24-09-6 LHR

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E C L A R I N G that the army has no political agenda nor it supports or opposes any party, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) spokesperson said on Thursday that court-martial proceedings against former spymaster Lt Gen (r) Faiz Hameed were initiated based on concrete evidence following a detailed probe

Addressing a press conference in Rawalpindi, ISPR Director General (DG) Lieutenant General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry said the Pakistan Army had no political agenda as it believed in self-accountability, hinted at the possibility of former prime minister Imran Khan may face a trial under the Army Act in a case

pertaining to former ISI chief Lt General (retd) Faiz Hameed

During a press briefing when journalist asked about the concerns of PTI leadership, Lt-Gen Chaudhry replied: “The matter is sub judice, but I will say that according to military law, if any person uses individuals under the Army Act for their personal objectives the law will take its own course Since the arrest of Gen Faiz Imran Khan has expressed concerns that he might be implicated and also moved the Islamabad High Court, seeking an order to prevent his possible military trial Observers believe that the DG ISPR s calculated remarks suggested that the jailed PTI founder could be implicated in the ongoing court martial proceedings against former ISI chief General Faiz In the 48-minute media briefing, the DG

law was aimed at stopping an upcoming PTI protest

ISPR spoke about Gen Faiz s court-martial as an example of the

military discipline to collude with a political party to undermine the institution of the army after retirement Lt-Gen Chaudhry made it clear that the Pakistan Army is a national institution with no political agenda elaborating that there had been complete consensus within the institution that the army

of the

However, Senator Irfan Siddiqui defended the legislation, stating that it is designed to provide better facilities for peaceful gatherings, not to suppress political expression Federal Minister Azam Nazir Tarar added that the government would allocate specific areas for protests and ensure media coverage at these locations The bill will now move forward for further approval before becoming law

Earlier on Tuesday, the Senate Standing Committee on Interior had approved the bill, titled “Peaceful Assembly and Public Order Bill 2024” and presented by Senator Saleem Mandviwalla PTI to hold rally in Islamabad on Sept 8: Pakistan

Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan had urged the people of the country to attend the party s rally in Islamabad on September 8

He called on supporters to defy any obstacles that might be created to prevent them from participating in the event Talking to reporters during the hearing of the £190 million case inside the Adiala Jail Imran said that he condemned terrorism because it was harming the country

He denied a report that he had directed the party leaders, who had gone into hiding, to resurface

Imran said that the PTI rally in Islamabad would take place as per schedule

Now there will be a gathering in Islamabad on September 8 I am asking the entire nation to come out on September 8 Do not tolerate any obstruction on that day, he said g

The news on the expor ts front continues to be positive

TH E Shehbaz Sharif government would badly like to claim that the good news of the continued rise in exports was due to its expert economic handling, but the truth is that exports are one of the factors that governments do not control The most that can be done is to prevent government policies actually discouraging exports The exports are increasing because the wave of inflation in the world seems to be coming to an end As a result, there has been enough of an increase in demand for there to be an increase in international orders, which is one reason for the rise in exports Another reason is supposed to be the stability of the exchange rate That has been helpful to both exporters and their customers abroad in determining prices The improvement in exports means that downward pressure on the rupee would be less and thus it would be possible to maintain price stability Of importance is the fact that August imports did not just grow over August last year, but over this May At this point, exports are on a positive trajectory

However, there should be pause to consider what Pakistan sells to the world It has to buy fuel, edible oil and pharmaceuticals In return it does not have a monopoly over anything it sells Even in the growth area the government has identified IT it faces a slew of competition Yet the only way it can dig itself out of the hole it is in is by increasing its exports so that it can find the wherewithal to pay off its debts and escape the debt trap it is in It is not enough to export; the government must also extract enough taxes so that it can buy the foreign exchange earned

However at this stage the increase in exports in a positive development and should silence the voices of the sugar lobby, which wants to export a notional surplus, which the Cabinet decided against on Wednesday, overturning a decision of the Economic Coordination Committee The last time sugar was exported, under the PTI government, it ended badly There may be a need for foreign exchange, but it is not so dire that the government need cut off its nose to spite its face There was widespread unrest at the price rise that the sugar shortage caused and price hikes are not something the present government will risk, especially if it is avoidable

Dedicated to the legac y of late Hameed Nizami Arif Nizami (Late)

M A Niazi

After Gaza, the West Bank’s turn?

IS R A E L finds itself fighting a two-front war something that the military textbooks say must be avoided, reflecting its perception that the Palestinians in the West Bank are part of the same problem as Gaza, and must be shaken somehow

The Israeli Defence Force is used to fighting twofront wars In this particular instance it seems that it has achieved superiority in the Gaza Strip and does not face any armed resistance whatsoever in the West Bank However it should be noted that the West Bank is more important to Israel than the Gaza Strip, because of the settlements it has there It is also more populous, with three million people against two million Israel claims that it fears an attack from the West Bank in response to what it is doing in Gaza One major difference is that the Palestinian Authority headed by the PLO rules the West Bank and is cooperating with Israel Even then, Israel has stepped up its raids, with the result that 676 West Bank residents, including 52 children, have been killed, in addition to the 40,700 Gazans killed The number of Gazans killed may indicate one reason why the Israelis have not started mass killings of the Palestinians in the West Bank It is not really feasible to kill all Palestinians Even though that is seemingly being attempted by the IDF in Gaza, it is probably not doable The Palestinian Authority had entertained hopes of being handed over the Gaza Strip it now seems that the IDF has taken on a long-term role and has announced that a governor is to be appointed from its ranks an officer of the rank of brigadier general It may be that the IDF has an eye on the reconstruction contracts, for it is likely that there will be large sums available for Gaza’s reconstruction, and the IDF wants a snout at the trough It is a possibility that Israel might revisit its decision to leave the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians It might want to plant settlements there not just to divide it up the way the West Bank is being divided by highways connecting the settlements, but to implant a friendly element among a hostile population There has been a finding from the International Court of Justice that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza If so what is to stop it from committing one in the West Bank? The difficulty in Gaza should indicate that it is off the table for the West Bank We can brush away the plea that it would be too barbaric After all, if it is possible to try in Gaza, why would it not in the West Bank However, there is also the problem of impunity If Israel is allowed to get away with what it is doing in Gaza which it seems it is Its supporters like the Western powers have continued their support The only pause that Israel has had to face is the fact that the Gaza conflict has apparently led to Israelis leaving the country One of the factors at work is that a lot of Israelis

T h e s p i r i t o f D e f e n c e D a y

have dual citizenship, including with the USA, which does accord this privilege to any other country Therefore, a lot of Israelis have a built-in insurance plan, including sabras (as Israeli-born Israelis are called), based on a second citizenship The result is that Israelis have left in record numbers with half a million leaving in the aftermath of the October 7 attacks Emigration is down as is the number of Israelis abroad who intend to come back This creates further problems for the government, which faces the prospect of a demographic catastrophe The non-Jewish (mostly Arab which is to say Palestinian) population of Israel is growing faster than the Jewish population so unless fresh migration from the rest of the world continues At present Israel has a Jewish majority, about 75 percent Of these, 30 percent are migrants, two-thirds from the West There are 15 7 million Jews worldwide, with about five million in Israel At the time Israel was created there was great enthusiasm to migrate there more because of the Holocaust than anything else Now it seems Israel is committing a holocaust of the Palestinians who were the prior residents of that land Now Israel not only needs to find some way of making those Jews migrate to Israel An official projection, based on pre-October 7 trends and made in 2017 showed Arabs inching up to a 23 percent share from the present 21 percent by 2059 However Israel not only claims to be

Lties had become very clear In those days any danger to the motherland called for unity and unstinted support to the government and the armed forces and it was forthcoming in a very strong and firm manner It is a matter of record that in those 17 days Pakistan was at war with India, crime had been reduced negligibly to the lowest level ever No political party or leader was seen trying to draw any advantage out of the war or berate the government of the day for political or personal gains They were all one and united in the defence of the motherland and defeating the Indian aggressors In all fairness, Pakistan had emerged from the 17 days-long September War with India a strong and self-confident nation genuinely proud of itself and its armed forces The nation had demonstrated utmost unity in its ranks in facing the danger and aggression from India It is quite rightly said and believed that national unity and full and solid support in unquestionable manner to the armed forces in the field is essential for victory in war And this was amply proved during the 1965 War With the unstinted support of the entire nation the armed forces of Pakistan were able to repulse the naked Indian aggression across the international borders forcing her to pay the price for it by capturing four times more territory than what India had occupied and forcing her to accept a ceasefire return

to the negotiating table and to give back each others’ captured territory It was certainly the finest hour of glory of Army Air Force and a day to be always remembered by future generations and paying tributes to the Shuhada and Ghazis of the 17 days war with India We should also be offering tributes and prayers for those officers and jawans of the armed forces who were martyred in action since 1948 in the defence of the ideological and geographical frontiers of the mother including those laying down their lives in the ongoing war against the militants extremists and terrorists to ensure safe and secure Pakistan for the posterity And while we celebrate the Defence of Pakistan Day on September 6 now and every year in future as well with the continued blessings of the Almighty it should also be observed as a thanksgiving day in line with the spirit and national unity demonstrated during the September War and above all petty personal political and other considerations whatsoever We should also be praying for the safety, security and solidarity of Pakistan and also seeking the blessings of the Almighty for continuously granting us the strength courage commitment and determination to continue protecting and safeguarding at all costs and offering all sacrifices the freedom and honour of our Godgiven motherland Pakistan for now and always All of us should be paying to the Shuhada and Ghazis of the September War and reaching out to their families, taking care and thus reiterating that they are not alone and the entire nation is with them in every difficult hour of theirs

The writer is Lahore-based Freelance Journalist Columnist and retired Deputy Controller (News) , Radio Pakistan, Islamabad and can be reached at zahidriffat@gmail com

Embassy policies threaten Pakistani students’ future


SE P T E M B E R 6 is a day of great significance for Pakistan observed annually as Defence Day

This national event commemorates a crucial moment in the country’s history, reflecting on the bravery and sacrifices of its armed forces

On 6 September 1965 began the IndoPakistani War of 1965 Centred largely around the disputed Kashmir region this conflict represented a pivotal point in Pakistan s history Despite significant challenges, Pakistan s military demonstrated remarkable courage and strategic skill particularly during key engagements such as the defence of Lahore The conflict concluded with a UN-mandated ceasefire and was followed by the Tashkent Agreement in January 1966 Defense Day primarily serves to honour the courage and sacrifices of Pakistani soldiers and military personnel during the 1965 war and other significant conflicts Nationwide ceremonies highlight the heroism of those who defended the nation s sovereignty Through tributes such as wreathlaying at war memorials and speeches by military leaders, Pakistan pays tribute to those who died for their country Defence Day is a powerful reminder of the importance of national unity In a diverse nation like Pakistan it acts as a unifying force bringing together people from various backgrounds to celebrate their shared identity and collective resilience Public events, parades, and cultural programmes underscore that national security is a common responsibility fostering solidarity among citizens Additionally Defense Day serves as a platform for showcasing Pakistan s defence capabilities By demonstrating military strength and preparedness Pakistan emphasizes its commitment to regional stability Major cities, particularly Islamabad and Lahore, host impressive military parades featuring soldiers military equipment and aircraft attended by high-ranking officials Various ceremonies honour military personnel with wreath-laying at war memorials and speeches reflecting on the contributions of the armed forces Schools, universities, and communi-

ties organize educational programmes, debates, and cultural performances to mark the day These activities emphasize the significance of national defence

The following day September 7 is observed annually as Air Force Day This day commemorates the role and achievements of the PAF, its contributions to national security and its legacy of excellence Air Force Day not only honours the valour and professionalism of PAF personnel but also underscores the importance of air power September 7 holds special significance in the context of the 1965 War During this conflict the PAF played a vital role in defending the nation against India On this day, the PAF achieved notable victories, including successful air raids and strategic operations that highlighted its effectiveness and resilience A key moment was Operation Grand Slam where the PAF conducted missions to support ground forces and impede enemy advances The PAF s strikes and defensive actions were crucial The PAF s capability to carry out effective air defence operations was instrumental in protecting key locations and infrastructure Air Force Day ceremonies and events recognize the air force s achievements and its role in maintaining national security The day features awards and honours for exceptional service and performance by PAF personnel, reflecting the force’s high standards and commitment Wreath-laying ceremonies at war memorials and memorial services are conducted to honour those who died for the country The following day September 8 is observed as Navy Day, and is dedicated to honouring the contributions and achievements

of the Pakistan Navy, highlighting its crucial role in safeguarding the country’s maritime interests and national security During the 1965 War the Navy undertook strategic operations A key event was Operation Dwarka where the Pakistan Navy executed a successful surprise attack on the Indian port of Dwarka This operation demonstrated the Navy s ability to carry out impactful maritime operations and strike critical targets Throughout the war the Navy played a vital role in securing sea lanes and protecting essential shipping routes contributing significantly to the overall defence strategy Navy Day serves to honour the bravery, dedication, and professionalism of Pakistan Navy personnel It features ceremonies and awards that recognize the exceptional service and valor of Navy personnel Wreath-laying ceremonies at naval memorials and memorial services pay tribute to those who died for the country

Navy Day also provides a platform to showcase advancements in naval technology and the capabilities of the Pakistan Navy It often includes displays of modern naval vessels, equipment and technologies Major events feature the display of naval ships submarines and aircraft highlighting the Navy s technological prowess and operational readiness Navy Day fosters national pride by celebrating the Navy s achievements and contributions Activities such as naval parades, open houses, and educational programmes engage the public and promote awareness of the Navy s role and responsibilities These activities strengthen the bond between the military and the civilian population fostering a greater sense of patriotism Navy Day emphasizes the importance of

These observances honour the services of the armed forces and pay tribute to our mar tyrs, ensuring that the nation stands united and resolute in defending the country The days reinforce the nationÊs commitment to security and defence, rejecting anti-state elements and false propaganda, and demonstrating unwavering suppor t for the armed forces in addressing both internal and external threats

UK betrays Israel

Ially and raises serious questions about the UK s commitment to the values it professes to uphold By suspending 30 arms contracts with Israel, the UK is, in effect, choosing to side with those who would see the only democracy in the Middle East weakened The timing of this decision is particularly jarring Israel is currently engaged in a fierce and morally justified battle against Hamas In this context the UK s decision to freeze arms sales can be seen as a betrayal of both Israel and the shared values that have historically bound the two nations together British Foreign Secretary David Lammy’s justification for the freeze – that it is not a blanket ban but a targeted measure aimed at preventing potential human rights violations – is both disingenuous and dangerous It ignores the reality on the ground, where Israel has gone to extraordinary lengths to minimize civilian casualties, even as Hamas cynically uses Gaza’s civilian population as human shields The UK’s decision based on speculation that British arms might be used improperly is a slap in the face to Israel s sovereign right to defend itself and to the IDF s commitment to adhering to international law

THE IMPLICATION: The implications of this decision extend far beyond the immediate impact on Israel’s military capabilities By freezing arms sales the UK is signaling to the world that it is willing to abandon its allies when the going gets tough This is not just a question of military hardware; it is a question of moral support Israel has

always been on the front lines of the fight against terrorism and extremism, acting as a bulwark against the spread of radical ideologies that threaten not only the Middle East but the entire world By withdrawing its support the UK is undermining not just Israel s security but the security of the free world Moreover this decision raises uncomfortable questions about the UK s broader foreign policy priorities Is the UK now more concerned with appeasing Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood than with supporting a democratic ally that shares its values? Iran after all is the principal backer of Hamas providing financial logistical and military support to a group whose stated goal is the destruction of Israel The Muslim Brotherhood, meanwhile, has long sought to destabilize the region and spread its radical Islamist ideology By freezing arms sales to Israel the UK risks emboldening these forces at a time when they should be firmly opposed Israel is not just another country in the Middle East; it is the region s only true democracy with a robust legal system, free press, and a commitment to human rights that is unparalleled in the region Israel’s struggle against Hamas is not only about defending its borders; it is about defending the values that underpin its society – values that are strikingly similar to those that the UK claims to hold dear By turning its back on Israel the UK is betraying an ally and betraying its own principles The UK s decision to freeze arms sales to Israel is a grave mistake that must be reversed It is a blow to the moral and strategic partnership between the two nations and a gift to the enemies of democracy and freedom Israel will continue its fight against Hamas with or without British arms but the UK must decide whether it wants to stand with its ally or be swayed by the forces of appeasement and moral relativism History will judge this decision, and the UK must ensure that it is on the right side of that judgment

supporting the armed forces and acknowledging their role in national security It also inspires young people to explore careers in the naval and maritime fields Educational programmes outreach efforts and exhibitions offer a glimpse into the lives and duties of Navy personnel motivating the next generation to pursue careers in defence and related areas Schools and community organizations engage in programmes that highlight career opportunities within the Navy and the broader maritime industry helping to spark interest in professions that contribute to national security and defence Major cities, especially Karachi, host naval parades and fleet reviews that showcase ships and submarines These events are attended by high-ranking military and government officials The day also includes wreath-laying ceremonies memorial services and official speeches honouring the contributions of Navy personnel Senior officials deliver speeches reflecting on the Navy s crucial role in national security Public events, such as open houses at naval bases exhibitions and educational programs provide insight into the Navy’s operations and capabilities engaging the community and enhancing awareness of its contributions The Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 was a defining conflict in South Asia, characterized by intense battles and significant sacrifices As Pakistan reflects on its military history the bravery and heroism of its martyrs from the Army Navy and Air Force are particularly notable These individuals made supreme sacrifices during one of the nation s most challenging periods

Among the many heroes, Major Raja Aziz Bhatti stands out as a distinguished officer of the Pakistan Army Commanding the 16 Punjab Regiment Major Bhatti played a pivotal role in defending the Lahore sector particularly the strategically crucial area of Chawinda, which was heavily targeted by Indian forces Despite being outnumbered, his leadership and bravery earned him posthumous recognition Major Bhatti was martyred on September 12 during intense combat and was awarded the Nishan-e-Haider

Another prominent figure was Lt Col Syed Ahmad Sultan who commanded 8 FF Known for his exceptional leadership and strategic acumen, Colonel Sultan played a crucial role in repelling enemy advances and securing vital positions He made the ultimate sacrifice on September 10 in the battle for Chawinda and was posthumously honoured with the Sitara-e-Jurat Lt Cdr Wasim Akram was involved in several significant naval operations and was

companies to supply military parts to Israel Those include components for fighter aircraft helicopters drones and items that facilitate ground targeting Foreign Secretary David Lammy explained to parliament that a government assessment showed there was a clear danger these items could be used by Israel to commit serious violations of international humanitarian law Anyone who has switched on the news over the past 11 months could have told him as much Gaza has become a human rights-free zone where history s first livestreamed genocide is taking place This year, lawyers working for the government issued legal advice on whether Israel was breaking international law A Tory MP, who had seen the document, said she believed that Israel was indeed committing such acts

The details of this legal advice remain a closely guarded secret despite a promise by the Labour Party while in opposition to publish it We can assume however that the analysis made for stark reading as it seems to have finally pushed the Labour government to take action, however inadequate It will no doubt hope that by taking action on the most egregious arms sales it will free itself of liability

And yet the Labour government has been desperate to avoid any perception that it is punishing Israel Monday s announcement was taken with deep regret and the foreign secretary was at pains to make clear this is not an arms embargo in a speech in which he described himself as a liberal, progressive Zionist” The measures are the bare minimum we should expect While 30 licences will be halted 320 are still in force The UK also plays a role in supplying components for the F-35 fighter jets the most lethal fighter aircraft in the world according to its manufacturer The fighters are being used extensively in Gaza, and the government has exempted these products from the new measures

The principal reason appears to be that the UK is under intense pressure from the United States to keep supplying parts Only last week Robert O’Brien an adviser to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump warned of serious consequences under a future administration if the UK enacts an embargo The Labour government and its Tory predecessor have been massively out of step with public opinion, which has, broadly speaking,

abDul basit alvi

K I S TA N N AV Y ’ S R O L E I N 1 9 6 5 WA

Nav y Day : Honoring the Legac y of Operation D wark a and Pak istan's Naval Prowess

tainable development of the blue economy This in-

and innovation A fleet of seven ships comprising PNS Babur PNS Khaibar PNS Badr PNS Jahangir PNS Alamgir PNS Shah Jahan and PNS Tipu Sultan and submarine PNS/M Ghazi launched a night-time raid that severely damaged Indian infrastructure and installations The success of Operation Dwarka was not only a strategic victory but also a powerful demonstration of Pakistan Navy's capability to conduct complex operations far from its base

Several key figures played pivotal roles in Operation Dwarka Commodore S M Anwar the commander of the operation, exhibited exceptional leadership and tactical acumen His decisions during the operation showcased the high level of professionalism and skill within Pakistan Navy The operation’s success was a di-

rect result of his strategic foresight and the bravery of the naval personnel involved The submarine PNS/M GHAZI played a crucial role in the operation highlighting the importance of submarine warfare in modern naval strategy

Operation Dwarka had a profound impact on naval tactics and strategies, not just for Pakistan but for naval warfare globally The operation demonstrated the effectiveness of combining surprise tactics withtechnological innovation It also underscored the importance of naval power in achieving strategic objectives and disrupting enemy operations

The lessons learned from Operation Dwarka influenced subsequent naval strategies and tactics, contributing to the evolution of naval warfare The operation is often cited in military studies as an example of effective use of limited resources to achieve significant results

As we reflect on the past Navy Day serves as a reminder of Pakistan Navy s ongoing commitment to maritime security and regional cooperation In recent years the Navy has evolved, embracing modern technologies and expanding its role in several key areas

Pakistan Navy has showcased its global humanitarian commitment through notable HADR missions In response to the devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkey in early 2023 Pakistan Navy mobilized resources to provide critical assistance Thisincluded deploying medical teams, relief supplies, and specialized equipment to aid earthquake victims, demonstrating the Navy's capability and willingness to support international humanitarian efforts

The Navy is actively involved in promoting the sus-

cludes protecting marine environments promoting sustainable fishing and ensuring responsible use of maritime resources The Navy collaborates with stakeholders to address illegal fishing and marine pollution contributing to the conservation of marine biodiversity Additionally, Pakistan Navy engages in mangrove farming as part of broader environmental conservation efforts In collaboration with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) the Navy has participated in planting seven million mangrove plants which are crucial for ecological balance and offer economic benefits through coastal protection

Naval diplomacy is a cornerstone of Pakistan Navy's international engagement The bi-annual Exercise AMAN is a key example with AMAN 2023 hosting 50 countries enhancing multinational cooperation in maritime security Additionally Pakistan Navy is presently commanding Combined Task Force (CTF) 150 under the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF), focusing on countering illicit maritime activities, including piracy and drug trafficking This underscores the Navy’s role in maintaining regional stability and global maritime security

On the operational end Pakistan Navy has invested heavily in increasing itsNaval prowess through acquiring Ships and Submarines Pakistan Navy has added Babur-class Frigates in joint cooperation with Turkey as well as Yarmook-class OPVs in joint cooperation with Romania Lastly, Hangor-class submarines are being built in joint efforts between Pakistan and China

Snavigate the heavens wielding cutting-edge precision and stealth redefining the very nature of modern warfare This seamless fusion of man and machine captivates the imagination, heralding a new era of strategic prowess that not only fortifies national integrity but also delivers a resounding message to any adversary bold enough to challenge the skies 1Training and development are at the core of PAF s spirit The investment in human capital has ensured that PAF personnel are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in an ever-

evolving environment Rigorous training programmes have instilled a sense of duty and honour, fostering a culture where courage and sacrifice are deeply respected Similarly PAF’s participation in international exercises and the performance of its air and ground crews on the international arena has further exemplified its dedication to collaboration and peacekeeping, showcasing its capabilities on the global stage in addition to its military responsibilities, Pakistan Air Force has played a vital role in nation-building efforts providing disaster relief during floods and earthquakes extinguishing wildfires and conducting emergency medical evacuations The establishment of the national Aerospace Science and Technology Park has further underscored PAF's commitment to fostering industry- academia linkages, driving innovation and contributing to the nation s development national Aerospace Science & Technology Park (nASTP) is being spearheaded by PAF as the project of strategic national importance that is bringing in highly qualified PAF HR as well as talented youth from across the country in design, research, innovation and development centers being established at the national level in Kamra Rawalpindi Karachi and Lahore as well as top ranked universities & institutions across the country The project has led to the development of an ecosystem for aerospace and niche technology domains thus ensuring an enabling environment for home grown technology and tech enterprises

strategy for Sep 8th rally

Gandapur, the party convened a consultative meeting to finalise preparations During the meeting, party members were instructed to mobilize at least 1 000 people each for the rally PTI has committed to covering travel expenses for participants and stressed the importance of holding the event despite any potential challenges The rally initially facing potential obstacles is now confirmed to proceed PTI members from both the National and Provincial Assemblies are expected to lead the caravans to the rally site In related news PTI spokesperson Rauf Hassan reported promising progress in recent negotiations with Muqtadara The originally scheduled August 22 meeting was postponed due to the establishment s intervention, aimed at preventing clashes amid heightened tension involving religious parties and ongoing Supreme Court proceedings This postponement allowed for the issuance of the No Objection Certificate (NOC) for the September 8 rally Hassan emphasized that PTI is working to advance the breakthrough with Muqtadara and is committed to initiating comprehensive dialogues to address the country s issues However, PTI remains resolute in its stance of not engaging in negotiations with political parties such as PML-N MQM and PPP Instead PTI has tasked Mehmood Achakzai with engaging these parties and presenting a proposal for potential collaboration Once Achakzai submits his proposal, PTI will evaluate the next steps This strategic preparation underscores PTI s determination to sustain its political momentum while navigating the complex landscape of Pakistani politics

‘Pak istan welcomes Turk iye’s cooperation in war on terror ’


Interior Minister Syed Mohsin Naqvi expressed Pakistan s readiness to welcome Türkiye s cooperation in the ongoing fight against terrorism during a meeting with Türkiye s Ambassador to Pakistan Mehmet

Paçacı, at the Ministry of Interior on Thursday

Naqvi highlighted the strong ties between the two nations, emphasizing that for Pakistanis, Türkiye feels like a second home He acknowledged the immense sacrifices Pakistan has made in the war on terrorism commending the bravery and dedication of the country s military police Rangers and other law enforcement agencies

Our personnel and officers have made history by sacrificing their lives in the fight against terrorism,” Naqvi remarked

The interior minister also praised Ambassador Paçacı s efforts to further strengthen the relationship between Pakistan and Türkiye He announced plans to visit Türkiye in October at the invitation of the Turkish government Ambassador Paçacı strongly condemned the recent terrorist incidents in Balochistan and, on behalf of his government assured Pakistan of Türkiye’s full support and collaboration in the fight against terrorism

Both Naqvi and Paçacı also discussed plans to increase the number of flights between the two countries, further enhancing bilateral ties


Incarcerated Pakistan Tehreek-eInsaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan on Thursday reiterated his resolve to resist the "forces of tyranny," even if it means dying in prison, saying he would prefer death in prison to bowing to the modern-day Yazid

I am being told to explain how I dared to stand up to the powerful but let me make it clear that I would rather die in prison than bow to the modern-day Yazid," PTI founder Imran said in informal talks with mediamen at Adiala Jail

The PTI founder said that the

country was on the brink of revolution suggesting that the result of February 8 elections should have been a wake-up call for those in power

Criticised the country s decision-makers, he claimed that they lacked wisdom and were leading the country into turmoil

He also expressed his concerns about the state of Pakistani cricket describing recent developments including Bangladesh s win over Pakistan, as disastrous He accused the authorities of making decisions without accountability and prioritising personal interests

Further on he condemned the treatment of his wife Bushra Bibi

who has been in jail for seven months claiming it was a means to teach him a lesson for standing up to the powerful The former prime minister also commented on the ongoing crisis in Balochistan, calling for local body elections instead of appointing figureheads as a solution to the province's issues

He criticised the allocation of resources arguing that money intended for the province rarely reaches those in need

Additionally, he called for dialogue to address the issue of terrorism arguing that solutions should involve intelligence dialogue and if necessary military operations

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