Epaper_24-09-11 ISB

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the legal team of Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi did not show up in the court due to their engagement in the Lahore High Court (LHC) and therefore the last witness in the case – Mian Umer Nadeem couldn t be cross-examined Furthermore, assistant counsel Faisal Chaudhry s request seeking adjournment of the hearing was opposed by the NAB’s prosecution team The anti-graft body’s prosecutor said that Khan and Bushra s counsels were using delaying tactics in the case as they have been given 16 opportunities to crossexamine the last witness in the reference

Noting that 12 affidavits have been submitted by the defence lawyers in this reference, the NAB prosecutor said that since counsels Barrister Ali Zafar and Chaudhry were present at the moment they should cross-examine the witness At this Chaudhry requested the court for a chance and said that they would cross-examine the witness if the lawyers failed to appear in the next hearing

£190 million case

As per the charges Khan and other accused allegedly adjusted Rs50 billion £190 million at the time sent by Britain s National Crime Agency (NCA) to the Pakistani government as part of the agreement with the property tycoon Subsequently, then-prime minister Khan got approval for the settlement with the UK crime agency from his cabinet on December 3, 2019, without disclosing the details of the confidential agreement

Group of Companies the Capital View Point Restaurant (La Montana), Sunshine Heights (Pvt) Ltd, and by Brig retired Falak Naz Bangash of the defence ministry The decision reserved on September 6 was pronounced by the Supreme Court today The apex court upheld its decision of closure of Monal restaurant, Sunshine Heights and La Montana restaurant The Supreme Court through its March 21 judgement had ordered the Capital Development Authority (CDA) to file a list of leases in the Margalla Hills National Park (MHNP) Later the Supreme Court office issued notices to the petitioners on April 22, 2024, and then passed an order on June 11, in which the court declared all such allotments contrary to the provisions of the Islamabad Wildlife (Protection Preservation Conservation and Management) Ordinance 1979 On August 15, Supreme Court (SC) issued a contempt

Punjab govt rolls out kissan cards and tractor scheme

Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani has challenged the jurisdiction of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) and the Accountability Court in the Toshakhana reference case involving him President Asif Ali Zardari and former Premier Nawaz Sharif The hearing was held on Tuesday in Accountability Court No 3, presided over by Judge Abid Sajjad Gilani’s lawyer argued that with the recent restoration of certain amendments NAB and the

Accountability Court no longer have the legal authority to proceed with this case In response Judge Abid Sajjad issued a notice to NAB asking it to clarify whether the Toshakhana case falls within its jurisdiction The court has adjourned the hearing until September 26, awaiting NAB’s reply

NAB’s reference accuses Gilani of granting unlawful benefits to Zardari and Sharif by allowing them to retain vehicles gifted by foreign states and dignitaries The reference alleges that Gilani manipulated the rules for submitting and disposing of these gifts in the Toshakhana enabling Zardari and

Sharif to keep the vehicles in exchange for a nominal payment of 15% of their actual value The reference further claims that Zardari made payments for the vehicles through the Omni Group s chief executive and his son, with no clear justification for the transactions NAB’s investigation contends that these payments were linked to illegitimate laundered funds benefiting the accused It also accuses Gilani in collusion with Zardari and Sharif of illegally altering the rules governing the acceptance and disposal of gifts, which explicitly prohibit recipients from purchasing vehicles This alleged misuse

of authority is said to have caused significant financial losses to the national exchequer

According to NAB Zardari during his presidency, accepted vehicles as gifts from the United Arab Emirates in 2005 and from Libya in 2008 but failed to report or deposit them in the Toshakhana prioritizing personal gain over legal obligations

Additionally Nawaz Sharif who held no public office in 2008 is accused of illegally benefiting in collaboration with Gilani by bypassing the established procedures for accepting and disposing of state gifts

Solar power not a monster

Tf Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for US president were to take a decisive stance demanding that Israel agree to an immediate ceasefire and unimpeded aid to Palestinians she would expand her vote lead over her Republican opponent, Donald Trump

This is one of the key findings of a recent poll commissioned by the Arab American Institute working with pollster John Zogby Between the Republican and Democratic conventions AAI surveyed 2 505 US voters to assess how the war in Gaza and U S policy toward Israel s conduct of the war would impact their votes in November What the poll found was that 15 percent of all voters say that the crisis in Gaza would be “very important” in determining their vote (another 33 percent saying it’s “somewhat important”) But on this issue like many others in today s USA there is a deep partisan divide with Republicans more supportive of Israel and Democrats favoring Palestinians Looking more closely at the data, we find that the partisan divide actually results from deep differences in the views of the demographic groups forming each party’s base with younger and non-white voters more sympathetic toward Palestinians and critical of Israel and older white and born-again Christians much more favourable toward Israel for example, most voters in all groups, except Republicans and born-again voters, disapprove of the way Israel is conducting the war, feel Israel has used too much force in Gaza, want an immediate ceasefire and oppose unrestricted financial and military support for Israel if it continues to operate in a manner that puts civilian lives at risk A plurality of all voters (43 percent) disapprove of how Israel is conducting the war, with only onethird approving Those disapproving include 54 percent of Democrats and 52 percent of young voters In addition 36 percent of all likely voters feel that Israel has used too much force including 46 percent of 18–34-year-olds

One area where there is near unanimity is with regard to the importance of an immediate ceasefire Three-quarters of all voters say this is important to them one-half say “very important” and another one-quarter say “somewhat important ” Only 11 percent say it’s “not important ” This super-majority includes Democrats Republicans and Independents and


majorities of every demographic sub-group The most substantial majorities come, of course, from young and non-white voters Only very small percentages in all groups say an immediate ceasefire is not important Another area where there is strong support from most subsets of voters is in response to a question asking whether Israel should continue to receive unrestricted US aid or whether that aid should be conditioned on Israel s use of that aid in a way that harms civilians Only 28 percent feel Israel should always receive unrestricted aid while 51 pecent say there should be no unrestricted aid if Israel endangers civil-

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s e l f - g o v e r n a n c e D i l e m m a

Tconstitutional status of GilgitBaltistan has constantly been a subject of debate and discussion GilgitBaltistan is in a unique condition In spite of being managed by Pakistan it has actually not been totally incorporated right into Pakistan like the various other provinces This one-of-a-kind circumstance stimulates continuous conversations regarding its political standing In 1947, throughout the dividers of British India, Gilgit-Baltistan belonged to the royal state of Jammu and Kashmir At first, the Maharaja of Kashmir wished to remain independent; however in October 1947 he acceded to India This choice stimulated a dispute between India as well as Pakistan as both nations asserted ownership of the whole state of Jammu and Kashmir Throughout this turmoil, individuals of Gilgit-Baltistan, with the aid of neighbourhood militias rebelled against the Maharaja and also took control of the area Later on individuals of the Gilgit area declared Gilgit a component of Pakistan as well as raised the Pakistani flag On 16 November 1947, Sardar Alam Khan came to Gilgit as a political representative On 6 April 1948, the Gilgit Agency was put under the management of the political agent in the North-West frontier Province to look after the running of the Gilgit Agency and the states within the area Baltistan was likewise a component of the Gilgit Agency The tribal areas of Darrel and also Tangir acceded to Pakistan in 1951 The 1948 UN Security Council Resolution 47 was aimed at conducting a referendum to determine the fate of Jammu and Kashmir including Gilgit-Baltistan It was emphasized that the region was disputed and required international oversight Despite the fact that the referendum never took place, the resolution shows that the conflict remains unresolved and the international community is involved in addressing the dispute over Kashmir In 1947 the first law enacted was the continuation of the colonial law known as the fCR which granted all judicial and administrative power to the civil bureaucracy in the tribal areas and Gilgit-Baltistan On 28 April 1949, government officials of Pakistan, represented by the minister without portfolio, met with representatives of the AJK government without representation from Gilgit-Baltistan to sign the Karachi Agreement

ident in the northern regions with full administrative and judicial authority since 1952 In 1967 KANA transferred the powers of the High Court and the Revenue Commissioner to the Resident and appointed two political agents for Gilgit and Baltistan The Advisory Council for Northern Regions was established in 1970 in accordance with the constitutional decree of the Northern Regions Council, with 21 members chaired by a resident of the united territory The main administrative judicial and political reforms were introduced in 1975 in accordance with the Legal framework Order for the Northern Areas Council, which abolished the jagirdari system and extended civil and criminal law to the northern areas In 1994, the Council of Northern Districts was supplemented by the Rules for Conducting Business in Northern Districts which serve as the primary law with limited advisory functions The Supreme Court of Pakistan in its landmark ruling on 28 May 1999, declared that the people of the Northern Areas are citizens of Pakistan for all intents and purposes and instructed the government of Pakistan to ensure that they enjoy all fundamental rights The Northern Areas Council was renamed the Legislative Council of the Northern Areas in 1999 with expanded powers to legislate on 49 issues and the creation of the position of Speaker and three women s seats The 2009 Ordinance on the empowerment and Self-Governance of Gilgit-Baltistan renamed the Northern Areas Gilgit-Baltistan and established a governance structure similar to that of the provinces of Pakistan albeit without full provincial status This decree established the Legislative Assembly of Gilgit-Baltistan and the Gilgit-Baltistan Council, aiming to provide greater autonomy In 2015 the government of Pakistan established a committee headed by Sartaj Aziz the then advisor to the Prime Minister on foreign affairs to review the constitutional and administrative status of Gilgit-Baltistan The report by the Sartaj Aziz Committee presented a comprehensive set of recommendations aimed at improving the governance and constitutional status of Gilgit-Baltistan By offering temporary provincial status judicial reforms and an expansion of legislative powers

the committee aimed to more closely integrate Gilgit-Baltistan with Pakistan, respecting its unique and disputed status The implementation of these recommendations remains a crucial step towards addressing the region s long-standing demands for political and administrative autonomy The Supreme Court extended its jurisdiction to Gilgit-Baltistan, ruling that fundamental rights should be available to its residents By extending constitutional rights, advocating for legislative representation and emphasizing judicial independence the judgment sought to integrate Gilgit-Baltistan more closely with Pakistan while respecting its unique status However the implementation of these directives remains a complex and ongoing process, influenced by both domestic aspirations and international diplomatic considerations

Looking at the complex issue of the status of Gilgit-Baltistan it seems the unique status of the region was deliberately maintained by both India and Pakistan for decades, the two countries have been demanding plebiscites across Jammu and Kashmir, including Gilgit-Baltistan, through the United Nations each hoping for a favourable outcome However the people of Gilgit-Baltistan are not ready to accept the stagnation that deprives them of their rights They demand full provincial status to ensure its representation in the National Assembly and Senate and rights and opportunities like other provinces They want Gilgit-Baltistan to be formally recognized as the fifth province of Pakistan and the term temporary province should be included in the constitution to allow future changes if the UN resolution is implemented

Although the Government of Pakistan s efforts, such as the empowerment and Self-Government Ordinance 2009 and the recommendations of the Sartaj Aziz Committee represent efforts to strengthen self-government these initiatives are hampered by the region s contested status The complex balance between local aspirations for autonomy and the geopolitical realities surrounding Kashmir is still evolving In our opinion, a viable way forward would be to give the people of Gilgit-Baltistan proportional representation in the Parliament of Pakistan recognizing both their legitimate demands in the broader international context

The writers is a freelance columnist

Although the Government of PakistanÊs effor ts, such as the Empowerment and Self-Government Ordinance 2009 and the recommendations of the Sar taj Aziz Committee , represent effor ts to strengthen self-government, these initiatives are hampered by the regionÊs contested status The complex balance between local aspirations for autonomy and the g eopolitical realities surrounding Kashmir is still evolving T

The agreement stated that Pakistan would control the affairs of Gilgit The administration of the Gilgit Agency was transferred from the North-West frontier Province to the government of Pakistan and a separate Ministry of Kashmir Affairs was established In 1950 the Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Northern Areas (KANA) took over the administration of the northern territories The joint secretary of the ministry has been performing the duties of a res-

Breaking the

ally transmitted infections

TH E history of women s healthcare reflects broader social, cultural, and scientific developments over time



T I M E S: Early human societies likely had rudimentary knowledge of women’s health, passed down through generations Evidence from archaeological findings suggests that prehistoric women may have used herbal remedies and rituals to manage childbirth menstruation, and fertility Ancient civilizations like Egypt, Greece, China, and India had more formalized systems of medicine Ancient Greek medicine, influenced by Hippocrates, also addressed women’s health although often through a male-dominated perspective


MEDICINE: Across various cultures, women s healthcare was managed by women within the community, such as midwives herbalists and healers These women used a combination of herbs rituals and spiritual practices to address health issues

In many indigenous cultures knowledge about women s health, including fertility, childbirth, and menstruation, was deeply tied to cultural practices and beliefs This knowledge was often transmitted orally and through hands-on experience

MEDIEVAL EUROPE: During the Middle Ages women s healthcare was influenced by both folk medicine and emerging medical practices Midwives played a central role in childbirth, and herbal remedies continued to be widely used However the rise of the Church and the Inquisition led to the persecution of many women healers often labelled as witches This period saw a decline in women s autonomy over their healthcare, as male physicians began to dominate the medical field


REVOLUTION: The 18th century known

as the Enlightenment brought significant advances in scientific understanding, including anatomy and physiology However, women s healthcare remained a peripheral field, often focusing on reproduction rather than overall health The 19th century saw the establishment of obstetrics as a medical specialty with a focus on childbirth and maternal health

Despite this women continued to have limited access to professional medical care, particularly in rural areas The early 20th century saw the rise of public health movements that focused on improving maternal and child health birth control and hygiene The work of Margaret Sanger in promoting birth control and establishing Planned Parenthood was pivotal in giving women control over their reproductive health The evolution of women s healthcare reflects broader social and cultural changes, from ancient practices rooted in traditional knowledge to modern evidencebased medicine

The healthcare needs of women are diverse and change across different stages of life:


FAMILY PLANNING: Access to contraception fertility treatments and counselling on reproductive choices


Comprehensive care before, during, and after pregnancy, including monitoring foetal development managing pregnancy-related conditions and providing support after childbirth


ICES: Access to safe abortion services and post-abortion care


ACCESS TO MENSTRUAL PRODUCTS: Affordable and accessible menstrual hygiene products to maintain menstrual health


HEALTH: Information about managing menstrual health recognizing abnormalities and addressing menstrual disorders



Education, testing, and treatment for sexu-

SEXUAL HEALTH EDUCATION: Comprehensive education about safe sex practices contraception and consent


CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH: Monitoring and management of heart disease, which is the leading cause of death among women

DIABETES MANAGEMENT: Support for women with gestational diabetes during pregnancy and those with type 2 diabetes

OSTEOPOROSIS PREVENTION: Bone health monitoring and treatments to prevent osteoporosis, particularly post-menopause



AGEMENT: Access to mental health services for conditions like depression, anxiety, and postpartum depression

STRESS MANAGEMENT: Support for managing stress which can be higher due to caregiving responsibilities workplace challenges, and societal pressures


MENOPAUSE MANAGEMENT: Support for managing menopause symptoms such as hot flashes mood changes and sleep disturbances

PCOS AND ENDOMETRIOSIS CARE: Treatment and management of conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis


BREAST CANCER SCREENING: Regular mammograms and self-exams to detect breast cancer early

SUPPORT FOR BREASTFEEDING: Lactation support access to breastfeedingfriendly environments and education about the benefits of breastfeeding


NUTRITION AND EXERCISE: Guidance on maintaining a healthy diet and regular physical activity to prevent chronic diseases


CESSATION: Support for quitting smoking and addressing substance abuse issues

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT: Programs and support for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight Access to quality healthcare education and support services is essential for meeting these needs throughout a woman s life

Traditional and modern healthcare for women differ significantly in approaches practices and the integration of cultural and scientific knowledge:


Traditional healthcare practices for women are often rooted in cultural spiritual and herbal knowledge passed down through generations These practices vary widely across different cultures but generally include the following:


USE OF PLANTS AND HERBS: Traditional medicine often relies on natural remedies including herbs roots and plants to treat various conditions like menstrual pain fertility issues, and menopausal symptoms

CULTURAL REMEDIES: Specific remedies are tied to cultural beliefs and are used to promote reproductive health ease childbirth and treat postpartum issues

TRADITIONAL MIDWIVES: In many cultures, midwives assist women during childbirth, offering a more personalized and culturally sensitive approach to pregnancy and birth

HOME BIRTHS: Births often take place at home with the support of family members and a midwife, focusing on natural childbirth without medical interventions



ALS: Many cultures have rituals or ceremonies that celebrate or support fertility, pregnancy, and menstruation These rituals are believed to enhance women’s health and well-being



tures, practices like yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises are used to manage stress, promote hormonal balance, and enhance reproductive health

TRADITIONAL MASSAGE: Massage techniques sometimes combined with herbal oils are used to alleviate menstrual pain support pregnancy, and promote overall health


CULTURAL DIETARY PRACTICES: Traditional diets rich in locally available foods, are often tailored to support women s health at different life stages, such as pregnancy or menopause

USE OF SPECIFIC FOODS: Certain foods or drinks are consumed during menstruation pregnancy or postpartum periods to enhance health such as ginger tea for nausea or ironrich






Is social media driving young people craz y?

LA S T year Surgeon General Vivek Murthy issued a formal Advisory Social Media and Youth Mental Health, warning that social media can have a profound risk of harm to the mental health and well-being of children and adolescents ” The report called on policy-makers to “take action ” and this June Murthy published a column in The New York Times calling for the government to require social media platforms to place a label on their sites modeled on that required of tobacco companies warning of their danger to the mental health of young people Murthy s recommendation came as social psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s new book, Anxious Generation, was climbing the best seller list Haidt and fellow social psychologist Jean Twenge the author most recently of Generations have been at the forefront of warning against the deleterious effects of social media on young people s mental health Murthy s proposal addresses what appears to be a real problem: the growing numbers of young people, especially girls, who report that they suffer from depression or anxiety There is also clearly a problem in classrooms of young people being diverted by smart phones and social media

Yet in prescribing a warning label on the model of the warning labels against tobacco use, Murthy is not relying on settled science, but on a kind of moral panic He is also fomenting Americans’ worst fears about “big government ” Murthy’s argument as spelled out briefly in his column and at greater length in the Advisory is based on these claims:

First that there is a rise of mental illness among the young, especially among girls; Second, that the rise in mental illness came at the same as the growing use of smartphones, which allow the young to interact on social media platforms like Tik-Tok Instagram Twitter and Facebook; and

Third, that studies have shown that increased exposure to social media among the young is correlated with reports of anxiety and depression making it likely that increased exposure to social media is causing mental illness

In the Advisory, the surgeon general introduces a theory linking social media use to brain development among teens: In early adolescence when identities and sense of self-worth are forming brain development is especially susceptible to social pressures, peer opinions, and peer comparison Frequent social media use may be associated with distinct changes in the developing brain in the amygdala (important for emotional learning and behavior) and the prefrontal cortex (important for impulse control emotional regulation and moderating social behavior) and could increase sensitivity to social rewards and punishments As such adolescents may experience heightened emotional sensitivity to the communicative and interactive nature of social media (p 5)

According to the Advisory, social media imperils healthy brain development by conveying “extreme” and “hate-based” content that can among other things raise

body image concerns and cause eating disorders It lowers self-esteem In Anxious Generation, Haidt provides a more elaborate explanation of why social media can adversely affect the young, and particularly young girls who learn they can’t live up to the standards of “socially-prescribed perfectionism ” There is good reason to believe that the exposure to social media has affected how young people think and act In earlier periods the introduction of new media from the printing press in the 15th century to radio and television in the last century had a dramatic effect not just on young people but on the general population and on the course of history However it’s one thing to say social media is affecting us and quite another to single it out as the cause of mental illness among the young and to advocate a warning label to that effect on social media platforms Murthy compares his advocacy to those who succeeded in getting a warning label put on cigarettes But that decision, made in 1965 in Congress’s Federal Cigarette Labelling and Advertising Act, was based on far greater evidence than Murthy’s call for a warning label on social media From the 1920s through the early 1950s there were medical surveys and animal studies linking tobacco to lung cancer These medical surveys were based on reported cigarette use among lung cancer sufferers, but in 1952, two scientists from the American Cancer Institute began following the medical record of 188,000 healthy men They found that “deaths from cancer were definitely associated with regular cigarette smoking ” In 1957 Congress held hearings on the link between cancer and smoking In 1959 the American Cancer Institute initiated another study that involved over a million men and women In 1964, that study and fifteen others became the basis of a finding by an advisory committee established by President Kennedy linking smoking to lung cancer

There were no major studies by independent researchers that contradicted these findings (It was discovered later that the tobacco industry had privately concluded that smoking was linked to cancer ) The advisory committee s report led to the 1965 act In the case of the effect of social media on youth mental illness, Surgeon General Murthy cites only one scientific study authored by eight scientists that appeared in JAMA Psychiatry in September 2019 The article “Associations Between Time Spent Using Social Media and Internalizing and Externalizing Problems Among US Youth, surveyed 6595 adolescents The authors found that increased time spent using social media increased odds of reporting mental health problems ” The recent Advisory also leans heavily on this article But there are several recent large studies that contradict or question the findings of the study that Murthy cites These have appeared among others in Clinical Psychological Science in November 2019 ( Young Adolescents Digital Technology Use and Mental Health Symptoms: Little Evidence of Longitudinal or Daily Linkages”) and in Nature Mental Health in May 2023

(“Time Spent on Social Media Among the Least Influential Factors in Adolescent Mental Health”) There is also an umbrella review of the studies that appeared in Current Opinion Psychology in April 2022 ( Social Media Use and its Impact on Adolescent Mental Health ) that concludes that most reviews interpreted the associations between social media use and mental health as ‘weak’ or ‘inconsistent,’ whereas a few qualified the same associations as ‘substantial’ and ‘deleterious ’”

In The New York Times s podcast The Daily host

Sabrina Tavernise asked Murthy about his evidence linking social media to young people s mental illness One of my colleagues, this week, Tavernise said, talked to the chief science officer at the American Psychological Association, and she was asking about whether the time

a child spent on social media contributed to poor mental health? And he said, and I quote, the results have been really mixed with probably the consensus being that, no, it’s not related ’ What is your response to that?” Murthy replied, “Well, I think look, it’s important to look at the research question broadly What we’re trying to understand first and foremost is the answer to the question parents are asking us which is is social media safe for my kids? So there s not evidence of safety There is growing evidence of harm

In their 2018 book, The Coddling of the American Mind, Haidt and co-author Greg Lukianoff are highly critical of what they call “safetyism ” the equation of emotional with physical safety Yet Murthy’s response to questions about social media use is based precisely on safetyism While the studies on the risk of smoking relied on discernible physical evidence the existence of cancer the studies on the risk of social media rely on self-reported descriptions of unhappiness that are, to state the obvious, highly subjective You don’t have to buy into the argument of Michel Foucault’s Madness and Civilization to recognize that mental illness particularly when we are not talking about a crippling chemical-based psychosis is a malleable category

Moreover, the fact that there are contrary studies undercuts Murthy s argument that there is growing evidence of harm ” It would be more accurate to say that there is conflicting evidence of harm By the standards that dictated the smoking warning that doesn’t justify a warning label on social media

Haidt and Twenge use a form of eliminative reasoning to conclude that exposure to social media causes mental illness among the young They argue that there is no other plausible explanation why the incidence of mental illness among the young took off at the same time as social media use through smart phones skyrocketed They eliminate such alternative explanations as the rise in school shootings fear of climate change and diminishing economic opportunity None of these it would seem are singular explanations, but they and others, such as rising pressures on school children, could have been contributing factors

There are anomalies that Haidt and Twenge need to deal with Studies show a sudden rise in mental illness among teens in Canada the United Kingdom and Australia among others but not a similar trend among teens in Asian countries where smart phones are ubiquitous In South Korea from 2005 to 2019, the incidence among adolescents of suicidality (suicidal thoughts and plans), which have been a prime measure of adolescent mental health, decreased rather than rose In Generations Twenge documents how “millennials (born 1980-1994) experienced a major rise in depression beginning around 2013 That s significant because millennials have not been on social media to the same extent as Generation Z (born 1995 to 2012) They were in their mid-20s and even 40s when the mental health crisis is supposed to have set in Their brains were also developed by then and not subject as Murthy and the Advisory argues to the same power of suggestion That raises the possibility that something other than or in addition to social media may have been at work

There are two additional considerations that I offer tentatively In Robert Putnam s Our Kids, he describes the growing gap in mentality and accomplishment between lower- and higher-income families and their children It’s reflected in the difference between young Americans whose parents have only a high school education and those whose parents have graduated from college If you look at statistics for the incidence of depression, they are highest among the

dr raJkumar singh


China urges developed nations to ease debt burden on African countries

C hina’s top legislature takes up key legislation in standing committee session

draft national park law, and a draft amendment to the Supervision Law

The meeting also reviewed a draft decision on conferring national medals and honorary titles on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People s Republic of China a draft decision on gradually raising the statutory retirement age, and several international treaties

ing to the report

Lawmakers reviewed a report on budget execution for this year Fiscal operations have remained generally stable and budget execution has been largely balanced over the period says the report Lawmakers deliberated on a 2023

on a draft energy law which further stresses promoting a green and low-carbon energy transition

Lawmakers reviewed a draft revision to the Anti-Money Laundering Law The draft steps up the monitoring of new risks of money laundering

Lawmakers deliberated on a draft public health emergency response law a

The meeting also deliberated on a report on the implementation of the plan for national economic and social development that began implementation at the beginning of this year The overall implementation of the plan has been going well over the period, with new positive progress made in high-quality development The economy and overall national strength have continued to grow accord-

a report on advancing elderly care services and improving the care for the incapacitated elderly and a report on the enforcement of the Agriculture Law

Harris and Trump to clash as Americ a awaits next twist


C hina hosts 25th COMSATS Coordinating Council at T ianjin

Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology (TIB) of China is hosting the 25th meeting of Coordinating Council of the Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS), on 10-12 September 2024 International cooperation in S&T took center-stage in Tianjin with the participation of scientists and delegates from COMSATS Centres of Excellence TIB, a member of COMSATS Network of Centre of Excellence, is a renowned and institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Members of COMSATS’ other statutory bodies and representatives of partner organizations are also participating in the meeting including ANSO ECOSF, ICESCO, INSME, PIDF, South Centre, SESRIC and TWAS The inaugural ceremony was held on 10th September Speaking at the occasion Mr DONG Keqin Director Division of Multilateral Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technology, China, stated that

South-South Cooperation is an indispensable part of international multilateral development cooperation and an important channel for developing countries to achieve selfreliance and progress He expressed pleasure on collaborating with COMSATS for achievement of common objectives Prof Dr Liu Weidong Director-General Bureau of International Cooperation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China, highlighted that the Global South is faced with various challenges He informed that as a leading national institution CAS attaches high importance to inter-

national cooperation Prof Liu being the incumbent Executive Director of ANSO also highlighted the key activities of ANSO and its collaboration with COMSATS

Prof Dr Ashraf Shaalan, Chairperson, COMSATS Coordinating Council from National Research Centre (NRC) Egypt stated that COMSATS Member States have the capacity to develop scientifically which is a noble cause and financial resource constraint should not be an impediment He highlighted that COMSATS Centres of Excellence are actively collaborating with each other in various fields and much more can be achieved by capitalizing on collective efforts

against PTI leaders and workers on charges of torching police vehicles in Gulberg during the May 9 riots

The United States said Tuesday that Iran has sent missiles to Russia for use within weeks in Ukraine and announced imminent new sanctions against Tehran after it defied warnings

“Russia has now received shipments of these ballistic missiles and will likely use them within weeks in Ukraine against Ukrainians US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters in London Blinken, on a visit to London, said the United States and its allies would impose new sanctions on Iran for defying warnings on sending the missiles including on state carrier Iran Air He said that dozens of Russian military personnel have trained in Iran using the Fath-360 missile which has a range of 75 miles (120 kilometres)

We ve warned Iran privately that taking this step would constitute a dramatic escalation Blinken told a news conference in the British capital

“Russia has now received shipments of these ballistic missiles and will likely use them within weeks in Ukraine against Ukrainians

“Iran’s new president and foreign minister have repeatedly said that they want to restore engagement with Europe They want to receive sanctions relief Destabilising actions like these will achieve exactly the opposite,” he said Blinken and UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy said they would travel together this week to Ukraine in the first such joint trip in recent years We are the closest of allies, so I’m delighted that we will travel together demonstrating our commitment to Ukraine ” Lammy said Blinken s trip comes ahead of a White House visit on Friday by UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer, his second trip to Washington since his Labour Party triumphed in July elections and swept out the Conservatives after 14 years While the US-UK special relationship has persevered across partisan lines Labour has traditionally been closer in its core principles to President Joe Biden s Democratic Party But for Starmer, a full alignment with the Democrats’ agenda could carry risks just two months before US elections in which Biden s political heir Kamala Har-

ris is running neck and neck with Republican Donald Trump Starmer has made clear that he will maintain the previous Conservative government s stance of staunchly backing Ukraine against Russia’s invasion, with Britain frequently nudging the United States to ease restrictions on military support


TNew Foreign S ecretar y Amna Baloch to take charge today

protest against Vawda’s remarks, government senators rallied to his defence Vawda told PTI members, “Be patient This is just the beginning The institutions and government are too weak to stop your abusive language Tensions further rose when Falak Naz using inappropriate language challenged Vawda s right to mention the PTI leader, Imran Khan s name How dare you mention our leader?" she shouted Her remarks led to uproar from the government benches, with senators demanding an apology “What leader?” government members shouted in response Vawda maintained that while he would not respond with abusive language he demanded action against Falak Naz We won t stoop to using inappropriate words, but she must apologise, Vawda said, supported by government senators Senate Chairman Gillani intervened deleting Falak Naz’s remarks from the record However Vawda warned If you delete her words I will respond with double the abusive language Despite

ister Ali Amin Gandapur has been booked at Sangjani police station in the federal capital for allegedly violating public gathering laws and delivering anti-state speeches

According to details an FIR was lodged against Gandapur which includes charges of unlawfully detaining a district administration officer who had arrived to notify the end of a political gathering Sources indicate that the case also involves violations of public gathering regulations and accusa-

tions of anti-state rhetoric during the event The PTI leader and KP chief minister is accused of preventing the officer from serving the notice after the permitted gathering time had expired Additionally three separate cases have been registered under the Peaceful Assembly and Public Order Bill in Islamabad, citing violations of the event’s NOC The FIR lists 28 individuals including prominent PTI figures such as Barrister Gohar Ali Sher Afzal Marwat, Shoaib Shaheen, Omar Gul, Zartaj Gul, Aamir Mughal, Seemabia Tahir, and Raja Basharat Earlier Gandapur returned safely to the KP Chief Minister s House after a seven-hour absence following a crackdown on Pakistan Tehreek-eInsaf (PTI) leaders PTI officials had expressed concern over his disappearance during the operation

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