Special Issue - Officer Elections

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OFFICER POSITIONS Do you have what it takes to be an EHTHS Key Club Officer? Check out what each of the officer job entails and see what position you should run for! More information about the elections inside!


International positions


What runs LTGs? District Governors. What runs District Governors? International Trustees? What runs International Trustees? The International President. In attempt o save paper, the tasks and responsibilities are not listed because they are infinitely many. District Governors are elected at District Convention (DCON), International Trustees and the International President is elected at International Convention (ICON). Generally only Key Clubbers with a die-hard obsession for service run for these positions.



LTG - (Lieutenant Governor) Not really an “officer” because this position is a district position which entails a LOT more work. There are 23 Divisions within New Jersey which means there are 23 LTGs. The LTG represents his/her division and all schools within the division and acts as a liaison between club and the District Board. LTGs must be present at Mid-Winter Training Conferences, District and International Convention, all Board Meetings, Regional Training Conferences for his or her division, and Fall Rally, They serve on District committees as needed, They also hold Officers Training Conferences, organize divisional service projects, hold President’s Council Meetings and visits each club in his or her division, During their term, each LTG publishes at least ten newsletters for his or her clubs, files monthly club and board reports, publishes a divisional roster, and must be in constant contact with his or her clubs, the executive board, and the Kiwanis Board. Pros: Most of the people you meet, you'll love. Your fellow board members and Key Clubbers share the same love of service as you do and are willing to help you when you feel overwhelmed. You have a diversity of jobs and it's kind of like a self-discovery experience. You discover what you're good at and what you like to do. Kiwanians are the best people. Ever. You gain an invaluable amount of leadership and communication skills that will get you far in life. You more easily understand the impact that you have on the community. You more easily realize that the things you do really do make a difference. It's empowering. It's a position where you can implement and really make the changes you want to see if you work hard enough. Cons: Not everyone you meet will be cooperative and sometimes, things are out of your hands. You put out a substantial amount of money for different expenses. Sometimes you can vouch for it, but not always. Between board meetings, keeping contact with your clubs, and all of your duties, it can be very time consuming and strenuous.


Before talking about officers, let’s talk about people of “power”. We know that officers run the club and the presidents run the officers… but runs the presidents? Each club is part of a division and each division is run by a person known as the Lieutenant Governor. They help guide club presidents to their success. Lieutenant Governors are known as LTGs and they are elected in a special way. Each club of a division sends delegates to a meeting where the new LTG is elected sometime during the month of January.


CLUB OFFICER POSITIONS Maybe you’re wondering what each position entails, maybe you’re wondering about the benefits of being a Key Club officer, or maybe you’re interested in being a Key Club officer—whatever it is, I hope that this post will help you decide whether or not running for an officer position is for you. Oh—before I start, I’d like to say that whether you’re a general member, a committee chair, or a current officer, if you want to run for an officer position—go for it, especially underclassmen. There is no pre-requisite for any position! Hey, if you start early, like as a freshman, you could potentially move onto the district or even the international level! Just think about all the opportunities that are ahead of you! What? Each Key Club is led by a student board. One of many things that make Key Club different from other organizations is that is a student-led organization; unlike others, the student officers make the executive decisions and are responsible for planning and executing events. However, each officer is basically a general member—just with more responsibilities. Officers are still required to gain service hours and attend every meeting. Also, at EHTHS, each officer presides over one of the nine committees.


Vice President - The role of the club vice president can be summarized in one word: service. The vice president serves the president, other club officers, committees and the general membership. He or she is also expected to learn the duties of the president in order to fill in or take over as necessary. *This role should not be underestimated. It’s a very crucial role. Pro: Doing small things that help other officer out Con: Sometimes no one asks for help



President - The club president is responsible for setting and monitoring the goals of the club, running club meetings, appointing committee chairs and delegating tasks as necessary, recruiting, training and retaining members and maintaining regular communication with the lieutenant governor of his or her division. Pro: Gets to interact with everyone and lead the club to success Con: The Term Ends in April and sometimes very stressful


Who? The EHTHS Key Club Officer Board currently consists of eight officers: the president, vice president, corresponding secretary, recording secretary, treasurer, bulletin editor, webmaster, and sergeant-at-arms.


Recording Secretary - The recording secretary keeps track of the amount of hours that every club member has obtained in a school year, creates sign-up sheets for projects, and records every attendee at every meeting, event, and project. He or she is also responsible for updating the club roster throughout the year through the online database. Pro: Know what’s going on Con: Everyone wants their hours

Corresponding Secretary - The corresponding secretary fills out the club monthly report forms (CMRFs) sent to the district secretary every month, creates monthly activity report forms (ARFs) sent to the school administration, takes minutes at officer and general meetings, and most importantly, completes the annual achievement report form that is required from every club. This position is one of the most demanding in the organization. Pro: Only three reports per month Con: High responsibility

How? If you are interested in running for an officer position, please attend the meeting in E117 on Tuesday, January 22 during the activity period to find out when your election is, what is needed, and to find out who your competition is. ;) Oh, and just a few things about elections: the positions of president, vice president, corresponding secretary, recording secretary, and bulletin editor are all elected by the club (three minute speech, two minute caucus). The treasurer, webmaster, and sergeant -at-arms are all appointed through an interview process (about a 5 minute interview). Okay! Now it’s up to you whether or not you want to run for an officer position. Remember that if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact any of the current officers! You can also feel free to leave a question in the ask box. Good luck to everyone!


Treasurer - The club treasurer controls the club’s money, both its collection and disbursement. He or she collects member dues, prepares and monitors the budget and maintains accurate financial records. Pro: Gets to manage the club’s financial needs and gets to touch money Con: Often ends up counting hundreds to thousands of dollars from membership dues, money collections, and money for events.

Bulletin Editor - The club editor is responsible for keeping the membership informed about important activities, opportunities and deadlines at the club, district and international level. The “bulletin” may be a printed piece or electronic update. He or she is also responsible for the club’s public relations, often constructing flyers or contacting the press to communicate the club’s events or achievements to the public. Pro: Has an excuse to stalk pictures Con: Taking pictures of people




Why? Being an officer is a very important job that requires much time and effort—however, it does indeed have its benefits. Here’s a few reasons why you should run: Provides more understanding of how Key Club works. If you love Key Club, that’s more of a reason to be an officer. You can do even more for the club you love and are passionate about. Being a general member is super important, but like I said before, an officer is basically a general member with more responsibilities; if you are up for it, then you are encouraged to run for an officer position. You meet so many new people from your division, other divisions, your district, other divisions, and etc. It puts you at advantage if you are looking to step up to the district or international level. You learn skills such as time management, public speaking, organization, etc. It’s a GREAT resume builder! ;)


Webmaster - The webmaster maintains the club website by posting hours, updates, and events. This term can be held for two years, which is decided by the webmaster himself or herself. Pro: Gets to design a website, run it, and write whatever you want Con: Uploading pictures and formatting the website is tedious; people constantly telling you to update the website and/or redesign it

Sergeant-at-Arms - The sergeant-at -arms starts off each meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance and the Key Club Pledge. Also maintains the noise level at meetings. Pro: Get to yell out people and virtually no paperwork throughout the year Con: Meetings get out of hand, your voice isn’t loud enough to suppress the abnormally loud screaming of Key Clubbers, and less interaction with other officers

The Experiences as an Officer




Valerie Wong President (609) 742-3868, president.valerie@gmail.com

Join the Facebook group if not already part of it and check for updates and projects!

Parth Parikh Vice President (609) 576-9885, prparikh02@gmail.com

Be sure to attend the OCC meeting on January 22nd if you plan to run for an office position. If you wish to run and cannot make it, contact an officer.

DCON is coming up. Be sure to start saving some money! Keep in mind that if you are elected as an officer, you are strongly encouraged to go.

LTG elections will be on January 19th at the Egg Harbor Township Library at 3pm. If you wish to run, see Kelly Tran for more info. Spectators welcome.

Remember to check Mr. Stevenson’s door for more projects. Some projects might be posted last minute and be sure not to accidentally sign up for two project that are on the same day at the same time.

Vi Nguyen Corresponding Secretary (609) 742-3455, KC.NguyenThVi@gmail.com Cynthia Thurairajah Recording Secretary (609) 440-3366, recording.cynthia@gmail.com Selina Su Treasurer (609) 442-5975, Shongsu95@gmail.com Pak Chau Bulletin Editor (609) 553-3366, pakwachau@gmail.com Michael Tran Webmaster (609) 788-4845, michdaotran@gmail.com Tiffany Luong Sergeant-at-Arms (609) 969-3333, saa.tiffanyluong@gmail.com

Next General Meeting Kelly Tran Division 1B Lieutenant Governor (609) 432-9204, ltg1btrank @gmail.com

January 29th Next OCC Meeting

January 22th

www.keyclub.org 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 • 317.875.8755 • US AND CANADA: 800-KIWANIS

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