Epaper_24-08-17 ISB

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reforms be approved by the Federal Cabinet and that a comprehensive plan for their implementation be presented P M - L e d C A B I N eT B o d Y P r o P o S e S C u T T I N g 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 vA C A N C I e S

No Pakistan, India bilateral talks either ‘over t or cover t’: FO

Pakistan on Friday categorically declared there were no bilateral talks either overt or covert taking place between Pakistan and India on any of the issues including restoration of trade ties

“At this point there are no bilateral talks between the two countries on any of the issues including restoration of trade ties foreign office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch told reporters in response to a question at the weekly briefing

“First you would recall the developments that took place in 2019 and the illegal and unilateral steps taken by India in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) Following that, several measures were taken by Pakistan, including the suspension of bilateral trade ” the FO spokesperson elaborated

During the briefing, the FO spokesperson said that Pakistan strongly condemned the killing of four Kashmiri youth by Indian troops in Doda district of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (

This brutal action by the Indian occupation authorities is yet another example of their illegal and oppressive acts against the Kashmiri people she added

We urge the international community to take immediate and decisive action to hold India accountable for its egregious human rights violations in IIOJK and to take steps to protect the rights and freedoms of the Kashmiri people

She reiterated that Pakistan will continue to extend political, diplomatic and moral support to our Kashmiri brothers and sisters for the just and peaceful settlement of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN Security Council Resolutions

Pakistan will welcome Gaza ceasefire talks

The FO spokesperson said Pakistan repeatedly since October 2023 called for an urgent and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza We have called on the international community to bring an end to the massacre and genocide of the Palestinian people And in that context we welcome any initiative that may lead to peace and dialogue and resolution of the current situation where Palestinians continue to be under attack by the Israeli occupation authorities ” she said

She said Pakistan was deeply concerned at the recent developments in the Middle East We are concerned that the situation in the Middle East is a result of the illegal acts by Israel against the people of Palestine and its adventurism against its neighbours and countries in the region



Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir on Friday hosted a ceremony at the Army Auditorium in GHQ to honour Olympian Arshad Nadeem s historic achievement, the military’s media wing said The event was attended by sports teams and legendary Olympians including members of the 1984 Olympic and National Hockey Teams, the National Cricket Team, and other notable figures, the Inter-Services Public

Relations (ISPR) stated The attendees were: Jehangir Khan Islahuddin Siddique Shahbaz Senior Sohail Abbas Muhammad Asif and Aisamul Haq Arshad Nadeem s close relatives, associates, and coaches were also present General Munir praised Nadeem for winning Pakistan’s first-ever gold medal in a singles event and setting a new Olympic record at Paris Olympics crediting his success to commitment, perseverance, and passion for excellence The army chief acknowledged

Nadeem s achievement as a source of national pride, noting that the entire nation had honoured him in a manner befitting his accomplishment General Munir reiterated the military s commitment to supporting not just sportsmen but the broader Pakistani youth, emphasising the importance of youth engagement development and entertainment for a prosperous society Arshad Nadeem expressed gratitude and highlighted the potential of Pakistani youth, urging hard work, positivity, and perseverance in overcoming challenges

‘It doesn’t matter if accused is a former PM’: IHC to NAB while hearing Toshakhana case



w s D e s k A cut in petroleum prices pushed the short-term inflationary trend downwards for the week the week ended August 15 2024 according to the latest data released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) The Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI) depicted a decrease of 0

(0 56%) The federal government on Tuesday slashed the petrol price by Rs8 47 per litre and high-speed diesel (HSD) by Rs6 7 for the next fortnightly in a ‘gift’ for the masses on the occasion of Independence Day On the other hand an increase was observed in the prices of Tomatoes (34 77%) Eggs (4 78%) Garlic (1 99%) Beef (0 88%) Cooked Beef (0 41%) Georgette (0 40%) Gur (0 39%) Curd (0 32%) and Mustad Oil (0 28%) During the week under review, out


KP Livestock Dept made 7 3 regular appointments during caretaker setup

O ver 3,900 Pakistani firms join D ubai C hamber of Commerce in six months

Tariff relief

PM A Niazi Editor Pakistan Today Babar

Falsehoods persist

Sto it in a few segments of the media This divisive political discourse always grabs the space which should be otherwise meant to project real challenges confronted by 240 million people of this country This political discourse entails a substantial portion on establishment projecting its uncalled for interference in politics Ironically this projection is supported by half-truths, agendabased selective content and twisting of facts Probably, the establishment is considered the most powerful entity in Pakistan and criticism of a “powerful” has become an act of socalled moral righteousness notwithstanding truth and objectivity; ethos of journalism Such misconstrued assertions are hallmarks of a specific segment of media and cannot be attributed to all and sundry This smaller seg-

Everone tried to get on the bandwagon

THE recent success of Pakistani athlete Arshad Nadeem who won the gold medal in thejavelin throw at the Olympics in Paris was the harbinger and repeat telecast of the phenomenon called Credit without Performance” The win prompted multiple individuals and sports boards to bring forth their narratives of how they played a critical role in Arshad’s success story While Arshad Nadeem s historic victory filled the entire nation with pride at a time when no other sportsman or woman has been able to perform at the top

, t h e r e i s a s c u r r y t o a t t a c h w i t h a n y s u c c e s s s t o r y i n w h i c h t h e s e o r g a n i z a t i o n s h a v e h a d l i t t l e i n p u t o r e f f o r t i n t h e e n d r e s u l t U n l e s s t h e s e s p o r t s b o a r d s e s t a b l i s h a m i s s i o n a n d v i s i o n , f o r m u l a t e p r o p e r l o n g t e r m s t r a t e g i e s , h i r e k e y m a n a g e m e n t p e r s o n n e l w h o h a v e t h e i n t e n t o f d e v e l o p i n g t a l e n t a n d a d o p t b e s t p r a c t i c e s w h i c h a r e s u c c e s s f u l i n o t h e r c o u n t r i e s , t h i s s i t u a t i o n w i l l k e e p r e p e a t i n g a n d w e w i l l s e e f u t u r e c l o n e s o f A r s h a d S h a r i f h a v i n g t o w a r d o f f t h e v u l t u r e s a n d l e e c h e s h u n g r y t o s n a t c h a n d h o a r d t h e c r e d i t

ment conveniently implicates establishment in a negative realm in all write-ups which are otherwise carrying a different storyline A recently published piece of opinion in a leading newspaper can be termed a classic example of this trend In this write-up, the author criticised the military for being an exception to the taxpayers community of the country The writer termed this exception as an attribute of the military s influence over the government which has levied exorbitant taxes on the salaried class The assertion is, however, devoid of facts as the army and its affiliated welfare entities are contributing immensely by paying heavy taxes There is no distinction for employees of armed forces to be exempted from tax in their salaries In the fiscal year 2022-2023 Pakistan s national budget was Rs 9 5 trillion, of which Rs 1 5 trillion was allocated to defence, amounting to 15 7 percent of the total budget The national budget grew to Rs 14 4 trillion in the next fiscal year but the defence budget shrank to an allocation of Rs 1 8 trillion or 12 5 percent of the entire budget This represents the lowest defence budget percentage in Pakistani history Army funding as a percentage of the national budget has also dropped dramatically, from 7 6 percent in FY 2022–2023 to just 5 69 percent in FY 2023–2024 This tendency may cause an imbalance between the requirement for economic expansion and the necessity of preserving national security in a volatile region and with a challenging domestic security situation The Pakistan Armed Forces, with these contracted resources, are among the world’s strongest militaries as shown by the Global Firepower Index which highlights their resource management skills In addition since the 1980s Pakistan s defence budget as a share of GDP has steadily decreased; it fell from 5 5 percent in FY 2023–2024 to an all-time low of 1 7 percent The army also sets aside Rs 16 billion from the defence budget to compensate 93 000 civil-

T h e p e r s i s t e n t m i s i n f o r m a t i o n c a m p a i g n s d i r e c t

s s e m i n

b y e n t i t i e s h

b o u r i n g h i d

n a g e n d a s , r e p r e s e n t a g r a v e r i s k t o t h e t r o o p s ’ m o r a l e a n d t h e c o u n t r y ’ s s e c u r i t y T h e g o a l o f t h e s e o p e r a t i o n s i s t o s e v e r t i e s b e t w e e n t h e a r m e d f o r c e s a n d t h e g e n e r a l p u b l i c , w h i c h c o u l d h a v e c a t a s t r o p h i c e f f e c t s a s w i t n e s s e d i n t h e c a s e o f L i b y a , S y r i a , Y e m e n a n d I r a q I t i

ians who serve in various organisations run by the military However this is frequently contested and instead the legitimacy of business organizations run by the Pakistan Army such as the Fauji Foundation is highlighted in negative terms They frequently voice concerns about their financial impact on the public coffers remaining oblivious to the organizations operational realities or their contributions to public exchequer These criticisms overlook the fact that the Pakistan Armed Forces are not the only nation that manages welfare and support groups; China Turkey India and the USA all have comparable systems in place These institutions pay taxes; in fact, the Fauji Foundation alone paid Rs 260 billion in taxes in 2023 These organizations do not enjoy tax exemptions They promote economic growth by providing logistical support and undertaking de-

Beyond the scoreboard

Iraq It is imperative that the general public discerns these misrepresented stories and comprehends Pakistan’s actual defence spending Despite having

Pakistani Armed Forces are steadfast

commitment to carrying

their responsibility of national defence

The writer can be reached at omayaimen333@gmail com

Health in the Hustle

A JK does better than Indian Occupied Kashmir and Pakistan

flict Human rights organizations and global

APakistan since the partition of British India in 1947 Located in the Himalayan region AJK borders IndianOccupied Kashmir to the east and the Pakistani provinces of Punjab to the south and southwest and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to the west AJK has its own president, prime minister, legislative assembly, and high court; however, Pakistan retains significant influence over defense, foreign affairs, and economic policies The economy of AJK is mainly driven by agriculture services tourism and remittances from Kashmiris living abroad and the region holds substantial potential for hydropower generation due to its abundant water resources

The primary issue concerning AJK is the broader Kashmir dispute After India gained independence the Maharaja of Kashmir chose to accede to it This decision sparked an armed rebellion leading to the intervention of Kashmiris with support of Pakistani forces The 1949 ceasefire divided Kashmir into IOK and AJK This dispute has resulted in several wars between India and Pakistan and continues to be a major point of disagreement The people of AJK have their own visions for the future with the majority supporting accession to Pakistan The aspiration for self-determination and the right to shape their own destiny resonate strongly among Kashmiris

The region's history is intricate characterized by ethnic religious and political strife India s administration of IOK has faced opposition from various Kashmiri groups, resulting in decades of armed con-

bodies have reported significant human rights violations, with numerous civilians, including women and children, being killed by Indian security forces Many Kashmiris have vanished without a trace, while detainees have faced severe torture and illtreatment A large number of Kashmiris remain in custody without trial and rigid curfews and lockdowns have severely limited freedom of movement and expression Allegations of sexual violence against women by Indian security forces also persist

The ongoing hostilities and human rights violations have inflicted substantial suffering displacement and economic challenges upon the Kashmiri people The psychological impact of violence and uncertainty has further burdened the civilian population The international community has raised significant concerns, with human rights organizations and governments calling for independent investigations Nonetheless India dismisses these appeals maintaining that the situation is a domestic issue

Conversely, in AJK, the population enjoys the freedom to live and work throughout Pakistan without fear for their safety and property AJK is a key component of Pakistan The country has consistently offered political diplomatic and economic assistance to the people of Kashmir grounded in historical, political, and humanitarian reasons Pakistan has actively raised the Kashmir issue on international platforms, advocating for the Kashmiri people's right to self-determination It has provided steadfast moral and political support for Kashmiris acknowledging their unique status and aspirations Additionally Pakistan is responsible for the defense and security of AJK, acting as a protective barrier against potential threats Significant investments have been made in AJK's infrastructure including roads bridges hospitals and educational institutions Various financial aid and development initiatives have been implemented to enhance AJK s economy and elevate living standards there Pakistan has worked alongside AJK to tap into its hydropower potential, fulfilling the energy requirements of both regions The country has welcomed millions of Kashmiri refugees fleeing Indian atrocities offering them shelter education and healthcare Furthermore Pakistan has provided assistance to AJK during natural disasters, facilitating relief and rehabilitation efforts The Pakistan Army has played a crucial role in protecting AJK Acting as the front-

line against Indian aggression it has also made significant contributions to its development The strong presence of the Army along the Line of Control (LoC) has deterred Indian aggression, preventing large-scale incursions and safeguarding the civilian population It has been actively involved in counter-terrorism operations It maintains vigilance over the LoC to prevent infiltration and cross-border terrorism Beyond its military duties, the Army has been a driving force for development in AJK, playing a key role in constructing roads, bridges, schools, and hospitals In times of natural disasters the Army has led rescue and relief efforts It has also established educational institutions and medical facilities Through various civil action programs, the army has engaged in community development initiatives that empower local populations Some anti-state elements propagate misleading information suggesting that AJK lags behind both Pakistan and Indian Occupied Kashmir in several key indicators which is completely inaccurate The data clearly demonstrates that the conditions and statistics for AJK are significantly better than those for Indian Occupied Kashmir and Pakistan With a population of 241 49 million in Pakistan AJK’s population stands at approximately 4 45 million accounting for 1 8 percent and 2 45 million or 1 01 percent when excluding the diaspora A population growth rate indicates a more favourable economic and educational profile, although it also places additional pressure on the economy, job market and housing The existing road network spans 8 865 km giving AJK a road density that is double that of Pakistan and superior to that of Indian Occupied Kashmir The 13th Amendment (2018) transferred financial and legislative powers from the AJK Council to the AJK Legislative Assembly enhancing autonomy in alignment with other provinces While the population of AJK is smaller than that of District Rawalpindi its administrative structure and civilian government are comparable to those of a province AJK has a road density of 0 66, compared to 0 32 in Pakistan and 0 52 in Indian Occupied Kashmir The literacy rate in AJK is 76 8 percent in contrast to 62 3 percent in Pakistan and 67 percent in Indian Occupied Kashmir The school-to-pupil ratio in AJK is 1:49, while it is 1:16 in both Pakistan and Indian Occupied Kashmir The teacher-to-student ratio stands at 1:7 in AJK compared to 1:44 in Pakistan and 1:20 in Indian Occupied Kashmir

It is noteworthy that 800 government schools in Indian Occupied Kashmir have zero enrollment In line with the population, a 2 percent quota is reserved for AJK higher education in Pakistan, with 125 seats allocated across 22 universities The Government of Punjab has allocated Rs 750 million for the KEEF (AJK Education Endowment Fund) Additionally 36 seats are reserved in medical colleges in Punjab for students from AJK AJK boasts the best literacy rate, indicating a strong desire for education and adequate resources Considering the actual resident population (2 45 million) the doctor-patient ratio in AJK is better than in Indian Occupied Kashmir Approximately 1 180 000 patients are treated at Army medical facilities annually Furthermore, all AJK residents are entitled to free medical treatment at military health facilities, which significantly share the healthcare load in AJK The doctor-patient ratio is 1:2315 in AJK 1:2405 in Pakistan and 1:2660 in Indian Occupied Kashmir The tax-to-GDP ratio in AJK is 7 77 percent compared to 10 4 percent in Pakistan The poverty/unemployment rate is 22 percent in AJK, 23 1 percent in Indian Occupied Kashmir, and 43 percent in Pakistan AJK has a 7 percent employment quota in the Army The price of 40 kg of wheat flour is Rs 2000 in AJK Rs 4680 in Indian Occupied Kashmir and also much lower than in Pakistan Approximately 3 24 percent of the population is employed in the Army/CAFs Thirty percent of the population holds government jobs, which accounts for a significant portion of the annual budget The per-unit electricity tariff is Rs 3-6 in AJK compared to Rs 3 95-42 70 in Indian Occupied Kashmir and Pakistan AJK and GB are the only regions with 100 percent telecom density Independent quality of service surveys show that over 90 percent of residents have confidence in 3G/4G signal strength in AJK with SCO and Zong providing the best webpage loading times AJK has a significantly higher number of telecom towers than Indian Occupied Kashmir and Pakistan Although AJK's population is smaller than that of District Rawalpindi, its administrative structure is equivalent to a province constraining financial resources for priority sectors Approximately 35 24 percent of the population is employed in the Army Civil Armed Forces Federal, and AJK Government, demonstrating the state's commitment to its people Modern-day AJK was liberated by local Kashmiris rebelling against the Maharaja's exploitative and cruel governance primarily

We are the bad guys

right from childhood and were highly successful within the terms of the governmental system I have however now finally shed the last of my illusions and I am obliged to acknowledge that the system of which I am a part call it the West, liberal democracy, capitalism, neo-liberalism, neo-conservatism,’ ‘imperialism,’ ‘the New World Order ’ call it what you will in fact it is a force for evil

there with ISIL in 2017 Which rather underlines my point about the extraordinary lack of imagery of the Second Iraq War Of the current genocide in Gaza again I found myself naively thinking at some point this will stop That Western politicians would not in fact countenance the total destruction of Gaza

largest tank battle in the history of the world by a wide margin The Ukrainian govern-

I have however now finally shed the last of my illusions and I am obliged to acknowledge that the system of which I am a part call it ‘the West,’ ‘liberal democracy,’ ‘capitalism,’ ‘neo-liberalism,’ ‘neoconservatism,’ ‘imperialism,’ ‘the New World Order’ call it what you will in fact, it is a force for evil

ment has destroyed all the monuments to the Red Army which achieved this and denigrates the Ukrainians who fought against fascism

intervened on Israel s side in the genocide case before the ICJ, and intervened at the ICC to object to an arrest warrant against Netanyahu I do not know how many

MOSUL AND FALLUJAH If only the people of Mosul and Fallujah had had modern mobile phone technology what horrors we would know Incidentally, I tried to find you some images of the massive U S destruction of Mosul and Fallujah in 2002–2004 and Google won t give me any It will however offer thousands of images from fighting

That there would be a limit to the number of Palestinian civilian deaths they could accept the number of UN facilities schools and hospitals destroyed the number of little children torn into shreds I thought that at some stage human decency must outweigh Zionist lobby cash But I was wrong THE UKRAINIAN ATTACK ON KURSK

The Ukrainian attack into Kursk also has a profound emotional resonance The Battle of Kursk was arguably the most important blow struck against Nazi Germany the

By contrast it honours the very substantial Ukrainian components of the Nazi forces, including but not limited to, the Galician Division and their leaders Kursk is therefore a place of great symbolism for Ukraine to attack now into Russia including with German artillery and armour German politicians seem to have an atavistic urge to attack Russia and support the genocide of Palestinians to an astonishing degree Germany has effectively ended all freedom of speech on Palestine banning conferences of distinguished speakers and making pro-Palestinian speech illegal Germany has

Israel is slaughtering Palestinians with western arms

deaths that

9 per cent of the population of

is currently taking place in Gaza one of the poorest and most isolated regions in the world To estimate the future death toll resulting from the war in Gaza, one of the world’s most respected medical journals the Lancet undertook a thorough research entitled Counting the dead in Gaza: Difficult but essential

The approximation was based on the death toll figure produced as of 19 June, when Israel had then reportedly killed 37,396 Palestinians

The Lancet’s new number was horrifying even though the medical journal said that its conclusions were based on conservative estimates of indirect deaths vs direct

medical journal Palestinians in Gaza are not dying because of an untraceable virus or a natural disaster, but in a merciless war that can only be sustained through massive shipments of arms, which continue to flow to Israel despite the international outcry On 26 January the International Court of Justice (ICJ) resolved that it had enough evidence to suggest that genocide was being committed in Gaza On 20 May, Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, added his voice, this time speaking of deliberate acts of “extermination” of Palestinians Yet weapons continued to flow mostly coming from western government The main source of weapons is unsurprisingly, the United States, followed by Germany, Italy and Britain

Despite announcements by some European countries that they are curtailing or even freezing their weapons supplies to Israel these governments continue to find legal caveats to delay the outright ban Italy for example insists on respecting previ-

ously signed orders and the UK has suspended the processing of arms export licenses pending a wider review Washington, however, remains the main supplier of arms to Tel Aviv In 2016 both countries signed another Memorandum of Understanding that would allow Israel to receive $38 billion of US military aid That was the third MoU signed between the two countries, and it was intended to cover the period between 2018 to 2028 The war, however, prompted US policymakers to go even beyond their original commitment by assigning yet another $26 billion ($17 billion in military aid) knowing full well that the majority of Gaza victims per United Nations estimates, are civilians, mostly women and children Therefore, when the US urges an end to the war in Gaza while continuing to flood Israel with more weapons the logic seems utterly flawed and entirely hypocritical The same hypocrisy


Indian doctors escalate strikes nationwide after colleague’s rape, murder

US elec tions latest: Contest too close to c all as new polls only tell half the stor y

CDA chief reviews plantation, beautification plan

ISLAMABAD: A meeting was held on Friday under the chairmanship of CDA Chairman Muhammad Ali Randhawa to review the Tree-Plantion Campaign and beautification plan for Islamabad The senior officiers from the Environment Wing attended the meeting The meeting was briefed about ongoing Tree-Plantation campaign in Islamabad The meeting was informed that free plants are being distributed at various business centers markets and parks through the stalls set up by CDA It was further informed that during this campaign free plants are being distributed among the citizens at doorsteps In order to make Tree Plantation Campaign a success the business community and civil society have also been involved The CDA Chairman directed that in order to make the tree-plantation campaign more effective the city should be divided into four zones Each zone will be headed by the various officers from the Environment Wing for carrying out the plantation drive as well as landscaping and beautification in their respective areas Muhammad Ali Randhawa emphasized that the corporate sector should play its part in making the city environmentally friendly and beautiful He also directed to utilize the services of best architects and landscaping experts for the beautification and uplift of Islamabad The CDA Chairman instructed that all interchanges, flyovers, loops, and main roads in Islamabad should be beautified Furthermore the CDA Chairman directed to plant fruit trees on median strips and green belts along with the main roads PR

CDA chairman meets delegation of C hinese S tate Construc tion Engineering Corporation

A Revolutionar y and Revered Poet L aureate’s T imeless Legac y ’ by Naveen K han debuts on I-D ay


I S L A M A B A D: Chairman CDA Muhammad Ali Randhawa met with a delegation of Chinese State Construction Engineering Corporation at the CDA Headquarters The delegation was briefed about various development projects in Islamabad Chairman CDA Muhammad Ali Randhawa stated that the Chinese Construction Engineering Corporation has played a vital role in infrastructure development in Pakistan Chairman CDA Muhammad Ali Randhawa said that CDA wants to bring innovation in Islamabad s infrastructure with assistance of Chinese State Construction Engineering Corporation He assured that ongoing projects in Islamabad would be completed with transparency and in accordance with their deadlines The Chinese State Construction Engineering Corporation showed keen interest in various projects in Islamabad The meeting also discussed different stages of the projects including design, construction work, and funding opportunities The Chinese delegation highlighted that Chinese State Construction Engineering Corporation is among the world’s largest construction and investment companies They noted that Chinese State Construction Engineering Corporation has completed various construction and engineering projects including the SukkurMultan Motorway section, the Arfa Karim Tower in Lahore, and the JF Thunder 17 aircraft The Chinese State Construction Engineering Corporation also expressed their interest in various projects of CDA PR

nation’s literary heritage will be introduced with the release of Abul Asar Hafeez Jalandhari: A Revolutionary and Revered Poet Laureate s Timeless Legacy This meticulously researched biography written by his granddaughter Naveen Khan, will be available on Amazon starting August 14, 2024 The book offers an in-depth exploration of the life of the man who not only authored Pakistan’s national anthem but also left an indelible mark on the cultural and literary landscape of the Subcontinent Hafeez Jalandhari s journey is marked by exceptional resilience, brilliance, and significant influence Hailing from the ancient city of Jalandhar where Alexander the Great’s progress was famously stopped Jalandhari emerged as a prominent literary figure in the 20th century This biography captures his enduring quest for justice and his steadfast dedication to using literature to advocate for the marginalized and promote positive change The biography offers an in-depth exploration of Jalandhari s distinguished career, showcasing his notable honors, such as the Hilal-i-Imtiaz and the Pride of Performance It also highlights his broader historical contributions including his honorary recognition from British India for his work during World War II Readers will gain insight into how Jalandhari s literary achievements transcended national boundaries, particularly through his creation of the national anthems for both Pakistan and Azad Kashmir, reflecting his significant influence on the cultural and national identity of the region Naveen Khan’s narrative offers an engaging view into the life of a poet honored with titles like Firdousi and King of Poets The book highlights his magnum opus Shahnama-i-Islam a distinctive four-volume work that chronicles the history of Islam through verse PR


relief to consumers In the same meeting K-Electric officials reported a significant reduction in line losses from 40 percent to 15 percent since privatisation They also highlighted the addition of 2 000 MW of efficient power generation capacity and ongoing efforts to incorporate renewable energy sources However the

Three-time Prime Minister and Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) President Mian Nawaz Sharif held a rare press conference earlier today (Friday) alongside daughter Chief Minister Punjab Mariam Nawaz He reiterated his demand for an answer to why he was ousted from power?

Imran files plea in IHC to halt proceedings in £190 million reference

Incarcerated Pakistan Tehreek-eInsaf (PTI) Founder Imran Khan on Friday filed a petition in the Islamabad High Court seeking to halt the proceedings in the £190 million reference and The PTI founder requested the court to provide records of the National Accountability Bureau’s (NAB) April 2020 decision to close the £190 million case

The petition names the NAB Chairman the Director General of NAB, and the Prosecutor General as respondents in the case He contends that the investigating officer stated that approval to close the case was given during NAB s 343rd Executive Board meeting However the trial court had previously rejected a request for the record of this Executive Board meeting The decision to close the case was reportedly made

in an NAB Executive Board meeting in April 2020 Imran’s petition seeks to overturn the August 12 order from the accountability court arguing that failure to present the NAB board meeting s record could severely impact his defense According to the petitioner, the investigating officer acknowledged some aspects of NAB’s 343rd board meeting during cross-examination It is essential that the record of this meeting be presented before the trial court

In a related development, Imran’s sisters, Azma Khan and Aleema Khan, have submitted a request to the Registrar Office concerning remarks made by the Chief Justice regarding the £190 million case

They have urged the Chief Justice to recuse himself from cases involving Imran Khan and to withdraw observations related to the £190 mil-

lion case from the wildlife case

The sisters argue that the wildlife case has no relevance to the £190 million case and that the Chief Justice s remarks could affect the trial s proceedings

The deposed premier and others including his wife Bushera Bibi are accused of adjusting £190 million sent by Britain’s NCA to the Pakistani government

They also face charges of receiving undue benefits in the form of over 458 kanals of land at Mouza Bakrala in Sohawa to set up the Al-Qadir University

Later, then prime minister Imran acquired approval of the settlement with the Britain’s crime agency from his cabinet on December 3 2019 without disclosing the details of the confidential agreement

It was decided that the money would be submitted to the Supreme Court on behalf of the tycoon

S TA F F R E P O R T An explosion near a police van on Warsak Road in the Pir Bala area of Machni Gate, Peshawar, injured five individuals, including two policemen on Friday The blast occurred around 9:00

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