EHTHS Key Club Newsletter Volume XVII Special Issue - Farewell Letters

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Dear Cubs, So this is it: my last message to you as president. How do I even describe to you the feelings I feel right now? There are no words for it…”love” probably can’t even explain it. In these past few years, I’ve managed to go from a shy little girl in the corner of every general meeting to the loud and proud president of the mighty Egg Harbor Twp. High School Key Club. I can’t begin to explain how lucky I am to have joined Key Club. It has given me everything and more: memories, character, friendship, love, a second family…the list goes on. Coming into high school, I didn’t expect that my best friends would live hundreds, even thousands of miles away from me. I didn’t know what the power of Key Club could do to me. But as soon as I stepped into the stadium at Fall Rally freshman year, I knew that my life was about to change. Cheering for my division filled me with spirit. My passion for Key Club was ignited. Running for bulletin editor my sophomore year was one of the best decisions of my life. Although I was shy and timid, I slowly gained confidence. One of the things I had to do as bulletin editor was to confront members for articles. The more people I talked to, the more friendships I fostered, and the more I loved Key Club. By the end of my term as bulletin editor, I created 14 issues and won third place club bulletin at DCON. And to be honest, I wasn’t anticipating on running for president last year. I originally thought about running for secretary, then LTG, and then returning to being a general member. It wasn’t because I hated Key Club or thought that I couldn’t handle the responsibilities of being a president, but because being a general member puts all the politics behind you and puts you in front of the face of service. I’m not saying that holding a position is bad and will take you from all that, but you often get caught up in your responsibilities and forget the most fundamental aspect of Key Club: service. I always remind my OCC board that we are all just general members with more responsibilities. It serves as a reminder for me as well; sometimes I forget, too. However, I will never regret taking on the role of president. I’ve spent sleepless nights, countless hours, and given up many other things for Key Club…but it was all worth it. You get what you put into this club, and putting all my love and effort into Key Club gave me everything and more. So Cubs, from our first responsibility, the Prom Fashion Show, to our last, being DCON host club, we’ve been through a lot together and I’ve asked for a lot from you guys. As we close off the service year in less than two weeks, I have one last request as your president: take advantage of the opportunities put in front of you. Whether you’re continuing your years in Key Club as a general member or as an international trustee, don’t hold back. If I had held back, I would’ve never gotten to where I am now. If Key Club hasn’t affected you at all, then I’m sorry, but you’re doing it wrong. Believe me; Key Club transforms you, as long as you let it transform you. Who knows? Maybe you, the shy little timid freshman sitting here, will one day be the international president of Key Club International. Take a chance; that’s all I ask of you. Before I pass my presidency to Vi, I’d like to thank everyone for being my second family, for helping me accomplish my goals, for giving me some of the best memories in my life, for tolerating my insanity, and for letting me serve as the 2012-2013 president of the Egg Harbor Twp. High School key Club. I have no doubt in my mind that when I walk onto the field in less than three months, my best memories would be from Key Club. And like I say after every message, keep calm and care on, Cubs. I love and will miss you all. It has been an honor. Yours Forever in Caring, Friendship, Love, and Service, Valerie Wong The Loud and Proud 2012-2013 EHTHS Key Club President



VALERIE WONG 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

General member General member Bulletin Editor President


SELINA SU 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

General member General member Advocacy CC Treasurer


PARTH PARIKH 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013

General member General member Advocacy CC Vice President

Dear Cubs, I can’t believe that it has been over a year since I was elected as Vice President and almost a year since my term started. It’s almost time for the current officer board to leave and it is such a bittersweet moment for all of us. It will be really sad, almost depressing, to have to depart ways with Key Club. I’m grateful for all of the wonderful people I met, both inside and outside of our school’s club. I’m going to miss going to projects with my friends and fellow Key Clubbers, my duties as both Committee Chair and Vice President, and yes, I’ll even miss all the stress that was put on us throughout the year. There are some subjects on which you can write a 10-page essay effortlessly. Key Club, however, is not one of them because there is so much to Key Club that it is nearly impossible for me to put my experiences with it into words. Over the past four years, Key Club has had a stronger, more lasting effect on me than anything else. I’ve made some amazing friends, had the opportunity to work with tons of great organizations, and had the incredible opportunity to volunteer within our school, community, and beyond. All of these things and so much more have created memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I know this all sounds hackneyed and cliché, but as I’ve said before, Key Club means so much to me that it truly is difficult to put its impact on me onto paper. Our board and LTG this year were simply wonderful and a pleasure to work with. Everyone did an outstanding job and I’m really proud of all you guys. Good luck to next year’s board. I’m sure you guys will do an awesome job!

Dear Cubs, My high school career would not have been the same without being a part of Key Club. Being a part of Key Club the past four years has allowed me to make so many great memories. It has been an amazing service year and I am so lucky to have served as your treasurer. I am sad that the service year has come to a close but I know that the not only the new treasurer, but the whole new officer board will make truly wonderful things happen. It has been a great service year! Yours in Caring and Service, Selina Su 2012-2013 EHTHS Key Club Treasurer

Lastly, I just want to thank all the people that helped make my time with Key Club so unforgettable. First and foremost, thanks, Cecilia, for convincing me to join Key Club all the way back in my freshman year. Thanks, Mr. Heenan, our former assistant advisor, and Ms. Delcher, our new assistant advisor. Thank you, Mr. Stevenson, for being the best advisor any club could ask for! Although I didn’t have you as a teacher, we’ve become very close this year and you’ve taught and helped me so much. I’m extremely happy to have served with this board and Kelly; I could not have asked for a better one and I’ll really miss all of you guys. Finally, I just want to say that I’m glad to have had Valerie as our president. She did a remarkable job, plain and simple. I love you, Valerie. I love all of you guys and everything about Key Club! I’m going to miss being part of such a impactful organization. I hope to be able to visit as often as I can! Yours in Caring and Service, Parth Parikh 2012-2013 EHTHS Key Club Vice-President



KELLY TRAN 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

General member Recognition CC Division 1B LTG Unknown

Dearest Key Cubs, It has been my greatest pleasure serving alongside all of you. I am so proud to call Egg Harbor Township High School Key Club my home club. Being a member of this club for three years, I've grown up and so has everyone around me. From inducting eager freshmen to watching seniors leave as competent leaders, this club is permanently in a state of change. Each step we take is more forceful than the previous and although sometimes we stumble, we stand up stronger. Our future holds no limits. To our senior members graduating this year, hank you so much for everything that you've done. Believe it or not--whether you're an officer or not-the younger Key Cubs (myself included) really do look up to you. I hope that we'll meet again whether in Circle K, Kiwanis, or just in passing. To those of us who are left here to continue the legacy of our club, all I can say is that after this year, I'm definitely looking forward to the year ahead of us. There is no doubt that 2012-2013 was one of Egg Harbor Township High School Key Club's best service years. Let's not let our seniors down and make 2013-2014 even more memorable! Yours in Caring and Service, Kelly Tran 2012-2013 Division 1B Lieutenant Governor

Hey Key Cubs, Even though the service year is coming to an end, I urge you all to look back at all the amazing service projects you attended and remind yourself why you joined Key Club. We started the year with Fall Rally at Six Flags and cheered on our amazing LTG, Kelly Tran. Induction dinner rolled around in November and even though it went differently than planned, the money we raised helped to save hundreds of families. Holiday Circle, headed by Josh and Shenelle, went perfectly and Key Leader was a time most of us will never forget. VBAT raised enough money for 6,000 vaccines and DCON will be here shortly. But in the grand scheme of things it is all the road clean ups, poster making, and lab clean ups you attended that truly makes you a Key Clubber. This year has been the craziest since it is my junior year, but seeing this amazing board graduate and move on to new things is really hard. I never thought I’d be doing Harlem Shake as a unicorn or that I would be taking busses all over New Jersey just to deliver cupcakes. The officer and committee chair boards are important jobs and I know the new elects are going to do an amazing job, but they have a lot to live up to. I joined Key Club as a quiet freshman and I think I have become a lot louder and I am beyond excited to serve Division 1B as your LTG. Even though I have only known some of the board for a few years they have become some of my closest friends and I have seen them grow and change into the leaders they are today. Some of you will graduate next year and I hope that you continue to be a part of this amazing K-family by joining Circle K in your college. If you find out that they don’t have one, START one because you are going to be able to move up to great heights and meet amazing people. For those of you who are still going to be in high school I hope you stay a Key Cub and bring your friends! See you all next service year (in a few weeks!) Yours in Caring and Service, Cynthia Thurairajah 2012-2013 Recording Secretary

VI NGU 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014


General m IP CC Correspon President

CYNTHIA THU 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

General m IP CC Recording Division 1B



nding Sec



g Sec B LTG

WE’RE BEA DIAMONDS SHINE BRIG Hey Cubs! It’s been almost 365 days since I became your Corresponding Secretary, 365 days since I was a Committee Chair Officer, and 1,095 days since I became a member of our Key Cub family; give or take a few days or months during the summer. I got to admit this has been one of the best service years of Key Club I’ve ever had the pleasure of being a part of. You guys make me so proud that I am sometimes rendered speechless. Whenever I talk about our Key Cub family, people tell me that my eyes light up. I tell them it’s because our Key Cubs make me so proud to be apart of not just any ordinary Key Club but the extraordinary EHTHS Key Club. One day you’ll look back at the memories made in Key Club and you might even cry, I know I do. Just watching you guys at events and seeing your passion for service just warms my heart. Through projects and events, through the stress and the tears, through the yelling and the icebreakers, we have gotten to know one another. I have made treasured memories, irreplaceable friendships, and unforgettable experiences. If you haven’t made these yet, then you haven’t truly experienced Key Club. But don’t fret! There’s still time! Go to Fall Rally, go to Key Leader, go to DCON, or go to ICON, I promise attending at least one of these events will open your eyes to the great impact and change you are apart of. EHTHS Key Club is only a small part of the New Jersey District Key Club, so go out and meet our sister schools in North Jersey, Middle Jersey, and South Jersey. This service year will officially end during the closing of DCON 2013, on April 7th. This means that one of the greatest chapters of EHTHS Key Club’s history will close, but it’s not the end of our story just yet! A new chapter will begin with the next service year. For the seniors who are graduating this year, let’s keep up the EHT legacy and make this next service year as good or even better than the last year’s! The next time I see you all I won’t be your Corresponding Secretary anymore but your new President. I look forward to working together with you all again next year. For now I say farewell, but also see you all again at our next meeting on April 16th. Yours in Caring and Service, Vi Nguyen 2012-2013 Corresponding Secretary

MICHAEL TRAN 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

General member General member Webmaster Recording Sec

Dear Key Clubbers, This is my farewell letter. To be honest, I’ve put a lot of thought into what I wanted to write and say since this letter will address everything that happened to me and everything I experience as an officer of the 2012-2013 board. As an officer I got to meet a lot of you, as well as a lot of other key clubbers from like Bloomfield, MAST, Tenafly, and Marlboro. I was given the chance to work with so many inspirational individuals like my fellow officers and of course the OCC members who dedicated time to find new projects bi-weekly. I was able to see the club that I love in a different perspective; as an officer, I was able to achieve a greater knowledge of key club and all the different people this club. Since this is a farewell letter, I have a message to you all and here it is: Bye. Yours in Caring and Service, Michael Tran 2012-2013 Webmaster

PAK CHAU 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014

General member General member Bulletin Editor Unknown

My Dearest Key Clubbers, Diamonds: one of the most precious minerals on Earth. Diamonds: made up of ordinary carbon but worth so much more than it is. Diamonds: forged only under pressure and heat. Diamonds: what I think this year’s Key Club resembles. This year, my time in Key Club was precious. Key Clubbers, like you and me, are just ordinary students in a high school but together we’re so much more. We’re extraordinary. Without a doubt, all our hard work in service projects, deadlines, and due dates have shaped us and built our characters. And so really it’s going to be difficult to say farewell to this year and welcome a next. Although we underclassmen are still going to be here, I really hope the seniors will have an amazing time in college and I really hope next service year will be as successful and fun as this year. Let’s continue to shine brighter. Yours in Caring and Service, Pak Chau 2012-2013 Editor




Valerie Wong President (609) 742-3868,

Join the Facebook group if not already part of it and check for updates and projects!

Parth Parikh Vice President (609) 576-9885,

DCON is coming up very soon. Be sure to start packing things and be on the look out for a checklist!

You must have 50 hours in order to write Key Club as one of your activities or as service hours on college applications or other paperwork.

Remember to check Mr. Stevenson’s door for more projects. Some projects might be posted last minute and be sure not to accidentally sign up for two project that are on the same day at the same time.

Vi Nguyen Corresponding Secretary (609) 742-3455, Cynthia Thurairajah Recording Secretary (609) 440-3366, Selina Su Treasurer (609) 442-5975, Pak Chau Bulletin Editor (609) 553-3366, Michael Tran Webmaster (609) 788-4845, Tiffany Luong Sergeant-at-Arms (609) 969-3333,

Next General Meeting Kelly Tran Division 1B Lieutenant Governor (609) 432-9204, ltg1btrank

April 16th Next OCC Meeting

April 9th 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 • 317.875.8755 • US AND CANADA: 800-KIWANIS

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