PAJE Magazine

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Hey! I’m praying this message finds you well! It’s Issue number four already! But you see this one...God really did something new..and on that note, I believe He’ll connect with each of you in select ways. That said...there’s a resonating message that appears as you move through the compilation, and that is:

Allow the Lord to lead. Be in a state of full surrender and in walking in that, move in the default state, therefore, of obedience to His word and a willingness to have your faith expanded beyond the walls of your mind. I’m particularly heartened by Yahweh’s outpouring in this issue and I truly hope that even one thing will minister to you truly, and cause you to draw closer to Him - the Ultimate Lover. Blessings and love to you, always. - Charmian-Marie Jack

Singles God Love Yuh Enuh - Chozenn Music - Bawn Agen & Survivor the Gifted Desperate - Christina Roshay Know Love - Radic Steady - For King & Country More Of You - JProjek Give In - Lecrae

rUN wILD. lIVE fREE. lOVE sTRONG For King & Country

anomaly Lecrae

Earlier this year, Jermaine Edwards made us swoon to the melodies that poured out from his heart for the Lord! The EP was able to brighten the days of many and served as a daily playlist, as well.

Don't Count Me Out

But Edwards wasn’t finished with us! Now he’s ready to release ‘Don’t Count Me Out’ the ALBUM! Promising to be a powerful collection featuring other passionate ministers of the Gospel, PAJE is excited for when it drops! To feed our excitement, we caught up with him a bit to ask him about the album. When asked about the overall sound of the album, Jermaine tells listeners to expect a “New big sound! A deep, relevant and pratical sound.” Based on the success of the EP, Edwards is of the view that Beautiful day and Dont Count me out will remain overwhelming favourites for listeners. Cushioning the expected musical excellence, the message that emerges from listening to the 16-track album revolves around the fact that “We have failed we have walked in our own way but God is calling the us back tothe place where he want to use us for His Kingdom.” Look out for the initial release on









Questions to keep us in the


PAJE: From Katalys Crew to a solo has that transition been?

PAJE: Who would you say are your local and international influences in music?


Radic:There are so many but I will just

The transition has been pretty smooth seeing that after leaving Katalys I was more involved in producing rather than performing. But now decided to take back the artiste side of me to another level.

PAJE: So the journey hasn’t presented any overwhelming challenges, then?

Radic: Well, yes to some extent, but I know that with this hard work and dedication that is now being put in it, success will be achieved.

name a few: Bob Marley, Dennis brown, Toots Hibbert, Sanchez, Papa San, Stitchie, Josey Wales, John Legend, Donnie Mc’Clurkin and many more.

paje: How many albums have you released thus far?


I have done three albums with Katalys Crew and was featured on a few other albums with other producers. At the moment with Try God Records, we are releasing a couple singles and working on my debut Album


PAJE: Tell us something about yourself that persons wouldn’t readily know.

Radic: I was an Electrical Technician

before full time music and I am also the originator for the Riddim of the song “SERIOUS TIMES” by Gyptian.

PAJE: Have any upcoming collaborations we should look out for?


Yes Definitely, there are discussions presently with Omari so look out fr that as well as Sista Sasha, and also Ordinary.

PAJE: Where will we be seeing you next?


Mandeville Gospel Fest on

Heroes’ day - October 20, 2014.

PAJE: What would you like to see different in the Gospel music industry in Jamaica?

Radic: This sounds like a cliche, but

would really like to see some level of unity and support for one another ministry, presently it seems like a competition.


Check out one of his latest singles Know Love!


PAJE Magazine got the distinct privilege to speak with Christina Roshay - a young talent who clearly loves the Lord. Her genuine spirit and effervescent fire for the Lord poured out in her responses to our questions, and it was a interesting watching her story unfold during the conversation. Check it out...

“I decided to take the limits off God...” I’ve always wanted to sing but there was always something I saw that hindered progress. However I believe The Lord revealed to me that He has called me for such a time as this. And whoever He has has called, He shall equip.

Getting to know Christina

Well I basically grew up in the church so I said the sinners prayer at a young age however, it wasn’t until high school that I started to delve more into Christ’s love. I wanted more revelation than just information. I write my own songs and have been writing since as far as I can remember - writing and singing are two of my passions. I’ve always loved singing, but if I had to put an age, I’d say I’ve been singing since five years.... That’s as far as I can remember. As a gospel artist, what makes me easy to relate to is the fact that I recognize that I’m in ministry not because I’m perfect or because I’m strong or deserve the love of God - it’s the complete opposite. So I aim to portray the down to earth mannerism in my ministry. When I’m not around the mic I delve into other aspects of the arts, I’m also actively involved in church. If not I’m probably engrossed in chatter with friends

On a random note:

I actually once considered going into the comedy industry! I love to laugh and I love seeing people laughing. I love good vibes. I love when persons are happy around me.

Speaking Music & Her vision for the journey ahead

I’ve got high expectations. At about age fourteen, I had a dream that I was singing at this huge concert and as I sang the Spirit just came down. People began to speak different languages and persons with ailments were delivered, persons struggling with different emotional issues were just delivered. Persons started repenting - every thing was just beautiful. Dem say “dream nuh walk straight” but that’s what I’m expecting - great things from God. Just being able to spread the word all over the world so souls can be saved. I’m excited! As it relates to my sound...well I don’t want to restrict myself to any particular genre, in terms of sound because I dabble in a little of everything. However so far the singles I’ve been working on are more toward the melodic Gospel reggae genre. In my music, the general message that comes out is that God saves and He’s our very present help, in any situation whatsoever.

Positivity, God’s real Love and just a Christ centered Life. In my music I aim to inspire and invoke some sort of Spiritual revolution especially amongst the youth. I’d love it if more persons stepped out of just they are Christians into actually seeking a deeper relationship with Christ. I have a lot of musical influences: Kirk Franklin, I love Mali Music’s sound, Francesca Battistelli and how could I forget Lecrae! I like Kevin Downswell and Rondell Positive...I rate Sean Lypher and Ryan Mark’s style of music. I’m able to minister freely using the talent which God has given to me. I know the power music has on me, even when I feel discouraged or whatever, so to be able to speak to someone encourage, that in itself is indescribable.

I love music So being able to sing melodious tunes expressing my Love for Godmeans world to me! Speaking of where I see myself ministering at soon.. definitely Fun in the Son, Gosplash... Honestly, anywhere there is an audience, anywhere I can spread the Gospel I’ll go! Currently, however, I’m working on a few more singles. I’m excited and humbled at the same time to release these

Just expressing herself a bit more

I was going through some things in high school and it seemed like I just couldn’t break a certain barrier as it relates to a particular subject...I was feeling like a failure... feeling so distraught. Then I randomly found a pink slip with Jeremiah 29:11 on it...

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord; plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” It has reassured me that no matter what I’m going through.. and no matter how it is that things may seem dim and gloomy now, my future is definitely engolfed in God’s hands. So it doesn’t matter where you are in life, or how depressing things may seem...God has a good future for you. Deuteronomy 31:6 tells of how God has good plans for you and He will never leave you nor forsake you. So to you readers, don’t worry.

God have yuh back!

Check out her debut single! ‘Desperate’

My mission in the Kingdom is to spread the Word and help others know Christ... to teach and inspire. That’s what we’re all called to do.


Carlene Davis launches ‘Dripping Blood’

17 - 18 KINGSTON BOILER ROOM EXPERIENCE 7:00pm - 7:00pm Christian Life Fellowship 21A Gordon Town Road

19 SONG OVER THE NATION #3 10:00am

36A Henley Road, Waterhouse, Kgn 11

20 JAMAICA FAMILY FEST 2014 10:00am Jamaica College

189 Old Hope Road, Kgn 6



5 Belmont Road, New Kingston

26 STILL WATERS:::Black Tie Affair 6:00pm - JMD1200

Mona Visitors Lodge, UWI Mona


FRIDAY FEST 2014 5:00pm - JMD250 New Testament Church f God Waltham Park Road



Alfred Sangster Auditorium


LIBERATION:::Dance Edition 6:00pm - JMD700 Covenant City Church 72 Half Way Tree Road

28 - 30


Jermaine Edwards Launches ‘Don’t Count Me Out’ Album

29 UNDONE:::Launch of debut poetry album by Kacy West 6:00pm - JMD1000 Covenant City Church 72 Half Way Tree Road

It has definitely fueled my poetic fire. Perhaps what “stands out” about my poetry would be the lack of a pattern. I don’t rhyme. I don’t have rhythm. I don’t use any special intonations or put on my “poetry voice” when performing ... reciting my poems is really just me talking about an idea. PAJE got the chance to speak with young, gifted poetess, Kacy West regarding the upcoming launch of he debut album of poems. Our excitement built as she poured out regarding the origin of her passion for poetry, and what could be seen as a distinguishing mark in her ministry in the arts as well as her desire for the overall growth in the realm of poetry itself.: I went to my first poetry (or “Spoken Word”) show in summer 2008 after I graduated from college in the United States ... and I fell in love with it! I started going every week, and when I moved back to Jamaica in October of that year, I actively searched out poetry shows. To my delight, I found that there was a budding, underground poetry movement happening.The first poem I recited for an audience was one I wrote for my sister and performed at a show we attended together to celebrate her birthday. It was well received, and that encouraged me to keep writing. After going to two or three sessions of a popular local poetry show, I realised I could enjoy writing and reciting my own poetry as much enjoy listening to that of others. I’m elated that initiatives like Still Waters have emerged; it’s so refreshing (pun intended) to have an outlet for entertainment while having a chance to minister and be ministered to.

In fact, the poem is less about the artistry of the words, and more about the message I’m preaching about. Poetry is just a tool I use to express and explain a concept. I hope what stands out most is the unique, interesting concepts that I bring across that people may have never thought of before. As I mentioned before, I had whet my appetite for poetry by going to local poetry shows, such as the monthly Poetry Society Fellowship at Edna Manley, among others. While these are lovely initiatives which I thoroughly enjoyed (and still enjoy), there were some moments when poets would recite pieces which were very, very sexually graphic. I didn’t feel comfortable listening to them, and I felt frustrated about the need to choose between poetry and my faith. So to deal with that problem, I started a poetry show (albeit a short-lived one) about ‘clean’ poetry where poets were banned from reciting graphic or offensive pieces. My pieces started off being about a range of themes: usually social/political issues (like the death penalty or politics), Michael Jackson’s passing, the earthquake in Haiti, or even an old tree. My first explicitly Christian poem was about the life and death of Christ (entitled “Love”).

It opened my eyes to a rich source of inspiration I hadn’t thought of before: the Bible. Further to all this, I think for FAR too long, arts in the church has been limited to singing and dancing in worship. We were made in the image of a Creator, so we are naturally endowed with creativity. We should use it more. Why stop at poetry (and miming and painting, for the more fanciful and daring among us)? I’m excited to see where else the God and ART flow goes. I’ve developed a bad habit of finishing my poems while reciting them on stage for the first time lol. I like to think of it as being dependent on the Holy Spirit. Sometimes I just feel led to do a poem, even though it’s not done, so I just run with it and pray for God to give me the words. He’s been faithful every time!

What to expect from the collection:

For those who have heard me before, expect to hear your favourite pieces, and hopefully be ministered to once again. For those you have never heard my pieces before, expect to be challenged, and to have Scripture and biblical messages repackaged in a creative, thought-provoking way. Either way, I pray that you will be blessed by it, and that God’s word will not return unto Him void, but accomplish all that He wants it to.


Phillipians 3:10-11 (NIV) “I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like Him in His death, and so, somehow, to attain the resurrection from the dead.” Let’s not forget the ultimate goal in our quest for sexual purity:

To KNOW God. Isn’t the thought of knowing our Saviour exciting?! What about the process of getting to know Him: “sharing in His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death”? Not so exciting, huh? Was Paul really serious when he wrote these words?? You see, the process of getting to know God isn’t exactly the most thrilling, which is probably why the “Seeking God Queue” isn’t that long. The truth is, no one likes suffering, and we’d have to be just about crazy to actually desire it (regardless of the end goal).

So why is the process of knowing God

so hard?

Psalm 24:3-4 “Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false.” Matthew 5:8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” We serve a Holy God who is absolutely pure and completely righteous. Day and night angels surround his throne declaring his holiness, because His very presence commands adoration (Rev 4:8). There is no sin in Him, neither can sin stand in His presence. Habakkuk 1:13 says his eyes are “too pure to approve evil”. Indeed “Who

It’s true that we can approach the throne of grace with confidence (Heb 4:16), and that we are indeed justified by faith in Him as a result of his finished work on the cross where he triumphed over sin and death forever (Rom 5:1, Col 2:13-15). Yet there remains a process of our sanctification that is still ongoing. This process involves daily taking up our cross, crucifying our fleshly desires and allowing the Word of God to cut what needs to be cut out of us. This is to completely separate our spirit and “soulish” selves and judge our innermost (and often hidden) thoughts and attitudes (Heb 4:12). The result of this sanctification process, “purity”, permits us to enter into a new dimension in our relationship with the Lord Jesus, and allows Him to reveal more of Himself to us. This process of purity is intentional – it has to be something that we actively pursue. We have to “ out our salvation with fear and trembling...” (Phil 2:12), understanding that it is not our strength that achieves this personal holiness, rather

is like You among the gods, O LORD? Who is like You, “it is God who works in [us] to will and to act according to his majestic in holiness...” good purpose” (Phil 2:13). (Exodus 15:11).

This will be difficult! We may have to suffer but it is more than worth it. We encourage you to submit yourself fully to your Father and meditate on His Word, which will enable you to truly see Jesus and worship Him in the beauty of holiness (Psalm 96:9). This was Paul’s prayer. There’s so much more to see, so much more to experience than what we are experiencing now! Aren’t you anxious to taste and see that the Lord is good? You can! Holiness is possible;


purity is possible! But they are never ends in themselves.

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Cor 2:9 & Isaiah 40:13).

Friends, there are heights and So press in! Pursue Purity! depths in Christ which we can achieve only by deliberately seeking them, and There’s someone wonderful waiting to reveal by intentionally pursuing purity! the fullness of Himself to you.

Scripture to Meditate On:

“My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek.” -Psalm 27:8

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, awaken love and desire in my heart for you. Enlighten the eyes of my heart so that I may know the glorious hope to which you have called me to. Teach me how to live a life of purity Lord, let my life indeed be a sweet smelling savour in your nostrils, and reward me with the favour of your face Jesus. As I meditate on your Word Lord purify my heart. Even now I confess and repent of my sins that I have been indulging in presumptuously, and ask that you cleanse my heart and renew a right spirit within me. I want to know You Lord, I long to worship you in the splendour of your holiness and to gaze upon your beauty. I submit myself to your sanctification process afresh today Lord, keep me from wilful sins Lord, let them not rule over me. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and give me power to live for you. In Jesus’ name... Amen.

Contributed by: The LOVE MARCH MOVEMENT

The Still Waters Movement is an aggregation of ministry forms (particularly music, dance, and poetry) that serve in different spaces and on occasion, come together for an interesting outpouring and movement of the Lord. The branches of this ministry include Still Waters (the paid event), Still Waters: ENCOUNTER -which is actually a more worship-focused version of the paid event and has no cost attached, Still Waters Outreach - which involves the members of the movement ministering for the sake of a particular cause in a community or the like, and the Still Waters Weekend, which acts as a combination of all elements being packed into one intense weekend. The formation of this movement has certainly been interesting as vessels haven’t particularly been sought out specifically for ministry...the Lord has just moved and ordered the steps of those He intends to be a part of the movement, under the leadership of Him first, as well as the leadership of visionary, Andre Whittaker Join us on the next leg of our journey: The Black Tie Affair. Preparation for this staging has certainly been intensely beautiful in the Lord. He reminds us that this is indeed His show and we are instruments of His mercy...vessels for His glory only. It promises to be a refreshing experience for all those who attend. We’re excited about what the Lord is doing..and can’t wait to share with you!


Ever heard the saying “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”? Yeah, you probably have. And you’ve been able to develop sound arguments for the orderly living of your life and to also justify you wanting to take some intense risks. Right? Well, let’s level a lil bit. *smile* If you were to take this notion into consideration where your Christian walk is concerned, maybe that’d properly define the ‘lukewarm Christian’. What do you think...too conclusive? You see, Christ, through unconditional love, came and died for our sins, and rose from the dead - conquering death so that we would be able to be free. He took all of the consequences, though He was blameless - a spotless lamb. He went all in..for us.

Now, all we’re asked for is full surrender in return. And this full surrender will nest us in not having to be concerned about the things in life...trusting the Lord to completely take our lives over and lead us in peace, into prosperity. Yet...we’re still unwilling to go all in, huh? We’re still saying that life ain’t what we’re about....why though? Why are we clinging to what is bound to land us in more and more anguish? There’s no reason to keep resisting a full plunge. Put all your eggs in...and don’t just float at the surface. Dive deeper and experience the Lord truly, for yourself.



At our Executive retreat God painted for us a picture of the devastation and severe coldness of peoples’ hearts and how these hearts have turned away from Him. His desire for these ruined wastelands to be whole again was even more evident. We knew after reading Isaiah 61 ‘They will rebuild the ancient ruins, repairing cities destroyed long ago,’ that we were the ‘They’ and that our environment (U.W.I Mona) was the ruined city. With this mandate clear in our heads we needed tools to rebuild the ruins. Through multiple confirmations and impressions on our heartsby the Holy Spirit we knew without doubt that our main tool had to be LOVE. The simplicity and absence of fancy metaphors in our theme ‘To rebuild with love’ reminds us that that is our command for this year. However we are not fooled into believing that the task is simple, so with assertiveness and unwavering focus as a soldier we place our hands on our chest and pledge ‘To rebuild with love.’ It was always God’s intention for Him to be the object of our affection and for us to fellowship with him in an environment of Love. The Fall of man was awful but his desire for us was still unrelenting. God, therefore made provision through Jesus to reconnect us in fellowship. The Fall made hearts of flesh like stone (Ezekiel 36:26) and created ruins from the beautiful architecture of our hearts. The onus is now upon us who have been reconciled to be Ministers of Reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18) and share with others the reconnecting power of grace and faith in Christ Jesus. The damage caused by our separation from God has resulted in misconceptions of what love is and has also tainted our view of God. We are learning as an executive and as a body that His love is not fazed or troubled by the ruins of our hearts and that nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:34-39). God is also teaching us the transforming power of an encounter with love, through the stories of Paul and the Samaritan woman. God is gracious in teaching us these lessons among others and we are expectant of many more revelations of His love.

# F R E E F L O W As a child growing up I would hear the wonderful stories of my great grand-mother and hercareer in Midwifery. From the age of 4 I knew I wanted to be just the same, a Midwife, and it has been my dream ever since.

I ended up passing that semester and decided to go by faith and apply for Nursing and Midwifery for the next academic year. I also applied for Psychology because I doubted I would get through for my dream.

Going through high was not as big a challenge. I graduated with 8 subjects [with 1’s in the sciences]. I decided to leave my high school, however, and from there, everything went down hilll

I TOLD GOD that whichever one I got accepted to first was obviously what He wanted me to do. I got accepted for Psychology on February 21. I was happy that I could change faculties but still depressed.

Though I passed all my CAPE subjects the grades I desired were not what I got and so without even consulting God I chose not to apply for Med school in 2013. I was enrolled in the faculty of Science and Technology at UWI, Mona campus, where I started my tertiary level education. It was just the first month of school and I was going crazy. I was extremely stressed, depressed, paranoid, isolated, not only because I had no passion for what I was doing, but because I had lost my identity, my hopes and the school work was overwhelming. Despite all that God spoke through different people and toldme to give all control to Him. That was SUCH A HARD TASK because of my independent nature but I TRIED because it was my last hope at the time.

A month later I attended a UCCF meeting where they had a prophetic workshop and on that day the vice president prophesied over my life that though the storms came God had made my future to be bright and I should just trust Him. The following day, March 21, I got my acceptance to the faculty of Medical Sciences to pursue my dream and study Nursing and Midwifery [I now know it was no coincidence that it was exactly a month before my first acceptance]. From then God has been proving that the more I let go of my control, the more He can be in control, the more He can work things out for my good and the more He can be glorified through me. I struggle at times, but I’m learning to give ALL of me to God because He has proven this year more than ever that His timing and ways are PERFECT. - Oneka .S. Morrison,

UCCF Prayer Coordinator

expression through the arts

To be seated on the throne of my life Was the very reason He gave up His throne and very “life” For us to find in Him everlasting life By the blood he shed He died So we’d been revived And we’d stop wasting time Get on with the lives we have to live in Him Lives set free from the power of sin Where darkness and unrighteousness dwelt deep within So that the light could come in And diminish the darkness within Blindness killed So we’d be still And know He is in control of this battle Our thoughts racing like aimless and frightened cattle Minds scattered Hearts shattered Our ruins beyond earthly repair When we are in the hands of a master fixer, restorer, deliver, way maker, and potter Let Him do His thing And be pleased and glorified with His finished work Salvation is just the beginning of that journey to perfection - ORIGINAL PIECE BY Matthew Francis,

UCCF Cultural Arms Coordinator

At the edge of the cliff the wind pushes me It wants me to fall, but I fight. The breeze is like a thousand horse men, bearing down upon me, But a small voice sounds from the silence, “It will be alright.”

The crowd is here now, the wind is rushing, One foot slips, the other, a poor anchor. I have to decide, will I trust Him? Will I believe that a mighty God would want to save me?

But how can it be? That I will be safe, But how can it be? That a savior died, But how can it be? That Jesus loved me, But how can it be? That a lamb was crucified.

The other foot slips, it’s all over, I’m falling to my despair. What is there to lose now, I’ve lost everything. So I cry out and say, God, are you there?

There’s no time to think, I’m about to fall over. There’s no time to think, but yet I stop to wonder. Could the Savior of the world really have died for me? The creator of heaven and earth, suffer, to set me free?

Ok I’ll trust You, I’ll believe the “hype” That You died to save me from my sins, So I suppose, I owe you my life, Come in, set me free, and do what you have to do.

I hope he did, but then again, why would he? I hope he did, because otherwise I’m in trouble. I hope he did, but would he really? I hope he did, because otherwise, this is the end.

It’s no longer about me, now, it’s all about you Cleanse me from my sin, I want to be clean, I really do, It’s just so hard to believe, That someone like me, could be loved, by someone like you.

But hold on, I think I’m breathing, So why have I stopped falling, what’s going on? Oh Jesus, Sweet Jesus, You’ve caught me in your arms!

Oh God, I give over, I give up, I give all. Thank you for your saving grace, I’m answering your beckoning call. Your grace is all I need, you’re sufficient for my needs.

I thought I was too late, I said yes after I fell off the cliff. But Jesus you were right on time; You saved me from this deep abyss.

But wait, what’s happening? I’m not falling anymore. Have I hit rock bottom? Is this the end? I’ll be no more?

Oh God, I’m so sorry I didn’t come sooner. I’m sorry I made you wait this long, But from now on my life is yours, To praise you with my life, my worship, my song.

I’m not really bothered though, If I leave this life, I’ll be fine. Why do I suddenly feel this peace? This doesn’t make any sense, I’ve just died!

Original piece by Antoinette Sealy UCCF Member


Christina Roshay RB Records Jermaine Edwards Antonette Crosdale Radic In Di Moment Kacy West Simply Perfect Events Still Waters UWI UCCF

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