The Paisano Volume 48 Issue 13

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Take in some locally brewed beer at Big Hops page 7


Baseball wins series against Sacramento State page 9

Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

{SINCE 1981}

At select Fiesta events, the Texas Department of Transportation will be giving away taxi cards, each pre-loaded with $20, that are intended to prevent Fiesta-goers from driving home drunk.

April 23, 2013

Issue 13



Bomb threat forces evacuation of M.H. building

Will Tallent / The Paisano

San Antonio

Volume 48

The McKinney Humanities building was evacuated just before 2 p.m. on Friday after receiving a “non-credible anonymous threat,” according to the UTSA Police Department’s Facebook page. “The campus remains open during the investigation and the community should expect an increased police presence,” the post went on to say. The building reopened shortly after 3 p.m.


Lorenzo Sanchez, director of UTSA’s Office of Business Continuity and Emergency Management, told the Paisano in November, “We do the best that we can with the available resources to make sure that we have a secure and safe environment for people to go to school, to work and to come visit and take preparedness very seriously on multiple levels.”


Former Congressman donates papers to UTSA

Texas The Texas Legislature is reviewing legislation that would prohibit texting while driving. Gov. Perry has threatened to veto any such legislation.

Julia Brouillette Staff Writer


Will Tallent / The Paisano

J. Corey Franco News Assistant

UT System The University of Texas System is expecting profits of over $1 billion in 2013 thanks to revenues from oil and gas development on land owned by the system.

History This week in 2000, UTSA announced an academic restructuring plan that would, among other things, expand the number of colleges from four to six.

Sports The UTSA softball team will play at Lousiana Tech April 26 and 27. Baseball will play on the road against Dallas Baptist April 26-28.

On April 17, the Senate failed to pass several comprehensive amendments that aimed to modify the current gun control policies. Reuters referred to the Senate vote as a “crippling blow” to President Barack Obama’s campaign to curb gun violence and a difficult day for previously optimistic proponents of gun control reform as the Senate rejected a plan to expand background checks for gun buyers. Shy of the 60 votes needed, a 54-46 vote struck down the plan to extend background checks for online and gun show sales. President Obama rebuked those calling this a victory in a statement following the vote, saying, “A victory for what? All that happened today was the preservation of the loophole that lets dangerous criminals buy guns without a background check.” Obama asked, “Victory for not doing something that 90 percent of Americans, 80 percent of Republicans, the vast majority of your constituents wanted to get done? It begs the question, who are we here to represent?” The Manchin-Toomey background check amend-

ment drafted by Sens. Joe Manchin III (D-West Virginia) and Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pennsylvania) garnered support from both sides of the aisle. Bipartisan compromises in the amendment included the prohibition of a national gun registry and a background check exemption for private sales and gifts between family and friends. Though it initially was endorsed by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), support was withdrawn at the last minute. CCRKBA — which calls itself the secondlargest gun rights organization in the country — claims to have 650,000 members and supporters, which is second only to the NRA. “Our support for this measure was contingent on several key provisions, the cornerstone of which was a rights restoration provision that is not on the schedule for consideration,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb in a statement following the withdrawal. “We cannot, in clear conscience, continue to support a measure that will not include this critical relief component. If Democrats like (New York Sen. Charles) Schumer thought we could be flimflammed on this, they were

wrong.” In addition to the background check expansion, the plan to limit the size of ammunition magazines drew only 46 votes in support. All Senate amendments require a 60-vote minimum to clear administrative obstacles. In spite of the recent support for gun control reform in the wake of the shootings in Newtown and Aurora, the nation still remains relatively divided over the matter of policy change. According to a Gallup poll conducted this past January, 51 percent of

to allow gun owners with permits to carry concealed weapons across state lines also failed to reach the 60-vote threshold — but earned more votes (57) than the background checks amendment.” In addition to the concealed carry plan, the Republicans also sponsored Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley’s plan, which focused on gun crime prosecution, improving mental health records for gun owners and funding better school safety measures. Consistent with the trend, the 52-48 Senate vote rejected the proposal.

“Rather than restricting the rights of law-abiding Americans, we should be focusing on keeping guns out of the hands of violent criminals.” Ted Cruz

Texas Senator Americans are in some way dissatisfied with the United States’ current gun policies. Of those 51 percent, 38 percent believed that policies should become stricter. According to Reuters, “The influence of the gun culture and the gun lobby was clear when an NRA-backed plan

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz said of Grassley’s measure, “Rather than restricting the rights of law-abiding Americans, we should be focusing on keeping guns out of the hands of violent criminals, which this legislation accomplishes,” according to Reuters. See GUN CONTROL, Page 2

Will Tallent / The Paisano

The Boy Scouts of America proposed lifting the ban on openly gay youth participating in the organization, although adults would still be prohibited based on their sexual orientation. A vote on the proposal will take place in May.

Former U.S. Representative Charles A. “Charlie” Gonzalez has donated his congressional papers to UTSA. These materials are now included in UTSA Library’s Special Collections. Gonzalez’s collection will be made available to students and researchers interested in studying his impact during his 14 years of service as a congressman. Gonzalez is a San Antonio native and served as the Representative for the 20th Congressional District of Texas for 14 years. As a congressman he served on numerous committees, including Financial Services, Small Business, House Administration, Energy and Commerce, Judiciary and Homeland Security. Gonzalez left Congress in 2012 and is now the chief of public engagement for VIA Metropolitan Transit in San Antonio. “I’m pleased that my legacy as a public servant of the citizens of San Antonio and Texas will now be widely accessible,” Gonzalez said. “Representative Gonzalez’s congressional papers help to document important chapters in the histories of San Antonio, Texas, congressional policymaking and Latino politics,” UTSA President Ricardo Romo told UTSA Today. “Acquisitions of this caliber play a role in the university’s ascent to Tier One research status.” The materials consist of speeches, press releases, legislative files, videotapes of interviews and constituent correspondence — information that will be beneficial to researchers in an array of disciplines. “Special Collections is committed to providing access to a robust set of collections that can help propel the students See GONZALEZ, Page 2

WEB Fiesta kicks off at UTSA. See for more photos.


2 April 23, 2013

GUN CONTROL: Texas lawmakers debate right to carry firearms on campus Gonzalez: From Page 1


On the state level, Texas’ Legislature has also been looking to modify current gun policies. The state legislative library lists 110 bills currently filed pertaining to weapons in the Legislature. According to the Huffington Post, “Texas is one of several states to consider loosening its gun laws since the Newtown, Conn. shooting that left 20 children and six educators dead.” The Center for American Progress released a report earlier this month that ranked Texas 14th in the nation in terms of aggravated assaults committed with a firearm per capita, and 19th in firearm homicides. On April 4, Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy (D) signed a comprehensive gun control package into law, and the following day, Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) stated in an open letter, “Recent draconian gun legislation passed

in Colorado, Connecticut and Maryland has made those states unfriendly to law-abiding gun owners, weapons manufacturers and weapons parts manufacturers.” “These states have proven they do not value those who obey the law and pump millions of dollars into local economies. This is not the way for government to treat people,” Stockman stated. “Come to Texas! Your rights will not be infringed upon here, unlike many local current regimes.” Texas politicians have a fervent voice among the national discourse concerning citizens’ rights to keep and bear arms. One of the key points of this discourse is the issue of concealed carrying of handguns. The Huffington Post reported, “Indeed, protection is now the top reason gun owners cite for having a firearm, a new survey shows, a figure that has nearly doubled since 1999.” The report stated, “With Americans split over whether guns more often save lives or jeopardize them, researchers have long parsed surveys of crime victims done in the 1990s, arguing over what the numbers mean.” According to data compiled by the FBI, the rate of violent crimes including murder and assault fell by nearly half from 1992 to 2011, while the rate of reported property crime dropped 41 percent. The elevated interest that gun owners exhibit towards self-defense is paired with a statistical decrease in violent crimes, according to Mark Warr, a University of Texas

criminologist. “Americans don’t know that the crime rate has been going down,” Warr told the Huffington Post. Warr attributed the shaping of public perceptions to television crime dramas and news reports focusing on the most violent offenses. “What happens is that people watch this dangerous image of the world and they buy into the idea that the world is a really, really dangerous place.” A significant part of current state Legislation filed to modify gun control laws pertains to the carrying of concealed handguns on college campuses. Of the seven bills pertaining to concealed carry on college campuses presently filed in the current legislative session, HB 972, authored by Rep. Allen Fletcher (R), is the farthest along. According to the Legislative Reference Library, Fletcher’s bill is currently out of committee and is waiting to be scheduled for a vote. UTSA freshman and SGA Sen. Lucas Lostoski supported a resolution this past January to endorse state legislation allowing concealed handguns on college campuses. However, the resolution failed to garner enough support as an 8-21 vote ultimately kept it from passing. Lostoski stated, “I can see why people are worried… I believe with common-sense gun control comes the elimination of gun-free zones which invites people to come kill because (these people) go to a place where they know people will be unarmed to commit these acts of violence.”

Ex-official’s ailing wife charged in DA deaths Associated Press

Kim Williams wasn’t seen around town much after her health worsened. While in years past the Texas woman occasionally would visit a neighbor for chats on his porch, her arthritis and other conditions eventually kept her inside. Despite being the wife of a well-known county justice of the peace, county officials rarely saw her in public. Even neighbors called her reclusive. Few of them knew much about her. But since Williams was charged with capital murder in the deaths of two North Texas prosecutors, an image has taken shape of a woman who allegedly plotted with her husband to take revenge on the people who prosecuted him for theft and ended his judicial career. “I don’t think anyone could have written a novel that would play out like this,’’ Kaufman County Judge Bruce Wood said Wednesday after her arrest. He said county employees were relieved the case that had baffled authorities for weeks was moving forward but also were shocked by the developments. Williams, 46, was arrested and charged Wednesday after allegedly confessing to playing a role in the slayings of Kaufman County assistant prosecutor Mark Hasse in January and District Attorney Mike McLelland and his wife, Cynthia, last month. An arrest affidavit alleges she told investigators that her husband shot and killed the victims, but the document doesn’t specify what role she played. Investigators said they would not release further details until briefing the victims’ families. The charge was the latest turn in an investigation that had recently focused on her husband, former Justice of the Peace Eric Williams, after authorities searched his home and a nearby storage facility stocked with guns. Eric Williams, also 46, is a

former family lawyer who has not yet been charged in the slayings. He is jailed on $3 million bail on a charge of making a terroristic threat. His wife was being held on $10 million bail. Records released Thursday by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education reveal that Eric Williams also was an officer with at least 10 different law enforcement agencies in North Texas from 1987 to 2010. That included a stint as a deputy with the Kaufman County Sheriff’s Department. Kim Williams’ arrest Wednesday surprised many in this community just southeast of Dallas, though few could offer much insight into her background or personality. Wood said he met her only once, briefly at a swearing-in ceremony for public officials. A local attorney, Steve Hulme, said he knew Eric Williams’ wife had health issues and called her arrest “just shocking.’’ Richard Mohundro, a nextdoor neighbor, said Kim Williams used to visit him and talk on his front porch. “I actually had many more conversations with Kim ... than I ever did with him,’’ Mohundro said. “She is in bad health and hasn’t been outside much in the last two years.’’ Winnie Murrell sold her home to the Williams family in 2001 but returned to the neighborhood frequently because her sister lived up the street. “They were not real friendly people,’’ Murrell said. “In fact I thought she was a recluse. I stayed up at my sister’s house a lot and I never saw her outside or anything.’’ McLelland and Hasse prosecuted Eric Williams last year for the theft of three computer monitors from a county building. He was convicted, sentenced to probation and lost his law license and his elected position as justice of the peace – a judge who handles mostly administrative duties. Kim Williams testified at

the sentencing phase of the trial, calling him “a loving man’’ and contradicting the image presented in trial testimony that indicated he made death threats against a former girlfriend and a local attorney. She testified she suffers from several illnesses, including rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome. She said her husband was her sole caregiver as well as the caregiver for her two ailing parents. “He wouldn’t do anything to hurt anybody,’’ she testified, according to a story from the Forney Post. “I’m standing by him 100 percent.’’ Eric Williams has said that after the McLellands were found shot dead in their home March 30 and after Hasse was gunned down Jan. 31 near the county courthouse, he submitted to gunshot residue tests and turned over his cellphone to authorities. He was arrested Saturday on allegations he sent an email to authorities – one day after the McLellands’ bodies were discovered – implying there would be another attack if authorities didn’t respond to various demands. A law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation previously said authorities were trying to build a case against Eric Williams in the prosecutors’ slayings. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the ongoing investigation. The official said ballistics experts were testing at least 20 weapons found in a storage locker under Eric Williams’ name at a facility near Dallas. A Ford Crown Victoria similar to one recorded in the McLellands’ neighborhood around the time the couple was killed was parked at the storage facility, the official said. A message left with an attorney who had been representing Eric Williams was not returned Wednesday. Jail records did not list an attorney for Kim Williams.

said, I see it as a waste of time and money to pass legislature in favor or against since the ultimate outcome wouldn’t be noticeably different either way.” In contrast, senior English major Katy Almond said, “The potential of a student carrying a gun in class would be enough to possibly deter someone from committing a violent act on campus.” A 2012 report by the Cato Institute, a public policy research organization, found that after Colorado passed legislation allowing universities to individually decide whether they allowed concealed carry, there was an unexpected effect on crime rates. Colorado State University decided to allow concealed weapons, while the University of Colorado prohibited them. The report determined that while Colorado State University had a 60 percent decrease in crime since 2004, the University of Colorado had a 35 percent increase over the same time period. According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, in 2011, about 524,000 Texans were CHL holders. In 2012, that number rose to 584,850. Additionally, applicants between the ages of 18 - 25 accounted for about 6 percent of issued licenses in 2011, which means that concealed carry laws have potential to directly affect students. HB 972 would need to be voted on prior to May 27 when the 83rd state legislative session ends and the bill, if passed, would become effective Jan. 1, 2014.

English professor Mark Bayer told the Paisano that he sees the prospect of weapons on campus as “scary and dangerous and would really jeopardize the safety of both students and faculty and anyone else at the university.” Under the current statute, carrying a concealed weapon on an institution of higher education is a third degree felony punishable by a term of two to 10 years in prison and an optional fine not to exceed $10,000. This puts Texas among the 21 states that ban firearms on campus. In 2011, concealed handgun license (CHL) owners accounted for about 0.1884 percent of violent crime committed in the state. UTSA police officer Jonathan Pfaff stated that while “it doesn’t bring much fear to me, the thought of having handguns (on campus)… If we really got into a bad situation on campus, I don’t think it would be such a bad idea if someone in a classroom that was a student knew how to handle it.” Officer Pfaff also stated that the legislative dollars would “probably be better spent on finding a way to increase the University Police Department’s budget because of the fact that officers are trained to handle these types of situations.” He went on to state that officers undergo five months of training while CHL holders only attend a weekend long certification class. “I don’t believe handguns belong on college campuses,” said mechanical engineering alumni Matthew Bynum. “That being UTSA Ad_5.75x10.125.pdf



Collection is first at UTSA from a national politician From Page 1

and the faculty — and outside researchers — to perform research and access primary resource materials,” said Mark Shelstad, UTSA Library’s head of Special Collections. Walter Wilson, professor of political science at UTSA and former staff member of Gonzales’s congressional office, initiated the acquisition of Gonzalez’s congressional papers. “He (Wilson) was very interested in being able to do research on Latino issues in Congress as well as the issues that come across in South Texas,” said Shelstad. With the addition of Gonzalez’s papers, UTSA will have gained its first congressional collection. Shelstad called the collection “a good stepping stone…It means that we have a larger set of core resources for students and faculty to use.” The collection is housed at UTSA’s HemisFair Park Campus and can be accessed via the Institute of Texan Cultures Special Collections reading room. “As a proud San Antonian, I can’t think of a better place than UTSA to offer my congressional papers as a resource for generations of students and

9:12 AM

The University of Texas at San Antonio is looking for single women to be in a RESEARCH STUDY about social interactions and alcohol.


In the wake of these decisions, the matter of gun control in the United States seems to remain a deep-seated issue in American culture, as David Brooks, a criminologist with the University of Texas, told NPR. For now, it seems the issue is essentially dead. “I really don’t think there will be electoral consequences. I just think, especially in red states, whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, all the political pressure is to oppose these gun control measures. It has been and remains sort of a cultural issue,” Brooks said.




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3 April 23, 2013


5 April 23, 2013

{The Paisano} Editorial Katy Schmader

Assistant to Editor: Erin Boren

Managing Editor: Stephen Whitaker

News Editor:

Matthew Duarte

News Assistants: J. Corey Franco David Glickman

Paseo Editor: Sarah Gibbens

Arts Editor:

Jennifer Alejos

Arts Assistants: Wilfredo Flores Janae Rice

Sports Editor: Sheldon Baker

Sports Assistants: Delaney Marlowe Mario Nava

Photo Editor: Will Tallent

Photo Assistant: Vince Cardenas

Web Editor: Natalie Frels

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{Staff Writers} Bridget Gaskill, Christina Coyne, Randy Lopez, Alex Camacho, Shelby Hodges, Stephanie Barbosa, Council Royal, Julia Brouilette, Paulina Rivero-Borrell, Nick Castillo, Beth Marshall

{Staff Photographers} Ruth Olivares, Alyssa Gonzales

{Contributing Writers} Julian Montez, Philip Taele, Eric Mondragon, Jasmine Rodriguez, Pete Torres, Renee Rendon, Mary Caithn Scott, Chance McDevitt, Chris Rodriguez, Mark Zavala, Aaron Zachary, Crystal Poenisch, Rico Martinez

To the masses: how to handle ‘tragedy’

On Monday, April 15, two bombs exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three and injuring over 200. Many deemed this a tragedy. The same day, over 100 Syrians lost their lives due to the violence of their war torn country. Tragedy is all around us. Violence occurs everywhere. Tragedy. Mass attacks. Terrorism.

We, the American people, have come to fear these words. These words have been so stretched and strained from their original definition. We gather around their television waiting while the same information is contextualized hundreds of different ways. After all of the horrible events we have seen this last year, all these situations are handled in-

It was supposed to be a day of celebration. It began with an e a r l y morning Red Sox game followed by the conclusion of the 117th running of the Boston Marathon. It was on track to be another successful Patriots’ Day. Then, at the fourhour nine-minute mark of the race, an explosion happened that would claim three lives, leave hundreds wounded and crush any celebration. That story has been told countless times in the last week, but two days later another event occurred that gave new meaning to Patriots’ Day. On Wednesday, April 17, the Boston Bruins hockey team hosted the first event of any kind in Boston since the attacks. They were scheduled to play the Monday evening of April 15; however, the National Hockey League regular season game was postponed after the bombings. The opponent was the Buffalo Sabres, who eventually defeated the Bruins, 3-2, in overtime. For one night, however, it didn’t matter to Bostonians that their team lost; that wasn’t important. What was important was that they had a few hours to come together and

cheer after seeing one of their traditions marred by the marathon bombings. The Bruins held a moment of silence for the victims of the bombing and then long-time Boston Garden anthem singer Rene Rancourt took the ice to sing “The Star-Spangled Banner.” He got only to “What so proudly we hailed,” before the capacity crowd of 18,000 plus began singing the anthem in unison. It was a stirring moment for a city, long known for its patriotism, as Bostonians sent a message that would resonate in the heart of every American: You can attack us, but you can’t keep us from gathering together to celebrate our freedom. Bostonians also collectively sang the national anthem before the Bruins’ contest with Pittsburgh on Saturday as well as before the Red Sox’s first home game since the attack on Saturday afternoon. For those of us who don’t live in Boston, their example is one that should be followed by Americans in other cities. They have long understood the importance of being able to gather for events, both sporting and non-sporting. Bostonians proved this week that no one is going to keep them from joining with other Bostonians to celebrate the institutions of their city. When they sang the national

{Contributing Photographers} Scott Cochran, Katherine Kish, Craig Garrison

{Interns} Amanda Dansby, Janae Rice, Erin Boren, Sheldon Baker, Marcia Perales {Ads Manager} Kevyn Kirven


Diane Abdo

{Advisory Board}

Steven Kellman, Mansour El-Kikhia, Jack Himelblau, Sandy Norman The Paisano is published by the Paisano Educational Trust, a non-profit, tax exempt, educational organization. The Paisano is operated by members of the Student Newspaper Association, a registered student organization. The Paisano is NOT sponsored, financed or endorsed by UTSA. New issues are published every Tuesday during the fall and spring semesters, excluding holidays and exam periods. All revenues are generated through advertising and donations. Advertising inquiries and donations should be directed towards:

© The Paisano 14545 Roadrunner Way San Antonio, TX 78249 Phone: (210)690-9301 Fax: (210)690-3423 E-mail:

correctly. The attempt to timely inform the public has the potential to turn horrible incidents into glorified American tragedies. When this happens, the media teaches the world that the perpetrators of such crimes go down in history as infamous killers — a title that serves to much undeserved attention. Further, victims relive every

vivid moment, never able to heal. After the latest tragedy becomes stale, the horrific details linger. Given the circumstance, the police and the people of Boston handled the situation correctly and kept it from becoming a commotion. By shutting down the city and capturing the suspect within 48 hours, Boston

told the world that violence will not be tolerated. Let justice be done by the law, not by the gossip around our dinner tables or the speculation around our television sets. There’s no point in glorying an already traumatic event. It’s time for change.

Commentary Comic O, Say, can you sing like they did in Boston? Vulpes Vulpes by: Christopher Garcia anthem in unison, not once but three times, they brought it to life better than any lone singer could. Boston is already known for being the city where “The Star-Spangled Banner” was first played during a sporting event in 1918. Now perhaps they will become known as the city where the crowd joined in the face of adversity to sing the anthem as one. As America has done in the past, it is time to follow Boston’s lead. Whenever Americans gather at an event, they should celebrate the flag by singing the national anthem in unison, without the help of an individual singer. It’s our flag, our anthem; we should sing it with voices raised whenever we are gathered together. When we sing the national anthem before a sporting event, we not only honor the flag and the country but also the ability to come together without fear and lose our voices for a few hours to cheer on our community’s teams. It is after times of tragedy that patriotism sees growth. Let us honor Boston and America by following in the footsteps of Boston. They’ve sung the first verse, we should help them finish the song. Stephen Whitaker Managing Editor


UTSA professor Dr. Mansour El-Kikhia’s name was mispelled in the April 16 story titled “Tension in the Middle East after Israel attacks Gaza.” In the April 16 article titled “Last Light Up: Smoke Restrictions begin June 1,” the Paisano misspelled the name of Deanna White, a writing composition professor at UTSA. The Paisano regrets both errors.

Point-Counterpoint Guns on Campus can be a good thing

Keep the guns off my college campus

The debate on whether guns should be allowed on college campuses is especially prominent in the wake of recent disasters and terrorist attacks in America. People feel the need to protect themselves without reliance on civil servants such as police officers or SWAT teams. If students and faculty members have undergone the appropriate training to become licensed gun holders then they should be allowed to carry concealed guns on campus. A law prohibiting guns at school is completely justified, but criminals are known as criminals because they break these types of laws. Chances are the guns used in most school shootings are stolen or bought illegally. Shooters who wreak this havoc do so knowing that schools have masses of unarmed people. This is precisely why schools are such frequent targets. These criminals aren’t going to look at a mere rule and say “oh, this is against the law, so I guess I should just go home and forget about this elaborate plan.” They go into it knowing how wrong it is. With all of the tragedies that America has faced lately, wanting to feel safe at school is understandable. When you hear news about another shooting in another public place, you feel like you can’t go anywhere without worrying about a life or death situation. Carrying some-

Personally, I am a gun advocate. I believe that guns can be used, not only as a form of self defense, but recreational use can also be fun if done in a safe environment, such as a gun range or in a hunting area. However, concealed handguns on a college campus are a different story. The Second Amendment states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The Amendment states that the people will be allowed to have guns, but it doesn’t clarify how and where they’re allowed to be carried. When you go to a courthouse, or a government building, law officials don’t allow you to enter without going through security and, most likely, a metal detector. Why is the protection of government officials more regulated than that of the American student body? On Wednesday, April 17, the U.S. Senate decided not to expand background checks when customers purchase firearms. This decision alone shows that the U.S. government has yet

thing a little more potent than pepper spray will put any mind at ease. Allowing guns on campus would give students and teachers a chance to protect themselves and maybe even prevent senseless death. The student body and the faculty members would be the ones on the inside of a situation. In the time it takes for trained professionals to arrive on scene and save the day, whoever is terrorizing the school has that much time to attack unprotected innocent people. Anyone who legally has a concealed handgun license must be 21 years of age or older. We would need some extra security to ensure that any student carrying a gun at school has a legitimate license, of course, but there’s nothing wrong with that. If a disaster like this were to arise and a student or teacher could defeat or at least injure any perpetrators, wouldn’t that be helpful as opposed to harmful? This would not only prevent deaths or injuries to innocent people, but it would make a once tragic story a heroic one. The criminals always get all the attention and news coverage. This could take the spotlight off them and project it on a brave, not to mention armed, good samaritan. Allowing guns on college campuses would call for a lot of regulations and safety precautions, but if it will save more lives in the long run, then it will be worth the hassle.

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to comprehend the intense power that guns can have when in the hands of the wrong person. In a November 2009 article, published in the American Journal of Public Health, Dr. Charles C. Branas and other individuals conducted a study entitled “Investigating the Link Between Gun Possession and Gun Assault.” The study found that “individuals in possession of a gun were 4.5 (rounded) times more likely to be shot in an assault than those not in possession.” Not all gun users will be shot because they carry a gun, but knowing the proper safety precautions and procedures could be the difference between life or death. This margin for error, however small, is not one that I want to be subjected to when I am on campus. Although I do believe guns can be useful for selfdefense, I do not think that college campuses are the appropriate environments on which to have them, especially concealed. I believe that any margin for accidents is unacceptable when there are so many people in one small area. My belief: all college campuses should be gun free. Amanda Dansby Web Assistant

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Beth Marhsall Staff Writer



Letters must be less than 400 words and include the writer’s name, classification or title and telephone number. The Paisano reserves the right to edit all submissions.


4 April 23, 2013

Water shortages plague Texas Sarah Gibbens Paseo Editor Water is an essential life resource. As global population increases and urban communities grow, the demand for water has become more urgent. Unsustainable agricultural practices and poor irrigation techniques have led entire communities to perish around the world. Geopolitical conflict bring water rights into the realm of fierce debate. Record-high temperatures grow each summer and a lack of adequate rainfall continually subjects San Antonio to stringent water restrictions. In the coming years, the 26 million (and growing) residents of Texas could see their homes become desperate for water. In 2011, Texas was subjected to one of the worst droughts on record. According to the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA), water inflow levels were at the lowest in recorded history. Even with recent rain in early 2013, most communities in Texas remain in a drought. Areas most severely affected and classified as “exceptional” reside along the Rio Grande and Valley regions of South Texas, according to the LCRA. Responsible for providing water to more than one million residents below the Colorado River, the LCRA relies heavily

on Lake Travis and Buchanan to serve as reservoirs. However, since 2008, the combined storage levels for both lakes have been consistently below the average. In times of extreme water shortages, the LCRA petitions the state for emergency drought relief. During this process, the LCRA releases less Highland Lakes water to downstream farmers so that household use remains unrestricted. While large agricultural companies are prepared for the water cutbacks, many small farmers are greatly affected by this decrease in a basic resource. In 2013, the LCRA will petition to restrict water access to local communities. “It highlights the toll, the drought and the availability of water,” stated LCRA General Manager Becky Motal in a press release. “It is clear the board needed to take steps to protect our firm customers such as cities and industry, while still balancing the need of others who depend on the lakes.” Earlier in the year, LCRA board members and rural Texas residents had hoped El Niño weather patterns would replenish already low reservoir levels – but they did not. LCRA Chairman Timothy Timmerman expressed frustration over the lack of rain in 2013. “This drought that has plagued our region continues. Some of our inflows into the Highland Lake have been lower

than we saw during the worst drought this region has even seen… This plan (emergency drought relief) isn’t perfect, but it’s the best we could come up with.” Timmerman says, “We are keenly aware of that and always have that foremost in our minds as we decide how to best manage water under these conditions.” While environmental conditions determine how much water is in supply, geopolitical factors determine who is then able to use reservoirs. On Jan. 8, 2013, the state of Texas filed a lawsuit with the U.S. Supreme Court alleging that New Mexico is not fulfilling water delivery commitments established by the 1938 Rio Grande Compact. The Rio Grande Compact is an interstate compact between the states of Texas, New Mexico and Colorado that equally apportions the water of the Rio Grande Basin. The Texas Commission of Environmental Quality (TCEQ) claims that the state of New Mexico has wrongfully been pumping the Rio Grande River’s groundwater, leaving Texas with a shortage. “It is unfortunate that we have had to resort to legal action, but negotiations with New Mexico have been unsuccessful, and Texas is not getting the water that it is allocated and legally entitled to,” stated TCEQ Commissioner Carlos Rubinstein. With water for local Texas

farmers already limited by the LCRA, any further water restrictions could have detrimental effects. Rio Grande Compact Commissioner Pat Gordon explains, “These illegal diversions of water in New Mexico are having an ongoing negative effect on the amount of water available for use by Texas farmers. Texas had no choice but to take action against the state of New Mexico.” Texas v. New Mexico is one of many water disputes developing in regions where water supply is dwindling and population is increasing. Known as “water wars,” these disputes can lead to high levels of interstate tension. In response to the suit filed by the state of Texas, New Mexico State Attorney General stated that Texas is “trying to rustle New Mexico’s water and using a lawsuit to extort an agreement that would only benefit Texas while destroying water resources for hundreds of thousands of New Mexicans.” Such strong rhetoric suggests that these “water wars” will not be resolved peacefully. Director of the Global Water Policy Project Sandra Postel wrote in the National Geographic’s blog, Water Currents, that the conflict “is a wake-up call for all states and nations that share transboundary waters to… develop workable governing structures over water where they are lacking.” Postel also believes the conflict is “a

lesson to invest now in water efficiency improvements so as to reduce pressure on both rivers and aquifers.”

Recently, Texas climatologist John Nielsen-Gammon warned that 2013 could rival the record drought of the 1950s. With federal data showing 90 percent of Texas at abnormally dry conditions, 22 percent in extreme to exceptional conditions and state reservoirs at their lowest levels since 1990, Nielsen-Gammon told lawmakers, “There is still a good chance that this could be the drought of record for parts of the state.” In order to mitigate water shortages over the next 50 years, the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) has predicted that $53 billion in infrastructure improvements will need to be made. Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and San Antonio Rep. Lyle Larson have proposed using $1 billion from the state’s

rainy day fund to finance as many as 26 new reservoirs, desalination plants and pipelines. San Antonio relies primarily on the Edward’s Aquifer to meet its water needs. Currently, the aquifer capable of holding 670 cubic feet of water is averaging 647 cubic feet, leaving San Antonio in stage two water restrictions. Stage two restrictions limit the availability to water landscape to one day a week from 7-11 a.m. or p.m. Residential car washing is also limited to one day per week and washing impervious covers is strictly prohibited. The most stringent water restrictions, stage four, come with a surcharge to residential water bills. Urbanization and industrial agriculture has made water a scarce resource. The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) encourages San Antonio residents to adopt small changes to their daily lives to conserve water. This can be done by observing and changing wasteful habits, installing high-efficiency showerheads and replacing leaking water fixtures. According to Timmerman, “It’s really all about lives and livelihoods.”



{Local Events}

April 23, 2013

Tuesday, April 23 6 p.m. Film: “Q-Fest”

Josephine Theatre (339 W. Josephine) hosts “Q-Fest,” an event benefitting LGBTQ organization, Pride San Antonio. This will be the closing night for the 3-day event. Films presented include“Remember to Breathe,”“Presentation of the San Antonio Four” and “Raid of the Rainbow Lounge.” Admission is $10-$18.

Photo Courtesy of Mother Falcon

Wednesday, April 24 10 a.m. Exhibit: “Fiesta, Fête, Festival”

Indie band, Mother Falcon is composed of 15-20 members and has won many esteemed awards including “Best None of the Above Award” at the 2011 Austin Music Awards.

Award-winning artists Ernie Halter and Mother Falcon come to campus Marcia Perales

Intern UTSA’s music marketing program welcomes nationally known singer/songwriter Ernie Halter and Austin’s 21-piece award-winning orchestral indie band, Mother Falcon on Tuesday, April 24. Halter has captivated audiences with his “…milk and honey voice…” Originally from Orange County, Calif., the Nashville resident has had songs played on “Good Morning America,” “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” “Cougar Town” and many other television

shows. “I’ve pretty much been obsessed with music ever since (I was young),” said Halter Halter made international headlines in 2011 when Justin Bieber made a surprise appearance at his concert in Costa Mesa, Calif., and joined him onstage to perform his original composition “Come Home To Me.” Following Halter will be, Mother Falcon, a 21-piece orchestral band based in Austin, Texas. The group of young and talented musicians present a unique combination of indie rock and classical music. The band has received praise from the Austin Chronicle and has also won an award at the

2010 and 2011 Austin Music Awards. The band’s sound is influenced by classical composers and indie artists similar to Beethoven, Beirut, Steve Reich, Ravel and Bon Iver. With two albums, Mother Falcon has risen to the top of Austin’s live music scene. The large multi-instrumental band that combines orchestra and pop performed at SXSW last month. For the past three years, Mother Falcon won the “Best None of the Above Award” at the Austin Music Awards. UTSA’s music marketing program and its students are the reason these buzzworthy bands are able to perform for San Antonio. Everyone in this semester’s course is a music

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The McNay Art Museum (6000 N. New Braunfels Ave.) presents “Fiesta, Fête, Festival,” an exhibit displaying various objects from numerous festivals from around the world in comparison with San Antonio’s Fiesta celebrations. Admission is $5-$10.

Thursday, April 25 9 a.m. Exhibit: “Fiesta Medal Mania” The Institute of Texan Cultures (801 E. César Chávez) presents “Fiesta Medal Mania,” an exhibit which will display Fiesta medals from throughout the event’s history. Medals from this year’s Fiesta, as well as some from the past, will be available to purchase, along with a medal-making segment at 10 a.m. Admission is free for UTSA students.

marketing major and the class professor, says this was a class came together to bring UTSA project from start to finish. something that is reflective of “We wanted to go through the the music industry. whole process, choose the art“We wanted to present the ist, negotiate (and) book a night two contrasting artists who in the recital hall” he said. would work well together (within) the intimate setting of (to continue reading this For the week’s full calendar, visit: the recital hall,” says senior Jor- article, visit paisano-online. den Nickerson. com) The hall usually hosts classiSpiritual Experiences Guidebook cal performancPast Lives, Dreams, Soul Travel and More . . . es and this style of music would Free Guidebook, CD and Discussion (God Worlds of ECK) be the first time Thursday, April 25, 7:30-8:30 p.m. something of its type would be University Center 2.01.30 (Magnolia Room) hosted at UTSA’s Find keys to accelerate your pursuit of truth and creative recital hall. techniques to enrich your daily life. Enjoy the journey! Matt Dunne, Info: Omid Ghasemi (e-mail) - the course’s or call Justin: 832-244-6502

Sponsored by the Eckankar Student Organization



Let the good times flow

Photo Courtesy of David Esquilin

April 23, 2013

Big Hops Growler Station brings fresh craft beer to-go in San Antonio Big Hops Growler Station satisfies all palates with an assortment of beers on tap.

Jennifer Alejos Arts Editor Flavorful stouts, hoppy ales and ciders are just a few brews you’ll find at Big Hops Growler Station. With so many possibilities to choose from, it might be hard to pick just one. Big Hops Growler Station, founded by Rob and Kylie Martindale in March 2013, marks another first in San Antonio as the only bar to sell draft brews to-go in a container called a growler. A growler is a portable jug meant for carrying beer; its design makes it capable of keep-

ing the beer tasting fresh while being sealed in a container. Currently, growlers are the standard for transporting beer and are in compliance with Texas law. Big Hops features brews from distributors all over Texas including the Guadalupe Brewing Company; Blanco, Texas’ Real Ale Brewing Co.; and San Antonio’s own Branchline Brewing Company and Ranger Creek Brewery and Distillery. Big Hops also carries a few taps from breweries outside of Texas. The growlers come in a 32 oz and a 64 oz size for $6.99 each. For those unsure of which brew to pick, the 32 oz growler will

do; the smaller jug leaves room for less commitment on the chosen brew. The taps change frequently throughout the week, which allows customers to broaden their palates. Most brews range from $12-$18 per filled growler or patrons can also purchase pints of their favorite beers for $3-$4.50. The availability of beer taps rotates each week to guarantee patrons freshness and variety. Beers that may appear one day may not necessarily be there the next, so be sure to fill up on your favorite brews when you go. For those who enjoy darker beers, Southern Star Buried Hatchet Stout Nitro is the per-

May 29, 2013!

fect brew to try. Nitrogen with pressurized CO2 formula is added to the mix to give the beer the same consistency of a milkshake with a thick, creamy texture. As the contents rise to the top, the stout gives guests a show with darker hues slowly rising to the surface. Stouts are darker beers compared to pale ales and indian pales ales, as they are generally made of chocolate malts, toffee, and in some cases, coffee beans. The overall taste is rich with a smooth aftertaste. Another worthy brew to try is the Guadalupe Texas Honey Ale. The ale has a sweet aroma, with a hint of floral and citrus

flavors. The brew glows with the color of a bright honey complexion. The ale stays true to its name with honey being the dominant flavor in the mix while leaving a crisp, refreshing aftertaste. Big Hops, as the name suggests, also supplies beer lovers with hoppy brews such as Real Ale Brewing Co.’s 4-squared, a more potent blend of their signature Firemen’s #4 Blonde Ale. Craft beer, which is currently close to six percent of the total market share in domestic alcoholic beverages in the U.S. according to, has skyrocketed within the past few years.

On the future of craft beer in Texas, Martindale says, “I think it’s gonna blow up. I think even in San Antonio, 2013 is a really big year with the new breweries that are opening up and the new ones that are coming.” Martindale continues, “I think five years from now, it’s going to be a completely different story here. We’ll have a lot more microbreweries and we’ll be enjoying a lot more local craft beer.” (to continue reading this article, visit


8 April 23, 2013

Jeff Huehn/UTSA Athletics


Hope Ortiz, former UTSA softball player, passed away of caner. Strike out for Cancer has raised $1,068 for the San Antonio Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This organization honors Ortiz by raising money for cancer research.

Hope Ortiz gives cancer patients hope Shelby Hodges Staff Writer Some players can inspire a team to no end, not only because of their talent but also because of their teamwork and effort. Hope Ortiz was that kind of a player. “She (Ortiz) was probably one of the greatest teammates. She loved her team, she always played hard and if anyone had a problem they would go to her,” said UTSA Assistant Coach Michelle Cheatham whose first year coaching for UTSA Softball was Ortiz’s senior season. A former UTSA pitcher, Ortiz graduated in 2006 after three seasons with the Roadrunners

softball team, which they won the Southland Conference Regular Season Championship all three years. Ortiz had 28 appearances as a Roadrunner and ranked eighth all-time at UTSA with a 6-1 record. In her final year the team also won the Southland Conference Championship Tournament and she posted 14 strikeouts and a 2.58 ERA for the season. Originally from Odem, Texas. Ortiz attended Temple College her freshman year where she was 5-0. This talented young woman, however, was diagnosed with leukemia after graduation from UTSA and lost her eight-month long battle with the disease in May of 2009. Since her passing, the UTSA

softball team has held an annual game to memorialize Ortiz as a star student athlete and as an amazing person. The game helps to raise awareness and funds for local cancer research in order to prevent this from happening to other student athletes, as well as people everywhere. “All the future student athletes at UTSA are able to get a piece of her and know her legacy this way,” said Cheatham. This year’s fourth annual Strike Out for Cancer game in memory of Ortiz happened on Saturday April 20 when the Roadrunners played the Seattle University Redhawks at UTSA Roadrunner Field. The event raised $1,068 for the San Antonio Leukemia and

Lymphoma Society. The funds were donated by over 300 attendants at the game, who participated in a silent auction where the prizes included signed jerseys and softballs. The players sported orange ribbons and Ortiz’s name written on sweat bands to show support for those fighting cancer. The softball staff wore t-shirts that read, “I wear a ribbon for my hero” and had a large orange ribbon printed on front. “She was a really important person in our program,” said UTSA catcher Megan Low, after the game. “Any way we can honor her is really awesome.” Ortiz’s family, which includes her parents Arnold and Sandra and her siblings Christopher, Nicolas and Allison, attend the

game in San Antonio every year and are very involved with their daughter’s alma mater. Allison, Ortiz’s younger sister, even threw out the first pitch on Saturday. “Honestly, you cannot get more of a classy family. They are unbelievable and we always love having them. I hope they had a great time today,” said UTSA Head Coach Amanda Lehotak. “Whenever we play in Corpus, they always come out and support us, and little Alison, we are going to recruit her… She will be a pitcher just like her big sister,” added Cheatham. Ortiz was a vital figure in UTSA’s softball program while she was playing and today is a role model and a symbol of the great

things a team can do when they work together. “That is what we are trying to instill in our kids today—feeling of loyalty and being there for each other,” said Cheatham. “We try to pass that on by remembering her.”

In Softball Roadrunners softball takes two of three games against the Seattle Redhawks during the Strikeout for Cancer event. {Please visit the to read the recap}


9 April 23, 2013


UTSA wins needed WAC series against Sacramento State

Will Tallent / The Paisano

However, the ‘Runners were able to cut the Hornets’ lead to 4-1 after Mike Warren scored on a Riley Good RBI sac-fly in the second inning. UTSA scored two runs in the bottom of the fourth inning to make the Hornets’ lead 4-3. UTSA tied the game, 4-4, in the next inning when Daniel Rockett scored off Hornet’s pitcher Horacio Correa III RBI sac-fly. The Hornets reclaimed the lead in the top of the sixth inning with a solo home run by Andrew Ayers. UTSA answered back in the bottom frame

The Roadrunners are currently ranked eighth in the Western Athletic Conference (WAC). UTSA’s next series is against Dallas Bapist on April 26.

Nick Castillo Staff Writer On April 19-21, the UTSA baseball team entered the weekend’s series against Sacramento State on a four-game losing streak. After being swept last weekend by CSU Bakersfield and losing to Lamar on Wednesday, the ‘Runners were in desperate need of a series victory. UTSA defeated the Sacramento State Hornets two games

to one. In game 1, on April 19, UTSA starting pitcher Brock Hartson pitched a gem. Hartson pitched eight innings and allowed only two runs on four hits. The Roadrunners’ offense helped Hartson by scoring runs in the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh innings. The Roadrunners’ offense scored an additional three runs in the eighth inning to caputre a 7-2 vicotry. In game 2, on April 20, the ‘Runners offense was held to one run on three hits. Unlike

UTSA, Sacramento State’s offense was running on all cylinders. The Hornets scored 12 runs on 16 hits which led them to a 12-1 victory over the Roadrunners in eight innings. Game 3, the rubber match, was a difficult game for both teams. At first it appeared as if the momentum Sacramento State had accumulated from their 12-1 victory in game 2 would propel them to an easy series victory. The Hornets scored four runs in the first three innings.

with an RBI double by Rodney Garza to tie the game at 5-5. In the bottom of the eighth inning, Daniel Rockett came up to bat with two men on base and battled with Sacramento State pitcher Brandon Creel. Rockett got the best of Creel when he crushed a ball to left field for a three-run homer to give the ‘Runners an 8-5 lead. UTSA pitcher Matt Sims closed the game and captured his third save in an 8-5 victory and a series victory over Sacramento State. Although Daniel Rockett hit a heroic home run,

the UTSA pitching staff were the true heroes of the game. In the seventh inning, pitcher Michael Kraft relieved starter Nolan Trabanino and Kraft struck out four batters in 1 and 2/3 innings of relief. Sims picked up where Kraft left off and struck out two in 1 and 1/3 innings of relief. The Roadrunners (21-18, 6-8 WAC) will look to build off this weekend’s momentum when they face Texas-Pan American (19-17, 10-2 Great Western Conference) on April 23.


10 April 23, 2013

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