Epaper_24-08-14 LHR

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Sazgar Engineering to launch new

M O N S O O N W R E A KS H AV O C I N PA K I S TA N A S 1 7 8 L I V E S LO S T, M O R E A C R O S S S O U T H A S I A

T h e s u g a r m a f i a

How the National B ank was hollowed out

TH E revelation by an audit that the National Bank of Pakistan has been pushed close to bankruptcy bv deafults by sugar mills should reveal how close to the only bank still held by the government, which doubles as a Treasury, has been callously looted by a sugar mafia with its terntacles in the highest reaches of government

The enterprises which crop up do not simply have powerful contacts They are those contacts Ramazan Sugar Mills, for example, do not merely have access to the Sharif family, which currently holds the Prime Ministership and the Punjab chief Ministership but is actually owned by that family Similarly, the Omni Group has unparalleled access to the President and his son the PPP chief Some representative of the sugar barons is there in each government The PTI government had both Makhdoom Khusro Bakhtiar in the Cabinet, and Jahanir Tarin in a very influential position While at one time individuals might be out of office or in exile the group as a whole lands feet first

The sugar barons’ only sin has not been simply to regard NBP as a cash cow, but to get government policy decided according to their will Thus it has been that sugar exports have been sanctioned, even if that means a local shortage which drives up the price for local consumers It should not be forgotten that sugar is not just used as a sweetener by individual consumers, but on an industrial scale by beverage and dairy product manufacturers

It is a truism that millers are not in business for their health, but to make money However, that relatively innocuous statement becomes problematic when government money is involved It should not be forgotten that NBP is the government’s banker (payments by the government are made by NBP cheques it receives payments), in addition to act as a commercial bank Loans made without due diligence, due to political pressure, have a tendency to go bad It is not enough to find out which loans have gone bad, but whether those loans were followed by further loans, and how were they made A thorough investigation is needed

Dedicated to the legac y of late Hameed Nizami Arif Nizami (Late) Founding Editor

P a k i s t a n t u r n s 7 7

nah who had led the Muslims in an inspiring and determined manner to liberate them from the shackles of the British rule and the Hindu economic hegemony on the basis of the concept of a separate homeland for the Muslims presented by the great philosopher and poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal

PAKISTAN is all set to turn 77 as the people enthusiastically are going to celebrate the auspicious occasion of the Independence Day today thanks to the continued blessings of the Almighty This is indeed a great occasion which the Pakistanis are going to celebrate within the geographical frontiers of the motherland and also abroad in foreign countries all over the world Kashmiris in the occupied territory and all over the world observed the second darkest day in their history as the black day Youm-e-Istehsal-i-Kashmir on August 5 2024 which was also observed by the people and government of Pakistan in furtherance of their continued moral political and diplomatic support because of their solidarity for Kashmiris just, fair and indigenous freedom struggle Besides expressing gratitude in all possible manners ‘to the Almighty the people while celebrating the Independence Day should be paying homage to the leaders and forefathers of the Pakistan Movement whose struggle and sacrifices had resulted in the creation of new motherland Pakistan out of nowhere on the world map under the inspiring leadership and statesmanship of the great leader Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah

Pakistan is just 77 and this is no age for a country With the blessings of the Almighty it has to go a long way long over the coming centuries and stay forever on the world map overcoming all its internal and external challenges and problems It is a matter of record that Pakistan has already overcome many of its internal and external challenges quite successfully and its people are determined, united and committed as ever to continue facing these challenges steadfastly boldly and courageously in future also

This great occasion also calls for some soul searching and catharsis regarding how much Pakistan has given to us all these years and how much we are repaying these heavy debts in all these years and continue doing the same regularly as long as we continue breathing in the free and independent atmosphere of our beloved motherland

Our future generations must continuously be reminded that Pakistan had surfaced on the world map out of nowhere under the statesmanship and principled leadership of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jin-

F r e e d o m i n t h e c o n t e

The Quaid-i-Azam had departed to eternity much sooner leaving behind his three golden principles of Unity, Faith and Discipline which need to be continuously remembered and practised in letter and spirit by all of us by sustaining faith maintaining unity in our ranks and files and adhering to and strictly observing discipline both individually and collectively while combating internal and external challenges squarely and loving forward and onward on the path of progress , development, prosperity and self-reliance and continue upholding national solidarity and sovereignty at all costs The Quaid-i-Azam is on record having stated Now that Pakistan has come into existence every person living within the territories of Pakistan be he/she a Muslim Sikh Hindu Christian or professing any other faith, he/she is a

s a fe g u a rd i n g o u r h a rd e a r n e d i n d e p e n d e n c e a n d e n s u r i n g mu ch

d e s i r e d a n d n e e d e d n a t i o n a l s e c u r i t y, u n i t y, s o l i d a r i t y a n d

s ov e r e i g n t y n o m a t t e r h ow mu ch w e s u f fe r a n d h av e t o s a c r i f i c e

We a r e f r e e a n d i n d e p e n d e n t b e c a u s e o f Pa k i s t a n w i t h t h e

c o n t i nu e d bl e s s i n g s o f t h e A l m i g h t y. L O N G L I V E PA K I S TA N .

x t o f P a k i s t a n

as of the West and the great poet of Urdu Allama Iqbal very correctly told us about Western democracy in the following couplet: Jamhuriyat ik trzi-i-hukppmat hai kai jismain/Bandon kogina jata hai tola nahin jata

(Democracy is that system of government in which/Men are counted not weighed ) During the whole freedom struggle the AllIndia National Congress the largest and pio-

neering political party of the Subcontinent, did not raise or use any religious slogan while the Muslim League did and was founded on the basis of religion and that was Islam Quaid-eAzam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said in a speech delivered on 13 vJanuary 1948 in Peshawar that the demand of Pakistan was not made just to get a country, but to get a laboratory, rather a laboratory to practise Islam Today we still feel ashamed that Pakistan could not be the laboratory of the practice of Islam Our country s socio-political and economic structure is not Islamic or democratic It is a universal truth that without being a part or under a religion, Islam, politics is a terribly cruel system Pakistan cannot survive even be safe unless it practises and implements Islam Our forefathers were told by the Quaid and by then Muslim League that only Islamic laws would be implemented in Pakistan but that promise is still waiting to be fulfilled We are duly ashamed at the failure to fulfill If we want to survive, we should abandon inhuman and Un Islamic set-ups forever and that too as early as possible If we are to fill the pot with pure water first we must empty the pot and throw away its dirty water and then clean the pot After that, the pot could be filled with pure water

We must avoid following the blind following of the West and un-Islamic ideas We should remove all un-Islamic rules laws principles and practices We should leave blind faith in Western and un-Islamic regulations and imitation

The writer is a freelance columnist

We s t e r n a n d u n - I s l a m i c r e g u l a t i o n s a n d i m i t a t i o n .

Will Sindh weather monsoon?

we are told The only thing is that we are told all this every year, but when it rains, all these preparations are also washed away Will it be different this year?

Has the government assessed the effectiveness of the Left Bank Outfall Drain (LBOD) and the Right Bank Outfall Drain (RBOD) systems in the light of what happened in 2022 and earlier? Moreover will these systems stand the flow and prevent flooding especially in Qambar-Shahdadkot, Larkana, Dadu and Jamshoro districts or will it be yet another disaster in these regions?

Will this year see the distribution of emergency services, like machinery dewatering pumps life jackets boats as well as rescue personnel, getting done fairly, or will it be subject to favouritism as has mostly been the case? All these questions are giving sleepless nights to the people Their hope lies in the possibility that the forecast may be less than accurate


Misleading adver ts

MY daughter who has recently completed her BS in Medical Imaging Technology (MIT) from a public-sector medical university in Lahore came to know about a two-year ‘extensive’ training programme in Radiology at a famous private-sector university hospital in Karachi The training programme promised professional grooming with a possibility of job, subject to availability It was not easy to travel all the way to Karachi from Sialkot where we live, to appear for the aptitude test, but we did for

dR MuhaMMad afZaal

Independence Day shows the way ahead

gral part of the Indian Union

the election campaign of 2024 the Hindu majority had been mobilized especially on hate Muslim slogans

IT was due to the selfless unity among the Muslims under the leadership of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah that Pakistan became a tangible reality on 14 August 1947 But, that unity started declining after passing through various crises, and the result was separation of East Pakistan in 1971 as India manipulated differences between East Pakistan and West Pakistan

Although the 14th August is celebrated every year as Independence Day, but, this year, it has come at a time when Pakistan is facing multiple threats of grave nature externally and internally which are worrying all the citizens In fact Pakistan is facing a hybrid war During the partition of the sub-continent the people of the state of Jammu and Kashmir, which had a Muslim majority, decided to join Pakistan But, Dogra Raja, Sir Hari Singh, a Hindu, who was ruling over the J&K in collusion with the Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Governor General Lord Mountbatten joined India The Radcliffe Boundary Award gave the Gurdaspur District a majority Muslim area to India to provide a land route to the Indian forces to move into the state Indian forces invaded Srinagar on 27 October 27 1947 and forcibly occupied the state in utter violation of the partition plan When Pakistan responded militarily on 31 December 1947, India made an appeal to the UN Security Council to intervene and a ceasefire ultimately came into effect on 1 January 1949, following UN resolutions calling for a plebiscite in Kashmir On 5 February 1964 India backed out of its commitment of holding a plebiscite Instead the Indian Parliament declared Kashmir an inte-

Since 1989, various forms of state terrorism have been part of a deliberate campaign by the Indian Army and paramilitary forces against Muslim Kashmiris It has been manifested in various ruthless tactics

On August 5 2019 Indian brutal actions against the Muslim Kashmiris reached a climax when the Indian government led by the fanatic Indian Premier Narendra Modi revoked Articles 35A and 370 of the Constitution, which gave a special status to the disputed territory The Indian government bifurcated Jammu and Kashmir into two union territories

Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh to be ruled by the federal government

New Delhi also issued an infamous map on 31 October 2019, which displayed this split and identifies the Pakistani side of Azad Kashmir as well as certain areas of GilgitBaltistan as Indian territory

Besides Pakistan China also rejected the Indian malicious acts as unlawful and void , saying that India s decision to include some of China s territory into its administrative jurisdiction “challenged” Beijing’s sovereignty The border dispute between India and China which remains unsettled has increased tension between the two countries

Due to Modi s pressure, the verdict of the Indian Supreme Court on 11 December 2023 upheld the decision to revoke Jammu and Kashmir ’s special constitutional status in 2019

While the deployment of more than 900 000 military troops in Indian-Occupied Kashmir who have martyred tens of thousands of the Kashmiris, the Modi-led government has intensified measures, bringing ethno-demographic changes in the IndianOccupied Kashmir to convert Muslim Kashmiris into a minority Western media human rights groups and leaders of various countries and UNO have repeatedly condemned Indian illegal measures and human rights abuses which keep on going in Indian-Occupied Kashmir Despite this, Indian PM Modi was sworn in as India’s prime minister on June 9 this year for a rare third term The BJP together with its National Democratic Alliance (NDA) has won a majority

Since Modi became Indian PM, he started implementing the ideology of Hindutva (Hindu Nationalism) Again, during

Tension escalated rapidly between New Delhi and Islamabad in the aftermath of the false flag Pulwama terror attack in IndianOccupied Kashmir, when on 27 February 2019 in response to the Indian so-called preemptive air strike near the town of Balakot close to the border with Pakistan s sector of Kashmir which resulted in no casualties Pakistan Air Force shot down two Indian Air Force fighter jets and launched aerial strikes at six targets in Indian-Occupied Kashmir

Once again Modi can arrange another false flag like Pulwama attack inside Pakistan s sector of Kashmir to keep his coalition (NDA) united and to divert attention from his weak government Pakistan s civil and military leaders have repeatedly stated that Pakistan’s armed forces “are ready to respond any Indian aggression with full might”

It is notable that US Congress passed a resolution on June 26 which called for a full and independent investigation into alleged irregularities in Pakistan s general election 2024, which former Prime Minister Imran Khan of PTI party alleged was manipulated to deny it victory Pakistan has said that the USA attempted to interfere in its internal affairs

As part of the double game US Republican Senator Marco Rubio introduced a bill on July 26, to bolster strategic, diplomatic, economic, and military ties with India against China and Pakistan

Analysts agree that in the post-election scenario Pakistan s multiple crises and challenges have increased and the stakes for the

At this critical hour, the government, the opposition leaders, including all other segments of society must show selfless national unity which is very necessary to pull the country out of the ongoing serious crises.

new coalition government would be enormously high The most immediate task for the government would be to negotiate a new bailout agreement with the IMF, to seek a new loan to repay debt due this year to avoid a default and stabilize the economy In the budget for the fiscal year 2024-25, the government was compelled to accept IMF s key demands such as an increase in the tax revenue target withdrawal of subsidies taxes on the agriculture sector increase in levy and taxes on power, gas and oil sectors, privatization of sick government organizations etc Earlier with the support of other parties especially the PPP Mian Shehbaz Sharif of PML-leader secured a comfortable win over Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and PTI leader Omar Ayub became opposition leader In his maiden speech in the National Assembly, Premier Sharif listed the frail economy and precarious security situation as challenges and invited all the political entities to pull the country out of the crisis

The PML(N) PPP and some other political parties also asked the PTI for cooperation so as to achieve political stability But, the PTI leaders refused any such collaboration, alleging rigging in the elections JUI(F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman who had confirmed the contacts with the PTI announced on March 3 this year that the party will sit on opposition benches and organize a nationwide movement against the alleged vote rigging

PML(N) and some other parties opine that if elections were rigged or the establishment interfered against the PTI PTI-backed independents would not have swept the polls in KP winning 91 out of 113 seats And military s media wing ISPR said that on various occasions, the Army clarified that it had provided a security environment for the conduct of the general election, and had nothing to do with the electoral process

It is mentionable that on July 19 more than 10 000 people waving white flags gathered for the rally in Bannu against a planned operation by the Pakistan military to root out militants along the Afghan border, with at least one protester killed when gunfire broke out The protest turned violent when crowds reached the walls of an army facility Government s top officials said that the shooting was carried out by those including PTI supporters who wanted to destroy peace the community is no longer willing to tolerate this Incarcerated former Prime Minister Imran Khan and a six-party opposition al-

liance called for a judicial inquiry into the outbreak of violence at a peace rally in Bannu even as the Khyber

fire and causing injuries Renowned foreign human rights groups manipulated the Banu incident against Pak Army to distort Pakistan s image Nevertheless, Imran Khan is still taking a U-turn and is he sending messages to the establishment for negotiation, Meanwhile the sit-ins in various regions of Pakistan s various regions protest rallies by the

tor ture camps? G o o g l e ’ s h o l d o n t h e s e a r c h i n d u s t r y

The four-year, 286-page case, brought by the US Depar tment of Justice, called Google a ‘monopolist’. It found that the firm spent billions of dollars a year on exclusivity deals

whelmed investors On Thursday the Financial Times reported a secret deal that it had made with Meta to target advertisements to teenagers, which skirted its own rules for how minors should be treated online But, the biggest hit to its business is likely to come from a ruling by a US federal

Amit Mehta who on




The four-year, 286-page case, brought by the US Department of Justice, called Google a “monopolist” It found that the firm spent billions of dollars a year on exclusivity deals with wireless carriers browser developers and device manufacturers Tech rival Apple the iPhone maker was a significant beneficiary Google paid the company $20bn in 2022

alone as part of a years-long agreement to make its search engine the default on Apple s Safari browser The findings shed light on malpractice in the search industry Google has long maintained that because its search services are free, and market-leading in quality its dominance of the sector is not harmful to consumers While this case concedes some of Google s arguments it helps establish that Big Tech firms with monopoly power can harm consumers in broader ways Indeed, Google’s billion-dollar deals have helped it to entrench its position as the top search engine That limits choice stifles innovation and prevents other companies for gaining scale Currently the company controls 90 per cent of the search market, rising to 95 per cent for mobile devices This traffic underpins its ad-based business model, and drives the data flow to improve its services Antitrust cases against Big Tech firms often take years and are shrouded in complexity That makes this case all the more significant It could set a precedent by emboldening other judges with pending tech

lawsuits and by deterring companies from making exclusivity deals It may also lead to private civil litigation against Google by companies who feel they have been harmed All said Alphabet’s share price has barely budged since Monday’s ruling It will appeal the case and the DoJ still needs to discuss remedial actions One might be to force Google to separate its search engine from its Android phone operating system and Chrome browser Another is to make Google’s search data available for other companies Both options are quite radical difficult to execute and perhaps too retrospective It is better to tackle Google s ability to protect its dominance going forward A sensible remedy would be to curb its ability to strike exclusive deals Although that would hit Apple too the payments it receives from Google are substantial portion of its $85bn-a-year services business it could give the iPhone maker the kick it needs to develop its own search business Another option would be to ensure users can choose their search engine via a “choice screen” rather than having a default This is mandated in the EU It could extend choices to new artificial intelligence-powered search tools too Ultimately Google may find that its biggest enemy has been itself, not regulators Exposed to competition, it perhaps would have innovated more A recent study found its search results had been throwing up more spam and low-quality content The company has also lost ground in the AI race Perplexity an AI search app, has recently been surging in popularity With this landmark case, the door to even faster disruption in the search industry can hopefully be opened wider Is Israel ashamed of

WH E N Israel s premier human rights organization B Tselem produces a detailed report entitled “Welcome to Hell The Israeli Prison System as a Network of Torture Camps ” you would think the world would take note Some outrage perhaps after a video emerged appearing to show an Israeli soldier raping a Palestinian prisoner? As yet, not one leader of a state allied or close to Israel has condemned this A normal reaction to this crime would be horror Instead there has been the unedifying spectacle of hordes of Israelis including members of the Knesset breaking into the Sde Teiman detention center to demand that soldiers held for questioning regarding the rape be released

Even more macabre was to see that the morality of raping a prisoner was the subject of debate on Israeli prime-time television

One of the soldiers accused even appeared to defend the army It was debated in the Knesset too Many Palestinians and human rights defenders would define the entirety of Gaza as one giant torture camp The conditions are so appalling unsanitary and disease ridden The killing maiming and destruction are relentless

Will this stop US, British and German politicians spouting nauseating platitudes about shared values with Israel, that it is par t of this mythical ‘Western civilization?’


Although the

Intelligence (DGFI) authorities already

that there are no detainees in their Dhaka facility, popularly known as Aynaghor , the release of some former prisoners has raised hope that many of the disappeared could still be alive in other secret internment centres of the security forces The DGFI reportedly promised to form a joint commission to inspect 23 other facilities across the country to see if the victims of enforced disappearance were there The question is, how many detention-cum-torture cells are there, really? How many of the hostages held illegally over the years are still alive? How many perished in obscurity? In a report in 2021 the Human Rights Watch said there was no trace of nearly 100 out of the 600 people who had disappeared during Hasina s rule The number of the disappeared could be more than 700 according to Odhikar which says some 150 are believed to remain missing Clearly because of the cloak of secrecy in

which those behind the illegal operations wrapped themselves there remains a huge information gap which could complicate any future effort to shine a light on all such cases and indeed to pursue justice for the security officers and services responsible Besides enforced disappearance, the Awami League regime had also been regularly accused of allowing extrajudicial killings and custodial torture and so the interim government must start the process of establishing justice for all such activities The immediate priority, of course, will be to locate and release all enforced disappearance victims For too long, these people and their families have endured unimaginable suffering which must come to an end The authorities should also set up an independent justice mechanism with the UN s support to investigate each of the incidents, and put the perpetrators on trial After Sheikh Hasina’s ouster, the nation finally has a chance to unearth the full horrors of enforced disappearance and rectify the state machinery involved

The accusations outlined in B Tselem s 118-page indictment are painful to read in detail It claims that a network of a dozen civilian and military prison facilities are “dedicated to the abuse of inmates Such spaces, in which every inmate is intentionally condemned to severe relentless pain and suffering operate in fact as torture camps A doctor at an Israeli prison facility has also just revealed that two prisoners had their legs amputated due to handcuff injuries Israel s detention without trial program has also been extended dramatically By early July almost 5 000 Palestinians were held without trial Thousands of others have been detained and later released This industrial detention program included doctors lawyers journalists, and human rights defenders Some were possibly Hamas members, many were not But the prohibition on torture is absolute, no matter what organization a prisoner may belong to Often the only reason given was that they were men of fighting age One Israeli prison commander summed up the attitude: As far as we are concerned they are all terrorists All in all,

Sajjad SHaukat

Sattracts scores of migrants and visitors seeking livelihood On the other hand, production from the available sources of natural gas have been on a continuous decline for almost a decade which is creating a massive demand-supply gap This adversely affects SSGC s capacity to maintain pipeline pressures at adequate levels as a result of which the consumers, especially those located in densely populated areas, struggle to receive optimal gas pressures Naturally, the first course of action to ensure an equitable distribution of limited quantity of natural gas are the administrative measures which have been gradually intensified to saturation As a long-term resolution of these challenges the gas network in Karachi is being augmented through the construction of five major pipeline projects, aimed at sepa-

rating the industrial and the domestic sector, which have different natural gas pressures and volumes requirements A 16” dia x 5 km pipeline was completed in December 2023 that connects SSGC’s Surjani Step-down Assembly to its pipelines near Madinat-al-Hikmah The pipeline will result in significant pressure improvements for both the industrial consumers located in Karachi West and the domestic consumers located in Surjani West, Valika and SITE areas Additionally, SSGC is constructing a 24” diameter transmission pipeline for the Karachi West Region on a fast-track basis for removing low-pressure issues and meeting future gas requirements in Northern Bypass Hub and Winder Industrial Areas Also in December 2023 a 16 dia x 6 2 Km pipeline from Pakistan Steel Mills to Yousuf Goth, Landhi was completed, which has massively improved pressures for the consumers belonging to all sectors located in Landhi Area And in June 2024 SSGC commissioned 20’ dia x 11 kms pipeline project from Sheedi Goth to Future Colony and other 20 dia x 9 kms pipeline from Azeempura to Jam Sadiq Ali Bridge for improving service delivery to I I Chundrigar Road, Keamari, Kharadar, Lyari, Old-City Area, Clifton and DHA besides supporting gas requirement in the Korangi Industrial area Furthermore, two more distribution pipelines namely 16” diameter x 10 Km pipeline from KT to TBS Maymar CNG With the construction and commissioning of the above-mentioned capital intensive and challenging projects, SSGC has continued to demonstrate robust commitment to its vision of being a model utility company The added infrastructure will enable SSGC to continue to serve its consumers through optimized delivery pressures and mitigation of low-pressure complaints across Karachi and adjacent areas

ahead are vast, and as we look to the future there is no doubt that Pakistan has the potential to assert its role as a leading global actor MEEZAN BANK –A JOURNEY OF SUCCESS

Meezan Bank s journey began in 1997 as Al Meezan Investment Bank, which transitioned into Pakistan’s first Islamic commercial bank in 2002 Alhamdulillah this has been a story of unparalleled success in Pakistan s

PAKISTAN Navy since its inception in 1947, has played pivotal role in nation s defence architecture Despite being relatively smaller than some regional navies it has consistently adapted to geopolitical changes and technological advancements Pakistan Navy s historical engagements and operations have instilled a robust operational culture, which continues to evolve with modern warfare demands On 78th Independence Day it is significant to acknowledge Pakistan Navy s resolute efforts in defending our sovereignty, enhancing regional security, and advancing global maritime partnerships Over the decades Pakistan Navy has undergone important transformations enhancing its operational capabilities for defending the maritime borders This evolution stems from a combination of strategic imperatives, regional security dynamics, and advancements in naval technology As Pakistan gears up to confront a range of maritime challenges Pak Navy stands at the forefront of safeguarding national interests, ensuring maritime trade security, and maintaining territorial integrity

In recent years Pakistan Navy has undertaken extensive modernization efforts aimed at enhancing its capabilities Induction of advanced platforms, including frigates, submarines, and maritime patrol aircrafts marks a substantial upgrade in operational capacity The acquisition of advanced technologies including missile systems and anti-submarine warfare capabilities plays crucial role in expanding Pak Navy s strategic reach

Recognizing the importance of self-reliance, Pakistan has invested in indigenous shipbuilding capabilities through Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works (KSEW) and collaboration with friendly countries In this regard, Type 054-A/P frigates from China, 'Milgem' class corvettes from Turkiye, and OPVs

from Romania have modernised PN fleet with new and upgraded platforms Indigenously Pakistan Navy has built the largest fleet tanker, PNS MOAWIN, in collaboration with Türkiye, and is enhancing its subsurface capabilities through upgradation of Agosta 90B submarines and construction of eight Hangor class submarines with Air Independent Propulsion systems in collaboration with China Building naval vessels domestically not only diminishes reliance on foreign suppliers but also promotes local expertise and drives innovation Pakistan Navy s commitment to combat readiness is clearly


Imran l abels ex-sPymaster’s arrest as ‘army’s Internal matter’

Mar yam Nawaz reaches Arshad Nadeem’s house; presents him with cheque


Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz on Tuesday made a special trip to Mian Channu to personally honor Arshad Nadeem, who recently made history by winning a gold medal at the Olympics and setting a new record after 118 years

Punjab CM Maryam Nawaz hugged and congratulated Arshad Nadeem s mother Ms Razia Parveen on reaching his house in a neighboring village of Mian Channu Olympian Arshad Nadeem and his family warmly welcomed her on her arrival in their village 101-15L Maryam Nawaz sat around with Arshad Nadeem s mother and exchanged pleasantries She went inside the house and met Arshad Nadeem’s family and congratu-

lated them on his remarkable victory in the Olympics She also took photos and selfies with his family

During her visit to Arshad Nadeem s residence, Maryam Nawaz congratulated the athlete on his extraordinary achievement and even handed him his gold medal recognizing his exceptional performance on the world stage

The CM presented a check worth Rs100 million to Olympian Arshad Nadeem, besides the key of Honda Civic car bearing number “PAK 92 97 ”

In addition to this Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz also presented a cheque of Rs5 million to his coach Salman Iqbal Butt, as a gesture of appreciation for his role in Nadeem’s success

On the occasion sharing her thought CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif said: Arshad Nadeem has brought

unprecedented happiness to the nation Olympian Arshad Nadeem and his parents termed the arrival of Chief Minister to their house a great honour The Olympian recalled his memorial journey to Olympics memories and shared his efforts with the chief minister Senior Provincial Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb Sports Minister Faisal Ayub Khokhar Special Assistant Zeeshan Malik, MPA Sania Ashiq, Amir Hayat Haraj and Pir Aslam

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