Epaper_24-08-13 KHI

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the allegations of misuse of authority against the former spymaster who once led the Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) According to media reports, the committee was established as a demonstration of self-accountability and was chaired by a serving major general The committee was reportedly created in response to directives from the Supreme Court and the Ministry of Defence The management of Top City, a private housing scheme, had leveled serious accusations

against the former ISI chief alleging that he had orchestrated a raid on the offices and residence of its owner, Moeez Khan In November 2023, the Supreme Court directed the owner of the housing society to approach relevant authorities including the Ministry of Defence to address his grievances against the former intelligence chief and his associates

The newly established inquiry committee is expected to compile its findings and submit a report to the relevant authorities according to the reports Meanwhile the Director General of Inter-Services Public Relations (DG ISPR) Lt-Gen Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry has emphasised that the military s self-accountability system is a strict, transparent, and continuous process that operates without bias In a statement the DG ISPR reiterated the rigorous nature of accountability within the military a point he had previously detailed during a press conference on May 7 He highlighted that this internal process is automatic and always active, ensuring that no one is exempt from scrutiny

The higher the rank the greater the responsibility, and the more stringent the accountability, the DG ISPR said, underscoring the fairness and seriousness of the process He further stated We take pride in our accountability system which functions not on allegations but on facts

TO P C I T Y C A S E: Earlier in April this year, Pakistan Army had constituted a high-level inquiry committee headed by a major general to look into the allegations against Lt-Gen (retd) Faiz Hameed that he as Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) director general misused his authority The inquiry has been ordered in pursuant to the orders of the Supreme Court and in the light of the directives of the Ministry of Defence according to the people familiar with the development This is the first formal inquiry ordered against Gen Faiz who resigned in November 2022, four months before his retirement date Faiz served as DG C in the ISI and later headed the spy agency His name

surfaced in many controversies, including the Faizabad Dharna case Threetime former prime minister Nawaz Sharif named him and Gen Bajwa as the main characters behind his removal through a Supreme Court order On November 8, 2023, Moeez Ahmed Khan, the owner of Top City, filed a petition in the Supreme Court in which he accused Faiz of misusing his authority

The petition filed by in the Supreme Court stated that on May 12 2017 on the behest of Gen Faiz, ISI officials raided the top city office and his house During the raid, valuables, including gold, diamonds and money were seized from the house by ISI officials the petitioner alleged The petition also stated that Sardar Najaf the brother of Faiz also contacted him to resolve the issue later

The petition also claimed that Gen Faiz later personally met him to resolve the issue in which he assured that some of the items which had been taken away by the ISI officials during the raid would be returned However 400 tolas of gold and cash will not be returned to him

The petitioner also alleged that the ISI officials extorted Rs4 crore cash from him

Considering the sensitivity of the matter and in view of these serious allegations a three-judge bench of the Supreme Court which included Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Qazi Faiz Isa, Justice Athar Minallah and Justice Aminuddin, heard the case

The Supreme Court observed this was a very serious matter and the serious nature of allegations may damage the image of the entire institution therefore the matter cannot be ignored The Supreme Court asked the attorney general to look into the matter and discuss with the relevant authorities


A writ petition was filed in the Lahore High Court challenging the Elections (Second Amendment) Act, 2024 with a request to not only declare it as ultra vires the Constitution but also restrain the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) from allocating the reserved seats for women and non-Muslims to any other political party in the national assembly and the provincial assembly of Punjab

The petition filed by through advocate Azhar Siddique contended that it is respectfully prayed that an instant writ petition may be allowed, and the Elections (Second Amendment) Act, 2024 may kindly be declared to be ultra vires the Constitution in its entirety and of no legal effect whatsoever of course in the best interest of justice, equity, and fair play

The counsel further maintained that Sections 66 and 104 are procedural laws and based on judicial/constitutional interpretation cannot take retrospective effect Thus the recent amendments are ultra vires the Constitution

He submitted that the role of the ECP and the previous government including the caretaker government has not allowed the process of free fair and transparent elections including but not limited to the issuance of detention orders, registration of cases, and the culmination of different trials based on concocted and fake evidence

In two such cases the cypher and Iddat cases, Imran Khan has been acquitted of the charges Furthermore, the majority judgment of the Supreme Court in August made it clear that a symbol cannot be taken away from a party and was restored to PTI Therefore all actions and inactions of the ECP are based on malafide intent, hence, the Amendment Act needs to be declared as ultra vires the Constitution the petition explained

The judgment passed by the Supreme Court cannot be overruled or violated in view of Article 189, as the same can only be done through a constitutional amendment in view of Articles 51 and 106

The issue of reserved seats rests with the party that contested the election and in this case PTI s candidates were willing to contest the elections on PTI s symbol but were not allowed to do so by the ECP

Through subordinate legislation constitutional provisions cannot be violated and thus the

Amendment Act is ultra vires the above provisions, it added

The amendments made through the Amendment Act are person/party specific

The benefit cannot be taken in view of the principle of proportionality and democratic norms because the present ruling parties are already enjoying the quota of reserved seats, and they cannot be given a right to take away an advantage which is indeed party/person specific

The parliament cannot make an amendment or such a rule that ultimately benefits certain parties to the detriment of one specific party, and in any case, the same violates Articles 17 and 25 of the Constitution

The petition further stated that the actions and inactions on the part of the ECP and the present government undermined the transparency and election process whereby the largest political party and its members were not allowed to contest free fair and transparent elections

FinMin briefs PepsiCo CEOs about Pakistan’s economic progress

the YoY growth in car sales for July 2024 is primarily due to the industry s recovery from last year s plant closures caused by inventory shortages The motorcycle segment also faced a downturn, with Pakistan’s twowheeler and three-wheeler sales declining by 5% MoM to



MoM to


2023 Indus Motor

pany (INDU) also

units sold in July 2024, down 44% MoM Honda Atlas Cars (HCAR) reported a 15% MoM decrease with 931 units sold while Sazgar Engineering (SAZEW) experienced a smaller 5% decline with 825 units sold In contrast to the monthly decline,


Inclusive Business Development Park Unveils in Peshawar

launched Inclusive Business Development Park (IBDP) a pioneering initiative aimed at empowering entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds including men women, persons with disabilities, and transgender individuals The park was formally inaugurated by the Special Assistant to the Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Industries Commerce and Technical Education Abdul Karim Tordher here on Monday The same project is funded by the World Bank through the KPEC, demonstrating a strong commitment to foster inclusive economic growth in the region

The Inclusive Business Development Park initially established in Peshawar Economic Zone is a strategic effort to

nurture small business ventures, enabling them to scale up and achieve long-term sustainability The IBDP will serve as a model for future replication in other feasible locations across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa aiming to create a robust network of inclusive business ecosystems throughout the province

The IBDP project is being executed by a consortium including World Bank Khyber Pass Economic Corridor (KPEC) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Economic Zones Development and Management Company (KPEZDMC) The project is valued at PKR 71 million, with substantial contributions from both KPEZDMC and KPEC

The primary financial support is provided by the World Bank supplemented by additional funding from KPEZDMC and KPEC These organizations are committed to providing a comprehensive range of services to support resident startups, including those operating from homes and other

ta f f R e p o R t Sarhad Chamber of Commerce and Industry president Fuad Ishaq continued the campaign against IPPs agreements and once again demanded conduct of forensic audit of IPPs contracts and immediately their cancellation Speaking during a ‘Tajir Convention’ organized by Jamiate Business Forum Fuad Ishaq said KP has first right to fully exploit natural gas under article 158 of the constitution while the province is receiving royalty on nethydel power generation under article 161 (2) of the constitution Therefore he asked the government to ensure all constitutional rights to the province

Expressing grave concern over less than one percent lending ratio against 16 percent deposits of the commercial banks in KP, he said commercial banks have put this province in the red zone which was completely unjust and urged government and SBP to issue directives to commercial banks to increase lending ratio in K-P

Rejecting the Tajir Dost Scheme, and opposing imposition of taxes in federal fiscal budget 2024-25, the SCCI chief suggested budget making in joint consultation with FPCCI all prime chambers of the country Institute of

head of capacity charges He added that contracts with 12 new IPPs were made, which need to be halted He said SCCI has played a front foot role against IPPs contracts Fuad Ishaq talked about increasing power tariff stating that KP is producing cheap and surplus electricity against its actual demand From 4500megawatt to 6000megawatt is total electricity production in KP in which 2800MW were consumed in summer and 1300MW in winter and additional electricity was exported to the national grid the SCCI chief explained

. Uzair

Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and Economic Wing of Pakistan Army Fuad Ishaq stressed the need for implementation of SCCI proposals to improve mutual trade volume between Pakistan and Afghanistan He demanded pragmatic steps to control increasing deforestation and reduction of the water table Maulana Fazlur Rehman, head of the Jamiat e Ulema Islam (JUI-F) was chief guest of the event Businessman Forum leader former senator Ilyas Ahmed Bilour former president of SCCI Haji Muhammad Afzal the chamber SVP Sanaullah Khan, former SVP Shahid Hussain, Organizers of Jamiat Business Forum and ex-VP of the chamber Haji Abdul Jalil Jan, Parvez Khan Khattak and senior members of the SCCI Saddar Gul Faiz Rasool Fazal e Wahid Nadeem Rauf Ghazanfar Ali Sawal Gul Rasool Fazal Muqeem Rashid Iqbal Siddiqui Waqar Ahmed, Haji Naseer, Khalid Ayub, Secretary of the SCCI Sohail Anjum and other members also present during the convention Calling IPPs as detrimental for the economy the SCCI chief said the government had paid Rs2200billion on head of capacity charges to IPPs in last year

In the fiscal year 2024-25, he said Rs2800billion would be paid to IPPs on

He added despite the fact that the price of electricity has been made Rs55 per unit, which is completely unjust with this province which is producing additional electricity and gas The SCCI chief said Pakhtunkhwa Power Development Organisation (PEDO) had made schemes on the run of rivers but progress on these schemes was at snail pace

Similarly he said KP is producing 31000 barrel oil/day which is 42 percent of the total production of the country but he regretted no oil refinery was set up in KP

Likewise, he said total KP has total gas production is 550mmcfds against its consumption of 200mmcfds while the province's LPG production is 850 metric ton/day Furthermore he explained natural gas Rs2700 per mmbtu are being charged from industry whereas Rs4000 mmbtu are being charged from commercial and domestic consumers

Despite the surplus gas production he said KP was put into the RLNG basket which was totally unfair and unacceptable which was a complete negation of article 158 of the constitution

Fuad suggested the conversion of the Benazir Income Support Programme into Benazir Development Fund to establish industries and provide employment opportunities to people in KP and the rest of the country The SCCI chief gave a proposal for bringing tariffs of 212 items to duties of Afghanistan and allow imports of these items to traders and then re-export so that smuggling would be eliminated

TH E initiation of court martial proceedings against former Director General of the ISI, Lt General (r) Faiz Hameed, marks the first time that such action has been initiated against a former spymaster of the Pakistani military

The announcement of the court martial came in a quiet and professional manner through a press release of the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) wing of the armed forces It did not shy away from providing a reason, explaining that an inquiry committee had been formed in April to investigate allegations of misuse of authority against the former head of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) The former DG ISI has also been taken into custody, indicating the urgency of the matter

At the centre of the court martial is a scandal involving a real estate project by the name of Top City Housing where the former general allegedly used his influence to conduct a raid on the offices of the housing society where his brother was an investor, and also conducted a raid on the home of the society’s owner Moeez Khan

Back in November 2023, the matter had been taken up by the Supreme Court of Pakistan after the retirement of the spymaster The SC had asked the owner of a private housing society to approach the relevant quarters including the defence ministry for the redressal of grievances against former spymaster retired Lt-Gen Faiz Hameed and his aides

By their own account, the army has initiated court martial proceedings against the retired general to comply with orders of the SC and in part as a gesture of self-accountability The inquiry committee that was set up in April and reportedly led by a Major General has up until this point conducted its duty with transparency and clarity

The public has been kept informed in a sober manner of any updates, and action has been relatively quick Even in its press release, the ISPR was clear and concise This sets a good precedence in the country not just for upholding judicial instructions and accountability, but also transparency It would be wise to continue to take the public into confidence as the case proceeds because public accountability also requires a good degree of transparency

Dedicated to the legac y of late Hameed Nizami Arif Nizami (Late) Founding Editor

M A Niazi Editor Pakistan Today Babar Nizami Editor Profit

Hot as Hades

It was deeply disheartening and revolting to witness the way our politicians bureaucrats and elites swarmed around Arshad Nadeem like vultures, each trying to claim a piece of his unprecedented victory at the Paris Olympics As soon as he landed he was handed a prepared statement to read during interviews and Mr Rana Mashood whispered in his ear to praise the Prime Minister or the Chief Minister of Punjab The Information Minister of Punjab held an exclusive press conference, attributing Arshad s success to the Youth Festivals organized by Shahbaz Sharif and Maryam Nawaz, claiming that the Punjab Government had sponsored him The PTI social media brigade was quick to post pictures and videos of Arshad with Imran Khan asserting their share in his triumph The media seized the opportunity to use his arrival and victory to boost viewership, creating media products around him to mint money Social media influencers also jumped on the bandwagon, eager to associate themselves with his success The Prime Minister ’s Office and the Ministry of Inter-Provincial Coordination (Sports Ministry) underscored their role in Arshad Nadeem s success Similarly, the Sports Minister pointed to improvements in sports infrastructure and training facilities as pivotal to Nadeem’s achievement The PTI claimed that their administration’s efforts in increasing sports funding and establishing new academies were instrumental The PML(N) stressed that the groundwork for sports advancements was laid during their governance The PPP emphasized their longstanding support for athletes, focusing on their athlete-centric policies that have fostered talent across the nation The Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) and the National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Pakistan both underscored their roles in providing training facilities Corporate sponsors and private sports academies also highlighted their contributions Ironically, none of them had the courage to admit and own the defeat of our other forgotten players who participated in the Olympic Games but failed to secure any medals They failed to acknowledge their lack of leadership their inability to create a robust system in the country to promote sports and sports

education, and their lack of vision to discover and nurture talent from an early age They did not admit to their failure in continuously grooming athletes until adulthood which would multiply their chances of showcasing top-notch performances

Contrary to the grandstanding, in a press conference held at the Embassy of Pakistan in France, Mr Arshad Nadeem highlighted that his journey to the Paris Olympics was fraught with challenges impediments and a severe lack of resources His story is a reflection of the government s total failure and our society s inability to support and nurture talent adequately

During his arduous journey he surmounted immense challenges including financial constraints, inadequate training facilities, and injuries He overcame daunting financial contraints in accessing proper training and competing internationally Lack of government s focus on sports and their insensitivity towards nurturing talent absence of sports infrastructure and lack of advanced facilities hampered his training He did not receive timely support from the government and sports authorities, which have no vision or mission and are marred with corruption and corrupt practices He was also confronted with limited access to top-notch medical care

Having the experience of witnessing firsthand how the entire vested interests suddenly awaken from their dreamy sleep to capitalize on the hard work and labor of others, it is disheartening to see the cycle repeat itself These individuals, who are quick to claim credit and make grand promises of change and improvement will soon revert to their old ways They will forget their lofty claims neglecting the systemic issues that need addressing and instead they will

changed Floods droughts cyclones and swift weather changes made countries across the globe issue red alert warnings leaving individual, collective and communal life at stale Pennsylvanian oil discovery triggered the previously halted climate change, imperialism fuelled it for further exacerbation and peak industrialization hammered the last nail on the coffin Now climate change makes societies dance to its tune Extreme heat waves quicker evaporation, unseasoned monsoon rainfalls, and unwanted droughts are sneaking into the lives of ordinary people Climate induced anxiety, unknown fear and the absence of meliorism has already been entered into the cognitive realm For a radical nihilist life world and even the universe are of no meaning though existentialism is yet to cover the scepticism and change the status from inaction to action Rotating the continents for conferences Conference of Parties (COP) recent summits took place in Glasgow Sharm El-Sheikh Dubai while Baku and Belém are the next destinations may seem an appropriate tactic to spread climate awareness concrete actions are what need of the hour We re nowhere yet where we need to be, said Barack Obama on the stage of the COP26 summit, Glasgow, adding “the images of dystopia start creeping into my dreams” Climate change and climate inaction are yet to be fully painted in the population brain for the completion of individual level implementation Though the world already seems like a near counterpart of dystopia, the changes in climate has been trying hard to negate the nearness and catalyse it into a simile and the way things are going this will turn into reality anytime soon

The negligence in climate action results in climate inaction halting climate justice, “ActNow” initiatives and that in effect gives birth to more climate induced calamities In the chaos of quotidian activities the heat is commonly felt to all societies across the globe even the near polar region residents confirm the heat given the unabated melting of glaciers Hark back, changing continents for conferences may provide a roadmap to travel on though the national level long-lasting and effective policies are what considered the apparatus behind chasing the solution Needless to say, how Pakistan s policymakers are notoriously famous for creating self-centred policies solely profitable for that tier Though through COPs, Rio Declaration and Kyoto Protocol, the global community has long been preoccupied with resolving or at least mitigating climate induced calamities fears and anxieties our part of people of course the elite tier neglects or even negates the procedure that may spray a sigh of solace In the absence of heat solace, moderate temperature and suitable environment policymakers not populations are to blame The implementory forces equally share the blame with the top executive tier being the real culprit Pakistan s political unwillingness and population s climate unawareness are two major set-

backs to climate action Morally corrupt and intellectually bankrupt political bodies and other aligned elements have been the centrifugal forces to diminish the gravity of the mayhem

The world in general and Pakistan in particular has been facing the music of sin they never committed It is one of the lasting legacies of imperialism, and industrialization that primarily exacerbated it into worse Considering climate justice a primary purpose a prioritised task in the policies and submissive political willingness to adapt the global community instructions will surely land the world into the intended place Climate injustice, and inaction have surely been the bulwarks eclipsing the salubrious environment ahead Given the policies’ unadaptation, climate change denial and an incessant reluctance to fluctuate from harmful actions to environmental friendly commitments have been the primary impediments in this part of the world That in effect, higher this country s rank in the list of most vulnerable countries Accepting the irreversible irresponsibilities committed by the bygone and existing powerful nations will emerge as the sole way forward as denial to reality results in utter misery

The writer is a freelancer He can be reached @insafalibangwar98@gmail com

Rotating the continents for conferences Conference of Parties (COP) recent summits took place in Glasgow, Sharm El-Sheikh, Dubai, while Baku and Belém are the next destinations may seem an appropriate tactic to spread climate awareness, concrete actions are what need of the hour.

„WeÊre nowhere yet where we need to be,‰ said Barack Obama on the stage of the COP26 summit, Glasgow, adding „the images of dystopia start creeping into my dreams‰. Climate change and climate inaction are yet to be fully painted in the population brain for the completion of individual level implementation.

Concern about the plight of street children

Gwadar in distress

Resilient route

Qamar Bashir

t u r a l m i s c o n c e p t i o n s

I“N D E E D the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam” (AlImran) Islam is defined as the religion in which one surrenders to and follows the commands of Allah The word Islam is an Arabic which means submission or surrender It derives from the root of Arabic word SLM which means peace Therefore one can manifest the fact that Islam is the religion of peace Although Islam is traditionally believed to have originated in the 7th century in Mecca with the commencement of Prophet Muhammad s preaching, it is important to understand that the principles of Islam are considered to have existed since the beginning of humanity The Quran vividly explains And when your lord(God) said to the angels I am creating a human being from clay, from molded mud, Al Baqarah (2:30)

When viewed from a Western perspective, Islam is often misunderstood as promoting evils and conservatism which is not the case at all The interpretation of Islam in the Western world has been erroneous

Many in the West perceive Islam as a religion that encourages conservatism, backwardness, extremism, inequality, and more

However, this is a fallacious understanding of the religion Islam itself advocates for updating and modernizing in accordance with the evolving world Education tolerance mental modernity equality and equity are among its fundamental teachings While Islam upholds its values and traditions, this does not mean it promotes violence or any other indecent acts

The Western world often distorts the true message of Islam transforming it into something completely contrasting The fundamental disagreement between the Western and Islamic worlds lies in their ideologies The Western world is reluctant to allow the proliferation of Islamic ideology because it recognizes that this ideology is profound and could potentially gain global acceptance Consequently while the Western community might grant rights to Muslims living there

they often prevent the spread of the Islamic way of life within their own societies To overcome the negative image and illustrate the true essence of Islam it is essential for every individual to understand its actual and authentic philosophy First one must recognize the true essence of Islam, which primarily addresses the Creator, humanity, and kindness It mainly talks about the creator humanity and kindness Afterwards it also expresses the idea of ethics and morality as Jeffery Lang one of the leading American writers says that more 90% Quran talks about humanity, morality and ethics

Additionally, Islam offers a comprehensive way of life that includes political and administrative systems, as well as principles of equality and justice This comprehensive approach is one of the major reasons for the Western world s animosity towards Islam

We will examine all aspects of Islam thoroughly and explore its compatibility with the modern world The foremost commandment of Islam regarding the political system is that governance should be based on rules and boundaries established by God This aspect is a fundamental reason why the Western world often harbors animosity towards Islam The West is resistant to challenges in its political domain, believing that its consent-based political system is the finest Besides, the western world manifests that democracy is her form political system and she introduces such system to the world However true democracy in fact is introduced by Islam as all the imperative pillars of the democracy is given by the religion This argument can be justified via the hadith in

sunan abu dawood as Muhammad said “Whoever is appointed to a position of leadership and does not consult those whom he governs has betrayed them Likewise the Quran says And those who have responded to their lord and established prayer and whose affair is [determined by] consultation among themselves, and from what We have provided them, they spend ” These hadith and verse vibrantly demonstrate that true democracy is introduced by Islam not by the Western world

The role of administration is also a prominent aspect of DEEN as it teaches and guides about administration and the duties of administrators In the contemporary world, it is often observed that those in positions of administration hold all the authority and rule over people However this is not the case in Islam Administrators are not rulers but servants of the people with an obligation to provide the necessities and rights that the masses deserve The incident involving from Hazrat Umer R A(khalifa e waqt) and his response to a question about his dress is a prime example of this principle Furthermore Islam presents a comprehensive approach to administration where every domain should be examined separately This illustrates that Islam is a religion that not only addresses prayers but also encompasses various other aspects of life

Additionally the religion of Islam expresses its thoughts on justice and equality It teaches that no human being is superior or inferior due to race caste or financial condition The Quran states in Surah An-Nisa: Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to their owners and when you judge between

people to judge with justice Excellent is that which Allah instructs you Indeed Allah is Knowing and Wise This verse underscores the importance of justice in both personal and public matters, emphasizing that trusts must be honored and decisions made fairly Moreover other verses in Surahs such as Al-Maidah and Al-Hujrat further elaborate on fairness Islam also advocates for equality, asserting that no gender, race, or caste should confer superiority The Quran says: “O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another Indeed the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you Indeed Allah is Knowing and Acquainted This verse highlights the fundamental equality of all people, regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity, and emphasizes that true nobility is based on righteousness and piety not social or racial distinctions

First, one must recogniz e the true essence of Islam, which primarily addresses the Creator, humanity, and kindness It mainly talks about the creator, humanity, and kindness. Afterwards, it also expresses the idea of ethics and morality as Jeffer y Lang, one of the leading American writers, says that more 90% Quran talks about humanity, morality and ethics.

Despite the true essence of Islam unfortunately, the religion has been misinterpreted, misunderstood, and misconceived in the subcontinent Here, Islam is not fully understood in its true sense but is often exaggerated and amalgamated with Hindu cultures and traditions One notable example of this blending is the practice of visiting Dargah where worshiping saints

TH R E E weeks before the fall of the Sheikh Hasina government in Bangladesh, I found myself amid the swelling crowds of the Students Against Discrimination (SAD) movement documenting their fervent push for change The final day of this wave of protests offered a particularly striking experience marching with a procession from Mirpur to Ganabhaban, the Bangladesh prime minister s official residence It was Monday August 5 when my chief reporter dispatched me to Mirpur a bustling suburb of Dhaka I arrived at Mirpur 10 in the early hours riding in a CNG auto-rickshaw provided by the office My assignment was relentless covering Mirpur today, Uttara tomorrow Each day brought a new hotspot, and this morning was no exception As I approached Mirpur 10, the scene was tense Army personnel had cordoned off the area laying down barbed wire barriers across all four roads leading into the circle effectively sealing it off It appeared that today like many days before the streets would be empty silenced by the show of military force But that assumption, like those on previous days, soon proved to be a miscalculation

The air was thick with anticipation as if the city itself was holding its breath Then slowly but surely people began to emerge From behind the barbed wire a wave of demonstrators started to gather their voices rising in a chorus of defiance The road leading towards Mirpur 2 was alive with movement, and I knew I had to get closer

Navigating through the narrow Falpatti area, I took the road toward Kazipara A source tipped me off that a crowd was forming on the road toward Mirpur 13 I quickly made my way to the Mirpur Ideal School and College and there I found them about five hundred strong, their voices ringing out in fiery slogans

The tension escalated quickly Soldiers moved in, firing blanks to disperse the crowd The skies opened up, and rain began to pour momentarily scattering the demonstrators But they were undeterred As the rain subsided they returned their resolve seemingly strengthened by the brief pause The protest continued undiminished a testament to the unyielding spirit of the movement From the direction of Mirpur Original 10, word spread quickly more protestors were arriving by the minute I hopped into a battery-powered rickshaw, flanked by Kamran from The Business Standard and Taufiq from Kaler Kantha As we approached the scene was intense army personnel held the road s center surrounded on three sides by a throng of protesters their voices echoing with chants Over a loudspeaker, an army officer tried to calm the crowd, announcing that the army chief would be addressing them soon “Please wait until then ” he urged But the protesters their patience worn thin were in no mood to wait The army chief s speech was scheduled for 2 p m but by 1:35 the tension reached its peak In a sudden and unified movement, the crowd pushed forward,

An eyewitness account of the fall of Sheikh Hasina’s government

In a sudden and unified movement, the crowd pushed for ward, tearing down the barbed wire barriers that separated them from the main road. The soldiers stood by, offering no resistance

In the room where the prime minister used to hold briefings, people were sitting cross-legged in her chair, snapping pic tures. Others rifled through books, and some were looting items saris, jeweller y, elec trical goods

One man triumphantly held up a chicken and declared: ‘ There will be a par ty tonight to celebrate the fall of dic tator Hasina!’ I watched as a few young men entered the Prime Minister ’s bedroom on the first floor, lying on her bed and taking selfies

some demonstrators hugged the soldiers and snapped photos, capturing a moment of surreal unity amid the charged atmosphere The procession, initially barred from stopping at Mirpur No 10 pressed on relentlessly winding its way through Kazipara and Shewrapara heading straight for Shahbagh I moved with the crowd but as we reached Agargaon Taltala I felt a strong pull as if I were being swept backward in time The procession flowed down one side of the road, while I crossed to the opposite side, catching a battery rickshaw to get ahead of the march I disembarked at Bijay Sharani at the very front of the procession

The main wave of the protesters was streaming toward Shahbagh but a faction broke away determined to head toward Ganabhaban the prime minister s official residence, behind the parliament Police and army personnel scrambled to block their path, but their efforts were in vain The soldiers who had earlier fired blanks to disperse the crowd now stood motionless, as if the tide of the day had turned irrevocably

As the crowd neared the rear of the Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban a helicopter lifted off from there The time was 2:25 p m The students erupted in chants of vua (disgrace), vua (disgrace) surging toward Ganabhaban with renewed vigour

At that moment, I spotted a man on a motorcycle

Desperate to get ahead I stood in his path arms outstretched and I quickly introduced myself as a journalist requesting a ride He agreed and I was soon back on the move arriving in front of the prime minister s house gate

There, a remarkable scene unfolded Students had scaled two armoured personnel carriers of the presidential guard regiment, waving the national flag triumphantly Within moments, a group of 40 to 50 protesters clambered over the gate adjacent to the parliament building The rest emboldened by their success pushed forward urging the soldiers to open the gate

They did and in that instant I found myself among the first hundred to enter Ganabhaban Inside Ganabhaban Palace, chaos reigned as the first wave of protesters unleashed their fury Glass shattered furniture was smashed and I documented it all snapping photos and capturing video Amid the frenzy I noticed three or four young men prostrating on the grass in front of the Palace one of them shouting a prayer in the ground: God, grant martyrdom to those who died in this movement!

As I ventured deeper inside, the surreal scene continued to unfold In the hallway, tables were set with food meat vegetables chicken left untouched from what was likely a recent meal Some of the protesters began to eat while one young man took sweets from the fridge and distributed them among the group He even offered me one In the room where the prime minister used to hold briefings, people were sitting cross-legged in her chair, snapping pictures Others rifled through books and some were looting items saris jewellery electrical goods One man triumphantly held up a chicken and declared:

There will be a party tonight to celebrate the fall of dictator Hasina! I watched as a few young men entered the Prime Minister ’s bedroom on the first floor, lying on her bed and taking selfies Despite the efforts of PGR army officers to prevent the destruction and looting their warnings went unheeded The scene was eerily reminiscent of the events in Sri Lanka which I had seen on social media but now it was unfolding in my own country before my eyes In the midst of it all, I received a call from AFP journalist Mohammad Ali Mazed Dhaka bureau chief Shafiqul Alam asked him if my quotes could be used in their report Although we were among the first hundred to enter the crowd had swelled to over 1 500 with more arriving every moment An hour later, as I made my way out, the number of people at Ganabhaban had grown into the hundreds of thousands Later, I learned that AFP had been the first to break the news Before leaving, I attempted to go up to the first floor but an Army Officer named Zahid stopped me forbidding access to the bedroom He was visibly shocked when I introduced myself as a journalist You re a journalist and you re in here too? he asked incredulous Just look at the mayhem going on As if to underscore the absurdity of the situation, a young man casually walked up to the officer, holding a bottle of body spray and said “I took it sir ” As I stepped out onto the front of Ganabhaban Palace I was greeted by an unexpected sight To my left under a leafy tree sat Abhi Khasru a leader of the SAD movement from Shariatpur, outer region from Dhaka The elderly man was calmly smoking a cigarette alongside his friend, Anik Khan, while a young man nearby casually held a chicken It was a surreal contrast to the chaos unfolding around us Abhi noticing me brought over some lozenges and a Coke from inside the Palace Moments earlier I had seen him inside occupying the very seat where the prime minister once held discussions Anik, his friend, was also inside, snapping pictures in the same room It was a bizarre scene some were prostrating in prayer, others puffing on cigarettes all amidst the widespread destruction Inside Ganabhaban the vandalism was still in full swing No one had entered the building with weapons or tools but once inside most of the young men were seizing chairs and smashing glass with them At least 80 percent of the crowd appeared to be students, judging by their dress and behaviour Among them were a few middle-aged individuals who, from their conversations, seemed to be affiliated with the opposition alliance Throughout the Palace chants echoed repeatedly: Palaiche re palaiche Hasina palaiche (She s fled she s fled Hasina has fled) A lone voice tried to rally the crowd with the slogan Naraye Takbeer, Allahu Akbar but it fell flat, flopped with silence Despite the repetition, the same slogans were chanted over and


TMar yam Government’s Green Tractor Scheme to Bolster Agricultural and Industrial Economy: PA


The Pakistan Association of Automotive Parts & Accessories Manufacturers (PAAPAM) has lauded the recent agricultural initiative spearheaded by Maryam

Launch of Ik ram S ehgal's Three New Volumes Event


CDA Chairman

the construction and widening of Margalla Road which had been stalled since 2008 had been restarted which would be completed at the earliest on the instructions of Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi Later on, Chairman CDA Muhammad Ali Randhawa also visited the Jinnah Convention Center On this occasion he was briefed about the ongoing renovation and refurbishment work at the Jinnah Convention Center


Named “Terms of Frustration” Dreams and the Reality and The Kakar Model in Ikram Sehgal s series, A Personal Chronicle of Pakistan the event drew a distinguished gathering, including prominent academicians, businessmen, government officials and diplomats Elegantly hosted by Dr Huma Baqai Ikram Sehgal s son Zarrar Sehgal expressed his gratitude while warmly welcoming the audience Terms of Frustration dedicated to HH Sheikh Nahayan Mubarak Al Nahayan is a continuation of Sehgal’s meticulous chronicle of Pakistan s socio-political evolution covering significant events and lesser-known anecdotes from 1980 to 2020 Dreams and the Reality” dedicated to late Sartaz Aziz, and “The Kakar Model” dedicated to Gen Waheed Kakar cover the interesting years of the Pandemic (2021 and 2022) all containing intellectual depth for students and scholars The entire series, comprising over 7,570 pages and more than 2,000 articles, offers readers a comprehensive journey through the nation’s history Sheikh Nahayan Cabinet Member and Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence UAE, sent a heartfelt video message praising Ikram Sehgal s prolific writing effectively representing the culture and spirit of Pakistan inspiring young Pakistanis and others for generations to come Sheikh Nahayan emphasized the importance of Sehgal s work in capturing Pakistan's courage and harmonious living while highlighting the brotherly relationship between the UAE and Pakistan Expressing optimism for the future

of Pakistan HH commended Sehgal s contributions to documenting the nation's history

Air Marshal Masood Akhtar and Lt Gen Ali Kuli Khan Khattak commended Sehgal's wisdom particularly his insights on the historical relationship between Bangladesh and Pakistan AM Masood Akhtar recounted Sehgal s contribution in delivering the first ever lecture on “National Security Strategy” at the NDU Islamabad when he was Chief Instructor there Gen Ali read out a message from Gen Kakar who could not attend because of ill health Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed praised Sehgal for his unwavering commitment to speaking truth to power even in challenging times He recounted instances where military leaders guided by their principles made significant decisions impacting Pakistan s governance Sayed emphasized that Sehgal s work serves as a critical resource for students and scholars reflecting his deep understanding of Pakistan s ethos and his courage to challenge unjust policies

Former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi reflected on Sehgal's writings over the past 30 years, noting that while Pakistan has struggled to learn from its his-

tory Sehgal s work provides valuable lessons Khaqan Abbasi stressed the importance of adhering to the constitution, highlighting the rigging in elections and the failure to uphold oaths as key issues in Pakistan s governance He praised Sehgal s books as essential reading for a nuanced understanding of Pakistan s history and the challenges it faces A renowned defence and security analyst and a former officer of the Pakistan Army Ikram Sehgal shared his profound experiences while thanking the speakers and participants Each volume of A Personal Chronicle of Pakistan delves into key events that have shaped the country’s social, political and economic landscape The series is considered an essential reference for understanding Pakistan s past and charting its future Sehgal s previous work also include Escape from Oblivion and Blood over Different Shades of Green,” they have cemented his reputation as a leading voice in Pakistan’s literary and analytical circles

The launch of three more volumes marks another significant contribution documenting the real history and trajectory of Pakistan, providing readers with insights that are as enlightening as they are essential

US defence chief deploys guided missile submarine to Middle East


Y US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the deployment of a guided missile submarine to the Middle East the Pentagon said Sunday In a phone call with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant Austin reiterated the US s commitment to take every possible step to defend Israel, the Pentagon said in a statement “Reinforcing this commitment, Secretary Austin has ordered the USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN Carrier Strike Group equipped with F-35C fighters to accelerate its transit to the Central Command area of responsi-

bility adding to the capabilities already provided by the USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT Carrier Strike Group,” it added Additionally Austin ordered the USS Georgia (SSGN 729) guided missile submarine to the Central Command region The defense chiefs also discussed Israel s operations in the Gaza Strip and the importance of mitigating civilian harm, progress towards securing a cease-fire and the release of hostages held in Gaza and US efforts to deter aggression by Iran Lebanon s Hezbollah group and other Iranaligned groups across the region, the Pentagon added Earlier this month the Pentagon announced that the US will deploy additional military assets to the Middle East ahead of possible retaliation by Iran against Israel Tensions are running high in the Middle East following the July 31 assassination of Hamas s political chief Ismail Haniyeh in the Iranian capital Tehran and Israel s assassination of senior Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr in an airstrike on a southern suburb of Beirut on July 30 Hamas and Iran have accused Israel of carrying out Haniyeh s assassination, while Tel Aviv has not confirmed or denied responsibility

World Youth Development Forum opens in Beijing

BEIJING: The 2024 World Youth Development Forum opened in Beijing on Monday, with more than 2,000 young people from over 130 countries and 20 international organizations participating both online and on-site Monday marks International


for planation of the trees which would help to earn carbon credits in future The meeting also included a detailed discussion on the design and master plan of the Jinnah Medical Complex as well as the essential amenities near the project for the general public PR BISP and PSDF disc uss skill training programme

ISLAMABAD: The Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) and Punjab Skill Development Fund (PSDF) held an important meeting at BISP Headquarters to discuss the progress of the BISP Skill Training Programme The meeting was attended by Senator Rubina Khalid, Chairperson of BISP, Secretary BISP Amer Ali Ahmad, and Mr Ahmed Khan, CEO of PSDF The meeting focused on the progress of the Skill Training Programme which aims to provide skill development opportunities to BISP beneficiaries and their family members across various trades Senator Rubina Khalid emphasized the importance of offering topquality training courses that are recognized internationally She pointed out that such training could help beneficiaries find jobs abroad improving their economic situation and allowing them to contribute to the country s economy She also mentioned the increasing need for skilled workers in areas like hospitality management, home care, and receptionist roles PR

OGDCL Announces Commencement of Production


Oil and Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) on Monday announced the successful commencement of early commercial production of Tight Gas from Pakistan s first-ever Tight Gas project Nur West Well-1 at the Nur Development & Production Lease (D&PL), located in the Sujawal district of Sindh The Nur West Well-1 is currently producing 1 5 Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day (MMSCFD) of gas with a wellhead flowing pressure of 1050 PSI

Defence Minister Visits Naval Headquar ters

Navy to safeguard mar-



In a pioneering moment for Pakistan s electric vehicle sector

VLEKTRA has successfully completed the first-ever intercity journey on an electric motorcycle from Karachi to Hyderabad This historic ride, which took place on Sunday, covered a distance of 166 kilometers and was completed on the VLEKTRA Velocity an electric motorcycle boasting a range of 180 kilometers on a single charge The journey, which was live-

streamed on youtube, marked a sig-

nificant milestone in the evolution of e-mobility in Pakistan It highlighted VLEKTRA's commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation and sustainability demonstrating the practicality and reliability of electric vehicles on long-distance routes within the country "I am incredibly proud of our Research and Development department particularly our testing team who have dedicated two years of relentless effort to bring this product to life said Syed Raza Mohsin, CEO of VLEKTRA "This motorcycle was conceived, designed,

and developed entirely in Pakistan While a range of 80-100 kilometers suffices for 99% of use cases range anxiety has been a significant concern for EV customers With a remarkable range of 180 kilometers on a single charge and a cost of under Rs1/km, we are more confident than ever in our product lineup " VLEKTRA’s achievement not only underscores the technical prowess of its motorcycles but also sets a new benchmark for the electric vehicle industry in Pakistan By successfully navigating the diverse terrains between Karachi

SC overturnS LHC verdiCt, orderS voteS

reCounting in nA-79, 81, 154

tNahra s votes were declared cancelled

Bushra Bibi’s bail in 12 cases of May 9 rejected

The Anti-Terrorism Court of Rawalpindi has rejected the interim bail pleas of Bushra Bibi, the wife of former prime minister Imran Khan in connection with 12 cases related to the May 9 2023 incidents The court presided over by Judge

is arrested in so many cases an investigation is necessary the court remarked and adjourned the hearing of all related cases until August 22 The May 9 cases, which involve over 500 suspected individuals, have led to significant legal proceedings The presence of all 500 suspects was marked Several high-profile figures including Imran Khan Sheikh Rashid Shibli Faraz Ghulam Sarwar Sadaqat Abbasi Shireen Mazari and Azam Swati were also present during the hearing at the specially arranged courtroom within Adiala Jail PTI Founder Imran Khan was also produced in the courtroom set up in Adiala Jail The cases stem from the tragic events of May 9, which resulted in widespread unrest and led to a series of arrests and legal actions


S TA F F R E P O R T The Senate Functional Committee on Human Rights has called for urgent reforms in performance of National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) Meeting of the Functional Committee was held under the chair of Senator Samina Mumtaz Zehri at Parliament Lodges on Monday Senator Mohammad Humayun Mohmand, Senator Poonjo Bheel, Senator Jam Saifullah Khan, Secretary of the Ministry of Human Rights (MoHR) Allah Dino Khawaja and senior officials from the NCSW and National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) attended the meeting The Secretary MoHR informed the committee about the appointment process for the Chairperson of the NCSW He explained that the position requires a minimum of 15 years of experience in women's rights and appropriate qualifications The scrutiny process focuses on whether candidates have 15 years of experience have worked on women’s empowerment or have engaged in human rights work Allah Dino Khawaja further added that this year 15 applications were received, of


PTI decries SC ruling on vote recount in three NA constituencies


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders on Monday expressed deep disappointment with the Supreme Court s ruling on vote recount in three National Assembly constituencies calling it a “murder of justice ” The Supreme Court earlier in the day overturned the Lahore High Court s (LHC) decision that nullified the vote recount in three National Assembly constituencies where Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) candidates had secured victories A three-member bench led by Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa delivered the reserved verdict with a 21 majority, ruling in favour of the PMLN leaders who had filed the appeals However, Justice Aqeel Abbasi of the Supreme Court dissented from the majority decision opposing the ruling

in favour of PML-N candidates Azhar Qayyum Nahra Abdul Rehman Kanju and Zulfikar Ahmed Addressing a press conference in Islamabad, PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar, alongside Omar Ayub, Raoof Hasan and Shibli Faraz, strongly criticised the verdict We are extremely disappointed with the Supreme Court s ruling This is nothing short of a murder of justice Our seats have been handed over to another political party with the stroke of a pen,” Gohar said He added that PTI

conduct free and fair elections in the country

Bilal then challenged the ECP s decision in the LHC, which on April 4, set aside the notification of Azhar Nahra s victory from from NA-81 The court had also ruled that the ECP could not entertain complaints against election disputes once election tribunals begin their work

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has announced plans for peaceful demonstrations across Punjab on Tuesday August 13 the eve of Pakistan s 77th Independence Day The protests are intended to call for the release of several detained party leaders and workers including PTI founding chairman Imran Khan Hammad Azhar Acting President and General Secretary of PTI Central Punjab, confirmed that the party will stage a major demonstration at Liberty Chowk in Lahore at 11pm on August 13 The protest will feature a significant turnout of PTI supporters and will be marked by the display of national and party flags Azhar emphasised that the demonstrations aim to secure the release of Imran Khan alongside other prominent PTI figures including Bushra Bibi Vice Chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi former Punjab Governor Umar Sarfraz Cheema former Punjab Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid, Senator Ejaz Chaudhry, and various other detained party members These individuals have been held for approximately a year under what PTI describes as unjust circumstances In a media interaction PTI leader Shaukat Basra urged for the

immediate release of the detained individuals and called on the public to reject “chains of slavery” and to strive for real independence

Basra also criticised the incumbent government referring to it as illegitimate and lacking public support He accused the administration of imposing heavy taxes and contributing to soaring inflation, which he claimed have led to widespread public disillusionment

Earlier the Save the Constitution Movement led by Chairman Mahmood Khan Achakzai, had announced plans for public rallies on Independence Day Achakzai criticised the ongoing political system asserting that despite gaining freedom from British rule in 1947 true freedom remains elusive

He accused both the civil and military establishments of holding disproportionate power, undermining the Constitution’s authority Achakzai has called for political dialogue to establish constitutional safeguards and improve electoral laws to ensure transparency in future elections

He also expressed concerns regarding the current government’s legitimacy, alleging that it was formed through a process outlined in fake Form 47 which he described as lacking public endorsement Former National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaisar has similarly

called for a restoration of parliamentary powers, asserting that the Parliament represents the true will of the people Qaisar has announced a series of seminars and rallies aimed at mobilising public support for real freedom and constitutional integrity

These developments come amid ongoing crackdowns against PTI over its alleged role in the riots of May 9 during which military installations including Rawalpindi s General Headquarters and Lahore Corps Commander s House, were targeted by protesters

In a related statement, Qaisar addressed the controversial legacy of Baloch leader Nawab Akbar Bugti describing him as a victim of cruelty rather than an enemy of Pakistan He denounced the practice of labelling dissenters as traitors and advocated for dialogue to resolve issues in Balochistan Qaisar defended Mahmood Khan Achakzai’s role as a mediator emphasising that Achakzai s democratic and constitutional values should not be misconstrued as unpatriotic

The coordinated protests and public rallies reflect deep-seated tensions within Pakistan’s political landscape as various factions continue to grapple with issues of governance legitimacy inflation and national unity on the eve of the country s Independence Day

Fresh monsoon spell to hit countr y tomorrow

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif on Monday emphasised the importance of focusing on the education training and character building of youth

In a message on International Youth Day she described the youth as the real asset of a nation and the true architects of its future, stressing the importance of guiding them in the right direction

Maryam Nawaz stated that the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) government is commit-

ted to providing opportunities for youth to realize their dreams Under the Chief Minister s Youth Initiative, various programs are ongoing for the welfare of the younger generation

She announced that for the convenience of young students ebikes and petrol bikes are being provided, with a second phase of the project to be introduced soon

The Chief Minister noted that youth are being equipped with IT skills to meet the demands of the international job market She revealed that the PML-N government will soon provide laptops to

talented youth and highlighted that scholarships for higher education will also be available soon, ensuring that there will be no shortage of funds for youth education

CM Maryam expressed confidence in the potential of the youth saying I am sure our youth will make Pakistan a developed nation with their hard work and dedication

She also mentioned gold medalist Arshad Nadeem as a prime example of what young people can achieve through hard work

The Punjab government she added will provide all possible facilities to support its youth

Sindh Governor ’s Replacement: MQM-P threatens to withdraw from ruling coalition


Following the reports of Governor Sindh Kamran Tessori’s replacement the Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQMP) has warned that it may withdraw from the coalition government led by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif if any unilateral decisions are made regarding the province s governorship, as reported by the media

However Tessori dismissed rumours about his potential replacement stating that he will continue to serve as long as he retains the confidence of President Asif Ali Zardari, PM Shehbaz Sharif, and MQM-P leader Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Ishaq Dar also cleared the air regarding Tessori s replacement stating that there are no such reports Khajawa Izharul Hassan another senior MQM-P leader, supported Sattar s stance, rejecting the notion of Tessori’s removal and highlighting the importance of having a governor from an urban area when the chief minister is from a rural region

Senior MQM-P leader Farooq Sattar said that Tessori a member of their party was assured by the Pakistan Muslim LeagueNawaz (PML-N) that he would remain in his position Sattar stated, The Sindh governor belongs to the MQM-P, and it was agreed upon in meetings with the PML-N that Tessori would stay ” These remarks came following recent reports that PML-N and PPP have mutually decided to replace Tessori with Bashir Memon

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