24-08-15 KHI

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he had said in a late-night message on Tuesday In his message President Zardari said the day marked the “culmination of historic political struggle of Muslims of India for their right to self-determination We need to set aside our differences and work committedly for unity, integrity, and economic stability,” he was quoted as saying by Radio Pakistan

The president called for upholding the rule of law and strengthening democratic institutions He also reaffirmed Pakistan s support for the people of India-occupied Kashmir (IoK) and Palestine MILITARY LEADERSHIP’S MESSAGE

Meanwhile, the armed forces, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee Lieutenant General Sahir Shamshad Mirza and the services chiefs extended their heartfelt felicitations as well On this auspicious day, the armed forces of Pakistan pay tribute to the visionary founding fathers and valiant veterans, who rendered supreme sacrifices in their unwavering pursuit of freedom and self-determination Radio Pakistan quoted an ISPR statement as saying

Their unrelenting spirit and sacrifices continue to inspire generations,” it added

The armed forces reaffirmed their “unwavering commitment to defending Pakistan s sovereignty territorial integrity and values upholding the trust reposed in them by the nation As we celebrate this Independence Day, we reiterate our resolve to preserve our hard-won freedom with honour, dignity and an unshakeable commitment to our cherished ideals ” the forces vowed Deputy PM stresses celebrations centred around theme Azm-i-Istehkam

Deputy PM Dar said this year s celebrations were centred around the theme Azmi-Istehkam’ “It is a reflection of our national commitment to grow and prosper as a progressive and modern state ” he said in a statement

Pakistanis have proven themselves as a strong and resilient nation We stand firm against the forces of terror, extremism and division We must unite and work together with a singular focus for a peaceful, tolerant and progressive society ” the deputy PM said

Dar extended his greeting to overseas Pakistanis who he said have always stood for Pakistan s progress and development

Wherever they are, their hearts beat for Pakistan Speaking about IoK and Palestine, the foreign minister emphasised not to forget the people there who “remain under colonial occupation” Their sufferings remind us how blessed are we to enjoy the gift of freedom Reiterating support for the people of IoK, Dar said Pakistan would continue to be a voice for the defenceless people facing oppression and foreign occupation” “Our foreign policy will always be guided by the values and principles espoused by Quaid-iAzam Muhammad Ali Jinnah NATION MARKS INDEPENDENCE DAY Pakistan marked its 77th Independence Day n with immense fervor and national pride as road and streets were filled with celebrations as


Working within constitutional jurisdiction essential for countr

for its envisioned goal is still continued emphasizing the need for working within constitution limits to protect ideological and geographical frontiers of the country “Working within the jurisdiction of the constitution and law is essential for the survival of this country” Justice Mohsin Ahtar Kayani emphasized while speaking at the flag-hoisting

M o N i to R

The cabinet has called for a thorough review of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to determine which should remain under government control by categorizing them as essential or strategic This initiative is part of a broader effort to assess the necessity of retaining, privatizing or shutting down certain SOEs According to sources the Cabinet Division has begun categorizing these enterprises However during a recent meeting, the cabinet stressed the importance of a careful evaluation and clear criteria for determining which SOEs should be classified as “essential” or strategic The cabinet also emphasized the need to decide which enterprises should stay with the government be privatized, or be wound up entirely Some cabinet members suggested that further discussions are needed and recommended holding a meeting chaired by the prime minister to finalize the decisions

The Cabinet Division provided the cabinet with a briefing on the categorization process, revealing that out of a total of 84 SOEs, 61 had been reviewed by the Cabinet Committee on SOEs Of these 15 were classified as essential 5 as strategic and 18 were earmarked for privatization

The cabinet has directed the relevant ministries and divisions to continue refining the categorization and to make decisions regarding the future of these SOEs The government is also working on rightsizing ministries and divisions a move expected to result in downsizing state-owned firms As part of this plan, the government has decided to wind up certain SOEs

In an earlier presentation to the cabinet on SOE performance it was noted that the Cabinet Committee on SOEs had held several meetings to consider proposals from various administrative divisions regarding the retention of their SOEs by declaring them “strategic” or “essential ” Based on the progress reported, the

Finance Division identified a total of 84 SOEs, with 55 reviewed by the Cabinet Committee Thirteen SOEs were classified as essential, five as strategic, 15 were slated for privatization, and 22 remained under consideration by the Cabinet Committee

The cabinet was informed that a comprehensive program is being developed, and the SOEs that have undergone review by the cabinet committee are in the pipeline for further action

The government’s rightsizing initiative began with the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication where plans are underway to shut down and privatize certain institutions The Institutional Reforms Committee has recommended closing the Telecom Foundation and privatizing its subsidiaries Additionally the National Information Technology Board (NITB) is set to undergo significant restructuring to become a leaner organization, partnering with private service providers and adopting an outsourced model


Social media disruption across Pakistan: PTA head summoned to provide explanation

NCOC meets today as mpox outbreak, Zika virus in India raise alarm


“It’s clear that a coordinated international response is essential to stop these outbreaks and save lives said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Africa s top public health body declared a mpox emergency for the continent a day ago after warning that the viral infection was spreading at an alarming rate More than 17 000 suspected mpox cases and 517 deaths have been reported on the African continent so far this year, a 160 per cent increase in cases compared to the same period last year, the Africa Centres for Disease Control and

Prevention said A total of 13 countries have reported cases A different form of the mpox virus clade IIb spread globally in 2022, largely through sexual contact among men who have sex with men This prompted the WHO to declare a public health emergency then which it ended 10 months later In November of the same year, the organisation renamed the disease from the older term of monkeypox, citing concerns of stigma and racism associated with the name In a related announcement the NCOC expressed concern over the spread of the Zika virus in Pune India, where more than 80 cases and

multiple fatalities have been recorded

The mosquito species responsible for transmitting Zika is also present in Pakistan, which raises further concerns about potential outbreaks within the country

The Aga Khan University previously detected the Zika virus in Karachi during 2021 and 2022 leading to increased surveillance and preventive efforts against mosquito-borne diseases

The NCOC's alert is part of a broader strategy to protect public health as threats from infectious diseases continue to grow The center urged health officials and the public to remain vigilant in light of these emerging health risks

Has Fiverr banned Pakistani freelancers? Find out


Social media has recently been flooded with misinformation alleging that Fiverr has made Pakistani freelancers unavailable on its platform However a thorough investigation reveals that these claims are based on outdated information and appear to be a deliberate attempt to stir unrest within Pakistan s freelance community A detailed examination across various social media platforms confirmed that the circulating news is not new but originates from a previous incident reported on May 11 2023 There have been no recent notifications or updates from Fiverr s official community groups regarding this issue,

indicating that the current spread of this information is unfounded

The misinformation resurfaced on August 13 reportedly spread by accounts linked to a political party with the intent to incite unrest among Pakistani freelancers Despite these claims, an inspection of Fiverr ’s platform confirmed that profiles from Pakistan remain active and the platform s operations continue as usual with Pakistani freelancers fully functional Additionally, it s noted that internet connectivity issues are common in regions like South Asia, including Pakistan Freelancers from this area may occasionally receive notifications from Fiverr related to connectivity but these

issues are routine and not indicative of any broader problems with the platform s availability or operations

To address concerns a video demonstration was provided, showing that Pakistani freelancers profiles are indeed active and can be independently verified This evidence directly counters the false claims and reassures users of Fiverr ’s continued support for its global community including freelancers from Pakistan

The spread of this outdated and misleading news underscores the importance of vigilance and fact-checking in the digital age Users are encouraged to rely on official sources for accurate information and to be wary of misinformation intended to cause unnecessary disruption

Japan’s PM to resign amid scandals, triggering leadership race

TOKYO Ag e n c e s

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced he will step down in September, ending his three-year term marred by political scandals Kishida’s decision to quit triggers a contest to replace him as leader of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and by extension, as the head of the world’s fourth-largest economy Kishida’s public support eroded amid revelations about the party’s ties to the controversial Unification Church and unrecorded political donations made at LDP fundraising parties There was no way to add up the numbers so that he would get reelected,” said a professor specializing in Japanese politics The successor the LDP chooses will

have to unite the ruling group and tackle challenges such as rising living costs geopolitical tensions with China and the potential return of Donald Trump as U S president next year

Kishida led Japan out of the COVID pandemic with massive stimulus spending but later appointed an academic tasked with ending his predecessor ’s radical monetary stimulus to head the Bank of Japan

tH e trifurcation of the civil aviation authority into the Pakistan civil aviation authority, the Bureau of Flight safety Investigation and the Pakistan airports authority means that caa has spun off its crash investigations and airports supervision functions to separate bodies as separating out the airports was inevitable if they are to be privatized (and if the 2023 Pakistan civil aviation act was to be implemented) it seems that it was also considered expedient to separate out crash investigations after all, crashes might be the result of some failure of the caa, and it would not be right to have an investigating body under the direct administrative control of a body that was itself being investigated the interest will probably focus on the Paa because it has 52 airports under its control Perhaps the impetus towards privatization was derived from the sialkot International airport which is owned and operated by the sialkot chamber of commerce and Industry not the caa While the model of state organizations like the caa developing airports has been standard, privatization is now taking place, as it is realized that running an airport is essentially a business, and the state would do better to concentrate on regulation rather than anything else In fact apart from the caa’s regulatory functions of aviation, which will continue, the new Paa will still have a role after whatever privatization is carried out the new body will have to make sure that airports continue to facilitate both airlines and passengers to make journeys easier While the caa will obviously have the lead role in this, the Paa will have a crucial role to perform all three of the new bodies also have the task of ensuring that they put in place a robust regulatory framework designed with the passengers’ interests placed first with due input from all stakeholders especially the airlines the caa was the sole organization under the aviation Division, but now there will be three the caa once had an unenviable reputation as a place where there would be jobs for the boys from the PaF and PIa It is to be hoped that the new bodies avoid that slur meanwhile there should be questions asked about other parts of the caa which could well be privatized For example, it contains certain training institutions Does the government have to run them? similarly not solely in aviation but in many other sectors the government needs to look at what it is doing and ask itself if it should

Dedicated to the legac y of late Hameed Nizami Arif Nizami (Late) Founding Editor

M A Niazi Editor Pakistan Today Babar Nizami Editor Profit

B e c a u s e d e m o c r a t s w o n ’ t d i s c u s s

P a l e s t i n i a n r i g h t s i n C h i c a g o , w e w i l l

De m o c r at s are approaching their 2024 convention aware of the many critical issues at stake in this election there is deep concern with what a second trump administration would mean for women’s rights civil rights environmental protections immigration policy civil discourse and the very foundation of our democratic order all of these issues and more are discussed at length in the 2024 Democratic Party Platform and will be addressed by an assortment of speakers at the convention What will not be discussed are: the genocide that has been unfolding in Gaza the continued erosion of Palestinian rights in all the occupied territories and the role the Usa continues to play in supporting Israel s unconscionable violations of international law and Us human rights legislation these are topics that should be addressed, but because they won t, the arab american Institute (aaI), together with rev Jesse Jackson’s rainbowPUsH organization and a number of other prominent progressive groups are hosting three days of programmes during the afternoon hours of monday through Wednesday before the convention s official proceedings begin the topics that will be explored during these aaI events are: 8 the role of Dark money in Politics We ll discuss how pro-Israel groups spent in excess of $35 million this year to smear and defeat two progressive black members of congress who had advocated for Palestinian rights this problem of dark money has been a growing concern over the past three election cycles twice in Democratic Party meetings, we have tried to pass resolutions banning its use in primary contests In both instances party leaders refused to even allow a debate on the issue our concern is that left unchecked the problem posed by dark money will grow and before long not only pro-Israel, but also other special interest groups (like big pharma banks health insurance and)

will similarly attempt to take advantage of the loophole that allows unlimited amounts of money to flood our elections

8 “the role of congress in sponsoring Legislation that silences Free speech Just as the Us policy debate over Israel/Palestine has intensified pro-Israel groups have worked with some members of congress and state legislators to silence voices and penalize actions that are critical of Israel By expanding the definition of antisemitism to include most criticisms of Israel and by denying americans the right to boycott or call for sanctions against any country for any reason free speech is being constrained or outright denied at this point over three dozen states have passed these laws and congress is currently debating legislation that will not only conflate criticism of Israel with antisemitism, but also require universities and other institutions receiving federal funds to establish enforcement mechanisms

8 the Voices of Palestinians Who should Be Heard after 40 000 Palestinians have been killed, most of Gaza laid waste, and famine on the horizon Democrats need to hear and listen to Palestinians If the convention won’t invite them,

p h a n t i n t h e ro o m ‰ : o u r u n q u e s t i o n i n g s u p p o r t

fo r I s r a e l i n i t s u n r e l e n t i n g g e n o c i d a l w a r o n Pa l e s t i n i a n s . I t Ês a n i s s u e t h a t t h e m a j o r i t y o f D e m o c r a t s w a n t t h e p a r t y t o d i s c u s s a n d

a p o l i c y t h ey w a n t t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n t o c h a n g e .

Rape epidemic: A legal battle for victims

Awoman was reportedly coerced and gang-raped on July 26 in the Hafizabad region in front of her husband and three-year-old daughter, by robbers at a gunpoint this incident raises concerns about the increase in violent occurrences against women in south asia where sexual assault is on the rise and innumerable events similar to this one have shocked the aubcontinent the family was reportedly on a motorcycle to chiniot when three robbers pulled them over near sukheke one notable feature of this case is that police from the districts of Hafizabad and Nankana sahib are alleged to have fought out a dispute of jurisdiction instead of offering assistance to the victim family they claim that when the incident was reported to the Hafizabad district police at 11:30 p m the Nankana police diverted the call and stated it was outside of their jurisdiction the Hafizabad police said that the Nankana police would assume control of the area after sending a team to the location of the incident and conducting a quick investigation the family was left alone for almost an hour during the disagreement about jurisdiction, and the criminals eventually left the site after perpetrating the horrible crime, which is a glaring example of Pakistan’s weak legal system and enforcement procedures the issue of sexual violence including rape in Pakistan has been a significant and persistent problem reports of rape have highlighted the prevalence and severity of the issue which shows us a several factors contribute to this epidemic including; cultural and social norms weak legal framework and enforcement the deeply entrenched patriarchal nature of society often marginalizes women and lacking in mass awareness, making them more vulnerable to violence and less likely to seek justice Pakistan was ranked 145th out of 146 countries in the World economic Forum’s 2024 Global Gender Gap Index a fall from 142nd in 2023 which signifies that achieving gender parity is getting more and more difficult according to a study, Lahore and Faisalabad reported the greatest incidence of violence against women, in 2023 by the sus-

tainable social Development organization In 2023, there were 6,624 recorded cases of rape; the highest number of incidents occurred in Faisalabad (728) followed by Lahore (721) and sargodha (398) as a result a woman was raped every 45 minutes it is still challenging to identify the abusers of the 235 sexual assault complaints that have been made in the last four months In Lahore alone, over 200 women suffered sexual assault in just 2024 another study conducted by a private tV channel in Pakistan found that between 2017 and 2021 up to 21 900 women were reported to have been raped nationwide, based on data from the home department in Punjab province and the ministry of Human rights according to the numbers this means that 12 women each day or one every two hours are sexually assaulted throughout the country the surveyors speculated that these documented incidents might be the very beginning of the problem In 2018, 4,326 cases of recorded rape were reported; in 2019, 4,377 cases, 3,887 cases in 2020, and 1,866 cases in 2021 according to records 44 Pakistani courts heard 1 301 complaints of sexual assault on women in 2022 the police filed charge-sheets against 2 856 incidents however only four percent of the cases proceeded to trial Pakistan has laws prohibiting sexual violence; however they date back to the British colonial era and are primarily based on Victorian ideas In 1979 the Zina ordinance came into effect during the military rule of Gen Ziaul-Haq which is prescribed harsh penalties for adultery and rape the Women Protection act, which superseded the Zina ordinance and fundamentally altered the definition of rape, was passed by the Pakistani government in 2006 when it realized the deficiencies in the existing legal system the definition of rape was broadened by the updated PPc section 375 to cover instances of same-sex rape and male victims, who were excluded by the previous act more amendments were passed in 2016 to

strengthen the laws against assaulting children, harassment, and misdiagnosing victims were among the issues addressed by the criminal Law act By incorporating modern forensic tools into rape cases it also enhanced the evidence collection process the government passed additional amendments to the anti-rape (Investigation and trial) act against sexual assault in 2020 and 2021 the implementation of stringent measures such as the death penalty or a 10-to-25year prison sentence for rape under Pakistani law the establishment of over 1 000 special courts for rape cases across the nation, and the use of DNa testing and other scientific evidence were among them additionally, a national sex offender registry was established and for cases of gang rape the punishment is either life in prison or the death penalty Beyond judicial amendments addressing the problem of rape in Pakistan necessitates a multipronged strategy because law enforcement organizations are frequently inexperienced and unskilled in managing rape cases When victims disclose incidents they often experience harassment and embarrassment the male-dominated police force and a lack of female officers deter victims from coming forward even more to guarantee that offenders are held responsible and that victims get the justice and assistance they are due the legal system needs to be changed campaigns for public awareness instruction and community involvement are crucial for influencing perceptions of rape and enabling survivors to come forward as Nobel winner malala Yousafzai so eloquently stated, “We cannot succeed when half of us are held back,” even if there are encouraging signals, there is still more to be done to address this situation and defend the rights and dignity of every Pakistani citizen

The writer is Arslan Mehndi Nekokara

Lecturer at GCUF Chiniot Campus He can be reached at mehndiarslan@gmail com

To g u a r a n t e e t h a t o f fe n d e rs a r e h e l d r e s p o n s i bl e a n d t h a t

v i c t i m s g e t t h e j u s t i c e a n d a s s i s t a n c e t h ey a r e d u e , t h e l e g a l

s y s t e m n e e d s t o b e ch a n g e d C a m p a i g n s fo r p u bl i c

aw a r e n e s s , i n s t r u c t i o n , a n d c o m mu n i t y i nvo l v e m e n t a r e

c r u c i a l fo r i n f l u e n c i n g p e rc e p t i o n s o f r a p e a n d e n a bl i n g s u r v i vo rs t o c o m e fo r w a rd A s N o b e l w i n n e r M a l a l a Yo u s a f z a i

s o e l o q u e n t ly s t a t e d , „ We c a n n o t s u c c e e d w h e n h a l f o f u s a r e h e l d b a ck , ‰ E v e n i f t h e r e a r e e n c o u r ag i n g s i g n a l s , t h e r e i s s t i l l m o r e t o b e d o n e t o a dd r e s s t h i s s i t u a t i o n a n d d e fe n d

t h e r i g h t s a n d d i g n i t y o f ev e r y Pa k i s t a n i c i t i z e n

Transgender empowerment

acceptance It not only closes the educational gaps but also fosters understanding and social integration the government is demonstrating strong support by establishing areas where transgender children can learn in a setting that values and accepts their identity these kinds of programs not only strengthen the transgender community but also improve society as a whole by promoting diversity and lowering prejudice seeing our government work proactively to guarantee that all citizens regardless of gender identity have access to high-quality education is encouraging this action makes our country a shining example of inclusivity and progress since it upholds the values of equality and human rights I support your project and hope that it will provide motivation for future efforts to create a society that is more inclusive and equal BUHSRA FARRUKH RAWALPINDI

Women in politics

Pa k I s ta N is one of the largest countries globally in terms of population We have a history of mistreating women the positive aspect is that there has been a woman prime minister in our country, and human rights organizations have been fighting for equal treatment of women for years Women are not treated equally in our country and face discrimination Forty-nine percent of the population are women, yet it is a male-dominated society Despite the time that has passed since Pakistan was created, discrimination against women

arslan mehnDi nekokara

A new horizon: Promoting African tourism in Pakistan

AF R I C A N tourism always remained an epicentre of the global tourism industry due to its exceptional features linked with Africa s cultural diversity, wealth of natural resources, the beauty of diverse wildlife, and magnificent natural landscapes

The African continent’s extensive coastlines mountain ranges deserts and rivers are important for international tourist communities The evolution of African societies under different civilizations and the inevitable influences of colonial powers on the local public brought various changes in the political and economic state structures raising Africa’s significance in the international academic communities

There are several historical sites such as Robben Island of South Africa, where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned, the Pyramids of Egypt, Carthage city of Tunisia, Stone Town of Tanzania, Great Zimbabwe city, and the Castle of Good Hope which provide a glimpse of African significance in the tourist communities interested in understanding the history of the international system and the African contribution in it

The role of religion cannot be overlooked in debates of international religious histories, which have strong associations with the cultural and societal diversities of the African continent The 11 Ethiopian Rock-hewn Churches of Lalibela and the Tewahedo Church (the largest of all Oriental Orthodox churches) symbolize Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity in Africa In Ethiopia, the Christian religious festivals of different African countries attract international tourists from countries where societies are strongly associated with Christian public celebrations based on solid ideological traditions

Akin to Ethiopian historical and spiritual sites, the Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove of Nigeria, El Ghriba Synagogue of Tunisia, Osireion of Egypt, and Kalasa Lukangaba of Zambia present the religious diversity of the African continent In addition to having a greater fascination for worship and pilgrimages these religious sites marked Africa as a prominent centre of deep spiritual heritage In this way, the rich cultural landscape of the continent substantially contributes to the global debates on the origins of religions and their worldwide spread So religious tourism creates the cooperative connections of Africa with the outside world where cultural exchange largely contributes to the productive growth of the international tourism industry Despite these attractions, Africa remains an unpopular destination for Pakistani tourists due to the lack of adequate public awareness about the diverse and rich African tourism offerings Famous safari destinations such as the Okavango Delta of Botswana Masai Mara National Reserve of Kenya Ngorongoro Crater of Tanzania, Laikipia of Kenya, and Madikwe Game Reserve of South Africa are famous international tourist attraction points while not having popularity in Pakistan’s tourist community Moreover the internationally famous national parks of Uganda Zimbabwe Zambia Tanzania, South Africa, Namibia, and Ethiopia are not widely promoted in Pakistan Most national parks in different countries are internationally recognized and listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List because of their incomparable natural beauty unmatched ecological values and wide range

of biodiversity According to the online UN-

ESCO sources the African continent has 98 properties inscribed on the World Heritage List, of which 54 are cultural, 39 are natural, and 5 are mixed-natured properties

The discussion of African natural beauty cannot be completed without mentioning the waterfalls representing the rich natural water resources such as the Victoria Falls of Zambia Table Mountain Tugela and Augrabies Falls of South Africa Ouzoud Fall of Morocco, Kintampo Fall of Ghana, Kigezi and Murchison Falls of Uganda, Lope Fall of Gabon, and Gurara Fall of Niger Apart from all these natural attractions several African states present various opportunities to visit the well-preserved archaeological sites where the tourist communities can learn about human history It has been proved with the discovery of Lucy (a collection of several hundred pieces of fossilized bone) in Ethiopia, and this Skelton marked as the major development in studying human evolution on the earth Pakistani travellers have yet to discover these characteristics of the African continent Even the religious communities need to familiarize themselves with the historical associations of Africa with Islamic history Africa is extensively recognized in Islamic history as the land of Bilal a prominent figure in early Islamic history

In this way there is a need to promote African tourism in Pakistan which could enable the government to increase the peopleto-people connections between Islamabad and the leading African capitals A concentrated framework of multileveled efforts is required in this regard which would be powerful enough to address the historical challenges linked with the lack of awareness about Africa and the prevailing misconcep-

f i n a n c i a l ly s u p p o r t t h e a r r a n g e m e n t o f A f r i c a - c e n t r i c s p e c i a l ev e n t s , t o


tions for


istan and


tions about the African vision of development in Pakistan The Islamabad-based formal decisionmakers need to realize the existing societal and communication gaps between Pakistani and African nations, which could be overcome by launching Africa-centric awareness campaigns in the society and launching subsidized improved travel packages Both steps will facilitate the Pakistani tourist and business communities in exploring and understanding the untapped tourist and trading potentials of African nations Collaboration between the leading media outlets of Pakistan and the mainstream tourism boards of Africa could play an effective role in enhancing the scope of the tourism industry through launching different promotional videos, introducing various attractive travel plans, and arranging diverse cultural exchange public tours To attract Pakistani travellers to various African tourist destinations a thin layer of Pakistani travel blogs and vlogs has recently appeared A few Pakistani visitors venturing into Africa started sharing their journeys with numerous unidentified facts and exciting information These promotional videos on African adventure, culture, and history are becoming popular in the local community through YouTube Instagram and TikTok in Pakistan The combination of bloggers and vloggers venturing into Africa has started receiving positive feedback and widespread appreciation on different social media channels, which reflects the growing public curiosity and interest in the ineffectively explored African visitor destinations Social media and traditional media channels are essential in changing the perceptions of African societies in Pakistan by providing


of direct



hindering the scope of increased two-sided people-to-people connections Pakistani visitors are generally constrained to avail the limited options of transit routes for their

travels, whereas the leaders of Pakistan and different African nations are determined to augment their bilateral collaboration in the social domain A few African nations have decided to operate direct flights in Pakistan, where the recent decision of the Ethiopian government to improve air connectivity between Addis Ababa and Islamabad is important Launching

BA N G L A D E S H S youths have succeeded in toppling the Sheikh Hasina regime that was autocratic and utterly corrupt The August 5 event has thus been appositely called the second liberation of Bangladesh This revolution to topple a fascist regime could not have succeeded without the support enjoyed from all sectors within the broader Bangladeshi community, irrespective of caste and creed Some of the student spokespersons were non-Muslims

Those of us living as US citizens of Bangladesh origin are very excited about the new outcome with an interim government formed under the leadership of Professor Muhammad Yunus, a man internationally known for the Nobel Prize in Peace, and his microfinance and 3-zero programmes

The fallen dictator who had fled to Narendra Modi’s India has not however given up on her wish to derail the hard-earned liberation that has witnessed the murder of at least 450 unarmed civilians let alone thousands of people injured and detained by its Gestapo-like police force, which used live bullets against anyone they desired to shoot to prolong Hasina’s rule Her son Sajeeb Wazed Joy living in the USA has been agitating counter-revolution inside the country This included calling for targeted attacks against Hindus The student and youth groups affiliated with the deposed Awami League government were to initiate such crimes that would draw India’s intervention and/or trigger mass unrest, which would be then subdued by Hasina’s supporters within the police and military and a compliant supreme court that would declare the current interim government non-constitutional

As a result, a counter-revolution was promptly hatched up on August 10, which saw the ambush of three army jeeps, the torching of an army jeep and the merciless beating of five patrol soldiers in Gopalganj the home district of Hasina Fortunately the student protesters were able to stop this heinous plan without any bloodshed The Supreme Court and its top judges resigned, and no Hindu temple was vandalized Muslims of all walks of life are protecting not only Hindu temples but also neighbourhoods In fact since the second revolution not a single Hindu temple has been vandalized The only temple that suffered an attack was in Meherpur It belonged to the ISKCON, whose leadership behaved like the untouchables, above law and order Requests to lower the volume of the microphone during Muslim

prayer times were routinely ignored by its haughty leaders It is not difficult to understand why this temple sustained minor damages in the early hours of the unrest We do not condone attacks on anyone and anyone s places of worship and properties Dr Yunus and all members of the interim government have urged people to ensure the safety of everyone, especially the religious and ethnic minorities something that you know too well could not be said of Narendra Mod’s government in India vis-à-vis targeted killings and lynching of Muslims and destruction of mosques schools, madrasahs and businesses Gobind Paramanik, general secretary of the Bangladesh National Hindu Mahajot, addressed misplaced concerns in the Indian media following Sheikh Hasina’s departure

He said that not a single Hindu has been harmed for their religion Granted that the same cannot be said of many Awami League leaders whose properties have been ransacked and even set on fire

Bangladesh needs a new direction under a new leadership away from political bickering and international intervention and conspiracy It is sickening although not too unexpected to find that some Awami-minded individuals and/or RSS Hindutva supporting groups are conspiring to turn the clock back to deny the people’s legitimate aspirations for collective peace, well-being, prosperity and happiness which for too long was denied to them They are spreading fake news through social media and the Indian press to portray a negative image about Bangladesh

The activities of Priya Saha and her group, lobbying the US Congress, are very concerning They have long been known to be no lover of truth honesty and goodwill for the people of Bangladesh let alone regional peace stability and security Their false narratives must be rejected by your office and all those who care about regional peace and prosperity

It is gratifying to notice the recent call by six of your colleagues in the Capitol Hill urging the Biden administration to impose sanctions on two members of the recently deposed government of Sheikh Hasina for their gross human rights violations As noted by Senator Van Hollen a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, The use of violent force against peaceful protesters exercising their freedom of expression is an unacceptable violation of human rights The Bangladeshi leaders who orchestrated this brutal crackdown must be held accountable which is why we re calling upon the administration to sanction Awami League general secretary Obaidul Quader and home minister Asaduzzaman Khan, as we continue working to support a peaceful and democratic Bangladesh ’ Such sanctions when extended to most members of the previous regime for their crimes and corruption would help to consolidate the second liberation If you have any question, I would be more than happy to discuss such

Dr Habib Siddiqui is the Co-founder

NRB Council USA; Chairman of the Board of Directors Bangladesh Expatriates Council On behalf of Bangladeshi Americans living in the USA

TH E latest Israeli spin has it that Iran cannot make up its mind whether to retaliate or not for the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh on July 28 while on a visit to Tehran for the inaugural of President Masoud Pezeshkian

The hypothesis is that there must be a standoff between Pezeshkian and hardliners of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) with the new president pushing back against any aggressive strategy against Israel Prima facie, it is a ridiculous spin But Iran rebutted it, nonetheless, with the Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani stating as recently as on Saturday night that Tehran “will make the aggressor Israeli regime pay the price for its aggression in a legitimate and decisive action Those were carefully chosen words But how come Iran didn t act for a fortnight already? Several factors are in play here First, Pezeshkian has not yet formed his government He submitted his list of proposed ministers to Parliament for approval only on Monday The executive branch of the government is carrying on with day-to-day functioning Nonetheless, according to Russian media, Pezeshkian did speak about Iran’s retaliatory strike against Israel at a meeting with the visiting Russian Security Council Secretary Sergei Shoigu on July 5 in Tehran

That said do not rule out that there could be some calibration in the timing

After all, Israel is in panic and reports say people stay awake at night fearing Iranian attack According to IRNA Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for all his bravado evacuated four of Israel s important intelligence and security bases in Tel Aviv Second, Iran will not act as spoiler when regional states and the US are pulling all stops to pick up the threads of the Gaza ceasefire talks between Hamas and Israel The fact that Israel agreed to the talks on Thursday suggests that Netanyahu also sees advantages in returning to the negotiating table Of course, Iran will also be carefully weighing the scale of its attack on Israel After all, Haniyeh was killed in a covert operation in which there was no Iranian casualty However the clincher is going to be the progress in the upcoming talks Iran may altogether postpone the operation if the Israeli side gives guarantees at the talks not to invade Lebanon and withdraws troops from the Gaza Strip Tehran could potentially reconsider its position if a radical change occurs in the situation in the region following the conclusion of a truce

Iran finesses its deterrence strategy

between Hamas and Israel Expectations are running high And, make no mistake, Tehran has a much closer equation with Yahya Sinwar than it had with Haniyeh Therefore the high-stakes diplomacy this week leading to the talks scheduled for Thursday to secure a hostage and ceasefire deal in Gaza becomes an inflection point Iran’s UN mission in New York said in a statement on Friday, “Our priority is to establish a lasting ceasefire in Gaza Any agreement accepted by Hamas will also be recognised by us The statement reiterated Iran s right to self-defence against Israel but also added, However, we hope that our response will be timed and conducted in a manner not to the detriment of the potential ceasefire ” Tehran is intensely conscious that the outcome of the Hamas-Israel talks (with the participation of CIA Director William Burns) in terms of the release of American hostages is the stuff of Joe Biden s presidential legacy as much as it holds the potential to burnish the prospects of the Democratic Party candidate Kamala Harris in the November election Jordan is acting as go-between to enable Washington and Tehran to sensitise each other their respective problematic borderlines Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi visited Tehran on August 4 for talks with Ali Bagheri They met again on the sideline of the OIC extraordinary meeting in Jeddah on August 7 (which was by the way a diplomatic coup for Tehran ) In between, Biden spoke with King Abdullah of Jordan The White House readout said Biden and Abdullah “discussed their efforts to de-escalate regional tensions including through an immediate ceasefire and hostage release deal The President thanked His Majesty for his friendship and affirmed unwavering US support for Jordan as a partner and ally in promoting regional peace and security ” Meanwhile Biden is using all channels available to moderate Iran s attack on Israel The Americans have also openly dissociated themselves from the killing of Haniyeh They have reportedly conveyed to Tehran that an escalation is fraught with the risk of a US-Iran conflict, which is avoidable Finally in the range of discourses over Iran’s retaliation what is overlooked generally is that Iranians invariably have a strategy unlike Israelis who resort to knee-jerk reactions Therefore the big picture becomes important here Iran is not looking for war, especially when it has done exceedingly well so far to cut losses and turn the table on Israel in a cost-effective manner Israel s international image is in the mud and not all the

freshwater in the Sea of Galilee can wash off the filth Iran’s number one priority will be to have the western sanctions removed Supreme Leader Khamenei’s deal with Pezeshkian quintessentially narrows down to improving the economy by getting rid of sanctions and making it possible for Iran to gain its rightful place in the international order by using its vast resources optimally All major pronouncements by Pezeshkian have signalled his prioritisation of Iran s relations with the West Quite obviously Pezeshkian is walking a tight rope as Javad Zarif s announcement of his resignation as the president s deputy for strategic affairs shows Zarif is reportedly peeved that the steering committee responsible for candidate selection picked only three out of the 19 names he had proposed for the cabinet posts!

Be that as it may Abbas Araghchi introduced as the new Minister of Foreign Affairs, had served for 8 years as the deputy to Zarif during Hassan Rouhani’s presidency, playing a key role in the nuclear negotiations (JCPOA) with the Obama administration The European powers see Araghchi as a moderate Indeed he makes an effective interlocutor for Tehran in western capitals and it is the clearest signal so far that Iran s foreign policy trajectory is leaning toward constructive engagement of the West Smart thinking involves the brain getting precedence over brawn That is where Iran scores over the die-hard


VK amala Harris c ampaign targeted by foreign hackers

Xi calls on environmental volunteers to promote water conser vation

Huge underground reser voir of water detec ted on Mars

their Indonesian counterparts Abdul Kadir Jailani Director General of Asia-Pacific and African Affairs at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Brigadier General Oktaheroe Ramsi, Secretary Directorate General for Defense Strategy at the Indonesian Ministry of Defense co-chaired

deep interior of Mars, gathering data on the planet s various layers, from its liquid metal core to its mantle and its crust The InSight mission ended in 2022 InSight was able to measure the speed of seismic waves and how they change with depth The speed of seismic waves depends on what the rock is made of, where it has cracks and what fills the cracks,” Wright said “We combined the measured seismic wave speed gravity measurements and rock physics models The rock physics models are the same as the ones we use to measure properties of aquifers on Earth or map oil and gas resources underground ”

The data indicated the presence of this reservoir of liquid water within fractured igneous rocks – formed in the cooling and solidification of magma or lava – in the Martian crust the planet’s outermost layer A mid-crust whose rocks are cracked and filled with liquid water best explains both seismic and gravity data, Wright said The water exists within fractures If the InSight location is representative and you extract all the water from the fractures in the mid-crust we estimate that the water would fill a 1-2 km deep (0 6-1 2 miles) ocean on Mars globally The Martian surface is cold and desolate today but once was warm and wet That changed more than 3 billion years ago The study suggests that much of the water that had been on the Martian surface did not escape into space but rather filtered down into the



with Unity and

The Ravi Urban Development Authority (RUDA) held a simple yet impressive Independence Day ceremony, showcasing unwavering patriotism and dedication to the development and progress of our great nation The event was attended by RUDA's esteemed COO Mansoor Janjua HODs and their entire workforce as they came together to commemorate this auspicious occasion The ceremony, held at RUDA headquarters, resonated with the spirit of freedom, unity, and a shared commitment to the growth and prosperity of our beloved country It provided a unique platform for employees to express their love for the nation while reaffirming their dedication to the Authority's mission of building sustainable urban envi-

ronment that enhance the quality of life for all citizens COO Mansoor Janjua, delivered an impassioned address, highlighting the significance of Independence Day and the crucial role each employee plays in the ongoing development and progress of our nation He further emphasized the importance of collective effort, teamwork, and innovative thinking in driving both RUDA's success and contributing to the nation's growth

"As we celebrate Independence Day we are reminded of the immense potential and respon sibility we bear as citizens and as a development au-

thority said Mansoor Janjua Ravi Urban Development Authority's Independence Day ceremony embodies the spirit of patriotism and progress Through their dedication innovation and shared vision RUDA continues to be at the forefront of shaping a brighter future for our nation It is pertinent to add that to commemorate Independence Day, Ravi Urban Authority has also launched a heartwarming documentary “Azadi Ka Dariya Tree plantation drive flag ceremony and plant distribution activities were also done

Cass L ahore unveils the untold and unseen of Q uaid- e -A zam’s legac y

The Centre for Aerospace and Security Studies (CASS), Lahore, hosted an enlightening guest lecture on 13 August 2024, exploring the untold and unseen dimensions of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s life and leadership The event focused on the lesser-known aspects of the legacy of Pakistan s founding father Wing Commander Amir Qayyum Deputy Director of Research at CASS, Lahore, delivered the introductory remarks, emphasising the importance of understanding the intricate layers of Mr Jinnah’s character to fully appreciate his monumental contributions to the nation Air Commodore Khalid Chishti (Retd) a distinguished authority on Quaid-e-Azam s legacy delivered the guest lecture His presentation provided fresh perspectives on the early life legal career and political journey of the nation's founder, uncovering lesserknown facets of Quaid-e-Azam's life He also delved into the principles upheld by Mr Jinnah and highlighted the key characteristics of his multifaceted personality that empowered

(Retd) President of CASS, Lahore, delivered the closing remarks, extending gratitude to Air Commodore Chishti (Retd)

Freed after eight years, Bangladeshi barrister recounts ordeal in Hasina’s secret jail

House of Mirrors (Aynaghar) a facility run by army intelligence, given its name because its detainees were never supposed to see any other person besides themselves

Throughout his long incarceration Quasem was shackled around the clock in windowless solitary confinement

Human Rights Watch last year said security forces had committed over 600 enforced disappearances since Hasina came to power in 2009 Rumours abounded of a secret black site housing some of that number but Aynaghar was unknown to the public until the publication abroad of a 2022 whistleblower report

he was tossed from a car and into a muddy ditch on Dhaka’s outskirts alive at liberty and with no knowledge of the national upheaval that had prompted his abrupt release

That s the first time I got fresh air in eight years, Quasem, 40, told reporters I thought they

of her political opponents He had been confined in the

His jailers were under strict instruction not to relay news from the outside world Elsewhere in the detention centre, guards blared music throughout the day that drowned out the Islamic call to prayer from nearby mosques It prevented Quasem a devout Muslim from knowing when he should offer his prayers and from keeping track of how long had elapsed since his abduction When the music was off, he heard the anguished sounds of other detainees

“Slowly slowly I could realise that I am not alone he said I could hear people crying I could hear people being tortured I could hear people screaming

Hasina s government consistently maintained afterwards that it did not exist It also denied committing enforced disappearances, claiming some of those reported missing had drowned in the Mediterranean while trying to reach Europe Quasem is certain of the reason for his abduction His father Mir Quasem Ali, a senior member of Bangladesh s largest Islamist party Jamaat-e-Islami, was on trial that year Ali was accused of running a paramilitary group that tortured pro-independence Bangladeshis during the country s 1971 liberation war against Pakistan He and several others were indicted

by a war crimes tribunal ostensibly to bring justice to the victims of that devastating conflict, but widely seen as a means for Hasina to eliminate political opponents Whether or not Ali was guilty there was no way of knowing from the mockery of justice that accompanied his prosecution Quasem, called to the bar in London and then aged 32, was running his father ’s defence His regular media briefings on procedural lapses and judicial bias at the tribunal echoed by rights groups and UN experts put a target on his back

Plainclothes men entered his house one night, snatched him from his family, dragged him down the stairs and threw him in a waiting car “I never could believe in my wildest dreams that they would subject me to disappearance just days before my father s execution Quasem said

Heavy rain, flooding alert issued for Lahore, South Punjab till August 18


As Pakistan marks its Independence Day, the Department of Meteorology has released a detailed weather forecast predicting diverse rainfall patterns across the nation According to the forecast the day will see light to heavy rain in several cities Islamabad is expected to experience intermittent rain throughout the day with conditions likely to persist into the night In southern

Punjab, rain accompanied by thunderstorms is anticipated later in the evening Meanwhile Balochistan will remain hot and humid while most districts in Sindh will experience partly cloudy and hazy weather Northern and western regions including Dir, Swat, Kohistan, and Shangla, as well as parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa like Abbottabad and Peshawar, are likely to see rainfall throughout the day Rain is also forecasted for various areas in Punjab including Murree Rawalpindi Lahore and Faisalabad

Additionally the regions of Barkhan Kohlu Dera Bugti and other parts of Balochistan are expected to experience evening rain In Sindh, scattered showers are possible in Tharparkar Mithi and nearby areas The Punjab Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) has issued an alert for ongoing monsoon rains, which are ex-

pected to continue until August 18 The PDMA spokesperson urged citizens to take necessary precautions and avoid unnecessary travel during adverse weather conditions Residents of Lahore and South Punjab are advised to prepare for a spell of monsoon rains from the evening of August 14 through August 18 From August 15 to 18, most districts in South Punjab are likely to experience rain accompanied by wind and thunder Rain is expected in Lahore Gujranwala Rawalpindi Sargodha Multan Dera Ghazi Khan Bahawalpur Faisalabad Sahiwal and Gujrat divisions

The PDMA has advised local administrations to stay vigilant and manage potential weather-related disruptions DG Irfan Ali Kathia emphasized the importance of adhering to safety measures during the rainy spell, stating, “Citizens should take precautionary measures during this time and avoid unnecessary travel in bad weather conditions With the weather forecast predicting significant rainfall in various regions residents are encouraged to stay informed about local weather updates and take appropriate actions to ensure their safety during the national holiday

President approves awards for 104 individuals for outstanding contributions

Murad Sadpara will be awarded the Sitara-e-Imtiaz The literary contributions of Nasir Kazmi will be recognized with the Nishan-e-Imtiaz awarded posthumously Prince Abdul Aziz bin Salman Al-Saud will be decorated with the Hilal-e-Pakistan for his services to Pakistan The science and technology sector will see Amir Hafeez Ibrahim receiving the Hilal-e-Imtiaz Additionally Dr Ghulam Muhammad Ali and Sardar Muhammad Aftab Ahmed Khan Watto are slated to receive the Sitara-e-Imtiaz, while Dr Sara Qureshi, Dr Rafiuddin, and Professor Dr Usman Qamar will be honored with the Tamgha-e-Imtiaz In the educational field Sadia Rasheed will be awarded the Hilal-e-Imtiaz Dr Sulaiman Shahabuddin Zia-ul-Haq and Syed Azhar Hussain Abidi will receive the Sitara-eImtiaz, and Barkat Shah, Abdul Rasheed Kakar, and Aniqa Bano will be bestowed with the President’s Award for Pride of Performance

The health sector will honor Professor Dr Shehryar and Dr Zaryab Setna with the Hilale-Imtiaz while Dr Akifullah Khan Dr Syed Abid Mehdi Kazmi, and Ikramullah Khan will receive the Tamgha-e-Imtiaz In the arts, Colin David will be awarded the Sitara-e-Imtiaz Arshad Aziz Malik Bakhtiyar Ahmed and Barrister Zafarullah will receive the Tamgha-e-Imtiaz and Fareeha Pervaiz Hamid Rana Shiba Arshad and Naveed Bhatti will be given the President s Award for Pride of Performance For their literary achievements, Javed Jabbar will receive the Hilal-e-Imtiaz, while Salman Awan Zafar Waqar Taj and Muneeza Shamsi will be awarded the Sitara-e-Imtiaz Syed Jawad Hussain Jaffery will receive the Tamgha-e-Imtiaz and Ambreen Haseeb will be honored with the President s Award for Pride of Performance In sports, additional figures such as Maqsood Ahmed Emad Shakeel Butt Rehman Ishtiaq and Mir Nadir Khan Magsi will receive the Tamgha-e-Imtiaz and Amir Ashfaq will be decorated with the President s Award for Pride of Performance For their service in social and public sectors, Mian Aziz Ahmed, Hunaid Lakhani, Sana Hashwani, and Safinaz Munir will receive the Sitara-e-Imtiaz, while Khawaja Anwar Majeed and Hussain Dawood will be awarded the Hilal-e-Imtiaz In the field of taxpayers and exporters

Sitara-e-Imtiaz will be bestowed upon individuals like Syed Imran Ali Shah, Nazimuddin Feroz, Imtiaz Hussain, Adnan Niaz, Zahid Ahmed, and Syed Asad Hussain Zaidi

Deputy Commissioner Panjgur Zakir Hussain Baloch will receive the Sitara-e-Shujaat Captain retired Muhammad Khurram Agha Dr Syed Tauqir Hussain Shah, and Umar Farooq will be awarded the Hilal-e-Imtiaz Dr Rubaba Khan Buledi, Dr Hamid Atique Sarwar Waqassuddin Syed Jamil Ahmed Ayaz Khan Ahmed Ishaq Jahangir and Irfan Nawaz Memon will receive the Sitara-e-Imtiaz Syed Shakeel Shah Ashhad Jawad, Rubab Sikandar, Muhammad Yousaf Khan, Cardinal Joseph Coutts,

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