Epaper_24-09-1 KHI

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istan International Airlines (PIA)

ommendations to the federal government for reducing the government s expenses

He added that the panels suggested shutting down 17 divisions and 50 departments after precisely reviewing the functioning and effectiveness of 70 government institutions and 17 corporations This government is taking steps against the recommendations [of the committees], Bengali slammed the decisions of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif ’s administration “Junior employees from Grade 1 to 16 are being terminated instead of high-ranking officers from Grade 17 to 22 to reduce the expenses he alleged Jobs of Grade 17 to 22 officers in different departments are being protected [by the federal government] If we remove these high-ranking officers we could have cut our financial expenses by Rs30 billion annually he claimed

It is also worth mentioning here that the federal cabinet was also informed earlier this week regarding the merger of 82 government bodies related to different ministries and their dissolution into 40 institutions in light of the rightsizing committee’s recommendations Bengali who has a master s degree in economics from Boston University USA and a PhD degree in economics from the University of Karachi, warned that the economy is on the path to destruction” due to the piling up of debts

people are

His statement cast doubt on the recent government moves to rightsize federal ministries and institutions, including restructuring of the state-owned utility stores closure of Public Works Department (PWD) and privatisation of Pak-

loans to Pakistan



Pakistan greenlights phased revival of ML-1 railway project in partnership with China

repercussions, referencing past experiences like the Reko Diq case where Pakistan faced significant fines for contract violations The minister also announced a reassessment of the estimated tariffs for major upcoming projects, such as the Diamer-Bhasha Dam and Chashma Nuclear ’s C-5, due to concerns over the affordability of hydroelectric power The cost of electricity from these projects could push up overall tariffs he noted stressing that no new public or private sector projects, except those already in the pipeline and around 700MW of renewable energy plants, would be contracted in the next decade Leghari highlighted that Pakistan is legally bound by sovereign guarantees and cannot unilaterally terminate or renegotiate IPP contracts He clarified

that while some IPPs have been accused of recovering their investments prematurely through over-invoicing the previous government did not conduct the necessary heat rate audits instead opting for arbitration a move that now limits the government s options The task force, which includes Muhammad Ali, is exploring various strategies to address the issue within the confines of existing laws and contracts These include offering net present value for the remaining contractual period to projects nearing the end of their lifecycle, shifting some contracts from take or pay to take and pay arrangements, and providing fixed operations and maintenance (O&M) costs for those with one or two years left Leghari also addressed recent criticisms clarifying that while closing 1 875MW worth of expensive projects could

reduce load shedding by two hours during peak summer and save Rs50 billion his comments had been misinterpreted He underscored that Pakistan has made arrangements for consistent power supply, comparable to those in wealthier nations In a related discussion, NEPRA Chairman Waseem Mukhtar acknowledged a continuous decline in electricity demand affirming that the regulator has no plans to add more capacity to the grid under the current circumstances Senator Shibli Faraz called for greater transparency from NEPRA, particularly regarding recent tariff adjustments and electricity price hikes over the past two years He demanded detailed reports on power projects nationwide questioning the independence of the regulator and its decision-making processes

This cautious and legally grounded approach by the government underscores the complexities of managing energy contracts while balancing national



Geelani is encapsulated in

Thas been supported by all pro-freedom organizations The APHC has also urged imams and khateebs to conduct special prayers for the veteran pro-freedom leader and other Kashmiri martyrs in mosques Additionally, the APHC has appealed to the Kashmiri diaspora to hold peaceful demonstrations worldwide to highlight the ongoing human rights abuses in occupied Jammu and Kashmir Kashmir watchers said that Syed Ali Geelani s enduring struggle for the freedom of Kashmir continues to inspire those who yearn for peace and justice His steadfast commitment to the Kashmir cause garnered immense respect and admiration from the oppressed people of the territory They said that the legacy of Syed Ali

The Oil Companies Advisory Council (OCAC) has raised serious concerns over the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority’s (OGRA) repeated decisions to allow additional imports of high-speed diesel (HSD) despite the country already holding over 45 days worth of HSD stocks

The OCAC has labeled OGRA s justifications, including the anticipated turnaround of Pakistan’s largest refinery and the agricultural season as unfounded and irresponsible OGRA s repeated decisions to permit additional HSD imports amidst already high HSD stocks, citing the upcoming turnaround of Pakistan s largest refinery and the agricultural season as justification is utterly unfounded and irresponsible ” said OCAC

According to OCAC if OGRA s assertions were valid refineries should currently be operating at optimal throughput rather than resorting to renting additional storage facilities to manage excess supply

The OCAC emphasized that refinery maintenance turnarounds are carefully planned with strategic stock levels calculated to ensure supply during shutdown periods These plans have been coordinated with OGRA through multiple meetings, during which no credible justification was found for approving further HSD imports Since April 2024 the financial burden on refineries has been exacerbated as they have been forced to rent additional storage facilities to accommodate the surplus HSD A review of the situation reveals that the average monthly HSD sales including seasonal demand for the fiscal year 2023-24 were 520 kilotons (KT) OGRA s claim that the decrease in sales is solely due to price trends has been dismissed by OCAC as baseless Sales have been in decline since 2023 due to reduced economic activity and uncontrolled cross-border smuggling with no significant increase in HSD demand e ven during the peak agricultural season From April to June 2024, average monthly sales peaked at 551 KT, with no need for additional

imports beyond those provided by Pakistan State Oil (PSO) as refineries were able to supply approximately 400 KT of HSD per month The ongoing influx of HSD from cross-border sources has further weakened local demand, and the

potentially harmful to local refineries These concerns were raised in Product Review Meetings and documented by OGRA from April to July 2024, noting the high stock levels and low sales, with a clear emphasis on the need to accommodate local refineries by rationalizing imports Despite these

Drumming up suppor t

What does the Shehbaz-Fazal meeting presage?

THAT the Prime Minister visited someone at his home was significant in itself, as the PM is supposed to receive visitors at his own home rather than go calling but recent politics made it even more significant when Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif visited JUI(F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman at his residence on Friday This comes after a week in which President Asif Zardari called on the Maulana with Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi also visiting him It is not known whether Mr Naqvi’s meeting was a follow-up of the meeting with the President, preparatory for the one with the PM, or was meant to convey a message of some third power centre, or some combination of all three Mr Naqvi may be in Mr Sharif s Cabinet with the most important of portfolios, but he is also considered very close to both President Zardari and the powers that be The JUIF) has two attractions for the government First is the fact that it has eight MNAs (including two women members) and five Senators Second though it was part of the Pakistan Democratic Movement and indeed the Maulana was its convener which toppled the PTI in 2023 it has recently grown closer to the PTI and has joined it in its campaign for fresh elections

The parliamentarians particularly the MNAs would be particularly welcome for a government which, because of the Supreme Court decision in the reserved seats case, now faces a PTI parliamentary party reinforced by reserved-seat members With its majority cut drastically, it now needs as much support as it can get

By staying out of the Cabinet, the PPP has preserved the freedom to avoid responsibility for any of the decisions the government has made, especially relating to utility tariff increases or other sources of inflation So has the JUI(F) which is actually in the Opposition while the PPP supports the government from outside There was some speculation that Mr Sharif and President Zardari are still cobbling together a two-thirds majority that can pass a constitutional amendment but the JUIF) alone cannot provide the numbers However, the high level of activity indicates that, at a minimum, the government wants to keep the PTI from the Maulana After all, unlike the President or PM, no Adiala Jail inmate can call on the Maulana

Dedicated to the legac y of late Hameed Nizami Arif Nizami (Late) Founding Editor

M A Niazi Editor Pakistan Today Babar Nizami Editor Profit


Today is the third anniversar y of the death of Ali Geelani The power ful should not escape justice

THE indigenous unarmed freedom struggle of Kashmiris, now ongoing more than 75 years old, for securing liberation from Indian slavery through exercising their birthright of self-determination in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions has produced ever increasing numbers of leaders while bleeding and suffering at the hands of occupying Indian security forces Among them the iconic freedom fighter Syed Ali Geelani stands out, whose third death anniversary was observed on September 1 by Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control in Pakistan and the world over to pay tributes to him for his sincere leadership sufferings and sacrifices in a befitting manner In this regard various organizations have organized symposiums, rallies in different parts of Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir How the third death anniversary of Sed Ali Geelani was observed by the people all around will be mentioned afterwards Syed Ali Geelani was in fact very popular for his persistently chanting slogan of Hum Pakistani Hain Pakistan Hamara Hai on all occasions As a matter of fact, Syed Ali Geelani had dedicated his life to Kashmir and its people, his devotion to the case of Kashmir and sufferings he endured through his life for Kashmiris freedom will surely and certainly be remembered and honoured by generations to come Kashmiris will keep on treading the path shown by the great freedom fighter till freedom from India He repeatedly said on different occasions that if India

places all its wealth in our feet and lays gold instead of tarcoal on our roads even then it cannot pay the price of one martyr even Syed Ali Geelani throughout his life ardently advocated accession of Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan, and never compromised on his persistent demand for a referendum to decide the future of Kashmir Syed Ali Geelani was a symbol of resistance and will always be remembered for his boldness fairplay straightforwardness and oratorical skills When the fascist regime of BJP headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi unilaterally revoked Articles 370

The civil, military and political leadership of Pakistan has all along been reiterating unstinted support and continuing to extend moral, political and legal support to Kashmiris in their just struggle till they secure their right of self-determination and freedom from the shackles of Indian slavery Observation of third death anniversary of iconic Kashmiri freedom fighter Syed Ali Geelani by the people of Pakistani along with their Kashmiri brethren was a manifestation of this unstinted support

Q u e s t i o n M a r k o n t h e S y s t e m ?


TLeaders’ Masks

she was getting her psychological issues treated at the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre Dr Lal, the head of the psychiatry department at JPMC stated that the woman did not require psychological assistance

A seven-day physical remand was sought by the Investigation Officer The IO stated that Section-322, punishment for qatl-bis-sabab, is a non-bailable offence Before this, the court had ordered a one-day physical remand of the accused

The driver Natasha is from an influential family and was reportedly under the influence of crystal meth although the toxicology reports have not been made public How the accused tried to flee the scene highlights an important detail in the case, it tells us all we need to know about the influence of power and money in the system The hierarchy can be very clearly seen between someone from an influential family and a paapar seller

As we have seen in countless cases before, abuse of power in such cases has impacts that go far beyond the immediate loss of life The whole community, as a result, is shaken and it also brings to light our road safety measures and justice in these cases It highlights all the steps imperative for change including holding people responsible

Both of these cases highlight how the victims in similar situations can become insignificant, while criminals seek all possible ways to escape the consequences of their deadly actions

Moreover as we saw in 2012 in the unresolved case of Shahzeb Khan the influential and connected criminals are almost always acquitted with loopholes from the justice system that the common man barely understands Justice is delayed in most cases, even in those of brutal murders, and a grave miscarriage of justice is done

The case has a striking resemblance with the Noor Mukaddam Case in 2021, in which the country saw how the accused Zahir Jaffer manipulated the legal system in order to tip the scales in his favour There are uncanny resemblances in the two cases and a troubling pattern can be seen The nation can see the exploitation of legal loopholes by the powerful, and the delayed response of the justice system in holding the perpetrators accountable The analogy is very clear to be seen As Noor Mukaddam’s tragic death exposed the deep-rooted issues in our judicial system the death of Imran and Amna highlights similar failings in solving the issues of reckless driving and ensuring early and timely justice

If one takes a look at most high-profile cases in the country throughout the recent decades we can understand how power and privilege almost always influences the legal outcomes of criminal cases More than half of the cases have not seen timely justice for their victims, as the perpetrators do anything and everything in their power to exploit the laws

As the Karsaz case unfolds we must address these systematic issues urgently The lessons from previous cases should drive us to advocate for political and legal reforms that ensure justice in a timely manner and the supremacy of law over everyone At the end of the day a successful system is the one that holds everyone accountable regardless of how many connections they have or how influential they are We must ensure that justice is not an ideal but a reality for each and every member of the country

The writer is a Research Assistant at The

Transforming Africa’s infrastructure and beyond

China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) a platform designed to elevate the traditional bond between Africa and China into a comprehensive, mutually beneficial partnership

AS the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) approaches the stage is set for a new chapter in SinoAfrican relations From September 4 to 6 Beijing will host this pivotal gathering, where strategic partnerships between China and Africa are expected to deepen significantly For China, this summit is more than a diplomatic event; it’s a commitment to fostering long-term relationships that promote shared prosperity and address global challenges

Observers across the African continent view this summit as a crucial opportunity to tackle significant issues, particularly the continent’s infrastructure funding gap, estimated by the African Development Bank to range between $130 billion and $170 billion annually As Africa s largest trading partner China sees this partnership as essential not only for mutual benefit but also for the broader goal of sustainable development The FOCAC summit will likely priori-

tize cooperation in education, infrastructure, healthcare and technology- sectors where collaboration can drive growth and innovation African nations are keenly awaiting concrete commitments and actionable plans that translate into real progress The outcomes of this summit could well shape the trajectory of Sino-African relations for years to come The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) established in Beijing in October 2000 marked a historic moment in the relationship between China and Africa Over the years, FOCAC has evolved into the bedrock of a lasting partnership, celebrated for its emphasis on practical, results-driven collaboration From China's perspective, this framework is a testament to its commitment to Africa s sustainable development focusing on infrastructure human resource development and governance exchanges China's journey over the past seven decades, characterized by innovation and progressive reforms, has not gone unnoticed in Africa This model has increasingly resonated with Global South countries which see in China s experience a roadmap for their own development For China FOCAC is not just diplomacy; it s a strategic alliance that reflects a mutual aspiration for progress By fostering innovation and tailoring development strategies to unique contexts, this partnership offers a vision for a more interconnected and prosperous future China s growing confidence on the global stage is deeply intertwined with its foreign policy objectives, particularly in fostering stronger ties with the Global South At the heart of this effort is the Forum on

Since its establishment, FOCAC has been instrumental in transforming rhetoric into action delivering tangible benefits that resonate across both regions Between 2000 and 2023 Chinese lenders extended 1 306 loans worth $182 28 billion to 49 African governments and seven regional borrowers Notably, 2023 saw a resurgence in Chinese lending with 13 new commitments totaling $4 61 billion across eight countries and two regional financial institutions This marks the first increase in annual loan amounts to Africa since 2016 though it remains significantly below the high-water mark of the early Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) years, when annual commitments exceeded $10 billion

As China recalibrates its financial engagement with Africa this uptick reflects a cautious revival of its investment strategy signaling a strategic adjustment amid evolving global economic conditions This strategic approach not only cements China's role as a pivotal player in global development but also paves the way for deeper cooperation in the future

In his 2021 FOCAC address in Dakar Chinese President Xi Jinping charted a bold new course for China-Africa relations, resonating deeply with African leaders and citizens alike His speech unveiled an ambitious blueprint for future collaboration signaling China’s unwavering commitment to strengthening ties between the two regions The Dakar conference resulted in a robust economic cooperation plan skillfully attuned to the evolving dynamics of the global economy At the heart of this initiative lies the "China and Africa Vision 2035 " a strategic framework designed to bolster bilateral cooperation across key sectors This vision prioritizes health poverty alleviation agriculture, trade, digital innovation, green development, capacity building, cultural exchanges, and peace and security Since the Dakar summit notable progress has been made in these areas with continued momentum expected as FOCAC s agenda advances in Beijing The Vision 2035 plan not only underscores China s dedication to a mutually beneficial partnership but also reflects a broader strategy to navigate global eco-

nomic shifts while promoting sustainable development Since the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013, Africa has reaped substantial benefits, largely driven by the active participation of Chinese private enterprises These companies have emerged as pivotal players in forging a China-Africa community with a shared future injecting much-needed momentum into the continent's development China's strategy centres on infrastructure development capital infusion and deploying skilled labour to dismantle growth barriers for African nations The impact is undeniable: in the past decade China has enabled the construction of over 6000 km of railways, 6000 km of roads, and nearly 20 ports across Africa Landmark projects like Kenya's Standard Gauge Railway and the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway have not only enhanced Africa s economic potential but also significantly strengthened regional connectivity positioning the continent for sustained growth in the years to come As African nations convene for the upcoming summit, the trajectory of the ChinaAfrica partnership warrants thoughtful reflection The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) has long served as the cornerstone of this relationship providing

billion per year has been laundered from Bangladesh through trade mis-invoicing alone by inflating import price and underpricing exports between 2009 and 2018 Besides using hundi criminals also use their children studying abroad as money mules to transfer illegally acquired wealth Various schemes, such as ‘golden visa’, ‘second home’ of destination countries like Canada Portugal Australia Malaysia Dubai also provide easy means to launder illegally gained wealth

It is reported that 252 Bangladeshi bureaucrats, police and other officials bought houses in the United States by laundering the country’s money Bangladeshis top the list of foreign buyers of real estates in Dubai Canada s Begumpara has become the forbidden paradise of wealthy Bangladeshis One ex-minister of the previous regime alone owns 350 properties, worth approximately over $264 million, in the UK The offshore financial wealth of Bangladeshis is estimated at 0 7 per cent of the nation’s GDP Illicit fund transfer from Bangladesh is estimated at 2 2 per cent of the country s total revenue in fiscal year 2019–20 and deprives Bangladesh of over $700 million worth of revenue income


Under Sheikh Hasina state institutions served regime elites or kleptocrats to exploit citizens This undermined democratic norms and weakened economy s foundation Kleptocrats often stash their ill-gotten gains outside the country

Had the ill-gotten money remained and been invested in the country, the economy would have at least benefitted even though at the cost of rising disparities and misgovernance However with such a large illicit outflow of funds the country has the worst

of both an increasingly precarious economy unable to create productive and decent jobs for a growing youth population and inequality of income and wealth rapidly growing to an obnoxious level while all state institutions are captured by the regime s partisans RECOVERING STOLEN WEALTH FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

Corruption and illicit transfer of funds are major drags on development Therefore asset recovery is included in the Sustainable Development Goals under Goal 16 4 and in the commitments under the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development

The recovery of stolen assets is a fundamental principle of the UN Convention against Corruption Chapter V of the convention provides a framework for the return of stolen assets requiring states parties to take measures to restrain, seize, confiscate and return the proceeds of corruption However, there is no single international authority responsible for recovering laundered money Several mechanisms and institutions work together to address this issue There are a number of international laws and conventions that can be used to claim laundered money These agreements provide a framework for cooperation between countries in combating money laundering terrorist financing and other financial crimes

Bangladesh can seek assistance from the United Nations the World Bank and Interpol The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the World Bank have a joint Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative, StAR, to support international efforts to end safe havens for corrupt funds Since its establishment in 2007 StAR has assisted over 35 countries in drafting legal frameworks set-

ting up the institutional structure and building the skills necessary to trace and return stolen assets

Interpol assists countries to recover and return assets obtained corruptly Interpol works closely with a number of national regional and international bodies such as the International Anti-Corruption Coordination Centre, which brings together specialist law enforcement officers from multiple agencies around the world to tackle allegations of grand corruption and help bring corrupt elites to justice


The recovery and return of criminal assets is a complex process It can take many different shapes, depending on the type of corruption offence, how the recovery effort is initiated and by whom It also depends on whether a criminal conviction exists in the state of origin whether criminal or civil process is used or both as well as which legal mechanisms to restrain assets are available in the destination state Whether the state harmed by corruption has requested a return of their stolen assets is fundamentally important However the most critical factor is political will Collusive abuse of power is the most important reason why nothing happens to the perpetrators of high-level corruption and illicit transfer of funds Bangladesh itself has the Money Laundering Prevention Act, which criminalises laundering and authorises the confiscation of laundered assets Bangladesh has also signed mutual legal assistance treaties (MLATs) with other countries Sadly the country does not effectively use any of the tools to recover laundered money, whether during Hasina’s autocratic rule or prior to it Bangladesh is yet to sign MLATs with popular money laundering destinations Australia Canada Cyprus and Switzerland TIME TO ACT NOW

The leading national dailies have recently carried editorials highlighting the urgent need to recover the country’s smuggled money Politicians are also raising the issue

with important countries, such as Switzerland The President of the Bangladesh Economic Association has urged for the formation of a separate commission to stop corruption money laundering and the recovery of undisclosed money

There is also momentum in some destination countries For example Sheikh Hasina s niece, Tulip Siddiq, a British Bangladeshi Labour Party lawmaker and a minister, is being investigated by the UK parliament’s standards for a London property

The Bangladeshi diaspora community has been active in exposing

reconciliation focusing on the post-conflict reconstruction of Gaza The strongest call is for establishing an independent State of Palestine in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions Mousa Abu Marzouk head of the Hamas delegation to the Beijing Dialogue declared Hamas s readiness to implement the Beijing Declaration, strengthen unity among factions and advance the reconciliation process to achieve Palestinian national unity Mahmoud al-Aloul deputy chief of the Fatah movement said China is a light and its efforts to promote reconciliation among Palestinian factions are rare on the international stage European Union Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process Sven Koopmans stressed it is a remarkable achievement and fully demonstrates China’s positive and constructive role in the Middle East peace process The key to the Palestinian reconciliation

process is to bolster confidence, keep in the right direction, and make incremental progress Only by making continuous efforts to build consensus and put it into practice can the reconciliation process yield more and more substantive progress and greater unity On the path towards reconciliation China shares the same direction and destination with Arab and Islamic countries At present, the Gaza conflict is dragging on and its spillovers continue to spread as multiple regional conflicts are interconnected To help get out of the current conflict and predicament China proposes a threestep initiative

The first step is to achieve a comprehensive, lasting and sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as soon as possible, and ensure access to humanitarian aid and rescue on the ground The international community should build more synergy for ending the hostilities and establishing a ceasefire The second step is to make joint efforts towards post-conflict governance of Gaza under the principle of “Palestinians governing Palestine” Gaza is an inseparable integral part of Palestine Restarting post-conflict reconstruction as soon as possible is an urgent priority The international

community needs to support Palestinian factions in establishing an interim national consensus government and realising the effective management of Gaza and the West Bank

The third step is to help Palestine become a full member state of the UN and get down to implementing the two-state solution It is important to support the convening of a broad-based, more authoritative, and more effective international peace conference to work out a timetable and road map for the two-state solution

The three-step initiative lays out a detailed and feasible plan for peacefully resolving the Palestinian question, contributing to building consensus among all stakeholders and guiding the Palestinian question back on the right track of a political solution China and many of the Middle Eastern countries are bound by similar memories of the devastation wrought by imperialism and colonialism, and share a kindred pursuit of national liberation, independence and self-


a former veteran diplomat of South Africa and honorary professor of the Institute of African Studies at Zhejiang Normal University, and 63 scholars from 50 African countries sent a joint letter to Xi, warmly congratulating on the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee highly commending the historic achievements of the FOCAC and expecting that the upcoming Summit of the FOCAC would write a new chapter in building a China-Africa community with a shared future and the joint modernization of the Global South LONDON A G E N C


Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents in Los Angeles are investigating fake spy fraudster Gaurav Srivastava who is facing criminal allegations of wire fraud money laundering and falsely representing himself as a US federal official and US citizen, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) has revealed In a comprehensive investigation senior WSJ reporter Joe Wallace wrote in its sensational article A Fake Spy Russian Oil and $1 Million Funneled to Democrats that Gaurav Srivastava, an Indian businessman now infamous for his ‘fake CIA agent’ scam, is under scrutiny for hijacking the US system and posing a threat to the US national security through his fraudulent activity undertaken over several years

Informed by legal documents, financial records, interviews and recordings, the WSJ’s story paints a picture of a college dropout who blagged his way into the upper echelons of Washington s political scene through a combination of bare-faced lies and stolen money Srivastava, who met President Joe Biden and allegedly donated more than $1 million to the Democrats all while claiming to be a clandestine operative of the CIA is increasingly viewed as a national security threat in the US More-

over a political storm is brewing on Capitol Hill as Republicans and others seek to understand how a green-card holder, born in Lucknow, India, can buy unchecked access into the highest echelons of the Democratic Party Those conned by Srivastava –or Mr G as he liked to be known – include General Wesley Clark the former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO; the Atlantic Council thinktank; several Democratic fundraising committees; multiple Senators and Congressmen including Senator Mark Warner and Representative Patrick Ryan; a Geneva-based commodities trader; several African leaders; and the President of Indonesia Many of these individuals stepped away from Srivastava of their own accord after questioning his integrity while others dropped him after the exposé on him

Thes scam was originally reported on in October 2023 by former Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bradley Hope in his investigative outlet, Project Brazen Srivastava has repeatedly attempted to have all reporting of his activities removed from the public domain including through a deceitful lawsuit against several publications in Pakistan and India and through fraudulently-made attempts to have articles de-listed from Google under US copyright laws

This involved pasting the article s text into a blog post on hosting sites Tumblr or Medium and then back-dating the posts making them appear to have been published earlier than the original article that exposed the Indian conman Srivastava then used aliases or fake names to file a copyright complaint to Google to de-index the articles

Billionaire Elon Musk and his electric vehicle firm Tesla were cleared Friday in a $258 billion

Dogecoin class action lawsuit

The lawsuit filed in 2022 alleged that Musk s comments on Twitter now known as X and owned by Musk manipulated Dogecoin s price and harmed cryptocurrency investors

The investors claimed that Musk’s statements including that Dogecoin might be his favorite currency the people s crypto and the future currency of Earth were misleading They also cited claims that Dogecoin might become the standard for the global financial system and the currency of the internet while Musk put a literal Dogecoin in SpaceX and fly it to the moon and that Dogecoin would pay for the mission, and Tesla vehicles could be bought with Dogecoin, according to the court documents

“These statements are aspirational and puffery not factual and susceptible to being falsified ” US District Judge Alvin K Hellerstein of the Southern District of New York wrote in his ruling As for Musk and Tesla s alleged ‘pump and dump’ scheme, it is not possible to understand the allegations that form the basis of Plaintiffs conclusion of market

pump and dump



amounting to insider trading, or the state law claims, he added A number of plaintiffs who joined the class action lawsuit sought $86 billion in damages in addition to triple damages of $172 billion

Once an obscure cryptocurrency created as a joke, Dogecoin has quickly become a top-10 crypto asset

41st International Milad Conference to be held at Minar- e -Pakistan on S ept 15

Milad Conference organised by Minhaj-ul-Quran International, would take place at Minar-e-Pakistan on September 15 Minhaj-ul-Quran International Deputy Secretary-General Jawad Hamid along with other leaders visited Minar-e-Pakistan to review the arrangements They inspected the stage venue entry points security parking and other logistics Sheikh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri would deliver a special address at the conference Jawad Hamid stated that every effort would be made to ensure that the venue at Minar-e-Pakistan was beautifully decorated for the conference

Religious scholars from Egypt Bahrain Kuwait and Iran would also participate Hamid further mentioned that the conference was expected to be a significant milestone for the unity of the Muslim Ummah He further told that a request has been submitted to the District Administration for the permission to organise the event

Immense sacrifices demand we never suppor t oppressors for personal gain: Mir waiz



In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, senior leader of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), Mirwaiz Umar Farooq has said that Kashmiris have been enduring suffering under Indian occupation for the past 77 years emphasizing that the immense sacrifices made by the people should prevent any form of support for oppressors for the sake of personal gain

According to Kashmir Media

Service addressing a public gathering in Srinagar Mirwaiz Umar Farooq expressed deep disappointment over the presence of individuals within their ranks who are reportedly collaborating with the oppressors He criticized these opportunists for betraying their own people and becoming instruments of oppression

Farooq asserted that those who exploit the suffering of their own community for personal advantage and align with oppressors should feel profound shame as such be-

trayal will not be forgiven by the Kashmiri people

The APHC leader called for a heightened sense of responsibility and integrity, emphasizing that the sacrifices and suffering endured by the people in IIOJK should inspire unwavering resolve He urged that if individuals cannot speak out against the oppressors, they should at least avoid becoming complicit in their actions, suggesting it would be more honorable to remain silent rather than support the oppressors

It is worth mentioning that the Modi government is planning to stage a sham assembly election in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, scheduled to take place in three phases from September 18 to October 1 New Delhi has mobilized its agents in the territory to influence the elections The APHC leadership has already asserted that these elections, conducted under the watch of over one million Indian troops, hold no legitimacy and are merely a military exercise They have reiterated that Kashmiris are not seeking participation in such elections but are steadfastly pursuing freedom from Indian occupation and their right to self-determination



TDepartment said that the storm is now moving in a westerly direction heavy rains are still likely to lash the city as well as Tharparkar, Thatta, and Sajawal; three cities which will be impacted by the storm the most Showers have also been predicted for Mirpurkhas Umarkot and Sanghar On the other hand downpours have b e e n r e p o

h e province inundating villages and severing power supply

Director General Met Office

Sahibzada Khan has said that winds, accompanying the rain may be devastating for the weak infrastructure

He has said that it is after 60 years that the storm has developed so close to the coastal areas of Sind He has described the rising sea temperatures as a worrying sign

According to the latest

Cyclone Asna: Flights

NDMA issues flood aler t for Sindh and Balochistan


The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has issued a flood warning for the coastal regions of Sindh and Balochistan due to the ongoing cyclone that has shifted westward off Pakistan’s coast According to the NDMA the cyclone is expected to continue its trajectory toward the west and southwest bringing along strong winds and heavy rainfall The authority has cautioned that wind speeds could range between 60 to 80 kilometers per hour in areas such as Hyderabad, Jamshoro, and Dadu Additionally heavy rainfall is anticipated in the Karachi division and districts like Badin Thatta Sajawal Hyderabad Matiari Jamshoro and Dadu until tonight The NDMA also warned that similar weather conditions, including strong winds and heavy rain, are likely to persist in the regions of Hub Las-

bela, Awaran, Kech, and Gwadar In response to these potential hazards the NDMA has advised residents to avoid visiting seashores and coastal areas until conditions improve The authority is closely monitoring the situation and working with local administrations to mitigate any risks Punjab on High Alert Meanwhile in Punjab the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) has forecast rainfall across most districts within the next 24 hours A PDMA spokesperson confirmed that water levels in Punjab’s rivers and canals, including the Indus, Chenab, Ravi, Jhelum and Sutlej are currently stable However the Nullah Basantar in Narowal is experiencing a low flood situation The PDMA remains on high alert particularly in Rajanpur and Dera Ghazi Khan, where hill torrents could pose a significant threat The PDMA and local administrations are prepared to respond to any emergencies to ensure the safety of residents

Plane c arr ying 187 passengers makes ’emergenc y landing’ in K arachi

SCO meeting: Renovation work at Jinnah Convention Center nears completion

gineering, and other officers, Randhawa was briefed on the swift completion of the renovation work which is being carried out in multiple shifts 24/7

the progress of the ongoing work Accompanied by Dr Hafiz Khalid Member En-

The renovation work includes the upgrade of the main hall committee rooms, flooring, repairs, painting, glasswork, furniture, and carpets Additionally, landscaping, tree plantation horticulture work and lighting are being done to enhance the visual appeal of the centre Randhawa emphasized that the



Pakistan s monkeypox tally for the ongoing year has reached four after Khyber Pakhtunkhwa reported its third case following the virus’s detection in a passenger returning to Pakistan from abroad

Confirming the development, the KP director public health has said that the Public Health Laboratory has confirmed monkeypox in the patient hailing from Orakzai

He has been shifted to Peshawar s Services Hospital after showing symptoms at the airport

The latest monkeypox detection comes as the Federal Ministry of Health issued strict guidelines provisioning screening isolation and other preventive measures in-

cluding thermal scanning at all international airports across the country in light of the threat posed by the recent global outbreak of the monkeypox virus Meanwhile the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) has also directed all airlines flying into Pakistan from abroad to adopt preventive measures against monkeypox at the airports

Furthermore, the CAA has been made responsible for facilitating the implementation of health measures and is ensuring compliance with the standard operating procedures (SOPs) by carrying out regular inspections and audits

Whereas the Border Health Services (BHS) working as the lead agency responsible for the overall coordination and manage-

purpose of the renovation is to provide an excellent hosting venue for the SCO meeting and other international events With the SCO meeting scheduled to take place soon the CDA is working tirelessly to meet international standards and ensure a successful event The completion of the renovation work at the Jinnah Convention Center will not only showcase Pakistan’s capabilities as a host nation but also provide a state-of-the-art venue for future international events

ment of mpox-related operations at international airports is managing the isolation and safe transportation of suspected mpox cases to designated medical facilities

The directives came after a new form of the virus triggered global concern because it seems to spread more easily through routine close contact A case of the new variant was confirmed on August 15 in Sweden and linked to a growing outbreak in Africa, the first sign of its spread outside the continent

As per the World Health Or-

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