Epaper_24-08-26 LHR

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P M R E V I E W S L E G A L A S P E C T S ,


plunges into ditch in Rawalakot





He said that the


caused the

by Usman Gujjar, an



at the time of the accident adding that the bodies and injured were transported to Tehsil Headquarters Hospital Kahuta

The victims, included: 15 men, six women, and one child, Gujjar informed, adding the accident took place on the Girari Bridge along Kahuta s Azad Pattan Road

Contradicting the rescue official s account the interior ministry reported that the death toll had risen to 29 Condolences have poured in from various quarters, including President Asif Ali Zardari expressed deep grief over the loss of precious lives in the tragedy extending his sympathies to the bereaved families via a message shared by his party on the X platform He also stressed the importance of accelerating relief efforts ” Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi issued a statement expressing his “heartfelt condolences and sympathy to the families of the deceased in both accidents Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif


ISLAMABAD S ta f f R e p o R t

HIGH Commission of Pakistan to United Kingdom (UK), Dr Mohammad Faisal has said that investing Pakistani youth holds key importance for ensuring a prosperous future of Pakistan

This was stated by him in keynote address during a seminar titled Promoting trade, investment & tourism in Pakistan organized by the High Commission of Pakistan in London in cooperation with the British–Pakistani Mayors’ Association (BPMA) The seminar was attended by many former mayors & councilors British–Pakistani businessmen, officials of

Sesame exporters achieve breakthrough

Over the past four decades, the vast majority of white-feathered broiler breeders in the world have been monopolised by developed countries in Europe and the US with China s dependence on foreign white-feathered broiler

only about half a dozen companies in Pakistan that import all of the grandparent stock in the country GPs are the birds that produce the parent stock which in turn produce broilers for mass consumption


Lahore sewage samples tested positive for

child is malnourished whereas the authorities are checking the status of her vaccination

The Regional Reference Laboratory for Polio Eradication has told a private media outlet that Poliovirus has now been detected in 62 districts of the country and affected 16 children so far this year, indicating the persistent risk of polio infection

Pakistan Railways to enhance operations with new passenger coaches, HC Ws

ISLAMABAD S ta f f R e p o R t

Under the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP), Pakistan Railways is set to enhance train operations by acquiring 230 passenger coaches and 820 High Capacity Wagons (HCWs)

This initiative aims to improve train speeds and ensure timely arrivals

According to a Ministry of Railways official, 46 Completely-Built-Up (CBU) passenger coaches have already been procured, and the remaining 184 will be manufactured domestically These coaches are designed to achieve speeds of up to 160 km/h Our focus is on completing the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the railway track to support faster and on-time travel, the



official stated

The railway infrastructure enhancements include updates to the track and signaling system along the Karachi to Peshawar Main Line-I (MLI) and the expansion of the track between Lahore and Peshawar The track length involved in these upgrades is 1,726 kilometers, with an anticipated speed increase to 160 km/h as part of the ML-I upgrades under the China-Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC) he added

The official also highlighted the acquisition of a fleet of 55 diesel-electric locomotives with 4000-4500 HP for freight operations, aimed at maximizing haulage efficiency “Additionally, the Computer Based Interlocking (CBI) system has been installed at 48 stations along ML-I to enhance signaling

interlocking, and safety, he noted Responding to inquiries about employee welfare the official emphasized the comprehensive network of support for the 63 000 employees of Pakistan Railways including healthcare education, and housing benefits Our employees benefit from extensive welfare activities, ranging from healthcare facilities across an expansive network of hospitals and dispensaries to educational and housing benefits he explained The railway s welfare initiatives also extend to special provisions for disabled employees and their families, as well as significant educational and healthcare discounts through partnerships like those with Riphah Islamic Universities

recruitment at Pano Aqil ex tends till Aug 28

ISLAMABAD S ta f f R e p o R t


original educational certificates CNIC or Form B and passport-size photographs It is mentioned over here that the candidates who were successful in the first schedule of 2024 selection are not eligible for this recruitment phase the announcement added

The Recruitment Center invited eligible candidates to take advantage of this opportunity to serve the nation by joining the Pakistan Army

Highlighting the potential economic impact of strikes, Mir emphasized the necessity of collaborative problem-solving and reassured that the FBR is committed to addressing all legitimate trader demands The invitation is part of a broader effort to prevent the strike and mitigate any potential disruption to the country s economy Traders have expressed dissatisfaction with several government policies, particularly the imposition of income tax on property which they argue is unjust and a burden in the current economic climate They also lament the government s inability to cut its own expenses amidst the economic challenges that have adversely affected businesses FBR seeks dialogue with traders to aver t August 28 strike

In an effort to address growing tensions the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has reached out to the trading community for negotiations ahead of their planned nationwide strike on August 28 This strike aims to protest against the controversial ‘Tajir Dost Scheme ’

Naeem Mir Chief Coordinator of the Trader-Friendly Scheme at FBR, confirmed that trader representatives have been contacted to discuss their concerns and are invited to meet at FBR headquarters in Islamabad on August 27 at 3 PM Mir expressed hope that the trader leaders would engage positively with the proposed consultations on amending the scheme s specific regulations (SRO)

Meeting the IMF conditionalities

Reprofiling debt essential to programme approval

THE postponement of the IMF s board s consideration of Pakistan’s application for a 37-month Extended Fund Facility of $7 billion has provided Pakistan more time to do round of it as main bilateral creditors, Saudi Arabia, China and the UAE, and get them either to dish out more money or ‘reprofile’ their loans so as to allow Pakistan some relief on future payments It now becomes clear why the IMF Board did not put Pakistan s case on its agenda There were still some conditionalities that Pakistan had to fulfill It might seem to be both harsh and a shifting of the goalposts for Pakistan to be forced to take further actions, but it would be useful to divide them into two categories First are those actions which had to be taken in the Budget which were various fiscal measures to assure the IMF that Pakistan was indeed as committed to the reform process as it said it was Second are a series of financial measures which are taking more time than the fiscal measures because Pakistan is dealing with third parties, over which neither Pakistan nor the IMF have any true control It must be realized that Pakistan has a sort of negative control: it may default Apart from the geopolitical implications that this might have for the countries affected, it might also mean that they might lose all or some of the money they have already lent Pakistan As it is these countries do not have experience of lending the way the USA once did, with no belief that there would be any repayment

The problem seems to be that the Pakistani team seems to be unable to wrap their heads around the concept that they, or rather the Pakistani taxpayers, will have to repay the loans which are being taken Pakistan finds itself in the awkward position of obtaining commercial loans in order to repay previous ones Without a change in attitude, Pakistan may not be able to end its dependence on foreign loans, which is what this IMF package is supposed to be all about Unless the country uses the coming 37 months to bring about the sort of changes that are needed, it may well find itself at the end still in the sort of difficulties as at present and as obliged to seek out yet another IMF bailout, and yet another reprofiling of bilateral LOANS

Dedicated to the legac y of late Hameed Nizami Arif Nizami (Late) Founding Editor

The despotic and




riverine regions of three provinces does not stand far behind, and, resultantly, claims a hefty area of

Not enough is being done, and that too slowly

quick advancements in artificial intelligence in recent years Hence, it is important to raise the inflation target of 2-3 percent in advanced countries, and to not have positive real interest rates in developing countries to control inflation Economics Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz in an interview to ABC News (Australia) indicated in this regard Well first let me say where that number 2 to 3 percent come from It was pulled out of the thin air There was no scientific basis It s now become a convention that’s accepted But, in fact, economic research argues that when the economy is going through a transformation and we are going through a transformation–green economy digital economy post Covid-19 economy– you want to have probably a higher rate of target for your inflation I certainly think that there is no danger in having inflation of 4 or 5 percent, possibly even higher than that for a short

Reining in overboard monetary austerity policy calls, in turn, for greater participation of government in monetary policy board of central banks, in general, in an overall effort to reduce the otherwise overboard independence of central banks, so that policy rate is not over-used to control inflation; a policy, which has generated unnecessarily high economic growth sacrifice, and enhanced debt distress; not to mention the rise in cost-push, and imported inflation that this policy induces

influence Unlike other cases where either of three forms exist Pakistan s standing is rare: an epicentre of accommodating two contradictory leviathans despotic and absent The livelihood is miserable in either existing leviathan, imagine a life between the cogs of both! Sir Thomas More's Utopia exists in Pakistan's DHA and Bahria Town s Overseas enclaves while the rest lives in George Orwell s 1984 with Big Brother surveilling over sans any blink Punjab Defamation Law intelligence agencies authority to listen and record calls are some of the examples With the Constitution on the cusp of compromise judiciary influenced by agencies public dissent an unpardonable sin and political musical chairs always on the sight verifies the existence of a despotic leviathan Time and again abduction, loot and kidnapping for ransom in riverine regions testifies the latter the existence of absent leviathan Powerful hands are surely behind the actions and treatments sharply contradicting the other: European standard lifestyle for Atchison College alumni and Somalian code of conduct for the rest explains why the percentage of the people living below poverty line swells It is sure as shooting, the reins of the country has always been in the wrong hands, and the incompetent s incumbencies still haunt the affairs across the board In effect the country its people and all socioeconomic affairs have never been right as rain Pakistan has been ruled as a personal fiefdom by the powerful, and in case of proliferated public outrage, emergency exits exist in arm's length distance with foreign currency reserves welcoming their way The Dubai Leaks' scandal provides an opportunity to peek into their illicit alleged yet safe wealth window

flowing their way in the guise of fuels, risk allowances, electricity units and lavish-budget foreign trips Systematically deprived of living minimal hand-to-mouth life has been the fate by birth if the subject is the public Apart from the corporate

Balancing Old and New in Education

LAST month in July, there was an uprising and unrest in Bangladesh, as the student-led protest demanded to abolish the quota system that has been mandated for the descendants of the freedom fighters of 1971 This escalating unrest led to the resignation of Bangladesh Prime Minister Hasina Wajid

The sudden resignation has pushed the country into chaos and left a power vacuum for the political elite of the country Ms Hasina was the longest-serving PM in the state s history serving as Prime Minister since 2008 In early July the students came to the streets and started protesting against the unfair job quota system in the state since 1971 After gaining independence in 1971, the government established a quota system that mandated 30 percent for the freedom fighters However the system was modified with time by adding their children grandchildren disabled persons and other ethnic minorities, totaling 56 percent However, in 2018, a similar protest compelled the government to scrap the quota system and the issue was almost settled Last June the High

According to news reports from Bangladesh, more than 100 students died and several were injured in the protests The earliest protest from the students was small but suddenly took the shape of violence The government targeted the students with gas and bullets, trying to demolish the protestors but failed This all has led the country into chaos over the last month The escalation of protest and violence has led the students to demand the resignation of the Prime Minister The protesters started demanding an immediate resignation of the state s long-serving female Prime Minister and the daughter of the founding father of Bangladesh, Sheikh Mujeebur Rehman, Sheikh Hasina, 76 After her resignation on 5 August Monday she fled to India via army helicopter

The Bangladesh army chief suddenly appeared on the news and stated that the Army had takencontrol of the government with the resignation of Sheikh Hasina However, on Tuesday, the President dissolved the national assembly and announced the establishment of the interim government that would be led by the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus After a decade and a half in power, the Hasina legacy was complicated On one

e p o l i t i c a l e l i t e o f B a n g l a d e s h i s a l s o d i v i d e d a n d a l l h a v e e x c l u s i v e s t a n c e s o v e r t h e g o v e r n m e n t f o r m a t i o n

changed into an autocratic system by isolating her opponents and unjust opposition and sending them to jail

One of the main opposition leaders and former prime minister of Bangladesh Khaleda Zia, the widow of the former prime minister and army chief of Bangladesh was under house arrest for a long time She was also released on Monday after Hasina s departure

Another factor was the economy; the people credited Hasina for the economic progress and development of the country that made Bangladesh one of the progressing and fastest developing states in South Asia The economic progress of the state was even higher than the neighbouring state India with the second-highest GDP in South Asia

The country s GDP was $91 billion when she came into office and had grown to $460 billion, the second largest in South Asia after India

However in a country with a high education ratio a stable path for the youth means a government job that is merely impossible in Bangladesh The 30 percent quota for the freedom fighters, mostly enjoyed by the Awami League members, jeopardized the hopes of the students for their stable future

Now the state democracy is on high alert as former Prime Minister Hasina turned the democratic norms into authoritarian rule by imprisoning or exiling her opponents and suppressing the voice of the public

After their resignation, the army took control of the government and established the interim government led by Muhammad Yunus

O p t i m i s t i c a l l y s p e a k i n g , t h e c o u n t r y n e e d s f r e e a n d f a i r e l e c t i o n s a t t h i s t i m e t o e n d t h e u n r e s t a n d v i o l e n c e a c r o s s t h e s t a t e a n d r e s o l v e t h e i s s u e o f t h e s t u d e n t - l e d p r o t e s t f o r t h e i r b r i g h t f u t u r e M e a n w h i l e , f o r t h e c o u n t r y ' s f u t u r e a n d t o m a i n t a i n t r u e d e m o c r a t i c n o r m s i n t h e s t a t e , f r e e a n d f a i r e l e c t i o n s s h o u l d b e c o n d u c t e d A

Court ordered that the ending of the quota system was unconstitutional and it should be restored

side, she was working on modern infrastructure and development while on the other hand; her pro-democratic stance had

However some scholars also argued that the Army will likely be in government for a long time and will oust the political elite from the government They will maintain their presence through the interim government and the election will not likely be possible in the near future Prior the state has faced a couple of military coups So it will not be the first time that the state has been controlled by military Amidst the ongoing chaos in the government, the neighbour and one of the strong supporters of Hasina, India, has remained silent on the resignation of the PM and no official statement has been recorded from the Indian side However the local people of Bangladesh have welcomed and considered the resignation to be euphoric for their youth and the next generation

However, the chaos is still there and

many students have attacked the Hindus and fired on their temples The Hasina government was strongly supported by the local Hindus in Bangladesh as well as by India Furthermore the recent election held in Jan 2024 was won by Hasina for the fourth time The opposition party boycotted the election due to unfair

Thave abated quickly but could plainly flare up again at any moment represents a potentially serious setback for international peace efforts It is a further blow in particular to US president Joe Biden, whose hopes of a wider Middle East settlement before he leaves office are in tatters

The fighting is also likely to negatively affect the already stuttering, indirect IsraelHamas ceasefire and hostage-release talks in Cairo which are taking place against the backdrop of continuing violence in Gaza Hezbollah is closely allied with Hamas Both organisations are sponsored and to some extent directed by Iran s rejectionist clerical regime Ongoing Israeli airstrikes in Gaza in recent days have reportedly killed dozens more people In total more than 40 000 Palestinians mostly civilians have died there since the 7 October Hamas atrocities that killed about 1,200 Israelis Jewish settler violence and land grabs are also accelerating in the occupied territories The fear today, as in the past, is that all these bitter conflicts will merge together into one huge regional conflagration drawing in other Iranian proxies in Yemen Syria and Iraq and forcing in turn a military response from the US and its allies, which have built up their military presence in recent weeks The ultimate nightmare is that Iran itself will directly confront Israel (or the other way around) There was a foretaste of that in April when Tehran launched an unprecedented barrage of missiles and drones at Israel Most were shot down Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran s supreme leader, declared after Haniyeh’s assassina-

tion on 31 July that Iran was duty bound to punish Israel and appeared to threaten fullscale war So far, that larger threat has not materialised What Israel calls “pre-emptive” action against Hezbollah may have been partly triggered by fears that this promised Iranian retaliation was beginning

But there will also be suspicions that the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, purposely seized on an opportunity to escalate the border confrontation with Hezbollah that has simmered since 7 October Opponents and critics accuse Netanyahu with some justice of blocking a Gaza deal in his unrealistic pursuit of total victory – and deliberately stoking an expanded conflict to aid his political survival Netanyahu’s nihilistic, dead-end strategy has deepened social and political divisions within Israel infuriated the families of the Gaza hostages and dismayed Israel s allies The country s security and army chiefs are in revolt And the government s relations with the US, its principal protector and arms supplier, have hit an all-time low What is Netanyahu’s plan? Does he have one? Because his governing majority in the Knesset and his own position as premier depend on the support of a handful of extremist religious and Jewish nationalist ministers and deputies, and because he could face jail on corruption charges once he is out of

power, opponents say Netanyahu has no interest in peace on any front In fact, it is claimed he and Yahya Sinwar the Hamas leader in Gaza share a common interest in keeping the fires of war hatred and division burning – and in spreading the flames For if they fail it is they themselves who will be consumed Ehud Olmert, a former Israeli prime minister, put all this into words in an extraordinary attack on Netanyahu and the “terror criminals” – his description of two hard-right ministers Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich – published in the Haaretz newspaper as the latest Lebanon fighting erupted Netanyahu, Olmert wrote, was a narcissistic, immoral, spineless crook”, leading the state of Israel into the abyss “Netanyahu does not want the hostages back [and] in the absence of an agreement for the release of all the hostages there s no real chance of stopping the latest military move in the Gaza Strip, he claimed This will go on for many more days At the same time, the violent conflict in the north will continue Hezbollah firing longrange missiles Israel responding on a scale we haven t yet seen and deterioration into an all-out war A continuing multi-front confrontation is the only [choice] that serves Netanyahu s priorities, and apparently also Yahya Sinwar ’s needs,” Olmert warned

Both Sinwar and Netanyahu hope that in the end Iran will enter into a direct confrontation with Israel – which would force the US, Britain and France to intervene Calling for an immediate halt to the war, the former prime minister urged Israel’s defence minister

How India reshaped the world – then fell into decline

ing at regular intervals substantial and extremely readable books that synthesise large


copiously from the

The sagas of the


scholarship while

India Company and the

been more

depicted The

takes a

interest in the complex logistics of


to countries separated from it by seas, mountains and deserts He explains how Indian sailors learnt to use the relatively predictable patterns of the monsoons to fashion themselves the maritime equivalent of a high-speed motorway Sailors could now travel between India and the eastern coast of Africa at a speed that put to shame the camel caravans trudging patiently through Afghanistan Although the names of most travellers on the Golden Road have not survived Dalrymple seizes at the few individuals whose names did make it to the written record Xuanzang a Chinese monk from the early 7th century lost 17 years of his fascinating life to a

6,000-mile overland pilgrimage to the great Indian centres of learning” The epic tale of the Empress Wu Zetian, responsible for an Indian religion Buddhism becoming for a time the Chinese state religion is told with the brio Dalrymple has always brought to tales of bloody court intrigue Abbasid Baghdad in the late 8th century is evoked with the same combination of horror at the machinations of courtiers and admiration for the intellectual virtues of the Barmakids its sympathetic Buddhist-turned-Muslim viziers Few Indians will be surprised by or disapproving of the idea of an ancient Indosphere If anything, the idea of such a thing has long been a source of pride for Indian nationalists The father character in the popular Goodness Gracious Me sketch (“Christianity? Indian! Leonardo da Vinci? Indian! Royal family? Indian! ) is only slightly more absurd than some claims actually made on behalf of ancient India s apparently limitless creativity and influence Dalrymple is aware that these excesses have provoked a correspondingly acerbic response from debunkers Less passionately nationalist Indians have not been keen to have their national self-worth depend on stories that are so patently false and fantasies of conquest so unrealistic A modern society that has defined itself in terms of the values of its nationalist movement is not likely to dwell on its own history of colonialism Nor are the

Both Netanyahu and Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar gain from stoking the fires of war That could be perilous for all of us



In Pakistan, several cancer hospitals operate in addition to Shaukat Khanum Hospital offering specialized care to patients Notable among them are the Atomic Energy Cancer Hospitals (AECH), which are part of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission and include centers like INMOL in Lahore and NORIN in Nawabshah

The Aga Khan University Hospital in Karachi provides comprehensive cancer treatment Additionally, the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) in Islamabad and Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) in Karachi offer oncology services

These hospitals along with regional cancer centers in various cities, contribute significantly to cancer care across the country Since, I had an opportunity to work closely as an Intern in the Shaukat Khanum Hospital Lahore while I was a student at FAST NUCES Shaukat

Khanum s commitment to providing top-tier cancer treatment is evident in its state-of-the-art facilities

The hospital is equipped with the latest medical technology, including advanced imaging and diagnostic tools modern radiation therapy machines and wellequipped surgical theatres The hospital s pathology department is also highly advanced, offering a wide range of diagnostic tests that are critical for identifying the type and stage of cancer This capability is crucial for creating tailored treatment plans that are specific to each patient s needs, increasing the chances of successful outcomes

These facilities allow for precise diagnosis and effective treatment ensuring that patients receive the best possible care One of the key factors that set Shaukat Khanum apart is its team of highly

qualified and experienced medical professionals The hospital employs some of the best oncologists surgeons radiologists and nurses in the country many of whom have trained and worked in leading institutions abroad This team is dedicated to providing compassionate care ensuring that patients and their families are supported throughout their treatment journey

Moreover this institution is committed to continuous professional development and regularly conducts training sessions, workshops, and conferences to keep its staff updated on the latest advancements in cancer treatment

This focus on education ensures that the medical team is always at the forefront of cancer care Shaukat Khanum offers a comprehensive approach to cancer treatment covering all aspects from diagnosis to rehabilitation

The hospital s treatment plans typically include a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and, where appropriate, immunotherapy

This multidisciplinary approach ensures that each patient receives a customized treatment plan that addresses their specific type of cancer and its stage

In addition to medical treatment, hospital offers counseling services to help patients and their families cope with the emotional and mental challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis This holistic approach is crucial for the overall well-being of patients, helping them maintain a positive outlook during their treatment

The hospital’s research department is actively involved in studying various aspects of cancer from its underlying causes to new treatment methods This commitment

CAIR O A G E N C I E S Gaza ceasefire and hostage negotiators discussed new compromise proposals in Cairo on Saturday seeking to bridge gaps between Israel and Hamas but there was no indication of progress after hours of talks The talks in Cairo didn t make any progress Israel is insisting to keep eight positions along the Philadelphi corridor,” one Palestinian official close to the mediation effort told Reuters asking not to be named due to the sensitivity of the subject The Cairo talks came as the humanitarian situation in Gaza deteriorated, with malnutrition soaring and polio discovered in the Palestinian enclave Israeli military strikes in Gaza killed 50 people on Saturday Palestinian health authorities said with victims trapped under rubble or lying on roads where fighting continued A Hamas delegation had arrived in

to research has led to the publication of numerous studies in international medical journals contributing to the global understanding of cancer

One of the most remarkable aspects of hospital is its commitment to providing care to all patients, regardless of their financial situation

The hospital follows a unique model where most of the patients who are underprivileged receive their treatment 100% free of cost

Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre began its journey in Lahore in 1994, becoming Pakistan s first state-ofthe-art cancer treatment facility

Recognizing the growing need for accessible cancer care across the country, the hospital expanded its reach by opening a second branch in Peshawar in 2015 followed by a third in Karachi which is currently under construction This expansion reflects the hospital s commitment to providing world-class cancer treatment to patients in different regions of Pakistan, ensuring that more people have access to lifesaving care without the need to travel long distances

Through its state-of-the-art facilities highly qualified staff comprehensive treatment approach, and commitment to research, Shaukat Khanum is providing world-class cancer treatment that rivals the best in the world In a country where quality healthcare is often out of reach for many, Shaukat Khanum stands as a shining example of what is possible when compassion, commitment, expertise, and innovation come together in the fight against cancer

Zaira B Javed BBA Hons from FAST-NUCES

Cairo on Saturday to be nearer at hand to review any proposals that emerged in the main talks between Israel and mediators Egypt, Qatar and the United States, two Egyptian security sources said A US

Power struggle under way within PTI for control of par ty: A zma Bokhari


E P O R T Punjab Information Minister Azma Bokhari said on Sunday that after the takeover of the Zaman Park house, a power struggle is underway between Aleema Khan and Bushra Bibi for control of the party In a statement she said the conflict between the sister-in-law and the wife has been ongoing since the marriage Barrister Saif is irrelevant; no one in the party knows

Neither Bushra Begum nor Aleema Khan is familiar with Saif ” She expressed these thoughts in response to Barrister Saif s statement She added Barrister Saif you might remember that a trickster who tried to split the Muslim League has already completed a 40-day Chilla You should inform the people about the performance of your fake Maula Jatt Chief Minister You people claimed you came to change the fate of the province But Ali Amin Gandapur and his associates are looting Khyber Pakhtunkhwa s resources with both hands Gandapur beats his chest on TV screens but begs behind closed doors ” The Information Minister further said To understand the politics of Nawaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif, you people would need to be reborn Nawaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif are governing Pakistan


today and serving the people of Pakistan In Punjab, people are being provided with solar panels; houses are being built for them, and students are receiving bikes and laptops

On the other hand people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are deprived of basic facilities like quality healthcare and education, while the “Prince of Destruction” sits in jail enjoying pistachios ”


Sindh Local Government Minister Saeed Ghani has praised the exceptional philanthropic support extended by the industrialists of Korangi Industrial Area (KIA) in Karachi to ensure that the children of the labourers employed by them get quality school education The Sindh Local Government Minister expressed these remarks while speaking as the chief guest at the inauguration of the Al-Badar campus school of the non-profit Green Crescent Trust (GCT) at the Sharifabad locality of KIA AlBadar campus has become the 170th charitable school of the GCT, which has been continuously striving for the past 30 years to educate children from underprivileged families in Sindh A total of 10 GCT schools at Sharifabad and adjacent Mehran Town localities both backward neighbourhoods mostly inhabited by labourers working at the

KIA enrol a total of over 2 222 children out of whom 60 per cent are girls Up to 80 per cent of teachers in these schools are females The state-of-the-art building of the new school of the GCT in the area having an enrolment of over 350 students was built in just five months KATI President Syed Johar Ali Qandhari, said the concerned businessmen and industrialists of Korangi



ating the need for 33%

agriculture and natural resources

The Deputy Chairman Senate said that there is an urgent need to promote investment and trade between the two countries and it is necessary to remove the exist-

ing obstacles for the improvement of the economy He said that Parliamentary and institutional cooperation can help promote relations at the public level

Emphasizing bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the meeting the Deputy Chairman Senate said that Pakistan will further promote economic relations with Azerbaijan Syedaal Khan said that trade and investment opportunities can be found through frequent exchanges of delegations in business sectors He said that Pakistan, especially Baluchistan province is rich in mineral wealth and will prove to be important in changing the destiny of this region Pakistan will prove to be the economic and trade hub of the region and Investors and businessmen from all over the world should take advantage of the investment opportunities in Pakistan, he added The Deputy Chairman Senate said that the relationship between Pakistan and Azerbaijan is based on religious and cultural values Emphasis was placed on the work of the delegations regarding the promotion of exchanges

Deputy Chairman Senate Syedaal Khan said that the parliaments have a heavy responsibility for peace and development in the region

He said that many lives and financial sacrifices have been made in Pakistan in the war against terrorism Every possible measure will be taken for the peace and survival of this region, he said The Deputy Chairman briefed that the Indian government has set the worst example of cruelty and violation of human rights in occupied Kashmir He said that the whole world should take strict measures against the ongoing cruelty and brutality in Palestine and for the freedom of the Palestinians Islamic countries need to adopt a common plan of action He said that Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif and PMLN Leader Muhammad Nawaz Sharif are working for the development and prosperity of Pakistan The Ambassador of Azerbaijan Khazar Farhadov agreed with the views of the

Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar said on Sunday that Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif was working day and night to bring reforms in national institutions while the economy would soon be restored under his leadership He expressed these views while talking to the media on the occasion of participating in the urs celebrations of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh He said when the country s economy was taking off, obstacles were created May Almighty Allah not let this happen this time; let us make Pakistan an economically prestigious country in the world he prayed Provincial Food Minister Bilal Yasin and others were also present The deputy PM said he had already served the country as the finance minister and this time he had been assigned many responsibilities He said

there was no doubt that Pakistan had suffered a lot economically during the past years, adding that “it was being predicted that the country would take 15 years to come out of the severe crises But with the grace of Allah it took only three-and-a-half years for Pakistan to come out of the crises ” In 2013, the country was experiencing up to 18 hours load-shedding and dozens of terrorist incidents were taking place daily, affecting the econ-

omy badly But, the PML-N government solved all those problems in just three-and-a-half years with the grace of Allah, and the load-shedding issue was also resolved It was admitted by major forums and it was said that the way Pakistan was developing it would soon join the G20 But after that, in the next four years, Pakistan was ranked at the 47th position economically and it was not a small loss the problems of the country today are due to that duration Ishaq Dar said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, “we are making all-out efforts to restore economy and create ease for Pakistanis again He said that Rs14 per unit relief in electricity bills had been given by the provincial government to the people of Punjab and the prime

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