River City Rockfest page 8
UTSA Baseball travels to the NCAA tournament page 10
Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio
{SINCE 1981}
Volume 48
Issue 15
Summer Issue UTSA’S Engineers Without Borders will travel to Peru to install a water distribution system to more than 500 residents.
San Antonio City Council has approved the expansion of the downtown public improvement district, which will increase area targeted for maintenance, landscaping and reconstruction.
Texas This summer, the Texas legislature will meet in a special session to discuss issues such as redistricting.
U.S. On July 1, student loan interest rates will double after the temporary decrease established the previous year.
World President Obama delivered a speech stating that, while he did not condone the use of drones on Americans, it was essential for counterterroism efforts.
History June 17 marks fortyone years since then Presidential candidate Richard Nixon and several of his advisors resigned after the infamous Watergate scandal.
UTSA builds for the future Matthew Duarte Editor-in-Chief
editor@paisano-online.com San Saba Hall, UTSA’s newest on-campus housing facility, will be opening for the Fall 2013 semester. Located near the Recreation Center,
UTSA has expressed a goal of housing 20 percent of students on campus. Roadrunner Café and University Center, the new residence hall will accommodate 618 students. Currently, students are
served by four on-campus housing complexes: Chisholm Hall, University Oaks, Chaparral Village and Laurel Village, which in total account for 3,643 beds. Like Laurel Village and Chaparral Village, San Saba Hall will be operated by UTSA’s Department of Housing and Residence Life; University Oaks and Chisholm Hall are both operated by Campus Living Villages, an outside company operating under contract. San Saba Hall is indirectly a product of UTSA’s Master Plan, long-term guidelines for construction projects, which the university began researching in 2007. Some of these projects, such as the North Paseo Building, have already been completed, but San Saba
Sarah Gibbens / The Paisano
The San Saba Hall is located between Laurel Village and Chapperal Village and will house students starting fall 2013.
See New, Page 3
Is college wor th it? As the price of tuition rises, many students question whether a college education is worth the high cost. Erin Boren Special Issues Editor news@paisano-online.com The term “worth” can mean many types of values: monetary, personal or something measured by the esteem at which it is held. So what worth does a college education have? Is it worth the money for the education, experience or degree? According to the Pew Research Center, a whopping 57 percent of college students claim that they are unhappy with what they receive in return for paying for a college education. However, among college graduates, 86 percent agree that they benefit from the personal experience. At what cost is the experience worth the money?
Why attend college? There are conflicting opinions on the subject of pursuing a career right after high school graduation rather than packing up for college in the fall. After all, the non-traditional route of skipping college completely or becoming a college dropout has worked for many people including Rachel Ray, Steven Spielberg, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.
While some people have the determination and will to succeed in their careers without the help of a degree, others blame lack of financial support for inhibiting their choice to obtain a college education. The growing college enrollment lessens the available financial aid funding per student, and therefore, hinders the 48 percent of non-enrolled students the Pew report found could not afford to continue their education. Also, some 34 percent of high school graduates claimed that higher education was not necessary for their career. Apart from the number of students incapable of attending college for financial reasons or those without the need for college, there are also students who lack direction. Former UTSA student Bronwen Kinzler-Britton left college for an internship opportunity in Los Angeles. “I was kind of itching for something different. Also, I had no idea if what I was going to school for was even what I wanted to do for a living,” Kinzler-Britton says. “I feel bad going to school and spending thousands of dollars on something I don’t necessarily want to do.” Like many people in her situation, Kinzler-
Britton muses that she may not be a “school person.” However, careerseekers should consider the job market statistics for those without a college degree. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for high school graduates without college experience, as of December 2012, is 8.1 percent compared to the 3.8 percent unemployment rate for college graduates with a bachelor’s degree or higher. Even among those who have college experience or a two-year degree, the unemployment rate is still remarkably higher–6.7 percent. Some high school graduates may believe the job market is too small and saturated with those carrying a college degree to spend time and money in college. People with that opinion jump right into the career field with what they believe is a four-year head start. But does that head start pay off when it comes to lifetime salaries? Most surveys report an overwhelming “NO.” The Pew report agrees with the majority, claiming that the average college graduate in a 40year period earns about $650,000 more than the average high school graduate.
The Pew Research Center calculated that the total earnings for a college graduate is estimated at $1.42 million versus the $770,000 of a high school graduate, producing a net earnings of $650,000. Then, subtracting an average of college tuition cost, not including room and board, at $6,000 and foregone earnings of $94,000, a bachelor’s degree graduate has a net payoff of $550,000 more than that of a student who foregoes a higher education. However, it is inevitable that exceptions do exist. Selected college majors and particular job market predictions, as well as the amount of loans necessary, all depend on personal circumstances and career goals. Kinzler-Britton says this about college education: “While I do think college is a great opportunity and obviously has even greater benefits, I definitely believe that college just isn’t for everyone. I have known some incredibly successful people who never went to college and are so content with life.”
Pay Up The attitude toward completing a college de-
gree is one that changes with perspective, from teacher to student to parent. According to the Pew report, 94 percent of parents assume their child will attend college. So, if the student decides to attend college, the question becomes; how to pay for it? Only 22 percent of Americans believe that college is affordable; that number has been dropping since 1985. While 48 percent of the public believe the student or his or her family should cover the biggest burden of college expenses, 31 percent believe that it is the responsibility of either the federal or state government. Eric Cooper, Ph.D., director of Student Enrollment Services, states that within UTSA, 65-70 percent of students rely on financial aid. He claims that there is a higher percentage of high-need students at UTSA than any other campus in the UT system. “UTSA has always been a school of access,” says Cooper. “We’re always interested in helping students come to college and afford it.” Consequently, the increasing dependence on financial aid and student loans leads to an increase in overall student debt after graduation. The re-
port finds that student loan debt, is on average, a little over $20,000 per family. With that impending debt, 27 percent of college graduates are working full-time jobs, yet underemployed, according to the Huffington Post. And with an underemployed job, it would take more than 20 years to pay off college debts. Cooper stresses the importance of graduating in a timely manner, which, traditionally, is four years. Every additional year adds weight to post-college debts and, in some cases, financial aid may become unavailable. “The federal government is really stressing that financial aid is a contract. They expect you to earn your degree in a timely manner. Legislation is changing to make sure students aren’t taking advantage of the financial aid system,” he says. Additionally, 48 percent of graduates with student loans claim that debt has made it harder to pay other bills or make ends meet. Twenty-four percent of those with loans also admit that the debt has had an impact on the type of career they pursued. It is a difficult situation to imagine that college debt is driving the See DEBATING, Page 3
Summer 2013 April 30, 2013
3 Summer 2013
From page 1
future, rather than the dreams that brought students to pursue an education in the first place. So is the diploma worth it with debt attached? As previously discussed, the Pew report finds in favor of the graduate, who will ultimately make enough money to pay off loans and still earn a greater amount than a non-graduate. It’s hard to say yes or no, since many variables factor into the final outcome. One thing is for sure though: the price of college tuition and fees are continuing to climb and show no sign of slowing. College Board reports tuition and fees have increased 27 percent over the rate of inflation in the last five years alone.
Changing Attitudes Despite the recipe for success that many college institutions seem to offer, the low expectation of the job market combined with the debt that more and more students seem to find unbearable is becoming a threat to the esteemed worth of a college education. Twentysix percent of workers believe that they would make the same money if they had a degree, while 22 percent of those with a degree believe they would make the same amount without one. While this is not the majority opinion, high school graduates increasingly take alternate routes to careers. Kinzler-Britton warns, “I am a big believer in taking some time after high school before going to a university. I wish I had. There is no rush; a degree
will always be there.” Non-traditional companies like Google and Zappos are taking advantage of the creative generation. There is a shift from linear, ladder-climbing careers to multiple movements between professions. Gone are the days of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. suits and ties. They have been replaced with themed dress-up days, laptops and nap rooms. As previously stated, 86 percent of college graduates believe that the college experience was not only an educational experience, but one of personal growth as well. “I definitely think that a college education is worth something if not just the knowledge you gain, but also the experiences you have,” says KinzlerBritton. “I had some of the most fun while I was in school at UTSA and met some of the absolute best people. I think that it is really unfortunate how expensive it has gotten to go to college.” Of graduates who annually earn more than $50,000, 91 percent believe college was a good investment. That percentage drops to 73 percent for those earning less than $50,000. In other terms, the more a graduate makes, the more they contribute their salary to their college education. Nevertheless, non-college graduates can still achieve high-paying jobs with the right connections.
Diploma as a Door Opener UTSA’s Career Center determined that 35-48 percent of graduates got their jobs through networking. Accord-
ing to Morris Ellington, project manager for the Career Center, “Networking and building a network of professional contacts is critical. ‘It’s not what you do; it’s who you know’ that really helps in this modern job market.” And this networking comes from determined students who force their foot in a door. “Employers like to see experience in a related field and look for internships. The more the better. One is good; two is awesome,” he says. Internships can be a good foundation to start networking. Like most college campuses, UTSA offers students something valuable–a place to help them make important life-changing connections. As Ellington says, “There are so many ways that we can connect students and employers together.” In the modern job market, it may not be the particular diploma that employers look at, but how a student spent his or her time achieving it. Cooper also urges students to be mindful of their grades. “I think more employers will look at a transcript versus a diploma. Bad grades and more W’s on a transcript will raise red flags.” Does Cooper think a degree is necessary? “I do, but maybe I’m not the average person. I was a first generation college student, but I also received a master’s and a doctoral degree. I wouldn’t be where I am right now without a college degree.” to continue reading visit www.paisano-online.com
NEW: dorms offer more space for more students
Sarah Gibbens / The Paisano
DEBATING: the path to education
The Hall will consist of three different student communities specializing in engineering, leadership and service, and the Honors College. From page 1
Hall is the first housing project to be tackled since the Master Plan was published. According to the Master Plan, UTSA has expressed a goal of housing 20 percent of students on campus, which would have required an additional 2,000 beds in Fall 2007 and another 1,000 beds for projected enrollment by Fall 2017. The Master Plan also noted that building a sense of community is a chief concern for housing, and that
doing so is difficult at University Oaks, Chaparral and Laurel Villages. A unique capacity of the new residence hall will be its special interest communities. According to UTSA Today, three communities will be located in the San Saba’s south tower, each catering to a specific niche of students. The Engineering Living Learning Community will be able to participate in “field trips to various engineering locations, peer mentoring and engineering advising once each
semester.” Residents on the Leadership and Service Lifestyle floor will have opportunities to “participate in a variety of activities and events utilizing the components of the SLC mission statement: education, engagement and experience, which will allow students to evolve as globally aware leaders.” The Honors College and Terry Scholar Community will “assist with interdisciplinary seminars that bring together advanced students from diverse disciplines.”
4 Summer 2013
Boy Scouts of America embraces equality Crystal Poenisch Staff Writer
news@paisano-online.com At their annual meeting in May, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) passed a resolution lifting their ban on membership for openly gay scouts. According to the organization’s website, the Membership Standards Resolution stated, “No youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone.” The resolution was approved with a 61 percent majority of the BSA National Council’s 1,400 members and will go into effect January 1, 2014. While the new membership policy permits openly homosexual scouts, it maintains its ban on gay scout leaders. In a press release following the decision, the Boy Scouts clarified their reasoning: “The resolution also reinforces that Scouting is a youth program, and any sexual conduct, whether heterosexual or homosexual, by youth of Scouting age is contrary to the virtues of Scouting. A change to the current membership policy for adult leaders was not under consideration, thus, the policy for adults remains in place.” The Boy Scouts of America is a private nonprofit organization.
The decision comes after the historical 2000 Supreme Court case, Boy Scouts v. Dale. James Dale was an eightyear-old Cub Scout in New Jersey who later achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. In 1989, his application was approved to become an Assistant Scoutmaster. While away for college at Rutgers University, he became co-president of the campus’ Lesbian/Gay Alliance and was published in an interview advocating for the rights of homosexual teens. Dale appealed to the New Jersey Supreme Court, claiming that the BSA violated New Jersey’s Public Accommodation Law, which expressly forbids discrimination based on sexual orientation. When the case was heard by the U.S. Supreme Court, the majority ruled in favor of the Boy Scouts’ claim to the First Amendment right to expressive association. The court stated, “The forced inclusion of an unwanted person in a group infringes on the group’s freedom of expressive association if the presence of that person affects in a significant way the group’s ability to advocate public or private viewpoints.” This court ruling was based on the claim that disavowing homosexuality is a central tenant of the Boy Scout’s moral instruction. The Boy Scouts then
ban on homosexuality was considered constitutional. Legislators have had mixed reactions to the change in policy. In an interview on the radio show Washington Watch, Texas representative Louie Gohmert (R. TX) stated that he was “brokenhearted over the vote with the Boy Scouts.” A sentiment also shared by Governor Rick Perry. Gohmert stated while on the show that “Scouting is not about sex, it’s about building character. But those who wanted to push their agenda have now put parents and young men in the position of making a decision; is this where I want to spend my time? Is this an organization that I do want to be associated with? I think the jury is going to be out for a while. I do think that those on that board made a decision that was driven by political correctness (and) by money.” In addition, some religious leaders will now refuse to allow the Boy Scouts to meet at their churches due to the policy, while others feel the resolution does not go far enough. On May 29, the California State Senate passed a bill stripping the Boy Scouts of their tax-exempt status due to its continued ban on gay scout leaders.
The Paisano Educational Trust congratulates the 2013 scolarship recipients!
Summer 2013 April 30, 2013
6222 UTSA Blvd | San Antonio, TX 78249
210.888.3100 Located on UTSA Blvd at Valero Way directly across the street from UTSA’s Main Campus.
The Paisano
August 26, 2008
{The Paisano} Editorial Editor-in-Chief: Matthew Duarte
Managing Editor: J. Corey Franco
News Editor: Sarah Gibbens
Arts Editor: Janae Rice
Sports Editor: Mario Nava
Web Editor: Jennifer Alejos
Special Issues Editor: Erin Boren
Business Manager: Jenelle Duff
{Staff Writers} Christina Coyne, Randy Lopez, Alex Camacho, Shelby Hodges, Council Royal, Paulina RiveroBorrell, Nick Castillo, Beth Marshall, Crystal Poenisch
{Staff Photographers} Alyssa Gonzales
{Contributing Writers} Julian Montez, Jasmine Rodriguez, Pete Torres, Renee Rendon, Mary Caithn Scott, Chance McDevitt, Chris Rodriguez, Mark Zavala, Aaron Zachary, Rico Martinez, Jackie Calvert
{Contributing Photographers} Scott Cochran, Katherine Kish, Craig Garrison {Ads Manager} Kevyn Kirven
Diane Abdo
{Advisory Board}
Steven Kellman, Mansour El-Kikhia, Jack Himelblau, Sandy Norman The Paisano is published by the Paisano Educational Trust, a non-profit, tax exempt, educational organization. The Paisano is operated by members of the Student Newspaper Association, a registered student organization. The Paisano is NOT sponsored, financed or endorsed by UTSA. New issues are published every Tuesday during the fall and spring semesters, excluding holidays and exam periods. All revenues are generated through advertising and donations. Advertising inquiries and donations should be directed towards:
Summer 2013
Opinion OPINION 5
Legislature creating roadblocks for UTSA, Texas and higher ed
Because the Texas Legislature meets for only 140 days every two years, many bills are left in committee, and it has become standard for the governor to call a Special Session — a 30day extension for lawmakers to tend to unfinished business. One item that failed to pass is SB 16, which would have allocated over $2 billion in construction projects at colleges across the state, including an “experimental science instructional building” at UTSA at a cost of more than $46 million. Typically the Legislature passes such a bill every four years, yet has failed to pass one since 2006. Four years ago, the Legislature created incentives for seven “emerging research institutions” including UTSA, to reach Tier One status in an effort to improve the quality of
universities across the state. There are loose requirements for a university to be considered a Tier One institution: it must have selective admissions standards and it must spend at least $100 million per year in research expenditures. Currently, only UT Austin, Texas A&M and Rice University are considered Tier One schools. UTSA has made tremendous strides as it seeks to become a Tier One university — its acceptance rate has dropped 25 points in 10 years, more students have earned more degrees than at any point in its history and it has attracted top notch faculty from across the country. However, it spent just $54,395,160 on research expenditures in the 2012 fiscal year, which was less than the year before and well below the $100
million threshold. An experimental science building would help UTSA take the next step as it seeks to achieve Tier One status. Three years ago a $1.2 million gift enabled UTSA to build the world’s most powerful microscope. It is now used by researchers around the world to study medicine, engineering, geology and nanotechnology. UTSA has already established itself as a leader in researching medicine and energy — fields that play an integral role in the regional economy. It has also established research partnerships with the U.S. military and with local businesses. It has been estimated that by reaching Tier One status UTSA would create over 40,000 jobs for the local economy, a quarter of them a result of increased research.
But the Legislature need not only look at UTSA for an argument in favor of supporting research: the Texas Legislative Study group has found that there is a 20-30 percent rate of return when one invests in research and development in Texas. Texas loses an estimated $3.7 billion per year in federal research grants to states with more than three Tier One universities; New York has six such intuitions, and California is home to nine. UTSA cannot simply will itself to Tier One status, and other universities across the state cannot thrive in an environment that keeps them from reaching their full potential. They often look to the state for funding, and during this year’s regular session the state failed to give them an additional re-
source to help reach their goal. The Texas Legislature cannot ask universities to fight for Tier One status while neglecting the state’s higher education needs by failing to pass a necessary campus construction bill. Tier One institutions and emerging research institutions alike benefit from new facilities, and the profits are felt all over the state. The Texas Legislature should approve the more than $2 billion in campus construction projects it neglected during the regular session. These improvements will go a long way towards helping the state, its higher education system and UTSA’s pursuit of Tier One status.
seemed that what was once forbidden became almost compulsory as paid programming and satellite radio essentially exploded into a veritable cornucopia of incendiary language and naked bodies galore. Now, as the Internet has become the new frontier for the exchange of media and ideals, media sites seem to be finding themselves subjected to the same old interpretations applied to new and evolving mediums. Social networking site Facebook, which boasts a user base of 1.1 billion, has recently found itself embroiled in multiple First Amendment battles. One of the battles is a case involving feminist groups demanding a ban on “gender-based hate speech” that “trivializes or glorifies violence against girls and women.” Facebook eventually complied with protesters’ demands and released a post on their site detailing a plan to ramp up their policing of hate speech in site content. This occurred, according to CNN, after supporters sent over 5,000 emails to Facebook advertisers, which steered Nissan UK and Nationwide
to pull advertising, and several other sponsors were left considering the same. Seeing this similar trend in censorship and social networking media, it is easy to imagine paid networking sites eventually powering their way into the media machine, and it leads one to wonder what strange beast will emerge in the wake of the next media evolution. Driving the speakers of ignorant and abhorrent language out of these sites just as corporate censors drove out the taboo in early television does not silence their voice but merely redirects it. The Internet provides a global voice to unprecedented numbers of people and through the ocean of voices there will always be a medium for the incendiary. As technology evolves at an ever-increasing speed, networking and media is in a constant state of flux and trying to extinguish the incendiary and intolerant with censorship is simply water thrown on a grease fire. While public expression of ignorance and hatred is reprehensible, the first amendment exists to pro-
tect those who would otherwise be silenced. It protects the individual liberties of the minority from the majority and ensures that expression shall not be hindered. The American people do not benefit from discretionary filtering of media outlets and are perfectly capable of making their own judgments on what they will and will not subscribe to. The ultimate danger, though, in the evolution of technology is the government’s proven inability to evolve. Operating in the current social climate within a system that, after the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 took over 100 years to pass The Civil Rights Act, presents a daunting challenge. American government and regulatory agencies are old dogs and the immediacy of technology is demanding they learn some new tricks.
Commentary Old dogs and new tricks T h e dawn of the 20th centur y has presented increasingly complex challenges to the interpretation of the Constitution that has left the majority of lawmakers struggling to keep up. The Supreme Court case Schenck v. U.S. in 1919 established the litmus check known as the clearand-present-danger test. This case cited the now widely used example of falsely crying “fire” in a crowded theatre, and established one of the first federally prescribed limitations to Americans’ First Amendment rights. Corporate censors and activist groups have also been a major player in the mediation of the public domain. The efforts of these outlets to control and balance the liberties of the individual with blatantly abusive language has been in many cases an effort in futility as the pace of technology increases faster than regula-
tory entities can keep up. It would seem censorship has become a failing levy brought down in the wake of the information age. Radio, television and the Internet have changed the way information is exchanged and created immediacy within the American discourse that has never been seen before. Television stations quickly learned that their dependence on sponsorship and advertisement left them in a precarious position regarding their ability to decide what speech and images would be purveyed over the airwaves. From Elvis’ gyrating hips to Mary Ann’s navel on “Gilligan’s Island,” it was quickly evident that corporate censors would play an integral role in what the American people would and would not see. In 1959, a “Playhouse 90” episode titled “Judgment at Nuremberg” had all references to gas chambers eliminated from its reenactment of the Nazi trials. The show’s sponsor was the apparently oversensitive American Gas Association. But as television, and even radio, migrated into paid venues, it
J. Corey Franco Managing Editor
In Small Doses by: J. Corey Franco
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Commentary Reduce burden of college by spending loans responsibly College has its advantages — meeting new people, expanding your knowle d g e , earning many useful life lessons, and positioning yourself for employment. The unemployment rate is higher for non-college graduates and lifetime earnings for college graduates are, on average, $650,000 higher than for
those who do not earn their degrees, according to the Pew Research Center. But college does have disadvantages — it is not a guaranteed ticket to a long, successful career. According to the Huffington Post, 27 percent of college graduates are working fulltime, yet underemployed. And, with an underemployed position, it could take more than 20 years to pay off college debts, which brings us to another disadvantage: outstanding debt. The Pew Research Center also found that one in five households in the U.S. had out-
standing loan debt in 2010, with those affected owing an average of $26,682, an amount that has risen 14 percent since 2007. Particularly at UTSA, 74 percent of students in 2012 were awarded loans totaling $164,711,836, according to the UTSA Fact Book. Students need to realize the reality of college and its cost. College is not a place to rack up loan debt, blindly unaware of the post-graduation consequences. In today’s tough job market, students need to prepare for underemployment (or lack of) and with that, a lower-
than-expected pay grade. First, make sound financial decisions. Don’t borrow more than you need. Spend loan money on college expenses — not movie nights with friends. And remember, the search for financial aid and scholarships isn’t over after the first year of college; it’s a repetitive effort. Secondly, students should give 100 percent toward grades, organizational involvement and extensive networking. If you’re going to pay for college — for years and years to come — make sure to get the most out of your education.
UTSA, like most educational institutions, provides a handful of helpful services for every student, such as the University Career Center, and hosts plenty of on-campus events from job fairs to financial planning seminars. College can take you far if you take advantage of what’s offered, but it will also clean out your wallet, so make sure to get your money’s worth. Erin Boren Special Issues Editor
{Local Events}
Summer, 2013
Thursdays 7 p.m. Movie Screening Santikos Bijou (4522 Fredericksburg Rd.) hosts a free movie night every Thursday at 7 p.m. Free screenings are on a first come, first served basis. Trivia and prizes may also be available. For more information, visit santikos.com.
Saturdays 10 a.m. Second Saturdays Every second Saturday, Eisenhower Park (19399 Military Hwy.) will host nature programs of different themes such as Starting Out Wild, Turkey Talk and Birding 101. Families are encouraged to make reservations for the event. Call (210) 207-5320 for reservations. Donations are encouraged.
Courtesy of Hadieh Shafie
Courtesy of October Gallery
(Left) Hadieh Shafie’s “22500 Pages;” (Right) The Jameel Prize winner, Rachid Koraïchi’s “Les Maîtres Invisibles (The Invisible Monsters)”
Islamic tradition on display at SAMA Jennifer Alejos
Web Editor web@paisano-online.com In a stunning display of tapestries, wood panels, paintings and mosaic work, Islamic culture is brought to life in an exhibit at the San Antonio Museum of Art. “The Jameel Prize: Art Inspired by the Islamic Tradition” exhibit features work from 10 artists, all of whom have been selected as finalists for the coveted Jameel Prize. In 2011, 10 individuals were chosen out of
200 submissions for the prize, with first place going to Rachid Koraïchi for “Les Maîtres Invisibles (The Invisible Monsters).” The Jameel Prize, established in 2009 by the Victoria and Albert Museum, provokes the dialogue of current Islamic culture and the traditions that may have been forgotten. The pieces explore how Islamic culture is evolving from the perspective of those deeply affected by the changes in modern culture and their environment. While some works challenge the view of current Islamic cul-
ture, others embrace ancient Islamic traditions such as mosaics and tapestries with text. The exhibit has been displayed in galleries all over the world, including the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris, Casa Árabe in Madrid and the Cantor Center for the Arts at Stanford University. Now, the San Antonio Museum of Art joins the list for a limited run until August. In “Fashion Week,” artist Soody Sharifi explores the preferred garment for Islamic women called the hijab and
shows how Islamic culture has shaped the meaning behind the traditional style of dress. Hijabs are long garments assigned to women when they mature. The veil acts as a shield from nonrelated males when women are in public. In Islamic culture, the hijab is seen as a form of modesty, morality and protection. Sharifi uses the technique of digital collage to create the scene of a faux fashion show. Her subjects, all female, ascend a stairway meant to resemble a catwalk. While male photogra-
phers snap shots of the models, figures that appear to be from ancient biblical texts are present in the audience. The contrast between the digital renderings of the models and painted figures make the distinction between old and new Islamic culture. (To continue reading this article, visit paisano-online. com)
Wednesdays-Saturdays 8 p.m. Comedy The Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club (618 NW Loop 410 Suite 312) will host different comedians all summer. Performances include Rob Schneider, Myq Kaplan, Jessica Kirson, Jon Reep and Dwight Slade. For more information, please visit lolsanantonio.com.
Mondays-Sundays 10 a.m. Exhibit: San Antonio Ethnic Arts Society: “Thirtieth Aniversary Exhibition The UTSA Art Gallery (6900 N Loop 1604 W) will host an exhibit featuring different local artists in celebration for 30 years of support to San Antonio’s artistic communities. The exhibit will continue through August 9. The gallery is open Mondays-Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays.
Alyssa Gonzales/ The Paisano
Alyssa Gonzales/ The Paisano
Alyssa Gonzales/ The Paisano
Summer, 2013
Fans crowd surf while Grammy award-winning rock band Halestorm performs on the Bud Light stage.
River City Rockfest rocks San Antonio Alyssa Gonzales Contributing Writer
arts@paisano-online.com On Memorial Day weekend, thousands of rockers put on their band tees and lined up to enter the first-ever River City Rockfest at the AT&T Center grounds. Although there were concerns about the weather interfering with festival attendance,
a little rain did not stop the show, and the sun made an appearance by mid-afternoon. Three stages hosted bands including Guns N’ Roses, Alice in Chains, All That Remains, Clutch, Asking Alexandria, Bullet for my Valentine, Skillet, Halestorm and San Antonio’s very own The Heroine and Memory of a Melody. Battle of the Bands competition winner Texas kicked off the
one-day festival at the JC Fodale Stage to commence the inaugural year of the rockfest created by Spurs Sports & Entertainment. The crowd was full of energy as Grammy award-winning rock band Halestorm walked onto the Bud Light main stage. There was a lot of excitement and crowd surfing as Halestorm put on a great show for their fans. An acoustic stage was also
Sounds of summer: Jackie Calvert
Contributing Writer arts@paisano-online.com Summer has finally peeked its way over the rainclouds of April, which means it is officially time for road trips, swimming, Texas BBQ and new summer music. Whether you’re two-stepping at Cowboys or dancing the night away at a dive bar, here are a few songs to inspire the brief fun that summer always brings. Best Coast “The Only Place” Best Coast fully established themselves as a bona fide surfer and summer lover’s dream band when they emerged in 2009. They have not released an album in over a year, but any of their songs, from “Boyfriend” to “Do You Love Me Like You Used To,” will surely quench the thirst of any pop-rock lover. Lead singer Bethany Cosantino joyfully sings about summer loves and their home state of California as “the only place” to ever live. Luckily for her, she has the emotional brevity and upbeat rhymes to cement her place on the list of essential summer soundtracks. “The Only Place” is a song to
available at the Morris Center that provided shade, relaxation and some great acoustic sets if any attendees needed a breather from the loud rock music. A variety of food trucks offered delicacies for festival goers to enjoy while multiple tents were set up on the grounds to tender refreshing beverages to the fans. As the day started winding down, it was time for headliners
to begin taking the stage. Fans crowded around the main stage as they eagerly waited for Alice in Chains and Guns N’ Roses to perform. An enthusiastic attendee, Crissy Wylie, concluded her time at the festival saying, “The venue was great and the lineup was amazing. The acoustic stage was a great place to relax when needed. Overall, one of the best concerts I’ve ever been
to!” The first River City Rockfest proved a success with fans ready for another rock-filled festival in 2014. After a great day of music, fans will surely hope to see more from the River City Rockfest next year.
the musical guide to making summer a little sweeter
blast while laying on a towel by ness within the lyrics that only a the pool or on a road trip to a megastar like Justin Timberlake sweeter, new location. can provide. The 32-year-old singer recently released “The Daft Punk “Get Lucky” 20/20 Experience” to mixed reDaft Punk has finally returned views, but there is no doubt that and with vengeance for a sum- his fans are right there with him mer hit. They have succeeded through every bit of his journey in wrangling in a new batch of to superstar status. listeners and going, as they say, “Mirrors” features Timbermainstream. lake serenading his “other half” “Get Lucky” is the first of sev- (a more than willing Jessica Biel) eral collaborations on their new with the following lyrics: “Cause album and features the smooth I don’t want to lose you now/I’m voice of Pharrell, who croons his lookin’ right at the other half of way into a sexual conquest, but me/The vacancy that sat in my is really looking for the rare op- heart/is a space that now you portunity of real chemistry. hold.” It’s hard to argue the Pharrell gleefully sings “So sweetness of that sentiment let’s raise the bar/And our cups and surely, most fans of Timto the stars/She’s up all night ‘til berlake would not mind bethe sun/I’m up all night to get ing compared to a reflection some/She’s up all night for good of the current King of Pop, fun/I’m up all night to get lucky.” sketch comedy and charm. The song is packed with easy going lyrics and a laid back Taylor Swift “22” summer vibe with just a hint of After making a successdisco. It is sure to set the radio ful crossover from country waves on fire for the next few to pop, Taylor Swift takes a weeks. break from never, ever getting back together with mysJustin Timberlake “Mirrors” tery heartbreakers and gives Although some may argue her fans a positive anthem that the lyrics of this catchy they can really sing along to. love tune are a bit self-indul- “22” is on Swift’s fourth algent there is a sweet soulful- bum “Red,” one of the highest
selling albums this year. Swift belts out joyously and triumphantly, “It seems like one of those nights/This place is too crowded too many cool kids/It seems like one of those nights/ We ditch the whole scene and end of dreaming instead of sleeping.” Swift has die-hard fans, but she also has a strong following of naysayers. Swift has the appeal of being effortlessly catchy and fun-loving in many of her songs. “22” successfully highlights the freedom and joy of be-
ing young and maybe venturing sions that her predecessors have out on a hot summer night with accomplished. This summer, the girls. with “Anything Could Happen,” she may finally rise. Goulding Ellie Goulding “Anything Can has already planned on a U.S. Happen” tour with a schedule that inEver since English singer cludes Texas. songwriter Ellie Goulding’s “Lights” made a huge splash on (To continue reading this the American air waves back in article, visit paisano-online. 2011, the singer has slowly as- com) cended to popularity. She sits in the same ranks as Adele and Florence Welch in her vocal ability, but she has yet to reach the massive multi-hit dimen-
9 June 4, 2013
10 Summer 2013
Roadrunner John Bormann is leading from the classroom and the diamond Sports Editor
sports@paisano-online.com Success in baseball for catcher John Bormann lies only within a victory for the Roadrunners team. Everything else that comes along with it: the accolades, the praise and the recognition as one of the top catchers in college baseball, all seem minor in comparison to winning. Bormann has been receiving acclaim when it comes to individual achievement for his defensive prowess behind the plate as a catcher and for his academic achievement in the classroom as a student at The University of Texas at San Antonio. With a .295 batting average, a 31-for-51 on stolen base attempts against as a catcher and only three passed balls all season with 14 runners picked off, he’s still managed nearly a 4.0 GPA every semester at UTSA. “The numbers are the numbers. I’m more into being a leader behind the plate,” Bormann said. “My personal numbers aren’t what’s important, as long as we’re winning.” In his first season as the UTSA baseball head coach, John Marshall has seen his star catcher excel as a leader, and he knows Bormann is a part of why UTSA was back in the NCAA tournament for the first time since 2005. “I can’t speak highly enough about one, his leadership on and off the field, and two, him as a student. He’s probably in the top two or three students on our team just from a GPA standpoint,” Marshall said. “He’s very accountable and he’s a team captain.”
As a student-athlete, Bormann has clearly defined himself as a leader. He’s been the president of the National Honor Society, a member of the student council and recipient of the Citizenship Award. “You got to really be organized; you got to really take care of it. It’s not as easy as people think,” Bormann said. “It’s definitely a challenge.” At Navarro High School in Seguin Bormann led the team to three straight district championships and was voted team MVP all four years as a pitcher, catcher and infielder. Marshall and the coaching staff recruited him to be a catcher and they are reaping the benefits of their decision. “We’ve been hungry for someone to solidify that position (catcher) and sometimes you find diamonds in the strangest places,” Marshall said. “He’s a great athlete and that’s the one place you start.” On May 1, Bormann was added to the Johnny Bench Award Watch List, which is given to the top collegiate catcher in the nation for his leadership, athletic ability, character and sportsmanship. “It was really an honor,” Bormann said, following UTSA’s final practice of the season before heading to the NCAA tournament. “Johnny Bench – he was my favorite player growing up. I was always hearing stories, he was also my dad’s favorite player.” Bormann did not make the semifinalist list and the disappointment was evident. “Maybe if I was swinging the bat a little better towards conference, I might have made the semi’s,” Bormann said. “Hopefully next
year I get a shot at it.” As a catcher, the responsibilities are endless. There is making sure the defense is in the right position. There is handling of a variety of pitchers, pitches and personalities. There is the athletic need to dive and block difficult pitches in order to save runs and keep runners from advancing. For Bormann, the relationships with his teammates and coaches have made the challenges easier. “I think I have a good enough relationship to snap at them (teammates), and then we go eat dinner after the game and we’re like brothers again,” Bormann said. “I’ve been able to become a pretty good defensive catcher, and it’s a big part of helping them (pitchers) up on the mound.” The UTSA coaches and players also have developed a healthy respect for Bormann’s role as a leader with pitchers. “I think where he has developed respect from the pitching staff is just the trust in knowing that they can throw any pitch in any count and that he’s going receive it or block it,” Marshall said. “John has earned his stripes and I think has the belief and trust of everybody, not only out on that pitching mound, but everybody on our bench.” Although it is only his sophomore year at UTSA, Bormann has already thought about applying his business degree to sports events and tourism management. But his love for baseball and sports has him considering a career as a college coach. One thing is for sure: Bormann knows his grades are a big part of what will determine his path.
Vicente Cardenas / The Paisano
Mario Nava
Sophmore catcher John Bormann is a business major with a knack for throwing runners out.
UTSA baseball‘s season ends with elimination from NCAA tournament Mario Nava Sports Editor
Arnold Alcantar / UTSA Athletics
Nolan Trabanino pitched well in Game 1 of the NCAA tournament, but it was not enough to lift the Roadrunners Oregon State.
Riding a seven-game winning streak that included a WAC Championship, UTSA was only two outs away on Friday, May 31, from securing the biggest upset of the 2013 NCAA baseball tournament. The ‘Runners were ahead of the country’s No. 3 ranked Oregon State Beavers at Goss Stadium in Corvallis, Ore. 4-3 in the bottom of the ninth. Unfortunately, the Beavers were able to get a gamewinning RBI double from right fielder Dylan Davis, resulting in a 5-4 loss for the ‘Runners. “This was a tough way to lose,” UTSA head coach Jason Marshall said. “This one is going to sting for a while.” Nolan Trabanino, UTSA’s starting pitcher, set the defensive tempo by holding the Beavers to seven hits and three runs in five innings. UTSA relief pitcher Matt Simms, the 2013 WAC tournament MVP, substituted for Trabanino in the sixth inning and pitched 3 1/3 innings. He performed well until the ninth inning, when he walked the lead-off batter and hit a batter with a pitch, eventually leading to Davis’ winning double.
UTSA had the lead through multiple innings and seemed to be in the driver’s seat with a 1-0 lead after a first inning RBI single by Roadrunners’ designated hitter, Tony Ramirez. In the top of the seventh inning, UTSA had fallen behind 3-2 when ‘Runners third baseman RJ Perucki singled in left fielder Riley Good to tie the game. In the eighth inning, UTSA regained the lead when the Beavers made consecutive fielding errors, allowing second baseman Jesse Baker to score. “The big thing coming into today for this ball club was that we haven’t been in this situation before,” Marshall said. “None of these players have been to a regional tournament, so it meant a lot to have poise, handle the situation and atmosphere while playing a good opponent.” The team was not deterred by the loss and understood the value of taking a top school to the limits. “I told the guys that I love them and appreciate just how hard they played,” Marshall said. “I think that you have seen the character of our team today.” UTSA had another opportunity to stay alive in the Corvallis Region tournament play, but was unceremoniously eliminated on Saturday, June 1, in a 6-1 loss against the Texas
A&M Aggies in an elimination game. The NCAA’s first round is a regional double-elimination series, and with the two losses UTSA ended their run in the Corvallis Regional. The ‘Runners had freshman right-hander Brock Hartson on the mound to face the Aggies, but he was taken out of the game after 4 1/3 innings where he allowed five runs on nine hits. UTSA was down only 2-1 heading into the fifth inning, when Texas A&M exploded with four hits that scored three runs, essentially putting the game out of reach. The Roadrunners could scatter only five hits on the day, with the only run coming from an RBI single by Perucki. Despite the losses, Perucki was able to capture how the coaching staff has changed the culture of Roadrunners baseball. “It’s definitely more passion than anything. Coach Marshall is one of the most passionate guys that I have ever met in my life. When you have a leader like that, it is easy to come out every day to work hard and compete with people he brought in,” Perucki said. “Having leaders like that around your program will definitely get you going the right way.”
11 Summer 2013
12 Summer 2013
UTSA Athetics 2012-13 Season Review
Roadrunners leave the WAC with the Commissioner’s Cup title
Burk Frey, Stephen Whitaker, Will Tallent/The Paisano
The 17 UTSA Athletic teams combined to tally 90 points total, including WAC championships from the ‘Runners baseball team and indoor track & field.
Mario Nava Sports Editor
sports@paisano-online.com The UTSA Athletics program has been awarded the annual Western Athletics Conference (WAC) Commissioner’s Cup for the 2012-13 season. The (WAC) presents the award to one of the 10 universities that performs best in each of the 19 men’s and women’s WAC Conference Championships. The order of finish in standings and conference tournaments for each sport determines how many points are awarded to each team. UTSA tallied 90 points total to defeat the Idaho
Vandals, who finished second overall with 86.50 points. Indoor track and field contributed 7.00 points for their WAC tournament championship in February, and it was their eighth straight tournament title. “It was a tremendous achievement to win the WAC Commissioner’s Cup,” said UTSA Athletic Director Lynn Hickey, who has seen UTSA win two Southland Conference Commissioner’s Cups to go along with this most recent award. “The credit goes to all the hard work and dedication from our student-athletes and coaches.” UTSA women’s cross country added 8.00 points and fell three
points shy of winning the WAC conference championship in cross country – one of the closest finishes in league history. Roadrunners’ volleyball also netted 8.00 points despite coming up short in the WAC semifinals. “We’ve always felt we had a well-rounded department, one in which we are successful across the board in all of our sports,” Hickey said. “Winning our third conference commissioner’s cup in the last six years is a great reward and representation of that success.” With all WAC tournament competition finished, UTSA will officially become members of Conference USA on July 1.
Online Season In Review Coverage
The Paisano will be featuring an online season in review for all 17 UTSA Athletic programs. Find out how the Roadrunners fared in each of their respective sports and read what each coach had to say. {Please visit Paisano-online.com daily and follow @paisanosports1 on Twitter for UTSA Roadrunners coverage.}
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