Epaper_24-08-21 LHR

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Milner meets PM Shehbaz

Loan approval uncer tain as Pakistan absent from IMF board’s latest agenda g EXECUTIVE BOARD ’S AUGUST 28 MEETING SCHEDULE RELEA SED WITHOUT INCLUDING PAKISTAN ON AGENDA

the General Headquarters (GHQ) However after careful consideration the court rejected the police s plea and discharged Bushra Bibi from all related cases Barrister Salman Safdar, the counsel for Bushra Bibi, expressed satisfaction with the ATC s decision to discharge her from the cases related to May 9 events

Imran’s fear of militar y trial not mere concer n, but cer tainty: Ir fan Siddiqui

ISLAMABAD S TA F F R E P O R T Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Senator Senator Irfan Siddiqui on Tuesday claimed that PTI founder Imran Khan s fears of being tried in a military court might be justified following the arrest of ex-spymaster Lt-Gen (retd) Faiz Hameed “This is not mere a concern rather a certainty as the entire story revolves around the events of May 9 What happened, who was involved, where the planning took place, and which messages were sent all of this is known,” Siddiqui elaborated on while speaking to a private television channel on Tuesday While others might have doubts Khan himself has none he added

The mention of [former chief justice] Saqib Nisar ’s name after Faiz Hameed is significant The continuous flow of news suggests that Saqib Nisar played a role somewhere We have clear evidence that Faiz Hameed had a personal interest in preventing Gen Asim Munir from becoming the army chief, for which he made significant efforts ” Siddiqui further claimed that ex-CJP Saqib Nisar played a key role in destabilising the country removing Nawaz Sharif from office, and bringing another individual to power “His audio tapes have also surfaced showing his influence over NAB courts to ensure Nawaz Sharif s conviction before the elections even ordering hearings on holidays, Siddiqui said Responding to a question, Sid-

diqui said, We do not want the matter to expand so much that the person who is already in custody might escape accountability ”

The senator reiterated that Faiz Hameed had a personal stake in preventing Asim Munir from becoming army chief and that he influenced the extension of General Qamar Javed Bajwa’s tenure “On Faiz Hameed’s suggestion Imran Khan attacked Rawalpindi on November 26 There was a motive behind it

He also mentioned the testimony of the then Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Tanveer Ilyas, who claimed that Imran Khan was asked to postpone the protest due to local elections Khan allegedly responded What s the point then? By that time, Asim Munir would already be the army chief

Pakistan conducts successful training launch of Shaheen-II


Pakistan on Tuesday conducted a successful training launch of surface-to-surface ballistic missile Shaheen-II the military said “The training launch was aimed at training of troops validating various technical parameters and performance evaluation of different sub-systems incorporated for improved accuracy and enhanced survivability,” the military’s media wing Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement It said that Tuesday s training launch was witnessed by senior of-

ficers from the Strategic Plans Division and Army Strategic Forces Command, as well as scientists and engineers of strategic organizations

ful of

nals India




prompting Islamabad to follow suit Pakistan became a declared nuclear power after it conducted nuclear tests in response to India, which carried out a series of its own tests in 1999 Pakistan conducted six successful tests in the remote Chaghi district near the Afghanistan-Iran border stoking fears of a nuclear war between the

Shaheen-II is capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear warheads up to a range of 1 500 kilometers (932 miles) The Director General Strategic Plans Division appreciated the technical prowess, dedication and commitment of scientists who contributed towards this landmark achievement President Asif Ali Zardari Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee Chairman Gen Sahir Shamshad Mirza, and services chiefs congratulated the scientists and engineers on their



A tense exchange reportedly took place between former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s sister, Aleema Khan, his wife, Bushra Bibi, and her daughters during a court hearing at Rawalpindi’s Adiala Jail according to sources

The incident occurred on Monday during proceedings related to the Toshakhana reference Sources within the jail indicated that the commotion erupted in the family section with the sound of women arguing interrupting Imran Khan s conversation with journalists on three occasions

The dispute allegedly began when Aleema Khan made remarks in court about a female lawyer which sparked a response from Bushra Bibi and her daughters The argument quickly escalated into a heated verbal exchange during which Bushra Bibi s granddaughter reportedly began to cry KHAN’S TALK WITH MEDIA

Amidst the family dispute, Imran Khan, speaking with journalists, alleged that the “entire drama” surrounding the arrest of former spymaster Lt Gen Faiz Hameed was a ploy to push him into a military court He expressed skepticism about the ongoing investigation against the former Inter-


He said this relief package covered about 86 percent of electricity consumers across the country Skills development initiative for enhanced training On the other hand, the Federal Cabinet on Tuesday approved the establishment of the “Prime Minister ’s Skills Development Company” to generate and manage funds for technical and vocational training and to implement various training programs

The Federal Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, approved the establishment of the company under the National Vocational

and Technical Training Commission as per Section 42 of the Companies Act 2017 This decision followed a recommendation from the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training In accordance with the prime minister ’s directive the company was established to delineate the operational and regulatory responsibilities of the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission After this, the Prime Minister ’s Skill Development Company will look after the operational issues of technical and vocational training while the National Vocational and Technical Training Commission will look after the

regulatory issues The federal cabinet authorized the transfer of operations for the King Hamad University of Nursing and Associated Medical Sciences to the National University of Medical Sciences A memorandum of understanding (MoU) will be signed between the Ministry of National Health Services and the Ministry of Defense to formalize this agreement The Federal Cabinet ratified the decisions from the Cabinet Committee on Government-Owned Institutions meeting held on August 12 2024 Additionally the Cabinet has endorsed the decisions from the Economic Coordination Committee meeting on August 15 2024

A good star t for the year

Sintentioned efforts may fall short or even exacerbate existing problems Corruption and nepotism are pervasive issues within the political landscape of Sindh, and there is a legitimate concern that this initiative could be exploited for personal gain

INDH Education Syed Sardar Ali Shah has recently called upon all MPAs to take direct responsibility for managing and developing three schools within their constituencies

This initiative is aimed at fostering a sense of ownership and accountability among elected representatives thereby improving the quality of education at the grassroots level

While this proposal appears promising, a closer examination reveals a range of potential merits and demerits as well as several underlying challenges that need to be addressed One of the primary advantages of this initiative is the potential for increased accountability When MPAs are directly responsible for the performance of specific schools, they are more likely to be invested in ensuring positive outcomes

This hands-on involvement could lead to better monitoring of school activities regular assessments and prompt corrective measures

The involvement of MPAs in school management may lead to the politicization of educational institutions where appointments resource allocations and other critical decisions are influenced by political affiliations rather than merit This could undermine the integrity of the education system and perpetuate existing inequalities Moreover, the proposal places additional responsibilities on MPAs who are already burdened with numerous legislative and administrative duties

Balancing these new responsibilities with their existing roles may prove challenging potentially leading to inadequate attention being given to school management This could result in a superficial engagement with educational institutions, where the focus is more on fulfilling formalities rather than driving meaningful change

A major issue is that many MPAs do not visit their constituencies regularly after winning elections

This disconnect leads to a lack of engagement and understanding of the local issues, which could result in ineffective school management

this government seeks FDI as a solution to the foreign exchange woes of the country Aid has meant that Pakistan increasingly finds it difficult to service its debt FDI is seen as a source of that foreign exchange, apart from being the capital needed for the country to service its debts In July,


$136 3 million

FDI while the inflow a

$83 2

Portfolio investment was

6 million, as opposed to $15\6 3 million the

before Much of the inflow was to finance the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Another positive development was the fact that Pakistan s IT exports went up year-on-year, reaching $256 million though there was a decline from June’s exports The government has also placed its reliance on the IT sector, hoping that exports will reach $25 billion in a few years

Only one year has begun of what will be many It is always good to have a good start so that one is in the happy position of building upon success rather than having to make up for failure It will be important to ensure that the coming year be a good one as it will be much better to build on successes during it than to have to try and recoup failures

M A Niazi Editor Pakistan

The direct engagement of elected representatives might also facilitate a more efficient allocation of resources as they can leverage their political influence to secure necessary funding and support Another significant merit is the potential for greater community involvement By assigning MPAs to manage local schools the initiative could encourage collaboration between the government educators parents and the broader community This collaborative approach can foster a sense of shared responsibility, leading to improved school environments and enhanced educational outcomes Additionally, this model could serve as a platform for MPAs to understand the unique challenges faced by schools in their constituencies enabling them to advocate for more tailored and effective solutions at the legislative level Despite the potential benefits there are significant concerns regarding the feasibility and effectiveness of this proposal One of the primary challenges is the lack of expertise among many MPAs In Sindh, a substantial number of elected representatives do not possess the necessary qualifications or experience in the education sector This lack of technical knowledge can hinder their ability to effectively manage and develop schools Without a solid understanding of educational principles and best practices, there is a risk that well-

Moreover, communities, especially those opposing the ruling party MPAs, may not welcome their visits to schools leading to potential boycotts and decreased school attendance Such political dynamics can negatively impact the educational process as parents and students are the direct beneficiaries of the education system

In rural areas of Sindh, the political affiliations of communities can create further challenges The diverse political landscape means that MPAs’ visits may not bring positive changes due to differing community behavior Additionally MPAs often face the burden of dealing with numerous local public issues many of which remain unresolved throughout their tenure Their visits to schools might spark protests or crowding, disrupting the teaching and learning process and negating the intended positive impact To address these concerns and enhance the effectiveness of this initiative several measures can be considered Firstly it is crucial to provide comprehensive training and support to MPAs who will be involved in school management This training should cover essential aspects of educational administration, including curriculum development, teacher training, resource management and community engagement Equipping MPAs with the necessary skills and knowledge will enable them to make informed decisions and drive positive outcomes

Ultimately, the success of this proposal will depend on the collective commitment of all stakeholders to prioritize education and work collaboratively towards improving the quality of schooling in Sindh If implemented effectively, this approach could serve as a model for other regions facing similar challenges, demonstrating the power of localized, community-driven education reform

frequency and intensity of such events Low-lying coastal areas, small island nations, and regions prone to drought and desertification are particularly vulnerable with millions of people facing the prospect of permanent relocation Climate migration raises some of the most fundamental ethical and legal questions While climate migrants are not like

t h c r e a t i v i t y a n d d e t e r m i n a t i o n i s c r u c i a l I n n a v i g a t i n g t h i s n e w w a v e o f g l o b a l d i s p l a c e m e n t , t h e p a t h t o o u r s a l v a t i o n l i e s i n r e c o g n i z i n g o u r s h a r e d h u m a n i t y a n d c o l l e c t i v e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y W i l l t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l c o m m u n i t y r i s e t o t h e o c c a s i o n , o r w i l l w e a l l o w t h e c l i m a t e c r i s i s t o d w a r f o u r c o m m o n p o t e n t i a l ? T h e c h o i c e s w e m a k e t o d a y w i l l s h a p e t h e f u t u r e o f m i l l i o n s a n d d e f i n e t h e l e g a c y o f o u r g e n e r a t i o n AmnA hAshmi A l i G u l l e G h A r i

ternational legal regime that would cater for the needs of climate displaced populations Moreover, climate migration is most prevalent among the global population s least privileged and least responsible for emitting the least greenhouse gases This situation brings forth some of the most pertinent ethical questions in terms of responsibility and justice The developed countries that have contributed most to the emissions have to be at the forefront in funding climate change adaptation and offering safe refuge to displaced persons International organizations need to take the lead in efforts to address climate-induced migration The United Nations for example in the Global Compact for Safe Orderly and Regular Migration has started considering environmental aspects of migration But stronger actions are required to guarantee that climate migrants will be protected and assisted properly Regional bodies can also play a crucial role For example the Pacific Islands Forum has advocated for regional agreements that facilitate the relocation of communities affected by rising

sea levels Such frameworks can serve as models for other regions facing similar challenges Climate migration is not something that can be solved by a single strategy; it has to be solved through adaptation and mitigation Adaptation entails the strengthening of the ability of communities to cope with climate effects, which in effect reduces the number of people who will have to be relocated This can involve spending on physical capital information systems and sound methods of farming Whereas adaptation deals with the effects of climate change and seeks to minimize the effects that are likely to be experienced in future In this regard, there is a need for international cooperation where countries collaborate to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement Therefore by reducing emissions the international society can prevent the long-term causes of climate migration At the heart of any approach to climate migration must be respect for human rights and human dignity Displaced people and communities should not only be viewed as ‘victims’, but as agents with important experience and capabilities Policies should enable them to be productive members of their new societies and facilitate their assimilation into the society economically Climate migration is an urgent and complex challenge that demands immediate and coordinated action from the international community As John Stuart Mill’s cautionary words remind us empowering individuals and nations to address this crisis with creativity and determination is crucial In navigating this new wave of global displacement, the path to our salvation lies in recognizing our shared humanity and collective responsibility Will the international community rise to the occasion or will we allow the climate crisis to dwarf our common potential? The choices we make today will shape the future of millions and define the legacy of our generation

The writer is urrently pursuing an MPhil in International Relations from Kinnaird College for Women Lahore She can be reached at amnahashmee@gmail com

Urgent need for first aid awareness

Ignoring the warning Signs

Reforming Police Practices

Mercantilism in Pakistan’s foreign policy

ECONOMIC and political factors have had a profound influence on Pakistan s foreign policy On the international scene, mercantilism has always been a decisive and major part of development and trade According to this economic theory, Pakistan is able to leverage outer world markets through exporting surplus; it stores wealth; and finally it always entails the protection of the domestic market All these factors play a huge role in shaping the trade agreements, diplomatic relations, and international economic policies of Pakistan From the beginning of its existence Pakistan has always been a promoter of mercantilism In this way the initial economic plans of the country drive the fast growth of economy and expansion of the export sector, which are necessary to set this vision in or out of the country

During the last seven decades, Pakistan's foreign policy has used the export-led growth path as its primary priority to in-

crease output flow and promote trade diversification The government has put in place protectionist measures including tariffs quotas and subsidies giving priority to domestic industries Not only defensive but these treaties also join hands with the countries from the Middle East like China, Turkey, and the Gulf states who come together in search of resources, markets, and investment Regional economic cooperation has been realized via a number of trade and economic organizations like SAARC and ECO Mercantilism has been the engine of economic growth in Pakistan, realizing the goal of industrialization and job creation along with the exports Trading has now been more diversified thereby, to a very big degree, decreasing the dependence on US and EU markets

Hence mercantilism has allowed Pakistan the space to engage in responsible mutually beneficial military partnerships as well as to pursue an independent foreign policy However, difficulties like trade deficits, balance of payments issues and over-reliance on some few export commodities have crept in Pakistan's strength lies in global trade and it lies in regional economic cooperation and in supporting it also by competitive skills regional value chains, and regional production networks The country with the broadest network of good and service exports but not only low-value products, is more likely to be successful Moreover productivity is a major driver of innovation and job creation The sharing of good practices and experiences can accelerate the growth process in the different countries of the region Along with India, Pakistan is on the

same development path with more or less the same levels of development in various sectors A great deal of infrastructure has been built in the last 70 years, but not much of it can be shared with other sectors Rather than have a discussion on whether mercantilism is responsible for Pakistan’s economic growth and its ability to possess strategic autonomy it would be preferable to keep away from such traps For Pakistan to achieve its goals, it is very important to change its current policy and embrace an inclusive trading regime where the benefits cascading from the growth process are distributed to benefit all Pakistan should diversify its goods and adhere to the Code of Conduct proposed by the United Nations Framework Agreement on Regional Economic Cooperation in South Asia (India, 1990) Furthermore, multilateral trade pacts such as the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA), the Central Asia Free Trade Area (CAFTA) the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) or the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will definitely be successful Rigorous policies are the hallmarks of Pakistan's foreign policy which enables a sound economy and a strategic position However one can't ignore the difficulties and drawbacks that are a result of these approaches Through proper reformation in the world the country could constantly achieve sustainable economic growth and strategic autonomy, as pledged The main focus of the mercantilist concept in foreign policy is the use of protectionism The global economy is a kaleidoscope of both successful and broken countries Prognosticating the winners from the losers of globalization depends on how the future dynamics of the market economy will evolve The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) had even outlived the Biden administration and was still in force

“No politician ever gained power by not interfering in the market and no special interest ever sponged off the rest of society by competing in the free market That s all the analysis you need to understand mercantilism Mark J Perry The accomplishment of making Pakistan's foreign policy sustainable through the promotion of mercantilism has been the main source of its economic dominance and strategic freedom Moreover in recent years these problems have become even more important in evaluating whether this approach is really justified and whether it is even effective

The record-high trade deficits of Pak-

istan have prompted queries regarding the viability of its mercantilist policies The country s exports have lagged behind the imports, resulting in a trade deficit that has grown and put pressure on foreign exchange reserves Along with that, Pakistan's exports still rely on a few commodities such as textiles and cotton a situation that leaves the country iat the mercy of the ever-changing global demand and prices

The entire protectionism outbreak and ensuing trade wars in the global sphere rearranged trade patterns, so Pakistan had to review and make amendments to its mercantilist strategy The state has to handle the flow of the global value chain and stay in cooperation with its partners and find access to new markets Moreover, the political differences and lack of mutual economical features are still the reasons why Pakistan did not succeed when it comes to the regional economic organizations such as SAARC and ECO

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project has brought huge inputs and the infrastructure has benefited tremendously but there have also been worrying questions about the debt burden as well as the local industries' condition Pakistan has to make sure that CPEC enhances the whole economy and that it does not create an undesired level of reliance Also the claim that has been repeated is that usually the pursuit of economic growth through mercantilism comes at the expense of environmental and social aspects Pakistan requires to incorporate environmental protection and social responsibility into its foreign policy so as to guarantee lasting prosperity The assertion that education skill mastering and research is the key to successful sustainable economic growth is irrefutable These obstacles have to be addressed through a cleverly devised and flexible approach that includes the three crucial aspects of sustainable development social responsibility and human capital development

Mercantilism is expected to take a leading position in the foreign policy of Pakistan as it sails through the whirlpools of the world economy This economic course, which is mainly directed at exports, strategic trade agreements and investments in local industries has been a definite mainstay of Pakistan s foreign policy throughout its history On the other hand with mercantilism predicted to be the most influential factor for having Pakistan as a thriving economic hub, it may also opt for self-determined policies, and

Will Palestinian groups return to ‘mart yrdom attacks’ inside

gree of confusion regarding what had transpired in the Israeli capital before an Israeli police commander announced that there was a 99 per cent chance that the operation was an attempted terror attack

Later, Israel said that the attacker may have originated from the Nablus area of the southern West Bank The attack and the announcement of responsibility by Hamas and the Islamic Jihad the following day are significant and could become the beginning of a strategic shift by Palestinians in their ongoing war against the Israeli occupation But why would Palestinians return to such operations?

Since 7 October the Israeli war on Gaza has expanded to reach other domains thus complicating the mission of the Israeli army which has been overstretched to fight on several fronts

While the war in Gaza itself remains the main battlefield, other war fronts began escalating with time mainly the border war between the Lebanese Resistance Movement Hezbollah and the Israeli occupation army

dence was buoyed by the fact that security forces and intelligence belonging to the Palestinian Authority openly cooperated with the Israeli military in their attempt to crush the resistance

The degree of cooperation reached its zenith on 26 July when PA security forces besieged the 26-year-old leader of the Tulkarm Brigades and other fighters in the Thabet Thabet Hospital in Tulkarm

If it were not for hundreds of ordinary Palestinians who rushed to the hospital to rescue their youth, the fighters would have been apprehended if not even worse But Israel’s military campaign to crush the resistance in the West Bank was hardly a success According to Al Jazeera 100 Palestinian operations were carried out in the last month alone

Meanwhile, the resistance in Gaza has proved its durability, moving from the stage of defence to that of counter-attacks on more than one occasion The operation by Hamas s Al-Qassam fighters targeting Israeli forces inside the fortified Netzarim area in central Gaza on Sunday was a case in point

by the Israeli newspaper Maariv on 9 August the Likud Party led by Netanyahu would be the largest party in the Knesset if elections were held today This is the first time such results have been seen since 7 October A combination of factors led to the resurgence of Netanyahu in opinion polls

First the Israeli leader s main rival

Benny Gantz has failed to galvanize on the anti-Netanyahu and anti-government popular sentiments starting on 7 October Second, Netanyahu s ability to guarantee US support for his aggressive regional policies helped reassure the Israeli public

and Al-Quds Brigades said Palestinian groups have refrained from using martyrdom attacks or suicide bombings as it is often called by mainstream media as a central piece of their ongoing resistance against Israel The warning followed an explosion that rocked Tel Aviv on the evening of Sunday Initially Israeli media conveyed a de-

To prevent the West Bank from turning into a major front for the resistance, the Israeli army began carrying out bloody, but focused, attacks on Palestinian resistance brigades which operate mostly in the northern West Bank

Geographically isolated and operating mostly in small groups Palestinian fighters underwent a bloody disproportionate war against the Israeli army

The Israeli occupation army’s confi-

These developments have been taking place in the larger context of the widening confrontation between Hezbollah and Israel, with the former extending its pinpointed operations to reach Nahariya among other areas in northern Israel

Despite all the setbacks Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has managed to reverse his dwindling numbers among potential voters According to a poll conducted

Third the direct involvement of the USBritish and other western navies in confronting Yemen s Ansarallah – Houthis – in the Red Sea has partly downgraded the geopolitical threat of the Yemeni solidarity with the Palestinians Fourth, the daring assassination of top Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on 31 July and the assassination of leading Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr the day before allowed Netanyahu to sell the idea, however temporary, that Israel has regained its so-called deterrence

And, finally, despite the interception of occasional missiles beyond the Gaza Envelope or Israel’s northmost regions Israeli society in the central areas of the country has learned to adapt to the new reality of the war While the Israeli army is losing an unprecedented number of soldiers and equipment on multiple fronts, not all Israelis are

experiencing that loss in their everyday lives The opposite is true for Palestinians and Lebanese For the former, the genocide in Gaza has turned into a daily reality, and the Israeli occupation forces’s war on the West Bank has proved to be the most violent since the Second Intifada or Uprising of 2002 Meanwhile in Lebanon Israel continues to target civilian areas as a matter of course thus constantly challenging the rules of engagement that have governed the relationship between the Israeli army and the Lebanese resistance for years The new status quo may have assured Netanyahu that he might be able to carry on with his war in Gaza reject any reasonable ceasefire proposal and maintain low-intensity warfare

How the 1992 Mumbai riots increased ghettoisation and Hindu-Muslim distrust

An excerpt from ‘Riots and After in Mumbai: Revisiting a City in Conflict in 1992-93’ by Meena

a larger political framework to understand the forces of communal violence and its impact, this sense of despair will be self defeating Mumbai has become a fragile city very breakable and yet the fissures are underneath –over it is the gloss of unity and toughness Mumbai is in reality a breakable city It is another matter that it joins up very fast When we speak of Mumbai as a

safe city it is a very relative perception – it depends on where you live which community you belong to, your gender, how much money you have, where you are located socially, economically, and even politically But it is a city that takes everyone into its generous fold – few go hungry here and few will have no shelter It is a crazy sprawl of humanity The city too is a survivor; it has survived so much exploitation expansion and reclamation As a city it has given its people qualities of that inherent survival For those affected by the riots the city has changed forever in some ways There is a different canvas of memory juggling with the reality of their existence I think it is that old comforting canvas of hope and enterprise that lets them survive here The fissures exist the fear exists and comfort lies far away like a distant cloak Once, the possibilities were endless in the city, now, that has shrunk Choices and aspirations are all dictated by where one comes from one s religion and most importantly, life has come to be defined by parameters outside one’s control That is what

Mumbai has become Resurgent yet restrictive unbreakable yet broken In the grand sweeping cityscape, with all its bright lights, glitz, and glamour, everything has always had a place Increasingly, that space is being squeezed for the poor and for the poor Muslims and other marginalised groups more so The city is on the threshold of futuristic development – the poor will have very little space in that scheme of things Builders have taken over the city edging out communities as can be seen in Thakurdwar for instance and for Muslims the choices of where to buy houses are very narrow In some places, what the riots could not do, the builders have achieved Riot victims too have to contend with changing scenarios – shifts in residence reduction of aspirations and a continuing fear of violence The canvas then is of various illusions, of broken dreams,

the growing acceptance that things will not get better Instead of healing wounds, the rift is widening People were left to recover on their own scrabble around for their survival and dumped in a sense that has marginalised them further There are heartening stories like the Mahila Shakti Mandals, of how people helped each other during the riots of how some have resisted ghettoisation and the healing touch if any has come from within That is where Mumbai s fragility lies – in the silence of the neighbour, in the closed doors and averted eyes, and in the minds which are made up Yet people will continue to come and live here because of the hope it offers in many ways Mumbai is a city of contradictions If there is great despair, there is also great hope If there is ghettoisation there is also camaraderie If there is hunger there is a way to defeat




‘O ur army ready to enter G aza’: Algerian president vows swif t ac tion

ing it as a symbol of resistance against colonialism and occupation In May, the Algerian government took its advocacy to the international stage by submitting a resolution to the United Nations Security Council calling for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the violence in Rafah and across the Gaza Strip

Although the resolution was blocked by the United States, Algeria remains steadfast in its efforts to champion Palestinian rights within the UN framework Tebboune s rhetoric underscores Algeria s broader strategy to counter what it perceives as Israel s disproportionate use of force against the Palestinian population

of medical facilities As soon as the borders are open and our trucks are allowed to enter we will build three hospitals in 20 days, and we will send hundreds of doctors to help rebuild what the Zionists have destroyed, Tebboune stated, emphasising Algeria’s unwavering dedication to the Palestinian cause Since the escalation of hostilities in Gaza on October 7 Algeria has consistently expressed solidarity with the besieged enclave view-

Hezbollah fire ‘intense rocket’ in Israel

Algeria’s support for Palestine is deeply rooted in its own historical experience with French colonialism The North African nation, having endured a brutal war for independence from France has long identified with liberation movements worldwide BEIRUT A G E N C I

AEO study abroad expo kicked off successfully

AEO Pakistan has once again launched Pakistan s biggest study abroad expo, spanning across 10 major cities including Lahore Islamabad Karachi Multan Sialkot Faisalabad Abbottabad Peshawar Bahawalpur and Hyderabad This expo offers a golden opportunity for prospective students nationwide to receive free expert advice and counselling on applying to top-ranked universities in Australia, the USA, Canada, and the UK Representatives from over 15 prestigious universities and institutions are participating providing invaluable guidance and insights for students planning their academic futures Attendees also benefit from information on IELTS testing and preparatory classes available at the expo The first event in this series was held today at PC Hotel Lahore, drawing a large crowd of eager students and their parents The expo was marked by enthusiasm as participants explored admission opportunities at leading Australian and international universities Attendees praised AEO s commitment to offering a comprehensive platform that facilitates free counseling sessions with official university representatives, helping students make informed decisions about their academic paths The expo series continues with upcoming events scheduled in Sialkot on August 21st at Hotel the Jeeven s Islamabad on August 22nd at Serena Hotel Faisalabad on August 22nd at Hotel One



privatization of Discos geared up: Aleem Khan


Privatization of Electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOs) is being processed and initial work in this regard has been geared up Moreover, advertisements have also been launched in international media on August 17 This was disclosed in a highlevel meeting co-chaired by Federal Minister for Privatization Board of Investment and Communications Abdul Aleem Khan and Federal Minister for Energy Sardar Awais Ahmad Khan Laghari Federal Minister Abdul Aleem Khan observed that the privatization of DISCOs will be completed in different phases in which transparency and technical aspects must be kept into consideration Federal Minister for Energy Sardar Awais Laghari directed that the issues necessary for the privatization of DISCOs should be dealt with as soon as possible

commended the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for its pivotal role in the success of the Nashonuma Conditional Cash Transfer program During a meeting today with Dr Anita Zaidi from the Foundation at the BISP headquarters Senator Rubina Khalid emphasized the ongoing partnership between BISP and the Founda-

Ali Gender Lead; Usman Kokab Khan Associate Director of Digital Transformation among others

CDA to offer internship to QAU students: Randhawa

Capital Development Authority (CDA) will start internship programme to Quaid-e-Azam University (QAU) students to enhance their capacity in various fields The CDA chairman Mohammad Ali Randhawa in a meeting proposed a MoU to offer internships to the varsity students in the federal apex agency particularly in the Environment IT and HR departments The IT students from QAU will assist the authority in conducting a cyber-security and audit

The meeting was held between QAU’s Vice-Chancellor Dr Niaz Ahmed Akhtar and Chairman CDA marked the beginning of a promising collaboration between the two institutions The discussion focused on various initiatives including a plantation drive in the Quaid-e-Azam Enclave in Margalla Hills, where students from the university will participate

and their

Talking to outgoing Ambassador of Palestine Ahmed Jawad A A Rabei, in Islamabad on Tuesday he strongly condemned Israel’s barbaric actions against innocent Palestinians in Gaza since October 7 2023 that had led to the heart-wrenching killing of over 40000 innocent Palestinians, including women and children, and more than 90000 injured The Prime Minister reaffirmed Pakistan’s strong commitment and support for efforts to find a just and lasting resolution to the Palestine issue through a two-state solution with the creation of an independent state of Palestine with pre-1967 borders and Al Quds as its capital, under relevant UN resolutions Israel s barbarism has resulted in the heart-wrenching deaths of over 40 000 innocent Palestinians, including women and children, with more than 90,000 injured,” PM Shehbaz stated “Establishing an independent Palestinian state with Al Quds as

its capital is the sustainable solution, he added Ambassador Rabei expressed his gratitude to Prime Minister Sharif for Pakistan’s steadfast support for the Palestinian cause and for the hospitality extended to him during his five-year tenure He praised Pakistan s historic and consistent stance on Palestine and its contributions to international efforts for peace and stability in the region Rabei also thanked the Government of Pakistan for providing much-needed humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people and for offering scholarships to Palestinian


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