well on the estate, scholarship funding is continually going into what is referred to as the Felix and Elizabeth McKinney Memorial Scholarship Fund, a major asset for what is used to administer scholarships at UTSA. “There will be times when oil production is low,” Bacon said. However, all royalties will continue to go towards scholarships. Assistant Vice President for Student Financial Aid and Enrollment Services Lisa Blazer and her staff oversee scholarship distribution. “That office is responsible for awarding the scholarships. They spend a lot of time and a lot of thought gathering ideas on how to best award scholarships. We get money on a periodic basis through the system office called UTIMCO, which stands for The University of Texas Investment Management Company. UTIMCO manages all of our endowments and investments. We get periodic payment and reports on what has come in,” Murray said. A number of scholarships were awarded last fall through the McKinney Endowment. “We feel very fortunate that we have a 25 percent royalty in whatever they do drill, and it’s exciting because it’s the first oil well UTSA has anything to do with,” Murray said. “It was something very dear to her, I think,” Murray said. “She also left a small amount to the school that she taught at as a teacher and a small amount to the San Antonio Public Library, but nothing compared to what she left to UTSA, so we were very fortunate, and she was just very generous.” According to the Eagle Ford Shale official website, “(The shale is) cretaceous sediment that was traditionally

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An oil services industry worker walks away from a mobile land-based oil rig like the ones used to drill into the Eagle Ford Shale Formation.

known as a source rock in South and East Texas. The formation was first targeted by Lewis Energy in 2002, but most give Petrohawk Energy credit for discovering the Eagle Ford play many are targeting today. Petrohawk Energy is given credit for drilling the first EFS wells in 2008, when the company began testing several areas across South Texas.” The Eagle Ford Shale felt that ranch

was a viable location for drilling. They entered into a lease with UT and went in carrying all the costs and risks, drilled a well and they were successful to some degree,” Murray said. With the miracle of oil drilling technology, McKinney’s estate continued to grow, as did her donation to UTSA. The McKinney Fund’s continually increasing earnings soon began to contribute to UTSA scholarships.

“This was the first year these scholarships were awarded and it’s expected to grow, so the numbers will be changing. The amounts that go into scholarships will not be static as it grows in production and more money is received,” Bacon said. Although McKinney’s contribution to UTSA was a substantial one, she may have had no idea that her contribution would become an even greater

gift with the arrival of the Eagle Ford Shale onto the ranch property on which the well now pertinently rests. “I think that the chances that Ms. McKinney was aware the property had this kind of mineral wealth on it are not good. She probably did not know,” Bacon said.

WEEKLY POLICE BLOTTER COURTESY OF THE UTSA PD Duty on striking unattended vehicle Parking lot 1A 03/25/2012 04:32 PM Disposition: Active Driving while intoxicated Avalon Place Apartments 03/24/2012 02:57 AM Disposition: Cleared by arrest Consumption of alcohol by a minor Off campus 03/24/2012 12:49 AM Disposition: Cleared by arrest Possession of drug paraphernalia Off campus 03/24/2012 12:49 AM Disposition: Cleared by arrest Possession of marijuana Off campus 03/24/2012 12:49 AM Disposition: Cleared by arrest Possession of drug paraphernalia University Oaks 03/23/2012 07:42 PM Disposition: Cleared by arrest Theft Main Campus 03/23/2012 04:45 PM Disposition: Active Theft Main Campus 03/23/2012 04:43 PM Disposition: Active Theft Main Campus 03/23/2012 11:03 AM Disposition: Active


Features Paseo

The Paisano

March 27, 2012

Courtesy of UTSA

UTSA’s Master Plan: 2038

Graduating students who return in 10 years should find three new dorms next to the upcoming San Saba Hall, Convocation Center and Rec Center expansions, a University Center IV and three new, unspecified, buildings next to the Biosciences and Engineering Building.

Burk Frey Web Editor Current UTSA students, faculty, staff and visitors are witnesses to one of the most dramatic periods of upheaval and growth in the university’s short history. The changes seem to alternate between being exciting and frustrating: new green spaces begin with parking lots closed for construction, while a heightened school spirit comes in hand with increased tuition and fees. New building projects are everywhere. Administrators, staff, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) cadets and the Writing Program faculty moved into the recently completed North Paseo Building (NPB) last Fall. In the same vein, students have been taking advantage of the JPL’s renovated and expanded computer lab. A bookless, digital library is now serving researchers and students in the Applied Engineering and Technology (AET) Building , the first library of its kind in the nation. Even those sleepwalking to class this semester have surely noticed the concrete pillars next to the Walter Brenan Av., soon to be 600-bed San Saba Hall,

or the construction north of the Main Building, the Bauerle Garage, which will hold 1200 new parking spots. Other changes are less visible but still have a forceful impact on UTSA’s future. In five years, the university’s annual research expenditures have nearly doubled from $32 million to $56 million. Admissions standards have improved, with 53 percent of incoming freshmen having graduated in the top quarter of their high-school class. A few minutes from campus, on Hausman Road, UTSA broke ground this month on its new multi-million dollar Park West athletics complex. With this complicated web of projects and initiatives underway simultaneously, UTSA can’t afford to proceed without a sense of direction. The university relies on two roadmaps: “UTSA 2016,” which guides its academic progress, and the “UTSA Master Plan,” published in 2009, which establishes its physical growth. Administrators use both of these documents together to direct the university’s development for the foreseeable future.

THE MASTER PLAN The UTSA Master Plan embodies the university’s structural future. First unveiled in 2009, it guides the architectural future of UTSA’s three campuses (Main, Downtown and Institute of Texan Cultures) plus the Park West athletics complex. The Master Plan lays out Main Campus’ development from 2009-2038, within four phases of construction. Each phase adds new buildings, infrastructure and renovations based on UTSA’s projected needs at each point in the future. With Main Campus currently under Phase 1, the plan is still in its infancy and just recently gaining speed. Of the five new buildings proposed for Phase 1, two–San Saba Hall and the North Paseo Building –are on campus in some form (Bauerle Garage and the north roundabout, under construction, were originally slated for Phase 3). The Master Plan does offer some flexibility based on unforeseen needs; the garage plans were moved forward to help alleviate UTSA’s parking crunch. A five-story administrative building next to the

North Paseo Building was also originally a Phase 3 structure, but is already in the planning stages. The accelerated schedule is intended, in part, to free up valuable classroom space from the campus core. The last three buildings in Phase 1 are by far the largest and most important. Arranged around a proposed green space south of the Convocation Center, the buildings will form the nucleus of a campus quad and the new face of UTSA. The three were scheduled for completion in approximately 2014, although that time-frame might not be met. Regardless, these final Phase 1 buildings are near the top of the list and will drastically alter the look of south campus when they are built. Graduating students who return in 10 years should find three new dorms next to the upcoming San Saba Hall, Convocation Center and Rec Center expansions, a University Center IV and three new, unspecified buildings next to the Biosciences and Engineering Bldg. Roads will be straightened, pathways landscaped and a new campus entrance will greet visitors entering from UTSA Blvd.

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PRICE TO PAY To keep up with the frenetic construction pace. without disrupting current students, is unavoidable. The new Bauerle Garage, the roundabout and its accompanying green space, have already caused some controversy by forcing the closure of Peace Lot (formerly Parking Lot 3). Senior mathematics major Frank Salinas, however, doesn’t seem to mind losing Peace Lot to gain Bauerle Garage. “That’s just part of the growing pains for UTSA. We (students) have to give parking to get parking.” In fact, the parking switch hints at an overall goal of the Master Plan, which is to eventually remove all surface lots and replace them with garages. The gambit the plans’ creators and administrators bet on was that commuters would tolerate parking lot disruptions here and there to reap the benefits of the garages: a greenThe Master Plan, after completion, includes an amphitheater and a College Town, where University Oaks stands now. All parking spaces are in garages and marked with a “P.“ er, denser, more beautiful campus.

Courtesy of UTSA

The university’s strategic plan, UTSA 2016, was designed five years ago by President Ricardo Romo and other key members of the community. It aims to provide a framework by which the university can measure its scholastic achievement. Even though some of the goals are considered somewhat vague, the plan is full of critical information, with metrics for progress and eventual success. Since UTSA 2016 was intended to cover 2007-2016, this year marks a convenient halfway point to assess some of the goals. The plan focuses on three umbrella concepts: diversity, globalization and transformative leadership. A key goal towards diversity is to get UTSA’s racial demographics to mirror those of the surrounding area. The university is already close to this goal; UTSA students and Bexar County residents are both primarily Hispanic (45 percent and 59 percent respectively). White individuals (31 percent / 30 percent) and black individuals (9 percent / 8 percent) make up the next two largest categories at both UTSA and Bexar County. Advancing towards diversity, UTSA will likely aim to increase the number of Hispanic students, among other measures. Globalization has long been an effect of UTSA’s various initiatives, but UTSA 2016 focuses and redoubles the existing efforts. International students already make up a relatively large portion of the student body at 4.9 percent. UTSA will likely work towards signing more initiatives with countries and institutions around the world, such as the educational partnership signed with the country of Malawi last year, which aims to foster literacy in the southeastern African country. UTSA also participates in student exchange programs with universities in England, Italy, Germany and Japan amongst others. The goal of transformative leadership is multifaceted, but UTSA

has been making good headway in some areas. When UTSA 2016 was launched in 2007, the university had 450 doctoral students. The strategic plan set a goal of 900 doctoral students annually by 2016. UTSA is almost halfway there, with 716 students enrolled in Fall 2011. Transformative leadership also involves providing students with the best educational experience possible to give them the tools to lead. One of these tools being the Student Leadership Center, located at the UC. Based on current and projected enrollment, UTSA will need vast amounts of new academic and living spaces. UTSA has been constructing new buildings consistently, but it operates at such a space deficit that it may take several years to catch up to an acceptable amount of space per student. New buildings such as the NPB, the AET and the proposed administrative building have alleviated the issue somewhat, but construction will need to continue at an ad- The Main Campus, as it was in 2010. The upcoming Bauerle Garage, north of the Main Building and the already finished North Paseo Building are not shown. vanced rate.

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Courtesy of UTSA

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The downtown Master Plan, with proposed buildings shaded lighter that existing structures.

Courtesy of UTSA


Paseo Features

Courtesy of UTSA

The Paisano

March 27, 2012 August 26, 2008

An artist’s rendering of the the downton campus, with the planned additions from an aerial view.

Roadrunner nest: the future of the downtown campus Matthew Duarte News Assistant Editor Although the assumption is that UTSA’s Main Campus, on 1604, is the heart of the university, many would argue in favor of the downtown campus. As the main campus seeks to expand and grow, the downtown campus is becoming a strong force in shaping UTSA’s regional identity. Located just west of San Antonio’s downtown core, UTSA’s smaller downtown campus is already more modern than much of the main campus. The 11-acre campus opened its doors in 1997 and is the home to the colleges of architecture and public policy. In addition, all of UTSA’s core classes are offered at the downtown campus. As it stands today, UTSA’s downtown campus is composed of four main buildings and a handful of parking lots. Three of these four buildings—the Buena Vista Building, Frio Street Building, and Durango Building—are located on the Central Academic block directly west of I-10 and I-35, while the Monterey Building is across Frio Street. The Central Academic Block is arranged as a trio of buildings surrounding Bill Miller Plaza, with the east side of the plaza allowing for an open view of the downtown skyline. In addition to these buildings, there are several parking lots downtown, including the Cattleman’s Square Lot just north of the Central Academic

Block. As a whole, the downtown campus is in a favorable location; it being close to the dining and shopping destination Market Square. It is also just south of a planned multimodal transportation hub, which San Antonio hopes will become the city’s main mass transit center. The hub has recently received a $15 million federal grant. In spite of the modern buildings and central location of the downtown campus, there is still plenty of room to grow and improve. The Master Plan for the downtown campus seeks to address areas where the university can solve existing problems, as well as ways for the university to improve upon its success thus far. Although the Central Academic Block is the most consistent and orderly component of the downtown campus, the Long Term plan still finds room for improvement. Among other suggestions, the plan calls for building construction that leads to a more closed space in the southwest and northeast corners of Bill Miller Plaza. Additionally, the university hopes that the downtown campus will continue to improve its reputation as a strong civic center in its westside neighborhood. In order to achieve this, the plan calls for more pedestrian-friendly sidewalks and tree lined streets to foster a sense of community. One of the main concerns of the existing downtown campus is the relative isolation of the Monterey Building. From an architectural perspective the Monterey Building is fairly

bland and does not fit in well with the rest of the campus. Additionally, because it is located across the street from the rest of the rest of the buildings and is separated from the street by a parking lot, the building is not often associated with the rest of the downtown campus. To solve these issues, the plan has called for additional buildings on the Monterey block, which would eventually create a sense of unity between the Central Academic Block and the Monterey Block. The new buildings would allow for a series of courtyards and green spaces to be built at a location where current vegetation is minimal. Despite the benefits of improving the Monterey block, it should be noted that the current plan assumes that UTSA would be able to purchase land currently used by the City of San Antonio Service Facility. Finally, the Cattleman’s Square Block, which is currently used as a parking lot, has been suggested to solve space issues for the university down the road. The proposal has called for the eventual development of a building on the lot, and also suggests that the site could also be used for student housing. Although UTSA’s downtown campus is much newer and more modern than the main campus it has already established itself as an integral component of its Westside neighborhood. The Long Term Master Plan seeks out new ways for the University to strengthen its relationship with the neighborhood while meeting its needs for growth and strengthening UTSA’s regional identity.



The Paisano

August 26, 2008

March 27, 2012

Campus Calendar Ongoing Events

Katy Schmader/ The Paisano

“Picasso, Amigos y Contemporáneos” Texas A&M University-San Antonio’s newest exhibit features 97 works by Picasso and his friends. Approximately half of these have never been seen outside of Spain, so it is an excellent opportunity to check out some beautiful work. The exhibit will take place through May 20, and it is open Sundays from noon - 4 p.m., Mondays through Friday, 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturdays, from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Admission to the exhibit is free.

UTSA Student Show (until April 22)

Juried by Texas State lecturer at Texas State University, The XXVIII Annual Student Exhibition showcases fellow students’ work. The exhibit will be on display at the UTSA Main Gallery until April 22.

Adam Waldron-Blain’s “Marble Canyon II” is just one of the many art works that portray the conflict between the human influence and nature.

Contemporary Art Month

Trinity’s art show displays the clash between humanity and nature

It’s not too late to check out some incredible contemporary art as various galleries open their doors for Contemporary Art Month. Check for more details.

Tuesday, March 27 6 p.m. Artist Conversation: Alex Rubio The San Antonio Art Museum will be featuring Alex Rubio as a guest lecturer. He will discuss his art and life.

Friday, March 30

Richard Rowley Intern Art, among other things, is usually an attempt to communicate expressions of thoughts, feelings and ideas within the artist in a meaningful way. That expression provokes a conversation among observers as they reach out across time and space to connect with the artist. “The Future is Not What it Used to Be,” at Trinity University’s Neidorff Gallery is an exhibit that explores human incursion on the natural landscape. Curated by Amanda Roscoe Mayo and located in the Dicke Art and Smith Music Building, it unites the voices of artists from various regions around the common theme of the often unstable and inharmonious relationship between humans and nature. As they enter the gallery, visitors are

greeted by two large black and white digital pigment prints by Caleb Jagger. The first print is of Bee Mountain, in Brewster, Texas; the second shows the barren aftermath of the Rockhouse fire that destroyed more than 300,000 acres near Marfa, Texas, in 2011. A row of a dozen small color and black and white framed prints captured by Erik Grow are located on a wall nearby, and they invite a broad range of potential interpretations since there seems to be no obvious connection between them except that they all contain images of seascapes or mountain forests. On closer examination, though, an interesting pattern emerges. Every other print is black and white. It is as if the artist is trying to show the contrast between the more natural-looking color photo images and their sterile, black and white counterparts. Although black and white photo-

graphic technology is older than color, it is also the more unnatural of the two in the sense that, at least in its early days, it represented the human inability to accurately reproduce the color dimension of visual images (in this case, images of nature). That disconnect could represent the divide between humans and the rest of nature. Perhaps one of the more interesting pieces in the exhibition is a video by Adam Waldron-Blain that begins with the image of a mountain stream. The sound of rushing wind and water adds a new dimension to the experience that goes beyond the visual. Thirty seconds into the clip, a violinist approaches the water and begins to add a decidedly human and unpleasant element to the experience, perhaps as a comment on the mismatch of the human intrusion in the beauty of nature. See TRINITY, Page 10

6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Global Lens: Craft (Riscado) Gustavo Pizzi’s debut feature concerns an underemployed actress in Rio de Janeiro who performs at private events dressed as various female movie icons. The event is free with museum admission.

Saturday, March 31 7 p.m. Artslam! 8-Bit Arcade This month’s Artslam! at the White Rabbit is arcade-themed, featuring over 40 local and out-of-town artists. Admission is $6.










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The Paisano

March 27, 2012

The Paisano Editor-in-Chief: Allison Tinn

News Editor: Ryan Branch

News Assistant: Matthew Duarte

Paseo Editor:

Victor H. Hernandez

Arts Editor:

Katy Schmader

Arts Assistant: Katy Glass

Sports Editor:

Stephen Whitaker

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Diane Abdo

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Madelyn Garner, Carly Cirilli, Richard Rowley, Melissa Lopez, Erica Cavazos The Paisano is published by the Paisano Educational Trust, a nonprofit, tax exempt, educational organization. The Paisano is operated by members of the Student Newspaper Association, a registered student organization. The Paisano is NOT sponsored, financed or endorsed by UTSA. New issues are published every Tuesday during the fall and spring semesters, excluding holidays and exam periods. All revenues are generated through advertising and donations. Advertising inquiries and donations should be directed towards:

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Editorial Self-defense has unofficial racial exceptions The country has turned to the mainstream media to shed light on the events that unfolded the evening of Feb. 26 between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman, which left 17-year-old African-American, Martin, dead. The media has provided articles and headlines labeling Zimmerman’s as racially motivated vigilante. The death of any youth is undeniably tragic, but the media’s failure to provide a non-biased article presenting all the facts of the events that night has lead to the misinterpretation by the American people. Nearly a month after the shooting occurred, evidence surfaced indicating that Zimmerman was acting in self-defense. After multiple crimes took place in the neighborhood, The Retreat, Twin Lakes in Florida, the homeowners’ association wanted to create a neighborhood watch program to keep their residents safe. Zimmerman, a criminal justice student and a licensed gun carrier, was the man to volunteer. The police had to be called to the neighborhood 402 times between Jan. 1, 2011 and Feb. 26, 2012, for breakins, thefts and one other shooting. During that period, Zimmerman called the police 46 times himself; one of which led to the arrest of a bugler. The Feb. 26 events began with a 911 call made by Zimmerman when he spotted Martin walking through the gated neighborhood acting in a “suspicious” manner. Zimmerman described Martin as “just walking around, looking about” in the rain. While still on the phone with the police dispatcher, Zimmerman began pursuing Martin. The dispatcher told Zimmerman, “We don’t need you to do that.” Zimmerman replied by saying “ok” and then informed the dispatcher, “He (Martin) ran…. I don’t know where this kid is.” Martin, at this time, was on the phone with his girlfriend who said Martin told her that a strange man was pursuing him. While on the phone, she heard Martin ask Zimmerman, “What are you following me for?” Zimmerman responded, “What are you doing here?” The phone call then ended with what the girlfriend heard as “pushing,” and the headset went silent. The next series of evidence comes from the variety of eyewitnesses who

Commentary UTSA pet peeves There have been a few slight pet peeves concerning the UTSA campus that need to be expressed. For one, why is the water fountain currently off? While I recognize that the cost of running a fountain 24/7 might be excessive or indulgent, I still feel that the ambiance of the Sombrilla could be greatly improved with a little rushing water sound. If this is your first year at UTSA, you have never seen the fountain in action. Second, if you are a person who assists with an organizational fundraiser on campus, please refrain from harassing me to eat your unsanitary food. I’m sure that your $5 hotdog will help you buy semi-humorous/ sexual innuendo organizational tshirts, but I have absolutely no desire to get salmonella. Also, I recognize that you might have donuts or pizza that you did not prepare and purchased at some trans-fat food chain, but I would rather pay half the price and just visit the place myself. Third, I recognize that many of you

live in the neighborhood. Several residents began calling 911 claiming to have heard an altercation with someone screaming, “Help!” One gunshot was also heard. Most of the 911 calls recorded were made post gunshot, but there is one call available where “help” can be heard for at least 45 seconds followed by the single gunshot. MyFoxOrlando was one of the local TV stations reporting from the crime scene after the shooting. They interviewed a man, John, who lived directly in front of where the altercation and shooting took place. John said that “the man on the bottom (Zimmerman) was yelling to me ‘Help! Help!’ and I told him to stop, and I was calling 911.” The resident locked his patio door, ran upstairs and then heard the gunshot. When the man looked out his window again he saw “the guy who was on the top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point.” The police arrived on scene shortly after and tried to resuscitate Martin, but at 7:30 p.m. he was pronounced dead. Zimmerman claimed self-defense, and on those grounds, he was not arrested. After the police arrived, they got Zimmerman’s statement. He claimed Martin attacked him by punching him in the nose and sent Zimmerman to the ground. Martin then climbed on top of Zimmerman and began beating him, slamming his head into the ground and even reaching for the gun. According to the 2010 Florida Statutes, Title XLVI, Chapter 776.012, a person has justifiable cause for using deadly force if: “He or she reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony.” Zimmerman is protected under Florida law, a law that has been adopted by 30 other states – Texas included. The law was created so a person in danger has the right to protect himself or herself regardless of the attacker’s race. Controversy was created when the 911-call that Zimmerman made was released and what sounds like the ra-

cial slur “f*****g c**ns” heard. The slur raised questions that the shooting could have been being a hate crime. The comment, while inappropriate, is irrelevant to Zimmerman who believed his life was in danger, causing him to act in self-defense. “George Zimmerman suffered a broken nose and had an injury to the back of his head, Zimmerman’s attorney Craig Sonner said, “This was a case of self-defense.” Another fact missed by the media is that Martin was at his father’s house in Miami that evening because he was suspended from school for a week for the possession of marijuana. Martin had also been suspended previously for graffiti. The possession of the illegal drug and graffiti is not to demoralize Martin’s reputation, but it does highlight Martin’s history of troubling behavior at his high school. This case has now become a national issue and The New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (NBPP) has offered $10,000 for the capture of Zimmerman. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” NBPP leader Mikhail Muhammad said. The NBPP is a political organization, which was founded in 1989 and not an official successor of the Black Panther Party. The party does not have the authority to offer a reward for the capture of Zimmerman, nor do they have the power to take any actions against him if they do have him in custody – other than to turn him over to the authorities if he was wanted for prosecution, which he is not. In addition to the party’s public demand, which added to the racial tension a shirt was created with a picture of Zimmerman and the words using a racial slur “p***y a** c*****r.” A grand jury will come together on April 10 to further examine the Trayvon Martin case, and the case has also been investigated by the Justice Department. Hopefully, the media and the public will take all facts into consideration before further assumptions are made about the motive behind the loss. This case will certainly change the way law enforcement and the courts will justify self-defense with racial boundaries in the future.

out there have strong faith in a higher power. I have absolutely no problem with this whatsoever. However, most of us hell enthusiasts are well aware of the contributions of that small town hero named Jesus Christ. The Jesus people tend to run in gangs that terrorize us normal people who would like to enjoy our lunches and conversations. We politely ask that you leave us alone, so we may go about our business of hell-bound behavior. Fourth, this is very specific to back lot parkers. I park in one of the back lots, which is one of the best-kept secrets on campus (shhh). There is always ample parking at any time of the day, but now Route 43 has been changed due to construction. This is outrageous. The amount of time it once took me to hop on the shuttle and get to campus has doubled. This has made the time saving factor of not having to fight for a parking space obsolete. On top of that, the route used to drop us all off comfortably by the Business building, but now we are dropped off in the deep valley known as the bottom of the Science building. This has forced us all to reveal the lack of physical conditioning of our bodies.

Fifth, most professors are highly intelligent and impart vast amounts of information and wisdom by engaging their students. There is an exception to this rule. I demand that professors who do nothing more that stand in front of the class and spew large quantities of information be removed. I understand that you spent countless hours studying this subject at Smartest-Person-Ever University, but you’re inability to actually impart that information to students is frustrating and possibly proves that you’re stupid in the real world. Most of what you say will be forgotten along with your low tech PowerPoint. Last, people on any sort of wheels need to be courteous of those to us who use legs. I can’t tell you how many times I have barely escaped with my life after one of these heartless individuals whizzed by. I have a hard enough time walking after a late night of studying (partying), so please don’t make this any harder. First world problems.

Photo Poll


What did you do for spring break?

Nicole Bailey

Freshman / undeclared “I went home and visited family.”

Martin Ayala

Junior / finance and international business “I went to North Caroline with the tennis team to play some matches.”

Kevin LeSane

Sophomore / electrical engineering “Over spring break I went to Austin and hung out with my friends.”

Max Rosenfeld

Freshman / computer science “I spent my spring break studying for my Earth Systems lab.”

Kimberly Galvan Sophomore/ kinesiology

“For spring break I went home to visit family and went to South Padre.”

Cliff Perez Staff Writer

More articles and media content at:

Brooke Baldwin Junior / pre-med

“I went to Panama City Beach with my sorority sisters.”

Photo poll: Alyssa Gonzales

Katy Glass Staff Writer “When (the) occupy (movement) started, the general criticism of it was that it didn’t have any direction. It didn’t have people who actually knew what they were talking about,” UTSA senior Daniela Riojas said. Riojas saw a problem with the movement from the start, and as an active member in San Antonio’s developing art and music scene, she felt that she had something new to offer the occupy movement. “That was like the main thing for me,” Riojas said. “How can we do this with art?” Along with other artists, Riojas founded Arts United San Antonio in late October last year in direct response to Occupy. As stated in their mission statement, “The Arts United is a grassroots organization in San Antonio that functions in support of the current social, cultural, political and economic revolution happening in the United States.” But, unlike other occupy movements sprouting up around the United States, Arts United aims to be heard through various art forms— such as poetry, paintings and music— rather than as a muddled horde with-

out a medium for their message. Riojas believes that this method will be much more productive, claiming, “I think it’s reflective in our history. Even during the civil rights movement, a lot of (our ability) to unify people, bring people together... was based on art.” It’s undeniable that the occupy movement brought crowds of protestors together, but instead of uniting them under one cause, it became a clash of hundreds of individuals trying to be heard over one another. Arts United offers a chance for everyone to have a turn in the spotlight and an opportunity to have their voice heard. Riojas went on to describe how Arts United can unite participants and said, “There were so many different political affiliations in one spot that everybody was going off in their own direction and not moving in one direction,

Texas Indepen-dance!

whereas music and art can do that job. (Art) can create an ideology and then everybody can relate to it in some way.” Riojas said, “I guess it breaks down a lot of the borders that politics create.” Arts United encourages anyone interested in getting involved in the occupy movement here in San Antonio to submit to their literary magazine, which is currently under construction. To submit to the magazine, artists may create any form of art as long as it falls under one of Arts United’s two prompts. The first prompt would be any art form (painting, singing, sculpting, filming, writing, etc.) that critiques the current political and social environment, while making a claim of any sort on an issue of the artist’s choosing. The second prompt is an extension of the first. Art submissions falling Write for Arts! Email us at :

under the second prompt must present progress, a solution or the utopian aftermath. “(The second prompt is about) getting more into the romantic spirit of ‘What if life was like this?’ I think that once we do that then we can start feeling out a way to get there and create that reality,” Riojas said. “Either you present a problem or you present a solution. We’re getting more problems, of course, so you know, we’re asking for more solutions.” The Arts United Literary Journal will be a digital journal that can be distributed virally to spread the artists’ voices as widely as possible. The Literary Journal is currently in the making and looking for submissions. Details about how to submit can be found at the San Antonio Arts United Facebook page or www.artsunitedsanantonio. com. If you have any further questions, you may email Daniela Riojas at

Leigh Ann Lester’s “The Large Turf” was originally a part of her “Beautiful Freaks/ Nature’s Bastards” exhibit.

Trinity: art of nature From Page 8

Courtesy of Arts United / The Paisano

Courtesy of Arts United/ The Paisano

Occupy with a purpose


Katy Schmader/ The Paisano


The Paisano

March 27, 2012

The sound of the violin is, for the most part, drowned out by the wind and water, but it is just obvious enough to spoil the experience for both lovers of music and of nature. Regardless of how the individual works are interpreted, the exhibition is worth the trip for anyone who appreciates either art or the natural world. “The Future Is Not What It Used to Be” will run until Saturday, April 7, in the Michael and Noémi Neidorff Art Gallery. The Neidorff Gallery, located in the Dicke Art Building, is open Tuesday through Saturday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. For more information call 210-999-7682.

Stephen Whitaker/ Zach Taylor/ Will Christopherson Sports Editor/ Contributing Writers March 2nd is a historic day in Texas. On that day in 1836, the Republic of Texas declared independence from Mexico. It wasn’t until April 21,1836, that the independence was solidified at the Battle of San Jacinto, but the seeds were already sewn for what would become a month-long celebration of Independence. In honor of Texas Independence Month, which runs from March 2-April 21, The Paisano set out to find the quintessential playlist to celebrate Texas. -“3rd Gear and 17” by Aaron Watson -“Barbed Wire Halo” by Aaron Watson -“Goliad” by Brian Burns -“You Can’t Take Texas out of Me” by Bryan Harkness -“Indianola” by Charlie Robison -“Nashville Blues” by Cory Morrow -“Texas Time Travelin’” by Cory Morrow -“Texas on My Mind” By Django Walker -“The Beer Song” by Doug Moreland -“Oklahoma Girl” by Eli Young Band -“What I like about Texas” by Gary P Nunn -“All My Exes Live In Texas” by George Strait -“Heartland” by George Strait -“Faulkner Street” by Hayes Carll -“Beaumont” by Hayes Carll -“Rivertown” by Hayes Carll -“College Days” by Jake Kellen -“Comal County Blue” by Jason Boland and the Stragglers -“Pearlsnaps” by Jason Boland -“Don’t Touch My Willie” by Kevin Fowler -“Blackbird” by Kyle Bennett Band -“Anywhere in Texas” by Kyle Park -“That Much Further West” by Lucero -“Long Way To Get” by Max Stalling -“Ballad of the Alamo” by Marty Robbins -“Grow Old” by Micky and The Motorcars -“Southbound 35” by Pat Green -“Songs About Texas” by Pat Greeen -“George’s Bar” by Pat Green -“Keepin’ it ‘Tween the Lines” by Paul Eason -“Maybe Tonight” by Paul Eason -“Rolling” by Phil Pritchett -“Texas in 1880” by Radney Foster -“Tommy Jackson” by Randy Rogers Band -“This Time Around” by Randy Rogers Band -“They Call It the Hill Country” by Randy Rogers Band -“Wild Western Windblown Band” by Reckless Kelly -“The Road Goes On Forever” by Robert Earl Keen -“Corpus Christi Bay” by Robert Earl Keen -“Levelland” by Robert Earl Keen -“Sonora’s Death Row” by Robert Earl Keen -“Rancho Grande” by Roger Creager -“Everclear Song” by Roger Creager -“Southside of Heaven” by Ryan Bingham -“Bread & Water” by Ryan Bingham -“Sunrise” by Ryan Bingham -“Tell My Mother I Miss Her So” by Ryan Bingham -“Oklahoma Breakdown” by Stoney LaRue -“Every Girl” by Turnpike Troubadours -“7 & 7” by Turnpike Troubadours -“You Had Me At My Best” by Wade Bowen -“Luckenbach, Texas” by Waylon Jennings/Willie Nelson -“Bob Wills Is Still The King” by Waylon Jennings -“Ballad of a Southern Man” by Whiskey Myers -“Lonely East Texas Nights” by Whiskey Myers -“Summer 2005” by Whiskey Myers -“Down Easy” by Zack Walther and the Cronkites

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The Paisano

March 27, 2012

Jerusalem Grill: an oasis of flavor Erica Cavazos Intern

Across Wurzbach Road from Ingram Park Mall, tucked away in a corner next to Roxy’s Sports Bar, is an oasis of Mediterranean cuisine. Jerusalem Grill (JG) offers delicious food from the Middle East, Persia, Greece and Turkey. With its own comfortable hookah bar next door, this exotic hideaway is the perfect place for a date or a small gathering of friends. With free Wi-Fi, Jerusalem Grill can also be a great place to kick back alone and study with delectable food and relaxing hookah. Usually, there’s not much of a wait at JG; patrons are often able to choose their own tables. With walls covered in murals depicting an Arabic village and furniture designed with a Middle Eastern flair, the décor gives JG an authentic, Mediterranean atmosphere. The theme is enhanced with Arabic music videos playing on a couple of television sets, which is common among other hookah bars. The quality of JG’s service is entirely dependent on the server. Managers and most servers are very friendly and attentive, especially to regulars. There are some impatient servers, however, who often don’t pay attention to patrons’ needs. Nevertheless, JG offers a familyfriendly environment and rarely fails

Brianna Cristiano / The Paisano

Boardwalk on Bulverde brings worldly tastes Annie Highfield Staff Writer

File Photo


to please. As for JG’s food, even unfamiliar palates will be delighted with JG’s menu. To get a full range of what JG has to offer, start with the mixed meals in the “From Our Grill” section of the menu. The mixed meals have generous portions and are sized for two, four or six diners; if the check is split up equally among all the diners, the mixed meals are the best value. They include multiple kabobs of beef, chicken and lamb (all of them moist and marinated to perfection); at least five appetizers; fresh pita bread; rice and grilled vegetables. The appetizers are probably the most exciting part of JG’s menu. If one is unfamiliar with Mediterranean cuisine, the selection of appetizers might be overwhelming. Thankfully, they are well-described in the menu. The cucumber dill yogurt is a favorite among patrons, and its cool flavor complements the beef well if used as a dressing. The tabouleh salad—which

consists of parsley, mint, tomato, special spices, olive oil and lemon juice— also goes very well with any of the meats. The hummus (a chickpea puree with garlic, lemon juice and olive oil) has a nice salty flavor, while the flavor of the baba ghannoug (an eggplant puree with garlic, lemon juice and olive oil) is strong and smoky. Both are best when eaten alone with the pita bread. JG also offers other favorites such as gyros, grilled fish sandwiches and falafels, all of which are delicious. JG has plenty of delectable vegetarian options as well. After dinner, one of the best ways to prolong a great evening is to take some baklava—or some other Middle Eastern pastry—next door, order a pot of hot mint tea and relax.

(to continue reading the rest of this story, go to

Upon walking up and down South Congress Street in Austin, Texas, it’s hard not to notice the frenzy of food trucks parked along sidewalks and streets with customers waiting in long lines for gourmet street foods. The food truck culture is not unique to Austin; it has been sweeping the nation by storm in the last few years. Luckily, San Antonio also has a permanent fairground called the Boardwalk on Bulverde for these unique food trucks to gather in one place, offering various options for hungry customers. With foods varying from down home Cajun cuisine to traditional Pakistani cooking, it’s hard to go hungry on the Boardwalk. Among the nine different food trucks on the Boardwalk, one can find an array of diverse flavors. If you are craving the comforts of Mom’s home cooking, the Guilty Pleasures truck puts a tasty twist on the comfort foods we know and love. Their gourmet mac n’ cheese has a sense of flare with hints of rosemary and fresh garlic and is sure to please any picky eaters. For those who lean towards the spicy side of the food spectrum, Spice Runner offers different meats from around the world, all stuffed into a tasty pocket pie; their Caribbean pulled pork pockets are a few bites of tender, spicy pork that pack a tasty punch. If you prefer the classic styles of street food, Toastie Buns offers a delicious selection of burgers and sides that take American style food to the next level. They also offer a delicious Greek salad with large portions of red onion and feta cheese for those looking for more healthful choices.

Although not on the Boardwalk, Chela’s gives UTSA students a taste of the food truck craze. Other great traditional food trucks include R&R chicken wings and Taco King. If you’re looking to venture into globally inspired dishes, Taste of Columbia is a great place to get started. Their sabor plate comes with perfectly sweet fried plantains, a savory empanada, juicy beef and a generous serving of rice and beans. Rickshaw Stop also offers foreign flavors with their Pakistani kebobs and other flavorful dishes. Their diverse menu offers inexpensive options with their beef, chicken and veggie samosas at $1 each. The Lagniappe food truck offers a Cajun flare to San Antonio cuisine. Their savory yumbo gumbo is made with love by native Cajuns, so you know it’s the good stuff! Lagniappe also offers other Cajun specialties such as chicken and waffles, sausage po-boys and spicy crawfish Etouffee. Ready for dessert? KC’s Cones has a refreshing variety of snow cones and ice cream bars that are a perfect way to finish your eating frenzy. The various menus on the Boardwalk on Bulverde have a variety of affordable items, all ranging from $1 to $12. The Boardwalk frequently has various movie nights, Octobeer Fest and other affordable and entertaining events that are great for a night out with friends. You can follow the Boardwalk on Bulverde on Twitter at #theBoardwalkSA for event information and food truck updates. The Boardwalk is open ThursdaySunday 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. for dinner and Saturday and Sunday 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. for lunch. The Boardwalk is located at 14732 Bulverde Rd.

Sports The Paisano Baseball struggles through 17 day stretch with three wins in 12 games, sits in 11th place in conference 12

August 26, 2008

March 27, 2012

ited to him. The final score was 1-0. The respective games on March 13 and 14 at San Antonio’s Wolff Stadium both ended in the opponents’ favors. On March 13, UTSA suffered a loss to TCU after the Horned Frogs

scored four runs in the top of the 12th to move away from the three-run tie they shared with the Roadrunners. With winning pitcher Patrick Veerkamp, Notre Dame beat UTSA after scoring 12 runs with one error on March 14. Six of those runs occurred in the third inning. UTSA had no runs and committed four errors. After a one-day break, UTSA returned to the field for the first of a three-game conference series against Northwestern State. NWSU was the victor with a score of 9-4 in the first game. The winning pitcher, Colin Bear, gave up four runs on eight hits and beat Casey Selsor, who gave up seven runs on four hits. The second game of the series proved to be an exciting match as the two teams scored a combined 37 runs, but NWSU clinched the 20-17 win with a nine-run fourth inning, which bested UTSA’s seven-run third inning. In the last game of the series, the Roadrunners finally proved victorious and beat the Demons in a run-ruled eight innings with a score of 13-3. On March 20, the Roadrunners traveled to Houston to take on the seventh-ranked Rice Owls. However,

their efforts were in vain as Rice beat UTSA after a five-run second inning. The final score was 9-0. The stretch of games ended with UTSA traveling to Nacogdoches to play the Lumberjacks of Stephen F. Austin (SFA) March 23-25. For the first game, both starting pitchers, Casey Selsor for UTSA and Cameron Gann for SFA, threw a complete game for their teams. Selsor was given the loss despite throwing eight innings with seven hits, two strikeouts and four runs given up. Gann received the win by going nine innings and giving up one run on six hits with three strikeouts. The second game of the series lasted 11 innings after the teams were tied at three, but SFA slid past UTSA by scoring the winning run in the bottom of the 11th. UTSA avoided a series sweep with a 7-3 win thanks to five runs in the top of the second during the third game on March 25. UTSA’s Michael Kraft got the win after pitching all nine innings and giving up only three runs on 10 hits. UTSA’s next game will be Tuesday, March 27, against Texas-Pan American at Roadrunner Field. First pitch is scheduled for 4 p.m.

to the Third All-Conference team. The Runners and Cowboys kept the game close in the opening minutes, before the Roadrunners’ shooting warmed up in a hurry. Johnson played a huge role as the sixth man, scoring 15 points and six rebounds off the bench in only 11 minutes in the first half. Johnson was perfect in the first half hitting all five of his shots. Johnson also connected on both of his three-point attempts, and three out of his four free throw attempts. UTSA’s defense frustrated the Cowboys and held McNeese’s Richard to only three points in the first half, and the rest of the team shot 24 percent

from the floor as UTSA led the Cowboys 30-19. In the second half, McNeese’s Richard quickly reminded the Merrell Center crowd why he is conference Player of the Year by scoring 13 points of his 16 total. The Runners’ shooting cooled, and they struggled from the free throw line, opening the door for McNeese to climb back into the game. The second half turned into a melee of back and forth buckets between the two teams all the way to the end. The Cowboys’ Dontae Cannon hit two free throws to put McNeese up three points with twenty seconds left in the second half.

With six seconds left in regulation, UTSA’s Kannon Burrage hit a clutch three pointer to tie the game and send it into overtime. In the extra period, the melee between the Runners and Cowboys only became more intense. Four Runners eventually fouled out of the game, and the Cowboys were able to hold off the Runners’ furious attempt to preserve their season. McNeese State defeated the Runners 78-74. Johnson had 19 points and six rebounds in the game, and forward Jeromie Hill had 12 points and eight rebounds in the game.

Carly Cirilli Intern

Over the course of 17 days, the UTSA baseball team played hard, but their efforts weren’t matched with comparable victories as they won only three of the 12 games they competed in. The Roadrunners are now ranked 11th in the Southland Conference with Lamar trailing behind. UTSA’s disappointing run began March 9th with a three-game series against A&M Corpus Christi (AMCC) on the Islanders’ turf. The first game resulted in the Islanders defeating the Runners 6-3. Adam Hoelscher earned the win for Corpus Christi with eight innings pitched; he gave up two runs on six hits. Casey Selsor was given the loss for UTSA after pitching six innings and giving up five runs on six hits. The next day proved favorable for UTSA as they won with a final score of 7-2. The Roadrunners excelled after shortstop R.J. Perucki batted in three runs to clench the victory. Unfortunately, the final game of the series on March 11 worked in AM-

File Photo

It has been a March to forget for the Roadrunners as they have slumped to 11th place out of 12 in the Southland.

CC’s favor, and the Islanders took the win after Daniel Minor threw a nohitter. The Roadrunners fought valiantly with Michael Kraft going seven innings and only giving up one run, but, unfortunately, the loss gets cred-

Basketball season ends with overtime loss in SLC tourny Richard Castillo

Assistant Sports Editor On Wednesday March 7, the UTSA men’s basketball team made its fifth straight Southland Conference Tournament appearance at the Merrell Center in Katy, Texas. The fifth-seeded Roadrunners faced the

fourth-seeded McNeese Cowboys in a rematch of last year’s conference championship game. The Runners had a tough test in front of them with current Southland Conference Player of the Year, Patrick Richard, leading the Cowboys. UTSA forward Jeromie Hill was named to the Second All-Conference team, and guard Melvin Johnson III was named

See MBB, Page 13

The Paisano

March 27, 2012



Students choose Cy Young’s 511 wins as sports record least likely to ever be broken Editor’s note: The 511 win record was chosen by UTSA students in response to March 6 “Work In Progress.”

Stephen Whitaker Sports Editor

Talons wide receiver Carl Moore crosses the goaline for a touchdown during the Talons inaugural game against Utah.

San Antonio Talons bring pro football back to town with homestand split Stephen Whitaker Sports Editor Fall-like weather welcomed Arena Football League fans to the Alamodome Saturday, March 10, when the newly relocated San Antonio Talons hosted the Utah Blaze in the season opener for both teams. If the contest on March 10 was any indication, the newest member of San Antonio’s sporting family will give the established members a run for their money in terms of entertaining action and thrilling games. The Talons opened up the day scoring a touchdown with 12:03 left in the first quarter to go up 7-0. The Talon defense held the Blaze scoreless on their first drive, but, after that, the afternoon turned into a fast-paced back and forth affair as both teams marched down the 50-yard distance field, and the points were placed on the scoreboard. The two teams were even at 14 after one quarter and at 28 after the end of the second quarter. The Blaze

attempted to star the second half with a kickoff return touchdown, but the Talons stopped them short. The Blaze went up 35-28 after Aaron Lesue caught a pass in the endzone from Tommy Grady. The Talons came back and answered with a score of their own, though the extra point went wide, making the score 35-34 halfway through the third quarter. The Talons got one more touchdown before the quarter ended to go up 40-35. The fourth quarter would see both teams score two touchdowns; the Blaze scoring 13 unanswered to go up 48-40 before the Talons responded with two of their own to make the final tally 54-48 in favor of the new Talons. The Talons took the field for a second time at home on March 17 when they hosted the Spokane Shock. That game ended with the Talons falling by a score of 63-60. The next chance to see the Talons at home will be on April 13 when the New Orleans Voodoo come into the Alamodome.

From 1890 to 1911, one man won more baseball games than any other in the history of the sport. His name: Denton True “Cy” Young. In a twodecade run, Young won 511 games. The next closest winning pitcher was Walter Johnson, who finished with 417 wins, 94 wins behind Young. Young made his debut on August 6, 1890 for the National League’s Cleveland Spiders against the Chicago Cubs. Young got his first career win that day en route to finishing his first season with a 9-7 record. The following season, his first full one, Young finished with a 27-22 record, not unheard of in that era as pitchers pitched more often than at any other time since. In 1892 Young won 36 games with nine of those coming as shutouts. Those are the most wins he would get in any season, and the Cleveland Spiders would be the team that Young won the most games with, finishing with 241 wins before being sent to the St. Louis Perfectos in 1899. In two seasons with the Perfectos/Cardinals (as they were called by 1900), Young finished with 45 wins, bringing his career total to 286 wins. Following two years in St. Louis, Young went to the Boston Americans of the newborn American League. Young played for the Americans/Red Sox organization for eight years, winning 192 games. Young was the first pitcher to ever start a World Series game when the Americans hosted the NL-Champion Pittsburgh Pirates in the first World Series in 1903. By the time Young finished his time in Boston, he had won a total of 478 games, which would still be a record,

MLB photo

Burk Frey / The Paisano

Cy Young, shown here while with the Cleveland Indians, also set an MLB record for career losses with 316.

even today, if he had stopped playing then. Young wasn’t finished winning, though. He joined the then-Cleveland Naps, so named for their best player at the time, Nap Lajoie. Young was on the downward trend of his career as he won only 29 games over two-and-one-half seasons with the team that later became known as the Indians. He left Cleveland midway through the 1911 season with 507 career wins. The final four wins of his career would come with Boston’s National League Club, the then-Boston Rustlers, later the Braves. Young’s 511-win record is one that will never be surpassed because baseball today is vastly different than it was a century ago. The record has stood for 101 years, and, barring some unforeseen change in the way baseball is played, it will remain unbroken. Cy Young Wins by Team: Cleveland Spiders: 241 Boston Americans/Red Sox: 192 St. Louis Perfectos/Cardinals: 45 Cleveland Naps/Indians: 29 Boston Rustlers: 4

MBB: UTSA attempt for Second-straight trip to NCAA Tournament ends with loss in SLC Quarters From Page 12

Missed free throws hurt the Runners’ winning hopes, as they only made 18 of their 32 opportunities. The early departure for the Runners also symbolizes their departure from Southland Conference competition, as UTSA will now move on to the Western Athletic Conference (WAC). The Runners will graduate three seniors from this year’s squad: forward Stephen Franklin, center Alex Vouyoukas and guard Sei Paye. “It’s a disappointing feeling for an under achieving team. We have higher expectations in ourselves. The bright side is that we have a good nucleus of players and we have high expectations for next year,” Hill said. “It’s gonna put some hunger back in some [players]. I can guarantee you that,” Head Coach Brooks Thoompson said. “I don’t feel that we took a step back by any means, the entire



The Paisano

March 27, 2012

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