Pointing Control
for a giant segmented mirror telescope Patrick Wallace Rutherford Appleton Laboratory United Kingdom
GSMT Control Workshop
Tucson, September 11-12, 2001
Presentation Outline
GSMT Challenges
GSMT Control Workshop
Tucson, September 11-12, 2001
TCS Platforms
Use mass-market hardware and software: PC, running Linux/RTL or even Windows. C++, Java,
CORBA. Avoid expensive RTOS, minority-interest middleware and specialized hardware.
Work mostly on the “Unix side”: use strict real-time only when necessary; use computers as intelligent managers, not as mere “programmable hardware”.
GSMT Control Workshop
Tucson, September 11-12, 2001
TCS Design Philosophy
The science requirements, plus observing scenarios, merely sample the required functionality.
The TCS must deliver those functions as points in a “functionality envelope”.
The different modes of operation come from parametric control of a single, integrated, system.
As far as possible, all the code runs all the time.
GSMT Control Workshop
Tucson, September 11-12, 2001
Specifying the Pointing
Not simply where the optical axis is aimed. The user tells the TCS three things: » where in the sky to look » where in the focal plane the image is to fall » which way up the image is to be
The TCS predicts the mount and rotator angle demands that will realize the specified image.
GSMT Control Workshop
Tucson, September 11-12, 2001
The Pointing Flow
Starts with target position. Astronomical transformations lead to “observed” [Az,El]. Allowing for non-perpendicularities, flexures and other pointing effects produces the required mount angles.
GSMT Control Workshop
Tucson, September 11-12, 2001
Pointing “Filters”
Science pointing current pointing: » imposes offsetting speed limit
Current pointing mount pointing: » apportions motion between mount and M2
Guider pointing model: » offloads M2 bias
All filters have adjustable time constants etc. to achieve a variety of effects.
GSMT Control Workshop
Tucson, September 11-12, 2001
TCS/Mount Interface
TCS sends timestamped mount coordinates over a LAN at (say) 20 Hz, defining locus. Mount gets its position/velocity/acceleration demands by interpolation, using the last two or three TCS demands. Same “locus” strategy for rotator, guide probes, even M2 in principle.
GSMT Control Workshop
Tucson, September 11-12, 2001
“Virtual Telescope� target direction
pointing origin
celestial transformation pointing model position angle
mount coordinates GSMT Control Workshop
Tucson, September 11-12, 2001
Each guider is a separate “virtual telescope”. Given the guide star [,], the current mount demands define the [x,y] we want the guide star image to occupy. Differential refraction and atmospheric dispersion are taken care of automatically. The guider system is more important than the mount in pinning down the WCS.
GSMT Control Workshop
Tucson, September 11-12, 2001
World Coordinates
Predicting [x,y][,] is the objective. Using the current pointing state, the TCS generates the transformation describing the focal plane in [x,y][,] terms. Packaged support for transformation to instrument coordinates and for writing FITS headers is also required.
GSMT Control Workshop
Tucson, September 11-12, 2001
GSMT Challenges
In terms of pointing, not much is new in fact. Pointing integrity must extend into AO, including adaptive M2. Probably not possible to locate the rotator axis; the guider probes will define the WCS, so calibration methods need attention. And/or peripheral CCDs? Encoders not enough. Need accelerometers and structural sensors. 10 mas PSF means variable refraction across the pupil and atmospheric dispersion need attention.
GSMT Control Workshop
Tucson, September 11-12, 2001
The “Servo Engineer” Problem
How do you keep your servo engineer(s) between the design phase and telescope commissioning?
Alternatively, how can the knowledge be mothballed during the construction phase?
GSMT Control Workshop
Tucson, September 11-12, 2001