Epaper_24-08-24 LHR

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PM Shehbaz offers aid to Bangladesh amid severe floods

strain reported in the country Dr Mukhtar also assured that the health ministry is maintaining rigorous monitoring through effective screening and surveillance systems at all airports


A day after the martyrdom of 12 policemen by katcha bandits, the Punjab government on Friday announced Rs10 million in bounties on the heads of the most dangerous katcha dacoits to eliminate the persistent threat posed by these criminals According to a government notification issued on Friday, high-value targets are subject to a Rs10 million bounty, while Rs5 million and Rs2 5 million rewards are being offered for other dangerous bandits in lower categories The decision is part of a broader strategy to restore peace in the region following decades of costly and largely unsuccessful operations against the dacoits On the other hand, the Punjab government replaced the top police command in Rahim Yar

Khan following the yesterday s ambush on police vehicles with rockets that claimed the lives of 12 policemen and left several others injured According to a notification issued from the Central Police Office, DPO Imran Ahmed Malik SP Muhammad Javed Akhtar Jatoi and DSP Kaleem Ahmad have been ordered to report to the CPO Similarly former Punjab CTD SSP Rizwan Omer Gondal has been appointed the new DPO of Rahim Yar Khan Meanwhile, funeral for the police officials martyred in yesterday’s attack in Machhka area of Kacha was offered which was attended by high-ranking officials including Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi Punjab Home Secretary Noorul Amin Mengal and Punjab Inspector General (IG) of Police Dr Usman Anwar ‘Govt reaffirms commitment to eliminate

menace of the outlaws

Addressing those gathered Home Secretary


FOil climbs with US Federal Reser ve pivot

‘Backbone of economy ’: PM orders immediate constitution of SMEDA board

APTMA demands immediate reversal of tax policies threatening tex tile industr y

employment economic stability and overall national prosperity the statement read APTMA criticized the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) for continuing to enforce what it deems a dysfunctional policy, despite repeated appeals from industry stakeholders and assurances from top officials The operational difficulties created by SRO350 the association noted have only added to the challenges already plaguing the sector

endure further delays in resolving this issue which has already caused significant and lasting damage In addition the association called for the reinstatement of the sales tax exemption on local supplies for export manufacturing, which was withdrawn under the Finance Act 2024 APTMA argues that the removal of zero-rating is not a revenuegenerating measure but rather a reaction to FBR audits that identified misuse by a small number of firms among approximately 1 900 beneficiaries

and the recent removal of the sales tax exemption on local supplies intended for export manufacturing According to APTMA these policy changes are crippling the industry and have farreaching consequences for employment, external sector stability, and the broader economy

“These regressive measures are inflicting severe harm on the industry with catastrophic implications for

Due to the requirement that the entire supply chain be linked for filing sales tax returns many APTMA members and other companies are unable to meet filing deadlines This issue arises because their upstream suppliers have not filed their returns and the FBR has eliminated the option to delink invoices from the return

APTMA urged the government to keep its promises and swiftly amend SRO350(1)/2024 in consultation with industrial stakeholders most affected by it The textile sector, APTMA emphasized, cannot

APTMA strongly urges the government to restore zero-rating for local supplies used in export manufacturing under the Export Facilitation Scheme (EFS) Instead of penalizing the entire industry, the government should implement stricter checks and balances to prevent misuse the statement concluded

APTMA warned that the survival of Pakistan s textile industry the livelihoods of millions and the future of the nation s economic stability depend on the prompt reversal of these damaging policies

Massacre in Rahim Yar Khan

Terrorism spilling into Punjab

THE massacre of at least 11 policemen, and the injuring of three more, in the Kacha area on the Punjab-Sindh boundary in Rahim Yar Khan indicates that the benign neglect of the terrorists enforced for whatever reason is now threatening to engulf the whole country The incident took place in a general area which normally hosts robbers, but which is not too far from an anti-terrorist operation The Waziristan ex-Tribal Areas are the center of this operation and they abut Dera Ismail Khan and Dera Ghazi Khan It is not too far from there to Rahim Yar Khan The circumstances of the attack do not indicate prior planning, but that the police post from which the policemen were returning was hurting those against whom it was intended It also indicates a bold and resourceful terrorist commander who exploited a local development and attacked a police party at its most vulnerable

It was probably only a matter of time before the terrorists sought refuge in the kutcha which is the area where criminals have traditionally sought refuge Unfortunately for law enforcers, the kutcha here coincides with the point at which all four provinces border each other In recent times, there have been operations against dacoits, but they have only had some success when the military was involved The problem is that the military is involved in the present operation and the police cannot carry out the task of dealing with the spillover that seems to have occurred in Rahim Yar Khan Of course, it should not be forgotten that the area is a steady recruiting ground for the militants with Maulana Masood Azhar founder of the Jaish-i-Muhammad being one of the more prominent militants from the area It would help if the Punjab police was given the kind of equipment for such operations, but more important is the right training There should also be a realisation among all stakeholders that the police are not necessarily doing what they have been trained for, in tackling such terrorists There is no point handing the terrorists such easy victories just to avoid upsetting some elements who either have a vested interest in preventing an operation or who are trying to cover up past mistakes The need for a thorough-going multi-provincial operation has become too pressing to ignore The recent approval of Rs 60 billion for Azb-i-Istehkam should be increased if it does not include the kutcha in its ambit

Dedicated to the legac y of late Hameed Nizami Arif Nizami (Late) Founding Editor

M A Niazi Editor Pakistan Today Babar Nizami Editor Profit


EMOCRATIC societies, where the distribution of information empowers citizens to form informed opinions advocate for change and hold institutions responsible rely heavily on the media s ability to shape public opinion Sensitive problems have generated a lot of public debate in recent years, especially when it comes to social justice and human rights One such instance that has had a great impact on civil opinion is the recent Kolkata rape case, which highlights the media s responsibilities and power in shaping societal perceptions

The horrifying event happened when Dr Moumita Debnath a resident physician at the R G Kar Medical College and Hospital in Belgachia, Kolkata, west Bengal, India went missing on 9 August 2024, and was subsequently discovered dead At approximately 11:30 am reports stated that the doctor ’s body was discovered partially naked with her lips eyes and genitalia bleeding in one of the college s seminar rooms She subsequently passed away The doctor was raped before being strangled, according to an autopsy Her vaginal system, lips, left leg, right hand, ring finger, neck, and face all had serious wounds, according to the findings Additionally, the postmortem reports disclosed that a vaginal swab containing around 150 mg of semen indicated she had been subjected to gang rape The ferocity of crime combined with the victim s quest for justice, drew worldwide attention The media began covering the case extensively as soon as details became available, emphasizing not only the crime but also the structural problems such as police ineptitude social misogyny and weak legal frameworks that contribute to such atrocities The way the case was reported in the media played a significant role in turning it from a small-town tragedy into a national scandal The use of graphic facts, victim testimony, and public protests raised awareness and incited moral outrage Social media trends kept the public informed about the case by posting frequent updates and trending hashtags

The 2024 Kolkata case reminds one of the 2012 Nirbhaya rape case 16 December 2012 Jyoti Singh a 22-year-old physio intern was brutally murdered She was subjected to abuse, including beating, gang rape and torture while riding on a private bus with her male companion Avindra Pratap Pandey The

a sobering reminder Despite being almost ten years apart, the Nirbhaya and Kolkata cases are linked by the continuous fight for justice and equality How

woman was raped and her friend was beaten by the six people in the bus, including the driver Eleven days after the attack, she was flown to Singapore after treatment at Safdarjung Hospital in Delhi, where she passed away two days later from her wounds

Both in India and elsewhere the episode drew heavy criticism and received extensive national and international media coverage The public s voice was greatly amplified by the media which made the tragedy a turning point in India s struggle against gender-based violence

The problem of women's safety gained national attention due to the considerable coverage of the Nirbhaya case Numerous media sites covered the story indepth emphasizing both the horrifying nature of the crime and the system s shortcomings in protecting women The victim, dubbed Nirbhaya (which means "fearless"), went on to become a symbol of the fight against gender-based violence in India

The 2024 Kolkata case bears striking similarities to Nirbhaya case not only in the nature of crime but also in the public response In the Nirbhaya case the media shaped public views and that public outcry led to significant legal and political changes These included the establishment of fast-track courts, the Nirbhaya Fund, and the Criminal Law(Amendment) act of 2013 The Criminal act also known as Nirbhaya Act was one of the most significant legislative responses to the Nirbhaya tragedy This legislation which was largely focused on enhancing the legal framework to prevent sexual offenses and assure victim protection, significantly altered the Indian Penal Code (IPC), the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) and the Indian Evidence Act A precedent for how the media could shape public opinion and promote social change was established by the Nirbhaya case It proved that consistent media coverage could result in observable changes

Pakhtunkhwa province was heralded as a milestone for inclusive governance and regional development This ambitious plan was aimed to integrate FATA into the mainstream political and administrative structure It promised democratic reforms economic development and improved security against extremism However the recent surge of violence in Parachinar, sparked by a seemingly minor land dispute that escalated into a sectarian strife, casts a dark shadow over these promises This incident shifts attention towards the original agenda defined during the constitutional amendment and its execution over the years The FATA-KP merger plan was initially aimed to address the severe economic challenges in the tribal region, where the poverty ratio stands at 73 7 percent with most of the people lacking basic health and education facilities The plan required Rs 121 billion annually to support a comprehensive socio-economic development agenda However the lack of commitment from the federal government and provinces to implement necessary budget adjustments in the National Finance Commission (NFC) award has created financial uncertainty This led to distrust and tension among the people of FATA who fear losing their economic independence without seeing the promised development

Additionally FATA s history as an open market for smuggled goods has been disrupted with the execution of the merger plan Traditionally, due to limited development and employment opportunities, smuggling became an important source of income for most of the people of FATA The locals unfamiliar with state laws considered smuggling Tijarat (trade) viewing it as a legitimate source of income However the regulation of borders and intensified crackdowns against smuggling without adequate development projects has escalated tensions in the region, halting its complete integration Aggravating these economic issues are the challenges surrounding land ownership that are drifting into sectarian tensions in the region

FATA has a unique land tenure system which is characterised by collective tribal ownership which differs markedly from the rest of Pakistan The imposition of KP’s laws on a region with deeply entrenched tribal land ownership practices has led to confusion and conflict Local administrators are struggling to reconcile these differences resulting in disputes over land rights and bureaucratic inefficiencies

The transition from collective to individual land ownership is disrupting long-standing tribal balances, often escalating disputes into broader sectarian conflicts as witnessed in Parachinar The economic constraints accom-

n c i a l i n v o l v e m e n t c a n e n h a n c e n a t i o n a l i n t e g r a t i o n a n d e n s u r e t h e m e r g e r ' s s u c c e s s A h y b r i d l a n d o w n e r s h i p m o d e l i s a l s o r e q u i r e d t h a t r e s p e c t s t r i b a l c u s t o m s a n d s t a t e l a w s f o r f u l f i l l i n g t h e r e g i o n ' s a s p i r a t i o n s f o r s t a b i l i t y a n d p r o s p e r i t y

panied with the disruption of traditional income sources like smuggling and unresolved land ownership issues are exacerbating sectarian tensions and security threats in the region

To address these issues, the stakeholders need an inclusive approach, including tribal leaders local government officials and NonGovernmental Organisations (NGOs) To mitigate economic challenges high-impact development projects in FATA could be prioritised For instance, Pakistan could prioritise the western corridor of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor and incentivise local Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in FATA’s Special Economic Zones (SEZs) Meanwhile instead of budget cuts in the NFC award provinces could be encouraged to participate in the development of the former FATA through capacity-building initiatives For instance, Punjab s education ministry could send teams and staff to support underdeveloped schools in tribal areas Such initiatives could accelerate FATA’s development and foster national integration

For a better land ownership model the cultural significance of Pakhtoonwali could be adhered to and a hybrid model be introduced by mapping traditional land use and defining zones for individual ownership The transition from tribal to individual ownership could be implemented in selected pilot areas with community agreements An assessment and feedback mechanism could also be regularised to monitor the model s impact and guide its gradual expansion

The FATA-KP merger's promise of inclusive governance and development is marred by significant challenges, particularly in economic opportunities land ownership and the transition from traditional practices To address these issues prioritising high-impact development projects and encouraging provincial involvement can enhance national integration and ensure the merger's success A hybrid land ownership model is also required that respects tribal customs and state laws for fulfilling the region's aspirations for stability and prosperity

Naba Fatima is a researcher at the Centre for Aerospace and Security Studies (CASS) Lahore She can be reached at info@casslhr com

One Bengal: The Vision for a Unified Bengali Homeland

ingly been shaped by the rise of Hindu na-

THE dramatic developments in Bangladesh after the students defied the army s curfew orders and marched on Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wajid s official residence, compelling her to flee to India, and establishment of the interim government have exposed the myth of democracy in the country Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi with his Bangladeshi counterpart Sheikh Hasina met in New Delhi in June this year

Since early July, this year, at least 650 people were killed in the deadly protests, which ended the autocratic rule of 76-year-old Prime minister Sheikh Hasina Clashes escalated despite a round-the-clock curfew and the deployment of soldiers as Hasina had sought to quell nationwide protests against her government But, she failed badly University students built barricades blocking roads and railway lines to demand reforms to a quota system for sought-after public sector jobs They said the scheme was used to stack the civil service with loyalists of Hasina s ruling Awami League party After the PM s ouster Bangladesh s army chief Gen Waker-Uz-Zaman took charge and formed an interim government General Waker and Bangladeshi President Mohammed Shahabuddin ordered the release of the jailed former prime minister and key opposition leader Khaleda Zia chairperson of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) The military freed all the people who had been arrested during the student protests Now, the interim government headed by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus has been established and started to take measures against corruption and to ensure public safety Student leaders

are also participating in the interim government as advisers The country will hold an election after setting up a democratic system Notably during the protests Bangladeshis were raising slogans in support of Pakistan and against India

The recent violent suppression of student protests in Bangladesh had exposed the authoritarian tendencies of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s government who won a fifth term as prime minister in January after a vote without genuine opposition

In January 2024 after Hasina claimed victory in a one-sided election with many of her opponents in jail, Indian officials endorsed the election results

Members of the Bangladeshi Hindu community held banners and chanted slogans against violence targeting the country s minorities during a protest in Dhaka The main purpose of New Delhi was to take Bangladesh towards civil war Meanwhile, a video was shared by an account called ‘Trunicle’, showing protesters chanting “Pakistan is in our Blood” Analysts opine: “Some may try to exploit the past questioning Bangladesh s allegiance due to India s role in its creation this propaganda falls flat The truth is, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his Mukti Bahini sowed seeds of discord, but today, both Pakistan and Bangladesh recognise the real enemies as Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Mukti Bahini and now Mujib s daughter Shaikh Hasina Wajid who seek to divide us In fact, on 16 December 1971, Pakistan was dismembered and the new state of Bangladesh was created as part of the Indian collusion which still continues in Pakistan’s Balochistan province In this context Asoka Raina in his book Inside RAW: The Story of India s Secret Service disclosed: Indian intelligence agencies were involved in erstwhile East Pakistan its operatives were in touch with Sheikh Mujib as the possible ‘Father ’ of a new nation Bangladesh who went to Agartala in 1965 The famous Agartala case was unearthed in 1967 In fact the main purpose of raising RAW in 1968 was to organise covert operations in Bangladesh Indian army officers and RAW officials used Bengali refugees to set up Mukti Bahini RAW had established the network of a separatist

movement through cells within East Pakistan and military training camps in Indian territory adjoining East Pakistan carrying out acts of sabotage against communication lines so that Indian forces simply marched in at the ‘right’ time conducting unconventional guerrilla acts against the Pakistani defence forces

Hence since the PM of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina daughter of Sheikh Mujib came into power, New Delhi had been employing various tactics to entrap Bangladesh by manipulating her pro-Indian tilt against Islamabad and even against the people of Bangladesh In this connection 42 years after the events of 1971 Abdul Qadir the leader of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) was hanged because of his loyalty to Pakistan Executions of Mujadid and Chaudry of JI were also part of the same scheme

Ironically, the Awami League’s so-called nationalism was based on fabricated figures about the killing of three million Bengali people by the Pakistan Army in 1971 This figure was never authenticated by independent researchers A famous Bengali journalist Sarmila Bose authored the book Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh War after thorough investigation She terms the number a gigantic rumour Richard Sisson and Leo E Rose in a book titled War and Secession: Pakistan, India and the Creation of Bangladesh clearly pointed out that the figures of the so-called genocide were faked by India

Addressing a ceremony during his Bangladesh tour Indian Prime Minister Modi openly stated on 7 June 2015 that Indian forces helped Mukti Bahini to turn East Pakistan into Bangladesh He elaborated that former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee had played an active role in separating East Pakistan and he (Modi) had also come to Delhi in 1971 to participate in the Satyagraha Movement launched by Jana Sangh as a volunteer to garner support for the Mukti Bahini

The partition of the Indian Subcontinent in 1947 was a monumental event that reshaped South Asia’s political and social landscape This division primarily driven by the Muslim League s demand for a separate homeland for Muslims led to the creation of two independent nations: India and Pakistan India emerged as a secular republic, but over the years, its political landscape has increas-

The US & Hasina’s ouster in Bangladesh

India is now flanked on the west and the east by two unfriendly regimes that are under US

tionalism particularly under the BJP This shift had significant implications for India s secular fabric and its religious and ethnic minorities

Pakistan, on the other hand, was born as a geographically bifurcated state with East and West Pakistan separated by approximately 1600 km of Indian territory This peculiar arrangement was fraught with challenges, as the two wings of Pakistan were not only separated by geography but also by distinct cultural, linguistic, and economic differences East Pakistan predominantly inhabited by Bengali-speaking people harbored a unique cultural identity which often clashed with the political and economic dominance of West Pakistan Despite constituting a majority of the population, the Bengalis of East Pakistan were consistently underrepresented in political leadership and faced systemic discrimination These grievances culminated in a widespread movement for autonomy spearheaded by the Awami League under the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman The struggle for autonomy reached its zenith in 1971, leading to a brutal conflict known as the Bangladesh Liberation War The war concluded with the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent nation on 16 December 1971

In spite of achieving independence, the dream of a unified Bengali nation remains unfulfilled The arbitrary border that divides Bengal continues to separate families communities and a shared cultural heritage West Bengal which remained a part of India and Bangladesh share deeprooted historical linguistic and cultural ties which transcend political boundaries Many Bengalis on both sides of the border envision a future where the artificial divide is erased allowing for greater cultural and economic integration

The love for Bengali culture and language is a profound force which unites Bengalis across borders The Bengali language, with its rich literary and artistic heritage, is a source of immense pride for Bengalis Rabindranath Tagore the first non-European Nobel laureate in Literature Rabinranath Tasgore and Kazi Nazrul Islam the national poet of Bangladesh are celebrated figures who symbolize the cultural renaissance of Bengal For Bengalis on both sides of the border,

Tsee the procession of dead bodies They wanted to come to power over the dead bodies of students but I did not allow it I resigned from premiership I could have remained in power if I had surrendered the sovereignty of Saint Martin Island and allowed America to hold sway over the Bay of Bengal I beseech to the people of my land, ‘Please do not allow to be manipulated by radicals ’” The ET report citing Awami League sources implied that the hatchet man of the colour revolution in Bangladesh is none other than Donald Lu the incumbent assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asian affairs who visited Dhaka in May

This is credible enough A background check on Lu s string of postings gives away the story This Chinese-American diplomat” served as a political officer in Peshawar (1992 to 1994); special assistant to Ambassador Frank Wisner (whose family lineage as operatives of the Deep State is wellknown) in Delhi (1996-1997); subsequently as the deputy chief of mission in Delhi from 1997-2000 (during which his portfolio included Kashmir and India-Pakistan relations), inheriting the job, curiously enough, from Robin Raphel whose reputation as India’s bête noire is still in living memory C I A analyst lobbyist and expert on Pakistan affairs Indeed, Lu visited Bangladesh in midMay and met with senior government officials and civil society leaders And shortly after his visit, the U S announced sanctions against then Bangladesh Army chief General Aziz Ahmed for what Washington termed his involvement in significant corruption

After his Dhaka visit Lu told Voice of America openly, Promoting democracy and human rights in Bangladesh remains a priority for us We will continue to support the important work of civil society and journalists and to advocate for democratic processes and institutions in Bangladesh as we do in countries around the world

We [the U S ] were outspoken in our condemnation of the violence that marred the election cycle [in January] and we have urged the government of Bangladesh to credibly investigate incidents of violence and hold perpetrators accountable We will continue to engage on these issues Lu played a similar proactive role during his past assignment in Kyrgyzstan (2003-2006) which culminated a colour revolution Lu specialised in

fuelling and masterminding colour revolutions, which led to regime changes in Albania, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Pakistan (in the ouster of Imran Khan)

Sheikh Hasina’s disclosure could not have come as surprise to the Indian intelligence In the run-up to the elections in Bangladesh in January the Russian Foreign Ministry openly alleged that U S diplomacy was changing tack and planning a series of events to destabilise the situation in Bangladesh in the post-election scenario, The Foreign Ministry spokesperson said in a statement in Moscow “On December 1213 in a number of areas of Bangladesh opponents of the current government blocked road traffic, burned buses, and clashed with the police We see a direct connection between these events and the inflammatory activity of Western diplomatic missions in Dhaka In particular US Ambassador P Haas which we already discussed at the briefing on November 22

There are serious reasons to fear that in the coming weeks an even wider arsenal of pressure, including sanctions, may be used against the government of Bangladesh, which is undesirable to the West Key industries may come under attack as well as a number of officials who will be accused without evidence of obstructing the democratic will of citizens in the upcoming parliamentary elections on January 7, 2024

“Unfortunately, there is little chance that Washington will come to its senses and refrain from yet another gross interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state We are confident however that despite all the machinations of external forces the issue of power in Bangladesh will ultimately be decided by the friendly people of this country,

Will billionaires or workers decide the 2024 elec tion?

The Journal’s Dana Mattioli and colleagues wrote an ar ticle published in mid-July, exposing Musk’s plans to donate a whopping $45 million per month to elect Trump, or $180 million in all

and no one else Moscow and Beijing have nonetheless taken a scrupulously correct stance of non-interference True to Russian pragmatism, Moscow’s Ambassador to Bangladesh Alexander Mantytsky noted that his country will cooperate with any leader and government elected by the people of Bangladesh who is ready for equal and mutually respectful dialogue with Russia

That said, both Russia and China must be worried about U S intentions Also, they cannot but be skeptical about the shape of things to come given the abysmal record of U S client regimes catapulted to power through colour revolutions Unlike Russia, which has economic interests in Bangladesh and is a stakeholder in the creation of a multipolar world order, the security interests of China and India are going to be directly affected if the new regime in Dhaka fails to deliver and the country descends into economic crisis and lawlessness as a failed state

It is a moot point, therefore, whether this regime change in Dhaka masterminded by Washington is “India-centric” or not The heart of the matter is that today India is flanked on the west and the east by two unfriendly regimes that are under U S influence

And this is happening at a juncture when signs are plentiful that the government s independent foreign policies and stubborn adherence to strategic autonomy has upset the U S ’ Indo-Pacific strategy

The paradox is the colour revolution in Bangladesh was set in motion within a week of the ministerial level Quad meeting in Tokyo which was by the way a hastilyarranged U S initiative too Possibly, the Indian establishment was lulled into a sense of complacency? British Foreign Secretary

David Lammy reached out to External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar with a phone call on Aug 8 coinciding with the appointment of the interim government in Dhaka which the U K has welcomed while also urging for a peaceful pathway to an inclusive demo-

cratic future for Bangladesh much as the people of that country deserve accountability” [emphasis added]” India is keeping mum The only way Bangladesh can figure a way out of the foxhole is through an inclusive democratic process going forward But the appointment ostensibly at the students recommendation of a U S -educated lawyer as the new chief justice of the Supreme Court in Dhaka is yet another ominous sign of Washington tightening its grip Against this geopolitical backdrop a recent commentary in the Chinese daily Global Times China-India relations easing navigating new realities gives some food for thought It spoke of the imperative for India and China to create a new kind of


The Centre for Aerospace and Security Studies (CASS), Lahore, organised a seminar titled "Inter-generational Societal Transformations and Pakistan’s Resilience" on 22 August 2024

The event focused on bridging the generational gap in Pakistan to strengthen the nation s resilience

The seminar commenced with opening remarks by Dr Bilal Ghazanfar, Associate Senior Researcher at CASS Lahore who emphasised that technology has transformed the average generational gap into a generational break Mian Imran Masood, former Education Minister of Punjab, delivered the keynote address, wherein he emphasised the necessity of bolstering intergenerational connectivity through educational and social initiatives Mr Oves Anwar Director Research Society of International Law, highlighted the technological prowess and innovative mindset of younger generations and noted that they have the potential to reshape Pak-

istan s future in a digitised world Dr Yaqoob Ahmed Bangash, Associate Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Information Technology University emphasised the need for enhancing communication between generations to leverage experience and wisdom

In his concluding remarks, Air Marshal Asim Suleiman (Retd), President, CASS Lahore, highlighted that the widening generational gap in Pakistan poses a significant threat to national cohesion and development In his opin-

ion divergent worldviews exacerbated by the amplifying effects of social media, have led to a polarisation of societal discourse in Pakistan He warned that if left unchecked this divide could undermine Pakistan s ability to build a unified society that meets the challenges of the 21st century The question-and-answer session generated insightful discussions The seminar highlighted the complexity of the inter-generational gap and identified steps that can be taken to build a more equitable and prosperous Pakistan for generations to come

IBA’s CE J, Bank Alfalah announce scholarships for students of journalism


Bank Alfalah and The Centre for Excellence in Journalism (CEJ) at the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Karachi, announced scholarships for journalism degree program and capacity building of online content creators in financial literacy Through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Bank Alfalah will provide funding for scholarships to five students pursuing the Master of Science in Journalism (MSJ) degree at IBA for the year 2024-25 and workshops for twelve content creators on creating awareness about financial literacy The program aims to develop a new generation of journalists equipped with the skills to investigate and report on financial issues while empowering individuals Dr Asma Hyder Professor and Dean School

of Economics and Social Sciences IBA said Journalism is important for an informed society and for the strengthening of democracy The masters in journalism at the School of Economics and Social Sciences, at IBA Karachi,

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