24-09-17 ISB

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g Dialogue started with Parliamentar y Parties in both Houses on constitutional package: Tarar

unconstitutional and block the government s efforts to advance the amendments In their petition the lawyers have requested that the process of presenting the constitutional amendment bill in Parliament be halted Furthermore they have asked the court to prevent the president of Pakistan from signing the bill into law should it pass through Parliament

g Asad Qaiser says PTI to fight against ‘ undemocratic package’ at ever y single forum ISLAMABAD:

IHC seeks gov t’s response on Imran Khan’s possible militar y trial in May 9 case

ISLAMABAD: ( S TA F F R E P O R T ) The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Monday once again sought clarification from the government over Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan’s possible military trial over his alleged involvement in the May 9 riots IHC s Justice Miangul Hassan Aurangzeb presided over the hearing on PTI founder ’s petition against the military trials in the May 9 case that witnessed military installations being vandalised following his arrest in a graft case last year There is no clear answer from the government I am giving you time to bring instructions in this regard,” said Justice Aurangzeb during the hearing on Monday The court ordered the Ministry of Defence to give a clear stance on the next hearing after which the

Essential S er vices Ac t

Muhammad Amin

Rajput appointed as ac ting MD of SSGC

Power Division halts net metering tariff reforms amid public pressure

major scientific and technological initiatives at the national level including the establishment of National Centre for Artificial Intelligence National Centre for Cyber Security National Centre for Robotics and Automation, National Centre for Big Data and Cloud Computing and National Centre for Genomics Ahsan Iqbal noted that the centers were playing


CCOCIP disc usses measures to expedite CPEC projec ts

Majority of proposals in constitutional amendment pack age revolve around judiciar


The president will make the appointments of the chief justice and other justices of the Federal Constitutional Court

constitutional amendments are being made in the nation’s interest then why is it being hidden? Do the amendments aim to make the judiciary independent or control it? he argued Nevertheless the JUI-F leader said his party would give its verdict if the government shared the amendment draft with them Yet, he said, his party was against the proposal of extending judges tenure Why are you in so hurry? Tell us, what’s coercing you about it? Why do you want to bring the amendments in a secret way? Are we some herd?” he said questioning the secrecy Meanwhile PTI leader Waleed Iqbal termed the proposed constitutional amendments an attack on the judiciary s independence as well as the entire system Without a doubt, the government is proposing the amendments to draw out its tenure,” he said He expressed amazement over Pakistan Peoples Party’s (PPP) supporting the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) for the amendments Since it was a serious matter therefore a debate should be held in the parliament over it, he said

Govt defers constitutional pack age for next parliamentar y session


He said the proposed package envisaged formation of the judicial commission as per the spirit of the 18th amendment and it was proposed to empower the judicial commission to evaluate the performance of the judges of the high court Former NA speaker and PTI leader Asad Qaiser said his party was considering boycotting the parliament sessions and it would fight against this undemocratic package in the parliament on the roads and at every single forum

I will suggest the party to boycott the proceedings of the Parliament and the Standing Committees there is no other way, he told media, adding that the PTI was ready to challenge the proposed constitutional amendment in court” The former NA speaker said it was wrong “to expect anything more from the Parliament and the only way forward was to involve the citizens in this war The protest movement is starting there is no other option the PTI leader added Speaking on the floor of the House, Qaiser strongly condemned the use of Parliament as a rubber stamp , saying it had been turned into a joke He especially thanked Fazl for “fighting bravely” Qaiser claimed that according to the special committee’s report the law minister said he had no knowledge of the proposed draft So if a government representative does not know then where has this document come from, he argued Are we enemies of the state? he questioned on the floor of the house, to the applause of other lawmakers

“We want that there are judicial reforms, that people get resources ” the PTI leader said “If you want to bring amendments definitely bring them [but] debate and discuss them Highlighting that the amendments were to impact all 250m people in this country Qaiser asked: Is this how you wanted to pass the bill, in the dark of the night like thieves, on Saturday and Sunday night?”

“When you want to do lawmaking when you have a proposal of this sort you need to make it public

He reiterated his condemnation of what unfolded in this House in the last 24 hours and vowed to continue fighting this oppression PPP Leader Naveed Qamar said discussions on the constitutional package should be held in a congenial environment He urged the Opposition to sit together and work for the betterment of the country

Shahida Begum of JUI (F) said they will be part of any good legislation She said time warrants that there should be consensus on legislation Talking to the media men in Islamabad, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) Senator Irfan Sid-

diqui confirmed that the tabling of the constitutional package has been postponed indefinitely It may take eight to 10 days to present the constitutional package in the parliament,” he added Speaking outside the Parliament House, Irfan Siddiqui insisted that it was not government’s failure There is no obstacle to the constitutional amendments but the exact timing has not been decided yet he added Senator Siddiqui mentioned that the law requires a specific majority for constitutional amendments, and if this majority is not achieved, it is not a cause for concern, adding after consultations, including with Maulana Fazlur Rehman it was agreed to wait for a few more days before proceeding with the amendments package He praised Maulana Fazlur Rehman s positive response stating there was no disagreement on any matter and discussions took place in a constructive environment This dialogue will continue to move forward, he added In response to a query regarding the opposition’s claim of not receiving the draft of the amendments he clarified that constitutional drafts are never made public rather these are presented in the Parliament Earlier the federal government was set to make another attempt on Monday to pass its proposed 22nd constitutional amendment bill in the Senate and National Assembly

PML-N President Nawaz has expressed displeasure with the strategy adopted by his government regarding the constitutional amendment The former premier, who reached Islamabad from his Jati Umra residence, returned to Lahore on Sunday after expressing displeasure with his party and

The package also includes a proposal to ban dual citizenship for judges Further amendments suggested that votes of members who cross the floor will be counted It further states that the Federal Constitutional Court will resolve disputes between the federal and provincial governments Moreover, it also proposes that all constitutional petitions currently pending with the Supreme Court will be transferred to the new court Cabinet sources said 22 clauses would be included in

It was added that the parliamentary committee would be combined with the judicial commission for the former s empowerment Cabinet sources further said the establishment of a constitutional court having five judges would be ensured

Political allegiances in Pakistan are being tested

ATrump or Harris: No respite for

day after Hamas unprecedented attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, I penned an article titled “Hamas Stunted Israel,” in which I warned that the Israeli response would be robust devastating and exemplary I predicted that once the conflict began it would not subside quickly For Israel a full-scale assault on Hamas would significantly endanger Palestinian civilians, leading to a global backlash against civilian casualties This conflict was likely to escalate into multiple fronts involving Hamas Fatah Hezbollah and even Israel s own Arab citizens Given the historical context of the Palestine-Israel conflict the impotence and vulnerabilities of the Muslim world their dependence on the USA, and some knowledge of Middle Eastern politics, this outcome seemed inevitable Ironically, while three of the five major superpowers support Israel in its military actions resulting in indiscriminate violence against Palestinians the remaining superpowers issue rhetoric and call for a permanent ceasefire without applying any tangible pressure through kinetic economic trade or investment measures This has emboldened Israel to continue its pursuit of Palestinians and those supporting or facilitating them particularly in the Middle East but also globally with total impunity Amid this crisis global attention has shifted to a fundamental question that could reshape international dynamics: Who will be the next President of the USA? Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have notably different approaches to the Israel-Gaza conflict and the broader West Bank situation yet the ultimate outcomes might appear similar Kamala Harris supports Israel s right to self-defense particularly in response to the Hamas attacks on October 7 2023 which resulted in significant Israeli civilian casualties She also acknowledges the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and has called for a ceasefire, emphasizing that how Israel conducts its defense is crucial Despite increasing calls from progressive factions Harris has not proposed conditioning U S military aid to Israel She remains committed to working towards a two-state solution that ensures self-determination for both Israelis and Palestinians However, the fate of this stance may mirror the situation in Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) where India has integrated the disputed territory with mainland India effectively imprisoning its 12 million residents and stripping them of basic rights The outcome for IIOJ&K and the IsraeliPalestinian conflict may thus become historical examples of larger powers overpowering and subsuming smaller, weaker entities, leading to their

enhancing the quality of life for residents These developments are not only making cities more attractive for investors but also fostering a more vibrant economy Maintaining macro-economic stability is crucial for fostering economic growth, and the current government has made strides in this area Efforts to manage inflation stabilize the currency and control fiscal deficits have been at the forefront of economic policy The government has also been working on enhancing revenue generation through improved tax collection mechanisms, which is vital for reducing the reliance on external borrowing and ensuring fiscal sustainability

In addition the government has implemented measures to address external debt concerns and build foreign exchange reserves This has contributed to greater confidence among investors and international financial institutions

eventual marginalization and extinction Donald Trump is even more clear and determined to end Palestine from the world map offering nearunconditional support for Israel in its killing spree without providing any solution no matter how trivial and impractical When he was the president his record spoke for itself He moved the U S embassy to Jerusalem, recognized Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights and withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal actions that showcased his alignment with Israeli right-wing policies He even criticized Harris as being anti-Israel positioning himself as the stronger defender of Israel without any notable concerns for Palestinian humanitarian issues One thing is common in both of them, neither has shown a willingness to leverage U S influence to pressure Israel into stopping the ongoing military operations in Gaza The other two superpowers China and Russia which have positioned themselves as maintaining independent stances on global conflicts, advocate for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict but do so without exerting significant influence China, while supporting Palestinian statehood in international forums also aims to build economic ties with both Israel and Palestine balancing its interests in the region Russia s position is somewhat similar to China s in that it supports a two-state solution and has historically maintained a relationship with both Israel and the Palestinian territories Russia has also been involved in peace negotiations and has sought to position itself as a mediator in the conflict but again without having any appetite for kinetic economic or financial commitments The European Union is a strong proponent of a negotiated two-state solution and has been critical of actions that it views as undermining

The writer tweets at @asad355 O p t i m i s t i c h o r i z o n s : H o w t h e c u r r e n t g o

The improved economic indicators, such as increased foreign direct investment (FDI) and a more stable exchange rate reflect the positive impact of these policies

Investing in human capital is another area where the current government is making a positive impact Education and skills development programs are being prioritized to equip the workforce with the necessary skills for a modern economy The emphasis on vocational training and higher education is helping to address the skills gap and prepare a new generation of professionals who can contribute to various sectors of the economy Furthermore, the government’s focus on healthcare and social welfare programs is enhancing the overall quality of life and productivity of the population By improving access to healthcare services and social support systems the government is laying the groundwork for a healthier and more productive workforce

Strengthening regional and international relations is also a key aspect of the current government’s economic strategy By fostering closer ties with neighboring countries and participating in regional trade agreements Pakistan is expanding its trade opportunities and integrating more effectively into the global economy Diplomatic efforts to resolve regional conflicts and promote stability contribute to a more favorable environment for economic growth

In conclusion while challenges remain the current government s strategic focus on structural reforms economic diversification infrastructure development macro-economic stability, human capital development, and international relations is laying a solid foundation for a positive economic trajectory The proactive measures and policies implemented are creating an environment that fosters growth attracts investment and enhances overall economic stability As Pakistan continues to implement these strategies, there is a growing sense of optimism about the country s economic future, with the potential for sustained growth and development on the horizon

Strengthening regional and international relations is also a key aspect of the current governmentÊs economic strategy By fostering closer ties with neighboring countries and par ticipating in regional trade agreements, Pakistan is expanding its trade oppor tunities and integrating more effectively into the global economy Diplomatic effor ts to resolve regional conflicts and promote stability contribute to a more favorable environment for economic growth

Streamlining Universit y admissions

The complexit y of China-North Korea relations

TH E relationship between China and North Korea is a multifaceted and deeply complex one shaped by an intricate web of historical, ideological and strategic imperatives Understanding this relationship requires a careful examination of the geopolitical factors that influence both nations’ policies toward each other and the broader international context in which they operate The China-North Korea relationship is rooted in shared ideological foundations, dating back to the Cold War era Both nations were part of the communist bloc, united by a common Marxist-Leninist ideology During the Korean War (1950–1953) China played a critical role in supporting North Korea against the United States and South Korea This historical solidarity created a sense of camaraderie between the two nations that has persisted despite evolving political and economic circumstances The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Korean Workers’ Party (KWP) share a mutual commitment to maintaining their respective political systems both rooted in single-party rule North Korea s Juche ideology an autarkic interpretation of socialism that emphasizes self-reliance also has ideological affinities with China’s state-centric economic model, especially during Mao Zedong’s era Over time however their economic and political systems have diverged significantly with China embracing market-oriented reforms under Deng Xiaoping, while North Korea remained economically isolated Nevertheless, the ideological bond between the two countries continues to shape their relationship as both regimes prioritize political stability and resist external pressure to democratize The Korean Peninsula holds immense strategic importance for China, given its geographical proximity and the security risks associated with instability in the region Bei-

jing is acutely aware of the delicate balance of power in Northeast Asia where any shift could have far-reaching consequences for regional stability The peninsula is situated at the intersection of several major powers, including the United States, Japan, Russia and China, making it a geopolitical flashpoint For China the stability of North Korea is crucial not only for maintaining regional peace but also for preserving its own influence in Northeast Asia A destabilized Korean Peninsula would pose significant challenges for Beijing, including the risk of a humanitarian crisis spilling over its borders and the possibility of a U S -aligned unified Korea Such an outcome would bring American military forces closer to China s borders undermining Beijing s security interests Therefore while China has supported international efforts to curb North Korea s nuclear ambitions, it remains deeply committed to preventing the collapse of the regime in Pyongyang One of China’s foremost strategic concerns regarding North Korea is the risk of nuclear conflict on the Korean Peninsula North Korea s pursuit of nuclear weapons has long been a source of tension in the region, drawing condemnation from the international community and resulting in numerous sanctions against Pyongyang For Beijing a nuclear war on the peninsula would have catastrophic consequences not only for North Korea but for China and the entire region Such a conflict could lead to massive destruction, regional destabilization and a severe humanitarian crisis that would directly affect China A nuclear exchange could also draw in other major powers particularly the United States and its allies further complicating the global security landscape The presence of U S military forces in South Korea and Japan, combined with Washington s security commitments to

its East Asian allies has already heightened tensions in the region A nuclear conflict would exacerbate these tensions and could escalate into a broader confrontation between China and the West Thus, China has a vested interest in preventing any escalation of the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula However Beijing faces a significant dilemma While it wants to curb North Korea s nuclear ambitions it must do so without pushing Pyongyang toward collapse The implosion of the North Korean regime would likely result in a refugee crisis along China’s borders, as well as the potential unification of the peninsula under a pro-U S government Such a scenario would severely undermine China s strategic position in Northeast Asia leaving it with a far less favorable security environment

To prevent such a collapse, China provides substantial economic and diplomatic support to North Korea Despite international sanctions and Pyongyang’s frequent provocations Beijing continues to offer North Korea lifelines in the form of trade food aid and energy supplies This support is essential for sustaining the North Korean economy, which has been severely strained by sanctions and mismanagement China’s economic assistance is also a means of maintaining leverage over North Korea ensuring that Pyongyang remains dependent on Beijing for its survival This economic dependence allows China to exert influence over North Korea s policies, particularly in areas where Pyongyang’s actions could destabilize the region Diplomatically, China has often acted as a mediator between North Korea and the international community particularly through its participation in the SixParty Talks aimed at denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula While these talks have yielded limited results, Beijing s role as a

mediator underscores its commitment to preventing the isolation of North Korea China believes that isolating Pyongyang entirely could push the regime toward more aggressive and unpredictable behavior, further destabilizing the region Despite China’s efforts to manage North Korea’s behavior the relationship between the two countries is often fraught with tension North Korea s frequent missile tests nuclear advancements and belligerent rhetoric have undermined Beijing s broader strategic goals in the region Pyongyang s actions contributing to regional insecurity and have prompted South Korea and Japan to strengthen their defense capabilities leading to an arms race in Northeast Asia Moreover North Korea s provocations have led to a stronger U S military presence in the region, as Washington reinforces its security commitments to its East Asian allies This increased U S presence is undesirable for China, as it threatens to undermine Beijing’s influence and security in the region Thus North Korea s actions often complicate China s efforts to maintain regional stability and navigate its broader strategic interests At the same time, North Korea s economic dependence on China creates a delicate balancing act for Beijing While China needs to support the regime to prevent its collapse it also must curb Pyongyang s more destabilizing actions Beijing is particularly concerned that North Korea s continued pursuit of nuclear weapons could trigger a military response from the United States or its allies, leading to a broader conflict that would engulf the region China’s relationship with North Korea must also be understood in the context of its broader strategic interests particularly

Ês nu cl e a r a m b i t i o n s a n d p rovo c a t i v e b e h av i o r. A t t h e s a m e t i m e , C h i n a Ês b ro a

‘People must realise that realit y is not what is shown on T V’

In an engrossing interac tion, eminent author, public intellec tual and ac tivist Arundhati Roy discussed a range of issues with KS Ranjith, Chief Editor of Chintha Publishers The inter view appeared in the Onam special issue of D eshabhimani Weekly

The collusion of the mainstream media with this regime has drawn a screen over the real situation our countr y is in

I also feel that it ’s so impor tant that the Mar xist Par t y and the Congress par t y take turns in running the state KS RANJITH N

1 Let us start with a question in connection with your Kerala background I was born in Shillong But my parents my father was Bengali were divorced when I was less than three I spent my childhood in Kerala I used to speak, read and write fluent Malayalam Most of all I am so proud of how it has withstood what has happened in the rest of the country this wave of Hindu supremacism that has swept over us We are such a proud people We cannot fall prey to the utter stupidity of fascism

2 Normally, the upper-class Christian families in central Travancore are upholding very orthodox social and political values But we all know about your mother s fight against the patriarchal family system and how it revolutionised the Christian women’s status Does this ignite the political and activist in you?

Almost everything about me, personally as well as politically, everything about me as a writer has been formed by growing up in the Syrian Christian community while being reminded by them all the time that we my brother and I were not pure Syrian Christian and were outsiders It was rough stuff

3 The institution of family is normalising and legalising almost all the traditional values in the society It’s a mechanism or medium of extending the status quo But we rarely see sharp criticisms against this institution Why?

I am so glad you asked this question It is something I think about all the time the valorization of the family that comes at us from every direction In movies, in literature, in the media, on TV, in the social media and in real life of course It disturbs me greatly As you can tell from my books so far (and as you will see from what is still to come) in The God of Small Things but most especially in The Ministry of Utmost Happiness – the idea of the family is questioned deeply, radically It is the most conservative prism through which to view things, it deepens stereotypes, it justifies all kinds of selfishness in the name of parental unselfishness

4 Seeking jobs and opportunities, Keralites will reach any place on this planet This is specifically true about the people from central Travancore As a person coming from this place, you might have noticed this Do you align with this thought?

I absolutely do And even though I have in the past been accused of being a critic of the Marxist party I am actually for the most part an admirer All those reforms have made Kerala not just a unique place in India but in the whole world There are many, many things we need to worry about still, but we must give credit where it is due What I feel is that the education to which Christians too have contributed a great deal and land reforms and political awareness have made all Malayalis regardless of what party they belong to a little Marxist Nobody can mess around with them That is why I also feel that it s so important that the Marxist Party and the Congress party take turns in running the state They must respect each other and still fight each other It’s not easy But it has to be so That way

we avoid what happened in West Bengal to the Marxist party Those forty years of continuous power is what finished off the CPM in Bengal and allowed the BJP in A healthy opposition is so important We need it in order to prevent the fascists from sliding through the cracks If either the Marxist or the Congress Party starts to dissipate because they have spent too many years in power or too many years out of it fascists will creep in And once they are in they will move fast

5 Historically, Kerala civic society is very much political We can see serious political discussion in tea shops and barber shops and each and every nook and corner in our countryside Presence of active student politics in the campuses is another thing But with the penetration of capital the sociology of Kerala is changing And it reflects in the political landscape also Younger generation is not much concerned about political or social issues How do you see this?

I am surprised to hear you say that the younger generation is not politically aware in Kerala I had the opposite impression But you know better than me for sure If what you say is true then we are in trouble Big trouble The religious and social composition of the population in Kerala and their relationship with each other is, when compared to the rest of India, unique If that gets corroded by greed and idiocy, we are looking at disaster The BJP and its corporate friends will seize every opportunity to pit communities castes religions against each other It will blackmail people with threats of ED This includes religious leaders To get a toe-hold into Kerala it needs the Christians So, while the goons of this regime are burning churches and smashing Jesus statues in the rest of India look at Manipur, Chhattisgarh Gujarat they are wooing or armtwisting Christians in Kerala Over the past few years there have been hundreds of attacks on churches People must understand It will be the greatest irony and the greatest betrayal of Christianity itself if the Syrian Christians of Kerala become the ones to invite Hindu Supremacists into Kerala When I hear certain priests and bishops praising or doing deals with the BJP my jaw drops at their short-sightedness

6 There is a stark difference in human living indices in north Indian states and south Indian states And currently, a discussion is going on linking the BJP’s poor performance in south Indian states with this factor As a person living in North India and having roots in South, what is your opinion?

My opinion is that the strong sense of peoples’ political awareness of their own rights has kept them out of the South so far Also in places like Tamil Nadu a long history of anti-caste struggles have made people aware of what Hindu Nationalism actually is It’s nothing but a Trojan Horse to smuggle in and continue to uphold caste supremacy I feel that the collusion of the mainstream media with this regime has drawn a screen over the real situation our country is in When it is all finally unmasked we are going to see the level of devastation the economy is in shambles Health care and education are in crisis Every tiny move towards social justice has been reversed Poor Dalit and OBC students are being pushed out of the education system Health care is completely unaffordable Going to most private hospitals is its own special form of hell where doctors are there to loot and rob you not cure you Our

Constitution has for all practical purposes already been set aside unofficially The new criminal laws are a declared permanent Emergency We live in a police state Every institution has been hollowed out to see the state of universities is particularly heartbreaking Those universities Delhi University JNU they were legendary places now it s all being turned to dust by a regime that hates intellectuals hates science hates all forms of intelligence the intelligence of farmers, weavers, musicians, writers every form of intelligence is seen as a threat But today the fake news industry is making it all seem otherwise However now that the complete totalitarian control is gone the scandals are coming out each worse than the next So as a Malayali who lives in Delhi when I come to Kerala I want to stop each person on the street and describe the horrors of the North and say, You must do everything possible to prevent that happening here ”

7 Quite unexpectedly rural people from UP rejected the BJP in this election At the same time, for the first time BJP opened its account here in Kerala How do you see this?

It took a long time for people in UP to realize that their own reality is what counts and not what they see on TV Their own hunger, their own joblessness, their own malnutrition Not the ‘reality’ that corporate owned TV channels sell them But the main thing is that people realized that the idea of a Hindu majority is a scam it s a way for privileged-caste people to hold on to wealth and power while making the very people they oppress vote for their own oppression Big swathes of the population of Dalits and OBCs saw through this finally That is what lead to the seismic shift We have to hope that it holds Middle-class people in Kerala ought to travel to BJP ruled states to see what life is like there even for middle class people I mean every bridge road tunnel and airport and even temple they build seems to have a life span of two years its insane what is going on The NEET scam all centred in Gujarat All the chief honchos of the scams seem to be pals of the BJP Also it is extremely disturbing that so many men accused of sexual assault and rape are connected to the current regime loosely or directly Once that ideology of religious chauvinism moves into

Dr MuhaMMaD akraM Zaheer



The Indus Hospital & Health Network s (IHHN) youth empowerment initiative, Meer e Karwan Tum Ho, has once again galvanized Pakistan’s youth in its mission to drive positive societal change This year under the theme Unfiltered Truth: The Real Cost of Nicotine the National Youth Conference tackled one of the most urgent public health challenges: the rise of novel tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, vapes and nicotine patches

This year s conference initiated by VAT brought together an inspiring mix of youth leaders policymakers, and community advocates, all united in their aim to raise awareness about the dangers of nicotine use Through a dynamic series of discussions expert panels and engaging sessions participants explored the intersections of youth

empowerment, public health advocacy and social responsibility

The event commenced with a powerful keynote address by Mr Anees Ahmed Consultant for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids (CTFK) His address underscored the need for immediate action and youth involvement to halt the growing nicotine epidemic particularly among young adults

The conference s first panel titled Social Media and the Evolution of New Nicotine Products, delved into the role that online platforms play in glamorizing harmful products and shaping youth perceptions Experts discussed the need for stricter regulations to curb the spread of misleading content

A key highlight of the day was an interactive session led by Team Muhafiz creator, Mr Imran Azhar He presented the animated episode "Zeher " which portrays young heroes battling a local drug

mafia to protect their community from the dangers of addiction This powerful narrative resonated deeply with the audience emphasizing the role of youth in challenging social injustices and advocating for change

The dialogue continued with a thought-provoking panel titled “Chicken or Egg? Tobacco and Mental Health which explored the complex link between nicotine use and mental well-being The session sparked critical discussions on whether nicotine addiction fuels mental health issues or vice versa

One of the most inspiring moments of the day was the Volunteer Award Ceremony where the unwavering dedication of young individuals working to create tobacco-free communities was recognized Their grassroots efforts have been pivotal in raising awareness and pushing for healthier lifestyles in their localities

Oxford AQA,


University Press (a department of the University of Oxford) and AQA the largest and

exam board in the UK They provide a variety of GCSEs, AS, and A-level qualifications to schools globally OxfordAQA in Pakistan, offers a range of International GCSEs and A Levels, including the three compulsory subjects – Islamiyat Urdu and Pakistan Studies

Fathima Dada Managing Director Education at Oxford University Press commented on this news: We are delighted that The City School will bring the transformative power of OxfordAQA to their students The unique Fair Assessment approach of our international GCSE, AS, and A-level exams, provides all stu-

dents with an equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills

Dr Farzana, Group Chairperson and Founder of The City School Group, remarked that the collaboration is a significant step in expanding their reach to meet the demands of quality education She noted that this collaboration enhances their diverse range of international qualifications offering students the best educational opportunities

Arshad Saeed Husain, Managing Director of Oxford University Press, Pakistan, stated that this strategic partnership will enable OUP to provide high-quality globally recognized qualifications to students in Pakistan preparing them for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century


the coalition government s moves He warned that the amendments would damage the country’s future, accusing the government of orchestrating election fraud and weakening the judici-

ary to protect their interests The PTI leader argued that changes to the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) laws serve to absolve billions of rupees in corruption He also claimed that the current government’s policies including threats to judges and suppressing political parties are increasing political instability He emphasized the need for the public to stand up for their rights and the judiciary The PTI leader announced plans for a peaceful rally and historic protest in Lahore on September 21 in response to these developments

Bilawal makes last ditch effor t to woo Fazl ’s suppor t for constitutional pack age


Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari accompanied by a delegation arrived at the residence of Jamiat Ulema-eIslam (JUI-F) leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman for a second meeting within hours on Monday The meeting is part of ongoing discussions over proposed constitutional amendments Bilawal was warmly received by Maulana Fazlur Rehman The PPP delegation included prominent leaders such as Syed Khurshid Shah, Engineer Naveed Qamar, and Karachi Mayor Murtaza Wahab On the JUI-F side Secretary General Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri Maulana Abdul Wasay Maulana Asad Mahmood, Senator Kamran Murtaza, Mir Usman Badini, and Maulana Misbahuddin were present Earlier in the day Bilawal had a significant meeting with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif at the Prime Minister s House where the two leaders discussed the politi-

cal situation and the PPP chairman briefed the premier on his discussions with Maulana Fazlur Rehman regarding the constitutional amendments The government is preparing to present the much-anticipated constitutional amendments in the next National Assembly session Senator Irfan Siddiqui, leader of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) in the Senate and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee confirmed that a detailed briefing had been given during a three-hour committee meeting earlier in the day Senator Siddiqui mentioned that Maulana Fazlur Rehman did not fundamentally oppose the amendments but had requested more time and assurances regarding the vote count There is no issue with the number game as the required votes are already in place, Irfan Siddiqui stated He further clarified that both houses of parliament are expected to adjourn indefinitely later today with the new session introducing the constitutional amendments once consensus is reached within the

committee The proposed amendments have created a political standoff between the ruling coalition led by PML-N and JUI-F with the latter seeking more clarity before moving forward

The delay in presenting the amendments reflects the government s efforts to ensure political leaders agreement before advancing the legislative process Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s stance while cooperative underscores the importance of a unified approach to passing the amendments

In the midst of this, the role of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has also been under scrutiny, with Senator Siddiqui highlighting that PTI members lack the authority to offer guarantees on the issue This reflects the internal challenges the party is currently facing As the ruling coalition continues its consultations, both the PPP and JUI-F play crucial roles in shaping the future of the constitutional amendments which are expected to bring significant changes to the political landscape

c r u l e a s i t h i g h l i g h t s w r o n g d o i n g H o w e v e r i t s c r e d i b i l i t y a n d e ff e c t i v en e s s i s u n d e r m i n e d w h e n f

High Court (SHC) has strongly criticized the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) for reversing its stance on the ban of X, formerly known as Twitter During a hearing on Monday, SHC Chief Justice Muhammad Shafi Siddiqui expressed dissatisfaction with PTA s change of position after initially following a notification from the Interior Ministry to block the platform The court questioned whether the PTA s actions amounted to professional misconduct or misrepresentation, with the chief justice asking “Who gave you these instructions? Name the person ” reflecting the court s frustration over the conflicting information The deputy attorney general attempted to defend the PTA, attributing the mix-up to case overload and unintentional error However, the court maintained its firm stance,


The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has scheduled a hearing on the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) intra-party election case for September 18, issuing notices to PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar

PML-N, PPP postpone crucial meeting amid disagreements on power-sharing


The sixth meeting between the coordination committees of the PML-N and PPP, aimed at discussing ‘power sharing’ in Punjab was postponed on Monday after PML-N raised concerns over the demands made by PPP in their last meeting Sources indicated that the PML-N showed reluctance in sharing power with the PPP, leading to the delay According to insiders, PPP s committee briefed its leadership on the progress of the negotiations with PML-N It was revealed that the PPP plans to approach the

hinting at possible contempt proceedings and the potential summoning of the PTA chairman for clarification Additionally the PTA s legal team faced scrutiny for providing unsolicited information, with the court noting that one of the PTA s lawyers had previously denied receiving any such instructions regarding the ban The hearing was adjourned until September 24 with the court consolidating PTA s petition with related cases but choosing not to


PML-N again to resume talks and the committees from both parties are expected to meet after the outreach Additionally, the PPP had presented a list of law officers to the PML-N and proposed the formation of district-level committees to coordinate police tasks The party also requested development funds for its winning candidates in Punjab PPP further demanded that each of its candidates who secured over 20 000 votes in the February 8 general elections be allocated Rs250 million in funds Moreover, the party suggested releasing Rs100 million to women elected on reserved seats and appointing PPP representatives to Zakat, Baitul Mal, and market committees across Punjab

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