Paisano Plus Issue II 2013

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Issue II 2013


TIPSYYY OR TRASHED?? p.10 Inside: Eat. Drink. Sleep. Repeat.

Global Affairs come(s) to UTSA! Do you want to start a successful international career? Do you want to travel the world? Do you want to solve global conflicts? Do you want to engage in life-­‐changing experiences? Well, we might not make you the next James Bond but a BA degree in Global Affairs will provide you with everything else you need to succeed! Globalization affects all of us, in positive and negative ways. Global terrorism, new wars, genocide and ethnic cleansings, climate change, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction all challenge our security as global citizens. At the same time, new technologies and a global economy offer us new opportunities for global welfare and development. It is a whole new world out there waiting to be studied. Effective immediately, the Department of Political Science & Geography offers a new Bachelor of Arts in Global Affairs to provide students with the tools to understand, shape, and change world politics. Graduating with this degree will open job opportunities and career options in: • • • • •

Foreign Service international humanitarian organizations national and international security agencies development and trade agencies other public and private, profit and non-­‐profit organizations around the world

Successful completion of the degree also qualifies you to continue your academic career in law school or with a master degree building on your newly gained knowledge! It truly is a unique chance as there is no other such degree in the Texas public university system! The world needs students who understand global affairs and who also want to shape and change it for the better. Educating those students and preparing them for the challenges of a globalized world is the mission statement of our new degree. And even if your goal is not to become the next special agent, we can still make you the next UN Secretary-­‐General or the next United States Ambassador to the United Nations and National Security Advisor… Global challenges await – do you have what it takes to manage them?

To find out more, go to­‐science/ or contact the Department of Political Science and Geography by email ( or by phone (210) 458-­‐4627.

4 Sock It to Me 5 Flat-out Love 6 Getting It Dunn: UTSA SGA President

Contents 10

On the Cover: Tipsy or Trashed?

Hassle Free Printing

Photo: Rafael Gutierrez

8 Sleep 101

Nutrition Facts 9

We Take Printing Seriously‌Not Ourselves.

Glory on the Riverwalk 12 Last Call: Pecan Pie 15

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it to me SOCK M

ost fashion magazines and advice columns are loaded with articles about how your suit should hit your shoulder just right or why charcoal slacks and brown shoes are perfect for each other. But far too often they overlook a simple article of clothing that too many men take for granted: socks. I know it sounds silly, but the average woman won’t be able to tell that you got that suit tailored or that your shoes have been shined a dozen times in the past week. What she will notice, however, is when your pants creep up past your ankle while you’re crossing your leg. No one realizes it until it’s staring them in the face, but your socks say more about you than what brand of tie you wear. It’s easy to match a black pair of socks with a black suit or white socks with your khaki slacks (and if you have those two mixed up, you should fix that before continuing), but very few men go out of their way to ensure their socks get noticed. In a room of beige and grey formal wear, few things stick out as much as a bright and fun pair of socks. When you do select a pair of socks to go out in, always remember that — like any other piece of your wardrobe — they need to match the rest of your outfit. No

one wants to see a bright orange pair of socks with a dark gray jacket at a black tie affair. Instead, save those for a day on the town with your chinos and pastel polo. A good rule of thumb is to wear a pair of socks that are the same color as the shirt you are wearing. Dark

blues complement other cool hues, and warm colors like red and yellow pair nicely, too. Blacks and grays go together for truly formal occasions, while white socks should be reserved for laundry day or a trip to the sports fields. White socks may also be acceptable if they are cut below the ankles — with chino shorts and boat shoes, for example.

Another important determinant in what socks to wear is their pattern. It’s easy to be attracted to a flashy zigzag look that your eyes can’t help but notice, but it’s unlikely that those socks would be acceptable in the office. Instead, go for an argyle pattern or something with simple stripes for work and save the louder and more colorful patterns for that party on Saturday (you know, the one with the girl who sits in front of you on Tuesdays). Building a collection of socks to complement your wardrobe can be difficult, but, as with any other fashion choice, you need to be picky with what you buy. Don’t go shopping and return home with the first pair that strikes your fancy; instead, seek out those socks that match your taste and won’t spend weeks in your drawers. Like ties or a stylish watch, your socks can bring a personal touch to your outfit, but unlike other fashion statements socks don’t have to be a burden on your bank statement. TJ Maxx offers quality socks for a fair price. Even retailers like Target and Ross have thrifty finds from time to time. Wearing interesting socks is an easy way to liven up your wardrobe without breaking the bank. Wearing socks to complement your outfit may take some practice, but don’t be surprised when your socks are the center of everyone’s attention. Words: Matthew Duarte Photo: Rafael Gutierrez

Flat-out love F

orget about diamonds. Flats are truly a girl’s best friend. Not only are flats comfortable, but they are also easy to slip on when you’re in a hurry. They can make any girl feel feminine without having to wear high heels. Flats are a personal must-have; I can’t leave the house without them. The variety of styles makes them ideal for anything, and they are usually more affordable than boots, wedges and, in some cases, sandals. Nowadays, flats come in every type of pattern, texture and color. Over the last few years, flats have had a major makeover. Here’s the rundown from the runway on everything flat-related: Instead of the bottom-line, think of this as the flat-line. Flats are often inspired by the ballerina-type style, meaning they have rounded toes and maybe bows, studs or other accessories on top. Other styles of flats include the peep toe, pointed toe, cutout, box top, Mary Jane, oxford and loafer style. Black and brown leather flats are essential to complete any outfit. Besides the simple black leather flat that most are familiar with, there are other options when selecting the right type of shoe fashionistas desire. There are so many textures and finishes that can make flats stand

out from their counterparts. Patent leather finishes, matte finishes, suede and even velvet make excellent choices for dresses, skirts and jeans. Depending on your outfit, you may choose to keep your ensemble low-key with a neutral or mutedcolored flat. Neutrals are great when you want to emphasize other fashion choices such as a festive printed top, “little black dress” or jewelry. Beige and other neutral tones bring attention to the patterns or design in your outfit. By wearing a muted-color flat, others will notice the silhouette of your dress or the chunky statement necklace around your neck. However, if you want to divert the viewer’s eyes toward your perfectly picked shoes, then neon or fluorescent-colored flats are a better choice. This technique is often applied when you have a solid-colored dress or top with a pair of skinny jeans. Paired with jeans cuffed at the hem, flats provide a sleek, well put-together look with minimal effort. To add pizzazz to your outfit, a glittery flat will do just the trick. Glitter is great for many reasons; it is also a good style choice for tops with accessories such as studs or pearls. When paired with a good outfit, glitter can give off an aura of sophistication and still add a quirky touch to any outfit. Punk is also a trend found on the catwalk. However, wearing flats

sparingly with studs or other hardware is advised. Make sure your outfit doesn’t appear cluttered and overdone. It can be easy to go overboard when starting a collection of flats. One pair can easily turn into 20 if you are not smart with your style choices. The important things to keep in mind are comfort and versatility. A beautiful pair of flats won’t do any good if they aren’t comfortable to walk in. As many girls know from personal experience, uncomfortable shoes create the dreaded blisters on toes and heels are not fun to walk around with. When buying a pair that might not be comfortable right out of the shoebox, try putting your new flats on while wearing a thick pair of socks. Then warm them with a blow dryer. This should help mold them to the perfect fit. Also note how much use the pair will allow. Always try to picture your closet when buying a new pair of flats. Will these shoes match other items in your wardrobe? A cute pair of snakeskin printed flats might seem like a good investment, but if they don’t match your clothes then they will probably sit in your closet collecting dust. Be creative, have fun and own your style. When you feel confident in what you wear, any hallway instantly becomes a runway.

Words: Jennifer Alejos Photos: Rafael Gutierrez



y all standards, Zack Dunn is a pretty normal guy. He listens to all genres of music — from Hip-Hop and Country to Classical — notes “Braveheart” and “Gladiator” as some of his favorite movies and knows how important an education is. With his favorite colors being blue and orange (and green also being a top contender), it’s hard to believe that this president of the Student Government Association (SGA) almost did not come to the university at all. Like any college-bound high school senior, Dunn felt the need to leave home and experience life and independence outside of his own comfort zone. UTSA, as Dunn describes it, “just kind of happened.” As a freshman in his first semester, he was not too involved in university life. “I just kind of went to class and went home every day,” says Dunn. “Then the second semester I just really started to get engaged with what UTSA had to offer and it really changed my life.” He has been going full-force ever since. An average day for the junior finance major is fast-paced. Between conducting SGA meetings, attending classes and being a part of the Investment Society within the College of Business, Dunn is rarely bored. As it is, he does not have the time to keep up with television or reading historical fiction novels, his favorite pastime. His focus is on getting an education. “It doesn’t take a toll. It’s something I love to do,” says Dunn. “I love what I do at UTSA. I love the classes I take, the people I interact with. It makes the day enjoyable.” Dunn ran for the SGA presidency with goals to maintain sustainability on campus and, more importantly, increase the presence of UTSA within the San Antonio community, which, according to Dunn, will really make a difference for both UTSA students and the people of San Antonio. He also believes that building relationships between student organizations is important.

“You may be a part of one organization,” says Dunn, “but we’re all a part of the same university, so it’s important that we all at least have the network to connect with one another and that they know that SGA is here for them.” Dunn, a San Antonio native, says he owes everything to his parents and, surprisingly, sports. He credits being a part of the football and wrestling teams in high school as contributing factors to the person he is today. Before high school, Dunn had never actually participated in either football or wrestling, but by actively learning the ins and outs of each, and as they become more competitive, he started to learn what it really meant to be a team member. Also, having supportive parents has made Dunn feel blessed. “They definitely instilled a lot of strong values in me that I just continue to take with me,” says Dunn. “Them being engaged in my life I think made a huge difference in how I approach things.” He was recently voted Mr. UTSA at the Homecoming football game, but it is hard to say what is next for Dunn. He fully realizes his luck of being at the right place at the right time to be able to take full advantage of the opportunities, but he is unsure of his next move. He is still deciding whether that is attending law school or continuing to explore the potential of finance. Right now, Dunn is happy pursuing the “more educational aspect of life,” and does not regret attending UTSA. “It wasn’t an easy decision to make, but looking back I can’t imagine (it any other way) — I wish I could tell myself a few years ago to trust in it,” says Dunn of his choice to attend UTSA. Whatever challenges life throws at him, Dunn hopes to be “blazing the path” for his passions. “I’m really hoping that within the next ten years some of the visions of the rest of (my) life will maybe start to come to fruition or at least the goals will have changed, so that (I) can still develop plans for the future.”

Getting it DUNN

“I love what I do at UTSA.” Zack Dunn SGA President

Thirty years down the line, if you were to cast an actor to play you in a movie, who would it be? “Brad Pitt, because he would portray me to be better looking than I am.” Would you rather fly or drive? “I prefer driving.” As Mr. UTSA, what excites you most? “I think I’m most excited about being able to represent this university in a larger capacity... being Mr. UTSA is an opportunity of a lifetime to embody the Roadrunner spirit for everyone to see!” What is your favorite type of breakfast cereal? “Honey Nut Cheerios.”

Words: Rebecca Conejo Photo: Lindsay Smith


Sleep 101


uman survival.” When we hear those words, oxygen, food and water usually come to mind. We don’t always think of sleep as a necessity to survive, but it is incredibly important for continued survival. Sleep is the most efficient way for the body to release the stress it accumulates during the day. Sleeping patterns are important to keep track of because they affect our health and how we perform every day. People consider “stress” as a small threat; in reality, it is one of the main causes of health issues. Stress damages brain cells and causes hormones imbalances, thus affecting sleep patterns and reducing the amount of deep sleep each hour. “Stress has a number of adverse effects on health,” says Mary McNaughton-Cassill, Ph.D., associate psychology professor at UTSA. She explains that in stressful situations, our bodies go into fight-or-flight mode. This action requires a lot of energy from the body, resulting in the body shutting down non-essential functions like the immune system and digestion while the threat is still in play. “Additionally, when people are stressed they may make poor health choices, such as smoking, drinking,


over-eating and not exercising, which can all compromise health,” states McNaughton-Cassill. It is recommended for all adults to get seven to nine hours of sleep in order to feel well-rested and to have a relaxed circadian clock. According to research published by Psychology Today, the circadian clock differs between women and men. An average circadian clock cycle starts over every time an individual wakes up and ends when an individual wakes from sleep the next day. Men’s circadian clocks are set to a later hour than women’s, making women more likely to fall asleep earlier and wake up earlier than men. As a result, women tend to have more energy in the morning than men. “We live in a culture that gives women greater latitude to cry and show emotions, and often expects males to solve problems in unemotional ways,” says McNaughton-Cassill. “Consequently, men and women may seem to cope differently, but a variety of other factors — including age, physiology, personality and prior experiences — shape stress responses.” Doctors and professionals recommend decreasing the consumption of fast foods, caffeine and excess fluids before bed. Also, decreasing the length of naps from several hours to

25 minutes will allow one’s body to regain sufficient amounts of energy while not getting used to sleeping. Refraining from exercise, nicotine consumption and background noise is also recommended. For the usual college student, there are many pressures that raise stress levels: school work, organizations, social intimidation, sexual temptations, jobs, athletics and family. “Stress is a function of how people assess threats,” states McNaughton-Cassill. “In many cases, the degree to which something bothers you is a function of your resources for dealing with it.” Many young adults are living by the saying, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” or “You only live once,” believing that there’s too little time for one to be sleeping. Lack of sleep affects many students in different ways, from not being able to pay attention in class or pursue a career to being able to make positive choices. “We often spend a lot of time wishing things would be different instead of dealing with reality,” concluded McNaughton-Cassill. “The real secret to coping is to understand that you choose your responses, no matter the person or situation you are dealing with.” Words: Gustavo Canales Photo: Vicente Cardenas

Nutrition facts Words: Jennifer Alejos Photo: Rafael Gutierrez


et’s face it: we’re not getting any younger. These days, students can get absorbed in their daily lives — school or work-related — and may make some questionable food choices. Now more than ever, it’s important to keep a healthful exercise routine and eat fruits and veggies often. Trying to find the time to workout may be a struggle for some, but it’s the small choices in life that can help or inhibit our health. With these simple tips, the road to a healthy lifestyle is more clear than ever. GOOD THINGS FOR YOU Protein: Not all protein mixes are created equal. Before splurging on this often-pricey product, do some research on your body type and what results you’re seeking from supplements. Poultry, Greek yogurt and certain cheeses are great sources of protein. Fish oil vitamins: These nifty yellow pills are full of essential omega 3 fatty acids, in other words, stuff that’s really good for you. Fish oil pills may lead to a lower risk of heart disease and have the potential to help with weight loss. Multi-vitamins: Multi-vitamins are great for those who can’t squeeze every type of vitamin in their daily diet. While some studies suggest that multi-vitamins are unnecessary and can’t replace a sensible serving of fruits and vegetables, the general consensus proves that multi-vitamins are beneficial. Chia seeds: Chia seeds have many

health benefits that include lowering blood pressure, reducing food cravings, hydrating the body and protecting against heart disease. Flax seeds: These tiny seeds assist with digestive health. Flax seeds can be purchased whole or in powder form. Adding a small amount into your smoothie or yogurt can make a big difference. Sleep: Be sure to catch up on your Zs. Sleep has been known to improve memory, enhance productivity and increase metabolism. Believe it or not, sleep also plays a role in your diet. The hormones leptin and ghrelin are produced while you’re sleeping. Leptin sends signals to the body that alert you when you’re full, while ghrelin tells the body when it is hungry. If you are finding it harder to feel full after eating meals it is more than likely due to lack of sleep. Studies have shown that metabolisms are weaker when we are sleep deprived. An average night’s rest for a college student consists of seven and a half hours. Fruits: Fruits are wonderful natural remedies to common ailments such as headaches, cramps, colds and other illnesses. PRE-WORKOUT Blender beverages: Natural juice blends are a great way to hydrate before or after a workout while supplying your body with a full serving of fruits and vegetables. Don’t let the awkward green color intimidate you — haven’t you heard that being “green” is in?

Almonds: Almonds provide essential nutrients with low amounts of fat. These tasty morsels will keep you feeling full longer, more so than snacking on greasy potato chips. Avocados: Although the texture may be a little off-putting to some, avocados are full of vitamins A, C, E, K, B5, B6, fiber, potassium and monounsaturated fats, or the “healthy” fats, which are what healthy bodies need. Enjoy it on a salad or sandwich or go all “natural” with only a spoon. String cheese: The snack that’s most often associated with childhood lunches is actually quite beneficial for you. String cheese is made from a mixture of mozzarella and part-skim milk with a whopping six grams of protein, zero carbohydrates and around 20 percent of your daily intake of calcium. At only 80 calories per serving, you can’t lose. REMEMBER Small portions equal small waistlines: Consume only a certain amount of food per day based on your body mass index (BMI). You can find your BMI with such tools as a BMI calculator, which can be found on online health sites.


Words: Erin Boren Photo: Rafael Gutierrez

A GROUP OF more friends is celebrating a birthday at a local bar. One of the ladies finishes her fourth drink and gets up to use the bathroom, struggling to get off the bar stool. Meanwhile, one of the men orders his fifth drink and rowdily calls for a round of shots for the group. A little while after cake, it’s time to go and the group says their good-byes and heads home. How would you describe the woman mentioned? The young man? Would you call her tipsy or trashed? Would you call him buzzed or blitzed? According to a new report published in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, descriptive words for severe alcohol-use change based on the drinker’s gender. Female characters set in a hypothetical situation in which their drinking and actions portray that they are heavily intoxicated are described with moderate-drinking terms, like tipsy or buzzed, while male characters in a similar situation are des cr ib e d


accurately with terms like trashed, blitzed or plastered. The descriptive language associated with drinking and intoxication levels plays a heavy role in the perception of drinking. For college students, the perception of drinking can be virtually disconnected from the reality of drinking. This is due to a variety of reasons, says Jennifer Cervi, assistant director of the Collegiate Recovery Program at UTSA. “There’s the social pressure that drinking is a part of college,” explains Cervi. “There’s that pressure to fit in and be like everyone else… I think the perception is that everybody drinks. I think the reality is that everybody doesn’t have to drink and that we do have a choice.” Cervi, a recovering alcoholic herself, is seven years sober. “For me personally, I had this image of what college was supposed to be like. My first week I pledged a sorority before school had even started. I

tattooed my bid letters on my ankle,” she says, glancing towards her feet. “They’re covered up now, but I wanted to be a part of that college scene… I left that university two years later with a .011 GPA.” The “college scene” not only includes, but is also shaped by, colloquial college language. “How do we define what’s acceptable for men and women?” asks Cervi. Those definitions are set by social norms, or the perceptions of those social norms, which are in turn set by how society describes norms to younger generations. Differences between the way intoxicated women and men are described can set the perceptive boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. “Think about it,” says Cervi. “According to body weight and body size, women can’t drink as much as men. But if we just say she’s tipsy, she’s okay.” Because of socialization and expectations, women’s intoxication levels are downplayed, and women are assigned terms like tipsy or buzzed, which can be inaccurate descriptions. There isn’t a gender that deals with more pressure. Stereotypes of acceptable behavior place equal pressure on both men and women, says Cervi. However, the pressures on men differ from those on women. Men are in turn expected to drink and be drunk, trashed and hammered. The dangers of


misperceptions of drinking are sometimes evident and other times hidden. Underestimating intoxication levels leads to high-risk behaviors, including changes in dating practices, explains Cervi. “I think that’s when we need to be aware of sexual violence.” Over emphasizing intoxication for men can cause pressure not only to drink, but to do so at a faster rate or for longer, extended periods of time. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), men were involved in more than triple the number of fatal car accidents due to alcohol in 2010. Men were also seven times more likely to die from alcohol poisoning. “This is a guesstimation,” says Cervi. “But I would likely think it’s because men are less likely to call a cab, less likely to admit how much they’ve really had to drink… and that two beers still affects them and that they’re not able to drive.” In the “college scene,” men are expected to drink in excess and still be able to function reasonably. However, if women are described as less intoxicated than they actually are, Ash Levitt, the researcher that led the study, is worried they could have the same misguided judgments for normal activity after alcohol use. “It’s certainly easy to imagine a situation where (women) drive after leaving a bar, where they are too intoxicated to drive,” Levitt told NPR. Hidden danger factors include overlooking harmful drinking patterns among peers. Under-emphasizing intoxication for women has

made the increasing rate of women binge-drinking virtually unnoticeable. Binge drinking is defined as exceeding four drinks per day for men and three drinks per day for women, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). The NIAAA also recommends not exceeding 14 drinks per week for men and seven drinks per week for women. A second report published in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research reveals that while drinking in male students decreases from the


pecially those gender-specific. The results also help close the gap between the reality and perceptions of college drinking. Cervi believes the safest way to go about drinking is to be “educated in the decisions you’re making.” “You’re here at this university to experience all of it,” she says. “I don’t want it to come across preachy — like ‘Don’t drink!’ It’s more like, ‘Experience everything you can at this university.’”

“You’re here at this university to experience all of it. I don’t want to come across preachy — like ‘Don’t drink!’ It’s more like: experience everything you can at this university.” Jennifer Cervi, LLMSW

Assistant Director of the Collegiate Recovery Program start of freshman year to the end of their sophomore year, women’s drinking plateaus. The CDC reported that binge drinking in young females is a heavily “under-recognized problem.” “There’s a huge difference in standards,” explains Cervi. “I don’t think we like to acknowledge that a woman is binge drinking because it’s not socially acceptable. It’s not lady-like or proper behavior.” Both studies’ results are ideal for creating safe alcohol-use campaigns, es-

Developing dangerous drinking habits seem to fall under the common misconception of “It won’t happen to me.” “I’m from a good family, and I thought I had a college degree,” Cervi warns. “There’s the picture that an alcoholic and an addict looks like a 65-year-old man that’s drinking and homeless — not like an 18-year-old that is drinking and suddenly is failing out of school. Addiction is everywhere.” 11

Glory on the RIverwalk


true mexican food in the capital of tex-mex

ocated on the Riverwalk, La Gloria sits just north of downtown in the revitalized area of the Pearl Brewery. The relatively small restaurant is decorated with bright colors and a clash of urban and traditional Mexican-inspired artwork, serving as a visual for the food they serve. At night, La Gloria is alive with lights along its patio dining area and a loud buzz of conversation, which is sometimes accompanied by live music (usually guitarists). The atmosphere makes it feel more like a party than a

restaurant. Trendy with a vibrant atmosphere, La Gloria is not the place to go for a quick bite to eat. The wait to be seated during the lunch and dinner rush is usually about an hour. Customers can kill time by visiting the bar, which has an extensive drink selection, and by taking a stroll along the Riverwalk. La Gloria was founded by highly acclaimed Chef Johnny Hernandez, a graduate from the Culinary Institute of America in New York and founder of True Flavors Culinary Concepts, a

noteworthy catering company in San Antonio. La Gloria specializes in traditional Mexican street food with a modern twist. La Gloria is definitely for those who want to shake things up and try a new interpretation of Mexican cuisine. La Gloria serves food tapas-style, meaning smaller plates and servings. Customers can order numerous menu items and try a bit of everything from the vast menu — which can be extremely overwhelming at first glance. Even with the helpful glossary accom-

panying the menu to help translate dish names, the decision can still be challenging. Thankfully, the staff is knowledgeable about everything on the menu and attentive to all customers, even during crazy rush hours. More than 10 options of tacos are on the menu, ranging from basic Bistec (beef tacos) and Pescado Baja Califas (fish tacos) to unique and innovative dishes like Tacos Potosinos, rolled corn tortillas in chile sauce topped with a generous amount of cheese with pan fried potatoes and carrots and the Al Pastor, roasted pork served with pineapple, onions and cilantro. The ceviches are a popular dish: Ceviche Verde with marinated fish, avocado, tomatoes, onions and olives or Ceviche Estilo Nayarit with marinated shrimp, cucumber, onions and peppers. One can also never go wrong with the Panuchos, an open-style gordita topped with black beans and various toppings. The most popular Panucho is the Cochinita Pibil, roasted pork with achiotes and chiles. For groups of three or more, the best food experience at La Gloria is the Molcajete, different meats or cheese in chile sauce served in the traditional Mexican mortar along with corn tortillas. The dish serves an average of four to five people. A Molcajete favorite is the Arrachera en Adobo, beef steak in pasilla sauce with onions and a heaping amount of cheese. The menu has one sour spot, though: the Tlayudas, referred to as a

“Mexican Pizza,” which is really nothing but a glorified giant chalupa with black beans, shredded cheese, beef, avocado, lettuce and tomatoes. The desserts get mixed reviews as well. The Tres Leches is not moist but is still delicious. The Flan, however, tastes exactly like cheesecake. Its taste is adequate, but it doesn’t really taste like flan. While La Gloria prides itself in bringing the traditional into modern light, the desserts did not reach that goal. A big downfall to La Gloria is the price. Prices are not fit for the college budget. Since everything is sold a la carte, it’s more expensive than a student would want. If you’re on a budget, order the set of three tacos, which starts at $5.25. The Panucho is on the smaller side, yet still satisfies, at $4.50. Another filling pick is the tostada, which starts at $3.75 and is essentially a smaller version of the Hayuda (“Mexican pizza”), which starts at $7.50. Considering the small amount served, the ceviche is also on the pricier side starting at $8. La Gloria is better suited for casual snacking and drinking on special occasions and is not the place to go for a sit-down meal. As well, one of the most negative aspects of La Gloria would be the lack of complimentary chips and salsa for their

customers — a staple of any Mexican restaurant. La Gloria is more convenient for a night out with a small group of friends or a simple date night with someone special. Despite the price, La Gloria is still worth the trip downtown for a great experience. La Gloria offers unique food and a fun atmosphere that promotes good times, making for an unforgettable dining experience. La Gloria is open Sunday-Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 11:00 a.m.midnight. For more menu information, visit Words: Jade Cuevas Photos: Cynthia Hurtado

Last CallPecan Pie

Recipe: Brooke Garrison, freshmen engineering major Words: Nicole Rivero

Ingredients: 1/2 cup of butter 3 eggs 1/2 cup of sugar 1 tsp. of vanilla Hap 3/4 cup of corn syrup 2 cups of pecan halves p f a 1/4 cup of maple syrup ll, y y ’all! Prep: + Preheat oven to 325 degrees. + In a small bowl, slightly beat the eggs. + In a large bowl, work butter with spoon unil creamy. Combine: + Slowly add sugar to large bowl of butter until mixed. + Slowly stir in syrups, eggs and vanilla to the large bowl until well-blended. + Add mixture to fill pie crust. Cook and enjoy: + Bake for one hour. + Wait 15 minutes to allow pie to cool. + Serve with vanilla ice cream. As the autumn breeze makes an appearance, students across the country are dressing in warmer clothes and counting down the days until Christmas break. “My favorite part of Thanksgiving break is coming home and eating my grandmother’s pecan pie,” says Brooke Garrison, a UTSA freshman engineering student. Nothing says “Welcome to the South” like a slice of pecan pie and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Garrison’s family tradition consists of watching football, eating Thanksgiving feast and indulging in Nana’s pecan pie — a recipe that has been passed down from generation to generation. Brooke was kind enough to share her family recipe for the best pecan pie in Texas. With the help of your favorite pie crust recipe, you too will be able to share this Texas tradition. {Correction} In “Going with the Dough,” published in Issue I 2013, The Paisano incorrectly reported that Taylor Becken is a full-time UTSA student. He is currently unenrolled at UTSA, but does plan to return within the next year. The Paisano regrets this error.

{ The Paisano } Editor-in-Chief: Matthew Duarte

Special Issues Editor: Erin Boren

Special Issues Assistants: Rebecca Conejo Jade Cuevas

Managing Editor: J. Corey Franco

Interim Photo Editor: Rafael Gutierrez

Web Editor:

Jennifer Alejos

Ads Coordinator: Mark Zavala

Ads Committee: Sara Flores Brittney Lopez

Business Manager: Jenelle Duff

Senior Copy Editor: Beth Marshall

{Writers} Jennifer Alejos, Erin Boren, Gustavo Canales, Rebecca Conejo, Jade Cuevas, Matthew Duarte, Nicole Rivero

{Cover Photo} Rafael Gutierrez


Diane Abdo

{Advisory Board}

Stefanie Arias, Jack Himelblau, Steven Kellman, Mansour El Kikhia, Sandy Norman

{Special Thanks} Editing 2433

The Paisano Plus is published by the Paisano Educational Trust, a non-profit, tax exempt, educational organization. The Paisano is operated by members of the Student Newspaper Association, a registered student organization. The Paisano is NOT sponsored, financed or endorsed by UTSA. All revenues are generated through advertising and donations. Advertising inquiries and donations should be directed towards:

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.