Epaper_24-08-12 ISB

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LAHORE S TA F F R E P O R T Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif has reaffirmed the government s commitment to safeguarding the rights of minorities as enshrined in the 1973 Constitution

Addressing a gathering at the Pakistan Muslim League (N) Secretariat here on Sunday on Minorities Day the Prime Minister emphasized the significance of August 11 as this date commemorates Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah s historic speech advocating equal rights for all citizens, irrespective of their religion In his address Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif welcomed minority representatives and military officers, highlighting the diverse makeup of the nation He reiterated that Quaid-e-Azam had envisioned a Pakistan where

norities’ rights their lives and their properties as well as the maintenance and enhancement of their sacred religious sites



Chinese company to establish solar panel manufac turing plant in Punjab

The Minister also announced that a “Garment City” is under construction on 650 acres in Quaid Azam Business Park Sheikhupura which will be powered by solar energy He reiterated the government s commitment to providing affordable electricity to homes and institutions across the

or through installment plans


Kashmir leaders vow to continue struggle at Sheikh Abdul A ziz tribute seminar

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) Azad Jammu and Kashmir chapter, in collaboration with the Kashmir Liberation Cell, organized a seminar at Kashmir House in Islamabad on Sunday to pay tribute to the prominent martyred liberation leader Sheikh Abdul Aziz on his martyrdom anniversary The seminar was presided over by APHC-AJK Convener Ghulam Muhammad Safi

Prominent attendees included the opposition leader in Azad Jammu and Kashmir Khawaja Farooq former Amir of Jamaat-e-Islami Azad Jammu and Kashmir Abdul Rashid Turabi Pakistan Peoples Party leader Chaudhry Yasin Azad Kashmir Minister Sardar Javed Ayub, Muslim League Vice President Dr Najeeb, and senior APHC-AJK leaders including Mehmood Ahmad Saghar General Secretary Advocate Parvez Ahmed and Information Secretary Mushtaq Ahmed Butt Other participants included Altaf Hussain Wani, Syed Faiz Naqshbandi, Muhammad Hussain Khateeb, Muhammad Rafiq Dar, Ijaz Rah-

mani, Sheikh Abdul Mateen, Raja Khadim Hussain, Hasan Al-Bana, Imtiaz Wani Haji Muhammad Sultan Zahid Ashraf Zahid Safi Zahid Mujtaba Engineer Mushtaq Mehmood Sheikh Abdul Majid Ashraf Dar Syed Gulshan Adeel Mushtaq, Khan Afsar Khan, Najibullah Ghafoor, Raies Mir, Abdul Hameed Lone, Sanaullah Dar, Abdul Majeed Mir, Malik Ghulam Hasan Khurshid Mir Malik Aslam Bashir Usmani Ataullah Abdul Rashid Atiq-ul-Rasool Shahzad Afsar Khan Sardar Asim and Abuzar Addressing the seminar, the speak-

ers emphasized that the struggle and sacrifices of Sheikh Abdul Aziz are a significant and unforgettable chapter in the history of Jammu and Kashmir They asserted that the people of Kashmir would continue the martyred leader s mission until achieving the right to self-determination vowing to make every necessary sacrifice to attain this goal Highlighting Sheikh Abdul Aziz’s contributions, the speakers described him as an honest and trustworthy leader who resisted India s illegal occupation until his last breath They stressed that the best way to honor Sheikh Abdul Aziz and other martyrs is to carry their mission to its logical conclusion, no matter the cost The speakers also condemned the abrogation of Article 370 stating that its main purpose is to convert the Muslim majority into a minority in occupied Jammu and Kashmir They urged India to recognize the disputed status of the territory, fulfill its promises to the international community and the Kashmiris, repeal the black laws in the occupied territory release all illegally detained political prisoners and grant the Kashmiris their birthright to self-determination


MESSAGE: On Minorities Day President Asif Ali Zardari reaffirmed the country s commitment to protect the rights and religious freedoms of minorities, urging the promotion of interfaith harmony across the nation "On this day we reaffirm our commitment to the promise made by Quaide-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah on August 11 1947 to the country s minorities to protect their rights and religious freedoms," said the president in a message shared on the occasion President Zardari maintained that Islam too fully recognises and advocates the protection of the rights of minorities I am glad to say that Pakistan has taken a number of steps for the political, social and economic empowerment of minorities," he added He went to add that the government


The Prime Minister also recognized the historical challenges faced by minorities in Pakistan emphasizing the need for ongoing efforts by both federal and provincial governments to ensure their security and protection He reassured the minority communities that the government is committed to addressing their concerns and improving their quality of life He reiterated the PML-N’s longstanding support for minority rights stating that the party under the leadership of Nawaz Sharif has always advocated for the inclusion and protection of minorities He con-

has allocated a 5% quota for minorities for jobs and separate seats in both houses of the Parliament to encourage them to play an effective role in the political and national development of the country Additionally President Zardari said steps are being taken to provide financial assistance to poor and deserving individuals marriage grants scholarships to students from minority communities for their education, besides the provision of funds for the repair/maintenance of their worship places He said Pakistan was committed to ensuring the protection of religious social political and economic rights of its minorities adding that every Pakistani has the right to live according to their faith, irrespective of their religion, caste, colour or creed

MUNITIES: On Minorities Day InterServices Public Relations (ISPR) director general in a statement release

said Chairman Joint Chief of Staff Committee (CJCSC) and Services Chiefs congratulated to the minority communities of Pakistan Armed Forces on the National Day of Minorities The Pakistan Armed Forces leadership in a statement said the contribution of the minority community in the development and prosperity of the nation cannot be forgotten and today is the day of diversity, inclusiveness and coexis-

cluded by reaffirming the government’s dedication to upholding the vision of Quaid-e-Azam and ensuring that minorities continue to play an integral role in the nation s future Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Attaullah Tarar, Federal Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Ch Salik Hussain also spoke Federal Minister for Law and Justice Azam Nazir Tarar senior PML-N leader Khawaja Saad Rafique and other federal and provincial ministers, parliamentarians,


It ’s about the burden of c apacit y payments, not the

TH E government’s decision to terminate the contracts of six Independent Power Producers immediately, and that of another nine over the next three to five years is not as macho as it would like it to seem, but the consumer will take whatever relief it gives them Someone seems to have remembered that all these agreements were on BOOT (build, own, operate, transfer) basis spread over a certain time frame and it was time to enter the last phase of the contract, which was to transfer the plant to WAPDA That is the reason why the majority of IPPs will not have their contracts terminated: they will be ended only when they duly expire The capacity charges are now explained: they represent the return on investment Now the original investment made has been returned, it is time that these companies hand WAPDA the plants As these plants come out of the contract, theory will no longer attract capacity charges, but will only charge the distribution companies for the units they actually sell

The passing of these IPPs into the private sector will raise three major issues Are the companies to remain as such and pass into the hands of the Generation Company they are allotted to, or are the companies to be dissolved and the assets (the power stations) alone to be transferred? What is the price of the electricity they generate? Are the plants to be privatized individually, or only as part of the GENCO they will presumably be allocated to? Presumably the government has answers But it has not shared them with the public as yet And the public is interested; it affects their bill after all

The government seems to v have m0ved t0 IPPs after it has dealt with the task of getting the budget passed and the OMF package approved Now it seems to have moved on to the task of getting the electricity tariff down It seems to realize that it is far too high for comfort

Dedicated to the legac y of late Hameed Nizami Arif Nizami (Late)

M A Niazi Editor Pakistan Today Babar Nizami

in general and in addition to the inflation related requirements also follow policy rate movements in advanced countries This, although a wrong policy choice, given the highly volatile nature of FPI, should not be targeted especially when keeping the policy rate high means significant economic growth sacrifice Instead foreign direct investment (FDI) should be attracted through lower cost of capital improving the economic institutional quality, and enhancing the quality of regulation for reaching better price discovery in markets On the other hand high policy rate in developed countries also impacts the debt repayment distress of developing countries; a number of which including Pakistan are under high debt distress The Task Force on Climate Development and the International Monetary Fund in its report ‘Achieving catalytic impact with the Resilience and Sustainability Trust [RST]’, which it released recently pointed out with regard to rising cost of IMF loans as Figure 1 shows how the SDR rate has escalated over the last two years thereby amplifying RST borrowing costs A higher policy rate also means a higher special drawing rights (SDR) interest rate, which as per the report above, from being very close to zero percent during the fourth quarter of 2022 jumped to four percent during the later part of 2023; the third quarter to be precise Moreover lack of loosening of monetary policy or in other words pursuing an over-board

Reserve – need to move quickly to head off the risks of serious economic deterioration It’s already clear that the Fed made a mistake by not cutting rates last week; indeed, it probably should have begun cutting months ago [The US Federal Reserve] should make a substantial cut –probably half a percentage point rather than its usual quarter-point – at its next meeting scheduled for mid-September The policy rate decision in advanced countries, especially in the world’s biggest economy, the USA not only impacts its own economy but central banks around the world take a cue from it This is mainly because of the competition for foreign portfolio investment (FPI) whereby central banks

i n g i n t o r e c e s s i o n I n s t e a d , w h a t i s n e e d e d i s n o t j u s t p r i m a r i l y e m p h a s i z i n g m o n e t a r y p o l i c y t o c o n t ro l i n f l a t i o n , bu t a l s o s i g n i f i c a n t l y u s i n g f i s c

e m p h a s i s o n a g g r e g a t e d e m a n d s q

o m t e x t b o o k s t o C h a t b o t s

the old ages, the ability to write in Sumerian on a clay tablet to document business contracts and agricultural matters made one literate in Sumer (modern-day Iraq) On the contrary you wouldn t be considered literate in some discourse communities in 2023, if you didn t have the skills to

and learn It involves learning via a variety of technological platforms, including computers the internet distant learning or a mix of all these three But that’s not all it is now remarkably transformed by ChatGPT a language model that can respond to your questions instantly, engage in dynamic discussions, and even anticipate your next question

“What is literacy in today’s digital world?” is what I recently asked the free, less-powerful version of ChatGPT The answer was the following: Literacy in today s digital world goes beyond reading and writing to include digital literacy media literacy and information literacy These skills enable individuals to effectively use digital tools, critically analyze media, and find, evaluate, and utilize information in a complex interconnected society” This artificial intelligence technology known as generative AI is capable of producing text images audio and synthetic data among other kinds of content in a matter of seconds A vast amount of text, including books, journals, and web pages, were used to train ChatGPT The language model is better able to produce accurate responses on a variety of subjects including sports politics science and technology Additionally the bot is capa-

cessing software can comprehend both spoken and written human language When a learner types in a question, ChatGPT responds with an answer that is clear and comes in a number of formats with specific guidelines It’s like having an informed and knowledgeable assistant at your disposal willing to help you with any subject information or inquiry you throw at it Although it is trained on a massive dataset of diverse internet text, which includes both accurate and inaccurate information, but it can generate highly convincing responses it can answer questions so accurately that it s legitimately scary On the one hand this newfound capability has opened up opportunities It also raised questions about detrimental cybersecurity attacks against organizations, and deepfakes, which are digitally fabricated images or movies Misinformation may be disseminated as a result or even content that appears authentic may be produced It also has an impact on general education at colleges and universities It is able to offer personalized learning experiences that adjust to the particular requirements and learning preferences of every individual Compared to traditional approaches this can aid pupils in learning more successfully and efficiently In contrast there are also significant issues and difficulties with it for education The tide of academic dishonesty is rising swiftly, and this seems to be the latest wave It is more concerning that students are not participating in the writing process and are losing out on chances to conduct research exercise critical thinking and develop original responses It appears that some educational institutions are only closing their eyes to what is inevitable, as several have already outlawed the usage of AI models such as ChatGPT However, instead of ignoring them or viewing them as a kind of cheating, it is crucial to learn how to use AI language models ethically and effectively as a tool to enhance learning experience not as a shortcut to avoid the learning process

digital abilities is essential in the fast-paced digital world of today Digital skills open doors to a multitude of opportunities, whether you’re a professional, student, or someone looking to stay relevant in a techdriven society Similar to other competencies

standards to incorporate digital literacy into the curriculum in an effective manner Public and Private investments in digital infrastructure frameworks for policy and governance and training in the use of digital technology i s


The development of generative AI is a revolutionary development that will change the direction of markets and the distribution of power among states Growing capabilities in AI will have a significant impact on issues related to national security productivity growth and human culture The digital divide remains an ongoing societal concern, this development may widen the already-existing digital and technological divide globally, making it more difficult for lowincome countries to develop Revolutions in technology have the ability to shift the power dynamics Though almost every state is getting ready for an AI future not every country will see the same effects of this technology The countries whose populace, express greater optimism and are prepared and willing to integrate AI technology into their institutions and daily lives might be able to outpace their more developed counterparts Although ChatGPT is a significant technological breakthrough, AI-enabled technology will advance further, the choices we make now will shape the possibilities for the future

is Research


Revolutions in technology have the ability to shift the power dynamics Though almost ever y state is g etting ready for an AI future , not ever y countr y will see the same effects of this technology The countries whose populace , express greater optimism and are prepared and willing to integrate AI technology into their institutions and daily lives might be able to outpace their more developed counterpar ts Although ChatGPT is a significant technological breakthrough, AI-enabled technology will advance fur ther, the choices we make now will shape the possibilities for the future .

Chess in Pakistan

Endless traffic turmoil

Dr Omer JaveD
The Evolving Role of ChatGPT
Interest rates aren’t ever thing

and contributing to regional stability

As a nuclear-armed nation, Pakistan maintains a policy of credible minimum deterrence

Global defence spending reached approximately $1 9 trillion recently, reflecting a steady rise driven by geopolitical tensions, technological advances and evolving security threats The proliferation of cyber warfare capabilities space militarization and artificial intelligence are reshaping military strategies worldwide

Pakistan, situated in a strategically vital region and facing a range of security challenges, stands at a pivotal moment in its history From internal threats to external pressures Pakistan navigates a complex geopolitical landscape that shapes its security policies and national priorities

One of Pakistan s foremost security challenges is terrorism The country has confronted internal militant groups such as Tehrik Taliban Pakistan and sectarian organizations which have posed significant threats to peace Despite military operations like Zarb-e-Azb and Radd-ul-Fasaad which have achieved substantial gains, sporadic attacks continue Pakistan shares borders with Afghanistan, India, Iran, and China, each presenting unique security dynamics

Pakistan’s security imperatives necessitate a strong and modernized military force capable of addressing diverse challenges

The necessity for a strong and well-equipped military extends beyond mere defence; it encompasses safeguarding national sovereignty, countering extremism, managing regional dynamics and promoting stability

The military serves as the vanguard against external threats ensuring the security of Pakistan s borders particularly along its volatile western frontiers and the LoC with India Pakistan has long grappled with internal security challenges posed by terrorist organizations and militant groups From the TTP to sectarian extremists these entities have destabilized entire regions targeting civilians and security forces alike A well-equipped military is indispensable for conducting counter-terrorism operations, dismantling terrorist sanctuaries, and restoring peace and stability in affected areas Advanced military capabilities, including intelligence gathering precision strikes and special operations are pivotal in effectively neutralizing terrorist threats

Pakistan s strategic environment is shaped by complex regional dynamics, including relations with neighbouring countries such as India and Afghanistan, as well as involvement in global geopolitics A strong military enables Pakistan to navigate these complexities by maintaining credible deterrence managing cross-border tensions

The military plays a pivotal role in ensuring the security safety and reliability of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal Secure command and control systems storage facilities and effective defence mechanisms are crucial components of Pakistan s nuclear deterrence strategy

In global defence expenditures, Pakistan distinguishes itself due to its strategic location, complex security environment and the imperative of a credible deterrence posture Despite these factors Pakistan s defence budget is relatively modest Pakistan s defence budget reflects its security imperatives, historical conflicts, and regional dynamics For the fiscal year 2023-24, Pakistan’s defense budget stands at approximately $11 6 billion constituting a significant portion of overall expenditure yet lower in absolute terms than larger economies and military powers

Unlike neighbouring India, which allocates over $80 billion, Pakistan s defence spending appears conservative According to the most recent SIPRI report , which monitors global military expenditures India is ranked fourth worldwide in defence spending India also remains the largest importer of military equipment The Indian defence budget of Rs 4 8 lakh crore for 2024-25, constitutes approximately 13 percent of the total, which is nearly ten times higher than Pakistan’s Pakistan’s defence budget also differs markedly from countries in the Middle East such as Saudi Arabia and Iran which allocate substantial resources due to regional rivalries and security threats Globally, Pakistan s defence budget is dwarfed by that of major military powers like the USA, China, and Russia This reflects the disparity in economic capacity and global military ambitions

The government has recently proposed Rs 2 12 trillion for the armed forces in the upcoming fiscal a significant increase of 17 6 percent over last year, underscoring the country s priorities in a tense region The allocation is set at 1 7 percent of GDP, maintaining the same proportion as last year and constitutes 12 33 percent of projected current expenses

Discussions surrounding our national defence budget often perpetuate myths and misconceptions, which can cloud public perception and policy debates One prevalent misconception is that our Defence Budget is solely for war and aggression In reality, our defence budget encompasses a wide spectrum of expenditures beyond combat operations While it includes provisions for military readi-

ness and deterrence against aggression, it also supports disaster relief efforts, humanitarian missions, peacekeeping operations, and infrastructure development in remote areas

Another misconception suggests our Defence Budget inflates at the expense of social programmes The relationship between defence spending and social welfare is more nuanced than commonly portrayed Governments strive to balance defence allocations with investments in education, healthcare, infrastructure and poverty alleviation Defence spending can stimulate economic growth through technological advancements job creation in defence-related industries and enhanced national security conducive to economic stability Efficient budget management ensures that defence expenditures complement rather than compete with social development priorities

There is also a misconception that our Defense Budget lacks public oversight and accountability The government subjects the defence budget to rigorous scrutiny through oversight mechanisms and accountability frameworks Parliamentary committees, independent audits and transparency initiatives ensure that defence expenditures are justified allocated efficiently and adhere to legal and ethical standards Public debate engagement from civil society, and media scrutiny are vital in holding the government accountable for defence spending decisions and assessing their impact on national interests

It is sometimes suggested that the Defence Budget exclusively benefits the military-industrial complex Defence expenditures yield broader economic benefits extending beyond the military sector Investments in defence research and development drive technological innovation, leading to advancements in healthcare communications transportation and other industries Defence contracts generate employment and stimulate regional economies Furthermore defence capabilities protect critical infrastructure, bolster investor confidence, and enhance national resilience against external threats and emergencies

castebased divisions – a strategy that implied communal violence A few years later in 1990 the Gujarat laboratory was the starting point of a national movement that followed the same rationale when the BJP tried to counter the effects of Mandal by relaunching the agitation for a Ram Mandir in Ayodhya: Advani’s Rath Yatra begun in Somnath – a “pilgrimage” orchestrated by his then protégé Narendra Modi –and took India by storm initiating a cycle that was closed earlier this year 24 years later with the inauguration of the temple The dialectic between caste politics and Hindutva may be at a critical juncture again for good reasons as well as by default

First paradoxically the completion of the Ram Mandir is affecting the Sangh parivar s mobilisation power For decades its followers fought for what they considered their rights against an illegitimate mosque –and in the name of a sacred cause But they’ve arrived and a kind of anti-climax is now palpable: they’ve achieved a decadesold objective but this is not changing the face of the earth

Certainly there are many other battles that are still going on against love jihad conversions, cow slaughter, etc But these other fights are not of the same magnitude, and to repeat the Ayodhya movement in Varanasi and Mathura will probably be difficult and take time – which makes it easier for other political repertoires to emerge

Among them those based on social issues are bound to prevail because India is experiencing a deep crisis due to mass joblessness and growing inequalities – between the rich and the poor as well as between the urban and the rural – in the wake of demonetisation and the COVID-19 pandemic but also because of the pro-rich bias of the government that is evidenced by its taxation policy, including the GST Indirect taxes at large, the most unfair ones, are again bringing more money to the state than direct taxes But why should caste politics be more attractive than class-based issues for the opposition? For many

OBCs is under attack which is making its beneficiaries more sensitive to caste-based approaches: not only has the BJP government created a 10% quota for the upper caste people of the Economically Weaker Sections, but the shrinking of the bureaucracy and the privatisation of public units are resulting in the reduction of the posts that Dalits and OBCs can occupy in the state apparatus In the Central Government Services for instance the number of SCs and OBCs has dropped respectively from 569 886 in 2018-19 to 318,255 in 2022-23 and from 703,017 to 415,799 In the Central Public Sector Enterprises, they have also diminished from 16 080 in 2011-12 to 8 437 in 2022-23 and from 26 500 to 20 1561 Dalits and OBCs feel all the more frustrated as government jobs remain more attractive than those of the private sector Fourth, class consciousness has never been as deeply rooted as caste identity among the Indian masses Certainly, there was a time when the Left represented the second-largest force in parliament and when trade unions were strong – but not any more because of repression deindustrialisation and caste an ascriptive group that has continuously undermined class solidarity: labourers identified to their jatis even as factory workers, as if it conveyed a deeper sense of identity If caste is so divisive why is it at the top of the opposition agenda today? Probably because the caste census demand can unite the plebeians against the Sangh parivar more effectively and easily than any other This demand is a functional equivalent of what Mandal was in 1990: the promise of more social justice and redistribution in a very inegalitarian society of a better world for those who do not belong to the upper layers of society

The implementation of the Mandal Commission report could not meet these expectations fully because jobs were too few and finally OBC jatis were locked in competition for getting these few jobs As a result the social coalition supporting the Janata Dal fell apart and lower OBCs resented the way dominant-OBCs – including Yadavs – cornered quotas But for some time, all kinds of people rallied around Mandal Similarly, today, there is hardly any issue likely to attract more people than the caste census demand: the groups asking for it may compete again once such a census will result in concrete policies but in the meantime they ll form a formidable coalition – that Nitish Kumar himself, although he s part of the ruling alliance, will not be in a position to ignore (after all, his government was the first one to enumerate castes in Bihar ) And of course this tactical dimension will have long-term substantial effects: even if fewer jatis than expected benefited from Mandal, the implementation of the Mandal report and Mandal II (the creation of a quota of 27% for the OBCs in the higher education system by the Manmohan Singh government) helped thousands of young men and women to experience upward social mobility Beyond these tactical and the long-term

rationales caste can also unite the plebeians against the BJP for another reason: the party s elitism is rooted in an upper caste, even Brahminical, ethos that fewer people are prepared to bear today To be proud of one’s caste pedigree was not a legitimate claim until recently For decades after independence many upper caste individuals concealed their name when it made their identification possible in caste terms Those days are gone and there s no inhibition left on that front The speaker of the Lok Sabha, Om Birla, for instance, declared in 2019 that “Brahmins are held in high regard in society by the virtue of their birth the Indian Express reported The valorisation of their status by upper caste Hindu nationalists – the sub-text of Hindutva from day one – incidentally, runs parallel to the increasingly indecent display of wealth, on the occasion of weddings for instance

In spite of the professed egalitarianism of the RSS Dalits are badly treated in this organisation too In his autobiography I Could not be a Hindu: The Story of a Dalit in The RSS, Bhanwar Meghwanshi recalls that after he had become a vistarak, while he had prepared food for Sangh parivar members who were touring his district in Rajasthan they refused to come to his home for eating; instead they took the food with them in order to save time and they said feed the village where they going to next – but they threw it out on the road Meghwanshi was shocked: “How can the Sangh do this to me? They don’t believe in untouchability in caste discrimination they believe all Hindus to be one they talk of a united Hindu society and then this kind of hypocrisy?

Such hypocrisy is not the rule: caste stigma can also be displayed openly by followers of Hindutva After Yogi Adityanath was elected chief minister of Uttar Pradesh in 2017 Hindu priests “made elaborate ar-

While critics frequently highlight the size of Pakistan s defence budget, it is imperative to contextualize it relative to the country’s security challenges, geopolitical dynamics, and regional military capabilities Compared to neighbouring India which allocates a substantially larger amount Pakistan s spending is commensurate with its defence needs and economic capacity

Addressing common misconceptions is vital Misinformation may distort Pakistan s defence expenditures as aggressive or disproportionate overlooking the nation’s commitment to regional stability conflict resolution and international peacekeeping missions The defence/budget supports counterterrorism efforts, disaster relief operations,

In the realm of global geopolitics discussions surrounding defence budgets often become fertile ground for misinformation misconceptions, and outright propaganda Pakistan s defence budget, like that of any other nation, undergoes scrutiny and sometimes unjustified criticism It is crucial to recognize that Pakistan’s defence budget allocation primarily serves strategic imperatives aimed at safeguarding national sovereignty, territorial integrity, and maintaining a credible deterrence posture Investments in defence modernization, equipment upgrades and personnel training are essential to counter both conventional and unconventional security threats

rangements for sacred purifying rituals at the sprawling chief minister s bungalow that had been previously occupied by Akhilesh Yadav, the Times of India reported Such discourses and attitudes bear testimony of the resilience of caste prejudice in the Sangh parivar something that has become increasingly unacceptable for the Indian plebe – not only because it is terribly humiliating but also because it negates all hope of social mobility: the return of caste in its traditional incarnation, as the building block of a fixed hierarchical order, would make all the costly efforts to educate one’s children vain at a time when good jobs are very few Can the BJP defuse the rising wave of caste politics and resist the demand of a caste census? It will try hard, because that would seal the fate of the Hindu vote bank it has been building for years Ten years ago the party had found the perfect antidote to caste politics in Narendra Modi: a pracharak fully committed to the making of the Hindu rashtra but whose jati happened to be reclassified among the OBCs in 1999, a man who did not climb the social ladder thanks to positive discrimination but on the basis of “merit”

Modi as any national-populist could claim that he was a man of the people and assert at the same time that Hindutva was the main identity marker of the majority community He could speak to the poor by pretending to be their voice, on the radio for instance, via the Mann ki Baat program where he publicised the very personalised welfare schemes he has introduced in the name of Swacch Bharat Ujjwala Yojana and Jan-Dhan Yojana These schemes largely explain the electoral support the BJP gets from many Dalits and the poor in general However, this support also comes from the resilience of Sanskritisation among the members of the lower castes who have a craze for being recognised as good Hindus by the

abdul basit alvi


uprising and fled by helicopter to longtime ally India Her government was accused of widespread human rights abuses, including the extrajudicial killing of thousands of her political opponents

Yasin Malik exposes India’s justice system; decides to defend himself in D elhi Cour t

S Kashmiri liberation leader Yasin Malik informed the Delhi High Court he will defend himself in the appeal moved by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) seeking the death penalty for him in a 2016 terror funding case

Yasin Malik s decision exposed the justice system of India claiming to be the world’s largest democracy The entire justice system worked under the influence of the Hindutvaled policies of the BJP aiming to target Kashmir the only Muslim-majority state and a disputed area yet to be settled as per the resolutions of the United Nations Pakistan demands a free and fair plebiscite in the state of Jammu Kashmir held illegally by the Indian authorities As per the Indian media reports while appearing before Justice Suresh Kait and Girish Kathpalia through video conference from Tihar jail Malik pointed out that while he was allowed to be produced before the court physically

the Delhi High Court passed an order on August 4, 2023, directing that he would be presented before the court through “video-conferencing alone”, without hearing him Malik requested that the high court record in the order that he was not allowed to be heard when the order was passed To this, the bench said as per procedure, he could challenge the same before the Supreme Court, but the high court itself cannot record the ex-parte nature of the earlier order

Pakistan s Foreign Office has raised serious concerns over the prolonged detention and alleged mistreatment of Kashmiri leader Yasin Malik The Foreign Office has labeled Malik’s imprisonment as unfair and a denial of fair trial sparking international attention to the human rights situation in the region Yasin Malik, a prominent figure in Kashmiri politics, has been held in custody under what Pakistan describes as a “30-year-old false case His family including his 11-year-old daughter Razia

Sultana and wife Mashal Malik have been vocal in their calls for his release, citing deteriorating health and lack of access to proper medical treatment

According to reports Yasin Malik is currently detained in the notorious Tihar Jail where conditions are said to be inhumane Pakistan has urged India to drop the charges against Malik and provide him with quality medical care

The Foreign Office’s statement highlights the deep concern over India s use of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) Act of 2008 against Malik, accusing India of exceeding moral and legal limits ” This move has garnered condemnation not only from Pakistan but also from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Liaison Group ‘Health alarmingly deteriorates in Tihar Jail’

The health condition of the incarcerated Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front Muhammad Yasin Malik has alarmingly deteriorated in India s infamous Tihar Jail in New Delhi

Top Iraqi cleric warns of escalation in M iddle East

A G E N C I E S Iraq s top cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani warned on Saturday of the


Effec tive strategy adopted to bring new investment, says Minister


Shahzad Counsel General of Pakistan to China; Mr Zubair Tufail Chairman of International Innovation Park Ltd and former President of FPCCI; and Mr Jai Kumar, Chairman of the Pakistan Chemical Manufacturers Association among other distinguished guests from various sectors Mr Zubair Tufail opened the proceedings with an inspiring welcome note, emphasizing the transformative potential of the new export processing zone His address highlighted the zone s role as a catalyst for economic dynamism positioning Pakistan as a hub for innovation and industrial excellence Pa k i s t a n , C



Chairman of the Capital Development Authority (CDA), Muhammad Ali Randhawa along with students and alumni of Quaid-eAzam University Islamabad participated in the Margalla Hills Tree Plantation Drive

The event took place in a designated area named Quaidian Enclave on Margalla Hills where saplings were planted by Chairman CDA Muhammad Ali Randhawa Member Environment Talat

Gondal Member Finance Tahir

Naeem, Wajahat Latif Pro-Rector Ibadat International University, Murtaza Noor National Coordinator Inter University Consortium and Executive Director APSUP along with the alumni and students

The initiative is being carried out under the direction of the Prime Minister of Pakistan, the Interior Minister, and with the support of the Ministry of Climate Change,” Chairman Randhawa emphasized

He highlighted the drive s goal of preserving the beauty of Margalla Hills through collaborative ef-

forts with various stakeholders including the corporate sector and civil society

“The involvement of students is crucial to the success of the tree plantation drive In line with federal government instructions the drive aims to ensure the preservation and conservation of the region s flora and fauna, he mentioned Randhawa proposed awarding special marks to students who participated in the campaign and announced the launch of a mobile app to track the location of each planted tree

Syed Qamar Raza, Chairman, Board of Governors, Overseas Pakistanis Foundation called on Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani, Chairman Senate in Islamabad
(Overseas Pakistanis Property) Act, 2023 by the Senate PR

The prime minister said, In 2013, we introduced the Youth Loan and Agricultural Scheme, which is now yielding significant results To date we have disbursed approximately 186 billion rupees to over 280 000 young entrepreneurs

officials were also present Later a dinner was hosted in the honour of the Imam and his delegation ‘GOVT COMMITTED TO PROVIDE OPPORTUNITIES TO YOUTH’ Meanwhile, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said the government was committed towards fostering a supportive environment for youth and create opportunities for them In a message on International Youth Day being observed on Monday (tomorrow), he said, International Youth Day is celebrated across the globe to acknowledge the importance of our young population and raise awareness that they

hold the key to our future He said, Young individuals nationwide are catalysts for transformation This year ’s theme, ‘From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development ’ highlights the crucial position of youth at a significant juncture where technology intersects with opportunity This intersection empowers them to turn their aspirations into tangible outcomes, paving the way for a sustainable and equitable future ”

“With over 60% of its population under the age of 30 Pakistan boasts a youthful demographic that is increasingly connected to the global digital landscape By harnessing technology for education, entrepreneurship, and social activism, young people can become agents for positive change in their communities ” he added

Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) chief Hafiz Naeemur Rehman has issued a stern warning to the government, vowing that his party will ensure the full implementation of the agreement reached with the authorities in Rawalpindi

Speaking at a rally on Mall Road Lahore against the recent hike in electricity prices and contracts with Independent Power Producers (IPPs), Hafiz Naeem threatened a nationwide “wheel-jam” strike if the government attempts to deviate from the agreed terms

The rally titled Haq Do Awam Ko, saw a large turnout, including a significant number of women Naeem declared that the JI

has become a beacon of hope for the oppressed and the party will not allow the government to backtrack on its promises We will enforce every single clause of the agreement,” Naeem asserted, referring to the 45-day deal struck with the government after a 14-day sit-in in Islamabad He warned that any attempt by the government to retract from the agreement would be met with a strong response, including nationwide protests and a complete shutdown of the country Naeem also criticised the Punjab government for its actions during the Islamabad sit-in particularly the arrests of party members and the halting of women’s convoys He hinted at the instability in the Punjab leadership,

stating that “the fate of the Punjab Chief Minister s seat is uncertain

Addressing broader national issues, Naeem commented on the situation in Balochistan, expressing concern over enemy attempts to destabilise the region He also reiterated JI’s stance on the role of the United States in Pakistan s challenges labelling the US as the country s biggest enemy He called for a unified approach to solving the nation s problems and urged dialogue with the Afghan government regarding cross-border terrorism On the topic of IPPs Hafiz Naeem criticised the government for burdening the public with excessive electricity costs If the IPPs continue to drain the public s resources, who will respect them?” he questioned

‘Don’t ’: President Biden’s terse warning to Iran about possible Israel attack



US President Joe Biden again warned Iran on Saturday about a possible retaliatory attack against Israel amid rising tensions in the Middle East “Don’t ” Biden responded to reporters before entering his vehicle when he was asked: What s your message to Iran? Biden issued the same warning in April, before Iran carried out a rocket and drone attack against Israel in retaliation for the April 1 airstrike on its diplomatic facility in the Syrian capital of Damascus killing at least seven members of Iran s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, including two top generals Tensions are running high in the Middle East following the July 31 assassination of Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh in the Iranian capital of Tehran and Israel s assassination of senior Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr in Beirut Hamas and Iran have accused Israel of carrying out Haniyeh’s assassination while Tel Aviv has not

confirmed or denied responsibility Iran vowed harsh punishment for Israel for Haniyeh s killing on Iranian soil Hezbollah, the Lebanese group, is also expected to retaliate after Israel assassinated Shukr in an airstrike on a southern suburb of Beirut on July 30 The escalation comes amid an ongoing Israeli offensive against the Gaza Strip which has killed nearly 39,800 Palestinians following an attack on October 7 by the Palestinian resistance group Hamas that killed 1 139 Israelis

ASWJ leader escapes unhur t attempt on life in Karachi

KARACHI S TA F F R E P O R T In what is being considered a possible sectarian-targeted killing attempt, unidentified gunmen opened fire on the vehicle of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ) General Secretary Taj Muhammad Hanfi in Karachi’s Orangi Town late the other night The incident took place when Hanfi was returning from a conference at Islam Chowk in the Orangi Town sector which concluded around 11:30 PM The police suspectes the incident might be a sectarian-targeted attack However, they stated that it is too early to establish any definitive theory and have launched a further investigation

According to ASWJ spokesperson Amir Muawiya Hanfi and all other occupants in the vehicle escaped unharmed The attack occurred near Poonay Paanch Number where four suspects on two motorcycles fired at the vehicle before fleeing the scene Muawiya explained that Hanfi’s security guard did not return fire but pointed his weapon at the attackers He added that the attack appeared to be an attempt either to assassinate Hanfi or to spread fear

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