24-08-29 ISB

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Pakistan seeks UN role in stopping cross-border TTP attacks



Rising elec tricity

tential, Ali told in an interview with Gwadar Pro “And while the initial cost of solar technology has been a deterrent the decreasing global cost is making it more economically viable for Pakistan The global photovoltaic industry is developing in full swing China-Pakistan cooperation in related industries can make due


Kundi remarked on the shifting political landscape noting “Those who used to mock Maulana Fazlur Rehman are now seeking his guidance He pointed out that the PTI frequently turns to Maulana Fazlur Rehman for political solutions Referring to PTI leaders, he added, After serving just one year in jail, they have started crying and demanding an NRO ” The KP governor commended the sacrifices made by the Pak Army police politicians and the media for peace He particularly highlighted the ultimate sacri-

of flowers on the grave of Data Ganj Bakhsh and they along with devotees also prayed for the progress and stability of Pakistan and durable peace in the country Prayers were also offered for the welfare and wellbeing of Muslim Ummah The KP governor had a meeting with the Administrator Auqaf Data Darbar Shahid Hameed Virk who briefed him about the project for the decoration and renovation of Data Darbar Faisal Karim Kundi extended greetings to the devotees of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh (RA) in Lahore and around the world in connection with 981st Urs which concluded on Monday Later on Faisal Karim also distributed “Langar” (free meal) among the devotees

JUI-F demands two senate seats from PTI for parliamentary support

ISLAMABAD S ta f f R e p o R t Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F)

Maulana Fazlur Rehman has demanded two Senate seats from the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) in exchange for his party’s full support in parliament According to sources, JUI-F has demanded PTI’s support in electing his two senators while PTI s committee is willing to support one senator from JUI-F Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam wants to elect former Khyber Pakhtunkhwa governor Ghulam Ali as a senator, while

PTI s committee is inclined to support another candidate, sources said However, JUI-F lacks sufficient votes to elect a senator on its own, and therefore needs PTI’s support Sources said that the PTI committee has sought time to consult party chairman Imran Khan on JUI-F s demands Meanwhile, the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) wants to elect Talha Mahmood as a senator, which JUI-F is likely to oppose Notably Mehmood parted ways with his decade-long affiliation with the JUI-F and announced joining the Pak-

istan Peoples Party Earlier, Maulana Fazlur Rehman said that it would be ‘fortunate’ if his party and the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) develop a consensus Maulana Fazlur Rehman said that there were big mountain-sized differences between the two parties PTI s delegation has come to us and as per our tradition, we have welcomed them, Maulana Fazalur Rehman added The JUI-F chief said that if their issues with the PTI get resolved it would be good If not every political party has its stance and opinion he said

PM lauds Moody ’s credit rating upgrade for Pakistan


The prime minister commended the finance minister and his team for their significant progress and improvements in the overall economic situation

He added that the interest shown by the friendly countries in investing billions of rupees across various sectors was a direct outcome of the government’s business and investmentfriendly policies

He warned that delays in executing investment projects from friendly countries would not be tolerated He instructed all ministers and relevant institutions to take immediate action to accelerate progress on these proposed projects The prime minister emphasized that Pakistan offers substantial investment potential in areas such as information technology, agriculture, minerals and precious stones, and energy He added that foreign investment in these sectors would not only boost do-


S ta f f R e p o R t

Dozens of families have been left stranded as the River Indus’s waters breached into the katcha area near Mehar Sindh while record-breaking monsoon showers continue to lash large swathes of the country causing urban flooding and swelling of rivers The situation in Mehar is critical, with rescue and relief activities yet to begin jeopardizing the lives of flood victims The affected communities are not only facing a food shortage but are also grappling with the outbreak of contagious diseases The rising water level in the River Indus adds to the urgency of the situation Torrential rains in Sindh over the past few days have heightened fears of urban flooding and further increases in river water levels Fishermen have been warned against venturing deep into the sea due to unstable conditions Karachi and other parts of Sindh have experienced intermittent rainfall affecting areas like Sharae Faisal Shah Faisal

mestic exports but also generate employment opportunities for millions of young people

In the meeting, the prime minister was briefed about the improvement in Pakistan’s rating by the international rating agency Moody’s progress on investment agreements with friendly countries in various fields and ongoing projects

The meeting was also informed about the progress on the projects under the second phase of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPAC)

The prime minister directed to give key importance to the element of transparency in all projects and to ensure their implementation on a priority basis

The meeting was attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Muhammad Ishaq Dar Federal Ministers Jam Kamal Khan Ahad Khan Cheema Ahsan Iqbal Muhammad Aurangzeb, Attaullah Tarar, Sardar

Owais Khan Leghari Dr Musadik Malik and Abdul Aleem Khan

Also present were Ministers of State Ali Pervaiz Malik and Shaza Fatima Khawaja, Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission Jehanzeb Khan Prime Minister ’s Coordinator Rana Ihsaan Afzal Khan and other relevant senior officials

PM condoles death of PML-N AJK leader Chaudhary Uzair Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Wednesday expressed his deep grief over the death of Vice President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir chapter of Pakistan Muslim League-N and former senior minister Chaudhry Muhammad Uzair Praying for peace for the departed soul and patience for his family, the prime minister remembered him as an active politician in AJK politics With the death of Chaudhary Uzair the AJK politics has become bereft of a shining star the prime minister remarked


TH E traders were successful in striking across the country because of the fear of the taxman The traders overtly have struck because of the electricity bills, especially their use as tax collection devices However, everyone knows that the real strike is against the Tajir Dost Scheme, by which they are to be brought in the tax net This is seen as a betrayal on so many levels, one of which is that the traders feel they have been sold down the river by one of their own as Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is not merely the scion of a business family, but cut his teeth in politics as President of the Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry Yet from his beginning as an advocate for the business community, he has become head of a government which has promised the3 International Monetary Fund that it will increase the number of taxpapers

The government has got two prongs both of which have made the traders feel uncomfortable First is the sales tax regime, whereby retailers would charge the consumer the sales tax, and while they would obtain refunds for sales tax already paid on the goods they sell, it would reveal their actual turnover This would lead to them having to pay income tax The result should be that government revenues go up but it has appeared time and again that traders have an iron prejudice against paying taxes They always blame a reluctance to deal with the taxmen as a reason, because the taxation machinery of the Federal Board of Revenue is thoroughly corrupt There is no denying that tax collectors are corrupt However, it should not be forgotten that they have a partner in their crime, the businessman It cannot be stressed too much that businessmen show the way to taxmen for corruption Businessmen should realize that the issue of expanding the tax net has gone beyond a fairness issue It is now something the government needs because it cannot get any more loans unless it stops being complicit The strike is thus not against impositions by an iniquitous government, but about the desire of the business community to maintain the conspiracy of silence which has led to the government having such low revenue After all if everyone had paid his fair whack, the country’s finances would probably not be in the mess they are in

Dedicated to the legac y of late Hameed Nizami Arif Nizami (Late) Founding Editor

M A Niazi Editor Pakistan Today Babar Nizami Editor Profit

DO you remember the birthday parties when there used to be only the solitary cake to be had! (The one-cake-per-birthday used to be as reliable a rule of thumb as any ) Today, there could easily be four or five!

For some reason people fail to realize that there is only so much cake anybody can eat on any one occasion The result is that despite so many cakes and the ever-increasing hype associated with these events they invariably leave everybody with a sense of disillusionment deep down– or of anticlimax at any rate – although most of us have perfected the fine art of maintaining the façade of having an absolute ball Up until as recently as the turn of the millennium, birthday festivities used to take place in the afternoon or the evening of the relevant day They are still scheduled in those time slots but only their second instalment The first one now takes place at the stroke of the preceding midnight which in all fairness, does technically make it the birthday But it is precisely this sort of gimmickry that has taken so much away from the spontaneity of birthdays This midnight thing must have started off as a curiosity or a novelty There was apparently a phase in human evolution when it used to be cool to appear informed enough to know the precise time at which the date changed While that time has long gone (and thank God for that), the exercise has acquired almost a mandatory status in many circles Failing to show one’s love for the birthday boy or girl by arranging a cake (yet another cake!) or even forgetting to wish the loved one a happy birthday at that ungodly hour could have some very unpleasant consequences Human beings are known to frequently forget that it is never a great idea to go over the top in anything In celebrations it is especially inadvisable because it smacks too much of self-absorption and self-centeredness And come to think of it a birthday is hardly an accomplishment worth commemorating anyway For anybody who happens to be born (zero contribution from him in the whole process) gets to have one A birthday then is no accomplishment; at any rate, none until it is the 80th Still, human beings are not robots, and therefore they can be forgiven to occasionally indulge their impulses and fancies however silly But these must not be made too much of a spectacle because sooner rather than later that ends up as a benchmark by which all subsequent events are judged (or perceived to be judged) The obligation to outdo or at least conform to the minimum standard that passes muster brings immense pressure of its own What were supposed to be occasions for spontaneous fun thus become events where one is obligated to have a great

Is digital technology giving terrorists an edge?

their kindness towards them For recruitment purposes they have a designated recruitment team that via chat rooms and online posts interacts with the vulnerable individuals and brainwashes them with their ideological beliefs Therefore, ISIS has been using social media applications for psychological warfare, publicity, propaganda, fundraising recruitment networking sharing information and planning Likewise Al-Qaeda (AQ) also makes use of various online forums blogging sites chat rooms, and so on for disseminating its narratives and propaganda among the masses Through social media, emails, and websites, Al-Qaeda leaders disseminate instructions and information to their supporters and sympathizers in the form of videos One of their wellknown websites was named al-Neda which means The Call in Arabic AQ published manipulative texts on their websites, like; We

time One would expect the so-called rational animal to behave a bit more rationally Unfortunately a rather embarrassing characteristic of human beings happens to be their uncanny resemblance to apes when it comes to mindlessly imitating others

Recalling again the birthday events of the past, there were few photographs taken, if any It was a far cry from the fiasco that takes place on such occasions now The problem with photographs is that they are usually taken with a view to share them on the social media to show everybody how great a time one is having Hence all the posing reposi

While in ever y other conceivable respect, bir thday par ties have become much more extravagant affairs compared to what they used to be , the cone hats have seen a marked decline in popularity. This may appear to the casual obser ver as something against the g eneral trend. But for the objective and thoughtful obser ver, the unpopularity of cone hats could not be any more fitting. The modern man probably takes himself far too seriously to be willing to don clown headg ear The joker who star ts suffering from delusions of adequacy and respectability hardly needs clown wear to make his identity known, does he? How many thoughtful obser vers are left to objectively obser ve such phenomena though?

strongly urge Muslims internet professionals to disseminate news and messages regarding Jihad via emails discussion groups social media, and websites If you fail to do so, you will be held accountable by Allah on the day of judgment ’ AQ has various discussion groups on Telegram and Facebook through which they teach people about Jihad and its Importance They also exchange ideas and information on how to construct bombs, establish cells, and execute attacks All these social media activities of Al-Qaeda are controlled by its media department, named al-Sahab Media Production It publishes the content in multiple languages including Arabic English Urdu and German AQ also receives most of its funding in the form of digital currency Al-Qaeda via use of digital technologies has become a Jihad franchise, connecting organizations like Algeria s Armed Islamic Group, Chechen rebels, and Al-Q cells in Lebanon and Indonesia to Pakistan’s Jaish-eMohammad Digital platforms have provided terrorists with an edge to expand their influence and reach to recruit more people into their organizations, train them, and send them off to fight in the name of Jihad and Islam To counter terrorism on virtual platforms globally, there is a need to formulate strong sets of policies and strategies The writer is a freelance columnist

views, comments, forums, and posts via social media; Al-Medrar, which publishes in a variety of languages; Platform Media tweets in Arabic; Al-Batter media post news graphics official statements and videos online in both English and Arabic They also started an online one billion campaign on YouTube, which called Muslims from all across the world to join ISIS The video captured huge audiences, and it was accompanied by the words ‘Proudly Support the Muslim Cause The video was broadcast in multiple languages around the world mostly targeting North Africa In June 2014 ISIS released a video on social media calling on their followers to join in fighting The video was titled ‘Ya Junod AlHaqq Hayya’ The major target audience of the video were young

Salute to nurses

Techno-terrorism was perhaps inevitable

r e s e n c e o f a n e m i a i n w o m e n :

s s c h r o n i c a n d m o r e h a r m f u l

for pregnant women or those with diagnosed iron deficiency


B9) is necessary for red blood cell produc-

tion A deficiency can lead to megaloblastic anaemia

sometimes medical interventions such as supplementation or treatment of chronic diseases

or irregularly to compensate for the lack of oxygen in the blood

CHEST PAIN: Some women may experience chest pain (angina) due to reduced oxygen supply to the heart

HEART FAILURE: Chronic or severe anaemia can strain the heart, potentially leading to heart failure, especially in women with pre-existing heart conditions


Addressing chronic diseases or genetic conditions that may contribute to anaemia

AN A E M I A in women is a significant public health issue, especially in low- and middle-income countries, but it also affects women worldwide Anaemia occurs when there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells or the haemoglobin content in the blood leading to reduced oxygen-carrying capacity

There are number of symptoms related with this which include: fatigue and weakness, pale skin and nails, shortness of breath, dizziness or light-headedness, cold hands and feet chest pain or palpitations and headaches

Apart from these anaemia can have serious health implications for women including:

REDUCED WORK CAPACITY: Fatigue and weakness can lead to reduced productivity and difficulty in performing daily tasks


Increased risk of preterm birth low birth weight and postpartum depression


Especially in adolescents, anaemia can affect cognitive development and learning ability



DIETARY CHANGES: Consuming ironrich foods (e g red meat leafy green vegetables, fortified cereals) and foods high in vitamin C to enhance iron absorption

IRON SUPPLEMENTS: Often prescribed

REGULAR SCREENING: Especially important for pregnant women women with heavy menstrual bleeding and those with known risk factors

EDUCATION AND AWARENESS: Ensuring that women understand the importance of a balanced diet and the symptoms of anaemia can lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment

Globally efforts to reduce anaemia in women include improving nutrition fortifying foods with essential vitamins and minerals and promoting access to healthcare In many regions, anaemia is part of larger programs targeting maternal and child health, given its impact on both women and future generations

The main causes of anaemia in women are:


DIETARY INSUFFICIENCY: Not consuming enough iron-rich foods like meat, beans and leafy greens

POOR ABSORPTION: Conditions like celiac disease or surgeries that affect the digestive tract can impair iron absorption

BLOOD LOSS: Chronic blood loss from heavy menstrual periods (menorrhagia) or gastrointestinal bleeding can lead to iron deficiency



(MENORRHAGIA): Women who experience heavy periods are at a higher risk of developing iron-deficiency anaemia

PREGNANCY: INCREASED IRON DEMAND: During pregnancy the body requires more iron to support the growing foetus and increased blood volume Without sufficient iron intake, this can lead to anaemia


FOLATE DEFICIENCY: Folate (vitamin


DEFICIENCY: Essential for red blood cell formation A lack of B12 can also cause megaloblastic anaemia particularly in vegetarians or those with absorption issues

VITAMIN A DEFICIENCY: Although less common, vitamin A is involved in iron metabolism and deficiency can contribute to anaemia


CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE: Reduced production of erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates red blood cell production, can lead to anaemia

INFLAMMATORY DISEASES: Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus can cause anaemia of chronic disease where inflammation interferes with iron metabolism

CANCER: Some cancers and their treatments can cause anaemia by affecting the bone marrow or leading to chronic blood loss


SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA: An inherited condition where abnormal haemoglobin leads to chronic anaemia

THALASSEMIA: Another inherited blood disorder that results in reduced production of haemoglobin, causing anaemia

INFECTIONS: Malaria Particularly in endemic regions malaria can cause haemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) leading to anaemia

OTHER PARASITIC INFECTIONS: Intestinal worms like hookworms can cause chronic blood loss and iron deficiency


CERTAIN DRUGS: Some medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, leading to anaemia Others, like chemotherapy drugs, can suppress bone marrow function Addressing these causes involves a combination of dietary changes managing underlying health conditions and

The US is Israel’s accomplice, not a ceasefire mediator



Anaemia can have a wide range of effects on the health of women, impacting both their physical and mental well-being The severity of these effects depends on the degree of anaemia the underlying cause and how long it has been present


DECREASED ENERGY LEVELS: Anaemia leads to reduced oxygen delivery to tissues causing persistent fatigue weakness and a lack of energy

REDUCED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Women with anaemia may find it difficult to engage in physical activities or exercise, leading to decreased overall fitness


DIFFICULTY CONCENTRATING: Reduced oxygen supply to the brain can impair cognitive functions, making it harder to focus, think clearly, and perform mentally demanding tasks

MEMORY ISSUES: Some women may experience short-term memory problems or difficulty processing information


BREATHING DIFFICULTIES: Women with anaemia often experience shortness of breath particularly during physical exertion as the body struggles to supply enough oxygen to tissues



FREQUENT DIZZINESS: Anaemia can cause frequent episodes of dizziness or lightheadedness especially when standing up quickly

INCREASED RISK OF FAINTING: Severe anaemia can lead to fainting spells, especially if blood pressure drops suddenly


PALPITATIONS: The heart may beat faster

PRETERM BIRTH: Anaemia during pregnancy increases the risk of preterm delivery, which can have long-term health implications for the baby

LOW BIRTH WEIGHT: Babies born to anaemic mothers are more likely to have low birth weight which is associated with higher infant mortality and developmental issues

POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION: Anaemia can increase the risk of postpartum depression, impacting a mother ’s ability to care for herself and her baby



FECTIONS: Anaemia weakens the immune system, making women more susceptible to infections, including frequent colds and other illnesses

SLOWER RECOVERY: The body’s ability to heal and recover from illnesses or injuries may be impaired




A time bomb is threatening economies across Asia

interest in diplomacy for the sake of returning Lebanon and Israel to the status quo ante In addition to manoeuvring to delay a ceasefire, the US also expedited shipments of precision-guided bombs to Israel to assist in the mass slaughter Just two and a half years later Rice was back agitating

intercepting Mr Sinwar ’s communications” The Times quotes White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan on additional US contributions to the obsessive search for Sinwar: We ve had people in Israel sitting in the room with the Israelis working this problem set And obviously we have a lot of experience hunting high-value targets” But again, simultaneously “hunting” the leader of the very organisation one professes to be negotiating a ceasefire with does not exactly speak to one s credibility as a mediator According to the Times article US officials believe that Sinwar s killing or capture would give Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a way to claim a significant military victory and potentially make him more willing to end military operations in Gaza” – a most convincing argument no doubt for extrajudicial assassination Not that Netanyahu is interested in ever really “ending anything anyway regardless of Sinwar s fate The Israeli premier after all is of the opinion that Israel reserves the right to resume fighting Hamas notwithstanding any ceasefire agreement, which kind of defeats the whole purpose

On Tuesday, the Times of Israel reported that, although US officials persisted in insisting on “progress” in ceasefire negotiations Israel s Channel 12 news had learned that the thorny issues had been set aside for the time being: The network said American mediators hope to reach agreements on other matters first, such as Israel s ability to veto the release of some Palestinian security prisoners and exile others ”

The “thorny” stuff includes matters like whether Israel should be allowed to keep occupying the entire length of Gaza s border with Egypt after the war This issue would be left to the very end of talks according to the [Channel 12] report, which quoted officials saying they don t believe Hamas chief Sinwar will budge on the Gaza-Egypt border unless he feels the [Israeli military] is closing in on him,” The Times of Israel reported Per the diplomatic hallucinations of White House national security spokesperson John Kirby delaying tactics in the interest of enabling the perpetual occupation of whatever remains of the Gaza Strip are apparently indicative of constructive talks

And in the meantime, of course, genocide proceeds apace, as the Israeli military goes about inflicting unceasing terror and starvation on the civilian population Access to water and aid delivery has now been restricted in the city of Deir el-Balah in central Gaza where the United Nations has been forced to shut down operations once again in order to abide by Israel s pathological evacuation orders To be sure, Israel s habit of commanding

the United Nations International Labor Organization China and India recorded the same percentage of young people who are seeking work without success In Indonesia the rate is 14% Malaysia s is 12 5% Across these populous nations, that adds up to 30 million people between the ages of 15 and 24 who are looking for jobs but can’t find suitable ones They account for just less than half the global total of 65 million jobless youth in that age range according to ILO data The figures are worse than in rich countries such as the U S Japan and Germany where young people tend to get snapped up though not as bad as slow-growing southern European countries such as Italy and Spain where around a quarter of young people are failing to find work For Asian countries that don’t have China’s broad manufacturing base the double-digit youth unemployment rates raise urgent questions about how to move up the development ladder and the costs of failing to do so Anger over dwindling prospects was a key driver of this month s tumultuous events in Bangladesh, where large crowds of students forced Sheikh Hasina to relinquish power after more than 15 successive years as prime minister and flee the country In India, whose economy grew at 8% in

Dhaka s Moghbazar neighbourhood

Earlier in the day Dr Rahman met the journalists and senior editors based in Dhaka and struck a conciliatory tone about the interim government

During the years under East Pakistan, our Bangladesh was part of Pakistan, we were discriminated against We remember the freedom fighters of 1971 who helped us attain freedom I pay my respects to them said the Emir The JeI Bangladesh which was originally an offshoot of the Jamaat-e-Islami established on August 26, 1941, in Lahore, favoured an undivided Pakistan and even campaigned for it after the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War

was also barred from participating in elections in 2014, 2018 and again in January this year, when 76-year-old Hasina won her fifth term in widely discredited polls without a credible opposition Hasina’s government then banned the party outright under an anti-terrorism act on August 1 just four days before she was ousted from power after weeks of student-led protests fleeing to India by helicopter

The government order said it had lifted the ban, including on the party s student wing Islami Chhatra Shibir, because there was “no specific evidence of involvement with terrorism and violence” Jamaat is one of the country’s main political parties along with the Bangladesh Nationalist Party It is unclear what strength Hasina s once all-powerful party, the Awami League, still holds The lifting of the ban would enable the organisation to participate in the political process of Bangladesh and also participate in the political dialogue for holding the next general election in the country

In East Pakistan as Bangladesh was known then Ghulam Azam spearheaded the Islamic movement Its leader Ghulam Azam was declared a war criminal and died while serving his prison term Politics will determine the course of our country

We all have tried from our respective positions to address the aspirations of the people

But I want to say respectfully that so far we did not succeed in addressing those challenges ” said the Dr Rahman urging the media to view the JeI Bangladesh from an impartial point of view

show that the then RG Kar principal Dr Sandip Ghosh his lawyer Santanu Dey Ghosh s personal assistant, police and hospital security staff at the seminar hall where the crime took place From the stills, it is also seen that Debashis Som, a demonstrator in forensic medicine posted in the

The ban against JeI Bangladesh Shibir and their sister organisations was one of the last actions by the Sheikh Hasina government that fell on 5 August with the flight of Ms Hasina to India Ever since, Jamaat-e-Islami has been conducting its activities openly operating from their office in old

Dr Rahman acknowledged that Bangladesh is multireligious country saying, Bangladesh is made of Muslims, Hindu brothers and sisters, Buddhists and Christians and other smaller religious groups I want to say clearly that we all constitute Bangladesh”

A sia


The top jailed Hurriyat leadership has strongly condemned the upcoming elections in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir calling them a facade and an attempt to legitimize New Delhi s illegal occupation According to Kashmir Media Service, All Parties Hurriyat Conference Chairman Masarrat Aalam Butt and Democratic Freedom Party chief Shabbir Ahmad Shah in their messages from New Delhi s Tihar Jail said the elections in IIOJK held under the shadow of over a million Indian occupation troops are nothing more than a farce and a military exercise The post2019 changes in IIOJK aim to reshape the territory s electoral and demographic landscape, stripping IIOJK of genuine political representation ” said Masarrat Aalam Butt The APHC chairman added “The manipulative electoral reforms in IIOJK including the expansion of LG powers and voting rights for outsiders, further disenfranchise the people of IIOJK and undermine the authority of any future elected government ” The Hurriyat leaders also criticized the 2020 gerrymandering in IIOJK, saying it aimed to dilute Muslim political influence and marginalize Muslim voices Shabbir Ahmad Shah said The new domicile laws and electoral changes threaten the demographic fabric of IIOJK, reflecting the Modi government s agenda to alter the territory s identity “Polls in IIOJK cannot replace true self-determi-

emphasizing the importance of education and the opportunities provided by AIOU This initiative reflects AIOU's dedication to expanding educational access and ensuring that no potential student is left behind

IESCO Chief to hold e-cour t on Friday


S TA F F R E P O R T Chief Executive IESCO Muhammad Naeem Jan will conduct facebook live E-Kachary on Friday, August 30th 2024 From 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM Consumers can contact Chief Executive IESCO via Facebook ID CEO-IESCO E-Kachery or call at Tel No 051-9253105 according to above given scheduled to register and resolve their electricity-related issues While registering complaints, customers are required to provide their name, bill reference number, and contact number

CDA chairman orders probe into irregularities in allocation of 22 plots

ISLAMABAD: The Chairman of the Capital Development Authority (CDA), Muhammad Ali Randhawa, has taken serious notice of media reports published in various section of media regarding dubious allotment of 22 Plots to one person In fact the discrepancies have been pointed out in the Audit Report 2023-24 and the same irregularities have been highlighted by the various section of media in the allotment of said plots by the CDA The Chairman has called for immediate action against those who are involved in the irregularities Under the directives of Chairman Randhawa all relevant records have been seized and taken into the custody to facilitate a thorough investigation in the matter A special inquiry has been constituted to probe the matter, with the task to submit its findings within three days S TA F F R E P O R T

SHEC seminar emphasizes HEIs can navigate challenges, contribute to nation’s progress

KARACHI: The Sindh Higher Education Commission organized a seminar titled State of Pakistan–Paigham-e-Pakistan: Challenges, Threats, Solutions, and Responsibilities of Institutions” at the International Centre of Chemical and Biological Sciences of the University of Karachi on Wednesday The seminar was attended by the vice chancellors pro VCs and deans from 67 universities across Sindh, representing both public and private sectors The event focused on the critical role that higher education institutes and mentioned that the HEIs can play in navigating and overcoming the challenges faced by the country while

step for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of cross-border trade operations By adhering to international data standards on cross-border trade

initiative aims to streamline customs and trade procedures by harmonizing data requirements of Customs and Other Government Agencies and enhancing the interoperability of the single window system for facilitating integration with other national and international electronic systems By enabling use of harmonized data sets and electronic messages the model meets the operational and legal requirements of Customs and other government agencies (OGAs) This comprehensive approach to data standardization is essential for harmonizing national customs processes with global best practices


The Pakistan Solar Association (PSA) has expressed serious concerns regarding the growing import of B-grade and inferior quality solar panels by unauthorized third-party importers in Pakistan

In a strongly worded statement, the PSA highlighted the




Akhter expressed their expectations for future cooperation, and emphasize the significance of art education in fostering understanding and friendship between different cultures and peoples at the meeting They hoped the bilateral cooperation would contribute to cultural exchange and art development not only between the two brotherly countries but also globally The two universities are offering joint programmes in Art Theory and Cultural Heritage currently In 2023, 2023 China-Pakistan Contemporary Art Exchange Exhibition and China-Pakistan Culture, Art and Education Exchange Forum were held by Hebei Academy of Fine Arts University of Education Lahore and Lahore Museum

Pakistan’s internet disruption likely to persist until early October due to submarine cable fault

PTA confirms repairs on SMW-4 cable ongoing, while AAE-1 restoration may provide some relief

ISLAMABAD N E W S D E S K Pakistan s ongoing internet slowdown is expected to continue, with repairs to the damaged SMW-4 submarine cable likely to be completed by early October 2024, according to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) In a statement released on Wednesday the PTA explained that the internet disruption across the country is primarily due to faults in two of the seven international submarine cables, SMW-4 and AAE-1, which connect Pakistan to the global network The ongoing internet slowdown across the country is mainly due to faults in two (SMW-4, AAE-1) of the seven international submarine

the PTA added Despite this partial restoration Pakistan continues to grapple with widespread disruption in internet services The social media platform X (formerly Twitter) has also been blocked in the country for nearly six months Since July, internet networks have been operating up to 40% slower than usual, affecting not only web browsing but also the use of popular messaging apps like WhatsApp, where users have faced difficulties in sending documents images and voice notes Last week PTA Chairman Major General Hafeezur Rehman (retd) addressed the National Assembly s Standing Committee on IT attributing the internet slowdown to the faulty submarine cable He dismissed reports that the disruption was related to the installation of firewalls, stating “The internet slowdown in the country is due to a faulty submarine cable which is expected to be repaired by August 28 The chairman clarified that no new firewalls were being installed but the government s web management system was undergoing an upgrade He also addressed concerns about similar submarine cable issues affecting other countries, asserting, “It’s Pakistan’s submarine cable that’s affected not others ” The discussion also touched on the legal standing of VPN usage with the PTA chairman emphasizing that they are registering not blocking VPNs He further elaborated on the complexities of monitoring online content, noting that while Article 19 guarantees freedom of expression, there are specific categories that must be considered when enforcing restrictions “Each country has its system in place and when the government issues directives to block certain content we have to comply he said Digital rights experts have speculated that the government might be testing a firewall, a security system that monitors network traffic and can be used to control online spaces

The Ministry of Finance has established a task force consisting of financial experts from Pakistan and China and government officials to develop an initial plan for reprofiling approximately $8 billion in foreign debt related to China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) energy projects The debt stock of operational CPEC power projects currently stands at $7 billion but this figure could reach $10 billion when upcoming projects are included The basic aim of the task force is to extend

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