The Paisano Volume 49 Issue 12

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It’s time for lift off at Woodlawn Theater page 6


Spurs defeat Phoenix Suns over the weekend page 9

Independent Student Newspaper for the University of Texas at San Antonio

{SINCE 1981}

Volume 49

Issue 12

April 15, 2014


Civil Rights Summit addresses inequality


Mohamed Ahmed / The Paisano

UTSA has joined the TXCRDC, an organization that works with the U.S. Census Bureau to provide statistical information. The partnership will allow researchers to use restricted federal data.

San Antonio According to Gallup’s Community Well-Being Report, San Antonio has the second highest obesity rate of major U.S. cities, with 31.1 percent of residents classified as obese.

Registered Student Organizations sell a variety of items in the UTSA Sombrilla to raise money. This year marks 37 years of Fiesta UTSA.

Fiesta spirit comes to UTSA UTSA

Mohamed Ahmed Staff Writer

Texas The Travis County District Attorney is now looking into allegations that UT Regent Wallace Hall has made impeachable offenses by violating state and federal law.

Acacia Nawrocik-Madrid Contributing Writer The Sombrilla was packed with colorfully decorated booths as UTSA celebrated its

37th annual Fiesta celebration on April 11. This year’s theme was Culturas de Correcaminos, or Roadrunner Culture. Each student organization had a booth that represented the diversity of its members. Various unique foods, snacks and drinks were sold throughout the day. These included fried pickles, Hot Cheetos and cheese, dirt pudding, Hawaiian

kabobs and mini fajita tacos. Henna tattoos were available via the Indian Cultural Association booth, and the UTSA Campus Activities Board handed out t-shirts. Frank Gallegos, a freshman business major, remarked that Fiesta UTSA “is a good way to get to know other cultures present at UTSA and experience the diversity on campus.”

World After a four month investigation, Chinese police have seized tens of thousands of illegal guns in what state media say is the largest-ever haul of its kind.

Sports UTSA Baseball will head to Norfolk, Virginia, to take on the Old Dominion Monarchs from April 17 - April 19.

Erica Gonzalez Staff Writer Over 200 dancers, 20 families and 100 volunteers gathered for the FTK Dance Marathon on Saturday, April 12 from 9 a.m 9 p.m. at the Convocation Center. “Be brave… stand up for 12 hours,” Andrew Linares, For the Kids (FTK) executive overall chairperson, told his 17 leaders. By fundraising year-round, FTK members hold up signs at the end of their dance marathon. The group raised over $50,000 FTK raised over $50,000 for for children with pediatric cancer and their families. childhood cancer, which went directly to the FTK children Antonio’s largest student-run thon was a showcase of the and their families. non-profit organization. As members’ efforts. The dance marathon is an an awareness and fundraising The dance marathon started event organized by FTK, San event, the FTK Dance Mara- off hand-in-hand with the TunCourtesy of Matthew Trevino

The Guardian and the Washington Post were jointly given the Pulitzer Prize for public service journalism for a series of articles on the National Security Agency’s spying program.

See FIESTA, Page 3

$50k raised for the kids UTSA


This year’s booth decorating contest was stiff, as student organizations showed the diverse array of color and design that is characteristic of Fiesta. The Best Organization Spirit award was given to the International Interior Design Association. The Best UTSA Spirit award went to the UTSA Ambassadors. Best Athletic Spirit

nel of Love. The participants were then divided into four teams, each with a different color, that they played with throughout the event. UTSA’s SAPNA (an Indian dance group), Filipino Student Association, pom squad, the football team and the women’s basketball team danced on stage to entertain students and the children. Country singer Ty Dillion and UTSA band Bird Mode performed at the dance marathon. UTSA students and family members played life-sized “UTSA-opoly,” Scrabble, Checkers, Jumbling Towers, football and volleyball for 12 consecutive hours. Students were also able to See FTK, Page 3

Are student Bake sale grants in danger? for a cause UTSA

Jose Nunez

Contributing Writer On Thursday, April 10 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., U.S. Congressman Joaquin Castro, DTexas, and other Democratic members of Congress hosted a Twitter town hall to discuss the recently passed House

GOP budget. Developed by Senator Paul Ryan, R- Wisconsin, the budget proposed 5.1 trillion dollars in tax cuts to numerous programs, including funding higher education by limiting or eliminating Pell Grants. Using the #Umatter, participants were able to virtually question their representatives. The many questions asked revealed disapproval of the budget from both students and House Democrats, and See TWITTER, Page 4


Beth Marshall Arts Assistant On April 8, the National Organization for Women (NOW) hosted a bake sale on campus to bring awareness to Equal Pay Day, which highlights wage disparities between men and women. NOW took Equal Pay

Day a step further by also highlighting disparities among different races. White men were charged a full dollar for baked goods, white women $0.77, black men less than that and so on. NOW president Dylan Verdi planned this event and shared how the prices were determined. She stated that, “$0.77 is what a white woman will make to a white man’s dollar, and

See EQUAL PAY, Page 4

LOCAL Rohit Chandan Staff Writer For the first time, four living U.S. Presidents came together for the Civil Rights Summit held last week from April 8 to April 10 in UT Austin’s LBJ Library. The summit involved a host of prestigious speakers such as President Obama, David Robinson, and former Presidents George W. Bush, Clinton and Carter. The speakers at the summit focused on the accomplishments of President Lyndon B. Johnson – specifically his accomplishment in spearheading the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Speakers also addressed diversity, immigration, gender inequality, racism, voter I.D. Laws and many other important issues. The keynote speaker for Tuesday was former President Jimmy Carter. Carter focused on issues such as unfair prostitution laws in the U.S. and unequal pay based on gender. He gave examples of progressive prostitution policies in countries such as the Netherlands and Sweden. Carter also criticized the Obama administration for taking so long to address the gender inequality pay gap. He also discussed a White House report that revealed that unequal pay exists even in the White House. On Wednesday, the summit included a speech by UT Austin President Bill Powers, in which he discussed the benefits of diversity on college campuses. He stressed that college affordability is the key to diversity. “We do need to make sure that not a single person won’t come to the university because of economics,” stated Powers. Other speakers — such as Ben Barnes — former speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, and keynote Speaker Bill Clinton spoke against restrictive voter laws that have been passed in some southern states. Bill Clinton and former Ambassador to the United Nations Andrew Young both proposed the idea of putting a photo on Social Security cards and using that as form of voter I.D. Other speakers from Wednesday included University of California Berkeley Professor Harry Edwards, who discussed institutionalized racism and ignorance. To continue reading, visit:


April 15, 2014



April 15, 2014

Fiesta: UTSA celebrates Roadrunner Culture Continued from page 1

was awarded to the Hispanic Student Association and Greenest Booth Award was given to Roadrunners 4 Life. The winners were awarded a paid booth for either BestFest 2014 or Fiesta 2015. The event opened at 11 a.m. with a live performance by Barbadian musician Philip 7. As per tradition, President Romo welcomed the Fiesta Royalty at 1:30 p.m. El Rey Feo, LXVI Jimmy Green, led the Royalty out to dance in the Plaza. The year’s Fiesta Royalty party included El Rey Feo, Miss San Antonio, Mr. UTSA, Ms. UTSA, Mrs. Fiesta, Miss NAACP, Mr. NAACP and Mrs. Queen of Soul. Ms. UTSA Rebecca Smith commented that Fiesta UTSA “is a lot of fun where students get to show Roadrunner pride and people from the San Antonio community come and see what UTSA is all about and what we have to offer.”

Miss Fiesta San Antonio Sophia Campos was “honored to be here at UTSA” and believed that “everyone is so warm and welcoming.” She also complimented the diverse array of culinary options available at Fiesta UTSA.

“Fiesta is a lot of fun where students get to show Roadrunner pride.” Rebecca Smith Ms. UTSA

With many multicultural campus organizations, Fiesta UTSA was able to incorporate cultural diversity into student products. Freshman George De Leon from the Business Student Council commented, “It’s a beautiful thing to see people from different parts of the world

get to come together and meet. It’s also great to see cultures come together and blend so well. This is a great way to meet new friends, especially for the freshmen.” “UTSA welcomes the opportunity to show the cultures and lives that make the campus so unique,” said sophomore kinesiology major Mohammad Hamideh. “This annual Fiesta celebration allows students to have fun and feel like a part of a larger community.” In an online statement, Mageida Sopon, The Fiesta UTSA Director for 2014 thanked the various student organizations and the Campus Activities Board for their exemplary work in arranging the event. “Campus Activities Board has put in a lot of work and effort from the information meeting to today… I’m very excited to see all this hard work come into its final point and I’m glad to see people enjoying the festival,” said Sopon.

FTK: Dancing for kids with cancer Continued from page 1

play with jumbo-sized Twister and life-sized, non-alcoholic beer pong. The UTSA Women’s Basketball team danced on stage while the participants followed their steps. FTK volunteers also entertained children with Iron Man and Captain America characters. “It is amazing,” Linares explained. “We worked hard yearround. Cancer can’t kill (the children’s) spirits.” For the future, Linares hopes to expand FTK beyond UTSA and into San

Antonio. UTSA Athletes also played dodgeball with the children. “It has been very fun,” said Aleera Barrera, junior kinesiology major. “My favorite part was donating my hair.” This year’s theme was “Be Brave,” which was symbolized by a medieval knight. Locks of Love participated in the event; students were ‘brave’ for the children and donated their hair, which will be used to make wigs for cancer victims. During family hour, various families spoke passionately

about their experiences with cancer and how it affected their family. The Magnificent Andy Boy was introduced during family hour. Andy Boy is a 6-year-old fighting Osteosarcoma and Lung Cancer. He danced along with Iron Man and Captain America and showed every attendant that he can be the same as any other little kid in town. To learn more about him, visit: magnificent.andy. FTK donations can be made at

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If you are interested, please email:



4 April 15, 2014

Twitter: using social media to debate the proposed GOP budget Continued from page 1

support of the budget by many conservatives. Why should students care about the Ryan budget? House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, stated that the GOP budget “makes college less affordable for students by cutting aid for higher education by $205 billion over the next ten years.” “How does the Ryan Budget affect students in states such as Texas? Congressman Castro stated, “60 percent of student aid is through student loans...the

Ryan budget would hurt students through the proposal of charging interest of student loans while still in school.” With trillions of dollars of student debt accumulated, Congressman Paul Tonko, D-NY, agreed that increasing interest rates for students while they’re in school could be harmful. He stated that the GOP budget would only add to the already large amount of studentaccumulated debt. Along with the increase in interest rates, the newly-proposed eligibility requirements for Pell Grants would directly affect students by eliminating aid for part-time

students and increasing the eligibility requirements for fulltime students. One alternative for college students might be the ability to attain an education through trade schools or vocational training programs, but Congressman Castro, who represents UTSA in San Antonio’s district 20, stated the “Ryan budget doesn’t expand for vocational education and cuts job training programs for 3.5 million people.” Another tweet asked about the future of the American Opportunity Tax Credit. The American Opportunity

Tax Credit is meant to help parents and students pay for college by providing a credit to tuition payers. Congressman Castro stated that the “Ryan budget lets the American Opportunity Tax Credit expire, increasing student costs by $1,100 each year.” A Twitter question also asked what students can expect if the Ryan budget were to pass. Representative Marc Veasey mentioned that in ten years “63 percent of jobs will require a college degree.” The increase in the percentage of jobs requiring a college degree might not be due to the

proposed budget, but the proposed cuts make the ability to attain a degree more difficult, thus forcing low-income students to enter a job market ten years from now without a degree. Many students contributed their perspectives during the town hall, varying from the positive to the negative. Student Brian Joel voiced his dissatisfaction with the budget. “Students cannot pay off student loans and live the ‘American Dream.’ We shouldn’t be punished for wanting a degree.” Alex Barbieri, political science student at George Wash-

ington University, mentioned that the budget hinders students’ ability to go to school and said, “education needs to be a priority.” Student Justin G. Till supports the Ryan budget and stated “ if Democrats’ idea of affordability is corralling more people into loans, they’ve got no solutions. #Umatter more than that, students.” Congressman Castro ended the Town Hall by saying, “Thank you students for participating in our conversation on college affordability. Your voice is important to policy making. Stay engaged.”

Equal pay: drawing attention with baked goods Continued from page 1

$0.54,” Verdi shared. The bake sale hosted by NOW was the first one in the club’s history, and they plan to make it a tradition. “We are going to leave that up to the person to identify themselves,” Verdi said. “I think it kind of turns the tables and it gives somebody who might be more disenfranchised more purchasing power. If you make more, you pay more.” Verdi fully expected feedback from both ends of the spectrum to come forth during the event. After giving away free condoms on Valentine’s Day, NOW received some negative comments on Twitter, as well as support. “I’ve seen these types of

things…selling people goods for different prices based off of something,” Verdi said. “Those definitely have gotten attention – mostly negative.” According to Verdi, The bake sale received good feedback overall, with only one white male starting a verbal debate concerning the price differences. “We had a lot of people who were super excited about the prices, and we had a few people give small donations because they loved it so much,” Verdi said. “We are constantly trying to plan things that point out to people the injustices in society,” Verdi said. “When they do get pointed out, it makes people uncomfortable.”


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when you break it down further by race people of different racial identities make less or more,” Verdi noted. “I think it’s important to recognize those intersections of race and gender.” According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, white men stand as the one dollar benchmark because they make up the majority in the workplace. Asian men actually tend to make more than white men, and Asian women typically make $.87 to a white man’s dollar. As the statistics are broken down even more, it can be found that “African-American women make something like $0.63 or $0.64 to a white man’s dollar; Hispanic women make $0.53 or


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August 26, 2008

The Paisano


5 5

April 15, 2014

{The Paisano} Editorial Editor-in-Chief: Matthew Duarte

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{Staff Photographers} Matthew Trevino, Vicente Cardenas

{Contributing Writers} Christina Acosta, Kelsey Moreno, Matthew Tavares, Brittney Davila, Jillian Price, Jane Powers, Therese Quinto, Rohit Chandan, Kate Kramer, Acacia Nawrocik-Madrid, Mohamed Ahmed, Lizzette Rocha, Jose Nunez

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Diane Abdo

{Advisory Board}

Steven Kellman, Mansour El-Kikhia, Jack Himelblau, Sandy Norman, Stefanie Arias The Paisano is published by the Paisano Educational Trust, a non-profit, tax exempt, educational organization. The Paisano is operated by members of the Student Newspaper Association, a registered student organization. The Paisano is NOT sponsored, financed or endorsed by UTSA. New issues are published every Tuesday during the fall and spring semesters, excluding holidays and exam periods. All revenues are generated through advertising and donations. Advertising inquiries and donations should be directed towards:

11851 Bandera Rd Suite 105 San Antonio, TX 78023 Phone: (210)690-9301

Unequal pay gets its due

Last week, UTSA’s National Organization for Women held a bake sale, but it wasn’t all cupcakes and cookies. The event was meant to raise awareness for Equal Pay Day, so the prices were dependent upon race and gender. Equal pay is still an issue in the workplace and often seems to be an issue for no apparent reason. At the bake sale, prices were broken down in relation to average salaries according to whatever race individuals identified with. Caucasian males were expected to pay a full dollar. Asian men were charged slightly more and African-American and Hispanic men were charged slightly less. The scale was similar for women. Caucasian females were charged about $0.77, Asian women slightly more and African and Hispanic women slightly less. At first this idea seemed appalling and backwards, but unequal pay is far more unjust than the bake sale that pointed it out. We live in a country full of opportunity, yet we place different values on the skills people possess based on skin-deep qualities.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics gauged weekly earnings from 2012 based on race. They found that, on average, Caucasian men made about $879 per week while Caucasian women made about $710. AfricanAmerican men made $665 while African-American women made $599. Asian men made a whopping $1,055 and Asian women made $770, creating the largest gap between men and women’s earnings when broken down into race. Lastly, Hispanic men made $592 weekly on average while Hispanic women made $521. Why would a woman holding the same position as a man be worth less? Why would a Caucasian be paid more than a Hispanic? This whole system of varying salaries seems more complicated than the trouble it causes. If companies set wages for their employees, then planning for expenses and hiring would be more efficient. Different salaries based on anything but merit and ability means that higher-ups are going out of their way to pay people more for shallow reasons. Aside from unequal pay among gender and race, there

is a discrepancy among job titles. CEOs at national banks are rolling in the deep while public school teachers are severely underpaid. Both job positions are important. Both positions require college degrees. So why such a huge difference in pay? Teachers are responsible for shaping young minds that will become anything from accountants to novelists and deserve pay that reflects this. Obviously there are different levels of employment. Someone working part-time at a fast food restaurant will never make as much as someone doing research for NASA. However, a Hispanic woman and an Asian man working as part time cashiers should make the same, while a Caucasian female and an African-American male should make the same doing research together for NASA. Although just a bake sale, what NOW did at UTSA should not be dismissed as a clever gimmick, but should make people upset and want to take action that makes the workplace fair and balanced.

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Title IX and UTSA sports As college sports begin to undergo drastic changes , one issue remains hushed and behind the limelight of argumentation. Although the ability to unionize in college athletics remains a distant possibility — albeit within a few years’ reach — sports commentators, pundits and analysts alike have failed to see a prominent issue. How will the possibility of unions affect gender equity in college athletics? It’s no secret that women’s athletics are denied a piece of the money machine that is college athletics. At UTSA, the budget that was allotted to Athletic Director Lynn Hickey in 2012 was $14 million, and has undoubtedly increased since then due to the multiple conference changes. The football team has changed

conferences multiple times, from Independent to the Western Athletic Conference (WAC) and then from WAC to Conference USA. In addition to conference changes, UTSA Athletics expenses have doubled — from $11,587,290 in the 2009-10 season to $23,436,495 in the 2013-14 season — with the change to the BCS (Bowl Conference Championship) increasing athletic scholarships from 60 in an academic year to 85. How much of the expenses generated by the UTSA athletics program go to women’s soccer, golf, volleyball, as well as other women’s sports? According to a USA Today article published in 2012, athletic expenses directly relate to scholarships, coaching staff and building grounds, as well as a category defined as “other”. With the football program demanding more scholarships in direct correlation with joining the BCS, coupled with the demand in paying top coaches such as BCS National Championship winner

Larry Coker, as well as the use of the Alamodome, is UTSA being fair to the Title IX requirements? Title IX states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” In addition, one notable enforcement of Title IX is the protection of a fair share of funds for athletic scholarships to females. Can one say without questionsthat of the 85 athletic scholarships given to the UTSA athletics department, women’s sports receive a fair share of funds for athletic scholarships? With the football program focused solely on winning and expanding and the added factors of baseball and basketball, these numbers raise questions on Title IX alone. Factor in the looming questions of unionizing in college athletics and women will undoubtedly get

overlooked once more, simply because football demands more money and attention. Because these questions are not able to be answered — and are not entirely relevant in regards to unionizing — does not mean they need to be taken lightly, or overlooked. Women’s equality in sports needs to be taken seriously and funded properly. If this task has toiled an-

dtaken years to get to its current state, then the consequences of overlooking Title IX with unionizing and imaging rights and a slew of other sports issues on the horizon, are bleak. Jakob Lopez Sports Editor


Weather or not. by: Rafael Gutierrez

Like to draw? The Paisano would love to publish new comic submissions! For more information e-mail:

The Paisano


August 26, 2008

ARTS&LIFE 1 {Local Events}

April 15, 2014

‘Catch Me If You

Tuesday, April 15 5 p.m. Event: “Sing For Your Supper” The Hard Rock Café (111 W. Crockett St.) invites guests to sing on stage. Every guest who sings will receive a free dinner entrée from Hard Rock Café’s new menu. For more information, call (210) 224-7625.

C a n ’ takes off with

a high-flying

Wednesday, April 16 8- 9 p.m. Event: “Express Yourself Presents Raquel Flowers Rivera UTSA Student Organization “Express Yourself” will be hosting the renowned poet Raquel Rivera at the Hawthorne Room. Rivera is best known for her work “Troubling Accents” and is currently on a country-wide tour. The event is free and open to the public.

performance Set your phones to “Airplane Mode” and travel back to the 1960s, a time of flashy pilots and stylish doctors. “Catch Me If You Can” follows the true tale of Frank W. Abagnale Jr., who conned his way into the high positions of a pilot, a doctor and a lawyer before the age of 21. The musical, based on the movie of the same name starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks, debuted on Broadway in 2011. April 11 marked the opening night of the musical at the Woodlawn Theatre in San Antonio. The first song, “Live in Living Color,” begins with the theme of color television where Frank moves away from the black-and-white of his life to a vibrant adventure. Continuing this theme, Frank presents his story to the audience as if he’s part of a ‘60s television variety show. Frank’s story, visualized in

the movie, is packed into the first few songs of Act I. He runs away from home, leaving his mother and father as their marriage deteriorates. After witnessing the way flight attendants swarm pilots, Frank researches Pan Am, the top airline of the day, and manages to secure a position as co-pilot. “Jet Set” showcased the “GoGo Dancers,” dressed as flight attendants. Each girl sang a solo, and the song ended with a line dance applauded by the audience. Although the “GoGo Dancers” and the male ensemble were highlights of the musical, the synchronicity of their dance moves was off during many songs. Frank attains great wealth by using forged checks but gains the attention of FBI Bank Fraud Agent Carl Hanratty. The musical deters a bit from the movie in making Hanratty’s character, played by David Blazer, comical and foolish in his obsession to catch Frank. In Act II, Frank falls in love with a nurse, Brenda Strong, after pretending to be a doc-

Thursday, April 17 8 p.m. – 10 p.m. Event: “Poetry Slam Jam” Photo Courtesy of Siggi Ragnar

Kristen Carreon Arts Assistant

The musical is based on the 2002 hit film starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks.

tor. He proposes to Brenda and vows to settle down and stop lying. However, with Hanratty on his tail, Frank is forced to ask Brenda to run away with him. After Frank makes his getaway, Brenda (Reagan Wilson) sings “Fly, Fly Away,” displaying her vocal talents. The second-to-last song, “Goodbye,” represented both the end of the musical and the end of Frank’s dishonesty. Afterward, Frank’s happy ending after serving a shortened sentence in prison and becoming

an authority on forgery and embezzlement is sung in “Stuck Together (Strange But True).” Costume designs included flashy outfits for the pilots, flight attendants and nurses, and true detective clothes for the FBI agents. The “Go-Go Dancer” costumes captured the mod-style of the ‘60s. The set design was simple and converted easily from an airport to a hospital. The band, directed by Jane Haas, took the stage dressed in white tuxedos that captured the jazzy eloquence of the period.

Brian Hodges, in the lead role of Frank Abagnale Jr., personified the slick charm of the character. Hodges brought the songs to life with his great vocals and attained a strong presence onstage. Other standout performances included Rebecca Trinidad who shined as Paula Abagnale, Melissa Barrera Gonzalez as the garrulous Carol Strong and Alyssa Lopez as a Go-Go Dancer. (to continue reading this article, visit

The Ski Lodge (UC 1.01.00) presents “Poetry Slam Jam,” an open mic session where poets can battle other poets for the ultimate prize. Come out to share your work or support a fellow student. Food and drinks are included in free admission and registration to read opens at 7:30 p.m. For more information, visit utsaupc.

Friday, April 18 8 p.m. Music: Buckcherry The Aztec Theatre (104 N. St. Mary’s St.) presents Buckcherry with special guest, The Virginmarys. Buckcherry is best known for hits from their 2006 album, “15.” The grunge-rock band is set to tour until May 9, making only one stop in San Antonio. This is a flashback Friday you won’t want to miss out on. Ticket prices start at $25. For more information, visit


The Paisano


August 26, 2008

April 15, 2014

Jennifer Alejos/ The Paisano

It’s all fun and games at Propaganda Palace

From Super Nintendo to Xbox, Propaganda Palace offers games and systems for any video game aficionado.

Kevin Femmel Staff Writer

father bringing home the early Pong models on weekends for Martinez to play. On Christmas Day 1977, he received a gift that would start a life-long hobby and lead to the creation of Propaganda Palace. “When the Atari 2600 came out I was the first kid to have one on Christmas Day,” says Martinez. “Every kid wanted to come over to my house. I was surrounded by family, friends and food. Every kid in the neighborhood wanted to be my friend.” He would go on to collect as many video games as possible over the next decade, but it took some time before he would realize that his collecting hobby could be turned into

a profitable business. “After that I started ing every video game device when they became available. Christmas Day is typically I was just a collector and had a day for families to celebrate no intention of opening a busieach other with gifts and food. ness, even when I attended It isn’t necessarily known for UTSA in the ‘90s.” being a day that people begin As time went by, Martinez a business. AJ Martinez, owner built a reputation in the San of local retro video game store Antonio community as “the Propaganda Palace, says that video game guy” by going to his love for collecting video every flea market, garage sale games started during the final or shop that was selling anydays of 1977. thing video game related. Word Martinez’s father worked got out that he had a massive for Atari and went store-tocollection of video games that store trying to convince retailcould qualify as a sort of makeers that carrying the relatively shift gaming museum. People new technology of video games would contact him just to see was something they should be his legendary game library or interested in. This led to his to sell him games. It wasn’t until the eco“ Aw akenin g Past Life Memo ries” nomic downturn of 2008 Free Spiritual Exploration Discussion that Martinez got the idea to turn his collection into a University Center 2.01.30 (Magnolia Room) business. Unemployed and Info: Maryam -, or call under presJustin: 832-244-6502 sure, MartiSponsored by the Eckankar Student Organization - visit the nez faced a bulletin board in MH2-5C for info. on ongoing activities. Christmas

Thursday, April 17, 7:00-8:00 p.m.

that was a far cry from the joy of receiving his first Atari 2600 in 1977. “That Christmas was the worst of my life because we had this heavy cloud over our heads,” Martinez reveals. “Then my wife comes up to me

and says, ‘Why don’t you take your extra 48 copies of Zelda and put them on eBay and see what happens?’” That was the moment Propaganda Palace started to take shape. Within months he was buying and re-selling games for a

living, and by the end of 2009 he had opened up his first physical store. He stopped looking for a job as Propaganda Palace took off. (to continue reading this article, visit


8 April 15, 2014

{Sports Events}

SAN ANTONIO SPURS Staff Writer It wasn’t always an easy road, but the San Antonio Spurs clinched home court advantage throughout the playoffs with a 112-104 win over the Phoenix Suns on Friday, April 11 at the AT&T Center. The Spurs (62-18) were led by Danny Green, who scored a career-high 33 points on 12of-17 shooting, 7-of-10 from 3-point range. “It was good. Not every shot felt good, but for some reason they were dropping,” Green said about his performance. “We needed every bucket tonight.” Tony Parker returned after missing the last two games with a back injury and added 18 points in just 24 minutes. Spurs forward Kawhi Leonard matched him with 18 of his own and three steals. “He looked pretty sharp. His shot looked good and his speed,” Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said about Parker’s return. “I thought he did pretty well.” With the Spurs trailing 62-49 at halftime, Parker and Green would set the pace for a comeback as they combined to score 25 of the Spurs’ 37 third quarter points. Green would make good on a four-point play as he nailed a 3-pointer while being fouled in the process, cutting the lead to single digits early on. With just over two minutes left in the third, Marco Belinelli hit a19-foot jumper that gave the Spurs their first lead since the 8:56 mark of the first quarter. The Suns’ Gerald Green hit a jumper to tie it at 81, but a

Danny Green layup and a Belinelli 3-pointer put the Spurs up 86-81 heading into the fourth quarter. That’s where the intensity of the game began to mirror a playoff atmosphere. The Suns and Spurs, who had only three lead changes through three quarters, traded the lead four different times, but a Leonard 3-pointer at the 4:07 mark that put the Spurs up for good. Many Spurs players noted there was no movie-inspiring speech from Popovich at halftime that resulted in the comeback. “His halftime speech was nothing out of the usual,” noted Patty Mills, who scored nine points off the bench. “It was back to basics and back to Spurs basketball.” With only two games left and on the heels of the final backto-back stretch of the season, Popovich gave Tim Duncan and Manu Ginobili the night off to rest, while Matt Bonner had to sit because of food poisoning. “I was really proud of them. It’s a 48-minute game and they could have said, ‘well it’s a tough three-to-four nights, it’s a back-to-back and we are just going to take a blow tonight,’” said Popovich. “Those guys have a lot of pride. Everyone contributed and did a great job under the circumstances.” Eric Bledsoe matched a career-high with 30 points and nearly racked up a triple-double with 11 rebounds and nine assists to lead the Suns (47-33). Gerald Green added 27 points on 4-of-10 shooting from beyond the arc. As usual the Spurs’ bench contributed when needed the most. Boris Diaw played 34 minutes and scored 12 points,

Wednesday, April 16

Spurs clinch homecourt through playoffs

7 p.m. Spurs The Spurs host the Los Angeles Lakers at the AT&T Center.

Thursday, April 17 5 p.m. UTSA Baseball The Roadrunners head to Norfolk, Virginia, to take on the Old Dominion Monarchs at Bud Metheny Baseball Complex.

7 p.m. Rampage The Rampage host the Abbotsford Heat at the AT&T Center.

Friday, April 18 2-4:15 p.m. UTSA Softball The Roadrunners host the Tulsa Golden Hurricanes in San Antonio at Roadrunner Field in a double header. Rafael Gutierrez/ The Paisano

Mario Nava

Spurs guard Danny Green scored a career-high 33 points going 12-of-17 from the field and 7-of-10 from the three-point line.

grabbed eight rebounds and dished out six assists, while Belinelli added 11 points. The Suns looked one step ahead of the Spurs out of the gate. After a Bledsoe 3-pointer put the Suns up 5-2, Popovich called a timeout in just the first two minutes. The Spurs responded with a 7-2 run capped off by a Leonard jumper that gave them their first lead of the game at 9-7. But that was the last time the Spurs would hold a lead in the first half. The Suns countered with an 11-0 run, and the Spurs

then found themselves down by double digits after a P.J. Tucker 3-pointer. The Suns pushed the lead to 20 points by the end of the first quarter. There was no definitive answer as to whether the Spurs would rest their starters to end the season. “Rest can be overrated. You have got to stay sharp and that sort of thing,” Popovich said on their approach to the next few games. “We will look at it, but I am sure the guys are going to want to play.” The Spurs fell to the Houston

Rockets on Monday, April 14 104-98. The Rockets are now 4-0 against the Spurs this season. Belinelli had 17 points and 4 assists in the loss, while Tim Duncan contributed 12 points and nine rebounds. The Spurs will look to bounce back from the loss in the home and season finale on Wednesday, April 16 against the Los Angeles Lakers.

5 p.m. UTSA Baseball The Roadrunners head to Norfolk, Virginia, to take on the Old Dominion Monarchs at Bud Metheny Baseball Complex.

7:30 p.m. Rampage The Rampage host the Abbotsford Heat at the AT&T Center.

Saturday, April 19 11 a.m. UTSA Baseball The Roadrunners play their last game of the weekend in Norfolk, Virginia, against the Old Dominion Monarchs at Bud Metheny Baseball Complex.

6 p.m. UTSA Softball The Roadrunners host the Tulsa Golden Hurricanes in their final game of the weekend at Roadrunner Field.

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April 7th - 21st Krista Fulks, from COEHD, was our Spring 2013 grand prize winner. Office of the Vice Provost for Institutional Effectiveness

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9 April 15, 2014

UTSA BASEBALL Sports Assistant The UTSA Roadrunners (2412, 10-5 C-USA) continued their C-USA dominance with a series win over the Marshall Thundering Herd (14-20, 8-9 C-USA) this weekend, April 1113, 2014. The Roadrunners’ war cry this winter was to improve pitching. Going into their third conference change in the past four years, their goal remains to keep playing baseball the way UTSA knows how to. Friday night’s 6-2 win over the Thundering Herd showed just that. “Last year we did big things, this year I think we can surpass that,” UTSA Head Coach Jason Marshall said after the Friday night’s win over Marshall. UTSA’s sophomore pitching ace Brock Harston cashed in another impressive score sheet Friday night, fanning four and giving up only one run in his 6.2 innings pitched. “I’m feeling a lot better, I’m commanding every single pitch and keeping my walks down,” said the right-hander after his second consecutive win. Harston was UTSA’s most prominent pitcher in last year’s NCAA tournament and is finding his form early on this year. “I thought he did a good job tonight, he fought out of jams and really and minimized the damage,” noted Coach Marshall. “He had just one walk on the evening, so that’s outstanding.” Offensively, UTSA’s senior first baseman Mike Warren ex-

tended his hitting streak to 28 games, going 3-4 on the night, with Tony Ramirez blasting his third homerun of the year. UTSA’s win Friday night put them in a three-way tie for CUSA’s second place spot with the Alabama-Birmingham Blazers and the Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles, and they continue to enjoy one of the best starts in school history. In the second game of the series, the Roadrunners continuously blanked The Thundering Herd. UTSA sophomore lefthander Nolan Trabanino, extended his record to 6-1.

Britney Davila / The Paisano

Jonathon Garza

The Roadrunners went 2-1 over the weekend against the Marshall Thundering Herd.

Trabanino allowed only one run and six hits on the day, and continues to give the Roadrunner’s bullpen some depth in starting pitching. Additionally, freshman second baseman C.J. Pickering blasted his first home run of the year in the fourth inning while producing a career-high three hits. UTSA had a small hiccup in the final inning, with senior reliever Matt Simms allowing one run and almost loading the bases. Simms would call it a day in the ninth inning and have se-

nior reliever Wesley Cox close the final out of the game. Going into Sunday’s early bird the Roadrunners were tied for first place in C-USA play and looked to take the sweep. However, poor discipline on defense and sloppy fundamentals inhibited UTSA to hold on to their top spot. The Thundering Herd cashed in three runs off the Roadrunner’s four errors and continued to pressure UTSA’s pitching. “It doesn’t matter what sport you’re playing if you’re not playing on the defensive side of the game,” added Coach Marshall. “You’re probably not setting up yourself for success.” The Roadrunners could not catch a break on either side of the ball. Marshall would strike out six Roadrunners on the day, using seven pitchers. UTSA third baseman R.J. Perucki provided some hope in the 8th with a solo shot of his own, but the Roadrunners were unable to keep the rally alive. “Justin Anderson gave us chances to win,” said Coach Marshall, “but you’re not going to win a lot of games fueling the rallies for your opponents.” Despite the loss, there’s still reason to be proud as a Roadrunner fan. The Roadrunners are still having one of the best seasons in school history and are currently tied for second in the conference. With two-out-of-three wins on the weekend, UTSA successfully took the series against Marshall. UTSA will close out its fourgame home stand Tuesday, April 15, against I-35 rivals Texas State (19-16) at 6pm.


April 15, 2014


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